HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-16, Page 5• Ot;'roTB1 it 1 C. 1F)70 TIIE TEA srrArz THE TIM ES flOC HRY, A SPECIALITY • Having bought out tht.inter.est of my late partner, Mr. L. Thorne, chased in the cheapest ''market, I am enabled to offer goods that can Liquor Wh .' lesalo and. 'otail. meta , ,.d iga.... ins treat. (FLOUR AND FEED.) 'v, 0Ii'--•--•- pp PflOPRT7 I A H f Live S t ifs oh, . &C., &C., &C., •By kauti.on.° Ca ackellan, PaciEc ra(ailiwa". A'i' THE, TENDERS FORWL)ltK IN 'BRITISH 00- C1alftCA, NOTICE. 1.�1 TOWNSHIP OF i; SBORNE. VOTERS' LIST COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Voters' List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Team Ball, i limvillQ, on WI01)N1•ISI)AY the o:> �.ucl dayof UO" • Bl, f .L O li at 10 o'clock a. rn,, tv boar0ar and determine the sevQredal eoin1p1alnts of errors and " riisfions in rho vet- er lint of tho Township of Usborno,'for 1879, All persons having business at the said Court erre required to attend at the said time and plea°. N. J, CLARK, Clerk f the said Cour( . October 15. 1870, 11. Fair Grounds, Exeter, - ON Meng ay, Cctobes 20, 1879 2'be following valuable property : 4 COWS, calves by side, t 4 1/ 41 11 near calving, supposed to be iu calf, farrow, 10 STEERS, 2 and 3 years old, ( '40 GOOD EWES. MARE, foal by side, sired by Mambri- no Rothschild, and with foal by Sorrel Cloud, SPAN OF MARES, 1 YEARLING FILLY, PIIAETON CARRIAGE, nearly new, ONE .BUGGY, nearly new, 'AIR BOBSLEIGHS, DOUBLE CU'ETI+R, 2 SINGLE CUTTERS, 10 second-hand SEWING MA- CHINES in good order, A QUANTITY OF TABLE CUT. LERY and SILVERWARE. • Etc,, Etc., ELL!. Also a FINE BRIDE REVADENOE cn the corner of William and Sanders streets, SIX VILLAGE LOTS, three situated in Exeter North, two of which ora corner lots opposite the " Lorne House," and the third adjoining Currency" ct Co,'s store; and three in Willis' Survey, South end, -- THE -- Residence occupied by Rev. Mr. Hartley, AND THE EXETER, DRIVING PARS. Sale to commence at ONE O'CLOCIi 1'. Al. sharp. TrvRixo.--ror the Village Property, made known on day of sale ; for the • stoats, 8 months ; for the remarking property, 12 months on approued joint notes. E. DREW, Prop. CARLING Az ARMSTRONG, EALEI) TENDERS addressed to )' the undersigned and endorsed "Teutlors 1'uc:iflc Railway," will be !received at this ofl co up to .anon 011 MONDAY, t , 0 17th day of NOV- EMBER. next, 0nr certain works of construction required to be executed on the lino front. near Yale to Lake Kamloops, in the following sec- tions, vit.: Emory's Bar to Boston Bar "9 miles Boston Bar to Lytton .......................29 miles Lytton to ,herd .0 flat ...................... . ..25# miles Junction Flat to Satvona's ferry 40i utiles Speetiloatin118, bills of quautitios, couditlone of contract, forms of tender, and ell pi intact infor- mation may be obtained on application at the 'Pacific hallway oinee in New Westminster, British (Columbia, and at the office of the engiu- eet•-ln•cllief at Ottawa. flans and profiles will bo open for inspection at the latter Mace. No tender will be enterttineil unless on or e of the priuts,l ferule and all the conditions aro com- plied with. -I3y order, r. BAU , Secretary. DEPARTJIENT OP RAILWAY ..N3) CANALS, UttaWa, October Ord, 1879. f 1-3 0� N CD CD y2 0 id CD rho pjCD CD • row0 o CD c0r (13 ,. rn C C! -{ch 7�,q •171 a. i (61' tx1 b>.