HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-16, Page 29. . THU TIME .'AN OLl? SOOTC1;I111;AN'S PI1A.YEB. An aged Sootetatnan, tinny yon,rs ago, wai o11 his way to a meeting' of the poodle of God, held io a teat, or 6,i llo KWh temeontry sti`uotttre. The old pilniul Sal s Moor and partly deaf, bat he truete.l in the Lora whom he eervedr wait rejeiaat iti'Hie hhidpr:rvi dt ice, Oa hie Way to the meeting 1:e fell In with aeothee tilirlstlttn brother a . younger tll:tn boated Let tile 13AM%) er. i•kLotl, .tail they trtLy.)ile 011 t°gethtir. When they had nearly remelted the 1)lttuo of 111J+:aiit1 it tale prc)p0.3ed that they elt,ut•1 tura a dila baltitl1 the hedge, laical h.tee a Itttla leaver before they eutoro.t Lilo mooting, They did so, Sala Lilo old mau, who had loatmetl , in evel'ything to lot his requosts be miule koewu unto (i-ot1, presented his i`aae i.1 lang:uaga like tho fullo viae:-- "Lartl, ye ken wed 000ngh that I'ni' ileal, and 1, wane a seat ma the 3t'3L bench if Yu can let rico have it, so that I clan hear Thy lord. And ye see that my toes are stickiug , through my shoed, aud I don't think it is mach to your credit to have your children's toes sticking through their shoes, and there- fore I want Ye to got me a pair of now nates. Aud Ye keu I have utae biller, and I want to stay there during the meeting, •road therefore 1 waut You to get me a plaoe to stay. When tho old mau had finished his quaint petition, alld they had started. ou, his yolluger brother gently suggest- ed to hint tli•tt he drought his prayer was rattler free in its forms of expres- sion, and hardly Las rovereutial as seem- ed proper to flim in approaching the Supreme Being, But the old man did not accept the imputation of irrever- ence. "He's nay Rather,' said he, 'and I'm well acquainted with Him, and IIe's well acquainted with ale, and I take great libortiea with Him,' So they went on to the meeting together. The old man stood for a while iu the rear of the congregation, making an ear trumpet with Ins hand to catch • words, until some Dire near the pulpit noticed Lim, and beckoning Bien forward gave him a good seat upon the front bench. • During the prayer the old Mari knelt down, and after he rose, a lady who bad noticed his shoes, said to hili, ',Are those the best shoes, you have?' "Yes,' said he, that I expect my father will get me a new pair very 500E; 'Dome with me after the meeting,' said the lady, 'and I „will give you a new pair.' The cervica closed, and be went with her to her house '�'Sball you stay daring the meeting ? said the, good woman as they went along. 'I would, bat I'm a stranger in the place, and have nae siller.' 'Well,' said elle, 'you will be perfect- ly welcome to lnalco your home ,at our house during the rusebiug,' The old mare thanked the Lord that. Ile had given hila all the tyre r things be bad asked fort and while tris young. er brother's reverence for the Lord was right and proper, it is possible that he might have learned that there is a revereuce that reaches higher Chau the forms and cooveutionalities of human taste, and which leads the believer to come boldly to the throne of grace to find all needed help io every trying hour; BUSINESS ON THE BRA.IN. The Virginia (Nev.) Chronicle is re- sponisible for this story ; One night last week the wife of Justice 4loses was aroused from a sound sleep by a stern voice "Are you ready for .trial, I say?" "Hush ! Don't make a noise or else you'll wake the baby" she replied) en- deavoring to soothe him. "Don't talk back to this court," be vociferated. "If you've got any wit- nesses bring 'eta on, but let the lawyer clo the taking." "Why, Tom, how you take on! What is the matter ?" "I send you up for, sixty days --that's What's the matter. here, finders, take her tawny. Now, roe ready for that petty larceny case, Bring up the prisoner." And, jumping out of bell, he started for the next room to sulntllou to juryi but foil ova a rocking char, barlsiul his shine, woke up, aild asked. his wife what au- the dealt was the r'lla.tter, FLtl�r- how. GiltL'1S AS faJYELIS. "Girls do not Whitt," stays at social ehilosopher io the Chicago Tribunes;. "they dream—dream octave as au epi - Bode, tt' diversion, a - frolic, a Tilled pea tk ; of matrimony as a comedy ell• acting ou the stage a !Atli° way ramav- 00i froth tilde seat:, tai111 and the dross oieele, in whiclt they may one -day play to part. But it' it a°t.n:idly t11ro:Ltotis, teeir hearts flatter, their eyesdroop, their cheeks 1iu h, and they retreat as fruit), nn1 itupou11i11„ta'ldefiuetl, xuyeteri alas &diger, They do not, however, cease to allort, toy, and trifle with the mounoiug fate which presents itself in the alluring shape of too -ardent youth." But no one hate said better or shrewd- er things of women Amin the old "au- tocrat of au-tocratof the Breakfast table," Strange