HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 8T 1e',` `&fel' •'t!1 . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1879. LOCAL 1\111.WS. Ater Ranvr.;=•-C1uB:tot'taltiy last Joe, soli of Mr: Chas. Senior, had his arum brolly hut by tieing thiown lrom a wagon. WAtebee.—In a email family, a servant girl, Ode to take full elevate ; one who is Swart, c'lean anal tidy. Apply to Jomu Renton, _Exe- ter. n Ax CoaLNOE.--41r. J. T.Sutherlamcl,foruierly toacherinUsborne, has eulisted ainoug tho medicals at Trinity College, Toronto, Wo wish him saceebs. S eesee AL.—Sir. James Willis,. left for his home on Eriday, after a short visit in Exeter, Mr. Willis crumples the position of manager of the Chicago water works, a very lucrative situu- tion. Acquivvxr.—Mr. W. Houperwas up before the Ja P.'s on Tuesday afternoon on acharge cf seams fire to Mr. Wm. Tropical building in Dees tber cast, The case was dismissed for ,'ant of evidence. EitnATA.—In. toe report of the council pro. feedings, ill oto last issue, John Wilson should read "JohnWinsor," and Geo. Barrett ' x:3.00"jfor selecting jurors for Division Court, instead of 18100. NEw DRUG ST0R1.—lir. W. B. Selby, grads ate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy and li- centiate of the Quebec College of Pharmaey, 'sill open a drug stole in the buildiug south of Farmer's grocery "u Friday next. Look out fu advertisement next week. VANxALIRIf.—A aloe tomb stone which Mr - George 13awcleu recently plaoecl iu the eeme- try over the grave of his deceased child leas been broken and scratched in a shameful in tuner, Any person who is o.apable of doing Suoh en act will du almost anything. PsssoNAn.—Mt'. L. Titorne,of thelate firm of Thorne & Farmer, of this team, is, we under- stand, a+Tanging for a liquor store in Blyth. Lou. is a good fellow, and will no doubt do a good business and make for himself many fiends. THE STAND:1ltn,—This is the name of a paper which is published in. Kincardine by Mortimore Brothers. We have received a copy ofthe first issue. It is a large four page pa - i er, neatly printed, well edited, and Conserva- tivein politics. Tue Standard, we have every reason to believe, will proveit-elf worthy of the suppott of the people of Kincardine and the county of Bruce. Wei wish it every success. THAxas.—Cur best ;thauks are duo to Mr. George Fisher; of Usborue for a bag of excel lent eatiug apples which he has left with us. The only fault we have with the apples is that they are so large that a good deal of muscle has to be excereised in raising Duo of them to a person's mouth. One of them makes ;a feast for three ordinary persons. Mr. Fisher keeps a cross do„ in his orchard. • 'fait Exoninf lk retie:-. 1'llie bank will re- sume riskiness on the 3rd of;Neeepiller next,. with Mr. Thomas .Graig, the late oashiet as President and General Manager.` Since the suspension the, notos metering have been pail withoolullaexislvble promptness,and the bank on re -opening will be in a position to meet all &Maude and acoommoctate all its cus- tomers. Manure, S1 last a sliootiug match t'or.the Exeter Gun Clab. Omer cup toolt'piace between Mr. F. G. Simp- son (the holder of the cup) acid Mr, James lt'estdott. The' score was not es large as is generally, made by members of the Exeter club. Mr. Simpson. succeeded in retaining the cup, thib'beiug the third time, Mr. Thos. Bissett and 11Ir. Simpson will shoot for the cup next Saturday afternoon. RAILwAx AcornENT.