HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-2, Page 5OCTOBER 2, 1 79 TT, I STAR GROCERY A S ECIALI jinxing bought out the interest of my late planer, 1\11% L. Thorne, (lased in the cheapest market, I am enq,bled to offer goods that can Liquor 'Wholeale and Retail R 04 eign. Main Street. retteerereeerreeeeeemeeeeeee----me—eree.-ereeme"."" .11 The greet Whack 1N hnat 1. S to 1 10 Stioet " • X 10417ER. T4218 4 SPECIALT ,and having added largely to the forinei* stook, and having pur. not fail to give satisfsction as :regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. JOT F.41.1114E11.. E=ete7, C ! CAUMW I USE LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. Cheap e'ash StoTe, ... 1 8 to 1 10 $1,101.:(1 witliAT 00 lt,.(l Chaff " I ))0 to 1 v0 .4 .... .• II: 0 45 to I 38 • 4. li thi to e es ClovSeel 3171 to 8 75 er li au 10 c..: ,in (1 10 30 .1 11 (I 08 to 0 13 105 llill tN.N NI ,0 t. 1 75 . ... Dried Apples pr b .. _ .., 0, 03 to ((('0 lenge, dressed per 100 ... ... 6 110 to '5 ill Beef ... ... 5 00 to a au Hides ... ... 4 50 to 5 tei elinie psk 1 ne , each ... ... , 10 to 0 00 Lard ... ... '11 00 to 0 7,, 9 011 ' Hay per ton .„ ... ,„ See to (Intents/2er bush „. Weed, per lb ... 0 18 to 0 do 0 00 to 0 11) 'Terkeve pee lb 0 07 to 0 07 1 1nelot, uet pair „. .-• 0 05 to 0 05 i tiitele " .. ' 0 75 to (1 73 ST. 1.sARTS Fall3o 0 18 t, per bnithel Darley . 1 06 to 1 0)) Peas 35 to 11 50 50 to n 05 •. 0 St 30 0 31 (1 )f' "it; . ... .......... , .......... ... 7 en to 8 00 logge, per dozen ..... .... .............. . 0 MI to 0 10 1 Miter..„' ..................... ..............„„. 08 to 0 11 tildes per 112,.. ... . . ....... .,......... ..... ... V (tette 0 00 Pottitoee per bagi Sheep Wane 0 95 to 73 41)3o 0 30 171INSALL NAP ItETS. ei et to 1 PS lted wheat. ............ ... ....... 1 (.0 to 1 05 ea mein( wheitt . , ....... e ..... e,„„emee. .1 041 10 1 04 Bernie .. ...... ................ ........ -...... ..... .. lt 45 to 50 l'oos ..........,.....—........ ...... ..... ...... ..... 0 45 ho (I 55 Chuts...-..... ......... -..........-...... ............ . 0 i8 to 0 98 Itette .... ... ... agge ... ... ... 3in tter • • — .." Fleur per lib] . .. ... ... Pete wet, per bap, ... ... Apples, per bag . Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only poeitivo enre for Cattwth yet diseovered, e'en sent: nY (1. LUTZ'S CENTRAL Dia CI STORE. Si', L G einem 1 Agent,Aykona,ont, Regulations RESPECTING THE DISPOSAL OF CER- TAIN DOMINION L4N.D8 FOR THE. PURPOnS 0& THE CANANDIA ]!IC RAILWAY. DnPanTial3WS or TM INTLIITOTt. ottliwa, ,7111v Orh1879. 'Public police is hereby germ I t -010 following reguletione ere pro u.11-euitel tetv.tre ie.; the mode of 'Demising of the Dominion Ieffels sittiate within 110 e me 1, u mired and tett) inilee o 11 each eide of the 111)1) 00 the Canetliau Pacillu Railway •. 1. "Until further and f(ll)I,) survey of the said re Jimmy has been tutle west ,,ffl,,.. lied iveremil for thurrpeee of those reindatious, the line of fourth balm 'weeterly to the intersection of the Raid base by the li • e between rauges 21 and ie west of the (Int principal uterideit, and thenee iu a direct Bee to the cuufluence of the Shell River ASSitli- I b0i110, 2. "The timothy lying on each aide of the 131(41 of railway shall reseectively divided into belts, us follows:— "el) A belt of t..ve miles on either side of the railway, ad immediately adjoining the same, to be called belt A. "(.23 A bell of fifteen miles on either side of the railway, adjoiningithe sante, to be celled belt .b, "(8) ..A. belt of twenty miles on either side of the railway, adjoiniug belt 13, to be called belt 0. . '(41 A 11811 00 tweuty miles on either side of the railway. adjeiteme belt 0, to lie called belt 12 "5),A belt of fifty miles on eitber .side of the reilway, adjoining belt le to be celled belt le. 5. 