HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-4, Page 6HE TIMES
Striking objects---Olooks,
A watclt-word--Mrtinspring.
No r.leuarter--A. 20-eeat piece.
e single instneme-A. batehlor.
low to manage a wife-Reraain single.
[Front the Charlotte Observer.]
About three years ago the Oeserver
reported the erase of a oltizea of Meek-
lenhurgh (Jaunty, N. 0., who having
married in 1848, lighted a fire on his
le oldest verse ite exiattelee-The hearthstone as soon as he carried hie
Jai -verse. bride to his new home. and rind kept it
Me who know eays that mixed voice beruiug eversinote The citizen was in
town yesterday, and, being goestioued
nil produce half so mooh mush) ars
Omit the matter, stated that the fire
rixed drinks do. was still burning, and that through.
ko to the dishonest grocer, consider out all these thirty-six years it had
ds his weighs, awl be YE is.° enough to never beau allowed to go out. Ques-
quire(' as to whether or not it made the
honse uncomfortably hot m torrid
whether, he said the extra heat thus
generated was not perceptible. In re-
ply to another question, he Bald that in
summer weather, when it was necee-
eery for comfort's sake to keep the fire
burning very low, he had to get up fre-
(mealy at uight to replenish it slightly,
but that he counted this as nothing
when be contemplated the idea of that
fire going out. He has evidently form-
ed for it a strong attaehment, and yet
one would not take him for a sentimeu-
tad man. Dat this fire is to him a con-
stant reminder of the day when he first
brought home his bride. Around it his
childrea have grown up into manhood
and womenhood, ai d their children
have gazed lute its light. It was the
last light that fell upon the eyes of hie
wife; and ha hopes that it will be the
last th it will fall upon his. Viewed
thus, his sentiment in the matter eau
be under stood, and so strong is this
sentiment that nidi the old man it
Amounts almost to a pasr•ian.
iVOi(1 him.
. pen may be driven, but. the pencil
toes best when it is lead.
Do you. kuow Rose Wood ? Certainly;
she is a sister to May Hogeny.
"A. good workman is kuown by his
chips,"--aud so is a good poker player.
Men whose business drives them to the
When ought mariners to have fruit
itt eea ? When they stem the cur-
Sunday is a day of rest to the New
York police, as they'rest more people on
that day than on any other.
Sobriety of printers is phenomenal,
considering how often they have to "net
111 tile"
There is one kind of (tanned goods that
goes off quicker than any other --gun-
The man who originated the saying,
"Hurry is the mark of a week miud,"
never was chased by a linfirlog.
When an honest hen is laying the foun-
dation for a family and doing all the
hard work, some absurd rooster is ready
to do the crowing.
The first thing a woman looks after
alien she picks out her berth on a
steamship is the exact locality of the
Susan A.nthony, the stalwart and no -
terrified spinster, boldly declares, if
the worst comes to worst, every wo-
man can shift for herself. a view to the discovery the thief.
Siu is a thiug to be hated as long as you The complsaid that Oliver met
her in the street and told her the Bible
have strepgth to hate anything. It is
been returned downto several houses
said that Orlin hated his brother as where suspected persons lived, aud
that wheu Mrs. Collier's name was
mentioned 'the Brble flod out of their
hands.' The Bible was then turned
down to see if the sheet was stolen
Linriug the clay or night, and as the
former was indieated, Mrs. Collier cal-
led her 'A daylight thief.'
The bench dismissed the ca4e, re-
marking that the superstition was 'more
like a relic of the past' than a belief of
this 'advanced age.' .It i curious to
remark how this method of divination,
very commonly practiced in the middle
ages, has servived almost without mo-
dification. The Bible is opened at the
beok Ruth, and, balancing the key ou
A remarkable gdS0, as showing t he
amount of superstition Still prevalent
among the lower orders in tlngland,
came before the borough magistrates of
Ludlow, Shropshire, recently. A we -
man named (Jollier was sit tu in on a un-
der the local by-laws for nsiug abusive
language toward another, named Oliver.
The parties, it appeared, were neighbors
and a sheet having beeu lust off a pad -
en line, the practice of 'turning the
key aud the Bible' was resorted to with
long as he was Able.
