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The Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 4
4 The Molsona. Bank IhOoltroOl.Tt11 B ACT Ok FAr`tt1AAYLN111056' Capitol, $2,000,000.. (test, $400,COO, HEAD DEVICE MONTREAL dation, DIOL so':Tse - - .1'rrsidertt. 21oN.' 111onrAs''ai�OUIWA1, -' 'r a et,.vXron, Vu a Pres time Mutull Ins Co lion D I. Alaotlht l auu. Senator, tt WShepherd, l'1 es Ottawa Miter :Navin Co Williams,'1{:,r,at U :elr*uil, all t , Allies w* \o"urr'I:atsTah TnostLs, Esq., - Cashier. Al. tit 11ON, Esq., - * • - I/14040r. :1114 731 rtxr Fi.. I:IEI'U Y C. DBEWIlI, - i1i.1NAG1:Iti, LOANS TO 1ABMERS. Money advanced to farmers oneasy terms, on their own promissory mites with Due or adorettw,od en- dorsers. . Nu mortgage required as swain ty. SAVINGS' 1:ANN. DPPAItT511>:NT 5. Cr Cent, iairtrest atloivad orttletosite. Gold and currency drafts bought andsold, Ster1- int; ExaltingebUnght noel sold, Collections male in all pails of the Dominion aid returns promptly remitted at;,lctwest rates of ex,':tauge. ? xoter,August1.5th 1578. C -m "tae +,ar efeit int ? . THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 9, 1879' PAY T3P. The Exeter Taxes completed its sixth year of publication on the 28th of Au. - gust lust, and we hail partly made ar- rangemeuts to improve and otherwise improve the paper at that date, bat. owing to the hard times we thought fit to defer the contemplated improve- ment, not wishing to push those in- debted to us, as would ,lave been ueces sary. But now we would kindly ask those who owe us, to forward the amount at the earliest convenience, as we have partly made arrangements for the purchase of a new press, and must have the money. Those to whom we have sent'aecounte aid those to whom we will send them this week, will kind- ly oblige by remitting. 1'o she Editor of the Times. No institution which can be devis- ed could do more to retard the welfare and prosperity of Canada, than' the (globe newspaper. Under the guise of a reform paper, it has succeeded in commanding a large amount of capital, which enables it to employ men of abi• lity, but without priucipleP, to write for its columns. Relyiug on the intense party feelings of its readers, who read ,nothing but its pages and consider every word written as imilieit truth, it d it d •k1 mita thruu tool that they are contributing to the taxes of Canada to the tune of $400,000 a year, while the price of coal is not one centinoi•easod to the co:leu>:ner, but oil, the contrary, diminished, Seseral cargoes of coal frotn the Lower 1rovinces have 'Veen soid i Til]' TIU ens, despite their preteetatione, are not averse to poet lities with their British rivals. Then again, the later re]'orts from Onbul male the situation at that point "!more serious, and the reports from .British headgnar'ter8 scarcely give tilnch hope of a speedy settlement, If Interesting to Odtttellows• At the last meeting of the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Inde+poluteut Order ofOddfeliows, Held at Baltimore, the following resoltitioais, which will lie in- teresting to the oral*,, were adopted re- staa'dingdot roant tfteubai+:,:-- i1 To Fi'''st—llorHltfter t na leusi',ns frntu Toronto this season ab a low price, the the revolted natives aro given more 1 pU t i f l quality has proved good and a fair time to foment their troubles and per - profit returned, to the shippers. See a toot their plans, .the British army will pleat with •more 5011005 opposition than letter from I1r. J', Lithgow.in the Daily Globe of duly 28th, 1879; •' The business of transporting goal at a cheap rate, and the working of coal mines