'The lnireinzeit hunts belt A shall be ale solute:4 withdrawn trout ltomestrled eetry, ash) , from pre-emption, and shalt be held exclusively for select six dollers per acre. lands ill belt 13 sh tli be disposed of tut follows—The eveneiumbered sections within t he belt shall be mit meat for ho tneetett cis an pr e- emptions, end the odd-inn:the: ett sectious shall be regarood us rutbsury lands proper. The homesteads on the even-numberee sections, to the extent of eighty notes emelt, shall cuusist of the easterly halves of the easterly halveti, else ofe the westerly Italye,s ot the westerly halves, o meet sectious and. the pre-meetions on tenth .eveneonneerett suctiens. else to the extent of eiglay acres oath, adjoining seal eighty -acre hornostetele, shall consist of the westerly-ealves uf the emirate v heves, also of t is easterly halves of the westerly Leaves of smelt seettone, and shall be gold et the rate of $2.56itwo dollars and fifty eonte) per ecre. Railway lauds proper, being the oild-numberecl seetitme within the belt, will be held for :ale tut live dollars per acre. 5 "The even -numbered se.ctions in belt 0 will be EVIL apart for uteutestends and pre-ompttons of eighty acres elicit, in manner ae &hove described: the price of pre-eme,ions similarly to be 603 50 (two (R.Ilars and fifty wets) per twee: the rail- way lauds to consist of the reed -numbered N00 - tions, sad to be oealt with in the some eitunter S above provided in reepect of lands in belt B. ex- cept -blurt the price steel' he $t;t 50 (tune dollars mei tit ty eitutt) per acre. e. "Tile evou-numbered eeetions in belt 1) shall also be set apart for 120200818mile Mild preenup- Uinta of eighty acres each, tte provided for in res- pect 03 1)0388 and 0, but the price of pre-enrie tione shall he at the rate of tee (two dolltus) per tume. itailway lands to coneiet, as in belts B end et, of the odtleuttutbered wahine, and the price thereof to 1)eu8. the unite= late of 82 ttwo (tel- lers) per acre. 7."1.21 the belt 91, the description and area, of bomeeteads and pre-emptious, mid railway Lunde respectively to be :LS (thrive, and die priee of teeth pre-emetion Milli railway lends to be at the uni- form rate of 313 304131 4011112') per were, 8. "the terms of sale uf pre-uniptione through- , out the severel B, 0, D, and shall be ad /01113113). V11.: YOUr-telltlIS Of the purchase Melley together with interese on tile latter,at tet3 rate or six per cent. tier ammo), te be paid. at the end of tele° ytuurs trims the date of tn. try ; the 1010U111 d1)3 to I/1i Paid ill SIX equal annual instalments from 8.23.3 8.1301 the SAW ditto, 111333 interest at the rats above 'Outlawed, „1.1 such balance of the pur- eltAtie money as may from time to time remain uniteid, to lie paid with each inettuauent. 