HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-28, Page 66
matrons, consisting of, warders anti WHAT 1IAK1:;S BOW-LEGS. C. cC S. GI1.)1d+;Y,
curses, was then swore. The jury of
Nothing more horrible catu he conceive men leaving left the jury box, 414o. jury
ed than the experience of the 06h:ere of tuntroue took their places. The
uuti crew of the ship "'Templar,' which judge inquiroct whether the surgeon to
strrised oil Fort Point, California, ou the gaol wits in attendance, The Gov.
the80th ult., after at voyage of 850 days ernor said he was not. The Julge
from New York, and aqui' put in glue- said then he ought to bo in snail a case
atstiue. Siie was coiuruandod py Cep- as this, A. it Wile not possible now to
tian Armstrong, who was accompanied find Ihtm, he world ask Dr. I3otul,
by Lie wife and daughter, When elle whom lie saw in court, to snake au ex -
was out eight dayta from New York atnination of the prisoner. The pridou-
she was caught in a heavy gale, wild'
stove lar they bn'ty erka, tttTt€1€+tleil her
Low statneltinus, anal nearly filled the
eebin with brine. The gale Lasted for
la c;onple of days end damaged the shit)
ie various wage. On October I&th,
Inst wl;en this dauntge had been repair-
ed,m latitude 20 degree -1, longitndo v'0
,degrees, she encountered as terrific bur-
hicane that broke ora flag rudder heed, uot, bnt he thought not, The Judge
and matte ber leak badly. For a mill that in his 82 years exnerienee he
couple of days she was steered with hall never had sook a eiugelar case as
relieving tackles, rind the entitle; mere this, or nue catling for a jury of mat.
Leat constatntly going. The. severity t runs. He, however, knew the Jew re.
et the labor and. exposure thoroughly
t xhaustatl the crew, and it web deter-
mined to run into Rio Janeiro, which
tsar reeehea on the 8th et December.
At that 1•w t the cargo was discharged
end the ship extensively repaired, As
the cargo was about being shipped
again, (iaetnin Armstr'oug was taken
sick with yellow fever, and before the
er then retired with Dr, Bond into the
jury* room. After an absei,ee of ten
minuted, the matron of the gaol was
aworhh and exemined, and said that she
was in rt position to state that the
prisoner was not pregnant. Dr. Wend
was sworn , and ssid the ptisouer was
not gnicll with the child. lio could
not say whether she was pregnant or
quirecl that the prisoner should not be
quick with child, Elis lordship then
put it to the jury of :matrons to say
whether they were satisfied, or whether
they would like to make any further
examination,' Tho jury of matrons MAKING THIMi3LES.
said they were quite satisfied and the ----
prisoner was left for execntiotl. The process of slaking thimbles is
re—ea, described as follows:—Bright nett' sil-
l3ow lege and knoelnlinees aro among Wider
the commonest defortnities of lames ity,
and a Maneheetclr (i nglauid) physician,
Dr, Compton, attriteetes the first-hneu-
tioued distortion to a habit some voting -
eters dolieht in, tied' of Subbing the
sole of oue foot even et that 'of the
other ; same will go • to t.leep with the
soled together. They appear to enjoy
the contact only when the feet aro halt.
ell ; they don't attempt to melte it when
they are socked or e1i1peretl. So the
remedy is obivious—keep the baby's
soles covered. Kook•keees the doctor
ascribes to a different tbitdisli Ititbit—
that of sleeping an the hide, with one
knee tucked in the hollow behind the
other. He has found where one leg
has been boa ed inward More than the
othor, the patient has always slops on
oue side, and the uppermost member
has been the most deformed. Hero the
preventative is to pad the inside of the
knees, 8o a8 to keep talent apart, and
let the limbs grow freely their own way.
All of which is cow vended to mothers
who desire the physical uprightness of
their progeny.
vessel weighed anchor nine seamen W11011 VICTORIA HAS OUTLIVED ver emus are reduced to ingots by melt -
Esti from the same bread disease Netts
.lesephson, a Swede, aged 20, and
Daniel O'Neil, a rativo of New Beaus-
wick need 20, were among the stead,
having comp from New 'kork. The
other seven had been taken on at Rio.
I;eing anxious to,prllceecl on his voyage
Captain Arntstrotlg decided to do so in copal bench ' She has outlived by
spite of tIe;txistet ce of .the fever, and several years every bishop and every
accordingly the Templar sails(' from judge wham she found seated on. those
Rio on the 20th of February. benches in Englund, Scotland and Ire.
