HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-2, Page 1• • • Vol.. VII. Exe T7OR b LE- ---A !x Panel of ouR 11u2tdreil..05514 td titaA rnaad firab ceneassiioaw Qt� e1T Oil`,, . LexL? ,Dql ' ik4 nk )xeler Apply oto; i.,13, V 141,4P4 t,' ll, tot, Exeter. 44gu$ ]1 16?4. r >i() BENT FOR 'TER,i ' OF .. —+:9*OS.few la'�''bi LLlui1 aa4� �.. , i d balsa d t �, uubltut6ttl'03k.a,¢3'ws, R sola,, to , to ,�+ i�. !' . >a (Aber ttctlatlug on e z h SIR 4de,,,Tb refit tealeappe lLtlt` a6t`•14S1v:Mtkte bi :1kGt{.ttn,00$ se41lxt1,Y gi ext. .O tl?ef i rJirt smears aply 0,; the; premises to, for11�...r�lfJteY.:L'tt�^T b;1,13! -,-(i00„,,;)', 1.Rxetu,, 1', 0,, ARM FOB ,SA.LE.Last (3, 6tei;l)10. Line, Stetrhe14s6 MINS, Ste aures. elearod;1 rl stable,. 'wo11 ,a, r o Pod tarlck'hcit3ao G0o uol?der :assns. Land excellent, flit lade plisse, t of a a mile Ilona Port Blake. whore boats rtu2, three xxmus a St'Celc, wove 1 eau, Milo from (rain. Baud, 0.touti•etli07.4b0r,+;,ro,)1edict chur hes,. on, good road. 1)0,0 yd,,00, t.lrme away, KED 11r1(. 1)i15a.IIi, l3s,yrstor'p ry FARM FOR Scl.lai{.a--leo b 4' 1, OO N eessiea 3U, 5top.,on, ooeeeenteas tee morals, 4'U aorticcleau4. t4o',d 1 g house anti fr;a tie baruM ,4UxQe. Good. yiat,xx' orota el, grafted fruit, • The- • fai•ut is well f fenced arid it agc:o1 state of out i- ' ntio2). There isa large quantity of black ash, .arolso a itiv r failing well. •For tonus apply to II1; IxtY P 1 ILL1l'P1.1, on Baton. Juno 5 --r ABU FOR SA_L] .—toot 8, cooties- • anon l:r, Usborne. Seventy acres more or leas, wily sores eleu.re'cl and iu a g nd state of cul- tivation, good frame house and. frame barn, log Stables', Hood wcliot \.iter, spring creek ruuuiug o.eross the plaeo, good orchard, gaud fences. For Surthcr pnrtteulars, atiply on the premises or by $error to J.) i rN lir (tl£ Iiul.toa P. O., Ontario. tf. ;nay 80, 1875. lalARI11 FOR SALE. -1111.13, sUB scriber offers for sale his furls, Lot 18, (.on. 11, Township of lJsborne' County of II troy 80 acres clots-od, the remaivaio ,rood bush, well fenced, and in a Arced state of eultLVatiO3!' under, drained, good. orchard, splen,lid well of water frame b aro 86xf;e, to g stable ;:l s 80, log house. and 41onvenlent to school and three churches. For' nrthuri,arti•.nlars apply to w91• 1111YANS, li•trklon, P;t4„or 0111.II. V.15LLIOT. Attorney..E rater F.O. 'PAW EOl, SALE.—The Pubecrib- e. or offers for ssie the north half of lot 17, .con. 10,. Usborne, eontainilig .5e acres. 