9. "The tering of saleed railway ILOILO: to bo uni- formly followa, viz : oneternmi in wish at the time of purchase) ; the balance in nine equal an- nual instelments, with interest et tee tate of six per emit per mutual on the betimes of purchase money twin time to tune remaining uupaid, to be mud with eaten instalment. All payments, either BISSETT BROS., EXETER, ONT. for,pre-enaptions or for runway lands prorter,shall 15, "A.11 ont. Ms of 81111.11 be subject to the IVHAT IS ? DREW'S STOC'K OF FUR- 7.1\11-"F.3.Scnr T ..14IT1311.E. Bedroom and Peeler Furietnre 8. epocialty, and the cheapest west of Toronto, Loilloge8 and all (.1:holstered trork fireallV re- 'lactic:lift prices. Spring Deila from $2.70 up; voyou wire mattrageres for invelios and eh:knees, to prevent heel -armee, at remark ablely low /vices. Parties desiring to (811)11)3± 120151308 worth' tlo well to 3n11 tut Drew's, and examine the stuck before purehusiug else - wit e, 0. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates, ett ki"u"1 rit0 wings. tfferouls, Glevee, Caps, furniehed. Embletns of all the different Senietie ale() kept in stook for unertule, The hea-se ie the best in the county. Feathers tor sale at 1311,ENN"S Furniture wtteerooms Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent tee disooloting of corpses and offensive odors. Removal, ltEmov • Removal. Owing to the large increase in business, Messrs' E A. T HORN 47 1/1. c 0 1.113 11 -57 Have Rem.3ved to the large store the sui rellway shell be tiesumed to be on the Two Doors North of Their Old &and tad having entered into an agreement with MISS LEACH, whereby all kinds of .MILLINERY eau be obtained on the premises, 1160 11011 in a better position than ever to meet the require. mums of the public Saint Anne,Ottawa, River. Notice to Contractors. Q EA LEP TENDERS addreeeed to the Seeretaxy S of leiblic Werke, end ceelorsed "Tender for Canal told Loc.k, at Btu Anne," will be received ut this alike until the anivel of the It:astern and 1.1 este] n tea FILLOAX, the 10th tiny of ("O - TOS eat next, foe the see lawn titiere of tt. look awl rie the terntu tent approaches to it oh the land- ward katlie 0+ the V11148113 lock at St. Arum. A. matt iist the locale:, together \vete plume and speettleataene of tee works te be twee, eau be seen at tele °Mee awl al timellesident Engineers . eery e tut .St. Anne, on sad after SAtL'It Y, 4(7133 lee.T 8E1'1'1..111)Bit next, at either of whith places prilutedeories of tender can be ob- tained. iContracters met requested to beer fa mind that teudere will not be tome:di:wee unless 1110AILI ittet. 4- 1 aceorclance with the Ranted forms, wet — in Ste case of firing, except therteare ttached the ttettuil signeturese, the Immo of the teteueetion and. realdence or ouch n- ember 03 (1110 saute; and enrther, tteeetteel Bank cheque for the of *elite() mut accompany the) Tender, which sum Beall be forfeited if tile party tendering cleci.nos entering bito °metre et for the) works, tut the rates arid 011 the tortes tilted in the otter subruieted. The ehetene thes tient in will be returned to the respective perti whose feeders nee not accepted. For the att..teisizee.e, of the (sou tract, salami - tory seetnety wilt be required by the deposit cif rtioney to the amount of film Rex cent- eu the sumoe the contract; of whicla the sum vent 12 with the teutler well be consuiered Vat- Ninoty per entle only of Om progrese estimates i11 be pale until the completion 00 4313) work. co each Tue. ter meet bo attached. the actual signeturee of 31.64 reeponsible persoes, reettle tits of tee Dominion, wining to becomeentreties for the eartyiug out of these coo-3110ns cis well (IR the due performance of the works embraced in the Contract. The llopertenent dceg not however. hied itself 30menet tlie„loweet or any tender, By