HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-18, Page 8;Fall Shows.
• The follewiug are the dates of the fall exhis
bitions of &griottltural $tioieties in this. district;
Stephen and Unborn,+, at Exeter, on Tries.
day iiud Wednesday,S'seteiuber 23rd and 24th.
• n 'lath on Thursday t
at ala `lI Is a and
lap h Haven, S ,
Friday, September 25th and 26th. y
.'Emit Huron, at Brns;els, on Thursday and
Friday, October 2nd and 3rd.
West Huron, at Goderioh, on Wednesday
and Thursday, Septetnber 17 and 18,
Tarubetry at %Ingharrt, or Thtireday and
Friday, Set•tetnber 25 and 26.
g;ire Cxeter
THURSDAY, SEl''2[ M13I R 18,1879.
FALL Snow. -The Stephen and 'Osborne Agri-
cultural Society's • fall show will be held in
Exeter on Tuesday and Wednesday next.
PAltso'Aoa Inenov$3nn r. -Messrs Pnks and
Sweet we pushing the brick cellar and kitchen
at the Church of 'England Parsonage, and are
Ina: ing a splendid jol .
Snow SrIr1rrxVTs.-Messrs. George and
Joseph Case on Monday last shipped 200 excel-
lent la;ntbs from this place for Buffalo market.
Mr. John Willis also shipped 250 lambs on the
,came day.
Ru Awsx.-On Friday morning one of Mr.
Jamos Piet ard's horses ran away, smashing
the wagon considerably. It was standing at
the grist mill, and the noise of the machinery
frightened it.
ENranEs Fon FAzn.-Mr. A. G. Dyer, the
Secretary of the Stephen it Usborne Ag So-
eiety, desires the 1nennbers of the Society to
trend to him before Saturday next -a list of the
articles they intend to exhibit at the fa11 show.
WELOOIE VISITOR. -On Saturday last Mrs.
E. Christie presented her husband with a
bounding boy. Ed. feels quite delighted over
the addition of a bay to his family, and he has
not Yet decided whether he will give an oyster
supper or free drinks for a day.
A. CRANa».-Since the posters for the Steph-
.'• en &; UWborneshow were issued, there has
besu itchange made in the quantity of snit
butter to be shown. Instead of five lbs, in a
tab, exhibitors will be. required to show not
lees than 25 lbs. The prize+ will be the sante.
THE Vlon-BEOAL Visrr.-A number of oni
citizens went to the Forest City on Tuesday
last to see the Margnis of Lorne and Her Roy-
al Highness Princess Louise. They all express
themselves as highly deli;;htei with the ap.
Pearance of both the Governor-General and his
Foot BAoa: Yesterday afrernoen a foot
race for a wager of 1¢100 a side tools place in
the Exeter Driving Park between W. Balkwill,
of Exeter, and K. Hunter, of London. The
distance was 100 yards, and Hunter had two
feat start, according to previ t;t3 agream:int.
The rata resulted in favor of Flamer..
A Paz•L.-Ou Saturday afternoon last as Mr,
Mark Clark's horses were being driven up
Main Street one of them struck its foot on the
erosaing in frout of Mr. Ggigg's store, which
caused it to fall to the ground: After some
little delayin taking the• harne,.s off and get-
ting the equine on its feet again it went off all
right, but covered with mud.
STocs SALLA. -The third annual .stock sale
of the Huron Live Stock Assaciation will bo
held in the town of Clinton, on Wednesday,
October 15. Farmers and stock -raisers having
stock to dispose of should eotet it for the sale,
and parties wishing to purchase good stock
woald do well to attend the sato. For addi-
tional iuforniatioa. real a:lvertieement.
Exemtst N FoNm. Seutrols. -F,dv; Dr. Sand-
erson,. of London, will preach two sermons in
the C. M. clhnrch on Senility, 28th inst., in aid
of the esten•'ion fund. The clzu,cll intends
11;4;441015:S000 $15:,00,0 for ;other purposes than the
itstiel work, p incipally fir the netting off of
certain indebtedness and the cyton?ion of the
mission work. This is a Laudable object, and
the CPutribntions shnnhl therefore be liberal.