—Tho engine of No, 1 mail train on the Loudon, Huron & Bruce Railway going north ou Thursday eveuing, when. about two milds south of Cliutou, broke. her side rod, which tore away the side of the Dab and made a largo bole in the boiler, allow- ing the steam and hot ;water to escape. The driver and fireman had a narrow escape. En- gineer Gol.lieg ivas badly bruised about the legs by being struck with parts of the cab. Tho fireman climbed back to warn the brakemen so as to shop the train. Part of the brass and driving rod was found over a mile south of where the engine stopped, bent and twisted as if it was a twig. Conductor Wahnsley walked to :Clinton awl telegraphed to Wiugham for another engine, which.arrived about half -past six. The train. reached Winglum about three ,sours later than the usual time, ACCIDENT -0u Tuesday afternoon an acci- dent occurred on Main Street near the market. Mr. and Mrs. Monteith, of the Thames Road, TJsbot'ue, were throw`s from a buggy by their horse becoming frightened and backing into the ditch. A bed tick lying in front of a house oceasioned the fright. Mrs. Monteith was bruised on the left side, • though not seriously. The horse started to ran away, but was caught near the Methodist -church. Iter, IT,—In another column may be found' the Dominion haboiatory advertisemeut of Perry's celebrated Horse and Cattle Prepare- ' tions, a collection of which ,Wade so handsome 5 diepiay at the late exhibition hero. From What we know of the management of the establishment from what we hear front those who have used them, and from our own experi- ence of their use in our stable, we unhesitat- ingly reecomnrena them to the farmers of this vicinity as being all that is clamed for them. ' AN INevzoo, x Saar v', — On Saturday night a building belonging to Mr,: Samuel 'Ford,of Woodham, was destroyed by lire. Mr. Ford suspected ,that the fire was caused by incendiarism, amt caused A young man named Hogg to be arrested bn snspiorou of being the incendiary, The urisother• Was brought to Exeter for side keeping until tumidity morning, when he was taken to Woodhate to be tried, but the magistrates failing to agreoe, the prix- Doer was returned to C.xoter, and arraigned be- fore Squiros (.+idloy and McPhilIips, who com- mitted him for trial, the evidence given being sufficient to justify their decision. Ido was al- so •,sentouoed to two manila ihpprisonmoot for carrying firearms. Constable Gill' aceom• panted the prisoner to ,Goderich jail yesterday. Hinton' AT THE WNSTsnx.—The following are the names of the Huronites who were awarded prizes rt. the Western Fair, which was held in Loudon last week : Agricultural stal- lion, J. H. Wilsou, Usborne, 1st ; two-year-old. agricultural stallion, UThos. Case, ;Flay, 3rd three-year-old filly Henry Jones, Usborne, 2ud ; heavy darught stallion, Oke ee Hodgson, Ex. - ter, 3rd ; three-year-old heavy draught stal- lion, Peter MoTavish, Brucefieltl, 2nd ; brood mare, Jas. Loadman, Hay, 2nd ; Three-year- old filly, John Malony, Seaforth, 2nd ; Three- year-old filly, Jas. Lutadivau, Hay, 2nd ; foal, James Loadman, Hay let ; spau of draught horses, W. Cornish, Usborne, 2m1; three' year-old filly, L. Hunter, Usborne, 2nd ; twe- year old carriage stallion, A. Innes, Clinton, 2ud; foal, L. Hunter, Usborne, 3rd; two-year- old Durham bull, It, Howley, Goderich, 3rd ; throe year-old Durham cow, B. J. Biggins, Clinton, 2nd ; cotswold ram, J. Coining, Losdesboro', 2nd ; shearling ram, H. Snell' ds Sun. Clinton , 3rd ; ram hirnb, II. Snell & Son, Clinton, 3rd.; shearling ewes, H. Snell & Son, Clinton, 2nd ; two-year-old lambs, H. Snell t.te Son, Clinton. 2nd ; Leicester ram, H. Snell & Son, Clinton, let ; Berkshire boar, H. Snell et San, Cliutou, 3rd.; breeding[sow, H. Snell, ,4 Sou, Cliutoa, 3rd ; Ayrshire bull, 3. Cochran, Hills Green, 2nd ; salt, S. Platt, Gortorioll, lst amd 2ud ; Firkin of butter, W. Herbuon, Clinton; 16 Ibs. butter, W. He'r- rion, Clinton ; carriage harness, 0. F. Strand' Goderich ; apples, W, Abrasou, Clinton, 3rd ; Pair iron harrows, J, Elliott; Goderich, let, and S. Sippling, Cliutou, ani ; Set of horse sloes, R.'I'hompson, Goderich ; crochet work, Miss Segmiller, Goderich ; Berlin wool work, 'se Segmiller, Goderich. Mr. Cresswell, of eaforth, took a number of,prizes for paintings, ()MCC T I1l';AT0a.