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wasi a tall Aim elan with lemon.
itie hair and a nose lino the tams or a
steam ytteht. His et saws an.r.s 00Yer.
Qt1 wit groadlo 'pd feag.toazi, 11344
lie wore a I:taw/rally Cool/sate lo Is.
Ile approaehed the 1/.per of the
saloon, .13atiod Ltrollanv, on the bar,
look, od iiyinto the faeo of the man
1t4 ili 1..(a.ciu 1stouVisl,
1. sae' von nave iundnannt look
now t:' you were e.anntiisiothal in write
poeot 1%-fla tho Beta
Iianpa a- ty, woutayue.,1:00:0,- pent%
men., or .'oariarnbio meter ?"
"t L1 vish 531m,"
y kospr a good 111‘sary of
moaern aon aLeient literature t' ' in
quiroai ..1a• .31tabliy
"IV bk.1% h a vs some
g odd dor dap."
voo, I see," the visitor went
on r.:11v,iy, "itral I'd drop in. May
I:itil•nsa at one Qr pair bt?"
lie toolt a seat and the proprietor
walked ova/ and inquired :
"What will you have ?"
Les me have n in of water(
tooth -pick and a ran. if you have a
fan covered with delicate pis/urea of
the lyve nestling io roses and a
showy margioal floss I should prefer
"Did you coma here to drink ?"
"No, sir, I eaine here to net your
ad el ooa
thftPtti BAta Kapp, poem,
find unagrined at your ignor-
ance tint; alodi have read Tasso for
two hours to work the feelieg off. -Will
yen kindly remove that plate of cold
beef from the table ? I should like to
1 ty my foot there. lean never enjoy
the musics ef the sweet Tuscan bird,
unless mv feet are cocked up oo a ta-
The Dutchman regarded him with
astonish/nen t.
"Do you keep good roastbeef ?"
"Nice and rare and juicy ?"
, "Der best."
"Have you got spring lamb 2"
go and see."
In a few minutes he returned ani
luformed the poet that the lamb was
just ready.
"Is it the best iu the market 2"
"Warranted not to be gnat ?"
sir ; will you have a plate ?"
"No, sir ; 1 will not, If you only
lend some roast goat I'd take seven
plates uf it. I am very fond of goat.
It coataine properly which go to make
poetic fancy. Will yon just pull my
boot of a little ? I have a corn that
palpitates like the heart of a nightin-
"I von't pull him ofr."
"All right, eir, I shall move on. If
yon are too Mean to pull of my boot a
little I'll get out, 1. can't enjoy Tasso
in the establishment of a mean man.
Tasso should be read beneath the Es tan,
when the niahtingales fill the hollow
with divine:A melodies. An revoir."
11r. P.S, Bossing, a well-known real
estate de tier in Brooklyn, who was pre-
vious to the panic 02 1873 one 'of the
very rink men in that city, has been
spending the slimmer with his family
in the Broadhead cattage its Englewood
N. T. 01 Monday afternoon his eldest
daTighter, Miss Mamie K. Bussing,
Miss May lItimphrey, the ,dnualiter of
Mr. E. C. Humphrey, a lawyer in
Naw York who resides in Englowood,
and Miss lintel], who has been stop-
ping at that place throne.1i tbe warm
season wth her father, who mopes
an influential position in a New York
oommerdal agency, started in company
to gather fern Mosses. They took the
2 o'clock train and ali4Iited at Leonia,
two stations east of Etiglen00A, 023 the
Nothern Railway of New Jersey. They
spent the next hoar or more saunter-
* ing through the meadows adjanent.to
the railroad track in search of variegat
• ad Jetwee and a pretty plant known in
the neighborhood as ilia cattail. They
wanted these for decorating their home.
After they had each obtained st,' suffici-
• • T E TIME.$
. •
ant collection, they returned to the
railroad, and' walked along it in the
direction of "cValton, a station about a
ale east of Englewood,
The Northern Railroad, has only a
single ti:;,1t, and ti.to pang ladies tool
the middle of it in their walk, as it has
'tlitelpos on each side. They were
in high spirits over their 800.00SSin
gathering plants, and hitended4to reach
the depot, lu Welton in time for the 4
o'clock train, which they sunposed
stopped there for passengers for Engle.
wood. When wit bit about 200 feet of
the depot they saw the train (Inning no
hind them. and started on a run down
the ruidale of the track, ahead, of the
trait/. The track lwas the only way
they could take, owing to the ditches
on eaoli side of the track, Neer the
dopot, right in the path which Miss
Bussing and her companions took, is a
small thistle work bridge, about, 10 feet
long, which extends over what is called
Milt Brook, In the cantle of this
bridge la a narrow plank tor foot travel-
lers. Hiss Humphrey was the first to
cross the bridge and to jump from off
the track, and was quiokly followed by
i'Iiss Hatch. They turned to :look fur
'Miss Bussing, and to their horror, saw
her lying full length on the bridge, with
the:train olose upon her. They shriek-
ed, and she scrambled to her feet, but
fall again, and the next instant the
train passed over her body. The train
was stopped as speedily as the new air
brakes could do it, and Miss Bussing
was lifted on board. St.e vai dread-
fully mangled about the limbs, and was
unconscious. She died two hours after
she was removed to her home.