LsoxaRlt,- To -morrow evening (Friday) a
lecture, entitled "The Elijah of the Alps"
will bo given in the 13.0. elulrch by Bev, Ikfr.
Pascoe, of Mitoholll. The Young People's
Christian Assooiation have secured the serv-
ioos of this excellent lecturer, and as the prices
of admission is only 10 cents, there will no
doubt be it good audience, The Rev. gent'e-
man will atso preach in the 13. C. church nort
Suuday, morning and evening, and address the
Sabbath•sahool in the afternoon,
REORGANIZED. --At a meeting held on the 5th
instant to reorganize the Exeter. Gun Club, the
following gentlemen were elected officers for
the coming year: President, Tsaao Carling;
Vice -President, Dr. Hyndinan ; Secretary, F.
G. Simpson ; Treasurer John Sanders ; Stand-
ing Colnnnitte, S. Fairbairn, T. Biseett, A.
Bright, W. Bissett, J. Westoott, T. Mace and
A. Lake. Before the club oup can become the
pt operty of any member of the club he must
hold it six times in succession.
Masts,. -One day last week some one who
no doubt thought they were doing a clever
trick, tied a tin onn to the tail of one of Mr.
James Pickard's colts and then turned it out of
the field. 'the rattling of the eau frightened
the colt and caused it to ran around, the can
striking it on the leg at almost every step.
When the colt had run until it was completely
done out it stopped in the school yard, whero
nae of the schoolboys took the eau off. Tho
animal's leg was badly out where the oan had
struck it. There is nothing auto about a
t, ick which dostrys property or inflicts pain on
dumb animals.
tertainment given by Prof. Dobler on Thnrs•
day evening was almost a repetition of those
of the former evenings. Considerable, amuse-
ment was cansed by Heir Dobler presenting a
gold locket to the best looking lady in the au -
(deuce. ivfessrs. G. A. K. McLeod, 11.. Blake,
and H. Barnwell were chosen to select the
hau,lsomest young lady. They discharged
their duty to the satisfaction of all present.
Thelady picked on was a(ierman,whose name,
as announced by Prof. Dobler, no cue oauid
understand. Some of the ladios are a little
jealous of the Gorman girl, and say that the
decision of the judges only shows what kind
of an idea they have of beauty.
To SRORTeltEN.-No'v that the shooting
season is agaiu co ning in, the following sng-
gostione, although not new, may not be out of
place ; Don't point your gun at yourself.
Don't point your gun at any one else. Don't
carry your geeu so tliat it's range includes all
your hunting eMupauious. Don't try to find
out whether year guts ie loaded or not by shut-
ting one eye and looking db*n the ' barrel with
the other. b'ou't use your gnu for a walking
stick. Don't -Climb over is fence and pall your
gun through muzzle foretuoss. Don't throw
your -gum into a boat so that the trigger will
catch in the seat and the charge be deposited
in yonr;stomaoh. Don't use your gun for a
sledge -hammer. Don't carry your gun full
cooked. Doil't carry your gun with the ham-
mer down. Don't lir, afoot. Don't you forget
it -
clay afternoon the following gentlemen, mem-
bers of the Exeter Gun Club shot a match for
a silver eup-I. Carling, J. We::toott, F. G.
Simpson, S. Fairbairn, J. Sanders, A. Bright,
A. Lake, 'J'. .Bissett, and R..Biseett. They
eaeu had teu birds to shoot at ; eighteen
yards rise, and eiehty yards boundary. Some
good uiiootiug was done ss well So somevery
poor. Sir. Simpson shot the ::cost birds, and
eansegneutly holds the. cup. • Had • it not
been that the rain prevented Mr. Carling from
shooting daring the latter part of the match,
lie would n., doubt have won the cup. Ho can,
however, chadun a Mr. Simpson to a match
at any time, and we hope when the contest
dos tate puce they will be favored with a nice
day. Mr. Simpson and Mr. Fairbairn we un-
derstand will shoot fur the cup on Saturday.