° c !i1- rn h$' • bq CD CDroN� oF.A ,� oftf•�, L71 0(0 •TEAS A SPECIALTY and having added largely to the former stock, and having pur- not fail to give satisfsetion as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Jon rAl zozzlL Murton ?TEACHER WANT D.—Male, sec - a.. owl or third class, for S. S. No, 7, Unborne, Duties to 0ar11nionoe 1st .01 nuarv, 1870. Pess1aro- nials required. Apply to W. TAYLOR„ Secretary of 'Trustee 'Hoard,Winchelloa P. 0, Gin, Oct. 9, 1879, 1TRAYED.—Strayed from the prem- ►.) isosof the subscriber, lot G. con. 1, Bi,blulr'h, on 0r :•bout the 15th of August last, a on all year. laisn g hheorrf Qtlvuarroed, . Any person n0'lfi.nll g 1Vi) information WOao.tE.9l>1O8l7018Ubclniutrtawh0e. suitably re -winded. 2 in. \1 0T10E. Wanted, in exchange for Canadian !grown fruit trees, 40 cords mixed hardwood. Apply at the Tarns o±Hoe. 2t ()TICE. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. VOTIIIIS' LIST COURT 0.0 REVISION, Natio° is hereby giveit that a Court will be held pursuant to the Voters' List Act by His Honor the,7uflge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town hall, Crediton, on TUES- DAY, the 91st day of OCTi )13ER. at 3 o'clock p, m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the voters' lint of the Township of Stephen for 1879. All p010003 having business at the Sri ti Court are required to attend at the said time and rifted. l LIE STEIt PRO TY, Clerk of the said Court. October 15, 1879. It 0AT'AI ItU, ! CATARRH 11 USE �� The groat Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound, Tho only positive curofor Catarrh yet discovered. FOR SALE BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DM. G STORE. W, L SMITH, (3enernl Agent,Arlcona,nnt, PERRY', Condition Po wt.ers• This is the best:preparation over placed onthe market for the purposes of a Condition Powder. PE'R tY'S Cough Powe del., the 1)0ptus ultra, as a cure for the Epizootic, colds and yl1 coughs in horses. P RRY'S Heave Ren edy, The most certain and pernta- no t relief for Heavey and Brok- en Winded horses. PI;RRY'S HORSE AND Cattle Feeder, ! The only truly scientific Feeder ever introduced Greater to effi- cacy, larger in. 9uantity better x)t quality/ than any 01738r .Feccler ?n the market. TItY re IPnovx IT! PERKY'S CARBOLATED Sanative Oil. For all 'Wounds, Hapless and Saddle Galls and Scratches, this Oilwn s never equalled. No stable can afford tube without it. PERRY'S CARBOLarBD �W Don't forget the place—north store in Fanson's Bloc*, Main St., '. ter. LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. WHAT IS 2. DREW'S STOCK OF FUR.. v Bedroom and Parlor Furniture a specialty, and the cheapest west of Toronto. Lounges and all Upholstered !cork greatly re- lucedin priers. S ti u Iels from •� ,,r tr. woven wire m attrass es for invalras and sickness, to prevent bed -sores, at remark ablely low prices, Parties desiring tofuruishhouses would do well to >~ at Drew's, and examine the stock before purchasing elae- who: e. Undertaltiugpromptly attended to at low rates. Al. kinds of Trimmings, Shrouds, Gloves, Cape, .to„ furnished. F.ml>lems of all the different Societie also kept in 1tock for funerals, The healso in the best in the county. Feathers for sale at DREW'S' Furniture warerooms Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent the discoloring of corpses and offensive odors, Removal. M ®V aL. Removal, Owing to the large increase in business, Messrs. LEA.THHOIA R, 3IcOOTTBRE Y Have Rem :,ved to the large store - Two Doors North of Their Old Stand, and leaving entered into an