The Exeter Times, 1879-10-2, Page 44 THE TIME' The Molsons Bank. INC0111'0114'5153) 1,r5 Ae'r 111' PA1Ui.lA:1t1:'C1T, 185.5, car lid ,$2,00Q,000, f1l"set, $400,000, 'HEAR OE.FICE MONTREAL Jn1I� 111oLHON 7:sr .; .. Pres(•lent. Ya ox. TlIontes Vk ointex,1ti, l'-irr..Pr es., J Ob,tx!rov, fico -Pros Sun Motel' Ins Cu I1on 1) 1, Aiee k1)li1 ou. Senator, .R W 311111 pile 01, Pres Ottawa Itiver Norte" Co 2larnt 0.4vetsnu, M PP, Milos Williams, 10, W01,,, t:usrt.t •1'tIOh M, Esq., Cashier. lSl. Hn vruN, Esq.. - - • - , Iw pewter. n..ci ,.�.e4er i3ran/ Ii. ICENST (. BIlENVl.I - - MANAG1':Il. LOANS TO IPAl19TEB$. •11l obey (avatl^ed. to farmers ou'easy terms, tint heir 0w , pruiuissury mutes with: one or more {4,(0(1 en- •deirscre. No mortgage required as sex>urity. SAVINGS HANK I] "PAIITI1L]:1N:1 5 per cent, interest calmest/ on 1beposfts, Cod n11l1citrreneyslraattabought andsold. Merl - lag 1.1when go bought aud' 501d. 0011±rt100A made 111011 ))arts of 5110 Dominion . and returns liroutptly remitted at-luwest rates o% exchange. Exeter, August ictal 18T8. s -m P ire refer C1.. L>. THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 2, 1879. (CONTINUED itRn11I MIST PAGE). FLOWERS. A.etors, J, Walker. I'illoxes, John Hannah.. Verbenas, John Walker. Petunias, A. Hobson. Fnohias, J. W. Meer. (gladiolas, Mrs, M. Y. McLean. Roses, blooms, A. Hobson. Pansies, John Walker. Dahlias, James Dixon. Auneale, Robert Londetboro, Single Petnnas, William Murray,. Extras—E verlastiug flowers, Allan •II+11>son. Double stooks, Andrew Govenlock. LADIES' WCRR. Loaf of home-made bread, J. Ilon- store ; D. MoEwen ; W. McGeoch. Patched quilt, hand made, John Ste. •wart ; Robert Barbour ; John 1Iltlnne. Raised quilt, D. lleE\ven ; W. Bell ; 1t•►tit Scott ; extra, Rabb Scott. Tatting, Mrs. O'Rudolph let and 2nd. ()millet work, W. llcGeoch ; H Brewer ; ,. Watt, sr. Embroidery in. Silk, Velvet or Satin, Airs, A. Scott ; Mrs. D. Hogan ; Miss M. Govenlock. Embroidery in Mnslin,Mrs. E. Stokes W. Bell ; Robt Barbour. Embroidery in worsted, Mrs. O'Rud• nlph, let, 2nd and .8rd. Blaiding, Hiss McEwen; ifrs, H.M. Chesney ; Hobert Barbour. Fancy knitting, Mrs. Thos, REc1Ii- clhael ; Jolni McIver; Mrs. T. Canter - Two pair of wonlleu socks, Airs. McEwen ; ?Jrs. Stokes. Two pairs of woollen stockings, Mrs. McEwen ; Mrs. Stokes. Two pairs of woollen mitts, Mrs. Stokes ; Thos. Livingston. Two pairs woollen gloves, Mrs. E. Stakes. Wax Fruit, Miss Simpson. Iionew in comb, Audrew Iverman ; John Tarrauee. Honey in jar, John Torrauee ; Arinetrong. • Lace work, Aire O'Rudolpll ; l•Vt . McGeoch, u•nipure worse, Mrs. O'Rundolpb ;W Ma(.Feocll. Berlin wool work, Robt Scott; Jos. Ward. Flower :wreath, John Seeper, Miss Mash. Shell 'work, W McGeoch R. Bell. Hair flowers, John Stewart ; Robert Scott. Gent's Lame made shirt, IV AEc- Genoa; D. Mul wen ; Miss Nall. Hume -made wines, A Hobson ; G.E. Henderenn. Rag mat, J Kerr ; 1. Barbour ; W. alter wen. Lag cabiu emit, Miss Nash ; H. D'ewver; John Stewart. . flitted quilt, John McIver ; Mrs. T. , Cameron. LT.TR&R.--Beriin wool work, John • Torrance ; John Aicheaon ; Berlin wool wreath, W. H egg. 1Vnnl tidy, J. P. Brine. Sofa cusllon, John Turmas ; • John A.iolleson. Berlin wool work on retrdboard.1obt. Scutt : Robt. B,trbenr. Shatter work, Are. S. Stokes, Lea- titter bracket, &Ire. Hunt ;. Mrs O'Rnd- aiph. Yarn meat, Mrs. O'Rn lolph. ' Il:>•i.r switches, Airs Bruit, Bead work, Mrs O'Ittldn1ph. Rag carpets; Miss Nash ; debt. soon. • White wleetlh, Relied Scott 'gash gniit, Ilingh 11olIay ;. C. Pot -1 ledge. 