On the first day out the yellow land, Sihe has witnessed the funeral
scourge broke out afresh, and Gap- of every. Premier who has served nu.
tat:n A.rtnstronlz, his wife, daughter, der le r except Lord Beaconsfield and
the ship's carpenter and four sailors lair. (Tladetoue. Not a single Cabinet
were obliged to seek their berths. On Minister of her uncle atria predecessor's
the third day out Barr. Cane, a native
of Boston, and an a able seaman, died
and %vas buried at sea. On the 27th
Mrs. Andalusia Armstrong, wife of the
vaptain, died, and was also consigned'
to the wives, She was forty five years
of age sucl ?t native of Hampdeu,Meiue.
On the fallowing day Michael Walsh,
another able seaman, died from the
fever, the captain, his daughter, the
carpenter and two seamen still being
sick and suable to work. Ou the 8th
of March the captain reeoeered suffi-
ciently to get ou deck. In latitude 50
degrees south, lougitude CI degrees
west, a furious gale did great damage
to the vessel, and the iron tank, c:in-
tainiug all the fresh water on board,
sprung a leak, and 2,800 gallops were
lost. leaving less thau 1,200 gellocs.
On April lOtlh the vessel was in lati-
tude 50 degrees south, longitude 82 de-
grees west in tlir•' Pacific: Ocean, and
ou May 18th took the southeast traded
on her bourse northward The carpen-
ter mud two siult seauieu had by this
time sufficiently recovered to be on
duty, but the captain and his daughter
were still confined to their staterooms.
The Templar Crossed the equator on
tide side June 81, but losing the trade
winds in latitude 70 degrees north,
longitude 115 degrees west was 20 clays
becalmed. Ott June 24th 'William
Snelling, the first trate, fell overboard.
the ship at the tone being in a light
gale; a bleat was pnt off to save him; it
waz stove and filled with water, and
when Snelling was finally reached by
the exhen*ted and drenched boatmen,
he was dead. He was buried at sea.
From this point the vessel sailed in
light winds, fogs and light gales, end
end at six p. nt. on Wedensday even-
ing her crew spoke a pilot boat off the
Golden Gate, and soon after dropped
li.er aucitor ru her port of destination.
And now as she looks back en that
two and forty years of her reign, what
changes has her -Majesty seen in the
persounel of her Privy Council, her
parliament and her Cabinet Ministers;
to say nothing of her judicial and epis-
A remarkable scene oconrred at the
Old Bailey on the 81h inst. at the con-
clusion of the trial of the woman
Catharine Webster, for tlhe murder of
Mrs. Thomas, her mistress, in throb
last. During the absence of the jury
to consider their verdict there was a
rnmonr that the prlsouer was enceinte.
Mr. Sleigb, the %mins' summed, enter-
ed the dock and emit for the prisoner,
who appeared in tears. She leach her
head ou Mr. Sleigh's shoulder, sad re-
mained in that attitude in conversa-
tion with Lim over five minutes. Af-
ter an abser.co of one hoer and ten
minutes the jury returned into Court
with a verdict of guilty. Silence being
ptoohtimed, the prisoner was asked in
the natal form whether she bad auy-
thing to say why sentence of .death
eltonld Lot be pronounced upon her.
She made a sttytement to the Effect
that Nlie was instigated to tho crime by
:t man who was the father of her boy,
and that he was the really guilty party.
The Judge pronounced sentetice of
death,: after which the conned for the
;primmer said his client had a plea to
advanoe.iu stity of.executten, The pri•
softer on being ranked what her plea
was, said she was pregnant. A: jury of
ing iii crucibles. They are tbeu rolled
lute the required thickness and cnt by
to "tamp Ittto circular pieces of the re-
quired size. 'These circular diets are
placed under a enlid metal bar of the
size of the inside of the intended thio-
bits, wbioll, moved by powerful nlacbi-
nervi, descends in a bottomless mould
of tlhe size of the outside of the thimble'
and dresses the metal iuto the aesi, ed
ahnpe at a t,iugle blow, The remain•
ing operations of brightening, polisthiug
and dettoraating are performed by means
of a lathe. Filed, the blank form is fit-
ted with a rapidly revolving red ; ai
slight touch of a sharp chisel takes a
fraui the end anon
days uow enreives; and of those who thin elhavinn ; her
held inferior offices under her first and does the same nn the side, while a
I'm ()rite Premier, Lord Melbourne, 1 third rotnnris oil the rim. The polish-
caau find among the livid„ nuly Lord
Halifax (then Ohaarles Weed) and Lord
Howicli (uow Lord Gres).
Of the members of the Privy Coon•
cil which sat at ikensingtnll Palace on
that bright summer morning in June,
1887, to administer the oath to i.h.e
girlish Queen, I can find iu the land of
the ltviug only four individuals—Geo.
