HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-18, Page 6apasememerneaseeeemesemesareewe
NOT AS:II,A.1IED'UF ILLS AIQTIIE.R. To Wash Muslin. --A. clear ,'rye (any
-.. should be oliosen to, wash muslin rtes'
Tlieflate John rossley once enter- sew, awl several a i,be done At once,
tamed the Prince of Wales and, annum While the dress drioa.malfe the starch;
cher of other titled petal le at his maga• if the muslin is colored, use cold
lxitieen,t house at Amor Heath- One sterol' e if, white, snake it as for shirt
evening after the guests had been shpwn bosom,. stirring about with flf WA'S
aver the beautiful piece some of then) caudle. - Dip the dress. into it ; hang it
sat eonvereing with him respecting his again, to ('try.: When dry, rinse it
earlier dsys. 41ud ceneerning his,noth-, quickly, latl.t thoroughly, izl elear water.
e1' he said thus :, "Oh taffy mother was Hang ib out to dry again. Sprikte,
a remarkable woman ; she \vas once tt and roll it tightly in a towel. Iron
Gtdl bless yen all, nncle,riunt, moth,
er,sisters, brother ail,' father,"
1'lto second was as follows. :
"AIy portrait is at Dalnctoll's, and
fetch Poily, liore as soon as „you pan,
If not found she is in the Dyke along
that' new road goes to Evoi)tou rits
down the Kim ,stone road, and do
bury her with me if you plen,o, God
bless all of you.
"Feel in guy (pocket) for • the other
.TA'1(ullA ()LOCKS,
Sowing 1lnchines
Organs., lecar(gcons, 01111
f ' „1
hlzubreika z(tutnt l Apent
for the Mower. gales snv.
ins lfnohini•,+. 81:001111;
1101111. Sewing 1btclttuux for
s010 oltl+iip• All Muds of
needles toot 011 41.003 for nmwtott aluchlnl" khat 00
Band Shop, --Main Street, Dashwood. J(1,1i (L
SJI(DON,Preprit•tor. 1‘i0y 15 t•y.
77 it. ABBOTT lJ...U.5,,11.11 (.,U.S.
graduate ofllnyll Pollee of
farm servant she lived fourteen years with very hot irons, hub not so hot, as "J. 13iggsi 20 Thozlaas street, Lei- 001e ovoeO'Neil bank, mud apposite Sn nwell
in the same faintly •, she heal to Milk to sooroh. Hot hone keep the stiffness "easter." Placards,
the cows and cllitru the butter, land in the tupisli ).
tarry it to market ; She 11#td for a long THE ;� .
time ouly:2O a ye;zVr wages, and yet she fJIL SUN'S lC\\'LIl
Tbo prisoner acknowledged the do-
cuments as his own, aced signed the
first at the regee t of the police, Ile
lei tirgeto save a moo sully arab. her In an interesting and eloquent paper
afterwards sai(1 that he had cut the
leienra hours were filled, rip with spin 011 I' e Illi a Source of Putcor" 'that gill's throat with one of his uncle's
Ming wool. her mistress aiiowing. her n )11blishod in the Soiontife Aflterietin, rusors, wllioll he had, put back ill its
foncth of the profits for llerseif, t)Ah, ' Pro Longle falces the foliowiug meth- phtee.
said,a friend who was present, "Her.- fid of eivnee some ides of the work per -
bur the defence the chaplain of tbo
haps you are ilulEbce(1 to your goad formed by the suns heat on out earth,'i YV
I jail was called to prove that the prison• GOODS "
'�pt�'' TiiNS111AN, DENTIST,Idcontintoof (4
t1x 1)olttnl tee,
College d'1 elm
ttlrto Illy bf,
crny. Otlleo--
next door to
014 Poet Of lee, i,xotez.Out.
r had n() i
!Luther for some of your success in the which receives 0riy n small fraction of a (tea the man
spinning world 2" ‘q,,111, yes," he re- the enormous quantity sent out yearly he,had committed, and that his thoughts
plied, "wider tied's bleawiug 1, Owe ,from the a ntre of our system. Asim seemed to be eutilely occupied with the
ta..verythiu,; to.tny mother." question whether he should dee the de-
ceased in x future state. He generally
occupied himself with writing 011 a slate
the liues,wllicll 11e wished to be printed
on her funeral card. His lander was
strange, and he was in the manner of
smiling even while talking of the most
serious subjects.
His lordihio told the jury that every
form of insanity would show that the
than who a rninitted erire was ignorant
of the nature elf the net. The moral
powers of the luau mentally affected
might be left untouched, so that he
might know that he was doing wrong.