1t•)tnan Embroidery., Mrs R,ndolpli. Paint netting, Dr. J. (:l•. Scotts ; tic. •G•"neh ; tiers. O`Itnn.tiolph. Wool -wet k, dii►tthew Bubertsou. The following has been reet•ivefl fronx .St, Petersburg, giving the Il seien ac- caunt of the battle of GooleTaI1,e e• b,. ttweeli the )Russian expeditionary forces and the Telcke Tttreonlans; Iu•telligenee bite been received: from, B.otirnla that dnri.ng, the reconnOi>ieance• near (+Nolo tope, on the 20th of August, gust, the Ras- ,tnatis eUQ9ltuier©d large nyt.sees u Tido lie Tilrootllails strongly entrenched, who made a desperate resistance. The Ras';ians for six hours cannnnacied the position ocupied by 30,000 Tekke Tnr-. COmltnd, and, in the evening the Rus- sians obtained possession of the outer trenehraeuts, and at night the enemy fied,losing several thonsands. The Res - slaps lost seven officers, 187 solaiers killed, and Its dieters and 234 soldiers. wounded. This is the same'. battle re, ported in the despatch from Sitn(ts on the 23rd inst. The despatch stated that the Russians were defeated with a loss. of 700 killed, and were falling back on Bourrua. 0-4-04-4 A. corpora on address froth Lindsay has been i;eceived by his Bxoellency the Governor,General, It etas to have been presented at Port Hope. bot a smash-up on the Midland railway pro• vented tile deputation from arriving in time to join with Peterburo' and Po1•t- H )pe in it loyal greeting. A rely to the -address has beer forwarded to Lind say. A Frenchman nameed Alphonso L>lpierre, in the employ of E 13115511th, while reit shooting on Saturday last, at Beltsville, met with an aeoident that will likely reenit in his death. When he was discharging his gun, the breech blew out and he received the contents in the upper part of the head, fractur- ing the skull and blowing out part of his brains. He only took up his resi• deuce at Belleville four weeks ago, and is a married man, hsving a wife and one child. Mr. Wm. Rogers. blacksmith, of kvontlank, died very suddenly the ether day from the bursting of a blood vessel. He was in the not of shoeing a horse, when he felt the shock, and, straighten- ing himself up, he handed the helper the knife which he Was nsiuli. saying that he bad bnrst something. He was immediately taken to his house, near by, and had just time to say farewell to his wife. At Liman sixteen parties have I. en anmmoned for alleged trespass on the Donnelly farm in search of a stray ani. mal. The )tearing of the eases is pet down for Saturday next at London. The animal in question was presumed to have been stolen. and u search was made on the Donnelly premises a9 being the suspected parties, and hence the action. The case was tried in Linden Saturday; and dismissed without costs. A. young girl aged about twelve years named Fletcher, living at Newburgh,- Carleton ewburgh;Carleton Comity, N. B., was fatally in- jured last week. She was driving a young cult into the stable, when the animal kicked her on the temple, crushing the bone in upon the brain. Three pieces of bone were removed by uhysicians performing the operation of trepanning. She is alive, but not