HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-4, Page 54 SrPTirbfT31F'1i 4, '1.879, THE TIMES THE. STAR GR.00 HthY, S ]Ci 1ilaving bought out the interest of my late partner, Mr. L. Thorne, chased in the cheapest market, I am enabled to offer goods that can holesale and. ° &tails mode t 'n, Mail. Street. ,.. ,,1.,n(-: ,m.1u.+-amn1111. our.m.,-..a+.n.,..m..o.m,... v.1.w..e.am.y1- _ .. ., .)rd ,,7RIKETS I•AAL Withhal% White Vtheat Scott ...A OU to Ull2. ••• " S1ItrsU wn:11AT rife Red Chaff " Barley (Oats '(Rover Seed 0 04 to 095 ,,. ... 0 92 to 0 09 .. ... 087to000 ., ..,.. 0 4o to 1 50 ..., ... 028to!'30 ii 40 to 8 75 I.'ea5 ... ... ... 0 5)) to 5 55 Eggs .., 0 09 to 0 90 Butter .,. 0 05 to 0 00 perC) Ori t0 500 Potatoes,p(l bag ... ... to 0 00 0 70 to J 75 i1)'1us, per bag .-. .., b 05 Dried Apples pr b.., •• ". flogs, dressed par 100 5 to 5 4 i3 oaf ,.. . 5 00 to 0 00 iltdes 4 5 Shecpskies, eaoh ... 03 to 5 Oa a0 to 0 50 Hay per ton .. 83)) to 0 (Ill Cu ions per bush ... ... ... ... 0 50 to 0 73 hard ... .„ ... . 0 00 to 0 10 Wool, per lb 0 78 to 0 2)) Turkeys per lb,- 0 07 to 0 07 <;eeso 00.55 to 005 Ducks, 0490air ST. AMAlti:'S Fall wheat, per bushel 0 07 to C OO t,pring wheat .....................•.......•....,0 84 to 0 87 Dailey .... 9,i to 0 4u .'egos ................... 45 to 0 95 Oat4 ....." . 0 28 to 0 3u flay .. - 7 09 90 8 00 1''gl s 549 dozen :Butter ..... 00 to 0 8 .................................. 0 00 to 0 8 Bides per ib 0 t rte 0 0(s Potatoes per bag 40tn 0 50 .: ........................ . Sheep skins .:... 0 05 to 70 IITu16ALL 16AAAETEl. White wheat $ 00 to 0 05 ed wheat 0 530 to 0 3)5 epribg wbeat 0 00 to 0 97 1Sarloy.. 0 (35 to 9,0 1 "as .......... . .... ... ........ ..„„. .......... ..(1 45 to 0 50 Outs 0'13 to 0 28 ,txrtttrtt s-�cstmmazar.�r+5 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- IivG OF VOTERS' LIST., raters' Jt.fSs--1,.x7:3—.'fsfrn,rrip OHO; of Ilia Toaa.'ee:weei.fa (0f EiNbcar.0 , Camay of Alarm!. NOTIOE IS HERE BY GIVEN THAT Ihave transmitted cr riehytredto the perscrls ill ntioiiud in the Third and Fourth Sections of the "Voters' List Act," the copies required. by Saud ^4e etious to br so trammitted or delivered of the List madepursnaut to the said Act of a *. 7.t Oh Olo( aront iugby the last revised Assessment hull 0f sent ulunic'pal ty. to he eutitlid to unto in til( sold municipality at elections for Members of ah( t ..'i..l.ttiye Assembly and ut (uuuiclpul elec. ti.)ns.'tih(tthat tend ListWasfirst posted up at my oillee fu IIeb.u'ne leu the Twenty-first thy of August; 1d10, and remains there for ivapection. ..lectors arc caiive( upon to exautine tale said Met until( ally onilssiuus or other errors are funnel finoiw to tulle hlnanediate proceedings to have the /).id errors corrected according to law. Dated tills 21st day of August, 11379, N. J. CJ.,A115., Clerk of said monicirality, pN THE SURROGAT 'E COURT of the COUNTY HURON. In the matter of the Guardianship of the In- fant Children of Robert Mlrray,Deccased. Take notice that at the expiration of twenty days (after the first publication of this notice, ep- piicutlnu will be made to the Judge of the Sarre - {gate Court of tlhe County 091lnron by A goes Mur- ray, ray, of the Township of Hay, in tae said County ofHurne,w'itlow,tor letters of t:wadinn hila,ap- poiutin. her, the trai.l 1gues blown y, (;uar(lian of the iufaut children of the said Reber' hurray iu bis lifetime, of the said Township of Hay, yco- nina, Dated at Exeter, this 0th day of August,1870, Br1a. V..1' ILt0T, Attorney for the said applicant. ( MILLINERY Jf .111 SS Ga&8iIc1f�'�. A full line,00w in, of Spring and Mummer Hats, ant1y;Bonnets, all the very latest shapes. Now Flowers Feathers, and OrnJnents' Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS IIATb FROM $1.00 UP, niooli trimmed. Everything will be sables cheap as possible. Fancy Goods, l3orlin Wool, Mottoes, etc.,afui Hue always kept. Jackets made or cutin the latest styles. MISS