But if the mental condition of a pian
at the time he committed a mime was
such that he either did not .know the
nature of the at:t he was committing, or
knowingly was not conscious that it
was wrong, then according to the ex-
isting state of the law, lie \voald be en•
titled to acquitted on t he ground of in-
sauity. His lordship then pointed out
the concurrence of several kinds of evi-
deuce in favor- of the view that the
prisoner's mind was unsound ; saying
at the same if they believed he knew
the nature of his aot they luta no choice
but to find him guilty.
The jury, after a long deliberation,
found the prisoner guilty, with,n strong
recommendation to mercy on account
of his youth. -
His lordship passed seutence of death
m the usual foam. The :1n•ieoner was
removed, exolaitnlug, "Ain't I happy
re of the offence
There are. ,'0,000. blind. people in
The total; annual production of wine
in Europe is, 8,215,070,250 gallons.
There were 257 labor strikes in Epg-
laud in. 1878, Successful 4, ; compro•-
wised 17•;• went beck to work on ein-
ployer's teruio,. 2,0,
England's debt, to state it in round would many times replace the largest
n -u t Q
Haber ttnd b
9s tta about 4,000,000,000,to
a u).If wehad
, vramid of Egypt. cart
and yet. she enjoys ttlo best orectic in it away it would require 3,231,800 carts
the world. carr3iug 12 tons each to remove it and
India oroduces from 240.000,000, to these, at an average length of 80 feet to
280,000,000,bushels of wheat annually, the car, would Inake six )reins, each
beinga'ttnluchaetheproduotipnofFranee reaching in one continuous line of cars
or Russia. across the continent, so that the loco -
The imports of New Tolle raining motive of each train would be at San
July reached $27,000,000,,0 gain over Francisco before the rear lied left New
the previous July of $2.,2503000-. The
exports reached $29'250,000, a total
exceeding by about $500,000, that of
Tilly, 1878, which wtis then without
llrecedeu t.
To make shoe pegs enough for
Amcric'in use onnsutnes annually 100,- VERSE.
000 cord's of timber, end to make our
lncifer matohes 800,000 cubic feet of
our best pine are required every year.
Last and boot trees take 500,000 cords
of birolle beach and maple, and the
handles of tools 500,000 more. The
baking of oar bricks eonsu1ne3 2,000,-
000 cords of wood,. ,r what would
cover with. forests about 50,000 acres t pony with the prisouer. Batts seemed
to hltve been much attached to each
Elizabeth 31(tttbows, a factory hand.
deposed that in the morning she hearts
the prisoner asking the deceased to have
half a day with him. She. refaye.l, and
a slight altercation occnrred. It ended
by the prisoner giving the decea,ten a
slight step un 111e face and shying she
wouldhave to.1,go. Then the witness
at her request got her a hail holiday,
while the timber used in each ear in and, the prisoner and decettaed started
making wagnna and agricultural�mple- for a wall( together.
moots is valued at:naore thee $11;0,• `''11'1 Peberdy saw them the ssmt3 af-
000,000. ternoon on the road. 8he thought the I prisoner' seemed.. mrteli agitated, The i Cungli? Low Spirits? Cooling up of the foot
• . i deceased Was smiling and cheerful and latter eating1 ike., & C. x111 of ,hese and 311001
I'A�i1LY11IATTERS' hada blind' of white ha.t-thorn blos- more are the direct results o.Dyspep,in, Li,d'1
,U g the, area of :lianllataau Island to he
twenty tunes and the annual rein frill
thirty inches, he shows by simple oat -
°illation that this small porion of the
earth receives 1,808,020,000 cubic feet,
88,7,81,000 tons of rain in a year.
"The amount of this," 11e says, "may
be batter appreciated by comparison.
'l'hns, the Pyramid of Cheops contains
loss than 100,000,000 enbie feet and
weighs less than 7,000,000 tons ; and
this water, then in the form of ice,
At the Orown Conti, 1..,eicecter, be-
fore Lord Justice Thesiger, John Biggsaged 18, millwright, was charge'I with
the murder of Mary Ann Bromwich, at,
Lvington, 0d' the 14tH of June 1870.
The deceased a mill haod,etta in her
22nd yew', and had been keeping come
of laud. Telegraph poles nleeady up.
represent 800,000 trees, and their an-
imal repairs e:7usuines 300,000; niore.