41 aores. cleared, well on,lerdrained, and In tt gond state •of cultivation. There are on the premises a acres of good been, l6e rodsboartl fence, is good com- • fortabla •aitvelling 2t1x30; frame 'barn $4x6•l, goon Ing st,Lble ,and shed 27x47. ;nod orchard, good well of water with pump. Tho property is situated sic uS a half miles frons ixnter mexkst and abort of a utile from .8argnhar, and convenient to ,tihurohesand sehools. For further partioulars. •s,p',ly ontllo promises ox 50 Farquhar post o5leo 3011V FULTON. IUPOBTkIN'T 2xOTIC1;S. IIODGSQN, Sz' J. OKs, 00. a r • Auctioneers. Saes promptly attended • to. Dave of stilet arranged at this (Apo J. CLA.fili, Agent for the Us. i . shorts and fDismantle, Mutual Fireism•antle, G uipauy, 11eaidenoe —'1! arqultar,, Orders by' ail promptly attended to. r • T Jf. Ca1RLIN(a & J W. AR1I- :,•, • •Ey'Ji 0 Liceused Auctioneers for the 'Comity of Huron, aid the Townships of i eGillf- vray and F3irlielpth Sales conducted with yaatin- xactinu, aid on liberal terms. All orders left at Christi, -'s 0lauslot House will receive prompt at- tout2u,x. • c Sept, 4,1-y. S. C 4 lPR1iLi.t, PitOV,tNCIAL •' Laud Surveyer, .tto., will Le at the Ia .yel i&otel.Exater,au the ilrstTueeday ineach mouth. O, dere for work left with Ur. John aipackitten wi11r000iveprompt attontiou• QIIN 1I. H7rND3IAN, ACCOUNTANT; CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. • •money to Iran on mortgages, votes and other securities, laontsand accounts collected on rea- sonable terms. Insurance ,effected in first -Class (.u,upa nes at reasonable Yates. O1ico—at i)r. SIvnduann's,Mtaio S reot,Exotel. LAKE, AUCTIONEER, FOR . • 7'litECOUNTY OV FHHJ1i0N. .� LARGE LMOTJ aiT OF MONEY just reealvetlfor investment on mortgages at 8 per cent. JI �cEDS,W]1LS. ETC., D. A:WN on reaasonable terns. • .11. ABBOTT L. D. S.,It1.11.C.D -ILA- • .�S Graduate of Royal College of DENTAL'' ST)*RG]ONS•. Office ovexO'Nei1 bank, and opposite Samweii. Piukards. £'A i BELLS.! FARM BELLS! .+'ARM BELLS Iron, -Hardware and Carriage Goods tlerohalat,, :.. • SOUTH HURON FALL' STIOW, T11s, amens) fall 7show of the Saigel1 Icing of T-inron A rieultnlal. Secie#.jr 48 reels in Seaforth cit T xursdey and 11'a'itl,ey of last week. The tYcatlle»;,J11 both d1+3bvlLa slterb ,TIiQ attendance, t1491l4, very good, did aet:irll,',:Pear to ns: to be .equal to that in Exeter, on the 00cesiou of the Stephen & Ilsborne Show. The inside exhibition was not of the very best :desoription, There was ,Lathing uovel to be seen. One felt that, he was gazing at every turn set s iuletliing which 11c, sad seen: be- fore. Io net. in all the inside slows*. there is a great cameuess, ,yeag ,aftst year. The outside show. was 'really splendid. 1n sheep aucl cattle it was. superb. Some of the oleases of draught colts Wee poor representatives, but it would be bard to beat"others, especially the three:year-olds. Froin Exeter,Mr. Bawdeu^s,ettrriage colt,laandled by Mr. G, A.. 'Mame excited ctllisiiierable'adrnir• atiou, tablet' was only exceeded when a Sir Archie and Golden Hero Mitre cult, belonging to Alia Stephenson, of Con- stance, was ledi' around. This flue animal was regarded .with enthusiasm, and was the obntre of attraction wheu- waer elle appeared. Her carriage was a ;nificeut, and people 13okh.g at her 'rum a distance believed her to be a thoroughbred stallioL, i.nstead of a mate. Iitr. Thos. Bi>ssett's driving horse also was greatly admired, 'and, carried o:1hrstprize til his slags, Be - tow -le the PRIZE LIST ttoasEs • Heavy Dnsuolrr.