HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-18, Page 3jr-,11,r1'1,,ALe. A soft taint, sirs it rooetli Mit away a tiepilolt', Tbo'Whet flbeere •r names anew bon- net "the Wife's J.te.yenge. iE01le call you dear when, they would utwu coo you. A Ding bequest ie almost tb dead give away. It is .strettge that Airs. Liver -more should "bite" over so on, lvonlau's wrongs ? Sho belongs to the kidney who (1o. "Hire educe ion for woman," said Dater familia, 11( lift J) (1. $50t) for his daeglate>.•'s ltaet quarter of French les- SO11`1. The ,`atlie of poker is very old. S1111kespeees eesetled in it. You re :nelubene where he says : "ball thee; Bitola." t." The i1rn;iet men iA her:borne in the rye of his three year -(Id, e(peciai- ly tvhtlu reaclriut; home handicapped with a sneer Immo Fulda pouo(l Of as- sorted candies. "llarrin.;e stint a tinge of romance 1N whet they cell it in L.tinssb when the old tran rides Lifter the couple and shoats the hat of the blidegroetn's heal faith ai bullet front un a, to}r ear - bine. the spelling Reformers, we prestinie,. if they heel their way about it, would condense the nano of Lieut -Governor ]lubitaillo in the shorter and toore democratic one of Bobtail. "Conn there be no haps iness where there is no love ?" solemnly queries an anther in a book on marriage. Nat much happiness, perhaps. but if the girl is awfully rich there can be lots of fun. A young cletk in Holyoke spent six hours in n refrigerator the other day, having been imprisoned by rnisteke. Ile felt on coming out es thenal] he bed just been entertained at a fashion- able (March soeiuble. "nu get up before breakfast, Isee,' said lir. Fresh to a eii tomor, who dropped in for sprue beefstea!(s. "No, I gest up after it," said the customer. Tbnn the both laughed, and when they got thrcugll laughing they smiled. "What," enquires a writer on aa•elti- tecture, "i13 wrong 10 the constrnC'iou of our cellars ?" We know, It's the many hidden recesses wit?ch they con - tido, in whi::it the woman folks conceal the sake jars nu hungry Sundays. One woman in a fishing party will do more to scare away alt the fistethtnl ten pecks of firecrackers. Desides that, no man waits to put the neck of a boottle in his mouth when woman are around to misjudge his motives. "`Tis Raid' that absence 'compere love," gnoted a husband, writing hone to his wife, from ahem be had been some time away. "I hope, dear, it wen's be so en your Case ?" "0 no, elle replied in ger next letter ; "the longer you stay away the better I shall 13,113 you." • A. little relignn is a dangerous thing. Tl?fit wad \veli• illustrated in the case of; the fire-tatiog Virginian, who while ratnrniug from camp tweeting held out his baudto an old enemy and ex- claimed "Give c e your baud, Sand- er, I've got eeligi.ou, and l• feel 'Mean enough to shake hands with i dog. A young girl of 17' 'lately wrote to one of the great New Yorii deiles, sny- e g that she '•rwottld ` graduate in a 1188th and wotjid like tosecure a po• aition as to rnaneging editor of a poll- tiettl paper," hat she'' received a letter, in reply, stating that educated; persons were it:eligible for such positions. 