HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-2, Page 2l l
S'iUAT A Glltll AOOO11iPLIS11ED,
The ship Templer recently Heade the
port of Sim Francisco .after tadanger-
oar voyage,; Tier safe arrival is due
to the breva eo i uct tlrnd.unfaltellug di•:,
v.ltion of Olin .A.ruietruug, daughter of
the captain, Vasil off ;the Bio de Ire.
Bata the urate was relieved for iu-
suburdinatiou5 . A'bOM, tbo' Baine time
Captain lirluatr-S1U;; \Vla8 obliged to take
to his bed throu;.*ti ipotesi', .leaving the
suis in comm. Cud of the s4eoud officer,
The sego 1)(t Odle'er w1.s 21 cro(;d e•ettlllttu,.
but not a eavigator, acid Aliss Arris
etrong:uttered-t.) zt;kvigitte the; bid') if
he would tape the ubservtitious,: Thi
\\'1's sari --teles sttcuw1 Irate tttllin;r the
6td11, buried bale +,v with his sex t:List, and
Mies Atm1Struug, though weak and tee;
buiaated thruu h. ideo.es, wurked up
the latitude and longitude, doubt:ft
Cape learn, and dually brought the
ship iu arafelry to the i'araliouss.
2, 1879
,. t
>' Uizu�..� U1( \�r llaA�.
.� 1
The New Fork Pro:lace Rvel4,rve Re. 1
pgrteir diSealsses the future of wheat a
fellows :
It is estimated that the Uuited King.
dim of Great Brittain and Deleted will
this ye 1 N
etr require to import ache 17,-
000,000 quarters of wheatsale float,
against au importation of 1.1,230,000;
in previous year, of which the United 1
States Contributed 57 per cent, or City
8,230,1100, This iut:re)tse in the want;, I
Malted um of 2,750,0001
of tl;e Uul Kingdom, 'ingd
quarters has ere aaly to be made goof
from 'atne1'let, besides supjalytub iii ail• i
diti in any deftit:ieney there may be I
from last year between the greater
wauts of coutiuental Eerojse au.l the
le sseued abilities of other countries
than our own to supply these wants,
Notwithstau(ing the comparatively t
1 w pfices ruling during the past year
'Europe eutrred the 1579 (harvest with
probably leas old native incl foreign
wheat in the aggregate than was held
there at a correspuudiug period iu the
previous year. _lad as the season
progresses estimates of :European bar-
vest defIeieneles are being raised, while 1 1
those regarding the extent of the
American crop are lowered. The COuree
of,the market tlllriug,the past meek or
two lith been in the main but a reflec-
tion of this alteration of estimates.
iu 1878 0 (t'ereal year), the United
States and Uaatada exported of wheat
auct lleur the equivalent iu ruuud num.-
hers of 130,000,000 bushels of wheat,
of which Europe took 150.003,000 the
enntiuent through diversoius rem the
•United Kingdom ports of (3alI ultirnet; - I
3y receivit)g the larger hall of this j
quantity, l crosswise, "1\Iy heart is auother';" 1.
any shortage time far repot ted from
these ihouutrles there is LAO zoOm to
to ibubt, bub*\'Neither she eau make it
good mill at the stair o thus: supply the
estimated lmerease of west European
wants without a further elevation of
values is perhaps aps eau open queetluu . It
is to be ubeerved iu this uouuecti.n
that the current estimates shuwil'g
i uroperun wauts to be ulzttex'ia11y larg-
er than those et' testa least year'e' rust"
tealuly upurl'tliu itesuulptiou that she
UuituU Kiel; to it requires 2,400,UOU to
3,0U0 ,1,100 (,{ulitteraliu.re,au ieCrance the
anuli era Met year, e1' 80,000,000 bus11-
Ula, '1'u tLlube otitnwa,es we take excel).