The ties of our railrods consume an-
ntlally thirty years' growth of 7,5,000
aores, and to fence all our railroads
would cost $45,000,000, with a yearly
expenditure of >$15,000,0011•for repairs.
These are some of th.: Ways i.n which
American forests are going. There
are others. Qlur peeking boxes, fur in-
etanoe, cost in 1874. $.1,2000,000,
Thus spike the va.ley to the hill,
With hroezy sort of jingle,
To dell the all my love for thee
Would make my bosom dingle.
111 the world's broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life ;
Be not like dumb, driven cattle ;
131 a martyr -take a wife.
Ask Yourself these Questions.
Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick
Headache, Habitant Costiveness. Plapitation
of the heart ? Have you Dizziness of 111e
Head ? is your Nervcns Syetulu depressed ?
Docs your Blood cirenlate badly ? Have you a
A good way to keep boiled green
gooseberries is to pour a little salad oil ,•
tv o1r the. fields and the landscape, givens away 111 the 'United States through Drug -
Cin the top before corkingthem 171). t thitllciug,, as she said, to ttpass 0ll" tile 1 gists to the people as a trial. Two. noses will
They rarest of course be previously buil-. , satisfy any person of its wonderful quality hi
ed like other boiled, fruit. young man's agttat'ou. I curing all forms oflo(llgestion. Sample bottles
bleat.-.L'o pereotls of mor tai estige I George Smalley saw the prisonerand 10 emits. Regular size 75 cents. Sohl
some in her hand, and i1I� S. Peberdy
lead same talk with her about the beau -
Complaint and Indigostioll. (1•ttrss's Ai nos -o
FT.0wen is )IOW acknowledged 11,y all Druggist,
to be a positive cure. 1,400,000 bottles were.
ca aclt we recti p g t7eceaseti together about 4 o'clock. lioeitive by all first Class Druggists.
p Y recommend mutton, be-i_�,botlt (I o'clock ho passed along the • �' `a•" -"-
allit is the most easily digested ofEnjoy L1Ze.
all meats, and oue other flem,, import.' rod,' agtdu, going house front his work, 'what a trait' beautiful world we live id'! Na-
ant- to suchpersons is to eat slowly. and sem ti woman lying ie the ditch, tie(/ gives. 1.1.;grandeur of mountains. glees,
L'o WashChintz:-llgtlte a lathe of, Tiley took her up, and _elle 1)t'
e uvea 10 nod oceans, and thousands of weans for ed' -
the best soft soap; add one tablespoon. -.be the deceased, quite dead,, with her jeynunit. We can desire no better when id',
throat cut. perfect health ; but hots often do the majority U.
fal of vinegar stud a pinchpinchof salt to . On the following tiny Biggs was el. of 000ple feel like .giving it up dishelartened,
every quart, a lrger,vroportion to.rin1• di enlll'ngell atilt worried out with Ch SEs. E,wli,' l
irlgwater, ri3lsiag griclily, and the, eel• reste(i near Wigaton. At fi.;ot he re- there is no occasion for this feeling, u:l every
sister and denied his guilt ; bnt after- sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof
ors. ri'ill.be as good as new.
Yememberthepince .
wards when brought to the police std that Grnt n , Angnst Floe's will maim tlteni 8(0 .
A Table Urniamerlt,-Sew coarse , free from di4ease as when burn- Dyspepsia
Boll, said, t° It'i3. 3111 right ; .1, min theI ��igi <SI g�t0!$Ti� 3'C� �.iC0,9'
flannel around a goblet with the stem
it." and Liver Compliant is the direct cause of {
broken off, put this shapely dome up- luau. I did E[e also Kidd if he had seventy -fiat per cent. of such maladies as Bill -
not a saucer of water,_ wet the flannel Hoy been Wiwi he would have put Sia carne+s, Indigestion, Siekheadache, costive -
and sprinkle over as rnnssll, flax wend as
head on, the Hue before night. �\. Wu- 1.3058, Ne1•Vons Prostration. Dizziness of the
The titans apron wad £bund in his pocket. Heal, Palpitation of the Heart, Sud other dis-
will adhere to. ti. The flannel will ab- ,,. , tlesaGlg symptnm4. Three closes .of August
sorb the water from the saucer, 'width ab -
The prisoner aalcl,, lllut 19 Pully a, I Flower will prove its woltderfal effect. Sample
ahontel nfteu be replenished. Id' about loved her. In his pocksts.Iwo docu- 'bottles, 10 cents. Tryit.
tw(i iveolts the flannel well be concealed
ulenis were also found. The first ran ..�.
