HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-18, Page 2• 2 v pit C 1 e TOO MANY SaAIiE BITES.. Dating the husiug season an honest old fanner out ou the ,Gl•atiot road eni. played the young men from the city to kelp out and store his timothy. None of them liked work half as well as whiskey, and a couspirecy was the re. stilt. About noon one tiny one uf the 4rio fell dut'n in the field, shouttiug and 'liicl;.iug,. and the other twu,lan to the 'farmer witlp 1'i11 (ayes ailil called out that their cotuihauion had been bitten by a. tattlt,sititke, and must have whis- bey. The fruiter melted to the house And brought out a quart, auii the turee 3ta?vebtet's gut a big drink all artteiad ou the sly, while the "bitten" ono had .tt lay off of half a day. Tito nest fore- noon a second one was bitten, and .egttiu the farmer rushed for his bottle. It was a nice little job fur the boys, aud ou the third day the third one put to his claim Lir it bite, auLl yelled fur the whiskey boitie. The farmer took the matter very coolly this time, aim: after mailing patrtioular inquiries as to the bite of the snake, loc:Ltiou of the bite, the seusatiou, and so forth, he ; nilly eoutinned "duly the day before yesterday Jame:: was bitten and drank a quart of good whiskey. Yasturdtty nulla was 'jittuu and drank a quart inure. To- day ti u've got s bite, and the beat thing you cit:: du is to smell their 'brt-..114 and lie •iu the shade while tile, rest LI Its eat dieuer." 'll:') time gut %%e;i in ten minutes, anti LOG aduteur rattlesnake .was seen dutiat; the season.— Llletruit Flee t1 11 ALL L'ULL'L� ' OF l31'ATUES. Two stirriug iustauces of the wan- ton deetructioi, uf works of art alter the fall el tuts 1t.)ulan emote Have 'been ub.tuued'iu the het, clays. A few yards from tits temple uf alwerva Me - rhea, in Route, a wall was discovered built with statues. Seven have already been cut together. Nut far from the satue place a t'vuudatiuu wall, cigar feet r f.juare, built of the sante materi- als, is 'beiug explored. The upper burla contain blabs available, stripped Ervin the pmenents mut from wails, 'stet,-, dutch', thresholds, etc. The Lilt loin strata 'contaiu columns, pede- •etal:,, capitals, all split into fragments. `malls, at the bottom of the wall, eta tuew begin to appear of excellent work. n1aush!p, together with busts, herons, bas rel:uls, etc. The stratitioatiou of these tu,trbled shotes that at t time when the foundation wall was being coustruoted there wits iu the neigtlbor- bo ,tt hriue, a temple, .t fountain, or bOltle such monument, iu good preber- vrtth.w and profusely ornamented. The masons first took advrtntat..e of what- ever was Movable without difficulty, and aeoordiugly we find the statues at the o.ittum of the trench. Then they put £heir hauls ou what was half Movable, and this is the reason way columna, capitals, eto. are found in the miosis strata. A further want of ma - aerials obliged them to attack at last the building itself, its steps,threshold, etc. tai ItN`S BIG1iLAND M.9.RY. blc�iilan's Magazine gives the fol- lowing biography of the Scottish poet's Mary bite was a nurse -maid to Gavin Hamilton's son Alexander, born in /u- ly, 1785 ; and she saw him through several stages of infancy before leaving his House. Her fattier way a sailor in a revenue nutter, stationed at Clomp. belltowu, near the southern end of Conlin. She had anent some of her eariy years at Locti Ranza, in the fa- mily of tire Rev. David Oampbell, a re. lation of her mother. She left Burns • on May 14, no doubt for Campbell. town, where she spent the sumiller. It is believed that she had letters from him, and two songs, "My Highland Lassie, 0," and "trill ye go to the In- dies, my 1Iitry?" are likely enough to liave been sent to her there, Her mo- ther's cousin was a Mrs. MacPherson, in Greenock. Her brother was to be apprenticed to Mr, 'MacPherson,; who was a ship carpenter ; and 1n the au- tumn' diary accompanied biui to Green