Discovsrix or Two ILLrorr STILLS.-Peveuue
officers from Brantford and Stratford, acoouz-
panied by Constable Gill, of this plane, ou
Thursday last proceeded to the township of
Flay in search cif illicit whiekoy stills, and their
soared was not in vain, as they discovered au
unlawful still together with the worm and a
large rlgrie.ilturalfurnace on a Canada Com-
pany iot.near Black Creek. From the appear-
ance of the worm and the edit. it is thought
Finales H-inT-On Thnrs:lay night fart Mr.
they naveno, been used iur some time. 1.1‘110
Ciaetrptc rfvmdtn to wart riding :lawn titin St- furu:ica a.let still wore destroyed, but the worm
on hot'sebilck canon 501110 000 earning from the wae ur,.ugltt stns ter. Suspecting that there
opposite direction, drove past fnrionsly, the
were other stills in the township, the same
wheals of the vehicle striking iter, FIyudman's
Lo -so, bruising tha slzonliler and scraping the
Side, Feet driving on Nfaiu Street, especially
on dark nights, shrntlii not be hid nlge•l, in as
sorions :ioaiduute might result through it
gentlemen made smother: search on Friday'
and were a;f.tin sneoeseful in finding what they
wore iu :mach of, and not a great distance from
whero the first one load boon found. There
were two furnaces with this still, and Froin the
clamber of teasels and kegs which were lying
The LAricrir+T Tur.-Lest week we made around sue wo.uld Nctppore that gnito au ex-
incntiou of twoeutluinyn who hal 'dn; vary acneive basitzose had boon cars iid on. A war
lar;.i potatoes iu th it gardens, anal when 4Ir. rant far the arrest.ole young pian named hr signal was given to haul up. Wiles
Thornas d1 u reset the its tt he bran lit to thi+ •our D. Tiilty, who wits supposed to arca
lie was broileirt no to the eurfilee, he
office a potato of the 13oanty' of ]lnbrnn vagi- tc as insensible, and remained in that
(,v, wuicli wets/lied exactly two pounds, n hall' bnnditi00 fpr three hnnrs its spite of all
a pound hoarier than any wehnve heard of titin
mean. M. Oae plantel ,two pannus end o
half of seed Lea speintrvehieli his yielded env
brother of bnantiiol potatoes, varying it
weight/coin a hound to tw 0, the greater neon-
bir, of them as -Again; a pandit and abalf.
These potatoes will in all prtltit� b•. iiiv!' be, award-
ed the prize at the foie next week. Whole got pony of Kingeton,aro. at tk variac:tie it
a potato that weighs more two pounds ? ) regerd'to lightenitil; the street lamps.
2•o the t Nor of the Tf»res.
Sin, -Having business nearLakeVrieW
on' Wedusdau of 'last week, '1 learned
ai'rth,% eu-
. t to beIc 1 u 0
that' here ryast
ueotian with P
ntler Salntders mission,
and having come time to spare, I at
once repaired to the ,place. On my ar-
rival I found everything in complete
order, All kinds of aulusetnente were
provided for' those who wished to in.
duhie in them, There 'was to have
been a boat race, but owing to the
rongbnese of the lake it did not come
off. : I observed among tete crown the
following gentlelnen Mr. Cameron,
M. P., tioderioh ; 11ir. G. E. Jackson,
Egrnondville ; Mr. A. Bishop, M. P. P.,
1,Jsborue ; Rev. Father O'Shea, (*oder.
ion ; and Drs. Cowan and Ln z, 01
Exeter, I learned that Mr. T. Cough-
lin, 1St. P. was unavoidably absent OD souTHcoTT,s AucTioN Roc m
account of sickness. Being informed
that there was to be a pair of gold
bracelets voted for, the most popular
lady in the county to take thew. 1 con
eluded to remain and see the result.