A Sunday School boy, on being asked
what made the tower of Pisa lean, re-
plied, "Because of the famine in the
A sexton of one of aur churches, on a
Sabbath morning, picked np a rose
which some yonng lady dropped from
her helmet. It was the last rose of
some her.
A Los Angeles boy has a new
idea of the refrain. Being asked
in bunday school what the meauiug of
"Selah" was, he replied that it was the .
toe forefingers of each ham], which
ancient for "Wnoa Emma". are formed in the shape of a cross, the
We are always told to put oar best verse is repeated, commencing,
foot forward. A mule always puts his !Whither thou guest I will go.', Where
it turns the guilty party is to be found.
best foot backsrard, and puts it strong.
Why is it that at the hotel the men EXAMINE YOUR CHIN.
who goes is called the waiter, and the
A pointed or round chin indicates a
man who really does all the wattiug is
called the guest. congenial love. A person with emelt a
A young gentleman was accuiug an-
chin will have n bean ideal, and will not
other of Laving a big s
month. ,.But be easily satisfied with real mon or wo-
the Lord made yours small so as to men.
The intended chin indicates a groat
desire to be loved ; hunger aud thirst
give you plenty of cheek," was the re -
Ode of the disagreeable features of be-
ing Dear Bighted is that a man is in
danger of mitaking his wife fur another
woman, and being polite to her.
A good looking lady was caught, the
other evening, smoking a cigar and gave
the rearm, for the act, "that it made it
smell as though there WAS a man
"Well, yru11 pwn she's got a pretty
feet, won't you ?" "Yes grant you
that ; bot then it never made half as
much of an imoressiou ou we as the
old man's "
Dutch girls make the best wives. Eine
William has been married fifty years,
and is not as bald-headed as some
Americans who heve been wedded as
many months.
A little fellow fleshed 30t into the street
recently to look at a monkey that ac-
eempanied tel organ grinder who was
laying it front of an fuljoining Week.
.N'ver baying Itemised the "0:igan nf
Man," he gezed in wonder and ad.
naratinn for a few ramming, and then
ruilied into the house hornet bis grand-
mother, to whom he neldressed this en-
quiry ; "Grandmother. who made
monkey.; ? "God, mybey." replied
the old lade in her cendid Wey. Well,"
said tho exci(nble gralidson in rejoin-
a-, eV! bet God lea- lied when he got
ae 'grit monkey d •ue 1"
fur affection. ben large in woman,
she may overstep the bond of etiquette
and make love to the °tie that pleases
A narrow, sgnare Orin indicates a de.
sire to lose, and IS more common among
The broad, spare chit) indicates
ardent love, combined with great
eleadfastuess and permanence of af-
The retreating chin i" indicative of
the want of attachineut, but little ar-
dor in love.
Tile chin. iu its length and breadth,
inchoate', self-will, resolutiuu, decision,
Carnivorous animals have the tip-
per jaw projecting. while thus° of the
graminivorous have the lower jaw pro-
Io man with a projecting jaw will be
found large destrtic ivenese aml love of
animal feed; when the lower jaw pro-
jects, then tin lava fur vegetable
Extend to every one a kindly salute,
Yield not, to diseouregement 1
2 ,Klon4ly for the right 1
Ad :ameess is certain
eorge Francis Train reooutly gave
silo following Advice to some college
young mow -
"Yon want some good advice. It
has ruined many a, men, but my not
harm you, bowie you will uot follow
it. Rise eatly; be abetemione; be
frugal; atteua to your own uneauess,
and never trust it to anether; be not
afraid to work, andeliligently, too, with
your owe hands; treat every one with
oivility and Aspect; goad timelier's iii.
euro success, acoomplish what you ma
dertake; decide,thenpersevere; diligence
and iudn8try °Yemenite all dillioulties;
never be mean -rather give than tithe
the odd shilling; never postpone till the
morrow what can bo done to day ;
uever anticipate wealth from any seem
bat labor ; honesty is not only the best.