creatures, woolen, says the Doctor, "1•i there any track thou lave and their own f.a.lotee clo not play thole ? Just see how they marry 1 A woman that gets told of a bit of manhood is like one of those Ciliuese wood carvers who work on 11:1' olid fantastic root that comes to hand. I should like to see any kind of matt distiuguish.able from a gorilla that some good, and even pretty woman, could not "shape a bus- baud out of." And yet it was one of this flittering, blushing, ftauciful sister- hood that the pont sings : "Hoe r Tory smile was haughty,thougli so sweet ; Her every 11011 has not 101 inclination There WAS a self. will even in her small foot, As thangh they were quite conscious of her station-- They tation—They trod as upounocks," II<Ien may Slitter themselves by set- ting up as the brilliant, dazzliug flarue to which the poor silly moths are ir- resisltablyattracted and in which they are sure to get their willga slued off, but the reattton is frequently reversed, and the moth siruilie won't Carry you very far, for moths are "done for" when they .touch the flame and lose their Illusions with their wings. But in this case of matrimony the lovely but silty female moth` is very apt to come out stronger than ever after the first shook, while not seldom the streak ut- terly (punches the manly flame. But women are queer creatures. That is l abort the only Kate and unauitnuus eonelnsictn that has been reached by male pl.ilosophers after mauy centur- ies of patient study. A GOOD DOG. A. Philadelphia lady, now dead, whose aocurae,y of statement in any other in- stance we should never 'have doubted, told us the following story, which seems too marvelous fur belief ; Her mother Order you. work where you can get it clone the cheapest. was in the habit—as were many lacties of that city in old times—of making her own purchases of marketing. Oue morning an old gentleman of her ao- quaintanoe, similarly engaged in. buy- ing, found that he had one chicken too many far his basket , and insisted upon transferring the fowl to hers. When d she brought home her marketing and) C oki red Work S p e c aRy 1 deposited it in the kitchen, taking up the fow}, she handed it to the cook, with the remark '°I w?sh I hacl another chicken it takes at least two to make a dinner:2 Thereupon the family dog, ,whtoh had been stretched upon the window -silt, jumped out of the window as if something had attracted him. no dog staid away'about half an hour, and came hack with a chicken in his mouth, laid the burden down, and re- treated to his usual seat ou the window- sill. The chicken was yet warm, though dead ; the dog had seized it by the throat. It was not known whose poultry yard had suffered. The lady who told the story ate a piece of the. Chicken.—Science News. K tirlittlare,3 �. Y , mp • llEA 7-91 S. has on hand at 111115)111 III large and its handsome a steel:. of UtlilNiTb1t1 'Las 04311 k)e fouL1d in any Usttabll5111uent lu 11111'011, all of which 150 iS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! UNDERTAKING IN ALL iTS-DRANOIIES Ifnving procured a hnuclso t e hearse, he is prepared Le tat;teed to UN tls,ic'1'.11i7 ti1r, On the Mast Reasonable Te.'nrs, inconneetiou with the 1 miertaking Duiness, lte uses the Anti. Septic blunl, whi,th prnorves 1, „the body and destroys allafensive odors, and provonts contagion arising froto !lima A call '`"1"1 T E TIPEE G� JO 1 .4 NM OcTO1;E11 16, 1S79 tA7tt'{776t1k413'.l�'rXA'P:iFtC11Ff,FVA/l. N.,..n,A71#JR�gR5�N7�Y�4:4�1 -DO NOT lv ).A.) T E 1SA Laxing received lot of now lila lex'' t. 1xlt, g a ci A c t v, I would hiforul tate l;irluers of tilt htlr- r'otniaing 0011011'y tiuint 1 am 1,1'olpared to'lntle11-= tt (10r0 all lauds Of 110 to itOlal tt •, li;tslt;v t Train Cradles, attlilt ha e;.e, ,alai 1111'.i1 st'ottrea theservlet+. of to fir11-clivus Turner, 1 tun prQpiteed to 41.) _Matt KIND ,c.:1 (l Il' :l'1111� ING on th<::;1ut'e'tl'h('. na) leo, and fin, Hlsic 11ue1 pr ve' 141(1. 0,,,n ,u,1tiean• z\ 1.oays 024,1 1(1114(1 Tr_. it 1Y I'L'241.1? 1'r'l')ittiti. I; i s i',r31-: de A4 • a ..0th' 240E *0s'- 11, vin 11 ..1 to int' pial) tnaohinpr,, n ea prc- ) coma i, 1 t. 0.u:1,1.11.t ,,., 1i .t ch1ess ni 'p lo,;r, i a111 111' L Uaal .0 0Lue ti111110('1e Stinariat' to any Factot'y In the County, Iand ;It priossthat defy competition. \'°+ells and 11iaterus dug o11 tile shortest" notice. Before p nrchasing call a : the :tray 1'u up Whorl s 1-....., Fi1 l)T--0110-ti'.narto mile wort. of E.sut. r TioLdoo ituttd, Rat I . All kinds of printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch. A Missouri farmer has been figuring nn the damage done by dogs in that State, In thirty-two counties 10,602 sheep have been killed. Ile estimates the number of dogs in thirty-two omen - ties to be 402,000;; tliat a hog will thrive on the food necessary to support an able-bodied clog, and at the end of the year weigh 200 pounds therefore if the food for these 462,000 dogs were given to the hogs, it would make 92,- 000,00tl, pounds • of pork, Worth at least airs cots a pound, or $4,660,000 —.nearly twice the value of ail the school-11onseS,in the State, and more than twice buts amount used by the Mate for school purposesr The TALES OF1 ACE has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, BILL TglAD , POSTS, OIROT 'LIARS. p, r v -•m F ' i���.'