The candidates were Misses Farmer,
Foster and Moss.; The election was
run on the uationel ticket, each at the
young ladies being of different nation-
ality. Miss Farmer, Irish, Miss Fos-
ter, German, and Miss- Mose, French ;
SEPTEMB'.f, 18, 18
TitalayBvInial, Sep. 18, aid kluday
and,sir, I am glad to say that the Irish
lady was the most popula+, althongh
strennous efforts were made to secure
the greatest number of votes for the
German lady. At. the close of the poll,
Mies Farmer had fourteen votes more
than her fair German opponent, and
when the result was announced by
Father Corcoran, Miss Farmer was
lnudly cheered and congratulated on
her popalerity with audit a large crowd,
and of mixed nationality. The pro
coeds of the picnic, as far as I could
learn, were $300. -
Bayfield, September 15th.
SHOOTING AlATu,'lt.-On Saturday, the
7th instant, the retina shouting match
between the Granton and Mnoreville
teams took place at the latter village.
Fifteen balls each ; 18 yards rise.!
Mooreville was victorir+no, as will be
eeen.J y the appended seore :
Culbert...... 0 1 1 01 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1-12
Brooks 1 1 0 1 0 I 1 01 1 0.1 1 11-11
Crosbie1 1 1 1 1 101 11 1 1 1 1 1-14
Lawton . 0 0 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 01 1 0 0-10
Levitt 000100010010000- 5
Sweet 11111111'.Q100111-12
.Mowbray 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 010 0-11
Total 73
A. McNamee n1111111111110-14
P. Curtin..... 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-15
R. McNamee 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-15
A. O'D wi er .. 0 1 0 1 1 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-11
J. McNamee 111111111011111-1.4
11. Grundy.. 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1011110-12
Dr. Sutton... 11 1 1 1 0 1.11 1 10 0 1 1-1'2
Tot..l 91
NARROW :It soArs. - On Wednesday
of last week Mr. John Anderson. of
this piece, ourne very nearly Meg
killed while eng:teed in digging a well
nn the farm of 1\ir. John Robinson, 3rd
hue of Blansherd. t'V?r. Anderson was
working in the well at a depth of 17
feet, when the eicleti benan to sive in.
ile was got elitist -it as the well fell in
with a ara'uh. Fool air is snpposed ti.
be the uanye of the wail falling in, An
other well was comtnenoed, and when
it had been Funk 22 feet a stone acci-
dentally fell from the top, striking Iter.
,J. Rubinson, jr., who was hi the hat -
tom, on the font, i++juringit seveiely..
SAD ANI) PATAT AccInwi r. 0n Satan.
day tnorniug last .lir. WVrn. Johns; wits;
lived on the 8th cnnoession of Usborne,
about test) awl half miles' 'south oft
L+'iitnviil r, calve to his death while in
a well no the farm of 1Ir. William Gun.
wing, in the township of Biddelph.
On the morning teen tinned above he
was being let down into the woll,(which
was nearly 65 feet (Wet), in it bucket.
and when within about four fent of the
bottom, he fell ohs of the bucket, over.
come by the foul air that had aocufnu-
fated' during the night. The men who
,vere arnnnd tt,e well, assisted .by
numerous neighbors, ranine several .nu.
suet:ussful a -tempts to bring the suf-
focated man to the snr.fitco when Mr.
James. Garvet volunteered to descend
into tho well, but when he had been
lowered about twenty-five feet,. the
Lite stink, was plated in Constable (ill's hands.
Led. Kily was taken..Inisonnr in Ilensall 0,:
'Cowley last and brought to Exeter, whom lx..
Vas put"in limb) until yesterday, wh'n ho was
,rind Moro '.Gins. (lull:+,y and Patrick Art
,?itilips;. J. P's, and;fruad 9500 and sent to tn,
sotunty garlfor six tnoitthe.
The City Commit ;tad the Gras Con) -
that could be Movie by Iue+fienl aid to
recover conacinnsne-s. Johns' body
WW1 recovered nbnnl, two o'clock by the
sill of grappling irnnr, A looking glass
was utilizers to 'reflect the rays,of the
into tire tVL11,'and Mr. Beer fasten•
ed the 11.0(18 to' the boort lrg. Deceased
leaves it wife mid seven children alp,
provided fun'. The be'eaved widDW and
children have the aytnpathy of the en•
tire neighborhood, The rernaius of do•
ceased were laid in their last resting
place ou Sunday last. The funeral was
largely attended.