Miss Humphrey said last evening
that she f and it difficult to recollect
how the terrible accident happened.
She and :tiles Hatch bad gut safely over
the bridge, and Miss Hatch heard a
shriek, aud looking back saw Miss
Bossing on her knees, right in the way
of the approaching locomotive. Miss
H Itch ran toward her to help her, hut
had to jump back into the ditch to es•
:Jape tlie locomotive. Mise Humphrey
could not say that the engineer was in
any way responsible.
Miss Bussing possessed many accom-
!lishmerts, and was highly esteemed
by,,a large circle of acquaintances. She
was buried on the tweaty .forth anni-
versary other birthany.
Ile who strives atter a long and
pleasant term of life must seek to at-
taiu continual equanimity and carefully
to avoid everything which ton violently
taxes his feeling. Nothing more con-
sulates the vigor of life than the
icon of the emotions of the mind. We
know that anxiety and oare can destroy
the healthiest body; we know that
fright and fear, yes, excess of joy, be-
come deadly. They mho are naturally
eool and of it (inlet turn of /Mud, upon
whom nothing can make too powetful
:tu impression, who are not wont to be
excited either by great sorrow or great
joy, have the best chance of living long
and heavy after their manner. Pre-
serve, thereforo, under all circumstan-
ces, a composure of mind which no
happiness, no tnisfortune, oan too much
disturb. Love nothing too violently;
hate nothing too passionately; fear no-
thing to Strongly.
Being in good working order gives every at:coul-
d:Won possible in gristiag and ilonig. Flour
and: mill feed nolivered o pa'rties lo.tviog their
orders before one o'eloult at J.13 ,'S Bakery, ur
CI(Yti, or at mid (mine clay
T ms 0.22,
133 am,
on ail our P -eau t
Grocery Stock
except SUGARS,
orx-zrz m rammsx.
R. & E. SPICER, Rotor.
urnyture and. UndertakinP:.
S. FAIIIISAInN has on hand at Heneall as tarp
and as handsome a stoek of PC ItNI111.1.01 as can be
found in any establishment in Huron, all of whiolt lis
Having proeurul a Law -Moire hOnrK4, )ie is prepared
to atltend to UNDEJITAKING,
017 the Most Reasonable Terms.
noonneetion with the IThilortalcing Business, ha nsea the Anii Sortie Fluid, whieh preserves
he body and deatroye all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising front dead bodies, A gall
. FAI1=3.13Arall.
respectfully solicited,
OOTOIIP,' 2, 1879
aocounts auo to the Goa evict). Foundry ana
manufactu:ing Company (li 11 /tea) 1.1151t b
promptly settled to avoid coats.
No persona are authorized to roeaive paYilaontii
()make sett! flo,sts Ipt 11410X OX the cumpanf
except (he un•lersigued.
1101110E HORTON,
Goderio'i, ;Tanen( iSfiL
eurdrawn k 11 nshol 11 g IlOW in ul1 -Mere (dem enlI
arida goutdaily5 an e Omni tit),oj
that fog all purpoeei-.
cannot bo surpassed in the Dornins
arti a sf rem a distal( ee (sena !way be" * ed
either at the &Bus or deliyerd ly EIHL1DP at low
eat remunerative rates. t) rders ft.oin n dietanee
()roundly at tended te.
.1- Just Published, in a sealed Envelope
Price air, cents.
leeture on the ,Nate, -e, Tventro ent an d Radi-
cal ware of Seminal \Watt la e u, or Spey atorvlum,
lndneed by Seltablike, Involuntary Illmissions„
Ifaumteney, Nervous Debility, (ma Ininealmeuts
ED marriage goneray; ConstooptOn Buitupsy,
ancx Fits ; kruntal au d 'Physical Incapacity, &.1,-
13 J. CULVER ea/1M, Al. B., author of
the "Green Book," dm.
The woi Id renowned author in this admirable
T,eotare, ideally proves from his oWn experience
that 'the awful consequences of Self -Abuse may be
effectually removed without medicine, anti with
out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, ins t rn-
meets, e Lilo, or oordigls; pointing out a mode of
Qum at once certain and effectual, by which every
safforer, no matter what bis condition may be
may eitre lahneelf uhoapll,privavely and radically.