ex- pected to live. A farmer was made the Victim of confidence wee on Saturday, at Lon- don,to the extent of $60. He met a man who represented that be bad 11 knife with a seneet spring, and on a confederate cnnsiux up, the farmer, who had shown the working of the knife, was induced to bat $50 on the ability of the second comer to open it. Oue of the confidence men then anatched the money and ran off. The affair occur. red in broad d•tylight. There is no clue to the confidence man. THAT VIE Pli:o?t•1GR+P3 Can"bottle up" the voic9 and pees it down to future ages is Indeed a wonder, but is not the restoration of a lost veioe more wonder- ful ? Add yet Dr. Pierced. Golden M'clicial Discovery speedily restores a' Nuke, cures hoeraeuesq, sore throat, bronchitis, anis c.tnsumption. Many iriIiiters who had abandoned the pul- pitlly reason of sore throat and gener- al debility, have, by the use of the Dis- covers', beau restored to pet feet health and strength. Sold by druggists. Horrible Tragedy.. Friday last a most atrocious crime was perpetrated at the village of Lamb - tem Mills, about six miles west of Tor- onto, whereby a plan named Edward D.eCuroe was murdered by his brother. It seems. that the brothers had a dis- pute abolt a parcel of land, a 1 tie suit concerning which was won by Edward. A quarrel; t tole place Monday, both the brothers being the worse of liquor, anti the lltlter(vation resulted in the shoot iug of Ldward,; his brother firing at h.i-rn, two or three times. Atter the dreadful deet) was done the murderer sverit to the bona'+ in, MOO he lived mei prepared aIsd,drank >t dose.. of uoi.>on wish the intention of petting an end to hill ewe life also. In this he was frns- tlrated, by, the arrival of d,oetor,• who .suaaeeijedin relieving; the iieeperatt' 171iit1 of the poisot; ho had taken, It is report - 01t that the, would -bp, etiicia q la to a very low state. Another aiecetlnt is to ttilie, efYect t1,iat the nlnrderer deliberately,. litj in wait for his brother for several, boars, sittit)g oy., the viiluve. b>luelc8uti51 ',t ' 411,nxr, with, a. dnnblott barrelled gun in 1'14 hands. Darn asked by the smith what he was doing withthe c Un, be replied thee' he was gniug shootiog; but ho still remain-- etl close by the shop. His brother at last came along tate road, wheel the Murderer fired one barrel at him ; and as Edwward:did hot drop, the frenzied fratricide ran un and fired. the ,seoonrl barrel close against his breast, SO that death anter .have been instantaite'om The perpetrator of the font deed then retired from the scene of the bloody i tragedy tri enact another. by taking this Iowa life by poison ;in which he has been so nearly successful that he may yet die, It is further stated that a revolver fully loaded and ready for nee was found in the murderer's pocket. If thie be so, the wonder is that he did not also spent himself instead of chnnsing the slower ' mode of death by p.ni,son. The property over which the disputa oconrred is ailid to be lint a smelt place situated some where no the Umbel' flats and scarcely worth the life of a good dog, far less that of a man. Sale Register. Wednesday, October 1. —Perin stock and i>u• plenitude, the property of Mrs. Bander, lot 10, uonoession 14, Har. B. Orth, anat. Friday, Oct. 10.