1,1,,:v. Ale. Pogson, pi Bridgeport, is the father of a bay who will probs,biy S, 1879 distinguish himself. The evettin g be- fore the laet circus in th(t,t` city, the roneretjd gentle rem wastalking til.) his son about the beanttp, cfteheavou, when the child suddenly observed -"Papa let's drop heave a%d "t']k cirrus ," lioaven was 3roppeii. SoMe.,o4 the, papers arublishinn "ScletltiAO !i7btlett.l 110'6016min' Says 1 t;'eoplc "ro t., ouglt,,c . , av, oid :tlietri as theyp wotll theenil` at Yor, yellow fever, !le melt Ins name on the bli'clt ofthe, ordinary note of a flrildiltlit>c}tl tVhii,h,tae, MinnH :h i"%' 1:rth'tl iiiiC..:• :•'I f`, , s IYrI 1lths 1�t'r#i'e.5t Tho simplicity of the thing is enongbl fgh tuf!13)6 ]et11-11s4 e' ll1bi nto (tl,e cTbe'zi,i ' .-''�ltus 3 "AYiyAdireTff Titt(bt4• .: .air,: The ordinary life of a locomotive £e thirty yeitrs. Tho locomotive, we are panted to observe, raver inarlies.- Phila, Chronicle. Are you not mistak- en about the: l000motive (rover marry - jug ? We have often hetird of the loco-11C/g, motive (,$) lr ' - an � vo !t 1( u, g, and beiugcoul>lad to train -.-just the same Its it young Irian, you know, When he gcta Coup- led, the tr,iu often makes the biggest stlo SV, lllaltum iu Ifa'vo.-The es..liedive line arrived at Naples with four of his wives and two bemired uud twenty•five menthols of his household suite, El eight h.uutlred auid seventy-three wives left at home feel very lonesome,, and every mail brings i1ir, I °dive eight hundred shat severity -three letters. Ile doeeu't arinwer them all seperately. he writes oue letter ootlltneucing "Aly (l, ar wife," and closes with to postscrip, mu/lig : "Pasd it around," a0KLLL A. TOWN. 1, Put tip rio more buildings than you can occupy yonr,(olf. 2. If yon should have nn empty 'tinkling to reut, demand three tithes 10s value. 8. Look sorrowfo)ly: ; belittle and insult every new corner ; give the ,0(11(1 shoulder to and underrate every me- chanic and protest -Weld, man who de- sires to conte) a►1lOing yon. 4. Go abroad for your goods and awes. By no means pll'ohase from your own lnere! taati and men ufact urers even at the same: prise or less. J. equally, give a thorough( finish to your work by working against your local paper. 13e mean to everybody connected with it ; refuse to subscribe to or advol•tiso in it, so that persons living at et distl(nce will not know that any bu mens is being (lone in your town, or they may be induced to conte and settle tunong you,or buy something from you, and that would give yen trouble. A WONDERFUL GEORGIA WO- MAN. The following particulars, says the Albany, Gs., vea.s, we got from lir. George 0. Watson, living near the home of the sut•ject of the °ketch : A lady of the seventh district of Worth comity has become insane on the sub- ject of religion, Ilei demeutatiuu was first noticed about a month ago, soon after the 01nas of a protracted meeting 111 Union Baptist ehnrch, near het home. She attended the different serv- ices very regularly and seemed to 1)0 deeply impressed and troubled from til first commencement. A short