HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 5\1V1 V1,,14 STAR, GRociEfor, iLITYri rEAS Having bought out the interest of my Bate partner, Afr. L. Thorne; chased, in the cheapest market, I: 8rm c;nn,bled to offer goods that eau Liquor 1eD'rtti ,lesale and Ream Med *ign;aMe.12.1treat (FLOUR AND FEED.) White Wheat .Scutt " EXETE A SPECIALT and having added largely to the former stook, and having . >ur not fail to give satisfsction as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. .:� i�'^ �� (ATAE1.iTI ( CAIAltli.Ii i ! USE [LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER, THAN EVER. C heap Cash Sky: e �-� 0110 greet • YAW. WitIAT. 0— MISS .LEACH x t4 z i;; Sierra Nevada ',Smoking Compound s1:1t1Nct w*axwr Tho oulypositive oltrnfol Catarrh yetdisooverecl. 1•' fo 1 11 to r It,- on HAT4I n -r 1..:1 Chaff " 1 10 to 1 1'.c Barley 0 in re 1 .^,d C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL .L Ditt G STORE, oats 1 U '8 to 0 '1U t lot or Seo 11. ......... .... ,,,,, 3 70 to 1) 70 W, L S➢IIT 1I, G onornl A +el3t,Arkona,ont,. d'otts It 50 to e •50 • (1;0to!j.J(' .,, 0011 to 018 •. ,i lll1 to a 00 ... 0.10t.o001 70 1:o l 70 ... 0 0 to oir. ... 5 e0 to R 00 5 00 co U 00 ... 1 51 to 5 00 40 to 0 00 800 to 0 011 0 00,8,1 0 75 .,, 0 10 to 0 10 ... 018 tool," 0 07 rat's' .., Flour per bbl, 1'uIrtoes.p t•bag... ' .lel .1'11 ba)) 111 1 1 ,\) pl(r 1)r b... 11o1„, dressed 1101 J00 legit. .. Blies ... Sheepskins, pskins, each ... clay 1'0r len ... 0tunts Our busll .,. .•�. lard Tinto 'K per t U 0^ nESrrcTINo THE DISPOSAL OF Cr B- r vest: " 0 e5 to a oo 'PAIN I1O,1TI.\ION Ir9N175' P011 THE i melts, Per nab: u 75 to i 7 1'1i11P(1SES Ota THE CA.ANDIA PACI- '1T. alAltx's I'IO DAIL WA , Pau wheat, per 11.1 b l 1 ii, to 1 17 x1r,uxx or TRE INT1 Spring w'mat ,110 to 1 1.1; p<tlt7h1'n1()n, Owing to the large increase 1.z]. business, NLess:rs 1; . tiny. ............................. 1-) to 0 3 Utt atrlt Ja1v Oth, 1870 11. 75 ....... ............... ................. 3C to U' "Public a 841• 3pl,) 11,11} yen. the tthe 1t111UN 11.0 r E A ' L� 11 ® 1 N & -n � c 0 c TTB � -E -,cam. 4)1184 ........................... ................ 7 8f to 0 31 101(11 (( ohs ale pft tl i r :+l n,c r;.vafltin, the 1J 1 1�1 ' 1�1 �i Y .lav 7 00 to s on .node c f disclosing of tlic! Dominion Len. is situate within { Eggs, •.l, per ilur'La Old to 0 1.1 thin 110 (one hu tired and ton) 1111.108 all °molt Have Rem:ved to the large store Batter .............. ..............•••.....:1U to 0 15 able 3 £taulila of the t:au11,1nm Pai flu Railway : Miles per lb . ., ...... ,. 0 00to 1) 00 1 . "Until further aid final survey of the said I'utatuaa per bar , i atlto 0 i+) railway bas been made wevt of the Bed Itivcr,aud Iu0p,.s 8:105138:10513skills .. .,...... .....:. i1. for th( (. cif those le L1bL$L()nR,theline of T , thesaitrailvav shall be nasinued to tbo on the 1,y0 Doors North of Their , Old Stand, M IYLvSdLi 11A' kPirs 0 40 to rfourth litre lvestnrly to the int •rsrotion of the said "t.1'hlto wheat.......... ..,...s1 11 to 1 1 1 base by the ii...e beoweou range.? 21 and `112 west of lce(i wheat, 1 10 to 1 l5 the di't prfnelu01 mrrid.tL, encdthon a in u. diroot . ,sprit, , :haat._:.. 11to 1 12 1000 to the confluence of the .Shell Liver 4ssil,i- and leaving entered into an agreement with MISS LEACH, whereby all .finds of MILLINERY ..... Barley... ......................................... 0 4:1. to (8 3. "The country lying on each side of the lino of I. u is ...•................ .,,..,,.,,0;f) to (i'0 railway shall be respectively divided into bolts, as can be obtained on the premises, are now in a better position than ever to meet the require. Oats ..................... . ..,0 e8 to (i 30 iollnws . _ 6`a Regulations -HAT IS ?. DBI W'S STOCK OF FUR- NIT1:1DE. L'eclroonm and Pa -dor Fiirn.tore a specialty, and the chUapest west of Toronto.. Lounges «recd all f%1:holstrrred work greatly rel- 'dlteedj)0 prices, Spring Beds from ,*13.70 up i woven wire mattresses for iuvalies and sickness, to prevent bed -sores, at remark ablely how prices. Parties do idling tof0rnishbowies would do well to call at .h'ew's, and examine the stook before purchasing else - 1011 0. 0. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates, Al iii^cis of Trimmings, Shrouds, Gloves, Caps.. o., furnished. Emblems of Ail th0 different Societie also kept in stook for funerals, The hea.so is the beat hi the eoltuty. Feathers for sede'u0MEW'S Furniture w•averooms Exeter. The Egyptian l;mbalmer used to prevent 8150 disooloting of corpses and offensive odors, Removal. 1. 1. Removal "(1) A belt of Lye miles 011 either side of the merits of the public railway, aid'nlnlediaiel y adjoining the sante, to be nulled bolt A. "(2) A.belt of fifteen milds on either side of the railway, adjoining the salve, to be ealled belt .8. "(u) A belt of twenty utiles on either side of the railwa;', adjoiui ug belt 11, to be called belt C. "(4)A belt of twenty )Hiles 011 either side of the railway, edjltil111g belt 0, to he called belt 11 "0) A belt of lilt'' 11.11es on either 81110 of the rl1iliVay, 1,djuiml belt 1), to be called belt le. 3. 0i ', S.Wmu00n lauds 10 belt A. shall be ab- solutely withdrawn Irmo 1.0111eatOa(1 auti'y, (asle from 1're-emptiun, and 13111)11 be held exclusively . , .awa . foin belt 13 be dleposoci of ets r sate at six dollars Dur acre. follows—The oven -numbered sections is itl1iu t 110 belt, shall be set apart for homesf emits and l,ro• emptioile, rtud the odd-lurubel ea sections shall be regarded 0.5 1•nilwuy 11111(18 p10per. The homesteads on the even nuulbcret' see tions to I`TOtice to Contractors. the cxte1t.ofeighty 0crab P11111, shallec18fst of the easterly hal vaso. the ea..L,n•Iyh111ves, 1114a.off the we5torl.y halves of the westerly halves, u —" such s.0etl,uis: and the pre-eldetlolls on such Gti C <SLI T) TENDERS S addressed.fo tits Secretary eighty sections. also to the sunlit of F7 of rablia Works and endorsed Tender for eiehty teres each, adjoining suoL eighty -acre Cauca Hud 1 wok, at St, A1:ne," will bo reoeivet1 at homesteads, shall consist of the westerly -halves t1 utile e until h0 uulv:tl of the 11a5torn and of the t'rite'ly haves, also of 8 e east •:rly Naives 0114! . e+, 11 mails. rte -k Fla] the. 10th (ley 0Y OC_ of the westerly halves .if 551(311 sections, and 515301 Tt 113 Elt uoxt, for the Onm,8ruatiull of 0lock and be sold at the rate 01. x•3.,'0 (two dollars acid fifty for the form tion of approaches to it on the lan(1- cents) per acre. .00811way lands proper, beingthe ward side o, the present lock ut :t. Anne. o11d•uu^lbeeed luetlent within the belt, will be 8. lea) of the lacialiiy, together wit: ,lune and held. for sale a oed dot are 1,10 more. (lpvcifi tiulla of Vie W05105 1.o bo acne, can b(1 , 5 , The then notute:Wed seetiuus in belt C will setut at this attics mil r1 L t}.r'rResident Engineers uleeis 110 5,15 apart to utauccre a11s and pre-emu)tions of oft.. c at ('t Anne, 011 and of e r S.AP11UA'Y,'ra1.) eishty acres e i •h,1111ua01100 a5 abure'.1e8n )bed: -2.7th 1)AI OI' 8 I T T)'.I.III R next, at either of the ..rice of fns-enlb times •similar.