Lem, believing that the wanes of
.b'rauoe eh!. be sufficiently leas to near
.y ulisutt the iilwreaatoE1' ie(Iuiroweuts of
the United liiugilutu,
\1'141 regtud tu transportation the
available supply of uobafr tunuage is
thought to be ample to carry away auy
surplus without any, perurauent ad-
vanos of rates, Some Ii3&' may be ex -
posted in inland ranee. tuw\'ilyd and after
Clio t 10Se of DAvlgtatluu, but tally' 111-
crease it this direcalull will, the greeter
purtit u of it, very likely ultimately be
gaited tu prieee at the seaboard rattler
time ttteeu u!1; frteu diose iu the iuttri-
1+'i:'ancially et>nsidered, the situation
of wheat is uutjue(,tluuable m favor of
holders with till the oouditious point-
nig to the puseiil thty of colossal specu-
lationsfor a rise during the coming
winter and spring. It is only proper
to renatarir, however, that rawly in the
trade huhi eppocite views, oauteuiliu.v_
that the depression ht Itlau'ufuetaxing
tied other industrial purl•uits has crip-
pled the food-ptlr,ihaeii.g power of the
trusses, and that other bled cheaper
tul'ileles of toed are being atlbitiltit el
by them for \vhe,ytetz and rye bread.
Ordivarily it is high wars, full time,
411 •1 general p;usllelity that leads to
lessened eonemientiou of bread through
alt iticrcttsi>(t tree of meat, but with
wheat et toe per quarter for such as
the great masses of the people use, it is
coueideret1 exceedingly doubtful whe-
ther any substil atiou takes place. All
stati,tieal ttvi(ieisce extending over e
seti):s of year° goes to it 110W that the
per capita eans)hluptiou of wheat is
slowly but steadily it oreasiug. It is
to be admitted that hog pruiluete and i
the predncts of the dltiry` are very
e y -
cheap, but at the Baine time we shonld
not overlook the shortage iu Europe
of potatoes and other root crops which
usually go so far toward t:uppiyiug the
laboring citasties with their scally diet,.
and the resulting high prices lifnaly to
obtain fur tltexn.
constantly arriving at W. 1?. lrc novition's
\Lautrr ltlt ht wedery Ato1 133, L urr(1 s street,
la ;camOwl ri,.-\vhen,.tor yo vititIto Ver.
lune b( t tir.,u_(l Jet 'il A st•tie ice tier 1)(nu{-
STAMPS. nir:n. Tan \\',1) 1 et 111;;:rlou \,.,.tu,t st,aids mt.
(rivellerl. Al' who use brit recommend them t,
th••dr fr.en,lt, "11 kind!: of V etehos in tet •eek
tfoweeaussrtpltr,u,Mini).,Itattl1'c•o e. -
"nest." Uu'tnaking all exturiivationof
as a silver half dollar voids be found in
the pile,
the ueetit was found ,to be wholly corp
strueted of f,rnlall pieces of one two sea
Ave dollar bills' - The pile was' euilleient-
ta large to cause the oliieiers of, the
bank to believe that the entire "fifteen
or twenty dollars stolen from them
yore iu the arouse nest, and the. de-
faulthlg`bltuk Blouse, together With its
expeoeivo Best, ie 04 ei'hibitiou in 11'Ir',
1±7arusevoitir's ofilce, iu the Plummer
block. riot a piece of bills as large
No other medicine in, Ise world was eve
given. much a test of .its 'curative qualities as
Ltuet:itt, u a (l Melt/AN 8ynue, LI three VO lrh two
1'u lliuus
four hundred thousand small bottles
of this t edisthe were distributed /111'1 of charge
by druggists iu this country to those afflicted
with Uunattnption, Asthma, (.lamp, severe
Coughs, Pneumonia, and other diseases of the
throat and lungs, c,iviug the Azutrtelw people
undeniable proof that ti1.1r111.tN r1''P1e(11 Will Care
The 1ho rasulL• has been .that druggists in
ever town and village in the Cauaitus and .
