HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-9-4, Page 2e. 2) Tho;price of Barley. From the .l'apatlee Standard, At this season of the year the farmer are naturals anxiety, to Mettle the Clues tion as to what price they may reason ably expect for barley. There is alway .more or less uncertainty about price ofgrain, owiug to market reports an crop estimates emanating from in terestect quarters. For this reason w are diffident abunt urging farmers t sell or hold ; but this maoh we will say that in nine oases oat of ton the fume who sells every year eotnos ollt in tit end as well off as the farther who holds and this year the prospects are tha holding ever the barley crop will bo foolish proceeding on the part of any one.becautte the prospect of high price is not gond. In the first place the crop in Caged ie an average oue, but the calor is no 'bright.' Then then Californian oro i c excellent and has been harvested ' very aright, Reports place the surplus fast between 15,000,000 and 20.000,000 bushels, which can bo ]aid down i s • s A d e 0 BARON ROTHSCIIILD'S. MATES. Attend carefully to details of your busi ness 1 Be prompt in all things ! Consider well, then decide positively 1' Dare to do right 1 Fear to do wrong! Endure trials patiently 1 Fight life's battle bravely, manfully ! Go not in society of vicious 1 Hold integrity sacred 1 r Injure not another's reputation or b.usi- e 0000 t Join hands only with the virtuous ! a Keep your mind from evil thoughts 1 - Lie not for any consideration 1 s flake few acquaintances 1 a Never try to appear what you eke n t t Observe good manners. 1 • p Pay your depts promptly ! question not the veracityf a friend 1 Respect the counsel of your parents 1 11 Sacrifice money rathor,han principle New York at about 75 cents a bushel In the Western States the crop is large and well saved. In New York State • the yield is good and the quality fair Therefore the United States is pretty well supplied, and the only thing in our favor is the popularity of Bay of Qainte barley, which will enable our Layers to place :a good. deal there at t'oniewhere near the price of Calif_'orni- en barley in New York, what ever that may be, The English markets are al - 0) open to us, but we have to consider the eff.set of the German crop, which is rather under an average oue and can he laid -clown in England at a compar- atively low rate. In all probability a large hfripment from Cana.la to -Eng- Iand will take place, and for that mar- ket it is importeut that the grain be tlhoreu;ghly cleaned in order to realize the highest price. The excise in Eng - hod is by measurement and not by weieht, eonsellneritly the price in this market is ranged aecortliug to weight. in other words, the more pounds a rllttlsrer call get iuto a measure the leer., the slaty, so that every extra pound the barky eau be made to weigh adds as =eh to the price. Our batters should prerace for this by cleaning their barley thoroughly, so that all b etels, elite straw, &e., are removed, al the prices given by our buyers this rear will be to a certain extent graded by the number of nonnds to the bushel .that the barley weighs. CAUSES OF SUDDEN DLATII. Very foto of the sudden deaths which are said to arise from diseases of the heart do not r illy arise from tliat; cause, To ascertain tlibereal origin of sudden dsatns, ad experiment was tried end reported to a scientific congress at Strssbn''g. Sixty-six cases of sudden death sere made the subject of a thor. ongh post mortem examination. In these eases only two were found who died from diseases of the heart. Nine .orst of thirty-six bad died of apoplexy, while there were forts' -six cases of con- ,gestion of the lungs ; that is, the inuge were so full of blood that they could not wogs:, not being room enough fur a suf- ficient uf- f cient amount of air to support life. The eaeses that produce cnngestion of the luaigs are : cold feet, tight cloihing, costive bowels, sitting stilt until chilled after being warmed with labor or a rapid walk, going too suddenly from n close room luto the air, especially after speaking, too hasty walking or runtime- to unuing to catch a train, etc. These causes of sudden death being known, en avoid- ance cf them may serve en lengthen nutty valuable lives, which otherwise be lost under the verdict of the heart eompiaint. That disease is supposed to pe inevitable and . itlanrable, hence ninny to avoid sudden death, if they knew it ley in their power.