HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-28, Page 5A.173UST 2%187 (; Mt$•'111101 'lt2.!4 %,t'711pA7Ih: trairi..f` 1%V.t"9L71NMiAi!. 1 THE TIMES .:,ts%Etn�i 191:1�f�11C1iiL!GT.:L6:. -T «,_'T1 STA.-. C s 4 SECiALIT Having bought out the interest of my late partner, i4Sr, L. Thorne, elias(:1 in the Chetl}(^at inavi,et, I am enabled to offer goods that can. L q . 4 Viltolesale and Beta Med F la Pw u,E:� x�". , Maim Street. ..,. ,.w.,�,n..reww..-4114-,.,a,wa..,.:•rw:wa....�.�cr.,Roc..w+,w.dao...�,mw.mnv...•,.,..r-+,T.v.e.,Ma aw.ra+.u.n�•.e+u,ac,,.m,! Iittiu Wisest At. I ('lt,tfa 1 itiey cit, 4'1nrer �l: lafltt'nr i•'i.art 1101111.1. Pet:; toes. p -r tt!n, :1p,.1us, per liri0d.tpuns p1' b. dr.•s1..ct pal. 100 'f eef 'She 1ptdil es, e?tt)b ,.. ilay ler t• u t 14(1415 l , r niwt, ... It t, per lb 'I'4 ,,•+, 1!11 l)n,)lis, Uhf pair ; Err R''te iv:TN 3 1!'Ax,t, 55'xt1.AT. 0 01 to 003 110 003 431'4,x. 5173?:AT . EATIIOB'y M'COL A4 S and having added largely to the former stook, and having pax - not fail to give satisfsotion as regards both price and equality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. acIng 31....W.2114 !•Y.tW.I. "11" ere E.W. B ; AJC 3 ' '- t` iF . RA.0 wonitl rolnnd his numerous R custwavrs flint he hes removed to the shop formerly oeonpie(1 by Mr. Egad, where he will be Lound ever runty to cttte.tato all business in the BOOT ,• 141.4 84011 Liuu,EAU) (1 I� AU) Clrnditon. 0 )1•) to 0 4)3 .., 085 to 0 Kt 045t0( ll O 83 tri ). 1414 3 .10 to 3 7; 0Leto0.5 .., 1100to9t1; e 05 to ) 3)11 tn)to i; 00 ... o :,0 `e 11 0 ) .,. 70 t•? 1 75 .., 003 to 000 ... 50s) to 44LO ( tut ... 4;1 (114';1) (h) 4 (;cOtoaOn a 0ton75 !-+ ^� whatappear,tom '" ,1:1 t:, 7•1 075tu0 7•5 next week. ST. 9t:u.1'S FaUwheat, per bushel.,, n 413 to f 45 4- 1.330 .%t •111 a F7 to ) 110 Itarl.,v .... .................. 119 W 0 •1.. Nr,.iS .il Y„ u 4.,:t- • ................... 11 11,.. 0 °11 to it D1 :1!tr............................. 7 Co I,) 4,00 l' 4)41 ,10.41.n;.........................(4 3: to 0 0 ;rPi,1 111..., 4.r, 1:.' 0 )i 4.1;b.at,,r111,1..,1111 1oca.0lt ltrJ baG, Sha ,skbla ('+f ) .11b,O Oa . 01 0(4. 1411 a;..•.� 1114 rM.rxls+v rar•�rW ;:�. umn�rs �1~rrn-ra:>tss� - to al _1111. g avra it 'atlh?rws# 64.41 .fu d.ti...$wm• F4o.3t `.',� w • O\T.titIO, eldest I.3..('i ,.7`011• r in the Prod/tee, enters 4'.4l.r •14)31 1.,14E year n, `°t• !• ,r 54triety of v ;.rt)!:ar+; '41.1 n: ccrri,•ttlor: titor.,ugh- aE of „14,1 e. 1 , (t n „ollndo- ft,•t."t 1)4 to of 411.' 4»r;' ar44.L 1. .. 1 3 1'(t.klogoe. 111')'11 t) 4113. l•r.uvli):tl. .1, 1)1'11.\13, 1),D, a -10 NOT 'i: i•(' / 1) W !IS �.E.J V .l.i A 1 i. �....9. • .t.�,.... 4.v py . i r teiye.i a lo' o'' t .r 1eao.i :eery, 1,1 5,.,.11 i inform t11•` i;nrie''re (3f the eur- ft i -.1i eeilotry that 1 xm1''''l'''( to inatill- ,.4e.tme et kinds. o: i ) %- ,,..., llar'ley 1 +,, 111.,sf.4411C•i,i .. i'illit.nd.., e(4., and. ha'ia(i ('4'41' 1.'w,• ;servic.'.4 of It 11 Lie -elites Turner, 111.1 pr4 ;):417.1 t_'1 du ALL fh 3:11 OF TURNING ,tet t1(:?")t itlTt4i l'., {ma for style and pre i t.Cl' 4101-1.10,C131011. til"• : Cif il+t:1,1 a fir: •41,4.(; .