icy, bat the only policy; commence at
the first round and keep climbing ;
make your word as good as your bond ;
seek knowledge to plan, enterprise to
excrete, honesty to govern all ; never
trade beyond your stuck ; sobriety
above all things ; look is a word that
does not apply to a suocessfal man ;
not to much oantion-slow but sure is
the thing ; the hiehest monuments are
built piece by piece ; step by step we
mount the pyramids ; be bold -be ras-
e]o t e when the cluuds gather ; self-con-
fidence, self-relianoe is your capital;
your col/science your best monitor ;
uever be over sanguine ; brit don't nu -
aerate your owu abilities ; don't be dis-
couraged ; oinety-niue may say no,
the hundredth, yes ; take off your coat,
roll up your eleeve, don't be afraid of
mauual labor ; America is large en-
ough for all ; strike out for the west ;
the sea ;Imre cities are to crowded ; the
best letter of introduction is yonr own
euergy ; lean 011 yourself when you ,
wale ; keep good company, the Span-
iards say, if you lie down with dogs,
you will get up with fleas ; keep out of
politics, unless you are sure to win,
you are never sure to wiu, so keep
We have frequently seen animals in
court, netaphorioally, but it was re-
served for the of Tharmen agaiust Ber-
tram, before Barron Pollock, to bring
an animal literally into court, and an
elephant at that. The notion was
brought by a young lady to recover
damages for personal injeries, received
through the alleged negligence to the
dafendent's eery trite. She had gone iu
wagouette to tIie Alexaudra Palace,
where the Nubian encampment, with
earnels, elephants, eto., was then at -
rating °rends ; and at the conclusion
of the perfOrmanoe rt °Attain gnadru-
pededo sit a large elephant, Caine out
with his keeper, and frightened the
Ordain pony. The puny bolted, and
the plaintiff was thrown out of the
wagouette, and fractured her collar
bone. On the trial the deferdant's
counsel made profert of the animal and
he came into coin t, with belle on his
head, without i1Jury to anyoue, but
manifeet benefit to his eide of the case,
for au "arrangement" was immediately
had. Tho ju.lge observed in the hip.
piest 111aPnar that "the elephant had
ennie to rifler his apology in person ;''
whereupon there was a langhter among
the bar, as there always is in England
ret any attempt at a judicial joke whieh
in this conutry would make lawyers
look funeral.
_Mr. William Russell, of Gleegow,
WI') took an active part in the free
trade agitation with Bir. Bright,
now writes to him as followt. :-"I
intersoonalrhenlunia:golgitling properties are ltnown
frankly relinit--aud I make the milli -
eiou with the most poip t feelings ItIgt,8140e101b141.1egs,byl breasts, old wounds
rub b OfiTdag,(1,1,;. sag
ofrogret-that after experien e of eireeftelle•
1:10110.11INS()N, Mein bor of
the College of Physieittne and Surgeons of
Ontario, ,tie, 0o Oillee next; dour tu1.. coatings.
111i21 Stnot, 1zo8ur7
. - •
it. LE YNI):\111..N.-001t0.111.1t Fait
the (lousty oiF1r,i. omeootoRtclov. to
31 ri. Carling's store, Exeter, ,
JJW. 11.110WNING M. 1)., 0. M.
s r. 5, Graduate VictoriaUnivorsity•Ottioo
mid tan hie two, Dou. nioaLaboratot y, Exeter.
leel 0. MOORE'. M. D. 0. *M.
.1.. LI. tired:nate of Ale 001 ihtiversi by, Montreal
°awe mum resilience, Exe ter, Ont. Oillee 1 ours
81) 10 L. 111 and 7 to 10 e. m
Do. J. A, ROLLINS, M. C. P.
0, ye:aerie se oreattou, Oub. Ohloo hours
rum 0 to 10 a. In.; il to 5 p. m.
-1 LUTZ, M. 1)..,
J. oftleu ret his residence, Exeter.
X., VPIltS/TY Trinity College Al 01 .. 1.0r0o 1 Lege
Puveiciaile and stir:Nom On,,., 011100 Eirktou.
At Law, Solicitor, ttni. Ofilee, Panaca's Block
A Barieters, Attorneys, Selieitors , Com-
eioners,B. 11„ (Co.
4 110 11 1C1 61-Myr:vox% BLoom, Water treet,
V .
. ..) -Wm. Baker proprietor. This Hotel has
teen newly furnished and fitted up in first-class
ityle. Large and convenient Show Booms for
.lommereial Travellers; best of liquor; and cigars
Mlle Bur. Attentive Heaters always on hand.
