HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-18, Page 5`rxae.:1,11.x: za 18, 1&79 TETT',.$ TTI L: STAB GHOCJHWy, S SPEC1ALITY TEAS Having bought out the interest of my late partner, Mr. L, Thorne,. chased in elle cheapest market, I am enqblhd to offer goods that can Li u r Wholesale and. Retail. Iha:L e ign. Main Street. 11'lu,nt Scutt .'rft 110 I CTS I�X I+,TLR. �1 SPECIALTg and having added largely to the former stock, and hating piir- 1. not fail to give satisfl )tion as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. JO'N Azfi I Ezrete FM.L W1IE.IT, 007to1Of) SPICING W11)vtT 0'97 to 0 08 0lfc 0 95 to 0 90 Itt+(1(1hafl " .,. ,., .•, ,.. 0 90 to 0 98 ittarloy ,,. .,, „ 0 01 tut 50 Oats ,,, .,. „ 0 27 to ' 29 ('lover Soel,.,...., •. ......................... .. S 40 to 3 75 .Paas ,,. ..• ... 0 50 to ' 50 (^)lutte r .}:'ll,tlr per 111,1. ... •. Potatoes, per bag ... .• 1.pp1:•s, per hag •-• 1)rtell •1p],lor: pr b flogs, dressed per 100 tioof 71lia•.9 li(,e0paltias, each •.. Key per ton ltnious per hush I,or,1 ... ... ... \foul. per lb ... 0 .0to)111 ,.. 0 08 to 0 10 ,,, 5 011 Go i 00 0100 to0G') .. 70 to 7 75 '0'.05 to 0 00 6e0to590 5 0 Go 000 41111 to 13 0)) 4010960 8011 to 9 (111 ,,, O 00 10 0 75 to 0 10 ... .., .., 0 18 to 0 20 Turkeys 1,I+1• Ib .................................... 0 1)7 to 0 07 1,ee8e 0 09 to 0 05 Uuolet, eeruair ., 0 79 to 0 75 ST. MARY'S Fall whoat,per bushel 1 OC to 1 03 pv1lig wife:at.................................. 0 90 to 0 us DEPARTMENT oz,' THE INTEnxoR. Ica s7e notI'1.,7 Tj *s,i e �l -vet, l')11�; l:ur]oy 35 t(1 0 4 Peas 50 to 0 .55 UttuNn„ Tutv 0th, 1A79. Public Ito Lice is herebygiven that the following •Tt ihav • 0 2A to 0 f10 regulations are pro u,1l. od as goveruine the L 1� A r L H O R .LN (4,, M c 0 0 TTB ..R E Y Wesleyan Female College ! OJ:'' HAMILTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladies College in the Provinoe, enters int its • • inoteenth y0ar on Sept. 9, For variety of 1),'partu:onts, extent of curriculum, thorough - 110.8 of instruction and ma:0110110e of ttecomnlo- na tier, it is ie the very front rank, (('or catalogue apply to the pr'ueipal, A, BURN S, 25,11, LARGER THAN EVER, ANI,) CHEAPER fl'HAN EVE.f.. ' HAT IS 9 T)l,E\V'S STOCK OF FUR- NITTJ1114. Bedroom and llt-ler Fern tore 1L. specialty, and the eh :most Nest of Toronto. Lounges a11L1 all 11j,holstered work greatly rs- .1?Icerlirt. prices. Spring Beds from 8:2.7:1 up; woven Niro mattresses for lavabos and stainless, to prevent bed -sures, at remark abloly low erupts. Parties 08111(ing to furnish houses would do wellto lel) at Drew's, awl examine the stook bufure purchasing else- who.0. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates. At Ici us 09'1'rl)ntu111 9, S1u•ouds,G]wes Cups, Co„ furnished. Emblems of all the different Suciet10 also kept in stock tor 110108018, The !lea. se is the 1305t lu (file county. Feathers for sale at DREW'S Furniture wltrerooms Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent tale disooloiing of corpses and offensive odors. Regulations RESPECTING THE DISPOSAL OF CES- V% "r7 I �i I T I g -4f I I N qi1 �� t 'FAIN DOMINION LANDS FOR 7'FIE 1 i7 l @ 1 ` g 1 1 1 U1tPOOES O11' TUE CANANDIA PACT- _ FIL RAILWAY. MARQUIS OF LORNE & II. R. ti. T.tIE PRINCESS LOUISE 7COto8001 Rggs, Per dozen 0 1)) to O. 10 ;Bettor ....................... . „ 07 to 0 0 11 ides 1)91.:11). .................................... 0 e5t0 0 00 l'utu.toos ptr hag...i ......................... 401;t1 0 50 1ho0p skies ............. 