while be- fore the meeting closed oho joined the ehuroil. Uoiug back ham°, her inco- hereut,maddelled and rambling conduct was noticed by her husband and child- ren, they became terribly excited and wrought up about it. She went rev ing abort the house and yard with Ia bucket of water, baptizing everything in her patllwsy. She baptized her husoand and ench one of her children and while doing Ode she sane the meet , beautiful songs that she had heard but once or twice. Although an unlettered woman, .(her hus- band will swear this,) she reads any. 'chapter in the Bible remnily, pronounc- ing correctly and di((tiuctly, paying at- tentioe to laun(ltuatioly point., etc. She preaches nearly all thewhile, and` olt;r itlfortnant'StyN, lues the ehoioe.f words and rill -plays great • wiedorn and knowledge in the handing of different subjects. • A.ithcugh not a Mason, she knows ell the mvsteriee of that mystel'- ions craft 'by heart. Dozens of• Masons 'have gone to see her, and they all came ' away dam bfotrnde(1. fIer husband has come to the conclusion that she is a witeh. She has attend te<i bets of Via lence, but htts yet done no harm. lie. with o)ttside, asi8tettce, tried at one time to incareernate in one of the rooms .of the bruise, but the doors became nu mauagaeable and wouldn't stay Welted. 'Site ha8,)'t slept in eighteen flays. and nights, and during that .tithe has taken but few moesele of food. This is one of the slliangest 'ca,ses'tve have}, 'even heard of. flundreds are tlockiug.to see ,the freuris(.1 tvoglan. • The mute:her of cone in .the taflitdel Statei4 is' ever 13,00(400,' which is six times the, number its 'Great i3aitain , to'ver` tWice the n'tmber iii I+rat)ce, two ;and a half'timeamord than in..Pr.ustiia, and 01;F1 than there are in the c0nll- la, r tr'mes of, ,England, Trelttr. d Scntltni�1) .T eiiniltrk, `NnrNay, Swci1isn 'Russ ieFiralnrlcl,. Austria, Ill;nngar ' Med ^gee'tee l labs enRarbined,' ai'theti tbei,e ce1311t11s.00ntnt11.faonr'• tinea the• pop,ulahon�o tha Uniked. States. ,Thet ei„eo,pa!see n•ofo ays:tn the iirhabltltnlst fes is , g o,.l1ao tn:tbe,Urrlted Y O, yin i.� tey3o s, and 01' TIrTTi Sewing Machine ! hIE LARGEST AND 131 14c ,F'ro'('T;. OF Silverware, tibiae and !)elf over sena 11, the West, at ' E. iA 'C i a"'7•. r1.O.tsSedi'.'". Mr. Drew has just rewired 1131 oXeelleittstelcl(( Silver To letts,13utte (oolers,D o 1 letutt.3m$1eglc .Pickle Cruets, Cake 13askets,Card '1(cue Ives's,(1ow. 100 100 Sol ts, a tc„oi the Heat(.) maniac mid''( 7 ijt11 Plate, two. is offering the saute izt wires that 01(10 At'TONISIL YOU Volt CHEAPNESS! ! TEehas just (Tolled out a 11QSv and complete as. sortlueut of China, ()lass and. hi tone wares, A large stock ,f Lam ps jr is t arr ivy 11. Cull:ural s:I tie* yourself as to quality. and 1111apneas. (lain° an, i try our itlstruitlents, Music Teacher still on 54 hand, Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the rtuyn110A(1 Setvilit Saohilae, Organs an(1 Pitmen llns111'passea f('1 beauty of losign, ana gltalit' of tone. E. D R. E 9r'V . JUST RECEIVED A.T TIIE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK, OF