S. Byng, (now Lord Stratford de Red-
cliffe), Lord Robert Grosvener, (now
Lord Ebury), and the veteran Lail of
Indeed it may be said that Her M:a-
jssty has lived to receive at Court in c'tester E.cantiuer Geneva correspoud-
very many, perhaps in most instances tout welted :—Lyons petters aunonnce
the sncoPssive wearers of the stone corn 1 a disesvet.y whiob, it' it really possess,
net , and she has seen four Lords Beau- 1 the character ascribed to it, cannot
champ, four Lords Aberdeen, four fail to have au important influence ou
Dukes of Northumberland and five
Lords Rodeny. She has reoeived the
homage of four Archbishops of Canter-
bury, of four Archbisbops of York and
ing is dune by a round steel rod, which
is dipped in oil and pressed upon the
surface. Small revolving steel wheels
held against the revolving btauk•pierce
the indentations of the lower halt and
end of the thimble ; the ()MAMA] tattoo
is done by a smaller proco-:e. Alt that
remains to be done to the thimbles is
to brighteu and polish the insides, boil
them in stlapsuds to reml;;ve the oil,
brush them up and pack them for the
As LIPCRTANT IIsyi srxoN.—Ohl Malt -
the silk trade, asci indeed, on all textile
industries. The discovery in question
relates to a method of cotnnninicating
to the fibres of flax the appearance, the
five Bishops of Chicihester, Lichfield lustre, and the durability of silk. The
and Durham successively, She has flax, after undergoing several chemical
filled each of the three justicesbips processess, is steeped in a bath of dis-
twice at least ; she bas received the
addresses of fonr succeseive Speakers
of the House of Commons : she has in-
trusted the Great Seal of the ICingdow
to no less than lino different lend
Chancellors, and she has cuinmiseioued
eight successive Premiers co form no
less than thh'teeu different admilliatra-
A. hand or thieves in Queens County,
New yoril,haas recap tie' been committing
numerous church burglaries, and in -
eluded in their stealing els, Wel robes,
Hassock's bibles, pulpit chairs, prayer
books, transfer organs, ctheap chromes
hem the veetry roolus, spades and
:,hovels from the grave -yards, and in
one instance they attempted to carry
off a churob 'bell. Denominations were
as nothing in their eyes, and Episco-
pal, Baptist, Uuitariate, and Catholic
churches were alike despoiled. Two of
tori: have been caught, one of
whom has recently married, and his
bride's house preseutea a very ecclesf-
itetical appearance. Her seat was a
pulpit chair, her footstool a hassock,
her bed coveriu/ an altar veil and her
alantol. ornaments cruedixee and com-
ruuuiou cups. The surplus property
was disposed of by ,tuctiou.
"Roses aro her cheeks.
And a rose her lips".
The best way for ladies to cultivate
this rare specie of roses is by studying
and practic'►ug the rules of hygiene, Se
taught in the People's Common Sense
Medical Advisor, lily $1.50. Address'
the author', R. V. Pierce, M. D ,Grand
Invalids' Hotel, Buiiaalo, N. Y. If suf•
ferieg flow those p.aiulul weaknesses
incident to the female erg:whole, use
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription---tt
never-fiiiliug reinecly fur these coal-
solved silk waste, and emergestherefrom
in a condition which readers it indis-
tiuguislhable, save by aualyeis, hone
silk i' -self. The iuveutur resides in
Paris, and Ince, it is said, offered his
discovery to certain manufacturers of
Lyous for a lump sum of 2120,000, a
scut which, it is further stated, has
already been subscribed by a combin-
ation of fourteen firms of the place,
who are about to form themselves into
a company for the working of the pa-
tient, the importance of which tnay be
estitnated from the fact that, while shit
itself is worth 36 francs for 21b., the
saline quantity of the new material can
be produced at a cost cf 9 francs.
0. E OU.th00 tt tgcrc,.a'' On
Tako pleesut'eto Ir form thetonabitentr•ofDzetet
add surrounding country, that they have just
ope.ted out an exceileutassortmeutof
T'Ia'e'eds, Coatings, C'estfiiIseic.,.
in thelatest styles andpatterns,and feel assured
that in Sawn atter of clothing, they eau suit the
moetfastidtoustastes .
From r to 13 Horse Power, for Farm-
ers, Dairymen, clutter and Cheese
Factories, Printers and all parties
using hand or horse power.
Best and cheapest in the market.
Send for circular and price list.
Orohn fluty,
Esplanade Street. ,
TASTE Olt SMELL?If sot itmlty be farm
the i,Ei'itosr of tho loth country t1A''Aititrt.