0 40 to 70 IIONSALL &1ASXET9. White wheat... $ 90 to 0 95 ed wheat„ 0 90 to 0 05 tprfing wheat (ilio to 97 Barley 0 33 to 050 Ions 0 45 to 0 50 Oats 0 28 to 0 28 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING OF VOTERS' LIST. rot ,,'r -.a 7 1,f,va--i879--.12'rr.a' rives 1 f t ed o1' Cfar' Towarvhiv of U,sbor'rae, 'Co nk:4y rel' 1S[las-ore. NOTICE IS E. 1' E BY GIVIt11V THA'L' I have transmitted to .ielivored to the parsons, meetioIOd in the Third and lec,urth Sectio,•s of � the "Voters' List Act," the copies required by said Sections to lie su transmitted or delivered of 1.13) Toss made per. Uuut to the said A at of all t,ersees appearing by the last revised Assessment kion of said 11111111C'pahty, to bo outitli'i to vote in 1.10 said nruniei)ntity at elections for Members of -1:10 Legislative Assembly olid at municipal elec- i]uus,and that sa id List was flratpoe ed up at my (,nhce iu Usnorue oe the 'livory-first day of wurast,. 5879, :and rem,Llns there for inspection. 1.:lectors are call 'd upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or other errors aro 9*3011)1 there -11A° take immediate p"r,ceediogs to ,have the_ said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 2:st day of A.ltgust,13370, N. S. CLAit1't, Clerk of said op oiciunlity, IN THE SURROGATE COURT of the COUNTY t HURON:-. la the matter of the Ge trdianship of the In- fant Children of Robert Marray,Deceased. • 'rake notioe that at the expiration of twenty •duce aftrr.tho tient publication of this notice, ap- /dics tiou will ue m,I de ko'the Judge of the Su) ro- g:ate Court of the County of Rusin by AgneaMur- ray, of Cho Township at &tiy, In too said Conety .etHur0n,widoW, Cor cotters of Cruareliarlsltip, ap- pointing leer, the sail Agnes Murray, (Guardian of toe iula:It children of the said Reber+ Murray in his lifetime, of the said Township of Hoy, yeo- Ll,Dnt ,. ated at Exeter, this nth day' of Augest,1879, BENJ. V. ELLIOT, Attorney for the said applicant. Skint Anne,Ottawa ever. 'Notice to Contractors. SEALED TTSNDERS addressed to the Secretary ai Public Works, and endorsed "Tender for Conal and Lock, at St. Anne," will be received at this office until the arrival of the Eastern and Western totals, nn FRII)A'Y, the 10th day of OC- TOBER next, fox the construction of a look and for the formationof approaches to it on the land- -ward side of the present lock at St. Anne. A map of the locality, together with plans and specifications of the works to be done, eon be ie ,n at this olice and at tbellto8ident Engineers e eat St, Auno, nn and after SATURDAY, T181; 1 h DAY OL' SJ'.PTI'.MBER next,at either of which places printed forms of tender can be ob- tained. hllontractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made etri.,t- ly in accordance with the Printed forms, and— the ease:bf firms, except there:are attached the actual bignaturess,the name of the, occupation end residence of each Grotnbor et the same; and further, au accepted Bank cheque for the sum of *2000 must accompany the Tender, which aura shall be forfeited if ;the party tendering' decl.nee entering into contract for the '(works, at the rates aandmn the terms stated in the offtirsubmitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted, Por1013) due fulfilment o1' the contract,..i]aa,tiefac- tory security will be required by the dalpoait i l money to the amount of five par cent' on the bulk suniof e, contract; t i u with tbo tender wilt be oo sacl3Yedl33o' fart sent Musty per cent only o1 the progress