GARLICK, Aeril, 78. Vain, St. E seter, 'R. BOWLER'S EXT. WILD Strawberry Cholera Morbus, Sea Sickness and 1 a nt5 ioldl from 1t- Summer .Om l 1 all Summ C 1 'y 1 1 .6r Y ly to the influence of DIi, I'0 WLER'S ]stract of Wild Strawbo':ry. Cramps, Colic, Vomiting, Sour Stemaoh, and every variety of fluxes of the Bowels are cured by the use of this great Vegetable Remody,without Lajulyto Ilio system. For children it has no aquas. Thousands (lie annually from the above diseases , whichmighthave boon saved by the timely nso of this medioine, For s.:1e by all dealere, at I374 eta. per bottle, or 8 for $1.00. ' FAILED11TD BY 1Z'N $L ( N'TLZ+Y & PE AR SON ro.no.rr. Wesleyan Female College ! 011' HAMILTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladies College 10 t110 Province, enters oil its , illoteouth year on Sopt. 8. l'or variety of Departments, extent of (urri0u11un, thorough - de -s of instruction and exca11eu00 of M000141110- itl [lel) It l6 SO 5110 very trout rail.:, For 01511103150 a pply to the principal, A, l3L'RRNS,13,17, Regulations RESPECTING. THE DISPOSAL OF CER- TAIN DOMINION LANDS FOR TILE PURPOSES OF T8tE CANANDIA PAOI- PIG RAILWAY.� DrmART.00sT 01:' Tx6 I1:TERI011, 0ttawa, July Oth,1870. "Public no lice is hereby given thattho following regulations aro plou1.i1•'u.te:l as governing the mule of disposing of the Dominion Louis situate 1 itlliu 110 (000 huudrud mud ten) miles on each 8100 of Outline of the remedial). Yaoifc Railway : 1, "Until further and final 8lrvey of the said railway 1016 boon made west of the lied Itivor,and for theurpose of these reeulatione, the line of the sal(1railway Shall be mistimed to b0 on the fourth base westerly to the intersection of the said lase by the 11: o becw.t0u ranges 21 and 'let west of the (ret principal er err tlan, and theuee in a direct line to the couifu0uce of the Shell liivor Assiui- hoine. 2. "Th ocountry lying on each side of the line of railway shall bo respectively divided into bolts, as follows "(1) A. belt of l-vc miles on either side of t110 railway, affil immediately adjoining the same, t0, bo called belt A, "(3) A. belt of fifteen miles on either side of the railway, atliolo ng•tile salve, to be called belt 13, "(:3) A belt of twouty miles on either side of the railway, a.djeiuing belt 13, to be called belt C. "(d) A belt of tweuty miles on either side of the railway, adjoining brit (1, to Ire called belt 1) • 5) :1 belt of fifty utiles on either side of the railway, adjoining belt 0, to be culled belt 1'1. 3. `Tile Iloreiui0n lands in belt A shall be ab- solutely withdraWll bund homestead entry, uslo from pre -eruption, and shalt bo held exclusively for Balt' at Fitt dollars per acre. 4."The lauds in belt 13 shell be disposed of as follows—The oven -numbered sections witL'intbe belt shall be set (wart fer 110ma5taad5 and pre- emptions, mud the edd-uumbelett sections shall be regarded( a6 railway lands proper, The h0lne5tt1ad8 021 the even-uunlbere(' sections, to the extent of eighty an1011 each, shall consist of the easterly 11111005 0) the easterly naives, also off the westerly halves of the westerly halves, o such 58e51r)05: and the pre•en)ptlons on such even-)•uuteered Bections, also to the extent of eighty acres each, adjuinntg su.:11 eighty -acre 11u1uestead8, shalt coneist of the westerly -halves of the easterly hale;, also of t w east5rly halves of thn westerly halves of %mat sactious, atm shall be sold at elle rata of $2.50 (two dollars add fifty ooute) per acre. Railway lends proper, being the odd-un'nberodseetis'us-within the belt, will bo heli[ for sale at rive dollars per acre. 5 "Tho even-.. lmbere(1 sections in belt C will be sot apart far homesteads and pre -eruptions, of eighty acres each, i15 planner as abovedeseribed: the price of pre•eu(lnione similarly to be 02, 50 (tiro dollars and filly cents) per acre: the rail- way lauds to consist of the odd -numbered sec- tions, and to be dealt with in t110 saute manner as ab01'0 p1•uvldad