—Farm knelt an implements. the proderty of. Mr °Uri•tol>hor Pellote, lot 15. ran. 8, Hihbort. James Oka, And; Thursday, Oct. 8.—Farm stook and iluple. mens, the property of Mr. Chas. Lin)rard, lot 5. con. 8, Biddulpll. ‘Carling end Arm- strong, aunts. Monday, Oct, 13.—Farm stock and imple- ments, the property of Joseph Hoggarth, west half lot 23, can. 12, Hibbert. Janes Oke. Anet. r.-"• Parties getting their tale bills printed at this otlit'e will receive auotice similar to the above, free of charge. .— BIRTHS. Ri vaorns.--On the lath ult., the wife of V.H.) Reynolds of Hensel) of a dntt hter. 1IuLExveN.--lu Blyt11 ou the 19 ult., the wife of David McLeuneu of a dangilter, MAIIBIPD. GI:_ c1 v—LAwnrsoE.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 4th tilt., by the Iter. Mr. Caswell, of Londesborough, W. J. (*racer•, i1 f. D., of Comber, Ont., form- erly of Exeter, to Miss Maria,third daugh- ter of Mr. H. Ltwrence, of Hallett. Hoorar—PIcr1ARU.—At the t'esidetice of the bride's tattier, on the 26t11 ult., by the Bev. Geo. Webber, li . J. N. Hooper to Miss I;. A. P'ekard, only daughter of Mr., Joules Pickard. all of Excite,. DIED. PLtN1rtTT: At V05n0,, on the 18th alt., Hes- ter. bland. daughterof Mr. Wm. Plank-. ett, teacher and township clerk, aged 4 years, 2 mouths and 1:3 days. 7' hf•lAu1.;IlS WANTED. --- Tenders .A will lie rutseire& 1.111 50 110021 011 80,51.11110.y, 11511. Oct,ber,for the erection of .t Frame School House iu the Village of 13enIil11.'• P1.1113 and stleniRea- tlo>1s Inas be seen on and atter Monday, tit11 October, at the o;tico of the su),seribur. The li .ori do notbiudthemssIves to laca:pt bho low- est or auv tender. it's itT PA T T E11SOn, Sec- retary of toe Boars,.ileri all. Out. 2, 1879 2 ins. $200 RE WARD. The undersigned offers the above reword for the arrest mud convict. 111 of the person or oersous who maliciously set tire, on the morning of , the 27th of September, to the shed of' the Coln- r, T. AI 1', 'S LIJIL+'�VOPaI�S. ulnxontl Hotel, iu the Villa"a of Dashwood. HENRY AI:CANN. Oct. 2, 1879. ! in. -- our 'lrlawnitilnA beimguow in full oneration:ani) tttruinpoutdailya targe uuailtitl of neTrsn1'. t, 2, 1879 9 M O 14 Wesleyan, a 'e ale College RAU world remind lint nntneennet Oustoni+'rs that hu has removed to the 'shop t lip formerly mien ,tad by der, ltaad.. wii.ore he. t bo tonna over he (19111 >atte to all business in the BOUT •tidSk'>tP1. Elite.' • C. RAU, • Oretlito{i. uk` g 5M11J10 N, ()N'1' 1111(1, the o`dost T,a1ios Oul1,0510, in the Pi't>vinee, enter, (n, its oineteuut)1 year on Supt. 5. For verist) of ltepartrul+nes, 05511)45 (>f ou:rienhinl thorough - lie s of ifstreeti'>u rind .e'oellunee of neemutnn- hetitre lb is in the very )'rout rank, For catalogue apply to tit» tiritteitual, A, i3Ult1' 1>, SPENCEIiIAL� STEEL PENS. THE .'.1t't11e11A\l.)1ti'l,^1'i'.t1;1:t'I'1tt11)1. i neriort,ug- 11 2)116lce, A. 4am1114 card iz.1 riC+zc1.1 y;1:111• 'nf01100111111 ,+t' (""f c-=�..auCO1 15 NU.k(a • Tlv1'.Ntr • �f 'yam • .o $h0Ott t. ea On , 7–alis* t,. 1li aa,�tigial,ul•s for TAILOfis turd 4I,O'riliei(1'i, 'rake pleasure toitform the 1atnitrite at>'efBsetc1 add surrounding 001100y, that filmy tato juht o1,01.1ed 005 0110,00110115461010551110111 01 :1'tt'eeils, Omiti,,q, , t'.i'ctbilis el la theta test ')tyles allll.Labterlla.and fool ,tssltrctl that intim ml5501'oft>to5ling, they can shit the utoatfllstidiefst Lstes. IAVE YOITLOST TI.11 SENSE Ob" TASTE 011 SMELT. ? 