estimates' will )09 !lain until the completion of the work. i'o .eaoh ,Ceuaer must be attached the actual to aatwres of two responsible persons, residents o9 f9 Sae I3oiniulo», willing to boeome $ure$les for the L n.artylua mit o1 these oonuitio*A as weasel tlbo In liu(e perferaetauco of the weirkr ,eir9braceii' In the Contract, .101 The Department dreg not however,, b1t-tliteelt wI z0 .accept the,'lowe t or any 104402'4 8t;: �f •• Ily artier, • :1.1.! "1i`. DOM; rt 1.r•, .. ,aaw.i►irstath o -H Aecratrry. Ottodt'a, IiYZI T; it;i;tfrAA+A p n1aet, fit! f mode of disposing of the Dominion Deals sitnat within 110 (mo hundred and tee) miles ou ease side of the lino of the t)aluadinn l'ao(tle Railway ;,"Until further and Reel survey of the sal railway has beau made west el the Iced River,an for the f'urpr•se of these regulations, the hue the stud railway shall be assumedto be on 1.11 fourth base westerly to the intersection of the sill base by the li e between ranges 21 and 22 west ofll the ,first principal merida, and Chown) ie a direct line to the confluence of the Shell River Aesitlu- boine. 2. "The country lying on each side of the line of railway shall be respectively divided into bolts, as 90110W8 1— (1) A belt of eve miles on either side of the railway, u ud 'mmectiately adjoining the same,. to he called bolt A. "(2) A belt of tlftoon miles on either side of the 0 h Have received a full and cumplte stock: of of f FALL GOODS !. d railway, adjoining the salve, to be called belt B "(9) A belt of t wenty miles on either side of th railway, adjoining belt 13, to bo called belt C. "(4) A belt of twenty miles 011 either side of t1 railway, adjuiiing bolt 0, to (,e called belt 1) "5) 0 belt of fifty miles on eithe8 side of th railway, adjoining belt 1), to bo called belt E. 8. "The Luniinlon lands in belt A shall be ab 9elutoly withdrawn Irma homestead eetry, aslo from pre -eruption, and shalt be heldexcluslvely for sale tit sfx dollars tier acre. 4.'•Tht lauds in bolt R sb,ll be disposed of a. follows—The even -numbered sections within 1.11 belt shall be set quart for ]loruestends and pre emptiols, and the otld-Lumbo; ed sections sall be rogaruotl as railway lands jlroper. The homesteads on the even-numberet' sections, to the extent of eighty llos19 each, shall consist et the easterly halves of the easterly halves, also off the westerly halves of the westerly dialyes, o such Suctions: and the .pro -emotions 0r, such even-1•utul:eruel sections, also to the except of eighty acres each, acl o(king am:A:eighty-acre homesteads, shall cor10181 of the westerly -halves of the easterly haves, also of 1 ,o east srly halves of the westerly halves of 131Ch sections, and shall bo sold at the rate of 8)2,50 (two dollars and fifty coats) per acre, Railway lauds proper, being the 010)1.110 ubcred suctions within the bolt, will be held for sale at five dollars ,per acre. 5 "The oven-uuniberod suctions .in bolt C will bo sot apart for homesteads, and pro-emptions of eighty acres each, in manner 108 aboveeesoribed: the price of pre-oulptions similarly to be 103 50 (two dollars and fifty cents) per Imre: the rail- way lauds to consist of the odd-ntuubered sec- tions, and to be 1101111 with in the same manner us above provided in respect of lands in belt B. ex- cept that the price shall be 53 50 (three dollars and fifty cents) per aero. 6. "The even -numbered. sections in belt D shall also be set apart for uotnesteads and pre•emp- tiens 01 eighty acres each, as provided fur in res- pect of belts 13 