ill respect of lauds in belt 13. ex- cept that the price) snail be i9:1 60 (three dollars 111149 fifty cents) per sere. 0. "The even -numbered 600(411 is in belt D shall also be set apart for t:Omestee.us and pre•eu1p- tions of eighty acres each, a= provided for in res- pect of belts 35 and 0, but the price 01 Pru-emu- tioneshall beattnorate of $2 (two do1l1,1s) Per acre. ltuilwny hauls to consist, a5 In Ilea, 11 and 0, of the utl(1-lumbered sections, nu1the price thereof to be at the uniform rate of 112 (two dol - 1a1.4) per acre. '7. "in the holt 111, the description and area of homesteads aid pre-empti0118, alld railway lands reepeetively to he as above, and the price of both lure -em I)t10n and railway lands to be at taw urn - form rate (1991(111)0 dollar) per acre, 8. "rho terms of sale of pre-ompti0215 through- out the several belts. B,;C, D, and E. shall be as iollews. viz : FOur.teutes of the purchase money together with interest on the latter,at the rate of SPX per cent. per annum, to be paid at the mid of three years from the elate of eetly; the replan - der to i)0 plaid hi six equal annual instalments from and alter the said date, with interest at the rate above mentioned, ,n such balance of the pur- chase money as may from time t0 time remain uupald, to be paid with eachiusta,meut. 0. "T130 terms of rale)of railway lands to bo uni- formly 08 follows, viz: OnOt-ants lib 0(1811 at the time of pur0111580 ; the balance in nine equal an- nual instalments, with interest at the rate of Six per cent per annum on the baluuce of purchase x110ney fruul time te, time romainillg unpaid., to be pawl with 0130(1 instalment All payer eats, either dor pre-emptions or 001'1:111.1971131111.11d9 proner,shall bo 111 cash and not in scrip or ()entity warra.lts. 15, "All entries of lauds shall bo subject to the followiug provisions respecting the rigut of way of the Canadian •l'aciiic Rahway or any (10v- ernme115 c01a111Gat).On railway conue0ted there- with, viz: A.10 tae ease of railways croseinglland entered as a homestead, the right of way thereon 813(111 be free to the Government. ttl3. Wli,re the railway a:o8se8 pro-emp+inns or railway lauds proper, the owners shall ouly be 611 - titled. to claim payment fog the land required for right of way at 111e 551110 roto per acre as he mal lave paid tae Government fur the same, .11. " 7'0 above regalatlnns 81)x11 come into force 011 11.11C1 after the first clay ei August, up to which time the provisions of tae Dominion Lauds Act shall continue -to opeente over Me lauds included in the 80ver(11 bolts moutl0ued, excepting as re- lates to belts A. and 13, lit both of which, up to 1110 said date, homesteads of 150 acres each but no other entries will, Its at present, be permitted, 12. "Claims to UOn11n1011 lands ar'lting from settlement, after the dote thereof, in territory Int - surveyed. tit the time of such settlement and which may be embraced with the Hunts affected by the above policy, er by the extension thereof in the )(tura over additional territory, will be ul- timately dealt with 111 accordance with 1110 terms prescribed above for the lands in the particular beltin which such settlement maybe fowl(' to be situated. 13, ".111 entries after[ 10 (late heroof unoccupied lauds o11 the Saskatchewan Ageucy, 1±111 00 con- sidered 9,1 provieinnal until bite railway line through thatpart of the territories has been 10. (rated, after whiter the 5a.ln o w111 ho finally dispos- e.I of in (weerdanee with the above 1.0gulat(0n8,a8 tile sable may apply to the particular bolt i)1 which such land8 tufty be fond to be situet00, 14. "The above regulations it will, of course, bo, understood will nut nfrtlet seotioO8 11 and 29 which are 1')1(1110 school lalida or sections 8 and20, Hod 8OU s 13199 Company lands. "Ally turtnerlltaf0t'nlatfon necessary may ho ob- teined on applioatioll et he Dominion Lands Of, flee, Ottawa or from the agent of 1)0900inioll Lands, Winnipeg, or from any or the local