—A {hatch was played at Stratford on the grounds of the Grand Trunk club, on Saturday, batwecn representative teams of the counties of Huron and Perth. The Huron Team was composed. of the follow- ing gentlemen :—H. Cameron, G. Baird, of Brucefield : E. Looby, 3. Rutledge, of Bayfield ; R. J. Girdlestone, J. L. Harcourt, of Seaforth; R. Adams, of Egmuulville ; H. W. C. Meyers, of Wingham : J. Howl on, of Clinton ; J. lipid - man, of Exeter, and J. Cashew, of Londesboro'. The Perth team was oumposed of :—J• G. Smith, T. M. Daly, C. E. Irvine, P. Liddle, J. Hay, R. Patterson,~— Patterson, G Mulutyre, P. Daly, — Costicks, Stratford,aud S. W. Hard- iuge, of Listowel. Tlie)natch was won by the Hurcnices. but, as will be seen by the score, there were onlyt€our of the Perth team oat in the second innings when the wickets were pull- ed. The followiugis the score : • RIIRON'TEs'ar-1ST INNINGS. Girdlestone c Patterson b Hardinge .. 16 Looby b Hardin{e , 26 Cameron c Irving b Melutyre...... ... 17 Harcourt b Hardinge 2 Baird b Pattersou 8 'Lasham c Patterson b Hardiuge 0 Meyers b Pattersou ., 0 Howsonb Patterson 0 Adams not out 8 Rutledge c Irving b McIntyre 3 Hyndtutu c Liddle b Patterson 0 VILLAon Couxerx.,—The council met by or - dor of the Reeve at the Market Hoose, Exeter, October 6th, 1879. All the members present. The miuntes of the previousmeedng were read and confirmed. 'Teuders for gravel were.re- ceived as follows : Jas. Atkinson, $3.00 per cord, and E. R. Bissett, $2.75 per cord. Mov- ed by E. ' Drew, seconded by J. Sanders, that E. R. Bissett's tender be accepted.- 0a1•ried. G. H. Kt McLeod. tendered $30 for the use. of the weigh scales. Moved by E. Drew, seconded by R. Bissett, that Mr. McLeod's tender be ac - tented. ---Carried, Moved by E. brow, second- ed by J. Pickard, that Jae. Atkinson' be paid $67.25 ballanco of contract for draining ,—Car- tied. Moved by R. Bissett, seconded' by J. Pickard, that ordere be granted for the follow. lug Bums t James Fergusou 337.00 for drain- ing, and J. Welsh $4510 for draining.Car- ried. 'Moved by J. Pickard, secondee, by E. WOW, that the Reeve and Treasnrerbe author- Meed to borrow any stun not exceeding $200.00, en the credit of this corporation—Carried. Moved. by B. brew, seconded 3. Sanders, that the Reeve be authorized to proeure a gate for the cattle yard.—Carried. Moved by 3. Pick- ard, seconded B. l3'esett, that this council adjutrru until call of the Be.ve.—Carried. la[, Bacasrr Clerk, Total 79 Wides, leg byes, byes and no balls 13 zip INNINGS. Girdlestone run out 9 Bowmen o Liddle b Patterson 10 Cameron u w b Hardinge 10 Baird b Patterson 6 Adams b Patterson .. 0 Loobys.cLiddle bHardinge ., 1 Harcourt b Patterson .... 0 Rutledge a Liddle b Hardinge 6 Hyndmau e Smith . 4 Meyers not out . 0 Lasham b Hardinge...... ... . . . ... . . 4 Total 50 Wides, byes, Ieg byes ...3 Huron's grand total 129 PERTH TEAef: 1t 7 INNINGS. 'McIntyre run out Hay b Hynthnau Patterson c Baird b Howson Liddle a Baird b Hardiuge c Hyndwau b Hyndmau Irvine c Adams b Howson Costicks run oat Daly b Baird 0 Smith b Baird .. 3 P. Daly ;c Hyndman h Cameron 1 It. Pattersou, jr not out :............ Total . 51 Wides, byes, leg byes, no balls 17 2x0 "INN;Nas. 5 12 0 22 0 0 Hay b Cateran McIntyre not out Patterson, jr, b Baird Patterson, er. s and b Baird Liddle not out Total . E Byes, leg byes....., 4 Perth's grants total a , , . , 6? 1 1 1 0 3 Stanley. ACCIDENT. -Mr. Obas. Diehl, one of Mr. 3[r. Foodless' threshing uands,became entangled in the belting on Friday last, and although the engiue was stopped as sone rte possible, his left arm was broken in two places near the wrist. Medictal aid was immediately procured and he is recovering. • Bi ldulph, Conceal,. • Op Tuesday evuniug.ilext, 14th, there will be a oouoert held in the s.cih0ol house o11 the 3rd C+tucelsi011 of 13iddnlull, in commotion with St. Petr►olr'e (jhuroh (English), A good progreanee, ooneisting et 1•eatlinggs, recitations, music l;o., in which taleut- e]I persons from .Londoil, Exeter, Lu - ORM and other places Will participate, slay be expected. Admission, 25e. ; cl;ziidrou We, Door, open at 7 o'uluok, Lmnley. RAIN.