end 0, but the price of 1p1re-emp- tionsshalt bo,atthe rate of $2 (two dollars) per sera. Railway lands to consist, as in belts 13 uud 0, of the odd -numbered sections, andthe price thereof to he at the uniform late of 3'l (two dol- lars) per acre. 7. "la the belt E1, the description and area of homesteads and pre-clnptiuns, and railway lauds ,'es}Iectively to be as above, mud the price of both pre -emotion and railway lunch to be at the uni- form rate of Al (orae dollar) per acre, 8. "The terms of Sale of 'pre -0111 ntionSthrough- out the several !)efts -13„C, D. and E shell be as follows, viz : b'.uur•tentus of the purchase money together'with interest on.the lutter,at the rate ot° six per cent. per annum, to be paid utthe end of three y0ea06 from the date of en try; the remain- der to be paid in sic, equal annual instalments from'anTatter .the said date; With iutereilt at -the rate above mentioned, ,.0 .such balance of the sur. chase money as may from'time to time remain unpaid, to be paid with e)a011 irlsta,rnent. fl. "The terms of sale+uf.railway lends to be uni- formly us follows, viz : Onet-eat:. in cash at the tirpe of purchase ; the balance in nine equal an- nual instalments, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum ou the balance of purchase money from time to time remaining unpaid, to be pard with each instalment All payments, Silber for pro-emptiuus or forruilwaylauds pronershall be in cash and not in scrip or bounty warrants. 15, "All eut,ius of lauds shall be subject to the following provisions respecting the right of, war of the Canadian Pacific Railway or any tcov ornment colonnzatron railway couueated there- with, viz: A.ln file ease of railways crossinglland entered as a homestead:,. the rinht'of way thereon shall be free to the Government. B. Where 1110 railway 0 )08608 pre-emptions or, railway lauds nreper, the owners Shall only be titled to claim payment f0, the land required for right of way at the sante rate per acre as Ile mal have paid the ,(abvernmentf.,r the sumo, 11. "'1'o above rsgglat]nne shall come into force on and after the first day of August. up•to which Vine the previsiuhs of tee Dominion Lands Act shall email, ue to operate 'ever the Lands iucl.uded ill the sever:din:11s moutionoil, eicepp1ting` as re- 11tes.to belts A. and 13, in:both which, 'up to the said date, homesteads of 180 acres each, but no other entries wf11, as tatiirelent, be permitted. 10 "Claitus to Dominion lands arising irom- eettleuloht, after the date sher.eof, in territory un - surveyed at the time 01800h'•settlement, and whioll may. be ombritged with the limits allected by the above policy; or 'by' the extension thereof in tbo future oyer additional territory, will be ul- timately dealt with rn accordance with fhb terms presorib(3d above for the lands in the particular] PCIt'in which such settle11e>it':may be tumid to be' a)tuated. • ,18, ",ill entries aftortbe date hereof unoccupied Lands ou the Sasltat0hewau Agency, will be 00n- sidered •aa,prvvisi1nal until the railway lino through that part of the ter,itories has been )o- oated, after whiok the Nutte will be dually 0181108- ,3.1 of in accordance with the above regulatione,ao the same.toay spfl)yto.thoparticular belt iu winch such lahlle Inas l% found to b. s1tuuted, 14, "'1'lle'altove regylat one it will, of Course, be' uuderetood'will nut ";effect sectadne 11 and 29 which are public ttch0ol lands or sections t? and 20, Hudson's )Day Qonll olnylundii. "Anyxurxi)estldata1 Thtlop.nSetgtiaryS3laphe.ob- irked