�t;�yar. Fcma1c Co 1ego OL' HAMILTON, 0. T.1.1110, the oldest Ladies College in the Province, enters as its nlneteOLth year 03) v.1 t. )i. For variety of 1). pnrtll ts, extent of curriculum, ric1111U.i, thorough - des ' or instruction and 0,:cell11104) of acuululno- nation16124Itt11t \IN'S f roat rardc, 1'uru11tu1ulue apply to the ur,uclpa1, A, 1:1Llit�*H, SP"ENEa'I I s SEL "a.rtaa' e Seporior.Eng- lish make. A. +: sample card of olio emelt of the T WEY'I:Y numbers for' ttitll bymail. on receipt of "0 emits. ALEX. B JNTIII a CO., 1iIontreat, Sole Agents for Canada. ;sem rt e.; ameltrx ootl t1Ti-ig-itoLtsf vet Pleli�.; •'r1�Y: Advertisers 11al)kclSsine Geo. P. Revell & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 01, Spruce Ft, NOw York, owl lea:.21 the exact cost of taut' pro- posetlline ofAl)\'ERIrISItiG inAwe :lean Aews- papers, m; ran:„'111ot,10e., ; $y 'Jpr-011 tOmtosa0l33i437olvtseeionr of CI, r1'. Proportional returns every week on Stool ,+t)• w...' Of :20, +580, - A100, 0100. hwrnao. T.POTTED, WIGHP oriCO., AankorVi watt St. N. s . Pima monthn ,1nd e'rpeseagenrallteedto agents. 249 t"p1 outfit tree. S1rIIV & co, Augusta, Maine. $171"7/7 A TRAIL and expenses to acrntx Outfit free. Address P. 0: Vickery Augusta, llttino, l . Ey an Immense practice at the World's D1s )en- sary and Invalids' 11001, having treated many thou- sand cases of those diseases peculiar to woman, I have been en:tilled to perfect a. most potent and post-, tive remedy ihr these diseases. !Co designate this natural spotlit°, I have named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptio!i The term, however, is but a feeble expression of day high appreciation of its value, based upon per, tsonal observation. 1 have. Willie witnessing it.; p1s1.. Live results 111 the special diseases incident to the organism of woman, singled It out as the climax 01 crowning gem of my u,edlenl career. On its merits, `19 a positive, safe, and effectual remedy 40t this class or diseases, and one that will, at all times and under rill eircumstanees, act kindly, I am W111ini to slake ran' reputation as a physician; and so confident ant I that it will not disappoint the most sanguine ex- pectations of a single invalid lady who uses it for any of the ailments for Wl1I' h I recommend it. that 1 offer stud sell It tinder A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (For e.onditlons, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) n The following are among those diseases in Which my Favorite Proscription has worked cares, as if by magic, and with a certainty never betbte attained by any Medicine: Leucorrhea, Excessive Mowing, Painful Monthly Periods, Suppressions when front unnatural causes, Irregularities, Weak hock, rro- Lap5us, or Falling of the Uterus, Antavorsion mat Itetroversion, Iirnring-down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility Despondency; Threatened Miscarriage, Chronic Debility, Itt- ilntumntlola and Ulecrailen of the Uterus Impotcucy, Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female 'Weakness. do not extol this ktiutllc(ne as n ” guru -all," but it admirably fulfills a sb,glencss of purpose, being a most perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual system ()raceme). It will not disappoint, nor Will 11 do harm, in any agate m• condition. Those who desire further lnforntatlen on these sub - pets can obtain it in Tisa 1'E0t?L1)'S 0ott140-r SiotS1 11Cr:01cAL ADVISEla, a book of over 900 pages. soot. post-paid, on receipt of $1.50. It treats minutely of than, diseases peculiar to 70311itics, and gives mach triatablt advice 01 regard to the management of hew attentions. 1''avbrito Prescription. sold by Th uggisto. ' ' V. Pii.IfciE. ?1,1).. Pro 'r, WOrld'S Dlspw.5ary but ilivn1ic19' kioteh Etdraio, N. Y. 1 PN S.A.LL PORK PACKING HOUSE • atere eIToving commenced businessfor the Feel andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any gnantity of Pork, subject to the followilig regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred. if dry, land throe pound if soft. • Shoulder stuck, twenty-five cents. . If any of the bung gut is left in, 55 cents extra will be deducted. Ni pole' will be' bought at an price It Waren. SA ITS A.CrES —AND— — Pork ---AND-- Park Cutt nrgs on hand at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting eight through creast to heady and Ham open out to tail. G & J, P• TTY.