HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 6TRH T1WIES r a,CT'S AI OUT MEN'. if a well•lnnilo roan be extended one the stound, hie nl'nis at right tingles. with the body, a eirole, ranking the pavel the centre, will just take in the head, the fineer ends and feet. The distauce from top to too is pre- cisely the Bente as that betweeu the tips of the flagon when the armsare extend • ed. The length of the body is jest six times that of the fo)t; eddies heclistanee from the edge of the hair on the fore- head to the end of the chin is one-tenth of the length of the whole stat ore, Of the sixty two primary elements' known in nature, only eighteen al( , fnnnd in the lu ineu body, and of these seven are metallic. Iron is found in the blood, phosphorus in the brain, limestone in the bile, lime iu the bones dust and ashes in all. Not auly these eighteen human elements, but the whole sixty-two, of which the Universe made, nave their essential basis in in the four substances -oxygen, hydro - the hotter ilozeti and t!lonerllt of nogl- ing higher than haul or eggs, the for- mer''k(ielsed up an old nail and softly figured oite the diatauce travelled by a father's firm in giving his tion an old- fashioned whaling. WHY TI1E SNAKE SHEDS IIIS SIii1V'. Would you like to know do reason Why (le seek shaft his skin'? Hoose he tuk de old one off fear to let the debit(' in ; An' Eve, she sot n fiirllili' wid a piece of meat an' bread. An' de debbil he slip ur an' put de Apple in 1 her head. An' de way +lo debbil done its he jist squ'et down by do (titch, Au' he seed the cray.fi.sll Min', au' he give de Nine a flitch; An' Eve, HBO tank Klin kindly, an.' de debbil blow his nose, A.u' say ''Ain't you gob nuflln batt yuur shin au' byar fur close?" An' he' tell her, of she eat up all de - gen, and carbon, representing'the more apple an' de seeds, familiar names of fire, water, saltpetre She kin git a'yallerjosey and a string and charcoal; and such is matt., the lord of earth! A spark of fire, a drop of water, a grain of atom of oharooel 1 gunpowder, an THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE, It is cnrione l,)w narrow-minded some men are, and how little they mare about snb,jeets n(elatilated to broaden and fit their 1>+entel faculties. Snell a man was nail asleep on a bench at the Inion depot when a tall stranger with, a:very short linen dnster on sat; down beside him and said. "Have you calculated the pressure per square inch which you exert on grotto' npou her toes. thio latah ''" 1 • She clean forgot ber cookin', nn' de The sleepy man scowled as he look- hob-rnal(e in de ¢ (hes, ed up, and tamediawtay as if he didn't An' Adam'e mush fur supper, au' de want to hear any more, way he'd pour do lashes. "Do you know," eontiuned linen Till she see'd huff comic' jumpin'an' duster, "whether it is (lead weight or it slulgul' of Lia guts force of gravitation which permits voltAu i tell yer 'swag a caution den, to rest on the bench?" de way sloe broke an' run. De debbil he put out to Hell, an' left de ole shake akin, Au' flat's de way de sarpente lamed to wriggle out an' in. o' (thaney beads. An' she say: +,R'oar's de flatboat?" An' lie told her at de wharf. An' she mighty skeered ' Mani; but she telt en' sot an' iarf. Den de debbil 'beads an' suede her; an' s!le look all round de lot, An' she seed ole Adam gwiue 'round de corner in a trot, An' she hear (ie dugs a-rnunin', an' ole Adam lead is gun, An' she auk "+fat's far coon huntiu,' so slie 'lowed to have some fun! But when she ate de apple, an' de debblil fetch de oloso, You are onf.11ter see dat nigger step "No, sir," was the