+4.u,' - 3)r reel. 513.1 .hr,c,:1 )1:tutlies. 5:111 ltaip u ltlilti suet's). int Exctur. S A. COTTELL. s 1.11 .1. ILII 1IO :.i,..! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! El..,—.ET I:. 7— lL.t. MOVAL1 RE7t7.0 AL! REMOVAL! P. FR1K7Z-Nit3 LEA [..-H EN & 1PCOUTIREY. LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. .I/Ai IS? 1711E 117'5 STOCK OF FU - i �Y �;1T1, j'ti1, Bedroom met Pe da. I ermi:ere a ,T til s• a +' al)uuialty, aha lily char -gust west, of Toronto. I otil,ties and all CJ JtuIHtcred work seemly re- 'll(Clt1iI1 J)?') tom, I Spring Dods teen..9.7, up; woven wire mattresses for • Myelitis mud sic1311..at:, 110 provc40. 4.eft-sur: a, aatreutarlt ,badly low 121'i,:c5. FA = T'arti4.:+desiring tofarnishhmseswould dowell to41411 at *Drew's, and 0xololu4 the stuck before purchasing else - who. e. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rate14. A 1(11.41s 3•f 1'ril.lutiu s, Shre '(.. t+l•sv, s, Caps. &o., furnished. Emblems of 4111 the different 4.orieti•• also kept in '.t.'.'41 for funerals, Thu 11Cit.10 1. 3.41)3 bu(t in 4.103 COtulty, x eathi.re tor sale at Dir El Ftuuitor.W31 4.t mina ls:.cte1. '11114 Egyptian Embalmer used to pi•0vfsnt tae clfscoleiing of corpses and offensive odors. 111!1 remove to Ms Herr "LOT'. 1ate1y occupied by Perkins &11"•.'1'-i'.)o,1f„1rsnorth of,1. (Irigg':J hook C� 4i s4.„re.5liaore you 111(11i"10vOin:thins;usu,tllt-lcept' .11 113' (t first-class harness est:lbf)siva,ent, which for 7naIity of materiel anti sly lc of workmanship IS NUT EASILY - SURPASSED Call and (Ixamiuo n1y stook before pnrohnsint .4)1s05711(4434. PETER Iti]iA.SNE. 'HAY PiUM1? WORKS. o. anTs . li-appxrfo n. Fiut'fng added to mg pump machinery, and pro- m14Ful 4.114;;.• (l, nudity of fest-class pump logs, t tt.m prop:tr al to oiler an artiela Superior to any Factory In the. County, awl at prices that, day coinpetitian. 'Wells and Cisterns 41.11k; 00 the shortest notice. 110tore purchasing calla 4 the FIay Pump Slorks, rai S`(')p-•one-quarter mile north of Exeter Tionitonnott(l. Rev P. t) NEW .ii U titCI;-EB, SHOP T11heunder:aiguetl Rouldi'tfo1lr: the inllabi- tauls of Lxetur anti viciuit3 t11at 11e11as OPEN.E) A. NEW i3U'!'011E11 SITUP 000.1.0ot sontl. of his 131:tcks;uithshop audhope4' thoa.4ute liberal petrolu(go that has beau a3. mailed to him in the • a ;acxaa11Tn axe W.t:000 ))11')1.7:((4 1tile will boaxteu31et1tohitt' 1111 his )OIW(4ranc11o3 haaithuss, 131e meat wagon wilic2t11 ntti(c resi- dents of 11bu village three tin) at uacl weelcand �.�1'. EAT uta k,ntls kept 00140ta3.414o11 hand at hit butchers110)3. r! 111ackauoithing rind W144011 nla13113«carric0 0l 14 14)1,341 414 11.13Ite b11,38 i (.4 R. D ANIS. ..National P liey PLOWS, and SCOTCII DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on round an 1 made to 0174141. 