agents in sla)titOba or the teh'ritOriee, who are in pee - Widen of maps showing the limits of ih0 sever- al belts above referred to, a supply of which maps will, ee 80011 tie possible, be placed in the Mends of the said agents forgeuern). distribution." By Order of aha minister of the Interior, J S 1)1714NIS Deputy of the Minister Of tiro Interior.. Lir(Ds4s Russian, Surveyor .tienorg}, EX TEAS A SP CIAL!m'Y and having added largely to the former stook, and hawing par - not fail to give satisfsction as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ao= rhs.nicnort. E eter, LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER.. s HAT I5 ? DREW'S STOCK OF FUR NITU1tt13. Bedroom and Parlor. Furniture a specialty, and the cheapest `rest of Toronto. Lounges and ail l.)plw(sterecl work greatly ro,- dneerlill prices. Spring Beds from $2.75ttp; woven wire mattresses for illvalios and sickness, to prevent bed -sores, at remark ablely tow prices. 31111P0r9i0s0,5'. desiring to furnish houses would do well to 3x11 at Drew's, and examine the stock before purchasing else - Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates. As Weds of Trluuninge, Shrouds, C;lovos, Claps. &o„ furnished. Emblems of all the different Soctotio also kept in stock for 1une1 ala, The Lease is the best in the 0011nty. F016511ers 101 sale at DREW'S Furniture waroroolns Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent the cliscololillg of corpses and offensive 0(101'8. WIE SIT EIR[N MA 1QUIS OV LORNE & II. R.11. T,lE PRINCESS LOU'ISE I—Imre not ar rived yet, but LEA.'El HORN & McOOITBY Have received a full and compile stock of FALL GOODS Consisting of the following : Heavy Costome twilled Winceys, Plain Scotch Winoeys, Colored Serges, Black and Colored Paramattas, Cashmeres, Cobougs, Black and Colored Lustros, COME AND SEE OURE1 GLISH,IP.ISH and SCOTGH TWEED,IN THE LATEST STYLES S'Uills ll1r1D Ii 10 ORDER, .g..4 D .di *'ET GirU.SR.l$JrTEEilD. Grey, White, and Red Flannels, Twilled and Plain all wool Fancy Shirting0. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 31a0.12.',65 aid moo.. 's ' ' . ,erclothin. 7, ALSO A WELASSORTED STOOK OF r ..); roc -Leges ALWAYS ON WAND. We sell for cash, and keep expenses down to the lowest limit, and tints do not ask our custom- er. to pay for bad crept, nor to support an expensive establishment. Give us a call before you buy elsewhere, and examine our good. an prices. LEATHOBN dC McCOUBREY, Fausou's Block, Exeter. FALL GOODS ! Striped Brocades, Colored Crape Cloths, It Will pay you -to call at M'C.LJE ! JLAND BROS' WSJ 'Fa3 JLOC' 9 For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to suit the h Ird times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. Be sure and call before buying Suits to order at startling figures. AROLLELAND BROS. COLD IS UP. The latest 118w8 011 r000rd at the New York Millinery Store 1ITRS. 0. B. WILLIAMS will sell: rad the Xexttllirty clays the remainder of her Sumner Stock of 1VI.I.LLINERY at COST Also the roma:nder of her 8tnolt of Fancy Goods at Cost so as to make room for the coming stuck, Now is talo time for bargains, ]:Tats that sell for $5 (tie down to $)3: Hats 512 5:t, for $1 25 ; Ilats worth $1, for all 098. This chance is only 0 101 for 80 dal 8, Dont forget the place—O'Neil s old and, Il'a13Aon'6 Block, Exeter. ar le 'Work, W. D. WEEKES Dnalor MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, iiia. Cemetery Work of all hinds, neatly executed.. G Dosrs'North of ])roves dull, Main street, UP WITA THE TIMES. --0- PA ETIE S INTENDING TO •PURCIIASE ORGANS Sr1OULD CALL AT El AVE YOU LOST TIIIE SENS�G O.I" TASTE 011 $MI]LL ? If so, itnlay bo frena the LrpxiosY of the lllthcentury, (.'ATAmur. Tuna Cows51x±131`IONAX.