United Mutes aro reeoru0len(ing' it to their
customers. (lo to year druggist and rtslr what
they know about it, Sample bottles, 13) cents.
1logular aizc, 75 cents. 'Three doses will re-
lieve any ease.
. ..
wagliwoottitaeramm_, MOM.,
A few years acro "Attend Finwer was dis-
covere,l to ba a cm tam win for 1)8spop aa. and
Liver Complaint. A few thiel dy$pepties made
known to 1311-irlcuds how ew tly and quickly
they hail beo:l mood by its 114' The great
remit taf t REFIN' Ann UST FLowirte be'IU.Ue
heralded through the eortutr;v by ono suItrm'er
and another, . lnliil without wive, thin;;, its
sate bevata-t immense i)r1'1s,(sts 1) every
towel iu the 012111,1118 3111d United d S t=•s are
it. No 1131.1031 34311 (t 1113) f10111 Sour Sto-
mach, Sick I3.e a l'w]l', Costiveness Palpitation
of the heart, Inttig stl')u Low Spirits, c c., eau
take three clone, without roll.'!', i;t4 to your
:Druggist and get a bottle for 75 °tats and ti
Sample betties It) (. -1x1,4.
Tweeds, (,:utrttif(Ts, 1 4131)10303/11.
iy'e will pay Agents a Salary of X100 ger an oath
and expenses, e1' allow m lora-) 4onlxhts81°u to sell 't), lI. �CA1)1) ',
our new antiwuutlurfsi'hlventlu1>s, 1V+, rlialchab • t,
100 x(131. Sa1110111 fret), A,Ld1•,,18, '• W R
:i1t191t31A.N d1 00.,Pilar:'ha11,Altelt, .11ARRI� `T)l.:11If & Al TO1:u Ti Y
�i y„„,,,,, (1 ,01301, At IAan, 5131LuituX, sass ):11ue, fiutt+.all's 111oeIt
S�ying MaWlil lies, l:03(1-.
()1 /ills A(1cor'deorts 11111
tJ llol'('i la(i utx„(rein. �4;(+116
ru� 1! ww a13'lo • hetlr8 New-
7)1,1� "^1�t' lit; 1llucl�tue8, t.(,uii•t\p it,,easeetug 4313lnucnfor
11eaclu'ap,.,'111I(0308ofrlll1(A hold 81att1(s for siewvinf:11;1elliue,1ic(�ptotr11tl 1+1.3p•--Mt3in street, i)n1311Wood. ,It11L3 1i.
Slply,ilopl'i,SCul, Itluv i(I 1-v,
T1p,7E W B LA(] lite:\111'11 tItu 1'
\\ 130Ulillvlx
1'1141'1, 11x8
tet\Vitu)nolsu,,, Apr
pm ed to do.a1) r,{ , c Jt1i1 hitt 1 cit
smiteing work FLn14' t•h,)a.-
1113)1po :fully att'llded to, Promptness, (hea111a3s8
antigood w01131 lar00tcad, A mill solicited.
la- xu ® W, I;U41iINt,HAM.
ENGINES ®4 � a
F 1 ,
From t to la Horse Power , for Farm-
ers, Dairymen, Patter and Cheese
I•actol'ie, Printers and all parties
tt1tllg hand . or horse power.
Must told ch„1{,est in the market.
Send fi.r areola)• anti price 1(1.
Jol tit o'ty.
PbpIanade' Street,
'1 o(tua'ro.
E M 0 ""4,r .,:.i. .l.
(1 U would rein31111 leis uurnGroin.