11:, '11ULLAN & McB1 IDE (laving now greater fneilitie(( than over, arc pre - Pared to supply farmers with iron Beam Plows 'Stec' Mould Board, made by ourselves ;(illili !slows, Iinapper make; Scotch i)iatmond aal'rows Caltivators; Gang 1'1nwg, Carriages and bttggihs 034 hand, and ma•cle to or - tier, }lone sbcetng attendee to on the shortest not too. F10rs4a shote eo prevent interfering. hrc`.rxl3t.ttN & 40413111llE, mug 9t., t," It Will pay you to call at •.n E.tt{ 1141 Yuc-1 .S".al.aa7 �vr--': 3.4S1a, Dry-Goods, ' -Goods, roceries, Etc. your Everything reduced to suit the h ird COTTOIV8 OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT Be WHOL E`•,ALE PRICES. sure and call before T E N PER CENT oF'r 1 CASH on all our present Grocery Stock except SL'GAIis, —0:0 -- T R. & E. SP ICER, Exeter. • Glrocerle LYOnlectanary. Snloding Tobacco 25 Ccnts pet' IH MGM TBOACCOD AND CIfx'ABS always i1St0(113.. SPOIITS2,IEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, 31.1agazinef. WITH ALL THE LATEST bent, :'4.13,—SCR Ing 111aehi1.. needles ef3yel'y fuel. A. BOYD. GIi AT'S SPECIFC MEDICINE. T At,H f11R C 'rho '.tl•11 1-shTR.A1DE 1'41(. -> k,T51•� lee our(' `•(.J 11.1- .,.`4f .l i:::l .t L. i.lJ _:i' I 1!!',. , ^ f�,`, . pei]llat.,r$11oa, r .l I)up,tt„ur7,111131 «11 r, Diseases 'that fol- low its a, ii,?‘11111101.1 �xt^ of Self 3)lti e, a` 411 G e' los4. of 5lemorv, ,� c r T 'Universal 7. sJ- AA_ 111 alii� � Tule°-8Inanknl:t tl)le,P;ext) ul tau 13vcik,1)11021esr, 0f 7114((111, 11 l Jatnr.' 34134,00,'3031 many utiu:r .(1333,,)4144 that lead to lnrltinty 3)r ('4.1',•(l1111ition 44.11(411 Preuiatttr,l grave. parl1,nd:um in ower p,1,141(31,1, t, which we. desire to spud free 1111 311411 44'' every one. t.-•The$,'eeide .11t,tticiuc is sold 1.y nlI.Ireg i"4.,:at .-1 per plt(l,:ax) 3)r sir 1)ttc1auen toe' ez', 3)l' W111 lo` 1,i1l.t by 0341)1 on ruc3apt 341 the of33111” b11 oddressi)'• TUE GP.1? 53 4)41TL('INl ('0., 4:5*.S'1140 Tseterl'y nal d1tItTol4.r-, 141,(1 eror.- where in Canaan .am) th0 Uuitodtitates yy whole sa1e, and retail druggists. 11,11 --'rhe dclnnnd of our business kayo 1430)4)4 4itat041 our removing to 't'ononto, to which Place pluas0 ,71414)41;1I1 future Celeuhunieuteno. 'i, :1$ /f'ILLI:� Eli 1' X738..5 Ga,1RLa7Cii3S. 10/11111110 ,1OW i3), of Spring eau 5Sunintar aunts, anktBennets, all the very latest shapes. Now flowers feathers, and Crnments' Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS HATi, FROM $1.00 UP, bei Meal". trir:need. Everything will bo sold es cheap as possible. l:'aaOy Goods, 11(xlin Wool, 1Tottcos, etc., a 4141 line always Kept. Zacketa made or out in the latest styles. MISS GARRLICK, $lori1, 78. plain St. E toter. Suits to order at startling figures. Mi.C.LL -:•'LAND BROS. THE NATIO SAL POLICY ICS Having triuul1hec44 !tttbe yu1114, El; AC CARLING ln'ellareai to o vo 101 11013 011)43.0,1101114 td0 11011oflt14 VIVA 411(1)4 neur110 from its adoption, and has en hand a I1trge stool( of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines a3ao Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a • Which wif11)o sold at prices unheard of under /hoe Trade.) 