.11.- OLIN VON. G. SWanTS having purchased
die above hotel, *111(1 1)66041 it throughout, now of
Ars lint -class accommodation to travelers, Good
hitter and cigars at the bar. Good stabling en
(ttentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid
a) guests.
The groat
Tierra Nevada Smoking Compound,
ale only po sitive ()twofer Catarrh yet discovered
Pon sumo Mr
V L, SMITH, General .Igent,Aricona,ont, ly -5.S.
0,111/4t•..b --,•-• 41.tg -
. S. . ,..
. t
-o 1 'i -.•:, 4.,vs, ...-..._
( • .5.
• t. •
. ..., ,,.
, u .
- 4
- v1/4.06 ...4 .,;,.:i:z.., c „a
/, , , ; l•li• A
-.IL, v • _ .4.4.x.i.:7•-fig
31 I
vigor to
are ono.
11 gonei al
This groat household nedicine ranks
he leadingnecessaries of life. These
'ills purify the Utoon, and act most powerfully
et soetiongly on tee Liver, Sto.nitch,
,nd. B owels, givin; tame, energy, and
hese erolt la tin sprin., , of liferimy
dently rocoempabled a•.; a, never fo. thug
onll cases whore ten etueditotion,from
5.1(80, 1100 Imeocut fol./air:id 1(0 wonAteued.
ro wonderfully efficacious in ell ailment%
email 6,) fealties of ail ma; .1(1.) ((0
'madly median% are unsurpassed.
N't '0,4 f 'I' •
' 1 Eil OM"
U ,,,,A••• • 'e-,41 . • ,. hoe raereemete e
thirty-three years same the rre Laws Voi,?ou,°,..trlitri
Meesses, P os; i'si.aats.
were repealed, my exueetations have ovury kindtoftiSkiimIhsease., 16 115.44 nov01..13.0,11
not been remised. Our comtnercial kt 1 . 'Pt e 'ills 11.01. UllittnOtit aro 10„n„
u not tite. only a
and agricultural interests aro now 11)
an almost prostrate condition. Ger- And art5)33sTrolyn) LONDON,
throughout the eivilimaed Itrv3o'iritZ4
wioli (ill1rectit;i7tless
many, France, Italy, Spain, BeIgura.
Alta America, have raised their import 1 GYerYl"g"'"'
duties almost iu some articles to pre-
bibition,rbrid our own colonies have put
on protective duties aeninst the mare -
features of theMother Cornitry. This
communication is written in a frenk
and unreserved spirit. 1 ask light"froin
one 04 whom, as an apostle of free
trade, I have ',laced the most nunlicit
faith." Mr. Bright write,4 a somewhat
rudelettet in reply, in which lie declares
that free trade will yet ootne out all
1•ig I .
11R. ABBOTT fa D. S.,111.B.C.D,S
Graduate of Royal Cell me of
Milne ve;t O'Neil bunk, mud opposite SautWell
i Liceii:.i ate of
Ithe Dental
College ' of t m
toxic), may be
00215(41641 4(0)' -_-,..,7f. ....,..
I )(il OY): i (fig!! lc* et -I;
the Poet Office, Exeter,Out
.trle Blitrks of these medicines aro reels.
.ered at Ottawa. Hence, anyone in the Brit-
ish PottkonsiOnS'who inay keep tate American
0.en forfeits for sale, will he pros °Maud.
!.."Purchissere should look to the Label on the
Pets 01111 ;loxes. 55 6)10 address is net 53.3, Oxford
Street Le..don, they areSpurlous.
''.Y.: • ,.-.k. N-R•Lea,1
r, .,4:131.$ \-\ N,•,:L• ••• kt."(-,,
i ' i';tc 'A'`..)•''' '` '':..)
Pia.-- VIA. d
Pacific Railway TenclerE
TENOCHS for tho construebion of about 04113
hundred miles of Railway West of Burl Barer, in
the Province of Manitoba, will be received by the
undersigned until noon on Friday, 1st August
The Railway will commence at 'Winnipeg, and
run North-westerly to comma wibb tile mai11 lino
in the neighborhood of the 4th base line, and
thence Westerly, between Prairie la Portage and
Lake Mani tolot.