---•Brood mare, 11Irs. Thos, M. Michaele. ]swat, Julia Stewart ;:•:'-\Ven, Finlay - soli, • Gelding, 8 years old;- i'eter McKay ; R. McAllister. • Filly 3 yeays old, John Malone ; Wm. Moir ; John Cochrane: • Gelding, 2 years old, Wm. Logan. Eilly, 2 fears old, John McMillan ; )1• m. Evans ; James Sulilie.. Gelding, 1,year old, Wm.Fialaysooe Filly, 1 year old, John I1cMitlan ; T. Livingstone ; Mrs. T. ;`t1eliichael. Eutire colt, 1 year old, Archibald Curate; ; 11L Lynou ; John Coohr sue. Draught teams, Thos. Dixou ; AV1n• Cornish. • Id. illy, 2 year old, B. Brock ; C. T. Delo. Gelding, 1 yen” old,Jae D'1EAiulkiusI; G. Ingram. N Filly, year7 1 old Thos. Robertaot + ]:brat, Wilson. Pair carriage horses. McTaggert & Co... Jas. White ; L. muter.-,, Single ,,,roadster, under '1-0. high, T. Bieeett f' (I-. A. Matte, la i iuule carriage bore 1( Impasaligh and :ower, A. Davidson ; Bar. bc4ui ; .3olln Wise. • Special prize for the best gait sired by Clear Grit, Jas. Mlolktulleiu ;1 . Wil - sou. s+ CATTL1r. 'vx Doan .,—Cow, . calved since 1878, H. Buell & Sun.; Jas. Dixon '?u3 and 3rd. Heifer, .2 years -old, H. Snell & Sona Geo. Sproat. Helfer, 1 year old, H. Snell :& Son ; J. Dixon ; E. Cresswell. Heifer cell, 11; Snell & San, lst and 2nd ; Geo. Sproat. , Bull calf, Jus. Dixon, let, 2nd and 8rd. Special prize for a herd: consisting of 4 females iliaa bull, 11. Buell & Sen. GRADE OW, tntlet have calved in 1879, Samuel Carnote:w; 1st and 2nd Jolla McLean. Heifer, 2 years old, Jas. Broadfoot ; was. ItIcLeau, 2nd and 3rd. Heifer, 1 year old, .rias. Dixon •; S. Caruotion.; John Dixon. 1-ieifer calf, -Jags. ?)lieu D. Camp=; bell ; S. Carnolian. $Weir, 2 years old, John McLean; 1st rand 2nd. • Fat ox Or steer, Jas. Dixon 1st and 2nd ; Jas Carnolian. 13 'at cow, Johu McLean•, 1st, tad and 3rd. • Fat heifer, P, b'IuEwen John Use,, Lean. Ayreli ' eh cow, Jolla Mai is laud .' • SHEEP. L>.lioESPEa .ia>.(rt, aged, H. Snell ; Wm Eenhale; Thos. Shapton. Ram, sherling, 11. Sneel1;• Wm. Grieve ; I. . Govenlock. Ram lamb, Wm. Penhale, let and 2nd •; J3. Snell. Pair owes having raised•lambs in 1879,Win. Peohala ; Thos. Sllaptou ; tie.. Smell. Pair shed rings, Wm. Penhale ; H. Snell; Win. Grieve. Pair terve lambs, H. Snell ; Thos. Shapton ; Wm. Penhale. bobs Ieow11.-I'La311, aged, A. G.Van• A speeisi prize for the best brood; Corswo1o.--Ram, aged, D. Fergie. mare and foal, John Stewart. eco. Special prize fur the two best ,colts Shearling ram, H. Snell ; i„ WIn. S. sired by Ste•rlulgshire ,Champion, Uol• I iu McDonald ; Geo. Doboon. ArtucuLTuRL.