advantageously, requires capital and time to developer The evident de- sign of the Globe and leaders of the. re- form party, is'to create an agitation, and an evil fueling against the present tariff so as to mane it appear that the' tariff will only have a temporary dura. tion, and by that means deter oapital- ists and other business men from em- barking their wealth in new enterprises, , thereby injuring by nucertaiuy the good effects of a National Polley. In the same article, the Globe writes as follows iu reference to the new sug- ars duties : ' "Thwe is a tribute of ono cent levied by the 1'lionteral mouopuly, upon every pound of re- fined sugar used ft1 the Dominion, All these robbories the public aro pretty well aware of." Now no person believes such a state- ment, except those who draw their it formation from that paper, as the s'satc• went itself bears its own reputation.' The duty on refined sugar above 14 Dutch standard, under Ivlackeuze was one cent per pound, and twenty - they did a few mouths ago. It might be that by this time the whole of At. be its arrears fur oue year's dues. Heave Remedy n b oonsidertd a tlurulentt,ddfellow; anti gtlauistau will bo ill an uproar, and Condition Powders. Titin. is' 1190 bot,t Ttitopltratlon ever 111r un l au the in,U Mot fin' tlin 1rtnannieS tit to Condition I'ovd&T• snap, .erl:lip '01' non,paytl'leht of 2 uee mixers in subordii)ate 'ages and elt,oatnpnleuts. Ga,u, h Po deem be from active to durinaut member- ship. Secuntl—That a member 'who shall the r Cptu•sUltra, as a cure tor the k:pir.,atie, colds unci ..0 eoui;lls in 1;orr,c reserfurs Site must certain and +crta,t» as much be debarred from the beilefita ll• the troops sent out by+ r1 1 tad would n0 trrlict far tieavoy u1t<lilraic 1 p u IA g 2 (both pecuniary null at,EutivH , bt.t his 00 UdOt by a force of five or six times titian° shall be letaiued'ou a list lor that the number, Tho eouotry, from the class. accounts published, is one colder thau Tiird--That a dnrmnttt tldtlfeilnav Labrador, anal in portions ns barren as t , rCu 1a holed l,u'ses, Il;.lu1i11'S 11'01tsn AND the Sahara. The avenging army will have to encounter cold it is not ac- customed to, while the march inland will have to be so guarded as to tact only cover retreat:,, if ueoessary, but to Pro - toot suplies for the army, England will now have to fight the same ground over again thought but a' low weeks since to have been so brilliantly and so completely subdued by the ill-fated 1Ia- jor Cavaguari. If the publishmeut of the massacre was all, it would by but a drop in the bucket. There .are many in England who openly declare that the treachery of the .Ameer wus but a pre - concocted plan of Russia. But that as may be teetered to active uloruberehip ,dentia, trtrig arh,l lrrariere, upon applioalioll amide in open11•dge the 9ncrlaret.itrrrt T1tY I•C (Flit t; IT, or eucaan ,inert by a weigher thereof, rEitItY's C'A1IBOLATEn tvhic:ti shill be held over until the sec -Sanative rl „ mad meeting thereafter, the tit°Lowey tis Cattle Feeder The 'pill oily scient111c Feeder avecc introduced: Greater in efju earl larger' in qu.intiOt l ett«r 101 all tooun,lq, Short a ai l or scribe readuie the Sallie tit each Saddle (in.11s nnct s .tchtce, til • 011 wits uevrr aquallt>d- No 5011410 Meeting, and be determined affirms.