}• to be sd 30 utliia11 places printed forms of tender coal be ob- (two ,11Ii,srs uud 808y touts) per acre: the rail - +sed. way lands to eionsist of the marl -numbered sec- tkCulntraetnrs are requ0sto3 to bens 111 mind that thus, and to be dealt with in the same milliner us (enders will not be eoflsid0170(11112(4118 made stri. t- above h'or'de c11u respect of lanes 1.0 belt 13. ox le ill ace0rd,ulco with tile whited forms, and cr pt that the ) ic1)0 shall bo 3 50 (teles dollars in 81(0 Ouse of urine, except there:aro 088,11llc(1 i11e and fifty cent') p r more. 1.)1801)t s1rnatures, the none of the ocvnpatlol, f,,"The8(oven 18 110) r((1 octeaU8ons inbelt I) shall and residvtlne of (vieh n ember of the same,scud also be sot apart for homesteads 11' eads and pre•wu111- lttrtlurr,1tri accepted 13ault cheque 'for the sum of tions of eighty acres ,inch. a. provided for in rine- 'further, must accompany the Tender, whish sum poet of Units 11 au,1 0, mit the pique of p,1ro-olun- shall be forfeited i# the party tendering dooluos dons 3111111Le at the rata of *2 (two dall01 s) 1101 entering into (.m11111410 for the works, at the rates 0000. l.uil'r uy.uncia to (consist, as 1.0 hells is and and on the terms 'fated 011 the niter submitted.C, of the weal -numbered sections, and. the price thereof to be (lel- Tho cheque Thus Scut iia will 111 returned 10 the lit 'the uniform late of .02 (two dul- res aeetiVo )110151}e)v1lnrr?0111,11011tile not accepted. 10051 per 4c00. vol. the an, fratnilUOt of the contract, 03.5311110- �• In 0130 bolt 01, the description 011(1 area Of tory security' w311 be required by the deposit and 1110-emptiolte, alldl•(tilwaylaLn(ls 004 fancy to `t ,e iL111ol1I18 of fivt per cent' on the (u },ectively to (1e as above, a nd she price of both bulk sural of the eon Haut; of which the stun scut Tae- m otic and railway lands to be 0t the uui- lie with the tender will be uo.lsidored a part. lore: rate of i (out dollar) per mare, ;Ninety percent only of the progress estimates d. 'the berme uf sale of 1(1). and., through- 'Ninety math. t111) completion of the woa'It out the svvorul belts B, l', l). 1Lnd, 1; shall be iL13 w((1 bo pa follow" elf :. 10 each Ten tux mast be attached the sactualt o n tetrtbs of the ptlreh(tse motley t ignatu4escif:ttwo responsible persons, residents of together with interest on file l0tiel,at the tato of tila 1)oulinim, willing to br,Lotuc:,sureties for the six per 001)8. per shown, 80 be },;fid (18 the end of 4artyilg out .of tbuse con,,•itioue au well (15 the th Loc yea1.s from the date of 0(.U0y3 the rennin. due performance of the works embraced in the dor to ue paid 1.0 six equal. annual instalments5110) 'act. from and alter the said date, with interest at the ConTho .et. Department Aces however, birditself rate 'ahoy ,l nu 11810 ed . u su,.L bulnucoof the our. te he 1)o tn0„I1e11t (1)x• not tlioloo, chalae money es may 1.011.1 time to .8(100 remain I.t a ender, unpaid, to ha paid 1 1(11..••,,.'111usta,mant. P. 13Ai3;7, 0. 'The terms of ,e1,.of 1 c Sway lands to bo 51010- Secretary. form1y as follows 11.: e.. co...it' iu cash et the .11L''PAntratrX:'1 oi+''f1 ar:v.#'. AND Gene's. ( time of purchase the 1 . t 1u i11no equal au- Be ottOLva141E u'ugust,1870. 1 n51aliustuhltoute;wLth 1ntrl-stat thtr0toofsix pot cont, er annum on the be, since of purchase money Won time to time remaining unpaid, to bo laid ititllj'.u.chinstalment Alt payments, either BISSETT BROS., EXETER, ONT, for pro -en llptic,usorfor railwayl,Lau8y00uo05111(11 be in sash and notiu scri., or bounty warrants. 