oek, Before leaving home she had agreed to take a place lu Grasp t w, at Martinmas, so than she hail then given up the idea of ealliug with 1.3QM'S, though sue may have been still willing to Marry hint before the left Scotland. After his apprentice supper, her broil.. er became i11, and Mary nursed hip and caught a fever, which hurried her in a few days to the grave, Before the boy sickened, MacPherson had "agreed to purchase a lair iii: the kirl(ynrd," and it ie, likely enough that the pur- chase of the lair, which is registered on October 12th, 178G, may have been completed berweeu her, death and her funeral. It was almost oertaiuly con- cluded before the funeral, and a mere agreement to purchase is not likely to be completed by a superstitious High- lander while the buy of Mary was lying ill and the issue uncertain. '1 think the evidence of the burial .poiuts to Mary's death as eomellhere about Oc- tober 12. The story of the immortal verses, t"I2o Mary iu Heaven," was given by Mrs. Burns 'to IIr. 11IoDiar- wid. Burns had spent one dity iu the usual work of harvest, apparently iu excellent spirits. "But as the twilight. deepened he seemed to grow very sad about something," and at length wan- dered out into the }laruyard, to which his wife, iu her auxiety, followed Liw, entreating him in Fain to 'Observe that frost had set in, and to'return to the fireside. Uu beim; again and again re- quested. to du se, he promised uompli• mice, but still be ieniaiued where he was, striding up and clown slo•Iy, con- templating the sky, which was siugu- lally olear sad starry. At last Mrs. J3urud found hiiu etretehed ou a MISS of btruw, this eyes fixed ou a beautiful i'lauet"that shone like another moon," and prevailed ou him to coma iu, ROBINSON CRtJSOE'S ISLAND ' Pl:uw ahighly interesting private letter all exuhange gathers some par- :ioularc, in regard to the Islaud of Juan J?eruaudez, tue scene of De foe's fa - limas rowat co. The letter, in question hili written by the oaptaiu'e wife ou board it whaler whish called at the LAIVAL. 1IAU' would remind his nntnerons • Qustoo•}}1}:vs that he lues raiuoved to 0.10shop forme „oectlpiw1 byAfr.Ilona, where be will be fountl�l dOverready to atte.id to u,llliutlluest, in the BOOT1111 (M Line.. 0, BAU, Crediton. 1-14Zeter oi'f;li FLOUR and GRIT. MILL ]3oiugIn good working order gives every mice I, possible in t ristiig and, nearing, Floe and mill feed delivered to parties leuviu,t their cullers before one o'clock atJ.1311LI,'S 13akory, or O'B11tN� ct CO'S, °eat same tray, r.1P'ERMS •_FISH. --0—=1 Tir ma. i'i E W I c E, '_ `OXIITEli P 0., 1' ARM ! RS AND BO.ILDE13u, Buy our Iieachville WHI'1'1 LI$IE and " Star Brand Plaster Paris, and youwill be pleased with your work. Trtslr lame f►inaye on hand. GLASS, • NAILS, . LOCKS, and HIN(r3 very sheep for cash. White Lead, Oils, Tur- pentine and putty. at buttom prices. hope Chain, saws, Planes and other tools at priuee that will astonish you. 'Carriage Makers, eali and see ' Our Bent Goods. made from dry, tough timber. Chesil for cash O'BYRNE Ss 00,, The Farmers' and Mechanics' Hardware Store, Exeter. Money to loan on illortgages. • MAD( STBE1;T, EXETER. REMOYALI REMOVAL! AL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! RE :1i0VAL! BE.lIOVAL! P. FRAYN.t+i 1879). ]las remove to his new shop, latelyoeeupied by Perkins .S: Co—two doers north of ,T. Grigg's book sturo,where you will find everything usually kept LIndeI'ta,l.ttr'. UTOULD SAT TO those who intend 1)urcbae.lig to do ee from the Manufacturer. The dealer who buys to soli Mihail must 11oeceiciarily have a profit. \ire ,dein to givotire purehasors the l,oueilt, widish • ()await fail to meet the views of the (+rangers. Our ex emcees are less than those of city maim lecturers cuhsoq'ont- ly fro Sun seilcbeunur. C. & S. GID.I4I±; Y, Lii.td 1.71 Lim itiire Mt. tirtii it:trti.c'I.4 1T E 1V. O IT LD call ap cella lattautio» to our undertaking dapurt tltettt;lr1110b 10 more tout t Teti thin 01'Or, 14K we have added event]' naw designs! 