order, F. DAUNT, Seuretary. DEPASITtrinIT 00' RA.TVwl.T GieeALs. Ottawa, 29111 August, 1879. EXHIBITION 3gio be iu cash. and not in steep or beauty everruitts. following provisions respeeting the right of way of the Cantullun Pacific Railway ter luny 00V - =meat colonization railway nonnected there- . . A.14. tee aaso of railways croseinglland entered a homestead, the richt of v)3' thereon shall lee free to the GoVerinuent, „ B. Where tee railway c 'ogees pre-emptions or • railway lends proper, the owners tenth only be b11 - titled to claim payment to. the land required for milt of wily et elle setae rate per acre us he veal intve paid the Government ter 1910 08.1233 11. "te above regultutinits obeli cornet "Ito force on end after the li.rirt clay of August, up 80 Whieh BISSETT BRO$, Exi-F,TER, FRESH ARRIVALS OF STOVE ETC., ETC., ETC, V.Zint CIZEAP. While emr. e nredinted that the National Policy would increase the price of ever/ article, stiff we are enabled to announce Onto we oan On kiuda Ofetoves lOpergent.cheaper th an It as ever been efforodltoratof(ve. We have gold out' our business in lieneell, end added largely to the »tope* Eixeter. 1vhigh Jo rifle of the tamest Iti. the place, • Agents for Veriti,'4 Celp, blyi,eed Plozv. • Deritty of the Minister 03 3314) Interior. .54 1_3 time the previsions of tee Dominion Lands Act 15, iu the euveral belts nuttiouell, extunifmg its re - the said. date, homesteads of 360 acres Gush, but tee other ee trice will, as at present, bo permitted. 12. "(Maims to .Uonnnitio lanes arisiug twin settlement, after the date thereof iin torritery un- Kurveyed tiu3 titne of such uottloment, and which way be embriiced vnth the limits affected by the abovepoliey, or by tee extension thereof hi the inture over additional territory, will be ul- timately dealt with in accordance wi.th fA27111ii Pretevibed above tor (1133 LtIaldS in the partieuler Licit M. weieh such settlement may bo found to be bunted. 18, "All entries afterthe date hereof unoccupied lends ett the Saskatchewan Agency, will be amt - .:Adored us provisional until tint railway lino through that part ot the ter itories 11/65.1 been lo. 3341.10)1, (Uftor wnlei. the 8311.111(1 will be 11011113' tliftp0B. U.) of in aceortiance with the above regulations, the suite may ripely to the eeteticularbelt iu within ouch holds may re /MIMI to be Sitli Med. 14. "The above regulations it will, of course, ho understood will eat ((fleet sealdone and (20 eie Which are public tiehool Made, Or 80011048 8 :me 20 litelsetes Bay Company lauds. ete Cr "Arty turotertruformetion 11000031943' 82193' be ob. tainett on application at, ho Dominion Londe Of- : flee OttaV41,, 07' front the agent of llotoluion 1-4 thall centimes to operate over the lands lucluded lates to belts A. and li, in both of w icb, up to tff! t -i tgi Lauda. Wnnuren, fro* any 011 3111) °ea ak,e otatlitoba or the territories. Whe are in 'Os- eessiott Of plops shoW3fIg the linlits of ihe etwOre 441 338138 shovnrefeirred. 