15, 11) a„t,1a5 of lauds shalt be subject to the rf,F'+„c—•GREAT— "' ' H following 'vuvillsus respecting the right at way .W L•d of Ole , '1la1hall Pacific 1ii,iI'way or any 1108. EX Id B. I T a ,,,n. N t4 el'1101d1 Colonisation railway connected them-: jY( `�1�.!11 with 1t: n...in 5v.; ease of railways srossingjlantl entered as a homestead, 1 he richt of way thereon sh1111 be Call and examine our large and fully asssorted stock consistng of DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS cC CAPS, MILLINERY, Fancy Go ods Etc., Etc., Etc,, Etc. Don't forget the place --north store in Fanson's Block, Hain Sr., Exeter. LEATHOBN (.4 McCOUBBEI, Panama's Llooli,Eseter It '.brill pay you to call at T'CLET ,LAND CROS' ` ' BLOOM:, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to suit the h ltd times. COTTONS 0 E+ E-4 V. —AT— co free to the Government. , S. B. 'Sucre the railway c'oases pro-emptions or railway lands proper, the owners shallonly be en - taloa to 0101111 payment fo. t11S land re(luiredfor. right of way at the same rate per 401'6 ,.L5 he mai1341,V5 paid the Gove011nlentful• (1(10 .13111) C/: 11. ' J'o above .'1151 :Ltinlla shall come•1t,• force 011 mid after the brat 'clay of August, up co which time the provisions of tee Dominion Lances Act ;-..*2sh 1180)1dou0to ()plicate over toelal)53 included in the several belts- m0utieua(1, excepting as re - lutes to brats A. and Br Loth of 301 WI), rip re B1SSETT B tO 9 I -.EXETER„ FRE SH ARRIVALS OF S 1 i VES ETC., ETO., E'r3, N VERT44. While sone predicted Mutt 'the National Policy would increase the prion of eve+•; article, still WO 4100 'OnabLetL-to announce H that wetean soli all kinds 01 stoves 1.'OPer cent.cheaper g cumin maover boots oiferedllaretoforet.'17 !> have sold out our business in tinnsail, r�1', end addodlergelo to the stoelii1517:toter, -1 which is outs of the largest ill tela place its Ageotits for Verity's Cele. bialed Plow, BIS§BST BEQI3., EX R, ONT, the Sa011 elate, homesteads of 100 mires each, but 110 other entries 1vi11, as at prosect, be )e1711fttcd, 12. `Claims to Dominion Lands arising from settlement, after the date thereof ,in teli'itoryull- t e time of such settle nut and '; vd i ill . m ve t 111.. which may bo embraced with the limits affected by the abovepoliey, or by the extension thereof in the. attire over additional territory, will be al- tfulately dealt with }n aacordauce with 0110 torula 511'escribed ai,uve for the lands 111 the p(Irtionlar belt 011 which Snob 080010lnent may be found to be situated. - -... 13, "All entries aftertlle ditto hereof unoccupied finds 01) 111e tl;z51tat1}1e19isn Agency, will bo eon. 8X.010(1 as p101'isi.)11111 until him railway line thron},h thatpart or the for itoties has .Loan 10. gated, after which the same w1Il be finally dispos. e (uf in 110001511111100 with the above 011501111)141)14,05 kl,a sane may apply to the particularit:itiu winch such 11111115 only 1,0 found tube situated. 11 "The above regulations it will, of course, bo uudor,tood w111 not affect s001.10ns 11 and 20 which oro pn11143 5011ou1 lauds, or, eooti:rus 8 ,LllCi .110, Hudson's 13ay Compauylllxl(3), "Any runner 11rIf01'M1Ltlnn necessary)nay be ob- tained on appl181101 n a,h 1 het minion Lauds '00- fico, Ottawa, ar from the agent of 1 0111111i01I Lends, Wiir){pear or from any or the 100181 agents 1.0 Afftnitoba or the torr(to1'ioe, w1}o ,11'0 in pos- 5055(011 Of IMPS showing the limits of 11i0 sever- al bolts *hove 70033110 1n, supply of wtihiob mans will, as soon as possible:to, be 1).000111) the lianas of the 13111(t 1.1{01105 forgs new el distribution." • 13y order of tlto ml lstor of tufo Interior. J . S. D1a1j1+lXS l eputy of the Afinistor of tiro Interior, Lnocun.7 EnsinSL, 81011p700 00)70111(5, OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE JL RICES. sure and call , before buying Suits to order at startling figures. 