emphatic answer. "What is the attractive power of earth? What ftlroe is exerted by the law of gravitation on feet the' . ize of yours? Let ue figure a moment." "1 don't want to hear you talk!" snapped t11e other as be sat up. "I am' waiting for a train." "So'mi," said liven duster, "and that opens n subject for new thought. Do yon kuuw the weight of air displaced by a train moving at the rate of thirty miles an hour?" "No, sir, nor I don't olirt! I'm in no mood for talking." ,'Suppose," remarked the linen dus- ter as he squinted his lett eye at the sun, "that you are walking et the rate of six miles au hour, do yon wish to know what pressure the air exerts up- on your forward movenleut? Lend me your lead pencil:and I will lifigure." "I won't do it; and I toll you again I don't want to be talked for was the fierce repay. "Do you know how lung it would take a locomotive to reach the tnoon, running at the rate of one mile ,a min- ute?" "Softly asked liuen-duster. "See here, I'll knock your head off if you don't go away frim me!" "You, sir; weigh about 160 pounds, and have well developed muscle; but do you know how much force is exert- ed in knocking down a hatnan being, and the force of atmospheric pressure tobe overs) m e before your fiat reaches his fist?" "I've stood yonr sags just long en- ough, and now you leave or I'll mop the ground with you!" shouted the narrow- minded men as he jumped up and spat on hi.3 sands. "Are not the wonders of science in- teresting to you?" "No. sir." "And don't you care te know that the situ is 266,000—?" "No, sir't no, sir!" "Or that the moon exercises an in. flnence-!" "No, sit' --go off --I don't Care--- go away— you're a liar anl a fraud." The tnatn with the liuen truster with- drew' A ith-drew'a few feet to lent] against the wall and the other agent, back to his narrow minded and selfish interests. While THE i1OQU1S BEA.It COUNTRY. • .a 1(L(GION FILL OF LitRGE AND FIER(E GRIZ- ZLY AND CINNAMON DEARS. f,St. Louis &public(rx.] The M quis couutry is ¢bunt three haludred miles west of Santa 11'e, and ii mostly mountainous, with tuauy woiiderful canons, the Canon de Cheho bei g the most remarkable, its walls risiug ii, some places to a height of one thousand feet above the little stream that flews throng!' it. The people have souse etrauge superstitions, and are very devont in the observauce of their religions eerem(,uies. The mnuntaius present evidences of recent velem ic action, the lave beds being comnara- tively fresh and extinct craters j'lainly visible In several places, Mineral springs abound, and the Jamas Spring. three days' journey from •Santa Fe, is said to be superior in medicinal virtues to the famous Hot Springs of Atlianass. At one place the ground emits thick volumes of black smoke, caused, it is supposed, by a bed of coal in a state of ignition. The country is full of grizzly and cinnamon teal's. and the ruiner:0010 go nut prospective frequent- ly have deadly combats with the savage beasts. Mt. Mateer mentions a hunter whose fade was terribly scarified by a ciuuamon, in an encounter in which the bear came off second best. He speaks of a hunter who one day aaw a heat approaching, and being unable to escape or make a defence, Ore IV him- self ou tiro groped and pretended to be dead. The b: ar rolled hits over several times with his paws, placed bis twee close to his month and tintlinq that be gave no signs of life, trotted off in search of more wholusowe food, MUDE3R WILL OUT, A few velars ago "Angnst''lower" was dis- covered to be a certain cure for Dsspnpsia and Liver (lnmplaint. A few thio dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly they load been cured by its nao, The great merit of (hisns's Auwis•r FLowsit bowline heralded through the conntry by one. Stiffen)). and another, until without advertising, its sale be(lLt1t 1 immense. Druggists in every town in the Cauaclas and iUnited States aro selling it. Nn person suffering from .Sour Stn- ran,c.11. Sick Headache, Costiveness, Palpitation of the heart, indigestion, Low Spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. (GO to your Druggist and get a battle for 75 cc urs and try Sample bottles,10•cents. sop, 70, FLIRTING. The flirt is luiowu by unmistakable signs to any ane of the smallest per- ception. All are familial. with the nunlerolls varieties of' the epecles. We peed only mention a few and very few words will sulfide to indicate the !ecu. llarities of each. There is the noisy, boisterous '(fast girl," w tense flirting is blit one of her charaeteristias, along with her extravagant gross, slang speeches, atm. gene) al nncouventiorl:1 iy of delneanor and disregard of appear• at)oee. There is the uoniuinn vulgar flirt. who has neither intellect nor education sufficient to gulalifiy her even for the eternise of ft very low art which she professes. The style we are chiefly familiar with in the person of the maid of-all•work in her iutoroourse with the millttltaul or the policemen. But girls of a better class often remind us of her, their flirting merely consisting of pert, saucy speeches and tosses of the bead. Then there is the sly', quiet Birt, 1( ss objectionable to society 10 general, though perhaps more dangerous and designing than the open holder. Among peed to (lo all �.. �_.. kindofl,i(u:k P.. tltt)161 1( florae sh0o- Ehie class may be found the Becky u(,lw rally ttende0 to, Prom ptt1eaa,e11Mt1111e8s tiparps and 131enche Ainorys who, Hi11ce , andgned work Jnttl•unteed, A ettil aniicited, the advent of i.hackeruy's nnvels, have lu,tm W,IlunrlNrtTAat. come to be regarded as the types of artful womankind. These are fund of nooks and corner ; there batteries aro little soft flattering speeches, demure glances, and an affectation of inftanine simplicity and innocence ; and their victims are generally young unwary lads or eiisly gulled old gentlemen. There is the practical designing flirt, who sets herself deliberately and of nlallcr. prepense to entrap a husband, or at least an admirer, with the variety —chiefly found, happily, in novels --of the girl who has an additional zest lent to her paws if she can 'interfere with the claims of other woman,either wives or sweethearts. Some would' perhaps, include the ul(cnitsci(rus flirt, if such a thing can be ; that its, the girl who is ntitertally gay, and has •little winning, coaxing ways, which, if aided' by a pretty nersorl, make her especially attractive, i no: dangerous. Ilaviv 'd l 1' the 1-1 IirNSMA.N, DENTIST, Lteentiatoof the n+'nln1 Colle;(o of on 5(riu, stay be eousnit'cl guy clay, Office -- next door to the Post Office. Exeter,nut. ()( 1.3E11 0 ! x1() assmissueFonsissorreesaserstiosa fl AVE ' 211ES OI LOST TB �. 'I',1fi'PZr Cllt'h111S1,i. ' It an, it 11111y he (rem E M. . 0 �� A 1.4 EAU would remind his numerous the Id:rl(on• fir the lothcent u r ,'ATitelitz. Till. Cm:wen m1C1;idJ C'A'1'Anti t' lt' mrtix will restore yni to onjoyul,la health. It nit o' l 0111('s On • tni•rh, but all other diseas(•(( at the stone time. Price ?(1 p(i' pease lot sale Ity all el'nl:,ust, and Medicine dealers S,m(t (rn3itj(f.•0 1N I,•+i;,• pion. pltlet 001tain1ug tree tt,i , on (,(1,;( rrh, •I(1d'( erfili- e(ttea of tltu cured Pn'1'. 