.10 (lustunt, rs that h,' 1x)15 1 e11101'rtl to the
ah1pt0311uet•11ooen'1(�(L b;:31t, 11)')(1, where h,'
Will too f0tul l tiro a t o data .d'te all .,1t 13tus
inthe 13ocii, otdd U Liner
0. IZAU,
,•tet i.
e,E^"'a� outywr.�.+t.�.�tt G : 'dY�.,4
Ig® AltDIN(1 I1r1.11:I)1 (, &
. A snot'lo-.tlirs. ia6tu1neys ()lie it. r^ • 0,1111-
lb, L A lu-
siunera lie It.. d e.
413313 L1'4•- 11trTlut3'a t1i.oC%ll:, t} ato1 tl•eet,: 4t-
Jose I'1.1Iii(113,c4,1.;. W. ITAIti,z1 (1, ii.A.7,.\�'Ct1.1(•s
T-1".6DL R;\113),
t,,I 5 p�9 y e ♦ V Tse y1,
t13ItISTE\4,NQTAl1Y, (',ON P'Ek'ttlit(Ind,
11•, IICF'1'U'1-IINSON, illember (tf.
tele ('nllaho,uf 1'hya tunalr erns- , 313nousol
Ont 1311) ;e '1
1 do t.ndcu h(�t,'t;,orto 1. l'a1•liugs,
'Marla 6ia1111 t', Ii, Si La r.
Lt. 111eN 1111AN.- C1
tee t'ouitft ol'llnre/. I,
air,Tt Carling's Korth, 1;13411•,
W 11110V 1JN(i'
(” • 1' 4 ('''u,ln t1' t 1`ietut,
and C,'ah !,ice, nor: ,,inn Ira
G. :\l()Ui11, . ,11 1
1i). Graduate of ,:net•),
nit i'0lid,' 5(,1•;0,•4 ,.
tato 1y3)a. 111 titat ,to Ln i_,,:
dice ;next door to..
•rsJty, lloutrett
:1.. (3211011 1 unl''—
f' RT. A. 11)[1i \ , ;,I, C. P. S.
J' 0.,ti tctoril 1'°:10.111.0o. .)Ile "Mileyhutu3
r:,1, 111u ]e8 3 3 3 ,.tri„:,. L•1.
(-1; I1C, i.Z, a 1).,'
• IAl to aa; }lin r•: •.i,;t .. t.. ,:�,Scter.
1f” ft 11e�'1N i, .Ile 1 iI-
I! t 1t.e1J' ltt,tat� 4 3 m re ('‘,1 Eche
1'tivgieltatlk 01111 8tti^;) 0,1i O. 31•.1.4. t1.I1.k i. on.
1-1(IfEL $.
Ili:N1'IIAL .11()'1'1 It, t'.i\El)l'1'ON
J - -w,v 1. net`s, prtpti, 1, ). Tete 1:otel bee
t� ,,III x 1,808 u1A iw 11,34)1 ) (.3,3) 1 1` tt'' )1 Itl 't-(huNet
13 .11.l011 i 11,101 t,'Lt)rs"liEla �, 1st\ i0, 1 i),*t' ah I e.1...:,-11.(1 1 1;) 3' i.c,t Ills ft -r
La lie viva lureteitformthe iutot hitarLI. r'1l:xetil I at the 1,:4r. .lt1,,t,Ave.;Y ,.i..,.1:11:,1 1 (r:,')r1 oe {t,tLit.
add surrolu 0103' country, ; at t„o} 1).r.ve juct 11 sl--Otil.('30 (,.,1:11%,
olr5.)u(lout ((1 13..(., 1:('1 1S,orta11eutuf
t'ou:ulrl a i 1 'IA e h, �., 1 , a - ' 1 a_ t1 (0)!l1"1(
TT •
LicentiatYeof t;�
tele 1)ett.tt k'.,.;
(:ogle•^,o 1,1 (iu f
ttl•ir, 112 3 rha
day; I )tile --
next l 1 ,t• tel
tile Post (Mice. E.xotr.2•,Unt.