- C1t1 tfinrd t+'Unwittwatit. tivety, an a ballot, bola tltajotity td the 'antes Cast, and upou the paytuent of such a111uutit as the by-laws el' the lodge or eucAtnpmont may prescr- ibe. I+burn,--That all 'nowhere hereto- fore drirpped or suspended for the nun • p1�ynlent of dues are 1] •reby reinsta`etl to a du1'unant membership in the order from which they n ill be eubjooted !Furl privileged to the oouditious "1lereitlbU- fore stated. • Fifth—That a dormant member of it may, it would of course be rash to either lodge or et oalnptnent shall in nn prodiet an immediate war at this time way be :subject to a per capita tax to be between Russia and L'e'ugiaud ; but paid by lodges or eu0anlpulellte firmly should the assertions prove to be found- purpose tvlultever. five per mcat. ail valorem,. The ed on fact there can be but one result, Sixth --That a dormant Ocl lfl'llow same under Sir John A. Macdonald is the breakiog of the treat of Berlin shall be subject to brill, suspension or o y expulsion from the Order for'canoe, nit• der the law, the same as active OdElfel- low. Seventh—That all law inconeistolrt with the foregoing resolution be and the same is hereby repealed. Eighth --That the resolnti:7ne shell take effect from and after their adop- tion. one Gent per pound with 85 per cent. act valc,re))a, The lower gristles have .a less increase,. Itis plain to see that the utmost in - and a general European war. IIORSE BREEDING. A "Dorso Breeders' Association" crease that can be taken advantage of has been established is, Toronto. This by our Canadian refiners is ten per is an important and a necessary un - cent. on the original cost of the sugar, do •rtakiug: There is nothing worthy of or about one-half cent a pound. But the name of superior 1]orse breeding no advantage has been taken of the iu- done in Canada, and it is time for the creased duty by our Canadian ref]uers, cuuutry to bestir itself. The trade The Globe is well aware of the fact, v,s in horses between Canada and Great the prices of sugars have materially do- Britaiu is every day becoming more fin creased singe the re•introduotiou of the portant. J3ut the Britib11 market refining industry in our own country, must' bo supplied with cut nils superior to those in general tme in Oauada. With a better breed of horses a thriving buss nese eau be doue, and it is the object of Here are the market reports to be found in the Toronto dailies fur October in each year ' 1870. 1878 the country the most unblushing false - Dry crushed sugar. 9?: to 10e 1p to 1uj.e. hoods. The weekly issue of Oct. 3rd Gratlulabcd standard.4 to 9c 9s to Stu contains au article on the National Cut loaf ... 91 to lila 101 to 101c Policy, overflowing with outrageous in the one case, in 1878, we were lies rather worse than dile usual dosedepending on American sugar, while in served up to its readers. In speaking 1879, Canadian industry supplies the about coal, it says ; article. It was notorious that Aineri. ewe will proceed to dhow wherein the vow esti sugar was grossly adulterated. In tariiiia rubbing the consumer. There is an the years of 1874, 1875 and 1870, the trental increase of fifty gents in the oast of every ton of ooalttsed in Ontario, amounting Government toen.Courage trade to a speoiat tax of 8200,0(10, nearly all of it with the West Indies, and to encourage payable by I50,Q00people livttag iu cities," the employment of large bodies of men Isere is an impudeut untruth assort- ed, but it stops spurt with the asser- tion, in their own cities, gave a bonuty for without and attempt to support it by evidence. What are the facts i 'Coal sold in Toronto in Sel.ltember, 1578, before the National Policy hrcl au exietenee, ,at an average of $5.25 per ton, able,] eau be verified by refer- euoe to the marltet reports, or still bet- ter, by the personal experience of those who had to buy. In September, 1879, the snme,kind of coal is advertised, and quoted in the•', reports as Felling at $4.25 per ton, ur