—A. very heavy rain storm pas- sed over here on Sunday morning last. `CORRECTION —It wile $6,200. that wits paid for Mr. McFarlaue'e farm instead of a thoueaud less as was stated last week. PEAItINa APPLES.—Pearing fees are getting very common in this vicinity, some of them ending with a social dance, while others wind up with what the boys call kissing bees. There is other "pairing" done besides pealing apples, and some "pairings" are "too thin." ALMOST BURIED ALIVE. -000 day last week while oris of Mr. Kydd's men was cleaning ont an old well for Mrs. Anderson, of Usborne, he heel a very narrow escape from being buried alive by the earth caving in atonud him. However, the men at the top of tue well noticed the earth giving away,ned at once sigualled the young ,mai below to the bucket, and when he. bad so- unded about twelve feet, the earth cav- ed in for` several feet around, partially filling the bucket. Part of a wood pile r which had beau piled near the well a1 eo wont down. Hay. SOLD.—Mr. 1', O'Brien has disposed of his asses for a share valued at $100, The young foal will ire returned to Mr. O'Brien as soon ria it is weaned. ANrrlvrRSARIr.—A Sabbath school An- uiversary was held at 5exstnittt Church on Friday eveniul last. An ea,uelleut tea was served at 7 p, m., after which Mr. H. E. Huston took the chair, and in a few concise remarks set lorth the object of the gat ering, when a very interesting programme of speeches, J• Oke, (iixeter, showed the imported recitations, etc., followed. Mnsia was Clyde Orowu Prime", eight years old, supplied by the Exeter C. Di. choir: 14 hands highs, weight 1,850 lbs,, a. In order to dispose of the provisions nurse with ehort, strong beck, power-- that were left a secial was held on 14iou- felt }Dins, and imuleusely strong fore - that 0{ ,li'10 J. L iadtunu, Exeter, showed the two, yens old Clyde filly by Wellington oats of a LordIlaa:hl0 mare,, a fitly of greet bone tall substance ; also ttetallion Dolt opt cite LO I1 I:tltiltlo mate, Peter Me'.l,'avi,li, 13,•ucefield, showed the three -veer -old stallion Honest Seedy by imported I1ln"st Sandy out of a Tom Sawyer mare; a horse stip ting tllu' Ulyde'stamp, but °teatter and fitter in the limb that the imported Remit. Asan tits two-year-old stallion Young Doke` of Wellington by Duke of Wellington out of ra llaticl't mare. J. Wilde/re Exeter, 'bowed as four- year-old stallion, U'lyde and cuaoL.t bred, graudsiro an ieiported Clyde.. This is a horse of great power tied substance and Bowe style, 16t hands, weight, 1,500 lbs ; bay with avhittr feet. '1'. Case, Bngert'ille, showed a two- year-old agricultural stallion by i ported Clyde (Jrowu Prinoe, a bay Horses remarkably short coupled and tliiol.- set. day evening. After tea lied been serv- ed, u good literary programme was carried out in a manner creditable to those who took part in it. Misses Nariou and Bella Whiteford rendered muiiio in an etliuient manner. An en- joyable time was &pent and a good col- lection added to the funds. The pro- ceeds of the tea amounted to $17.50. OBLTUARY.—It becomes our painful duty this week to ruoord the demise of an old and respected resident, 141t•.