1, 13, 31A1;DItY't, 1 13 i0- (0 Agent, 1l1 ,ck1llle,u"t, C0511'rI'I'l"tcIONAI (!:1'i' 11(1Z(t 101Mlllfl. Thorne eertnht, safe, tool eaova: tl (lure for Cut( rrh,1'nalils'up the ' stow aril ^ski's nil upon disoasu5 n 51111 w*ut t,t"e :},shuns ll(,;,' ('311'(, li'ay Fever, Norv, t , l 31ail(ty,, 311 Nero t ,1(( thee .,%0 Customers drat 1131 1168 removers to 5110 when the C:,tnxtitt,tutione 1,(`uturl'lt its. io,Iy iy shop formerly 0(10*1 io(1 by 2,1r. itou(i, where he t(thnu (w (lir(eted I'ri('n t per bottle. 1. ur (glee will bo fennel ever ready to a oto .el to all intent % by all druggists 3 ocl\l..(I J 4 3' don loss. in the 1100T site RHOS' fine. C. R(A'e*litnn, NEW GOODZ dEt VV OD A'i4Tit s, OLOClis, Sewing Machines, 'air %4e Urgans, .tocovI rl a, and Itmhrallns (nl„'h•n(1 Arent for oho Wonsan. native sow. s. Seem:ti- 11 iu1Sewing ('AI60bia0efor' 1 1 1119 (1 golf Wheal. A71 kn f needles nu(1 abuttlen for Sewing Mn Olives k, rat on hand Shop—Ilrein Street., Dashwood. JOIN ("r. 3:IL1)ON, Proprietor. May 15 1-y. TRW BLACKSMITH SHOP 1 � AT WIN - W. BUCKING' Exeter, hon busiuessiuthe at\Vinchels13,,, (l II T SEA. BA\Tante of elmlmenee(1 ati vebranoh (411(1 Is pre - g sal an tune 1 Tatar( train coquette, it would bo unfair to con- clude without passing eoudemuatiotl upon the male flirt or "c'tquet," A most objeetionable being ; but one, to do men justice, seldom met with, at least in its worse form, that is, the Indy-killer. We do not at all mean the "laches' 'nail.” The e ,are very few girls even of the sedate type, who do not like a ratan who tries to make himself agreeable to ladies, even to the extent of soft speeches and harmless gallantries. Indeed, a man who is n(113 fond of ltulie's society is generally food of much worse things. And that which would be fiirtiug in a woman is not flirting in a hitt or even 'Peyrot ALL FOWLFF,'S EXT. WILD Strawberry A Specific Remedy for all Summer Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Dy - sentry, Canada 0110101a. Cholera Marlins, Cholera Illfautven, Sent' Stonlaoh, Griping Pains, and all derangements of the 1).lwels, caus- ed by using improper food, such as raw veptebles, unripe or sor,0 fruit, bad milk, impure water or chimp of water, changes of the seasons, exposure, N'0 platter fano what cantle Or lwit frm yon are subject to may of the above emu - plaints, stn. I+;Owrin's Ex'r'1.1.or or \Vll,) Sritswn1.1R0 will relieve you, and a speedy erre will he effected without injury to the system. It is nlnnnfttrtrred from the 1't'ild Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injnrions drugs. For sa10 by all dealers, at is. lop. or fi 13ottics for $1.Of PIU '4.iED ]3X MILBUIRN, BLil•NTLEY & PEAPtSON l'OIt0Jr70• CHOICE TBOACCeS ..PTD 'MARS 33lwaya'1. ;tuckk» SPORTt' ML:N'1•? DEPOT. • � V constantly arriving a.t R'. 1), tji+C.'• lllunrd Iltanuunth ;feweneiy "tore, 1310, Drtltin street, London, Out tin. Whenever vn'i viatt he Per- es* est, (:itv 001351311)3101113fail 0 qc esti' bill /linen tc the may first•oht aster, (f the kind in the City, and hest arranged Jewillawy stole hi tN3' hemi nine, The \V, 1).Merl foul den Witch rt(nOA 3113•• I'ivelin,l, A1' who use Chun reennnn.m4 5110113 t* tlt�ir fr.eu(ls, 111 kinds of \Yut(th(s in (:knelt, Cloaks of evevy deac11,0(4n, laical JON e'!')'y of ov- ety style, Diamonds and Preciens Str•u'4.Faney Goods, Sporteelus, awl all 1\ nig flings, \%atohos, Weeks, and Jewellery leopairecl and ii°ai'r(thtell W 0.51o.