+ in thrtrat«est 4rvlraand )ttteru Al fool tssurrcl
._� t.ttlatlllth8 mattrrot tot'.1'.-.{', t 1' P Cilli stl.tt ell,-
Iun$tfi(Sfirlioll7tl,t (.:;.
ISE 4� GOODS .. ' V° ODS
'1)111NOE OF 1\ Ltl t lh HOTEL.
.3. cafe ((\. ( `\t°,th'tS - wets leireltar.(d
t: 1, 11,4,1, 1114 1, /11411313 1 1 ..*U(t,l rt,howof.
hors i:-tt 1'111.,.('110. 11 41,411. to 100,,,,13,-Ciooct
0,1,/or tell. (.L r:< ,a tie. I,;(1 E o,ot stabling 1,'1):l.
I alt lrtiy. hostler 133)11,11°4, leu} 1oac1UL1Yhlt paid.
t(- ;nests
1AfiTlil I 7 t7h ittnlw• i( 1tm
11 ti
the 3 1333 t�7'a of i let WO,
eo\4nvrt Tit'” 11' t. is l 1 U 1,':;:4.11.,"? t iI le tit ie i
yeti tot j„.Y lbl) ,1 r:) 1 It pot ( 1•, e t 4 , Car
Lal ell h'13 all ,(,apt li',t. hses 111 3i stone
l'rt( , 1 per Dottie. 1 it 411t by AI 1. u, i end
11(,1111110 ilt',ill'1'A V, 3144 .tet t'.)Ir} f .. 3') 11.:;;1-
- palet non 116)31ing treatise 11,1 ¶'3,t,'"1')). and "(''h'Uli-
C:at 8 )1thleettre,llrl'I .1 L• 11 ,1 t; :11141i.
ion Agent, lilaclw lI•)1 t•
, w v`ili'o) it lusiiu ettllilitu(3t,
TIIIa L..17.GUAGE OF POSTAGE throat" ii,rt(li a. ,11., lent vitt xntele(tet
It Seen -Q.4 that postage stamps as well
as flowers have a language. abuts, ac
cordiug to the Albany limes, \ellea u
postage staml has boon placed upside
down on the left corner of the (Etter, it
means, •'I lute ,you;” in the saute,
(11t stwl0 elf roc 1101111.1 l'.e(oons `-ie nt.,•I• 11-
t00,l,i 34p t4?u1•K, 311111 all wt0115og
water , 01'.o3, and JrevoIiery re/m(3'ra:l .10:1
warrttrttd. • W U. ,lIuuh,;c4iIa,O1v.
The err 3at11 a halt 7@ADa 1488E C
h L)E I"'rf2'�•Itteneth•,1lu Ina
•'�i lay cure lux '-,1.111x-
Ind Wearier;
'".rt, Sp(rinoto ttbon,
1'try Irip t"1)a} 4141111
_41 1)1700.15,3 tl al 201
r •� 1)t Soli At'llS0, ,t8,�
cti•)\.:terve leas of 11exu11v,.
.. tp •r i.TIlll'(']" sal I-il ..1- j 1'.l 1
ueiore n1ad1A'atn(t( .Palin x11 Cllr er t:llilne�'
Buck, D31lxh3cs of vision, Premature o1(1 age, anti
anally other 1)irwaso( that Lead to insanity. or
Consumption and n Premature grave. 7 -:"Tall
pt',rtilutlarn ill ulir la'.utphll t 3011(.11 we desire to
Send 19•„e by mail to everyone.. ' Tile Specific
ita,liehioissold byall "rug i t(at '1 per package
or six pi el et1.6b toe h, or will he prat by mail en.
receipt ei the ale ler•' bP llalitxe4 11.1
11 Ill (1'LAY 31 I DIC TN1 CO,,
1oa 1'111, O3r1 c.Aaen.t.
tom( Sold in Fx(t(rby all Magni. t3 and meere.
where-in,.3atiarlht ,r o0 till ETuitod statcs')y'a•hoa),
sale an(1 retail drug lists.