1t so, it tett y he fr.•tu the lntraosY of the 19theentary, t',1'r.lrtul(, 'Tut CoxsTITeTtoyA4 CA'r.11ta11 151:3>41) 51111 1*51,ri/ vett to euj14a5,):> h0>ahli. 1L nut only ones itarrh, but all ether diseases tet the same time 'rice 5t] perianth'. Fox Male by all (1.41453155. 11101 1. 510'1101110510'1101110deulors 80101 stamp for 414 pew. pnnt- phlet, nentaiain>; treatise on OLLurrh, and ,:ert urttss of the cared to 'C. J. 11, 1?AIt]JINti, 11 100). ton Agent, Brook ville, 0 et. CONSTITUTIONAL OAT>111111111111EI)Y. '2he only cerhaln, safe, ant effectual cure for Oat 5511, Unilcls up the ,..).stern and rums all other diseases att00 4).1116 time. Asthma, Itcet+ t:olu, Hay 5ov»r, Nervous l>obility, all loare together when the Colter to lotions klsttarlil neu>ony in takua,a: di1'llted• Prim) 53) rev bottle, k'ur stale by all druggists >a u>lliad 1011.» dealers. DO NOT ReAD T.aIS- tltl aving received a lot of new mach:nery, I L_�would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding couutry that I 14111 prl:paretlto manu- facture all kinds of horse )takes, Barley Forks, Grain °radios,.Snaitlas, el o, and having seenred the services of a first-class Turner, 1 am imputed to do ALL KINDS 0]? - T'UIRNING on the shortest uotiiie, and for style and pries I defy competition. Alwnys 011 hand a tirst- class stout, of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter, A. COT'TELL. HAY PUMP WORKS. O. BOLTON PROPRIETOR. Having uddntl to my pump machinery, anti pro- cured a ferns (1uautlty of first-c1uss 310013) lugs, I KW 115010150d to wirer an arti010 Superior to any Factory in the County, and atprices that dory competition. Wells mid tlisterue dug on rho shortest notice, Before 'Lilll'011lasing 0)111 at the Hay rump Works r 1.Shop--clue-Lptartor mile wort of Exeter 1,011,80u Betel. Hay 1. \f OT10E. All am:aunts due to the Goctorich Foundry and 111>anuf>1etwing Company llluilted) must bo promptly settled to avoid costs. No persons are authorized to receive payments or mako settlements 01 behalf of tau company except the undersigned. HORACE HORTON, President. JOHN CHISISTL•1N, Suer tats. Godericll, June lel, 1879. tf arble Works. :0: W. 0. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES FURNITURL TOPS, Rc. • thatfor '01 purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin ion. L)3rtie of TOM a 11sten ce 00.0 tlwaysbes-*piled either at the kilns or deliverd by teams allow est vault' num/titre rotes. Orders from a distaucs uroulptsy uttcrndedto. WHITSON dr RflI4ATE11 THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS EBY, Cemetery Just Published, in a sealed Envelope Cemetery «• uric of all kinds neatly ° i'rtco six cents. A lecture on the Saturn, Tre>stinont and Bath - executed. eel otue05SeulinalWoasue A, or Spar.. aterrhtea, 5 Doors North of Drew's lull, Main street inducedit c yNolf- b pollInvol Involuntary 'Emissions, > EXETER. .fib to marriage generally; 004stunpti',u Epitupay, .t d • 0116 Fits; Monte' Phys lea' Incapacity, &I.