—New York T� terld. ACTIVITY IN THE IRON TRADE. Though it is new midenmmar, usual- • ly a dull seiaon in the iron trade, the demand for iron is great and prices are tending upward, The intelligent sec. retary of the Iron and Steel Association of the United tttatee prodiets that the pr"dnot title year will be the largest tete couutry has known. Ife also beleives that tele activity which prevails to -day in all branches of the iron and steel trade will continue for at least years to amities. Nearly all the favorably fir 'nets rolling twills, as well as fur. 3y and stoat tvnrks, leave orders aliseel for several mouths. The truth i + tire iron industry has been so long under a ohne! that. the Cretans need of 1 iron throughout the couutry i8 emir. 111011e. Tonoll not, taste not, hhdie not intoxi- cating drinks 1 Use your leisure time*for improve - merit !' Ventura not upon the threshold of wrong Watch carefully over your passions 1 A. TURTLE As A DETEOTI`E.—BrOwu street market on Saturday morning was. the scene of a ludicrous incident,. An aged daughter of the Emerald Isle,wbo manages to eke out an existence by begging "a little something to help an old woman along," approached a fish. stand and appealed for help —"lust a fish, sir." He was busily engaged in waiting on paying; customers, and, be- sides, he paid for his articles, and could not afford to give them away." "Only a little one," she persisted. "I haven't got anything for yon, so get," ho dried. She moved away, brit not out of the building. Unobserved, she walked back to the stand, where a large tub, 1 covered with canvas, attracted her at. tension. Cautiously lifting the cover, so as not to make any noise, she ran her hand into the tub,and—well, ono Week hardly ,ek she was able to give snub a yell as that wbioh eeboed through the market. The tab con- tained several snapping turtles, and one lied got hold of her finders, 'caus- ing eonsiderable pain, ' Oclh ! rnister ! s c 1 P T.EI1 TIMES following reply : "The one carries hi cross behind, and the other before,' referring to the marks of .the cross o the bucks of the domestic ass and o the apron of the archbishop. tk Very good indeed," laughed Whate ly. "And nowi can you tell mo the difference between is donkey and a cap tails of artillery ?""No, indeed, I cannot," replied the officer."There is nano whatever," rejoined the archbishop. s U ll nc1erttzltor �9 11 7$' OULD SAY TO thew who intend nlrehasin i to from do so fro the nutuaftadtmx3r. The dealer who buys to null !again intuit necessarily have to profit. We 11ai111 to give the p,t chasers bin hellcat, avllioh cannot fail to meet the views Of t11" Grangers, Our expenses are less than those of of+•y mtlulilecturero armoire/It- ly we 01111 sellebeaner. A SeessmrL VILw.--The New York .San says —Tho sooner the youth of this oonntry are compelled by the scope ---- ' " Embolus and tendency of our public sohoot eye- tene .to recognize that only one boy in a l n iilred can be a lawyer, doctor or elergymau, the better it will be for the American people. To that end it is es- sential that our methods of training shall cease to foster the silly and abor- tive preforence,for so-called gentleman- ly pursuits—shall squ'arely face the fact that manual labor is the PO) erein whloll the great majority of the human rocs are destined to move, and that it is me- chanical skill and genius winch have I transfomed the world, and which should command the highest prizes in the race of life. THE CROWNING' DISOOV.ERY. All the "phones" of this phonetic age are enrpaseed in practical benefit to mankind, by the discovery of Allan's A.nti•Fst, the great and only known remedy for obesity, or corpulence. It produces no weakness or other un- pleasant or injurious effect, its action being simply confined to digestion, and preventing an undue assimilation of the carbonaceous, or Il°04h-prndnein_e, elements of the food* Sold by drug- gists. 7� Ellsworth, Kan., Jnly 18'411,1878. BOTANIC) Itr:DiCIN8 CO , Bnf1'44l0. N. Y. G-'EN7'LEiIEN.•—dlian's Auti-Fat re- duced nie seven pounds u1 one week. 'lours respectfully, Mrs. Taylor. - 4 Ask Yourself these Questions. Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness. Plapit:ation of the Heart? Have you Dizziness of the Head ? Is your Nervcus System depresses] ? 