3i, B—mite ,leln'(u,i of over business have 130058
Anatol o n rein in; to Ttixoutu, to w111ch Ida c
please ad111 .s:; all future c(,1)ln*nuicatans.
What is our exportable surplus for 1 straight up and down, "(rood bye,
1879-80 ? That it is materially larger sweet -heart, good bye;" upside down in
than last year all who follow the trade the right corner, "Write No rue's; in
carefully must bs a ell convinced. First the center, at the top, "Yes;" oppueite,
we eater 1130 harvest this year with a ILC the bottom, "No;" on the right heed 11
visible supply, larger by 9,250,0001 corner, at rt right angle. "Do you love
bushels than last year, whilst the 1 me ?" Le the left hand curlier, "I hate
"invisible supply" as well as four j,3'ou; ' top corner on the right, "1 wish
stocks wore also larger, And the 1870 your frieudsbip;" button corder on the
harvest of both winter and spring
wheat was larger than 1878, both in
extent of area ou[tivaied and yield per
acre. while the grain is far ellpetior 1i 1 gageft;" at a right angle Ill the same
quality, particularly ;the gpling wheat,' "I lung to see yt,u;" in the
whieh EU 1878 Was, the ul)l.jor portion Idle at the right Mand edge, "Write ma-
rnodi,ate1y." \While this i3 all very good
as far as it goes, those who part a post
Page Amup on any but the upper right -
it and 130)1(01' of au envelope must hold
quality (titter than No.,8 Cels exported. themselves r'espousible for all the swear
ihlg of the port office clerks.
left, ,,"I seek your acqultiutauce;" on
a Hue with the 8oruaule, "Aooept Amy
love;" the salve upside down,"I ala en -
refit, miserable stuff, requiting six of
seven bushels to make even a p501
barrel of our and bet very little of u
Tiro superior quality alone of the 1870
spring wheat over that of 1878 may be
eddy computed as equivaleut to 15,-
000,000 to 20,000,000 bushels, x111
perhaps eveu more. Tills qtiantity It sr( lies 11301 the mystery surrtund-
plus the increase of "visible" and "in- ing a robbery conl►uitted 1n the First
visible supply," plus the iucrea-e of 'Nt tion:JABAnk of this city many months
yield --which of winter wheat is very ago was solved Tuesday eveuiug. A
considerable—plus the quautity growl long time ago Mr. Farnsworth, flashier
ou the additivaal area cultivated, plus in the bank, missed $1 $2 and $5.
100,000,000 exported in 1878 9, shuttle bills frequently out of a small paste
give an (approximate total of the ex- board bol he kept standing on the conn
porting power of the U. 8. and Canada ter. In all there were $15 or $20
for 1879.80.; taken, and then ler. F(rilnstvorth re -
011111, Australia, New Zeland, Bra- "moved the temptation of the uhy ter•.
zi1,Ls�ypt, and B1 Welt fudia will togs- loud bau'lr robber by doing,away with
they probably be able to furnish Eur. the "change box." Tuesday mgruing
0pewith as much' wheat this • year as Workmen were :engage(' in tearing down
least. e•u,y dut1cieuey, therefore, in the the old vrauit in the building furruet'Iy
foreign •supply of ,western Europe is by the first 14aiiouai, situated on the
likely to arise from short drops iu corner of Broadway and Alain streets.