•.],lG1.ILON, (+HAT'S SP1'::C11'(11IEDICi;vi(3. T'SitAIUE MARK T1tet3t.1wt13ug1is11 TRf,GE nRK. Ht a eih•.n 11 3 t.fn31 int, tlrc for Semi- nal Wee hues', 5,pert 'Ca for r 1(+•a, Iuq+r, feh,'y,(Nltl::11 DiseasestLntful- Ioiv as a (3eem.nce of Self lolls of i•I e;uory, : i:•Cw? i'niversel fansi-Berore Taiduetu(eeine tee After 1 ,l 11rn, ack,Dimness of vi$on, Promainre et.:1) ',and ninny other Dinea:ies that lead to 1118llify 00 Oousnmptiou and a l'eclnatnre grave. tr,e)Fnil partacu tars in 0110 p u13)11:h't, winch ve desire to send fres by nubs to 0111.0 mon a.i.s'9'11e Specific Medicine is Anlaby all ,her,, t t4 rat -'1 per pa elm ('13 m' six pacl3335es for, ,i, or will lie dealt by mail 00 receipt of the money by 11ddroo4h(o Tfii'; GR."i'', 3''T11CINE CO.. T 01.'10 0. CONT.. e.4,Y.1 n 3.-eS01)1 in I,xeterby an tlrnr•'i4ts, andarrr3= where in:111.1110a 1('1,1 111., r.'u; ped Stat"shy sale and retail aro :;; sts. N, I3—The demand of n •(t' business hove neon,;. altated our removing t'( Tnitontn, to which 111¢0* please ad(rtes all futur 1 r•.*lintunioalens. Groceries 4 tionfectonaryr Smo.ling Tobacco 25 Cents per lb THE EXETER FlaningMill Sash, DOOR ANI) L rAnTi for it, for some allowance mnst be al. lowed to the sex which ought to take Tthe "initiative." But there is a de• graded type of man elle goes much farther, and often has the breaking of hearts to atone for ; one who (toes an with his eyes open, and 1(uowivg well the consequences of his procedure. There aro nteu who set themselves to the task of winding 'watts for the pleasure of the game, and who will go to groat pains and artifices to do so, They gererally exercise their art on young, unsophiscated girls—where they can find such --as more fresh and in- teresting, and easier In deceive than those wit 3 are au fait in the praolioe'nf coquetry themselves. These are the -handsome men," who, by meads of a flattering tongue can easily, in a few pointed speeches—just keeping blear of an aebnal declaration --quake a sim- ple girl thiol( herself the ebosen and beloved one. If he mean nothing seri- nus, what can be more unmanly, more ungenerous, than such a course of con- duct en a man's part ? The male jilt can bocalled to account for bia actions ; but the mere flirt, the "ladykiller," plays his heartless game in seoret, quite unsuspected—if he be very artful and wary --even by the girl's family ; his delingnencies may be known only to the sufferer herself, who, of course, Can not "make her moan," even if she world do so, as he has given her no hold over him. He has bad his little amusement ; and when he tires he leaves his victim to seek another. Af�ILLINERY AT MISS GARL- I A full lino .Ove in, of FALL and WINTER Hats, and all the latest styles. New Flowers Feathers,and Orn Trimmings in great variety. GIRL'S HAT; NICELY TR from $1.00 Up. T•,vcrythhlg will be so ns 3)081111110. E'aocy floods, Heflin Wool, Mottoes, „ Nick always kept. UR KINDS Ohs .L�! G I RF,MOVAL! REMOVAL! School Bo(iks, Stationery, ;3laaa zine. �VI'1II ALL TEE il..ri1'EF"1' r7.ewe N.B.—Sew/Ng 51ttcLlt :sae+Ilannln very 51111 A. 131;111. REMOVAL! Doue to order. Remember theplac1 Dyer. A i-lo��rard ros NEW BUTCHER SHOP rjlhe nndersigned wouldinfora the inllabi- 1 tants of.gxeterand vicinity' that lie has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SIIOP 0110.1ont south of his l31ac1(snlithahnl, (tnrlh0pes tbesante 11100(11 patronage that has been a(3 corded to him in the BLACICBMITU AND WAGON L3AT•IS:0 line willboextendodtohim to hie now branch of :nosiness, Bis moat wagon wi11cu11 et the r0ai- 'louts of the villus othreetinleseacl we0kan(1 FRESH MEAT all i(i(ads kept conatttutl)on Hand at his butcher shop. Blacketnithing and wagers inaki13gcarricd on as a111at in unite breOthet R. DAVIS. ST. T. I1i.IBY'S LIIIIEWORKS. ourdrawnkllnabeingn',w in full operation:anis