• CAT,Sxcnx Ii19SLF.DY wi11 restore you to enjoyable health. It nut only cures Ca- tarrh, but 1)11 other diger, sets at the 59•-110 time. Price ) per Pottle. rot sale by all druggists and. Medicine healers Send stamp for 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh, stud ocrtiR- oates of the cured t0'9'. T. 13. HAUL/IN(i, Domin- ion Ag011t,13ruckvifle, Qi't. CONSTIPUTIONAL CAT?nidi REMEDY. The only certain, safe, and effectual 0(tre f05 Carr rrh, builds up the t;ystexu anti ' -15108 another diseases at the 5111110 big] a, Astltlna, Baso Cold, Iiay Lever, Nervous Debility, all leave together when the Coustitututionol Catarrh liomed9 i5 taken as directed. 1'rioo $1 per bottle. For sale by all druggists endued Colne dealers. AGENTS READ THIS W. will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow 19 largo commission to sell our new and. wonderful inventions, We mean what toe say. Sample free. Address, Sfilllt'Ai'AN & ;JO., Marehall.Mic71. R:EMOVA...t.I. CRA U would remind his numerous customers that he has removed to the slap formerly oeoupied by lir. Road, where he will be tonna ever ready to atte,.d to all business in the 13 0 UT -'1d SBOL Lino. 0. RAU, Crediton. 4TARIZL-' ! CATARR I ! ! USE NJ The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The onlypositive cure for'Catarrhyet discovered 19011 SA151 13Y C. LLUTZ'S CENTRAL DRG STORE. W L, SMITH, Genera] Agent,Avkone,ont, ly -2S. Cheap Cash Store. _0_ MISS LE.AO I, late of Sesiortb,hat opened ontin the store recent- ly 000m.'ied by 111r. J. P. MicIutyre,nextdoor to 1)r. Huteluai,on's residence, Mani St, Exeter, with, a new, large and well a$eerted stock of Millinery in all it Branches, Also Fancy Goods, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes. Prices very low—for cash only. Light hid Gloves and white 08tuc11 Plumes eleanod. .4. call solicited. N IJ—Hair Dressing, Stamping, 'Velvet Painting, &c, &tc A first-class dressmaker on hand. 2.1LWS LE.10II. Apprentices wanted. L..Oter. Apr11 13 1870. vl DO NOT READ THIS. living received a lot of new machinery, would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am preparedto manu- facture nil kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having secured. the services of a first-class Turner, =prepared to ilo ALL EINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. 51118 Go ntEuglialt TRADE MSRK, TRADE MARK, liemedy,au'thnfatil ing cure for Semi- nal Weakness, Sp0rinotorrhoa, Impotency,aucl'ali 13isease5 that fol- low as a sequence of Self- Abuse, a5 loss of Memory, rn 'Universal Lassi- Before iscrtnda, Patin in tin After Taking Back, DMin ess 01 vision, Premature old age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption And aPremature grave. Pa,l't10)1110.8 in our pamphlet, which we desire to seudfr„e by nhnil to every ono. I. "Tho Specific Medicine 188oldbyalldrug1slstsat Slperpackage of six packages for $5. or will 1)0 sent by mail ou receipt of the money by ad(lreesfng THE GRAY A1r1)I0INE 00., TOn.ONTo,ONT.,CAICADA. 1 'Sold in Exotorby all (1111gciets, and every- where fn Canada an 9 the United States ))y whole. sale and retail druggists. N,33.—The demand of our business: have neves sltated Our removing to Tonont0, to which place. please address all future eommimiettlon8. 3IAI141 STREET, EXETER. REMOVAL! ; REI',IOVAL! REMOVAL! RE MOVAL! P. PRAYN.EI REMOVAL! REMOVAL• I has rem ov o to his new shop, lately occupied by Perkins ee Co.—two do0re north of J. Grigg's book store, wh ere you will find everything usually kept in a first-class harness establishment, which for 7uality of material and slyls of workmanship IS NO'L' EASILY SURPASSED Call and tr5amino my stock beforepurehasiug elsewhere. PETER FRAYNE. TAY PUMP 'WOiRICS. a. BOLTON •• PROPRIETOR., ■ I 7 Iial aFarg () to iuy pump nlaehinp q, apu(i ggto- anri)d a 1tr 0"ryuuvtit of flrst•c1aeB um "'los am prepared; to ol10r au article; Lund Examine his Stoop. the Best that are. Made. :DOIllII ION ORGAN Q008,., Superior to any. Paotory in, th,e Cou.nty,. and at prices that defy competition. 'Wells and Cisterns dug on t190 shortest notice, Before, purchasing call a ;the IYay Pump Works . et-311op-0ne.quarter, In to 1IOxt, E19ete, 11,op..d01)I3(0ad, HaV P,