• Wm,. Hawkins, of the t3+•tl cont'essiun of Hay. After sixty three yeare sojourn in. this world, he breathed his last on "the 4th iust. lie emigrated frail] Ireland in early years, and hewed out; It home for himself in the forests of ;thisi.own- ship. Fur many years he had been troubled with that most dietreesing di- sease, asthma, which grew worse until his death. Mr. liawkiue lived an ex- emplary ()bristle') life, and many an oocupaut of it death bed hes been cheered and comforted by his friendly counsel. He was a lberal supporter of religious institutions, and always a friend to the weedy. He leaves a wi- dow and family mush respected. di large concourse of friends followed his rerosins to their last resting place on. DIonday. • . CopscIL Mzuenec.-=Council meet on Saturday, October • 4tti:; 14Iembers all present. Moved by Mr. McColl, sec- onded by Mr. Moritz, that W. J. Don- aldson be relieved from. statute labor for 1879, the same having beeu per- formed in 1'3, 8. --Carried. Mov- ed end carried that E. Bossenberry be paid the stun of $10, for opening ditch leading froul Zurich, as soon a9 the work is satisfactorily performed. Moved by Itlr. Heyrock, seeouded by Mr. Kalbfleisch, that the sum of $20 be greeted • towards repairing{ side line ()etymon lots 25 and 26, Lake Road.— Carried. The collector having 'furnish- ed sufficient security, it was moved and oarried that bis bond and sureties be accepted. On motion, •councillor Moritz was empowered to let contract for ditch opposite lot number 50, con 11. Moved by Mr. MoOoll,aeeunded by Mr. Moritz, that the solo of $8. be refunded James Howard for statute labor performed in. 1874 and 1875, and charged to Canada Company.—Carried. A uurnber of ea counts were passed, and ordure granted for their payment. Moved by Mr. Itto- Coll, seconded by Mr. Heyroek. that the uonncil adjoaru to meet on Satur- day, 29th November, when parties having accounts against the couucil are requested to present them. Huron Stock at the' Western Fair. Stephen - COUNCIL.— Stephen Council met on the 6th inst. all the members present. Minutes of previogs meeting were read and signed. A petition of certain per. sous in Crediton to lower ditch crossing the road near J. Hodgins' was granted Moved and resolved that the Reeve pay iut,2 court the amount of H. Sutton as per garnashee. Moved end resolved that the Treasurer and Reeve sign nate to' renew note 'now due Molsons Bank The following orders were granted t }lodging, drawing lumber and covering culvett, $5 ; Mat. Morris, repairing culvert on. 0. ii., $2 ; T. Fenwick lumber for,culvert, $11.05 J. Irl esidee fixing culvert on le. R. E„ $5.25 ; Jno Mebachett, cutting road on 3rd b.R. $25.50 ; D. McCarty, culverts, $7 ; Il McPhee, work 011 1st S. R., and 14th con., $12.75 ; J. Sweet, cote. work on N. ti:, $108.80 ; T. Shapton, come $51 G. Wein, culvert,', on 6th con. $3.25..; printing, $78 ; F. Green,grav- el, $16.86 ; J Kerr, ditching, $6 ; 8 Hedden,oulvert, $1 ; H. Sutton, $29 P. Honlawtn, dog tax remitted $1; 1V. Yearly, doth. $21. Council will meet again on the tirat Monday in Novetu. her. • C. kaourr, Clerk,' • • 3, VMS. EL Jones, Exeter, showed a three- yenr-old general purpose mare by Bank of Lugland. Tltis is a large - roomy mare with home style, snob as might profitably be put to a tborongh- tired for a raising horses for L+'uglish buyers. Fall Assizes. The Court opened at Godorich on the 30th of September, before Hon. Mr. Justice Galt. Mr. Jas. A. McGee, of Landon, ointlucted the Crowe busi- ness, The following are the names- of amesof the Grand Jrny: -Malcolm D[cDer- maid, foreman, Messrs. Jas. Duncan, Adam eirrev, Henry Harding, Adam Meuzies, Win. Morrison, John Reuben Simpson, Arch. Taylor, D. D. Ynte, 11Ym. Bell. Olins. Dut'nion, Wm. Hawkshaw, Jas. Little, Jas. Mitchell, Wm. 