Smite Rusela and,other countries hors and isle a hale in the inside of the vault
daring on the Black Sea. That Anieri' jtl,at above the door, they roped rt dead
cu ui uuunclhotly ,ub10 to Wake guns
WILD Strawberry
A. Specific Remedy for all Summer
(✓Ilinp111111ts such as D1ar1'ila a, Dy -
sentry, Canada Chalets., Cholera
Cholera Infant010, Sour
Stomach, C1'riping Pains, and all
derangements of the il,lwels, tattts-
ed by using improper food, such as
raw Tege10114m, unripe or soler
fruit, bad milk, impure water or
change of water, (Images of the
seascus, exposure, No matter from
what cause or in what form you are
subject to any of the above com-
pbaints,l)R. 1!,owLuii's r.,xi•R^lci of
'W'ir,n Sr1AWnl ttnv will relieve you,
and a speedy cure will be effected
without injury to the system. It is
mahufactored from the Wild
Strawberry Plant, and free from
opium and other injurious drugs.
For safe by all dealers, at ls. 100.
or b Bottle, for $1.00
TOROA* 70.
The groat
Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound.
The only pa salve curator 00.10E11 yetdisoovured.
OONS'1'1'I L 110:-i LA]'11 1 11 I 1-H1Y 1 F,
The or,1)' ((Retia, -a •, t are 11 .u,tt11 t 1"' frn
Cut 0th {'n11as up r.( state to 13 111 . S ahu,l.r1
(1i1tatb:Attie Sat1::ttii4t A 1)131x .h<y,([ ,l•;
nay Foyer, l•, N(13''3(1 1)t cents, all 1'10'l, top,ttlr.w
when tho (u1- titntutl(u ,1 t'tt the •11. tit 14 ly 1n ( -
taken , ,431' 1 1 I'1 to ; i 3„1 bottle. • Por hmle
llti_;41as au.,?.1 d tul1Ns (10414,18. 1 boltoo1 130O $, b:aa.wii1,irv, 11. 1 ;{:.'..1108
&rocerte5 < (unIEc onaly.
inj7'inb f Ubocctr 245 to chs per 1!+'
t,,11C�Cu TBOAEuI,a a t ..1.' C.T.L.AT•tS
1.033;1. h is:saes .,,.
.1.ar.. SPUD. W IE hc�. lt.:P
.l.tt.)T, v^,�
W.11 11 ALL T:11 ; LATE n' ws
\.B:—Sewwing lraeb.l (tut, Ll(:z 01aAc1't 13{1:41.
1 aving-.received a lot Di nlwv ,ittleI1111,try,1 - A. 7,3014).
e le would inform the farmers of the stir •
roundiitg eout,tr3 that 1 1130 pied, 1e .l tl luaini
fa-t0r1 e0 bate( of 11111-110 1 l s, hurley 11, 110' AL! ,'
Forks, Gm ra()rallies. Sonitha, tem .1tit 11113 iug
°-11111(1 the be 1 Y'10,.s 01 a 11t a:r-elatr8 1 rrrtl011 1
' IaEIIt)VAI11 h ,, ilE';1:()\'AL!
xza inspired. tu leo
1V E 3,10 Vet1.1
ALL KIN 1)F.1 Oi Tl'ilN1Nfz FE'IOV AL!
ou the shortest notice, and for 1113'h4 ar111 price
I def)' ealupetitioll. Always on hum i 'a filsi• - ) '
class 14to0,: of Fork runt Shovel 11amdem. 1111i11 . • .s- £v .,/..i'..,.'3
half a Lille south of
fi51,x ,1Ot1�'�r
,, < .tet1
)las removed to hll ar,w 'i' 1 t, 131 rtrtettpleci by
P 1'l 11s l a , x i I " 11 I r I,it'lt
,itnre where 311)3: 3,1 1)l 1 { • : '1,00) 11 `^1414
�,•- ilk
Pt, IIY WO il:S. a (t rr:;t 111 1 4114th 1 3t which fr!r
hutiJtrutu'l:etc l ran •u1i l ..1(11
IS N() T L'' \.81LY t U i 111,.;`ED
GT" yq . �y a*t �r a ,T !a (1)11 111101 a3Otmiue 1)1 3,11,1Lo(-foropal_lntsia:„
Cite 1- C 81� 8 .1811J4 aka ,, it 3Jd'xe t)1eult'hcre^
I 'lel
Having nettle 1 to 10"" pn1311' inachinerv,'anrt me,
mired IL 111rl;e 1}nauilty c 11 1',r-(l1s14' 1.411119 1001,1
mux prepared to unite au•,i'tiulih
Superior to any Factory in the County,
Ulla. at prices that defy eompe.tirioh. Ni elle and
Cisterns auk; uu t11e 81101.11381 Iiutitte.