tarningnutdaily a large Ouautlt� of LIIlYL C E yIOVAL! ItE COVALf REMOVAL! P. PRA��IT..I; Lae, removed 50 Ilia 11CC 81r,p. lately Icenpied 1,, Purl:121a fi. (`o• -two 1w11x north of J. (irigg's 11"01( Store,wh0re you Willliud •nererl!ingusnallvknot u a first-cbs54 118ru0as est,thlish"e.mt, which ter luelity of material and style 1f r''rkntauahip 'IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED Cn11 an.1 examine lay stoo; l':1f0ropnrcbat'ing elsewhere. thatfor all purresee cannot bo surpassed in the Domin• ion. t'artieatroni a,iiataaue caili,lwaysbe.--plied either atehckilna or del iverdby mama ,tlrw eat remunerative rates. 0rderslroln n dint:moo promptly noun 000 to . W}JITSON & SCijATElt �IIi'i GRE AT CAUSE Oke HUMA:T MIS- EBY. C ) c tont Published, in a seale0 Envelope �7 Price nl% costa. Aloctnro on the Nature,Troatmeut andlindi- cal euro of S01,IIII3IIWOakne a, 0053301: atOr'huaa, induced by Solt -Abuse, InVOlnntltry 7lmiseiells, Inlpotency,Nervous Dobil'ty, and impediments to marriage generrally• Connuu,ptinn J,pitepsy, Bonnets; ,(n(1Fita;!tentnl(01(11 t ai0tal Tnenl'aoi(y &1.- 13k 11O731M r 7, (MINER WI11,7., Nt. A., an1llor of th0'+(Green Book," tCe, Ornaments: Tho 00110 renowned (311511113' in this admirable r,0ctnre,013(1 rly prov18 trees his own 13xperienee that the email consequences of Self -Abase may be effectually 1'OOIOved without I10(11ehle, 133311 with TRIMMED, out dangerous nugia(u1 operation Ashen' ten,iu4tl lt- u(elltt(,rings,00(300d1els; nnintill•l out a made nl cure at once enrtaitt and °tractile.1, 35" wluch every 1l as shear :Pilferer, no matter what hisemul(tioo may hw may mire11t1nnelf(Me ll',p110a1ely5311rtrailicaily, i --,,,,This J,ecture will prove a boon to th onsnluln ria atoll 'lard donnas*,ds, Sent, tinder soot, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six mints, or two postage stamps. 105res ' ,16311[013 1118e0 or mit MISS GARLICK '013th Cllr tesr,I, yrmt.A1, to. 41 Ann 'et, New York. Main St., 71 toter; 1'. 0.13 x 4556 PETER FIiAYNE. This great 1100801u -0d )TO,lici11c ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. TAeae,farllons Villa purify the 13L003,, and rapt moat powerfully yot soothingly ou the 'Aver, Stomach, 31 40eys, and 13nweln, giving toio, OMMCrgy, and v ger to these grant 111,3111 spring 3 of life. They are cml- 1td0ntl)' recommended as a never failing mined)' in all (353513,4 where the (2(matitntlon,h•om 'whatever emote, has become inlpmtred orweakened. They are wonderfully office chow in (311 ailments toe, despoilto fent ales of all age: mud as a gene' ((1 Follett y 'neeicinO, are unsurpassed, Itsscorclting a11411 healing properties aro known throughout the world. For the earn of be d Iega.hud breasts, old ivemuls Solna minlIc005', itis (511 iufa113h1( remedy, .if effectually nthbnd on the nett( and ehaet, no salt, into meat, it no Mg sewn throat, nrunchitia,(tc,.nghs (1olst, .15(1 11(5)3 Asthma,. :Per (ilnno-10wSwo1- frogs, a'1ce,14es, Pi108, P34511114% (4n a GlthnnnTatbin! turd every kind Of Skin 1)14nn e, it has 11r1ver been known to fait. 'L'11a1'i11s and (Iintmont are Ivan- pfaoturoa only et 533 OXI'OIaI) syniss .' isoes )ON, tnrl ` are 4'3151 00 rail . Vendors of` �Cc(Iteivos throughout the (ivilt'o•1 wnri0; with directions IA almost EIVOTVlanguug'. The Trade Marks of thein medi c:1.w am regis- tered s- tnre(t at Ottawa: loathe, aupen^ in the 1' 032• 1811 Pn8at a'i0 YIN, Whit. May Keep the America,: C,.nntort1311m for nide, rein bra nrosnon ton. r.-•"I'111Llt((sera. ftt10)11)3 5511( to therm bet '(11 the P0t311n i Bosom. Tf trio address is nn5$ai Oxford threat Z,w.duui they arelilluri0ua.