one dollar per ton Jess wader ti,).e National Policy. When we reflect that the lt')rai•atitlle Provisoes have tsoal mines of unusual rieaness, perhaps eeeond to none in the world, that thane . alines have been rendered co,mraratively wortflleas by the iilacsl:enzie•Qttrtwrigllt`e no polfew (fovet•nmettt end the Am'ericau •Govern- msnt's duty of 75 cents a ton itnpot,+tui The Consolidated yank. Vie Directors of the Consolidated Batik living in Montreal. Sir Pranede Hindus, and Masers. W. W. Ogilvie, Reekis and Rankin,h:ave beers arrested for falsifying the returns to the Govern- ment, on the iuforination of Mr. John Monk. They were broniht before the Grand Jury and a fume].true hill fume]. - Esti AP Worm wit•. gdFiav'titr;�,1r�' areas=sausszase velem NetirMgrzea �4 trT:i:..+ te1u°ik se Ft of l littli11-14 0AI1l OLe'er's) team lima 'Whine 011 `4.1157032. FrIf8592iVaTet Pat ahead of ,all other TAM. moats -el' Strains, L11111un003, &0,, lw+•+A+S7E1t'1A,. ciU in horses. 111 t 1 1=1"1',17.108155.1 .obese arc nn QG.4121 001115 ,41I out Balli Scientific pee- Null; ',a „�� i3Olut1url:, cull Y ,(,,t et for the , _ eLenju pruho0es i;lnccuteel '1'U - '1'112 Tawas 1S 1'U :1i',1'1t0]'I.'. ws axe li'Olt $.1.L1'E ONLY 1'i.' DoMx'iosT LAT30R4!Tu Y, Main Street, nxeter. NNul�:,itS WANTED. --Tenders will he 1.ceiyed 1104 to not'u n1 gaturilttr,Iitir t), tob er,for the erection of ti ]eau+tc+ Scha o] 111 the Village of lieusall. Vitt as ono specifica- tions ificn- tiu,ls Wray b0 soon on and atter 1 " +.r ci 1) 0(41 lrctcher, at the notice of the sot tibc1 Thu 13taard do not 1, intltlttmselves t.r se,, pF the low- est or any kinder. itna lit''' 1'A1`•111;liSOn, Soo- reutary of the Hoard, Iionsttll. Oct. 4, 1879 O ins. ti ar ;tile Works. W. D. WEEKEq Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE. TOPS, &o. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. 5 Doors "forth of 1➢rew's IJsli, Matt street ara. rR. jThousan,ls of ehildlen are lost annually a rak vim mT C• ' "0to- the "Nurse Breeders Association" to t. r istkit lAQc s'aif � 1l, +l cholera in antes t, li rrlrr\ t, alit, the stint- r•�t will. Ivor Cem 3htintH \yb0o lives might he n't +et'\'- . o be easily sold Itt°C Englaud at a good KjeiafSlceoln )Med by rising all 5et 111 use ittconotar,tly.Plt11 price. But even for our own purposes is a remedy well-known, and more highly valy- a better class of horses than those now ed the loaner known. It is for sidle at all drag advertisement lir another column. from C 10 1 1 t rt t2 produce such a elites of horses. as l -complaints, 1 in use is required. The Canadian cub is hardy, but 110 oro will be contenn that ne ie the class of animal calculated to meet all that is required of a good horse. Racing is at a very low ebb iu Canada, and a geed mount for hunting is a tarn}', Even good carriage horses are search, and beyond the require every pound of refined sugar exported merits of the farm and the hock, Cana - to Canada, and by that means stop its. tnuattfaetui'e in the Don]iniun. This Ela has nothing to boast about 111 .its horsctfesh. Nor is it nnlikely that the Government that gives grants to en - Policy, aided and abetted by Mullen- courage the hreediug of poultry will na- zis, Cartwright and the 'G`•uibe, succeed= fuse to eueourage a well osnilueted ed in eloeing every establishment here; t"Ilorse Breeders' Aesociatiou." The but no sooner was that accomplished than the bounty was done away with, and the price of sugar rose to the fig - policy of the Governme:it is to entour- age Canadian enterprise, and the breetl:ng of a superior class of horses is od e of the enterprises of which •Canada ores as seen, in