CO\aTrooretotri tt CA'rsaitu Ittlattinr will restore
you to nnjoyalo *sea
It not' only cures Oa-
terrh, but at1 et bor diseasoo at tlta etane able.
Prien 31 per pottle. i'ot salo, by all druggists and
Meclioine ttonlore Scud stataitp for 48 page pam-
phlet cnntafutug troatiso eu 0aturrh, andriorti .
caths of the cured to 1'.7. 11. ii t iiDINl1, Lorain -
10 u. Agont,lirucitvillo, Opt.
The only certain safe, and effeottial euro for
Oa.trrift, builtls up certain, safe,
and true another
diseases at the same tfiuo. Asthma, lets° (lo01,
flay Weyer, Nervous Debility, all ieave t,agtthor
when the Conatitututlonral Catarrh iiethedy it
tattoo as directed, Price al per bottle. icor sale
by all druggists and Itulloiee duelers, •
'jTOlt,fiD SAY TO
thor=n who intend
perches:1w to 'lo so front
the man ufuctt rev. 'rho
dealer who bars to anti
atgafn must un.•o, •atilt
hitru u proilt. \\'e ^bkim
to glee Vitt p¢rol,asers tlltl
benefit, which cannot tltil
to tarot• rho melt's of the
tAr'ktt44ers. Our e;1Pnir "s
cru less thLLtl tltlRo n1 elty
mann taotwrer:r cnusevent-
ly wo salt scllelieapet'.
�rtlr5ic •?ti, 1879 4
staid T -at.isreituvo INTctiitttit Lrla'c•:l
" .r 11 'VU 177,I)
rata sprt'ialntten tic r:
to our nndkn•taktine tie in, rt
alma ,0hieb int hilum oval
t'lcte then 0 roe, ala wr 110''
added ovctu1 teetvde141011,
of alto The bora coffins.
eashtctit stn'tnuls.atnd PV
•nuors 1 rctiui:ite at 1.1.t.
100 cid erat•e1. our new
Rea l'r a le ltrnn01lti,'e ri 1.1
competent ltdccl;
second to dere all ti.r
Embolus of all the Dfferent Sonrwt s.
1l'. IIS Is N O .:33O71\113AST
Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit,.
Therefore, read, rnrcllMC, and enjoy its bargains. When i bit• 1manufacture my own furniture
um prepared with Ivy pruoi-sheet shat the people can tweet u t tuty time by calling at t:ty afar
coins where they will see a superb clis play of
Furniture in All Its Branches
fs ntinnfaetuterl by ruvenitarta sty eo:nuttted „•rtisttie chill. wtt•t good workmanship. I der one to.'
ta,.,atlafyiugt e.peoplo with actu.;s of 1'tt•lritttre tirot cannot be etiuultott ter quality or mice
i,soter,all blowing to tits eontrary, uotwhthstonitiug.
Corner of Main and (3idley Streets, Fedeter.
�..��.a , � til
,.._ . (1� r9
At aMimes, 'tuttparticularly at a period when Tran,' is universally depressed an inom.y
scarce. It is iu the interest of every buyer to purchase where he eau got the article be want*
at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stalk, I do so with every contit1
once; it being more carefully assorted and selected than :bar of any previous seasc,11.
In the Dry Goods
Ever y departm en t is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, ntark ecl' • A
pri use which should ck+nhm:mathe attentionofthe very closest buyers. ,,4THE OI'(I1i;Iti.l
CLOTHINs.still has 1J11. Iv. IVES at itchead
In Millinery
Ltnclertliema.e ementofJliss,)IeGloghion,we can suit the. most fastiebona.. 00r stoe8: n•t
(xrace.aes, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Amerieli(ii
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of tee largest and best a,sorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their
best iuterests by examining mystook before going elsewhere.
P 0161 -
THE Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and thes^rronnding coun-
try, that he has opened a T[13 end 8 I'OV 1 DEPOT in the store nearly opposite ,lir. G.
A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epai ed to fill all ortie,s
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
Afl Manufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by pract cli
workmen on the premises.
Cave-Troughing:done to order, ('arriaee Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, tine
eery best and none Cheaper.
• n
Intending purchasers will always find me as my post, ready to attend to my own ermine,a
and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good anti
cheap artie e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get bettor value for your money.
The very highest price in Cash peid for Hides and Sheep skins_
Exeter P 0, October 15 1877.
Still continue to sell
Dress Goods,
- Costume Linens,
Cotton Hosing, _
Lathes' Ties,
Trimmed Hats,
Gents' Straw Hats,
and all Summer Dry -goods at an immense sacrifice to clear
them out during August. Gall and secure some of the greats
bargains at
R.2611'Z C F tC`? s Izzottr,.