GREEN, JAPAN,. YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, D1 -LED APPLE CANED FRUIT. SARDINES, LOBSTERS. SALMON, BITTER SAUCE ANT) PICKLES, I111ANT)IES, GINS, WINES ANT) SY11TTPS, RTE,WALT SCOTCH, I1RIS/IAN]) COMMON W11I$IiIE$, TOBACCOS AND C:IOABS, Wholesale and Retail. C4-. A. MACE Main Street,i's, eeter. Samwell &c Pickard, ,e 0 0 0 cee 0 EXCHANGE BANK BILLS taken at Par for Goods. VT' E V V: FALL GO'l ,.1.)S -..O SELECT FROM AT BOTTOM PRICES AT SAMWL LL & PICKARD' S. THE NATIONAL POLICY Iiavirlg trinnlph0a at ISAAC CA :. LING ,-, repttred to give 1131 his custOinors the 1111' ants stmt will (acorllo from its aahptio. ,tied hn 8 on . liana 1 a large stock of DryGoods, Groceries, es, Win.es ani Liquors, Crockery,Etc., At his Store Maiu•Street Exeter, which willlc ) r ) be sold at which will be sold at prices nllheard of under P, -co Trade.; The, farmers of the surrounding country will find it f - their sta- rs v i ta;e to sell their • produce without paying mni.;lcet fees, onl„t'1he :Exeter marlk(t,wllich is seeond 1 tl fotttc- i•i1 the 'west aiid t1)can call at the store of the ,subscriber and Ccure Itinmonse r gains trhpre tip" lyse had ,in QverconlL reg 1 iill.c lot11ti's, Broad -('loth Igoe '331 J its, Sxlh� Wiu,ce ,s 1)ehtines and ever -suing '; ll tat (13d I n.. ill' t heDry Goods line, Tho Grocery Penaitme`nt very Cgn 1ete.., An, i;i], Tobin; invited' �T,r,,• t ou,t)lc f c sx,d'.t'Vobs ' AAO C=; X ILINICI, .R 1 A rE .L Q ,rdl(.�A'�'.tY'.Lry.tJ. ii SEI-tSE •(1 IP 1`Aflri",o1 fiM1:I.I,tItso,itlolyboft8111 the 3 1:1%12001 of the 11)t11(1Nutna}, 1'A'I'A)40fl. Tait (.ors rl'rc^(IossA1, 4.",V'r,11en Remorse will restore you to enjoyable he(11th. It not -,c1111 .cures Ca- tarth, but "Sall Cather diseases I►8'the 811141 tlnte, Price ~i) per petits. Pot N(tle 13pa11 41,nigglsts and 11(3(11(+i4edealer:( Feud state]) for ‚.05 l'i(4» 1(1()i I,ltlat containing tl'ML0 514 0124,4LVAixrli, ltgp,eertla- eates of the cnlc li In T. I. r3:•11A�t11I;It (,..)vin- 1(311 A (.11t, 3)re a 1(vllle (1 t, f o ,S7'Ilti31ONAL G':S£r' 111133l'tir til:T)1, ileo ply Cortilil, Pate, 1(17e1 eirse¢u:(I cure fns eat; rOt, belles let tee Systeie Iola aures 'al °tln't drsetts.18 15(1133 3,(31133 (boo. •Abtblua, 1 (ac gold, HAY t e 'cl, Nervous ]Debility, 1111 lejo t ,Oet1Ie0 when the (;;ohatltututinnl,l' Catarrh 'Remedy is Luken a1: sheeted, Price $1 per bottle. 1'or &ala by all druggists,aa(1131111 Iuilae dowerr(. AGENTS RII E •D PHIS We will pa) Agents a Salary of 8700 p month :1(1 expenses, or allow alarga eo,11n3tgsltul to sell '333 'no ,rill (1 walido rl'n1 inr,nitl 111(3, ih•e me(1? (NM': 3(e $41/. ba1111,1(• 1•("33. A !era's, hill 111 (J O,. 