Tenders must bo on the printed flrius, which,
With all otherinfortnn bleu, may he hal at the Pa-
cific Railway lilbghwer's 011ie,ln Ottawa and
Department of Railways and Canals, }
Orraw.3.10611 Juno.1810.
SE.PTEmam, 4, 1870,
43, El Xi 0 V"
1 RAU would remind his numerous
()anteaters that he bee removed. to tho
shop formerly oueudiod by Mr.' Bead, where be
will be found over mutt, to attu al to ail landlicae
40 the Lore -ease-Jett awe.
0, RAU,
uttgAT (.141.1n OV HUMAN. 'ALL
j_ latY,
jr115b P1113115110(1, 111 5. sealed Envelope
Pro* six cents,
lecture on the, Nature, Treatro ent and Until -
001 cure 05 501(11(15.1 Mean° e, or Site v. uterine'',
induced by Solt -Abuse, Involuntary Etnissiens,
Impotency, Nervous Debility,. ma Inuuslintents
to marriage generally • Consumption Epialeiy„
one, Fits ; Alenstil aud IneitPacity, ,t.).-;-
111: ROBERT J. 0 OLVEIWELL, author of
the "Green Book," 4.
The 10011a con owned author lo this admirable
Lecture, emu rly proves from his own experience
that the awful consequences of Salhlbuse may be
effectually removed without medlei11e,110.1 wilt •
out clangorous surgical Operations, be s t u -
moats, rings, or curdi els ; 0144. 43. 1120(10 Of
euro at ouoo certain and effectuul, by which every
stiffener, no matter what bit; condition nuty be
may env, himself olteapiv,priVately audratitually.
3-7--4Thie 1,0c ture wilt prove 0 Won to thousands
and thousands,
Sent, undurseal, in a :plain envelope, to any ad-
dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage
‘iticire el
41 Aim et, New York.
P. O. T3 x dna°
Having commenced business for the
Fall andWinte rT rade
e aro prepared to.,purohase any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations:
W'e 'will take off two pounds per htmared if
try, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stuck,
wenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is
loft in, 26 cents extra will be deducted.
o per will be bought at an price it
S A. TT SCr Er c'e.3
-AND-- -
Pork Cuttings
on hand at reasonable rates.
e want all Hogs Cutting Bright through
roast to head, and .EItuns opened out to tail.
G c4z; J. PETTY.
(Successors 50 .11. PIERCE, at. .D.)
Du. R. V. PIERCE. baying acquired a world -whin
reputation in the treatment of Chronic Diseases.
resulting in a professional business far exceeding
leis Individual ability to conduct, 8011)0 years ago
Muted several medical gentlemen to associate Buie -
saves with hint as the Vacuity or the World'S Dis-
pensary, the Consulting Department or whiph has
since lama merged With the INVALIDS, HOTEL.
The organization has been cotnpleted and income -
rated owlet the name and style of World'. /Emma.
nar' IicdkaI Assioeintion, with the following officers:
Don. 11. V. Pritark, Pres. 1. 1). Iquitos:, r. Prea
.1330. 13. Pitmen, Sec. 1,E801111 1 1. S3L1T12, TrettS.
nellne and skill have been Outwit:as the Fitenity.
CHRONIC DISEASES orall forms 00(110 10311)111 the
provioeo n r 1,11r several specialties.
LUNG DISEASES. -This division .5 )10110(108 is
✓ ery ably managed by a gentleman of mature judg-
Ine1.1 mai skill. Eronellial, Timm t. and Lttng Dis-
ease', treated with 1110 most suppessrul results.
DISEASES 010 WOMEN.-Espeelitily 11.1.1' 000 ntelli-
114:, of :Ai fierlor order Mr the cure of all those
elireo le disc.:toes pc -rialto, to roinales.
11100002.:14P1SLASES.-1.'arulvsi:., Nervous Debit-
lty, Eptlepoy (1•1to Chorea 161.Vititors Diatom, Neu-
ralgia,. caul other nervous atteetlons, receive the
nitwit atti of on export 111 1111s sfil.t.1:110e,
original tvoteiti Of10e can treat many
chronic 1110411.14118 (18 blleceslu'113' 901ll11/11t 901111 5.
persoual em 'outlet ion. let o.• part hollers occe -People's
Common Stowe Aleclical Adviser', (IMO panes, seat
ocist.))ald an• $1.1a1 or ...1:10alids' and Tourists' Guido
(MO page, to oents
SURGICAL CASES-Antong tita operation% which
w e oh. called upon moot 51211111l0111)10petfortn, aro
flutoe Mt. Nasal Polypus, Harelip, Tumors, Flotilla
fit AWN PUN,. 1101(11(1 Wu arm, 1 lycirocelo (I Wopsy
or the Scrotum), Vorleovele, orlon iced Cterino
Tumors, Calculi (Stone In the Bladder!, Strieture,
etc., Ma.. We IOW/ 1/11111. ouceessruily, by 11 now 11et1W
cal without surgical operation, Cancers, Club -feet.
Spinal Curvature. and other deformities, tkiet.pata-
phlet entitled, "Motion as tt Cutathe . surd
(1(1 t'uCeipt 01.1,71I1,01PtRircsi)laionaIty 111.11)11 Iktbottstita,
IturPALe, N. Y.
ne on Intlnense, practico at th.• ivetbra
eery alid
lvi Invas llot .1, having treated I only (two -
sand .r those Movoses peculiar in woinan, L
Intro been enabled to ji 011,‘1 a 11.11s0 placnt and 1A,41-
tiVe reno,ly tbr Mese 7 Ise:toes.
To clusl‘nate this natural specific, I have named It
r, Pierce s Favorite Prescription
The trrnl, however, is but n neble exore;teion
;my high appreciation Of It vatua, besot" upon per-
sonal oh, oval ion. hare. W111111 witnessing it, posi-
tive reoults in the sperial okenses incident In the
(w)1elike' et' wonetn, singled it ent ns the ellnutx or
trowninG sem or my medien1 pareet, fin its
n% 14. p os 1, s a re, alai
ef ,Iltas$, 111.1 411141 114111(111, It nil (381,1 and under
ail dream:notices, actki,.11;.14:71,1111:1; to stake
toy reparation as a physloitin 1 anti so confident am
1 that It velli not (11.8 mama the most sanguine ex.
pc.etatlotio 07 (4 11traild lady who uses 11 for any
of the aliments far tvl leh I reroctitnewl It. that I offer
and sell 11 11111131 A POSITIS'E ClUARANTP.E. (For
conditiono. see pamphlet wrapping bottit.)
rallawlng are among those ersomes -f.411011
my Favorite Prese1-101m hus worked cures, as if ly
magic, an.* 10111) 11 certainty never Inolbro attn nful by
any madicinel Leiteorrinea, Excessive Mowing,
Pa le oil 'Amin,. Periods, Suppressions when hotni
unnatural onuses, lerogularities, hack, re,-
levee, or loaning of 1118 'Uterus. Antovarsion awl
lietrover,len, Iienring.doWn Sensations, internal
I lent, Xenn'. Deproosion, Debility, Despondency,
Threntenwl Illocarrlage, Chronic.. Congestion, In.
Mummy le n and -Ulceration of tiwiltertw, Impotency.
Barrenness or Sterility, and 141(1,1104 Weakness. L
do not exert; this meclicloo /1$1 /1 '1111t 38
F1111111r3,1)31. fulfills 45 stufzIentmu or patmome4 being a
most perfect speellie in ail chronic disease% el 131,1
sexual ystem weautn, it win nnt, nor
will 11 ,31, ha t•m, tiny state or ernalltion.
Timm, who 111.s1t11 ru VI her canna:at on to these sub.
leas 01111 °main It In tree Name's coNeree SENSE
AnVIMPL or over Se) pages. %mit.
pest -paid, (o, reeelpt of $1,14. 11 tr1,al5 minutely of
Most filoutts% poen!! ir 1,0 V(1111111Vb, 711111 5IV111 much
Intuatile advice la regard to the Management of
,A;.nyo.rItts efeNerIpLInn %old br nraticiata.
1j.t lirivrtlilei:L'hilt,;113);ilfialirtlAr:i".V. "1" 1)14"--.4