the market reports is very ntueli iu need. The future is noted for 1878' W;th fair treatment, full of promise for the mon who are sir g cirenmstauced that they esu take to the eager can be procuced--refined--cheap• bree:tiug of a superior ohms •of hereto, er in ,,Montreal than in New York or for they are wanted iu Canada as we'll Buetoli, as labor is cheaper,: insur.suce,_ as in B nglaud. wharfage, rent, aud,tal:es less, with di rept water Carriage and 1.8turn oargoes• the coat of delivery'is abnnt the sa•ue. But 104 spite of thee° advantages no private firm could possibly eompece a mother tor the N. P. [From the Belleville Intelligenearl Sir S. Titley in_ his Budget speech al- laded to the tea duties, and said that with the American GeVBrnIllP,llt as the new tariff would encourage the Eli.- reek importation of torts; and frnin competitors, I hope to be abs© to take { Adamson, Boll ,, Co.'s Yokohama Tea on coal imported from. the. Dominion up the woollen and cotton business in and that the only market for our °nal Inigra number of your ,,aper, is to be found within oar own !)ou ]da The celebrated Sir Richard Cart - is intends to deliver a speenit in 'Pius, the Fabandoned veuom of this lying Seafortli next week. We will hear what Csb.4ae paragraph beootues, apparent, line is anIndustry .evltielt can be Ito has got to elsy. made to increase the wealth of the Do.Yonre, 1111111110 8,500,00Itl a year, as the TUC.1trlesSurrii. amount of coal itnpartcq from the A17I-IAN [S'i:AN T;fi GCT t3LES. Il'ulted9,tatac for Cho your of 18713 stele' w _ some 800,000 tons; paid for 17y tis in I 'rpjtat the present state of °Mare in ,hard ctiph, and irrecoverably ,,pat to l Afghanistan itl a ethieal tine' there ONO t11e poautry, Ibis coal can elle, will'( be no doubt, aloe the massacre in fide ,st1 )t lied by onr own people at a fair Cahill tits Afghan tribes have risen in l revolt, . The. A,ine©! s loyalty, if ever loyalty it was, wotiki appear to be a thing of the ,past, and from the d llri(e, itPlesI .the coal combinations of Ponnsytvanita pat'sjiite in uuderselliug fit 'attl•ol ttulerative retell, and even then stores, and within the reach of every one. See BIRTHS. Trxt > .—Di Iiiiv, on the 18th mit., the wife of 111r•. Vert. Tine of a daughter. Govr,o. In Hay, on the 2.3 alt., the wife of Mr. John Gould of a daughter. DIED. Hoorsn. In St. Tholnas,onthe 3rc1 ins., Thea. Howard Hooper, a . A., aged 24 years and 0 mouths. Sxxrntt.—In Exeter, ou the 5tli inst., Prank Senior, aged 6 years and 10 months. Siewalics.—In Hay, oil the 4th inst., George Hawkins, aged (13 years. Sala Register. Friday, Oot. 10.—Farm stoup an implemento, ' the prodorty of Mr Chrihoplror Pollow, lot 15. con. 8, liihbm•t. Sautes Oke, B,uot Thursday, Oct. 0.—Parol stock aur, Maple. men's, the property. of Mr. Chas. Liitgarcl, lot 5, con. 3, Biddulph. Carling and Arm- strong,' snots. Monday, Oct. 13.—Therm stock and ilnple- lnonts, the property of Joseph Hoggltrth, west halt lot 20, con. 12, Hibbert. James Oke. Anct. Tuesday, Ocbubcr 21st, 1879.—yarm stock and implements, the property of Davi+, ]3rnzi- ley lot 8, con. 21, Stephen. H. Orth, ansa. Thursday, October 23, 1879.