11ICCLL ('LAND BROS. GCL.D IS UP. The latest news on record at the Yew. York Millinery Store ' IrRS. O. B. `VILLIAivIs will sell Y L tar the Nexttllirty days the remainder of her 8unftnor Stock of • M.LLLINE RY at COST 1 stockGoods Also the le uu: tiler of her of FancyCools at Cost so as to slake room for the cominstuck, Now is the time for bargains, Hats -that so11 for $5 are down to :813: Hats 52 5L for $1 a1.; Hats worth 41, for ell cts. This chance is only open for 30 clays. • 1)oi,'t forget the place—O aeil s ofd .Lula, 111110011'0 B)ook,1Exeter. TEN ' PER CENT OFF FOR CASH on all oar present Grocery Stock except SUGARS, ---040. T X its 2`t © SNAIL R. Lt, E. SPICER, Exeter, UP WITH THE t t I M S PARTIES INTENDING TO .PURCHASE ()RGANS SFIOULD CALL AT r rarrir anti Examine his Stook, the Best that are Made, DOMINION ORGA t 004'6e late of 1;enfortbdais opened out in the store rceentt- lyuecuufed 1)y Arr..1.1', McIntyre, ext deer to 110, iflttchinsou s residence, :darn St, !tix ater, with, a, new, large and well assorted stook of Millinery in all it Branches,. Also Fanny Good; Ladies' Wear and 41ii),rlreis e Clothes. Prices}eryy low. --for aasll only, L(};i:t Hid (+loves and White 04i lob, Plumes cleaned. 4. call 50lieite1, N —if air Dressing, Stamping, Velvet Painting, 4Q, Ko A first -Mese dres51n111(er0n hand. baiS'S LEACIL Approntloos wanted. r:..eter. April 111 1870. y1 LIVERPOOL,, t� t [� �7 L O.iY L/ O.i:VxD.L'•BR1 , GLASGOW Short sect passage--Economy-Conafort— &fety. C'A131,r, IIsiTE13-}1TLDIATF. AND STEERAGE TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES. EVERY SATURDAY rpoor QUEBEC. Circassian October 251b. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from Ilio old country save stones by buying tl o:r tiok,:ts,' at the office oft the agent at Exeter. Every information concerning route,etc, by ap- plying to GAPT. G I E1IP, Exeter. 1{Jxeter N ort;ll FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every tit emu - dation possible in gristidg and ilouriug , Flour and mill feed delivered to .parties leavi1J tleir orders bofore ono o'clock 118 0. BELL'S Bakery, ci• O'BYRNE & CO'S, or at mill same day v-- TER:✓1S V'01' ZS. dr' rE 24"77 woe C EXETER TER I' 0. ILLINER' AT MISS GARL- ICK'S A fall lino 110W fn, of PALL and WINTER, Hats, and Bonnets, all the latest styles. New Fiowsrs Feathars,a.nd Ornaments. Trimmings in great variety. • GIRL'S HATb NICELY TRI11ME1) from $1.00 up. Everything will be sold as cheap as passible. Palley Goods, 13o11in Wool, mottoes, eta., a foil tock always kept. Jackets made Or cut MISS G-ARLICK, op, 70. K1'tLIU S'7t.,,.11,008er. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS, TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, orrEE, COCOA, COFFEE, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES, 7 IOE,oATMEAL,POT BARLEY OYSTE0S, SALMON, LOBSTERS, VINEGAR, FXCALL.Is\ T FOR PICKLING. ORANGES, LEMONS, PIITJITs, GENUINE, INDIAN CURRRIE ;10WDE113 SCA TX). NEtt11INGS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNcrrir, to full assortment of first -etas Family Groceries in stock, cheap as the cheapest. GEO, 1 1 31P, 111ain street, 1 Ze ur,