=Brood mare, John lfcblillan ; John Stewart ; John 'SLip- lev., Foal, not koWo ; John McMillan ; John 'McDonald, Geldoug, 3 years old, ` John Weleh ; Wm. Logan ; .0. Dale, sr, Filly 3 years old, 'Whos.:Dixon Mrs. John Finlayson •; D. McLaren. Gel(1ing, 2 years old, G. Hawkins ; Wrll. Wilson ; H. M. Chesney. Filly, 2 years old, Wm. H. Mord- roe .9; Geo. Watt Thos. Greeu. Gehring, 1 year old, W. Itowtiedge. Draught team, ' Wtxu. Id.. Chesney ; A. Sparks. A special prize for the Bost mare and foal, Andrew Govenlook. ' GENERAL,Putmostt.—Brood mare, H. Chesney John lIcllillan G. Hawkins, Foal, Geo. Dobson John 11IcMil- la,�. Gelding, 8 years *old, John 2161111'- ran'; L. Hunter. Filly, 3 years old, D, McLaren ; 3. Achesou. Gelding,2 years old,S. Beattie ; Jas. I3roadfoot ; Wm. Davis. Filly, 2 years old. John McMillan P, McICay John Sfatt, Geldbag, 1 year old, A, AME teen W. Davis ; J Torrance. • Filly, 1 year 01a, Timothy Ryan T. Gemmele, �' • ' D.r aught team G. A. Mace ; A. Mo. Ewen. • Ceitenecut.--Brood, mare, L. 1-Iuntel' ;. A,•lU. (J wpbetl Utas. Zt9altiulkin. Foal John I\IuLoan, jr. ;,1.4. EVA) ter ; Jas. Mtio\Iulkin. „ Gelding, .8 years ojti, John Shipley. t+illy, 8 years old, Geo. Stevenson 'Phos, Itobert5OU ; L, Ilunter: , • ' Guiding, 2 years Vii, Cr. Ilawkiue ; .ttressaelle Diundell, 2nd and 3rd. Ram lamb, al. Snell, 1st and 2nd. Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 2879, H. Snell. Shearlir.g sties, H. Snell. Pair ewe lambs, H.. Buell; Wm., S. &Tuudell. • Aire OTHER BREED. --Aged ram, H. M. Chesney. Shearling ram, John Acheson ; D. Uampbell. Ram lamb, 21. M. Chesney ; R. Govonlock. ArrLEs.--Petri barieties Winter ar Pair ewes heviug raised lambs in pies, n Crassxvell ; Jas. Dixon. 1879, H. iYf.Cllosney ; D. I\Ielswen. Four aarieties fall apples, Jas. Dix- Pair'shearlin,g ewes, 1Vin. Grieve; en Thos. Grieves: Robt. Govenlook. aaregellll}u,. laola t1s, Bate .Govep� • ]:']ape of. Gx67 loolf,IkevdrSFtt .,,lark, so+ti.t 1 8Jp Jat� tlflTs, rev. Geo. ± a#' Vicar 01ark, lit Nat s B,sopif. Pall, s,}isar pen,dil;ed Ila,nlburgs, 011,143.::, l4—., af'Dartlettt Grins nr.` I tJ?Ffs= Platp Peva houfans, gelab, Runci.t . a f ''Ist, Govenloek.` .� a w b.tff oc il, ,lie t,�t � -�p•.(?r13sens� 1,* 9 0. let n'2nd, t�u esaur1ee, o e n:. , 0 �jR4'r-black S„216 Iaw t ev. 0C.l.s,r , Rev. Geo,' 1st�d, F1 o#: e ofL0 mIaa r .•d, .,Gtt�et�lo.cl» s Plate of any nor g. ems' y othervariety, I riet., y, R,ai:t; est and 2nd•, Govenlook. Pnair turkeys, GEAPns &e.