'McDonald, Sarni. Rennie, . Sainte Skiuner. J. Wer'nook. His Lordelnp addressed the Granas Jury congretrtleting them on the very - small number of cases to be bronglit before the court, when His I.:rd'Litt considered to be very eati.,f:tct,�y. The 'principal duty the Grand J ury had to do was to visit the gaol. Dominion Saving asci Investment Society r. lCurren. Action for ej fct- meut. J,Ir. E. 3. Parke for Off. DIr. E. Campion for deft. Verdict for pit, damages one shilling. Archibald r. Donoghue. Action of ejectment. Cameron, Holt & Ciamerow for piff. i41r. E. Campion for deft. Verdict for plff. damages one sbilting. Woods t'. Treleaven. Action on common accounts. Seater &t Wade for plff. Cameron, Holt & Cameron for deft.. Verdict by consent for $500, subject tie reference to Judge Tome. MoOlinchir v. t3tovenson. Action of seduction. Mr. 3. T. Gorrow for plff. Davidson & Johnston for deft. Verdict• fur plff by cunaeut for $500 Itnmedr- ate execution applied for and grant- ed. . Thaw v Merner.--Action err promis- sory note. Idingtou & Nickle for plff: Mr. MoMillar for deft. Yerdeei by' consent for $1677 47. Hilliard r. Let's et. a1. Action• fir conversion of goods. Garrow Rc; Meyer for plff. Cameron, Flolt & C'ernernn for def.. Case postponed on the ap plication of the defendants, costs of tiler day to be .by defendants. Wheatley t*. Sharp. --Action of sciatic tion. Cameron, Holt & Clanleron for plff. Mr. Garrow and F. W. Jnhnstou for deft. Verdict foe- plff for $250. The Queen v. 'Jamie McGee, Jr. -The Grand Jury brongkst in a. true. bill for assault with intentt.. • Henry r'. McPieereen--Action of seduction; C irnerone Holt & Cameron' for;plff. Mr. 0. L. Boylefor deft. Verdict for plff. for POO'. The gases w. Jae.. H. 'L'hompson.-- McGee on behalf c,f the Crown epp11 d to His Lordship for a Bench Warratt agniust the prisoner an indictment for indecent assault, which was accordingly issued. The Queen v. Arab. Monzies.-Charge of atzgravated ass:tts}t. Mr. Magee fort the Crown. Ma. J. H. Benson for de- fendant. 'leafier guilty entered aud fine ,of one bhilliug.inflicted., At the Western fair, held last week at London, Huron stock took a prom- inent position. H. Snell i. Sone, Clinton showed the Priuoess Will Prince of Seaham, by Ecu of Benham, bred by Wadsworth, Genessee, N. Y. This is a splendid ani- mal, full of good points. Messrs. Snell also showed the five-year.uud caw Prin- cess Thyra, by Dixie Dake, a cow of iui- meuse. substance ; also the cow L'riu- Gess Alice, by Earl of Goodness, from Lady Lorne ; also the yearling heifer by Royal Bnrterfiy out of Prinoese Alice a calf from prineees, by Prince of Sea- ham ; ea•ham; and the two-year=old heifer Red Rose, by 8rd Earl of Goodness, out of Lady Lorne. ` W. J. Biggine,(Jlinton, showed the three-year-old heifer Matchless of Kin- ellat 2nd, by Cambridge Duke 2nd, a long, low -set animal, with very Aweet head and good horns and'.ueck, appar- ently a full milker. Also, a heifer calf from her by Baron Louau 8ud. R. Howley, Goderich, showed' the .two-year-old bull Beaconsfield, a white bull of very large frame, stud straight, square build. A. tures, Clinton, showed Sorrel Cloud, roadster eititllion,' 12 years old, sorrel, by Old Revenge out of a Hum. bietoniau mare ; a maguifioiellt , horse, with splendid chest, clean limbs, and strong aboUldurs. mmoteinge-.p- r tL.ACHE R WANTED. --Male. see. 11.. and or third class, for S. S. No. 7, Uttbot ne. Duties to notnir enco lst de unary, 1070. Pessimo- aials requit�+ed.. App1ly to W. TAYLOR, Secretary of Trustee Board, Vinchblsea P. 0. a to, dot. 4, 7,97U., • QT.BAYE D. --Strayed from lot 6, con. l,. 4, Stephen, on or about the let of May„ l8T0, d rk red y,larlling steer, with white belly. A. re' were r/llt bg ttivon to auy person giving informa- tion thht wlil fo sh d to its recovery, and y pore ti fouled i1.n borllt the amoral aftor this dat will T* proeootrtotll. a0tils me to law. Wtt.11EILLY. Cen- tralia P. 0. (hit. a, Idle lin. +' iltA tED.--Strayed from the prem.- lies oftf� , hu�yoribor, lot C. con. I, Bitldulph,. on or nbot►t Site IStli of A.uttnet task, a sir alt year- Itu heifer -;"rod. itny Marson giving information r to her wuereabotats will be suitably rewspeed. Was. 11 bOp5j5COftralja 1'. 0. tin. Dot, 9,1814,