30, a STIPPlY WhI0h 211Al3,31 9/11)4. (IS 00011 PORSiblia, be plfteed In the tte.thie 0,0 seo agents foige.tau ttl etivtributtott.". ' DA, 01(1321 01 the inhalator of the interior, , . Si 1 ENNIS lar nat'r • • P4§1:3,gal: A1108.1 .2)01'44; QAT, sRrierg. ' • • "' 0 Call and examine our large and fully asssorted stock consistng of DRY- GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS S4 CAPS, MILLINERY, Fancy Goods Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. DOtil forget the place—north store in Fortson's Block, Main St., Exeter. LEATHOR7,,T d: 31oCOUTIREY, Fanson's Block,.Exeter It Will pay you to call at INFCLELLAND BROS' D:12.3.1Vr'S 23110CE, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to suit the h 1rd ti -m COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT Be WIIOL SALE P13..ICIE. lute of Sett forth s epenedout in the s tore recent- lyoceupied .311.J,P. Melutyrtevext door to Dr. Hutchinson's residence, Afyon St, Exeter, with. a now, large mud well asserted stuck of Millinery in all it Sranaes, Alao Vaaniv Goods, Ladies' Wear and Childrerite Clothes. Priem very low—for cash only. Light leitleelovee and White USt/1011 Plunlea oleened. A eull enlioited. N 1:1—Hair Dreeeing, Stamping, VelvetPainting, utc, tee A tirst-,11318)( dreesineker 08) bend. MISS LE:LOH, Apprentices wanted. leeeter, Apra 18 11379. vl Allan Line! •"41.'":44Fte).• LIVERPOOL, LONDOND1.RRY, GLASGOW Short sea passage--Reonorny—Comfort— Safety. CABIN, INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE 7 ICKETS AT LOWEST RATES. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC, Peraviast October 4M. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from the old country will save money by buying their tickets • at the 4 office ofi the agent at Exeter. Every information concerning ronte,ctc, by ap- plying to CAPT. G KEMP, Exeter. EiIP CMOCE11.7. 7, SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, OFFEE, COCOA, COFFEE, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES, RICE,OATMEAL,POT BARLL'T OYSTERS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, VINEGAR, EXCELLENT FORPICKLING. ORANGES, LEMONS, FRUITS,. GENCINE,INDIAN CURRIE POWDER, SCALED HERRINGS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF; • M'"A, fall assortment of farst-olass PamiIyl Groceries in stock, cheap 8.11 3.13±8 cheapest. GEO. KEMP, Main street, Exeter. skare and call before buying Suits to order at startling figures. McCLLELAND BROS. UP WITH THE EXETER. Planing Mill, Sash., DOOR AND IT York Milliner Storec' HETI DI s BUND CO $18 UP. The latest news on record at the IVIRS 0. B. WILLIA.MS will sell 131 3110 Nextthirty days the remainder of her Bummer Steck of RY at COST Alec the remit:rider of her Mock of Fancy GOOlIS et C08b 11.8 to make room for the tionffug stock. Now is the tirrie for bergaina, Hato that sell for $5 are down to ea : Hate et: 5e, for ea 2,1 ; wts worth 31, 101 1)0 eta. This cbance is only open for 80 431) 8. Don% forget the place—O'Neil it old" transon'e Block, Exeter. TEN PER CENT OFF FOR CASH O.) tin onr present Grocery Stock except SUGARS, TAM ;,S PICA= PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORGANS SHOULD CALL AT ME! ALL KINpsov TURITINQ Done to order. Remember theplace Iowa rd Eros NEW 13,UTCHER SHOP riihe undersigned wonidirtform the inhabi- tantsotExeterand vieinitythat he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ouedoor south of hisBlaokornithehop andhopee 1111013311116 11b01111 patronage that hns neon av corded to him in the 111.1310318301118 AND 11313201? 6(3313173109V. 3FI rrL S Ithereillbeextenderltehim inhls new branell et uneinens, His meet wagen willeall et the reel. dente of the villagethreetimesenol weeltand and Examine Ilia Stook. F.,i4 I-1 E A T ell kinds liept clonstantiice n baba iut tiie Boot that are 114ade. bu'cuer'"°"1 Blacksinithing and wagon Ms,kingearried Op Se Umiak, iu ttl) its bre neliee R. ezp. SPICER 11x.eter.. DOMINION oRcia CO 'S 4