0 of ate '1'be best collie.,, onakote • 1,111'emle,itnd ert'14jf nut.ral re011a1tN a't Lilo lnwestprica,. Our. reit ]icul'se is pronouncedby competent )lt lees to liu 1,1,0elltlto nure 111 the provinces Embems of all the Different Societies. _F1 A N S , AI S, El, AT TIM DOMINION LABORATORY, nETE THIS I -• N U .:3O1VIBAST Truth' Concerns Toil More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, pure')nee; and enjoy its bargains. when ]: say 1 manufacture my own furniture ) 11.111 prepared with my proof -sheat that the people can inspect at any time by calling at nt3. View renis whore they w111 seo a superb dis ON: of Furniture in All Its Branches Is nranufaetnred bymyself and nnv conitneed srtiatie shill,wit'h good.workimtnship, 1 1c•i etre not iusatisfyiug the people With a class of Pu.niture that cannot bo equalled for quality or price ill: Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. E HEK YOU WMT ti1Y FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CIU,.. Garner of Maiu and Gidley Streets, Ilyoter. SPRY (1879 0 rr a first-class harness establishment, which for quality of material and slylo of workmanship THE OLD 1.iELZABLE MOUSE Is NOT EASILY SU1tPASSED At alitirues, andpartioalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and matey Cull and examine my stock beforepurehasing scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where lie can got the artiult: lie wants elsewhere. at thelowest rate. Iu calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with uvea y coutid PETER F11.4YNE.' once; 1t -being more care! ally assorted and selected than Char of any previous season. O R. FOWLER'S EXT. WILD Strawberry islaud fora supply of wood and provi- sluas. The writer says "Fihdiug to our delight, a very clear and beautiful rnorniug, \ve here re•tdy fur tate bora to take lis ou shore by 8 ,���.��. o'clock. We found a nice lauding !rte place, with a few houses close by the( n..ure. The oeutlemau who leases the islaud from the Chilian Government, Mr. Alf. de Rode (an euterpri:ing Swiss), met us ou the mole and very cordially invited us to bis house, and , gave us some fresh milk and bread, as 16'2'9 the morning air had sharpened our ap- petites. Ile then said he would go with us to see the cave where Alexand- er Selkirk (the original Robinsone Ornsoe) Lived so long. When we ar- rived there a beautiful lunch was set l before us, composed of various viands, wines, fruits, etc., while there was aloe cool water near by, making it altogeth• er lovely. After au hour or so spent in examiuiug the far-famed locality, we took oar leave, well pleased with our visit. "Mr. De Rode has re-leased the eu• tire islaud fur a period of eight years, and is stocking it with cattle, etc., with which to supply the passing vessels or to ship to the mainland. Fine feed abounds, and- there is an ample supply of fresh water. Wild goats are abund• ant, and many are consumed by the natives for food, the skins being hand- ed over to the proprietor. There are also a great nnrnbor of fine fish in the surrouuding waters. The highest part of the ielapd is about three thousand feet. The climate is tropical, and life iu such a place, although of necessity very isolated, must stilt possess all the romantic charm which forever interests, the far-off simmer isles of the Pacific ocean." Pune says that the thermometer in the late heated term reached high 0. "Well,," says the Paterson Press "the average numi went higher yet. He got When a woman finds tahe cauuot af. ford n. new dress she economizes by spending as Hauch as it would have cod' in buying ribbons to cover the old one up with bows, .it. Specific Remedy for all Stunnier Complaints such as Diarrhoea,sentry, Canada Cholera, Cholera }Ior'bus, Cholera lufalttlun, Sour Stomach, Griping Pains, and all derangements of the bawds, caus- ed by using improper food, sneh as raw vegetebles, unripe or sour fruit, bad: milk, impure