—Tarn stock and ilnple:uouts, the property of Cleo. Webber, lot 9, con. 1, Stephen. Wm. Greenway, • suet. Circular we learn the fullawing:— C• ' Parties getting tlteir'sale' billq printer, at this office will receive anotice shuihar to the "Shipments of Japan tea for Canada ahoy°, free of oliti•ge. from .3" /a g 02 eetannn to '21st Attg.t menEraen„ �,,,,e,� „�,, assravatut Against same period, 1878, 200,232, Nati nal *Y0.alr Hey lbs. Or an increase of over ten hundred, per cent. Truly Canada is beginning to do her 'PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND own busiuess. and, notwithstanding the very excited state of the markets of the • world, Canada ins one of the chestiest markets for teas. Hai we no N. P. teas would he 'fully ten per cent. high- er than they are to -day, as we would be depending on the New York and !ar t t Ice s for supplies. Londonn We wonll like the (lube to give us an article on the "tea oeindie.., t°tea Carriages and buggies on head, altdmadoto ot'- tier, ]�lorsc shoal art+' 1 ed t on the eller*est 1879,2312 282 lbs." �� herd Annual Sale. �1H1; TIIiI�D Annual S1t11, miller +lie auspices of the 3nron Live StuCO.1-i 0elation, will b r held in the 'HARROWS contta any Cru hand and made to oral sr 1iMILLAN a 1V!tB1ZIDT having now g-aator fseilttfet than ever, are pro • pared to supply/armors with Irons 1)oarn P1mys, Stool 10Inu1t1 inert,, made by uursolvee Ohil! louts Eneo ter make; SOoteh Diatom; 1 11 ro s I Iir w 11. O1tltivators GangPlows, e•ua t & o T' that tic., t e. Now is the u0tice.Iiorsossho110,trx3viintitlttai'Poric;, Iva Kaye tidy, sntLbf uitiou of knowing s�ratelnes jt C(VI l,Q $Qe that the Ilaebj- time, iiltl11,tt,IA.1(ilrido,,I<tYle•St,,Izt�n etl. TOWN OF CLINTON WEDNESDAY, OCTOv15R 15, 1879. Commencing at 12 o'olooit, noon. There will be offered for solo to large number of I11101(ed :italliaaaa, Thoroughbred Short -horn Hills (IOWA a1a,1 tioifnri, Th no t hhlc 0 Shoop and Swine, also in)P0oved x115 Vat 'lck, This Sala oilers Superior Facilities fur both ouyer and s1111'r. Some 11 the hast wards in tiw Province will be rel,ruseutall,aut1 tits Salo will 11' at tenial by buyers from the United. 3t..tes ani all jr:trts of Canada. (atatnngascansbo hall ors application to this Secretary. Entries of Stock for Sale will bo received until the morning of the sale b.tt stock now entered will not ap1,0 i r 111 the sale oat t] none, Plea Secretary will treat I'I1tes [Lobel, ton. on Cho afternoon and evening before the Rale t i reoeive entries. There will ire ample accommodation at Clinton for both man and beast, which, will be provided atthelowest possible rate, T2itM8 OF SALE Twelve mouths' credit will be given oil furnisll- iligsecurity satisfactory to, tee owner of the stuck sold. A rlieconllp 0t &per cent,, rl;ll bo allo;vtd for cash On all salol, DI. Y. 11a14,1,1 IN,.Seaforth, Secretary. 7.1141i3S1)1UGIN 41, Clinton, President. T. GitAI'Gr1.:ti, Godarioh, Anutioneor. 11 AVE YOU LOST THE SEN`SJ�, OI' TASTL'Olt SMELL ?If so, ttnra,rr be from the LT:mossy of the ]9111 century, (.A'r tu1n.it. Tuts Co\S'rITIITaooat C.o1lABrns ItaitanT will restore, you to enjoyable 118111111. 11 not only ernes Ca- tarrh, but all outer diseases at the same time. Price 91 pot. lrottl',o, Tet sidle by all clrnigists and itlectieino dealers Scud stamp for 48 page ppm - pillet eon lathing treatise on Catarrh, and certifi- cates of tho cured to t.2. 1), HA'Crl)INL,,Loltrin- ionA.gent,I3rucltvilds Uet. CONSTITUTIONAL CAT,It1177 X1 +. 119LY. Tho only ceratin, safe, end ei'fectuatl, cure for Cott' u>;lt,•buil+ls up the system mutt 11' s all other., diseases at the same time. Asthiim, se ('old, Hay Cover, Nervous Iiebiiity, all leave tot'rthor 'a hen the Conetitutntionel Catarrh l mucdy iY talt0 1 as directed. Price 51 pot bottle. 1 or ea1.0 by all druggists au(IMsd Saute dealers. Groceries Uoniectonarya Snlo;tin Tobacco 25 Cents per la 01HOICE TBOACCOS AVD CIGARSJ it!ways (fist:wit. 7 SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School T3',00ks, Stationery, Magazines 'NUM ALL "'THE LATEST news iitl1,-Sew(ng'Slaeh1'L Noodles biovel'ykind. 0'$71?i a s"i