Luoan Races.
The Luean fail races came off et that
place on Thursday and were very suc-
cessful, the ruing being much superior
to that of the spring •ineeti'ug. Some
seventeen horses etitered, many of them
being previnoial celebrities. The at-
tendance was large, andexoellent order
was observed throughout the day.
There were four races in all of which
the contention was keen.
First race, for local horses, half -mile
heata, was won by Dehort's Jack the
Barber in three straight heats. Time
Second race, open, half -mile heats,
best 2 it, 5 was won by Ed. Meredith's
King George in threw straight beats,
amid tremendous cheering, Palhtdin be-
lust close at her heels each time.
, There were five entries for the third
race, a 2,45 trot in harness, best 3 in
5. Bennerrtian's Hamilton, and Id Irk -
nese Kite Marshall won two heats eaoh
causing intense excitement and heavy
betting its to tit'r'e final result. Kate
Marshall took tise.lead on the last heat,
and held it all .through, never making
of 'break. She received a perfect ova-
tion front Ler backers as she passed
under the ttriug a length ahead. Dul-
tnage's fine horse Laudeeer was entei-
ed in this race, :ind after niairiug a good
second on the first heat fell lame and
was withdrawn.
The last rece,'a mile haat, running,
best 2 in 3. There were five, but the
Gooiest was between Watson's Tolerno
and Platte Pelladin. 'Turemo won in
two straight heats by the skin of his
teeth, owing to the splendid riding of
Dick Leary. Prtth,din made two
seennds; the ethers were withdrawn.
The weather was superb and the
management exoellent Win. Tomlin -
Non. John Diilmage and J. J. Fitzgerald
anted as .Judaea.
Eleven fair maidens of Seaforth have
oliallonged eleven of the sterner sex to a
game of cricket:
~'l meeting nI the Huron Live Stook.
Association was held 00 Mandel host..
It was decided to proceed with the fall
sale, tw'huih will bo held at Clinton ou i
Ootober 15th: 'A number of entries,
have been received for 'the" endue and'
catalogues of the atooleto be offered will
be honed at once.
• We learn that Mr.
who: is at presenia
palrelhasad• eighty
land, known es the
F. Kelly, of Blyth
in itlaiiitobe, hats'
siliirtre miles of
timber lintite.
Dominion .
Sir,John 1SIctodnnelrl ami Sir Alex•
ander Galt Railed for Canada cin Tours•
(ley lust by the Peruvian.
Sir Alexander Galt reitnrns ,to as
stonethePosition of the 'Cantidinn Com-
missioner in Great, Brittain with per-
manent residence in London.
rlanian and C mrtney that at Rc,nabes-
ter, N. Y., on Friday and agreed to row
on t)hattsuqua Lake on Qat. 8t1), be.
tweets 3 and 6 p. nl,;: distance throe
triiiel' with a turn, for $6,000. Wirt.
Melina, of N. Y., referee,. '
Hon lir. Chanveeu resigned his
sent in the Pro'virtoiul Cabinet au
(1;rt'beo Provincial Secretary. N.) per•
titulars ai•estnado public, and the fact
is beii)g kept very quiet. It is said that
Neverrtl :Liberal medihers fallow ' Mr.
0llanveaus aha that after AL. Joly's
kesignalion, which may be shortly ex.
pectod, a coalition Govei+nrnent Will be
'Panned by Messrs, 0hago ati and
Chau Veen.
A destructive fire occurred at Ailsa
Craig tit one o'clock mnmlay morning.