1 Does your weed eironlete badly? Have you a 1 Cough? Low Spirits? Coining up of the foot after eating? &Co., (to. All of those and. much more are the direct results of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and Indigestion. Gauss's Avtrrsr Fzowln is now acknowledged by all Druggist, to be a positive cure. 5400,000 bottles were given a ray in the United States through Drug- gists to the people ax a trial. Two doses will atisfy any person of its wonderful quality in uriug all forms oflladigestion. Sample bottles 0 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold ositive by all first.class 1)rnggists. tufty Gad blase yt ci ; take the arttyther off ; do /Lame," was her p:eadit.g re- mark to the owner of the "snappers.'. It was found necessary to kill tee tur- tle before the fingers could be liberated, and when she was free she left without further cerernony. TILE LINE TRADE,. The Flax Sisprly Association of Ire- land heave just issued a drunker whi_h states that the imports of flax still•oon- tinue to show a decrease,. but probably the supply has been adequate for the diwiraished consumption which- pre- vailed. There has beet} a small cleorease in the exports of yarn in July, 1879, compared witd Jule, 1878. Thread :rare than maintain8 the ir,Urease in exports which it has shown since the commencement of the present year. The exports of linen exhibit a fraction- al increase in quantity in July, 1870, contrasted with 1878. The value, however, either indicates a higher class of goods, or else an increase in the de- clared value by shil'pers. The total for seven mouths ended 81st July,1879, is 5.1 per cent. in gnautity and 6.2 per oent. in value leas than corresponding period last year. The most important increase is in Italy, being 105.8 per cent. in quantity in July, 1870, over July, 1878. The increase to Spain and the Canaries is also considerable. To the United States, the increase in Je- ly. 1879, is 2i-•6. per omit. in quantity in excess of Jnly.1878, and the, gross exports to the United States' for the seven expired mouths of 1879, eon- trasted with 1878, shows. an increase of 5,645,500 yards, or 12.8`per cent, CONTEST OTC' wrr. He tvho.etiters into a contest of wit with a clergymen is likely to find his autagoniss holdinu his own. One dray Dr, \Vtnitely, Archbishop of Dublin, was walking with a young officer of artillery who was allied to Ititn in "blood, when the latter pro- poalnded the following riddle 1 - "What is the difference between a donikey and an archbishop ?" Whatelv gave it up, and received tale t 0 t s t 1 s 0 u t Enjoy life. What n truly beautiful world we live iu 1 Na- i e gives us grandeur of mountains, glens, a oc••aus, and thousands of means for ei1- oyment. We can desire no better when in horfect health ; but limy often clo the majority f ueople feel like giving it up disheartened, liscourag,rd and worried out with diseasc,when here is 110 occasion for this feeling, as every utlerer can easily ol,laaiu satisfactory proof hat Green's. August Flower will make them so res'frolu disease Its witcu born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct cause of eveuty-five' p_er`cent. of such maladies as l3ili- usuees; Indigestion, Sick Headache, costivE- ess, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head. Palpitation of the Heart, and other clis- ressing symptoms. Three doses of August lower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample Utittles, 10 cents. Try it. \�%ATCFIEs. ULoots, +Y Sewing Machines, organs, Aoeordeons, and Umbrella repaired,'. Agent for the Weimer series sow ing Mact lines. Second- hand Sewing Machines for sale cheap. All kiI Oo o(• needles and $Luttles f w iiewingMachlues It'pt'on: h tad Shop—Main St • ler., Dashwood. JCR \ G. S )LDON, s}rcprietor. bias 15 1-y. ENGINES AND BOILERS' .- PTI"-11MrERl 4,1679 . aariimeac�^ws,aalamlaxme�tr,nt C. Ss S. GIDIIY, ;lxicl I-+-, i kr iitni'o .1 an -cif -a rt-utreta s -CF �1 of all the Da, feront ViirE WOUL call spec]ctlattentieDn to our underbulc,ng dei>t,rt meut.u•hieh is 1 10ro 00111 p10te tht.lt ever, as we hero ,added everal lww designs 1 of ate The host cab's. ea0ltet5 shrovds;aud every uueial requisite at, the lowest prieo1. Our new Hour, e is l,lenetweed by competent jutltes to be seer 1 to nor a fn the provinces Societies. mrmswermtaarmovammiwswagnnvegoos A N + N E Da n AT r= DOMINION LABORATORY, A dS rit.'.i xs I N1�C3" �i3 r1 rJJt' v Truth Concerns You More Than Cou.ter fait, .