- 1:11 BOB KAT J• CULVEIt WIt1LL, M. U., author of the "Green Book," die. TRE HURON UNE STOCK ,��y,,{{�� The 1vet 10 renowned author in this admirable • rOtl f'i 1.9 iG �C�� t7�6�tDl@ �.aj ay •L9• Lecture, elearly proves from his own experience that tate lawl'ulconsequences of S"lf-Abuse may he • effectually 5011101,001 without medicine, lino with -- -- out dangerous surgical operaltions,bougies,inanu. CIATI1MN Third Annual ulo ins, ring' or oorclin1s; Nointhtg Onta 1110(10 of tSale.eta u at encu certain land otfectuuJ, by 0vhiuh.evory snlrorer, no natter ulna his 0onditiun may bo may cure hiteaolfcheap' y,privutelyand radically. TElt THIRD Annual Salo, under the auspices of the Aaron. Live Stook Association, will bo held in the TOWN OF CLINTON —0N— WEDNESDAY, 0N--_WVEDNESDAY, OCTO[ai+Jit 15, 1879. Celu menotng at 12 O'llieck, 110011. 1 There will bo offered for solo a large number of Stallions, tallions, Thoroasllbred Short -horn • &^..This Lecture will prove is boon to thousands aril thousands. Soak under sea I,lu a plain envelope, to any ad. dross, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. ladres TR$ 0tULwnr.X, 11'T'ICAL re.. 0 Ann st. Bowl ork . P. 0,B x 4580 FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Bu11A, Cows land tioifors, Thnroaehbred Shoop arid Swine, also improved and Gat Stook. This Sulo offers' 8ueriox Facilities for both au.yer 11011901.1115 Same >f th.1 best Herds In the Province will be represented, and the sale will 1> + attended by buyers from the Units 1. rit..tn,t and all parts of Oa linden Cat:llougas ran be had, on appllre,tion to the Secretary.' I.ntries of Stock for Sale will ho received until the morelug of the sale, i>,lt stook 130w. moored will not supe i r 10 the sale cat>aloguo, 1>1>0 ducts ary will be at Pike's hotels Clinton, nn the attarhoon, and evening. before pito s»1e to, rooeivo entries. There will` heampli accommodation at Clinton for both u1:u1 and boast, which will be; pxuvidecl, atthelowostlt0s¢111» rate, • T ,ttr1I5 OF SALE f. Twelve months' credit will be given on tttrgish- ihtg7eueurity' Hati>1 itctory to. the owner of the ottani' c sold..A rlisoou;n•t of S per 'cent: Will be, allowed, for cash on, "a 51aies, 14. Y. MoL'>3 A N, Seatorth. Secretary, J.tkJ Its BIG GINS, Clinton, President, Goderioh; it,uotionior. Buy our Beanllville WHITE, LIME and Star. Brand Plaster Paris. and ,you will be pleased with your work. Fr (s11 Limo always un hand. GLASS, NAILS, LOOKS, and . EINES very cheap for Cash. White Lead. Oils,. Tier- pnutiuo and putty at bottom, 'prices. Rope, Chain, saWS, Planes a,11d Other tools at price`s, that will astonish, you, Carriage ;littl.el's, tin* and etre. • fir E , nt C Qo3ds'. toads frorp, dry,. tgluglh tii>nber. (thews feyq: Gae11 " U:"13RNa�s, The Ffuli'pera'• and 1•IO011a'uics;' L11ardwargCO• �9.tor,e,, Exeter. Money to. fotkn,ou Mortgages., MAIM STREET,, EXETER.,' onr'eeeil)t of 20 cents. ALEX, BTJNTIIw & 00., Igentreal, 8010 Agents for Canada, Advertisers addr� using a eo. P. R0 E til 84 Co's Newsuaper A.tvorth>ulg Bureau, le, Solace ht., ,r: (w• Yarh t>su 1•,•v'» the 0x0,15 00115 of stn• prr,- pocod Him of .\L \'l.It l'1SIN Ci Tn Ante loan New s - papers. t x 150 -page Pamphlet, lee. :. • tc�, 'I PP99 �� }1 01'0htc nn !ln totylt nrl 0xanluu, 0r(ty��, f{-'1 4 tSTJ.IIVY—Otil»iul1tuports true;•-- 18'11,1... Propmtion01 return, (very wank un steel .,,,s..,.f.• nr ':!t), - x5310 - Rue, • Rs's). A,ui„n, T. P0'1' l';( tt \1'IGII t' R 410., Bankers, .10 %. .. Q1PpiJaulnnth.ii. dnPnvirar u+ranrctdtoagrltis 4 L / rnitilttree. u>:IAw,) tw, Angustu, 1;nins, $7,7V7• A Yi7:1.T1 and expenses to infants (atilt free. Adltress 1'. 