orf ap13l 1(l tion at lbo,Ilentiniott Unlit Ot- te., Ottawa, or from tbe;.agent of -Dominion andh, Winn3peelt, or from anyrarthe loelri agents Consisting of the following : Heavy Costorne twilled Winceys, Plain Scotch Winceys, Colored Serges, Striped Brocades, Colored Crape Cloths, Black and Colored �'aramattasr Cashmeres, Cobougs, Black and Colored Lustros, FALL GOODS ! COME AND SEE OURENGLISH,IRISH and SCOTCH TWEED,IN THE LATEST STYLES. e le ,1fJi$ .'71.011.ljE 70 'ORDER, .1.4 t•) .fa 1'1T fG11.3'dt.,2,.4]'T JED. e Grey, White. and Red Flannels, Twilled and Plain all wool Fancy Shirting ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Men's and. Boy's Under Io ALSO A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Manitoba pr the toTritoxies, Itelko :are In ped- e99ion e1 Maps iliot)1Sngthe limes •et`. ibis sever, belts abovo rwlptreit�tep, te ply otWirichmobs 11, 4133 down a33ltdeetbioibe 1 edlib the handl(' the 33sid 'gets forge»»elr lhctribntaOn ley order bt the iii- vie er of 33be ,te33itlr J. R, bLNNIH” • , 3+tyiu33.tli xtrallif6, o1y,ot,tite Itilniitter:of i�s+e Iateitiox. d�li D i Wimpto Gene/4 Groce• ries Groceries ALWAYS ON HAND. We sell for cash, and keep expenses down to the lo'.ve)1t limit, and thus do not ask our custom- ers to pay for bad dept, nor to support an expensive establishment. Give us a cull before you buy elsewhere, and examine our good and prices. LEATHORN cf3 MoC0I7BREY, Fanson's'Bloek, Exeter. It Will pay you -to call at MM'CLELLIND BROS' CREW'S BLOC , For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to suit the h 'rd times. COTTONS Be 411011111.410. OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE FRICES. sure and call before buying/ suits to ' order at startling figures. McCLL +'LAND BROS. COLD IS UP, The latest news on record at the UP WITH. New York Millinery Stere ((T H E T 1 E 8 1.Y1 IS. C. B. WILLIAMS will sell ror the Nextthirty days the remainder of her Sommer Stock of 11IA.LLINERY at COST Also the remainder of her stock of Valley Goods at Cost so as to make room fer'tilecomingstoek. New is the time for bargains, Hats that sell for 55 are down to 53: Huts s2 5;,, for *1 .15; Huts worth *1, force cis. This chance is oily open for 30, da; s. Don't forget the plao0-0(Neil s- old and, u'auson',> Block, Exeter. amble Works... :0: W. 0. WEEKS, Dealer ill . MONUMENTS., IlEAD$TONES,' • PIECES. FULitITU3E TOPS4' &es. etli ttirk,'w+urlt 41 'till Ciliflib �yettflltly eireart4ed b Pi" 114 l#! !!i'e,,lliti#, iaiR!iaMet, 1 ZZ .1.. • PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ATA.RItli 1 CATARRH 1! USE , The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. .The only positive cure fur Catarrh yet discovered. ro tit 6Ann:Ur C'• LUTZ'S CE' 111t1, OM 44 STOKE. 19' L, SMITH, General Agent,Aricona,onet, ly- THEl+'�1Ll.At\L BVI i'L+ itTE-ADE 0. Sou;hooti'. So3z, 1'A)LOQKS 1011(1 CLOT1lIEiiS, Take pleasure to it farm the Iuruabitant, of Exeter add surrounding country, that they leave, just opel031 out an eacte11e1,t:189e1•trllcntOf r!oeecis, evaders, )'c'st(S'yseic., 1,1 theta tent styles atldl,attet'u ,,r)u fee] Assured thatiutuematter of111(3 V:ine,they eau suit the m o stfusti di ons taste s. -LixetC;1' IN or'LII FLOUR and GRIST MILL 110105 in good working eruct. gives 00013 Lew 0l- 11111ti011 possible in gristil,3 and Homing, 1'1ou and mill feed 00livoed to par( ion 103V11)3 their orders before one o'clock at 1.1i ELL'S bakery, or 0'13 MIEN t: 11 CO'S, or at lull same day, ---0-- TERMS (-ELS1. `VY M. eG ,iJ .C,W V1i O,d9 EXETER 11 0. N.E;W BUTCHER SHOP rine 'undersigned would inform. the inhabi- tants ofExeterawl vicinity that helms OPENED A NEW BUTCHER, S.OP une•loor south of his lilaossmith5hnp andhopes thesalnelibel•al patronage that has been ase • corded to him in the B ZJAO11BAIITn AND WAGON (CARING Luc will b eextend 101] to filum i 11 11]11 110W branch of aysine.ss, 1118 meat wagon willeall at the resi- dents of the village three tuneseael weel,aLd R :E S E[ MEAT .1.11 lc:uds kept censtuut11 un baud at bias, butater shop. Bln.eksmitlling and wagon makingenrried op • as una'a1 all its bra it1 i r R. DAVIS. Cheap Lase Bios e. MISS late of Sea forth,husopened out in the store recent- lyoccuuied by Mr. J. P. McIntyre, next door to Dr, 'Hutchinson's residence, Mon -St, Exeter, with, a now, large and well assorted stock of Millinery in all it Branches, Also Emmy Goods,Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes. Pricesyery ]ow—for oasii only. Light Kid (*loves and White Ostlich Plume r. cleaned, A cull solicited, N B—Hair Dressing, Stamping,'4clvetPaiuting•, .'Lc A first-class (Ireesmakeron hand. MISS ',men. Apprentices wonted, li..e(er, Aprt1 13 1879. vl I -AVE YOU LOST THE SENSE OF TASTE OR SMELL?If se, itmay be from the LErrtoBs of the 10th century, CATARRH. Taus • COKSTITUTIONAL CATARRH ERMEIY Will restore you to enjoyable health. It not only cures'Ca- taslh, but all other diseases at the same time. Price all per pottle. Fot sale by all druggists and Medicine dealers Send stamp for 48 page prlm- phlet,containiug treatise on Oatarrh; and certifi- cated of the cured to T. J. B. 119,RDINti, Donna - ion Agent, Brockville, Ont. " CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. The only certain, safe, and effectual cure for Cut, rrh,builds up the system and cures' another diseases at the same time. Asthma, Rcse Cold, Hay fever, Nervous Debility, all leave together when the Coustitututionul Catarrh 'Remedy is taken aadirected. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by all druggists andMed loine deal018. TEN PER CENT OFF F0 CASH ! on all our present Grocery Stock except SUGARS, ----0:0-- TIIIt: IS NO SHAM. R. & E. SPICER, Exeter. SE GREAT CA.U$E OF HUMAN Mie- 1 ER.Y.' ' Just Pnblislled, fir A sealed Envelope` Pride six 3)03118• . t A looture on Cho Nature, Treatment and Rltai- 1 ea) cur') of SeminalWeasue• 1, Or Spell. ator"lla n, . , f // tuducod by 8"eli-A)iuso, xnv(lutlt It'`t dlssloils, J � L. t../1 � s asy Impotency, Norvutts Aellility, an:d Impodimeut ,. •. , to marriage generally^ Goveumption Epi1opey), arta fits ; Mental and Apnoea II>eat'acity, de,— • • BY ROBERT J, CUL'VERWELL,11i. D,, author of 8116>'ufeoi k, ' " ! TheGlworrrld Breit`dw&cnod ad1(1er. iv 1Shie adfnirable , r . . hectare, clearly, provesctro,u,hit own experience . ' +' that the ar'.erfnicon33egtionces of Self -Abuse maybe - offeletuallye renewed ,rt gout e3lrcnne, aelo)w•;ftli• ..4114: . t? � xat autduutforbasetii'gicaloperattons,baugiee,iustru- ar. .itT .euruh3nulemtti.kinge,gr,C� prdislc,;,pointingotri;a.,lodeof .t' ,a•:, afire at once certain and effectual, by which exver, - i soiieror ne 'R4'. or, wulkt, l�e ormotrei*..mtlyr .I i ,o .s•1$- , , ' mal�ribe)ohoaplY,privately andrndiernliy. , ee rw ani . oon to thrrd' ts'.7. a thoThrsrl f9stu. a 1. s, trBoe6ih;tnnd'ee00414*ot a6eneteisxir}loo(lttatr q �C0rtltl..0.ay.i etdmppe.. i'fn Wei,' ;flsa+t33rteMiita)uiri'ros...r• DOMINION 011OAN, CO.'S.41 AIM 33►. New'VOW P,O.8 1Arms Sill/OLD CALL Al' and Examine Ws the 8109( that