A row of empty stores, owned by
Win. Shoff, of Oil Springs, and,
Drouhgt's cabinet fae'ory, wc'+e brined
to the ground. Loss, $3,('00 ; parti-
ally insured. The fire wits the work of A.
an incendiary. The eitizou' worked
most heroically, and prevented the fire
from spreading. McDonald's hotel
was saved by great exertion. McKaith'e
hotel caught fire in the roof, and had a
narrow eacape. It is danmged. about
$300. The new fire engine was incom-
plete, and was not need. The street*
are filled witil hnuaohold discus. The
fire was subdued at 3 n. M. The total
loss will sum up $5,000, with about
$2.000 iusurance.
Mr. )Willis, whose hotel was quaratl•
tined by the health oom)nitte of St.
Mary's for about six weeks 00 rice mut
of small -pox, has, through Ilissolicitur,
"billed" the town for $650 damages.
He claims that.tho oor.poretieas' cannot
collect license fess froth him and at the
'same time close his place of business;.
He also charges fur fu,nigatiug fuel
cleaning hie hotel which during t•hs
quarantine, 'WM used as it tow's) hospital,
anti for the o'othing, &c., dektroyed to
pnveut the eptead of the disease. The"
case jut likely to he an interesting one,
as the council seems inolined to fight
t to the last.
General vows-
Ellint has deposited £50 at the Sports.
man office, as required by the regula-
tions governing contests for the Sports.
»:rru challenge cup, desiring toe an-
nouncement that 110 challenges Minims
to row over the Thames or the Tyue
enorse for the Sportsman challenge clip ,
and £200 a side. The editor of the •
Sports:non hits written to Hat lap noti-
fving.ltim of the challenge. Elliot al-
so offers to row the winner of the Hig-
iins-Boyd rtiee on the Thames or Tyne
course for £200.
A few years ago "August Flower" wnsdis-
cover ed to be a certain corn for Dsspepsia and
Liver (J implaint. A few thin dyspeptics made •
known to their friends how easily and quickly
they haul been cnrecl by its nae. The great
merit of Games Aootnre FLowaa ,, hecamr£
heralded through the conntey by cue sn1Terer
and another, until without advotti-ting, itis
sad bexaru t immense. Druggists in every..
towulntlto Candles and United States am
selling it. No per -on snl'oring fro,,, Sour Sto-
mach, Sick Heac.ntolie, Costiveness, Palpitation
of the heart, Indigestion, Low Spirits, We., can
take three doses without relief.. Go to your
Druggist and get a bottle for 75 c nts and 0 y
Stunple betties 10 cents.
.:aw.s. ltemn"'R' `�-- etatm srucc sa.mrrcxencc9snrxrtr
Third Annual
fiHii THIIIxTi Annual Pale, under *lie auspices
of the Huron Live Stock Association, lyra be
held in the
t -
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBisU 15, 1371).
Commencing at 72 o'nleelr, 'noon.
There will be offered for sale a largo number of
Imported °Stallions, Thorougldived Short -horn
Bulls, (lows and E•Ieifere, Thoroughbred' Shoop
and Swine also improved and Vat Slunk.
;Chia tlnia nlrors Superior i'acilitipa for both
Guyer and seller,
Some of the best Heals in the Ptovnien will be
represented, and tete sale will b' attended by
huge s front Gm tYnita<l dt.tsa and alt p.tety of 1
tlanada, '
Caturongen can be had on aiiplieation to tate
kintrius of Stool: for. Sale will be received until
the morning of the sale bat,i;tnek ucw' ontorte1
will not appo it lathe saloo•ttalogue,
t'lie Secretary will be at Pike's H.rtul Olin ton,
on theatternoon tom evening bolol'e the rule to
receive ontriny:
There will be ample aeaotninbdatIon at Minton
for both twin lino beast, which will be provided
attlie ?;rawest possible rale,
Twelve mon the credit trill he given on finni•h_
ingsoonrtuysatiefaotory to bite owner of the stunk
sold. A discount of .8 per cont w ll bo allowed.
for cash on all smell,
M. Y.ltul,w;AV,Seaforth, t.ereta+'y.
J.1 CTRS 111GGINS; Cltuto i u'esideot.
.1f, GJMIIAit, Goderiob, Auctioneer.