0. Vickery Augusta, Maine, '� TILLINER3 11.1 AT MISS G-ARLICK'S A full lino Amy 10, of FALL and WIN'T'ER Hats, and Bonnets, ail the latest stylus. New FIoN3/7 Feath3rs,ana Ornaments. Trimmings in groat variety. CrIIZL'S HATib NICELY TRIMMED, from 31.00 up. Everything will bo sol,) es cheap urs possible. Facey roods. •Bodin Wool, Mottoos, etc., u full tr>uk always kept. Jackets made or cut Sep, 79. MISS GARLICK, Arain St., E retor. LEGAL .R' • H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, Rc. Oflice, Poison's Blom Exeter. JHCr ARDING ABDIN, ei! «'P.ITi'l, • Resisters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con>- >1101>ers,13, R., tfo. t>laC('1)—I315TTUN'5 BLOCK, trate) troet, St • Alitl;y•s. Sent 8 .tt.snnrxe.E . W. 1tAnnIro. ii.A .L.Vi nlTx <, W McDIABMID, D.A., it t ititISTER.NOTARY, CONVEYAnF11 LUCAN ONT. MEM 4L TR. I IUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Phvsiaians and Surgeons of Ontario, ike., Rm.. Office next door to I. eitaiingo, 3Ss i rl Street, Exeter. pR.1. IN J)MAN.—OOI'L0NL11 FOR the Cronnty of Huron. (ifihoo,uoxtdoor to 11r.I. Ca•rtil>g's store, lixeter. W. Bt1O \V N IN (T M. 1).. C. 111. P5 • P. 8, Graduate Victorial7Wvorsity• Otlia • and residence, lhnL :HOP 1.ahni'ntnl y. 'Exeter. 1r C. 1110O111+;. 111. D. O. M. k1• Graduate of uo(;lfUniversity, Montreal Otheeaudresidence , Exeter, Oltt. O'.lico 1 ourr— i 8to10a. in and 7to10n.m R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. •0. P. S. O. Victoria S'-. Crediton, Ont ' Mace 310014 roar 0 to 10a.01.; 2to5p.nl. LUTZ, M. D., NJ • ulnae at his rasidonoo, Exeter. T\R. IRVING, G'RADUArlig UNI- VEIISITY Trinity Cot lege Aieu+l,erCo1lege Itnysicitans and surgeon'. On.., 5111:ceI{irkton. HOTELS.. j `4 NTRAL HOTEL,, CREDITON 1 —Wm. Baker proprietor. This Hotel hug been newly turuished and fitted up in first-class style. Large and convenient Show Berms for Commercial Travellers • beat of lignwr= and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Raetlers Always en )land. Di 21-8131. WILLIAM BAEPIt. T)RINCE OF WALES HOTEL. OLIN 1031. G. SWATt•TS having purchased the above hotei, and fitted it throughout; new ot- ters flrct-e ass accommodation totr,,velers, Good liquor and oiaitre at the bar: (food stabling an l attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid to guts te. . 1 AGENTS,XtEAD THIS. Wo,wi;ll pay Agents a Salary of 8101.1 per Month 101,1 02q10215109, (15 0110,W a lsrgn e(lrl>>lieeiun to sell our nett' and wonderful hlveu5101111. lila 9l)8(ua2a11itf %'b. Say . Sample+ free Address, SRE1BAA1•R >10,. Mar, hall, Mich, ATGIIT.a, CLOCKS, Si>wis:q Mnebines; tl•a, arde011A, ani1 1Jlnbrfranol)asA00lot)^•fired. Al utt. fur the Weimer, series 80w - int{ Machines,' Second hand dowing MaaIirienfor snln chant. All ltim% of needle$ and sbuttiee for Sewing'55>chines keptou hand Shop --.Min titreet, 7)iL 1iw0ed J.)1IN G. t l )L1)QN, Proprietor,, Maly 10 1-y. t' TE,..SV Afr,AO•VSA17sI3SI P. fTWIN- ;REL . PA.W3.UCING H AI. late of ' ]xoter, has coin onend . b?alnoseitl the;).:j''tl,'vebtanc)1 atWincllbso. and le pre- ; pa ;eel to deal) kind oflt aeic Onitl>ingwork ' Horse shoe- ' ingIpe !hilly, attended to, 1 hn14ptnNis) cheapness.. . a1 '(Intl worts guaranteed. A cell sblleited. •, 4:1? i 1#11 1 ' ' ' NX, liiUCE/1!iq iAB4.