Lecture will prove it boon to thousands
nett tneusan cis,
Sent, under :tool, init plain envelope, to any ad-
dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage
Ttir orrAvEr,r ivrr-rrnr, ro.
A1111 at. New York.
1'. 0.13 c45$5
may our Bertahville WHITE LIME and
Star Brand Plaster Paris, and yon will be
pleased with your work. Frush Lurie always
°11 hanLASS,
LOOMS, and
very dump for cash. White Lead, Oils, Tur-
pentine and putty at bottom prices. Rope
Chain, saws, Planes and ether tools at priee=
that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, call
aud see
Om- Bent, Goor1,4,
made front dry, tough timber. Cheap for
cash- •
The Farmers' and Mechanics' Hardware Store.
Exuter. Money to loan on Mortgages,
By an immense practice at the World's Dispen-
sary awl Invalids IloOl, having 1:::::ited tawny Mo
sand 00,s :1* those cli-otases poeuhar to woman, b
Lave been clianiet to 1' •rila t a moot potent and posi-
tive rentedy Mr Otto iseasta.
To designate 0 o natural spenifie, I have named 1t
All kinds or printing done neatly- cheaply and wi1i
dispatch.,• -4.1D.
lut,Pitituu S Fettb6111.6 gl.aa
Order you work where you can get it done- the cheapest.
Coiored Work a Specialty
The TIMES OFFICE 1its excellent facilities
The term, however, is but a Pelee exproAsion
guy high appreciation of its value, bused open per-
aqua:A olealwa ion. I have. whlie WitrieSSIlig 1t. p•
that results in the $pecial t1 eases: incittent to the
nrtnothan of wonmit, sintee.1 it .m as 'the eIhnattr or
crowning nem of tns a:edit:al career.. On JP,
it positive, tqlliN t.t.t off-r'tual reeled V 140 1111., einS4
DriliSeiDieri, Wei owS that Will, 555 and
cirenna,tanees, all. Madly, I ton willing to ttulte
my remit:Won as a pl.r.leiant Lit so tont)'pt art
that It will led disappoint the most sattgolatt ett-
pertatins of a ,tuttle in .0 1.1 lady who uses It r .rany
of the allidents whiel: I recommend it. that 1 Mit r
and .11 11 under A. INDSITIVE tit(Ato,NTES. (For
Vollin51011,S. Hie pamphlet Wrapping. Eottlioi
The ndlowing arc among tlitt.e thsem.es
my Favorite t,restaintion :am 1.,,rttod if
!thigh'. :1114 04.11.:111VIIV..1.111'fort• 1.10,1'.. 1 by
any almthdat....• Exces.i•Ive
Painful Men 0:y hvn .0,1111
umattaral Itregniarit Al'eat. lark.
la p,us, or Fal)iatt et toe 1 1:nni., „tide:Ia.:I:don and
II0rover:4.m, Bearing -down tams:dint:5, _Internal
I•Nervule: Itepr.:ssita:, 1 2,4 1.1 it IVspoudtatcY,
'111,antterted 30.rarriatte, Chronic Congesilon.
I1:iirttittlott Meer:Wen ni tin I 7tern,:linpoleney
Itarmitnest, er SIrIli ly, and 1:'etnalc 1,Vratmes:c I
do not extol thiq intdiethe as a t. err'' -all." hut it
:id:Mr:0V? fulfills 0 singleness of Doeperie, tieing is
pvirert t‘peeltic in ail chronic :11,ease.; of the
xaal systr n: of Woman. 15 Win not disappoInt,Intr
11' harm. le any ::tato. or eandlilou.
Those who .teslre further Mformation titi these std..
locts can oirtaitt it in Trill Ptoer,teti ("puma's: ittmit‘S
3/1rnteat, Apt temt. it tamn of over ow pages, -eat.
post -n:01, 01: rev,ipt of $i -it. 11 troth: iniettiolv Of
those dIstat,..:: peculiar to 1Sriintlx.6, rives
rtluablv Aelvit•i, in regard to the natintgenicat uf
'1101,` :111'0111011,4
„Favorite Pres,erlottott Sold 117 Drone:dm c)
. At. 11. Prot,tr, Wutlo'sLOOI1L..srs
luo Invalid& I lotel, Ihtlital, IN. Y.
fot turning out HEN SALL
'Having cominelteell business for the
Fall andWinter T rade
WVMIT Prnnntetl to rnrolin.sp nny quentitY pi
Poi -lc, subject, to the following regulations;
'We will'take off two poyinds Jienrlverl if
avY. antl throe pottod if Kort. Slionlder stn
tiventy.five enntf4, if anyof the b!ipg if;
left in, 25 cents extra will 1,0 (leafleted.
Y3 willbe bought at an price it
Pork Cuttnags
on hand at reasonable rates,
We want all bogs Cutting Wright threngh
qreast to head, and [Tams opened, nut to tail.