1111338 113111, Viiclt. Pacific Railway Tendon 't'7;N1)FI R for the tow.trtt•'ti'lu of ul,nnt one .100(1213(1 lints of ataie tv wet of as.: leen., in toe Pr,n•lneo (31 11 111ttiha, Will 1,o r(,. iv3 (1 by the ' dcr1,1gued uuta noun on 1113d4y, 1st August '.1 rt. 1'1.0 Itailwuy wi11 OO11ln1eneeatt \V IM,i m,;, and "3til \ nrall-wl'stet•ly to (((33118(1 wiSI L' 3031.111111133 (11 tine nei)hl,t,rhuo(t art the ith 0431 lisle, and ;cones Westerly tae(Wee41'ruillc 1a Postage 11(3(1 3,133(31 10111toh,�., 'renders 11111Ht be on the printed t' e ion, wllie11, ath 111(1thl,riilfarnnitln11, lhuv be bad at the 1'u- R(tilw11.y 111.511(6333 5 011leon,lu (ittaw11 and 'vulnipog, 1 L'1tATx, Secretary, 'Department of INNiitra.VS 50(1 t 81ath, 1 0l e,twA, testi June, 1870, f rIATAPrEU I CA'TARRII ! ! USE x,11 The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound, 111e Only positive enrefe7• Catarrh yet discovered. SAM. t+l 1 tT t Z'S Oct<'l:t-'1 rtt.%L t)ltt Qi STORE, ST_,rli11, General Ageit,Ar)ulnu,o ty -333 Cxhea ea3h 3 to of Sea forth ,hiiSopenedntltintiles 1rerecent '.,sent d 111 .1. 1'. MelutSIv, next (toot. to 1)r, rI t ollius cu s residence, Mian *t ]:Neter, with a' (3w, large mal well as -Ortel stock of Millinery in all It Branches, AIM) Water Goods, T,adies' \3'ectr and Children'.. lithos. Prices very low -for cash only. "debt Rid Gloves and White Detach Plumes elekned. A . 11)1 solicited r 14 -1 -rail• 'Dressing Stamping, t Velvet Painting, Sea, (ko A first-class (l3e»slite iter oil hand 31188 Lb:• 1C -H. Apprentices wanted 0.'°ter. April 13.1870• vl By an Intmense practtre at the World's Disyrna, Fal v .1(1(1 Invalids Hotel, having trotted 1 nun thou- sand ease.; of timse eliezews peculiar to wutt:et..T;1 have been tnualSrrl to p ril.ct a most potent mid post- . (tee remedy Mr !Melo diseases. To designate this natural speclac, I have named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripti • The term, however, Is hut, erfreble esprc Sinn et Thy high apllreellati0u of its va•:.ue, based up n,pnr- snna1. observation. 1 butt, white Witnessing its pest - (lee rrsalts 1n the &pedal Olgnises hteldent to th^ organismof w•nnran. singled it ant 118 the ellmns or crowning gem of my medical caecar. On 114 merit,, 111 a. positive .sur. gad 2,111,,,i mai remedy 833' hl (ta:ss 18t'111501150$,Itnd one that will, at all shuts and mac all a lreumstanus, net Icindly. Lim welting to stake'. my reputation ael Ia physietan: and so confident ell r iltat It will not disappoint the most 13(11(101173(1 e3(- pocOltloiis 0111 single htr:,lid )tidy who )(Al 1 for any of the ailment:14'6r wit Mb I recommend it. lha11 nlil'r runt 3,•)) it under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (Por eon litlore;, dee p.°npllet wrapping bottle.) • ,;,` Tit. allowing are amotta�1,, those diseases h1 t,•hich my 1 ,•Orbe 11'e„erlptla,er.1, a5 worked cures. w. a< by bet xi,.:uad with la 3('0131 utt never before 1(13110012, l:;[: MI c nu•,ftrpu. I •I1Cmr11al, Excessive Fl+afnl3, ('.lust! llontlly 3'rrled3, Supltres inns•wh,•1t•(r,n4 '11231,to rat causes, lrregmtarltr3, Would, 1iac6 ,Pro - Pulling l'ro-Pulling e( the 17terns, Antet•Orsi, ti. and t'-ar,n•e-rslnn, 11, nring-(low•n S(v1 (tions, internal ient. 3,,•r,au Depre'ssion'. Debility Ik 3pnnde e,y, (lite (tenon 311scarrhlge Chronic 1 01.(338, nt., ht- tt:unnrthos1 and 1 Ireratlnn 2,11(201't, rn , impotenv),,vT Barrenness, or Sterilltt and Female \k m,knt s,+. do uot notextol IMS merlle lea as :t cure-all," last It. admirably 1,11010 n oiestencen or ynrp008, 0310,1 11 11,042201•fcet p,ellie 133 all chronic diseases "f' the ▪ 3xnal system al wrnnae... It will not dl3appubl)„ 3((,r( w•nl it du 1arrn, ht any gate or Condition... '1'hn3e w hn d est l e Ana he r I11f ,rural ton en line suh- ('013 ('1171 801,11'1 11111'01(18 3''1(1'.11'3 Conit0wt0133E •, oIPa,I(IAT. .