—Plate of Dolatavare, Stewart. Robt. Govtnlack. ep Wm. ^Morrow ; Wme Ernes --Gray ducks, B„ tin. eulo' �llllsnovy ducks,s, -1t. Gov c a Ply* mouth rooks, ice Rum/hien. White Polands, R, Runc±ruatl, 'White leg• horns, R, Bondman. Partridge co- chin, E Runbiman, Bantams. Rev.. Geo- Clark.. Friesland fouls, John Beattie. - Iaivassem'rs. Wooden patent axle wagon, > H.. J. Schnell ; Jas. Bevellaey, Double top carriage, Cantelon Bros, Double open carriage, Hos & Haber- er Pillmau Bros. Siegle top phaeton, Cantelou Broe. ; Pittman Bros. Renate open p fcp, Pillman Bros. Single open buggy, Hess & Haberer, lat (Cud 2nd. . Sillgle top buggy, Ctitltelon Bros. Iron •beam plow, M. & A, Monrce; Milacron •& Go. Double inottld plow, Mulberon &.Co. Gang ploy, Mulherou & Co. Pair non harrows, H. J. Schnell ; A. Stewart. Rullor• Mielaeron Sr Co. Homo hay rake, Massey Mfg. Co. ; Masson Mfg.a0o. .'anni4og still, McTaggart & Co." Single. teepee, L. D. Sawyer & Co. ; D. Maxwell. • Single, mower, L. D. Sawyer & Co. • Grain br=ed drill, Nixon Bros. Pump, N. C1uf. Horse fork, Won. II. Workman•. 1. orso shoes, Dennis Hogan; D. Me Naught,, ORAI'ti AND SEEDS. Best 10 bushels fell wheat,Was Bell; Tilos. Mott.: . • Two bushels fall wheat,- Wm. Bell ; Thos Nola.; R. McAllister. Two bushels fife wheat', 'Jas. Dixon R. McAllister ; Chesney. Two bushels any other variety, A.. McEwen; R. Charters •; Win. Arm- strong. Two bushels 6.rowed barley, Win: Wilson ; D. NIcEwen. Two bnshel.2•rowed barley, Jas. On. i Two bushels laii•ge oats, Wm. Bell ; Jail. Dixon. Two buslieis common oats,S. Londes- boro ; D. bicEweu.. Two busbel4 sneak peas, S. Londes- boro ; Robt. Beattie. Cue bushel timothy seed, 'Wm. Ches- ney. Best four bushels fall wheat, D. Mc- Gregor. Best four bnsbels spring. wheat any variety, Jas. Kerr: HORTICULTURAL i',FAbti'CTS: Pair ewe Iambs, Robt. Charters ; Best t;ollection apples, Jas. Dixon D. Campbell. Pair fat ewes, Wm. Peuhale ; John Shipley, Pdir fat. wethere, D..McEwen, 1st and 2nd. PIGS. LARGE' OR..11 EDxihlr--Soto, littered fn 1879, Wm. Stewart. SuProales.—Boar, littered in 1879, t - nr. Stewart. : • John 11ftltiillan, Plate of ten Rhode Island greenings, D. McEwen. Plate of ten northern spies,' Win, Belt. PIate of ten Roxboro russets, Thos. Grieve: Plate of ten Spit::onburgs, Jas. Dix- on. . Plats of ten Baldiwns,. 11. M. Ches- ney. Aced saw must have littered in 1879, Plate of ten Westfield seek -no -fur - one ar ulo1•e of her'pigs to be shown tiler's, Tilos Grieve, with her, \'Ven- Stiwtert 1st and 2nd. Plate of ten snow apples, Win. Chan Sow, littered in 18(0, \Vin. Stewart, nay. Banasneita.-Alred boar,Johu \'V"orla Plate of ten Gravenste0ns, 0. Rut- , ' • a, ledge. Boar, liitteretJ in 1879, nobt. Gowen- Plate of ten fall pippins, L. Mabee. 'bola lst'and 2t1c1. Plate of ten red Astraohans, Jas. Aged sow, leftist blab littered -in '70 Dixon', one or nor of her pigs to be shown Plate of ton King of Tompkins, Wm, with herWas.. Itobb. , Chesney, • iiow., littered 10•18T93 AVn. Robb.; .1?4ate of terNAloxanders,tVen. Bell. R., Govenlocla,. Plasmsee—Two varieties of winter pears, John Wilpolr, (Silver Creek). POULTRY-. Pair dada brebtnas,• Relit. ''Build. gaol ; John Beattie.' ' .eatif .light brallnlas, Rov.Geo, Clark, let r>aodr2ntl r:t Palter black 'fiplaudsy „ Geo.11.obklrk. Plate' of Hartford •prolific, Join, Walker. Plate of Concord,, John Walker. Plate of Rogers No. 19, Robt. Menlooli;. Plate of Rogers No. 4, John Walker, Plate of any other 'variety, John Walker, Plate of Crabs, any variety, Johii Cotelon, a Plate of early 'Crawford peaolies, Dr. Scutt, Plate dj stump the world peabltes, Wm. Bert, ' Plate of peaches, any other variety, Win. Bell. Best collection canned fruit, Geo. lieuderson. 'Ea•STABLE$t, 13aif bushel early rose potatoes; Jas, Loudesboro. Half bushel peerless potatoes; Jas. Londesboro, Two varieties of early potatoes other than the above, Jas. Londesboro. • . Two varieties late potatoes, 4'm, Murray.' Four heads winter cabbage, Wm; Badge ; John Copeland. Six blood beets, D. Ferguson ..• :serif Copeland. Six long mangolds, Bobt. McLean ; John Wilson. Six globe mangolds, Robt. Charters. Six sweed tnrui7is, H. HI. Chesney Wm. Hogg, Six early horia carrots,D. Ferguson ; John Walker. Six' long orange or red carrots, Jeri Copeland. Six white Belgian carrots, Jas. Diix.. on ; D. Campbell. Twelve ears Indian corn, J. Walk- er; John Copeland, , Three water melons, John Cope - laud ; Jas. Londesboro. .,: Three musk melons, John' Copeland ; Four heads cauliflowers, A. Hobson ; John Copeland: Peek of red onions,A. Hobson ; Johu Copeland. Peau of white or yellow anions, A. Hobson John ,Copeland. a. Peck of tomatoes, John Hannah ; John Copeland. Six bunches of celery, A. Hobson ; John Copeland. ' Three citrons, John Copeland Jtis ; Loudesboro. Six parsnips, A. Hobson ; D. Forges* 60u. Best collection of vegetables, A. Hob - sou : John Copeland. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Five pounds salt butter, It. Bell ; not known ; Woe. Bell:. l Five pounds butter ivithout;sait, R. !Bell; Wm. Bell. !I Fifty pounds salt blttter in tub, ,T, S. 'Brown i, R. Belli R. Scott, Cheese, factory made, fifty l+n•oude, J. R. Mooning ; H. McCarty, 1.3t and 2nd. Cheese, hone made, fifteen pounds, John Tough ; Mrs. T, McMichael ; R. 14TeMioll,aal. 13 IANU1'ACTVr>;S. Woven -home-made quilt; 3. G. Amen ; John McLean.' Ten yards domestic cloth, Thos, Livingstone ; 11. McKay. Ten yards fiennel, all wool, Mrs. S. Stokes ; Alen, Gray. Pair bIank(ts, Robt. Bell , D. Moe Ewen* Ten yards linsey wcolsey, L'. Me. Ewen; Alex. Gray. Woolen yarn, Mies hash ; Mrs. 113, Stokes. Set single harness, Newton & Den - bile Cured ham, Jas. McMichael, Sewing nnuehine, Wm. Badge ; 9iug• er Mfg. Co, Organ, S.Stober ; Stott Bros, 11at ARTS. Two varieties fall Pears., Jas.' Diol- Wat'er'color 1rnwita r, Miss Nadi, son.. • Painting le oil, II. Crlarlsatiorth ; Plate or °'I.'t finish beauty, u' i i.loclf.. ` * 3 'dre`ty �114w C`rove Tytt]•nlor. Pencil tutar't11b, 11.''(liartstvo'e•th • 1St r • Plato '(sf' renrre Clhlrgedt., Robt, ores *1t1(1 '' • "' Lotdesbot'o. td ,. 154, ..txtfl.u, ON roultrx wok), .11