agreement with MISS LEACH, whereby all kinds of MILLINERY can be obtained on the premises, are now in a better position than ever to meet the require. meats of the public 0 Call and examine our large and frilly assorted stock consist/2g of DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, . HATS (w CAPS, MILLINERY, Fancy !Go ods Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. ice''` owzgazu ozsmunsa liszmusA. lawattatticat 1)Vhite 011, tosislasza Far ahead of all other Lini moots for Strains, Lameness, &c., ,kc. in hors,' n. NOTE WELL ! These are ,to QUACK 00115P- ALT,S; but t)ytly Scientific Pre- parations, each adapted for the 81,ecffic ))nr)>09es indicated TO TRY TEEM IS TO 4PPIi0V.E.. d').0 FOR SALE ONLY AT THE DOMINION LABORATORY .11tain Street, Exeter. • BISSETT BROS., EXETER, ONT, as BISSETT BROS., This great household Afedioi•ne ranks e,mongst the leading necessaries of lite, Those famous Pills purify Oho BLOOD, and act most powerfully yet soothingly on the Livor, Stomach, Kidneys, 2 and Bowels; giving tone, energy, and vigor to these great main springof life. They aro cou- ttdently recommended as a never failing remedy in all WOOS tlie:cnnstitntiorl,froln 'whatever w 00050, hits become impaired Cir -weakened. They are wonderfully 'eineacions in all ailments feet. dental to females of :all .age; anci as a 901101x1 Family medicine, are unsurpassed. Itssearolting and healing properties are known ti roulthout S:h0 world. For the cure of badlegs,bad breasts, old wounds S nes andilleers, it Ls an infallible remedy, If effectually rubbed on the tiocic and chest, an salt into. meat it euros sore throat, 13ronehitis,Ceughs Colds, nn±1even Asthma, For Glandula_ $wel- liuge, Abcesse8, Pilos,'t'lstttlas: Gout Rheumatism and every kind of 'Skin 1)1soase, it has never been known to fail, The Pills and Ointment are roan tllacturod only 'at ' . t89 PX)'OIiD S'I'EET, LONDON,. iSl .ea —GREAT— EXHIBITION —AT— BISSETT BROS, EXETER. FRESH ARRIVALS OF STOVES �+1 ETC., ETC., ETC, VEIVir C ZAP. While some predicted that the National Policy world increase the price of every article, still we are enabled to announce that we can soli all kinds of stoves 10 per cent.cheaper than has ever been offered herotofot'o.,We have sold out our business in llensall, tt)Ye1 addedlitrgol v is the stocleiU Eteter, 'which is one of tiro largest in the plane ---ALSO-- a Verity 'g Agents or Veyit's Cele- bratied Plow, 1 ZSS] TTBROS., EYETB, ONT. LEATIIOIIN tC MoC01.7BREY, Fanson's B1beh,Exeter It Will pay you to call at AFC LELLAN D BROS' I1 EW'B EL0C=, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to suit the h trd times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT 1v1:OTESALE Be sure and call before buying Suits to order at startling figures. MCCLL +'LAND BROS. Allan Line! UP WITH ARE TIMES. r__� tom, �►x ,R te * h't� .tCN," 1'1 LIVERPOOL, LONDOND1.RRY, GLASGOW .''hart sea passage--l;coilomy— Cmrzjort— Safet y. CABIN, INTERMEDIATE. AND STEERAGE TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES. EVItRY SATURDAY FROlsX QUEBEC. Circassian October 25th. Milos wiobing to bring alit their friends from i he old con n try will save money by buying their tiekatel at: thol offi'ehiefi the agent at Exeter, Every information concerning route,etc, by Ap- plying to CAT. G KEMP, Exeter. • PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORGA N S SHOULD CALL A:".0 FITTON' ► and Examine hie Stook, the Best that:are lei , ::4 (}MINION ORGAN. c0:`S.