water or change of water, changes of the seasons, exposure. No matter from what cruise or in what form yen are subject to any of the above com- plaints. Int. Eotvrsu's Tsxrsncr. -or WiLn SricANMZItat will relieve you, and a speedy (lure will be effected without injury to the system. It is maoufactered frau the Wild Strawberry Plant, and free -from opium and other injurious drugs. Per sale by all dealers, at Is. IOW. or 3 Bottles kr $LOO PAIIS1) 13Y MILBURN, BENTLEY St PEARSON 7'O RO.MTO. chis great household liedicine racks amongst the leading necessaries of life. Tem famous 1' IIs purify the 13r.00)), and act most powerfully yetsuothhhgly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, a id Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to these great in au spring; of lite. They aro con- e Matly recommended as a never failing remedy I.: all cases where the t t ustitatiou,from whatever ti lase, has hemline impaired or weakened. They tr '0 wonderfully efficacious in all uilulouts iuo3. dental t0 females of all ago and as a gonelul Family medicine, are unsurpassed. its searahillg and bo'tlitrg properties aro lwoWtl throughout the world. ]Por the cure pfbad legs,bad breasts. old wounds Sores andrleors,' It an infallible remedy. If ofl'ectunlly rubbed ell tbo nock nod 01101,1, as salt into ruont it cures sore tllrottt, I3ronchitis,tlonglts cod., anti evou Astlnlla. her OhL11dt11(L.. Swel- 1111gn, Almonds, i.'lle.41Will i' Gout lthetunetient and every kind of Skin Disease it has never boeu known to fail. Tho Pills end Ointment aro loan• ufactured only at OX1ORD STMT., LONDON, And are sold ,y ell 'Vendors oft:Kedlelntl throughout the civilized world; with directions in almost ors ovy language, The Trade i411trkke of these medicil)e1, ere reefs. tenni Tit Ottawa, Ronne, anyone in, the 14rit- fah 1'uskeesiens, who nlay keeps the American G.-mlterfeits for saie, will be pros00ntotl. 1.e5 Pttrehesure should look .to the Label on the ]rota Iced Boxes. If the address is not 833, Oxford i3truutLotsttonithey aroSpurious. In the Dry Goods Nveiydepartmen11isreplete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked a prices which should eonn1nll dtlleattention of the very closest buyers. 'IIi1 ttitUEItr J) CLOP.HINtr still has ;alt, vv IVES at it,.head In Millinery Underthema..ageinentof Miss McGlognlon,we eau slit the most fastidious. Our stock of Groceries; Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of too largest and best assorted iu. the Connty. Intending purchasers will consult their bestinterests by examining my stook before going elsewnere. JAMES PICK.A.RD THE EXE TER mTINT ARID STOVE O ,LSl+fi�l 'S*t d5t♦ THE Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and dies -wounding eonn- try, that he has opened a TIN and SIM DEPOT in the -store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store., Main Street. Exeter, where he is p.epni ed to fill all urael s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves Ad Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the: cheapest, and made up by practic'fl workmen on the premises. Eave-Troughingdone to order, Carriage Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the tory best and none Cheaper. u Intending purchasers will always find lie at my pose, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all tines to treat customers eonrteonsly and supply them with a good stilt] cheap artie e. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get better value for your money. The very highest price in Cash peid for. Hides and Sheep skins, E H. SPACEMAN. •gxeter P O,October 1fi 1877. RANTON normarEhs Still continue to sell Pants; Dress Goods, Costume Linens, Parasols, Cotton Nosing, Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, Flowers, Trimmed rats, Gents' Straw Hats, and all Slimmer Dry.goocls at tilt immense sacrifice to clear them out during August. Call and secure seineof the great bargains ttt %,al NTON SILOS', at©tor,