— Therefore, rend., purebaqe, Therefore,rentl,pureba'c, and enjoy its bargains, VfhonI say 11auufaicture my own furniture eau prepared with guy proof -sheet that the 1>oop1e can inspect at 1111y tile, by calling at guy 'War tones where they mill sot, a superb des ;Any of Furniture in All Its Branches Is'1,iunfact'lrod by uvsnlf and nay ertiatie skill, wit'' goo•l v'nt•'anatlellill. I der tare nnh iusatisfyingthe people with aeta;y of Rn 1liture tia,;t , tuaot bo e,aunll.,l for glality or pricy b;xeter, a11 blowing to tl1.1 con t:'n.z y,11otwithetanuing. tWIEN YOU WANT WAY FURNITURE 3IVE.J. SRAM A CAS 1, Corner of Slain and Gidley Streets, Ereter. 1879) T''IEE (1879` OLD HOUSE At aIItimes, gullnartiealarly at a noriod when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It. is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can getthe a1 tele he veiny at the 'owe, t rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with eve"y cOI;tid ecce; it bsiug luorocarefully assurteu and selected than that of any previous season. 0 In the Dry Goods Eve] ydepartment isreplete wi'11 the mostsen40112ble and fashieaable fabrics, marked 'vt3- priceswhichshuuld command very closest buyers, THE CIUIE1Ii 1 CLOTHING still has 1111. w. IVES at it,.lieitd Irl Millinery Undertheana,.agenientof1IicsMcGloghion,wecan suit the most fast ens. Our stock ci (-roce.les, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, Englis1-and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tue largest and best assorted in the County. Iuteuding.purehas01•s will consult their best interests by examining mystoclbbeforegobg elsewhere. JAMES PICzA.PD THE EXETER Trrig AND STOVE 0 EP,T rya E 3abseriber begs to annonnce ta•thO.inhabitants of Exeter and the s'-rrouiid g coun- .,J.. try, that he has opfueti a TIN and STOVE DEPOT in the store clearly opposite Mr..G. A. Maces Grocery and .Liquor story, Blain street. Exeter, where he is p, ep.al ed to till all Orale, s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers ers Prices. £inware, cheaper than the cheapest, unci. niadti yap by practic.,l ' workmen on the premises. Clore-Troughin.gdone to artier, Carrie gePlatiog it Sneeialty. Coal oil Chimneys, deer very Met and none cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always. find me at myllos., ready to attend to my ownbus)nese• and prepared at all tunes to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good ants cheap artio e. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get better value for your uioney. The very highest priceiu.Gash pei,•ll for Hides and Sheep skins,, E. H. SPACEMAN. Exeter From r to r3 horse Power, for Farm- ers, Dairymen, Butter and Choose Factories, Printers and all parties wink hand or horse power. Best and cheapest 1n the market.• Send for circular and price list. John IDoty.. Esplanade Street. TORONTO. , • + P 0, Ootolt or 15 1877. HAVE YOU LOST TRE SENSE oF p TASTE Olt SMSILL ?If so, itmay be from the Llsrnosr of the loth century, CnuAnnn. Tres: CONSTITUTZONA ra CATARRH Illsntiirir will restore you to enjoyable health. It not only cures Va. tan te, but all other diseases at the sante time, Price ;;) por portio. Tot stale by all druggists tante Medicine dealers Send stamp for 48 peau pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh and oo1^tid. cotes of the cured to T. J. n. H'AII1DINtr, Domin- ion Agent, )aruckvi l le, Ont. CO.NSTITUTIO NAL CAT aERE BEMEDy. Tho only certain, Rafe, and effectual care for Carr rrh, builds up the systole and ures all abet disoasee at the saute time. Asthma, Irene cowl, Hat Never, Nervous Debility, 0.11 leave tagsther when the Canstttututionel Catarrh Remedy is .tadten as directed. Trico S1 per bottle. leer slue • ,by all dru,rgiats andlrl.d pule dealers. • 1'111 Wesleyan Female. College ! 01' H,1177LTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladios•oc llege.in the Province, enters on its ••]nett:outh year on Sept. 8. For variety of Departments, extent of curriculum, thorough - doss of instruction and excellence of accovllno. 111111on it tH tt1 Llan very front rank, roe catalogue apply to the pr:ucet,al, A, OVENS,1),1 AGENPSREAD THIS We will pay Agents a Salary of 8100l,ter mouth and expensaa, or,allow a10ri i COnlmission tcYseli. our new and tyeitderftalin.yeti tltens, Weriaaan•what iv say, Saniple tree. A,tdress, &ttL 1d tf iN etc 00.. Marshall, Bath. R.:919LIERS Stili. continue to' sell ants; Dress Goods, Costume Linens, Parasols,, Cotten Hos 1ng,. Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, P1oweTsf, Trimmed Hats, Gents' Straw Hefts, and all Summer Dry -goods at an immense sacrifice' to clear thews out during August. Call artd secure some of the great bargains at ItidtiltI, it O W7 O'1 ,. E=otor,