\nVISl:11..1 1,041 Or over 9410 pages. 'mit. p3(st-14(id, nut receipt ((l' 8003 1t errata minutely of !hu•a• dL.rases prrull,r to Femaleend )'lyes dutch t ataatlle :Melee 111 regard to the management of '11 ulurt loo 1 a oris. a'ren(•rlptlnn sold by Dn,grsI to, it. Puatf li. 36 IL, Prader Worin'a 3)1st..:.,say 10.1 invalids' 110131, 11(111.,.1.., \. Y. (Successors to R r. PIEIROE, JL. 1).) T)n.,1 .3'. PIERCE, having acquired aworld-wide reputation In Ilio treatment of Chronic 1)Ise.•ases, resulting in a professional business tar exceeding' Ids indtvidnnl ability (0 condom, some years 81111 tortured 1411.1111 tnedlcnlentlemm in , associate theot selves whit hhn, as the Faculty of the World's Dis- pensary, )ls-pens ry, the Consulting ,Department of which has since been purged with the INVALIDS' HOTEL. 9'he organization has been OOinpleted and haenrpo-', rated Hurler the name and style of World'. Dti.pen ✓ ary Molten] AIMOCIIII Ion, wl lh the following ol,iccrs:.. lion 11. V. PIERrE, Pres F. D. PIEncr, V. Pres. ,1\O. 16.71(1211(1.. Sea. ].ESTER 1a. S)l1'I'll, !reit a.. NINEPIITSICTANS AND SURGEONS of (1(2,0 138)101' 1,11(1 51 1111 have been (11338311 As rho Farmltr. 611E0100 1)IS ASES of all forms COnewlthin the yet ovMac or on r several eral sttecialIles. LEN(} DisrAsi N.-Tlita rllvlAnn of practice 1') ✓ el v ably m711111g(d by a gentleman of maim, j3r1)t- tort t and 1311111. 111.01101Ni Throat, and Land Uls+p cases treated whit the most sateees 811 results. DISEASES 01 WOMAN 1 sp1' 1)11 y1• are nor facili- ties of It superior order air the Stare of alt those" Chranie 13150135 py'eulhn tn8onndes Ztl ItCDCA Di3LASES. Par1a1esliri \orvnns treks)- 11t,113,11opa3 (F118),(11.11%.est:j4 hmc iss Dowel, NMI.. 1)1)3On, 1111 Mime .nervosa t130'0tinns, l'oSeivo,th6,- al tent ion of an expert p1,er t I n 11113 speelnl tr., "NOT SIEir3SSAltly TO 8151: 1'ATII'NTA.--•Tey oar nrlgilliat system or :u'diagnosis vv( ole' trout ninny oln'O)/lc diseases as,sue(essbtlly without as with lwrsnwlc.nn nllltinn,'I'or 1tlooters see "People's UOmnot)��5a'n8t' Medica Advisers, (`11N10 pages, sous' tens+t-p:deflary''1.G01orsa:hn'tl(als'11:133 ('ourists'tltuide llonl ' 1103 a ages. 1111 rents pont-pial(l). 411101Iue1 CASES. -.Actio g the nperattnns Will311 we are called upon 'mieat frequently to p'li''0rm .Ire those. the 1ila8n'Polypus, 111rdlI, 11'nanors„Vistula In Ann, Plies, neritla.(Tlupture),115sheet° fDroj34 �{f tlac; Seeotolt;l, Vneleo "Isle, Ovatl.n ,1 tr.I 1 (rl Irl t) 'Moors,Cale1111 51IOn1 3.11 the ilibtle1)'rc Shah!tttr13 et(., (1 14, We nisr(.trea.t est eessfnllt, by a new meth.. ed 'without seri/teat npt'17tt1nni ttttlt'lninisliltlb la(at, 831,hmlt;lr3':n1n•c ru,d,ntlntl'dugrittier,, (SSte pin.- AideE entitled, 03/611011 Its,la (1rtratiite 331;$3111,• (('nt 1 reotIpt or 10 a ents.1 41`"'3-38 700'1 14 s12147,t?gli tt tIpttan to 130 Fra :(r, �,