Before purchasing coli a;31111iay. Pump ' 1111(1)
"1'7 Shop--nue-(i+tart:r plies /tort of Exeter
1,011,1013 J30 1,l, Rev P. ..
i lite audersigued wwouldi.'Cfnrr„ the inhabi-
tants of L xeter and vicinity that he bits
.331 a Loor atrial, of 111s -if iae 1CaulitL$llnp snit 11o1'et
tlteaatuelittoral patroness that has u0811 au
eorded to him in. the
1►GA013A311'!.'t( AND 1AlioN 1)A3:214
1Ln ewP111 I)e•) xte1111 et, to help in his now braueh of
1)tllin3AA, nih "neat wvagrn - willcall at.tbe res(-
Jents ()f the village tllreetinreheucl weekend
F .1-t _ice+ II vi 1-(; A T
ut1. k:nns kept (louetulntl:l )h amid at hie 1
butcher chop,
81001 01nitlling and wagon in akingcarric0 ou
1(8 110,11(1 311 All itti ill to..li et
mils groat household Medicine ranks amongst
tl a loading neeessaario$ of life. These famous
Plhs purity the li000n, .and taut Inose powerfully
ye6800tniugiy 011 Cue Liver, Sto,tl.telt, ICirlrteys,
a td Bowels, giving tone, energy, anti vigor to'
these (eraat u1 i 111 1o11a31 of life. 1'{toy aro c0 1-
(1 13)111 31 recom111, 3 le,l as a never failing 01110 v
it ,411 caeca whore 4111 c al,tllu ton,fruln 3311tev -
cause, has beet)] 11' ent,ali'1d or weeri1otl,nl. They
are wonderfully eilleaelot)A )11 all ailments Met -
outbid to fein,ades of tell ago; tet,( as ,a g;;11C1o1
lawny tuodielne, are unsurpassed,
Planing Mll Sash
Done to order.
taomelnbet bllepluce
C'd LtETZ'S Cl;NT1t:1L DR1(4 STORE. p,
mouse, lying 04 tok of tV 14Vgu r>:ze(.I bye,sytIrx,taeuerulAgent,Ar'ieona,onta Z)37 Or L1► Ovr.;,,rci
e?' . ,t>w.
S, .s
Its sear'cllillg and healing properties are known
throughout the world.
Per the cure of budrl3ga,bad breasts, old wounds
Soros andrleersitis as remedy. 1
y. If
effectually robbed on thenoel: and chest,At'and sal
into meat it cures Ane throat BronahitisCntwh
Colds, and even asthua. Ir 0liudulrSel
A11o1.94e*, Pilear 1013111111.1.8. Gnntttlxeuraatfain
and every kind of S1t111 Disease, it bas never been
known to fail. The Pills .and Ointment aro :emir
ufa0t1t10U only fat
ssa oxtoxav STRET. LONDON,
and faro sold oy all :Vendors. of Medicines
throughout the civilized Wavle ; with directions
in a1tno,t O3'01')'language,
•,Che Trade Marks of these rocdt/does are roots.
tared 31,31 Ottawa,. • 21(010e, anyone in the 'Brit.
Is11 Possessions, who may keep tho American
0,.nntertedts for Bale, will be prosecutor),
I r+.ir"Pltrah(I
Sera sho113') look to the Label on the
re.,Pots sari limos, if the address is not 335, Oxford
wolf titr0.:t,Lu...dou, they oretii)urit.US,