IP n, beautiful verdure, which' will vita
with any table ornament,. Ilius
John Biggs, 201Tholnas street, Lie
Simple and �N,puriehigDrink, -•A, gaster.
- taavaut cltulk for the sick TakeaDear Mother : I bid,; you and .all
farewell, and 1 hope that
(lesser) spoonful of arrowroot and addMai will be a
Lesson to all of my, brothers and
onustautly arriving at W. 1). 1fe(blog1i1on's
lfaninlotil'jewellery etare, i:la, muddy stro0t,
London, Out rio. Whenever you visit the .1 01'.
08, City 0oli't fail to visit this ane estnb11.laueut,
the Duly first -cls. -a cetera 1',t tate kliut In the City,
1uu1 best arranged Jewellery store {u the Demi-
Mon. 1'11e R', 1).11e(1lne111un Welch stltltls 111-
rivalle,l. Al' who mac them recrnrnnend them to
flu it ir.exels, 11l lciuds of Watches in stock
(:lock. of every de'serlptinn, Rich Jeweller) of ev-
ery style, Diamonds slut Preteens Stolen, 1 au0
Goods Spectacles, and all 1\ edtliug dings,
Watches, (flocks, and Jewellery repaired. 011,1
wntraut0d w, D.111'000.80(ii1LON.
,bust Published, in a sealed Envelope
Price six emits.
A lecture ea the N14tu1•e, Trenbowit an,'Iindi-
cal cure of Sanitised \Pettl(ne R, or Sper, ntorr11t1',l,
induced by Rolf -Abuse, Involuntary Emissions,
Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments
to marriage generally; (;onsluupti•,n Epilepsy,
nue Fits; efeutoland 'l'ltysMal Incapacit\ &L-
B/ ROB MILT J. CULV]11tWELL, MAL, author of
the "Green :Beek," &a
Tho :vont,' renowned anther to this admirable
Lecture, elently proves troin ll18 Own cxporienee
that the awful consequences of Self -Abuse linty be
effectually removed. without medicine, due with
out dnlgeroussurgicaloperations,bongies,instru-
meutC, eines, Or eordie•ls : pointinl out et mode al
cure tot (31100 certain mid (erectile], by which every
sufferer, no inetter het his condition may be
may 0nrehimself cheaply, privately audred teeny.
1'1'1i111 lecture will prove a been to tlhousends
and tboes,u,(1s.
Seat, ander son 1,111 11 plain envelope, to (1813' (10-
tiress, on receipt of six esnie, or two pust,tgu
THE C11I.WJ:UI.?irPTC.3T. f O.
11 Aun 01. Now York.
1', O. x 4r8a
on all onr present
G;;'.ocery Stock
except SUGARS.
R. & E. SPICER, 'Exeter.
Planing Mill Sash,
V NI 11`+1
Doneto order.
,i tabiespoouful of milk ;„ wet and rub
in smooth, To this add a tablespoon -
fel of powdered oug:l,r. TIjutt a half -
Hint of good} ricb.11aillr, x11(1 bents ad)
to the boil, Then, when it boi14, stir
in 0trefitlty,ille arrowroot arid sng11.
,slow it to.; boll three 'neiu.ntes, and,
give either werltl or cold.
flow to Olean toapwft119.---.h0ltidae
keepers who are Untitled in their wltltply
nf good Wasftter water gap. make itdo
double duty by aiseolviug. ajg1t11, id' hot
watg3r, demi throw it toto, the tubof,
atiapsude, In' it moment to nap soapwill
ellydltl"r a)1(1 accompanied muddy
titlti�ils Wtll sink to file bottom,saving
the yr tt& peefectly 'Clear and devoid of
the Wien of noitp Tlliv' water eair be
111sel for washing 71, 10)1 time if frame
ed off the sediment. , ,Wtiore water, is
11:4nt'Ce,ttiia Cot :i ipylklufthto.,
smelts, and I hope nou.e of their will
take my steps, and Harry he rule with
tad awl never go into a public 0190 and
never go with any girls at all for yon
may be the salve as £nes it you dig. Gnd
btes4yon and all farewell and. `I' hope;
teat mother will bury 0) 0 and Putty to-
gether, far t loved her or else I alfolild
WAthree tl:tae what 1 have to liar.
and she lays on the new road as goes
ofl of the Utnberstou7 road, in the dies.
Geed bleeeeyoulatil,,•firod f,11Upe you :will
'otitle Uf, 1•b tt't 1 it 1" 7
1. ijt' Ile r pt � 1 0 7.L Jlly`d
Beard :;
1,ikt',a,ilily.fair atlt<11gvicen,
Holm out dein mock ;no 111905 seen..
Beloved 510(3 was i(t;peee sue Bide, .{LN(Jl+a 01 \V.rlLJi;iS> 11UT +'I'
Shia?life was unit' , [Alt (op( deiitf 31 �U • 1,
. li �•a. �- ULAN 1(tN. (i. S V ("��.du �:
y�..� 1 .1,118 4\ ig 1 pt, now 0,-„
• • � b1�. (rCi'�7 IIOC�fO)Itn(:, hilt �llt4,�',TOlI'(J(Yt; 1110 1110./110 bUt,1l. 1411?111tGJtl`{t throng now UY-
fere ti t 6
Klie..\Y.ge not yours,, bet`otil ' 1'•ut. � t,ctaxs;au(iorunxgdt4tL7n to Good
4 lie mid (deer_; at tee tier, 'teoeu.rtta.biittr 3 ith:f
Dry 1•onr tears and weep ,,) ,011(10, h'
s '-,. 4 Ito guuvu 11041 10t F51 nutl(ir,*1,0:111. '.---teilltiun halal:
Aker it ;net Wet tog jgotte f \ter to t3;iests.•, �4•
From r t0r3 Horse Power, for Farm-
ers, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese
1'artoric., Printers and all parties
using band or horse power.
Hest and cheapest ,n the market.
Send for circular and price list.,
Jell . • Dol y...
Etsplanade Street.
TORONTO. ,' ' 1
,v- 1\IoD1ARAILD, B.A..,
at t itIUUS'I'ER NOr.ttty -um VEYINCER
H0'J 7liH.
-Wm, Baker proprietor', This Hotel han.
been newly furnished 811,11 fitted up in neat: -Blass.
stile. Largo told convetlloUt Show 11001 us. for
Coo: ln(rein). '1'revollei'w 1"heist of 1f,lnor 111111 0358034
at the Bar, Attentive 2-reetlere always on halal.
1,1 2l• -11,n, • WIT/brim 13.1,I>:l14g,,
81•'111"I0r13J;Ae 18, iC7 )
;�,T�, i'+l W 73 LA G K S' i\i I T .l l 11(.} I''
et-iATWPile- 4.'11 ELtvi'lA.
a t, t,runc:.'t
i1V,+(I.ht+, 111(11{Ib,1i 1nltrs
101011lesai It ttt 1'i
((1 Wtue1'helse ,
pa tel to dealt .
1tunlgds{oo1 vlvy r(itt(klp0un(etl,ntt,u,cd1,'zor lc0'a'l1;1'e,,lle, dc(' .,(3,:a
.niotiplwork .1uutrl4r.lldoet
1Y.0(0 E IS 1.. PLOT.
• DO NOT R A1) 'I':IS
riving rewireda 1()t (11 11(• 3' rut?(•lt:Ilnl'y,
1.3f riving
\vuulti Inform the farmers of 1 h stir-.
rounding comate)' that 1 me papered to realm..
Letitre nil kinds of 11('ree Ii,tl.: h, Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles, Swaths, etc, ku•i huvibg,
sceurril the sO1\•ieus01 a first -eines i'urllcr,
mil prepared le do
en tial shortest notice, and for ,(l li and pried-
I defy cultlpetition, Alemys 0d' 1t lad a fleet-
class stock of hut]+ and Shovel itandln0. hill'
liolf a guile 13out11 of Exeter.
The(rt JetNeenah TRADE MAfilt,
TRAIJE MARKtBouctldy,nnmita 11
nbaal it) Otll'E11Vfe(lal' l5+u1(111a i•
Sperm a to 170111 11;
1)la0ases tltattol-
loN as 14 Hnt11011(1
An ems e
ieel 1,a -i• ,
73eforeTal:inatnde.l'1(i11 in theAfte. Taking',
llncic,I)inrne,.s ot'ision, '1'1'crluthire (31813e, esltli
111111)' other 1)1HOasea 11111 lend to- ltlsanity or
Consumption hied 0 Pre111nim g1 -o )se. yen
prenee1(113 ht ane pamphlet, 1.11111) WO 110,irt' tel
sent) free 3(y rani) to 181'3' 0110. t.:-' Ti 10 S;u•ei1ha
Medicine is soltlb) all draw. 1,tsat -1 per paelm go)
or six pa(311Riestor ,06, or will bo gen by men eta
receipt of the money 11)' n ddrersio g