'The farmers of the surrounding country find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, •oli the Exeter niarkeet,wllzch is second to lions in the west, and then call at the store of the s''bsoriber and Se.oure Irraniense nom; Again there to be had in Overooabaig, rtl1il»Moths, Broad -cloth DGe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delain.os, rind everything needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocer; Department very' Coinpleto. An inspection invited Net trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING COLD is UP. The Iatust news un record at t110 raw 'York Millinery . Stere Itti, C. I3. WILLIAMS sill sell roe tb,• Next t14(rty days the remainder of her Slimmer Stud: of IVI1.LLINI_PIRY at COST Also the 11404 t-03111• of h31 stock of Taney Goods at Cost 3 0 45 to 1111tke room for the ruining)/ tot•k. Now is the time for barga1,:r )Hats that sun for $5 aro down to 4.N: lint:) 413 5:;, for 01 21; lists worth 0341, for sums. This ch)huee4 is only ():en for 3J (4)1,4 s. Don't forget tO'he place—\ei1 s (1111 met, 43'1t1114on'3131ook,Lxoter. 217.71rble Work . W, D. NVEEKES Dealer u) MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE Pr CES. rURN'I,TUItE TOPS, &o, Cemetery'Work of all kinds neatly e.'(eoate[ . u Dous North of Drew's hall, Main street, S=10721t. 1t.r 4 Pacific Railway Tonc!er 11 TI1ND41T!S for the cone trteltlnn of .nitout ono ln3nt11'td mill, ,l of Ito it its e West of Dud i1tv('r, (u the Provinee 3)i ?S.t311 ui•:L,14111 he veeutv3-!4 by tato elltl1'444410.1 014411 413)014 ell lrlaay, 1st Aug(:..t 113'�t, '11'0 Itaf17lar 5( ill commence at Winnipeg, and 1111+ 7et•th•wasterly to eouneet with the wain lion 113 111.., 14)i3hl.. 11lni)5.1 of the 14h bare, 11114, ax,,t t.nuc,' Westerly 440110,») l'rairiu 114 roitaz, and Ir11.e 11h(uitub.t. 'Ci'14Jers 1(1(41411 be nu t/ in priutt'd twins, 5411X13, wit111(11 othet•h,fo1Mit ti,n),100y be had ((.44 the Pa- cttiel'..tilwny 11; 41 t.'3.fs Uili0312,ln Ottawa 141,4 Winnipeg. F. Ell at'N, Secretary, Depainleat n$ItelIwatsamlCanalsi , O'.TARb,10t1.1 juay.1S7% 1' f W C OOD ,NEW GODS constantly itreiving at W. 33. Met 11;101, 11':4 `Tit n.tnotb Jewellers Store. 136, Uun.ht4 Ftre44. L37.1011, ()at 1J', 4111 J.•ver y04151:=itthe )•'or- ea• city (tont 1411 to 51, it this ittl(. ('((1111.11"(111:.'11t, tho only 4443,44.- 14 s. , ,.0 6I tht .11.144 114 the )lty, and b4. s4. arranged Yew( Her,' store 131 the Dow!. 0100, 1?1e :i, 7).Mott 1tauil,')1 Watch Stands un- riva11e.1, .11' 471.0 414114 111(11i r•"r,'1t,1.)c1:(1 tl:ela to OWL' fr-,'tol5. 411 4)11111s of W illi: ws. in stock. (:leek,.;i every 31, serli't1'11, 1.1el1 Jewellery of c.v. try stvlf', 1)lnnlcu.ls (,u(1 130(1013:, 41.1(1147 r hey !:0041:, Fpot:to'i ., 1413 ell V.ea, !ing V)at44o'a, t,1VL1+.., ted J(?W eery repaired. arvl weirt.l,t3,1 11'. U, 111e11.1AuariLt)N. 91nr:. 011II ,T CAUSE 01' IIC)..I.':.N PIIS. EItr. -3ust'?ublishea, in a se:tle(1 Bi'vciclte *'a":' 1'11 leo six ('cuts. leet8114 a 111(' ,i« 1 e,Treotoler.t ri1d Rio!. nal cure of1,)J ,) Wen.nue i3.OrFyv.1' (t 471 1.. (144114141 by `41 t'1bn' e l nvolu1t1ry T a 1 . . liup 4c1n+y .N4118 a4. Lill I[t�•, 1(41,1 Inn) e(1blie.et, to r1a17i:1,tt gonoralh • ('on1: 1n4tr•1t 11L1'14.5. 1113.3 1'le.i.. 1'41..1 a It u.:+1 111004..('1 111 I4Y hrY.1-11.11.!T .1. (.113.\ L1. 4.t ..),1.,1)4.11., the '•(1 rLe11 403);3,," The :7.•:1.1 t 143 11ned 4111 cr fn tilbI 7 rel 1- f.crU:Tc.c`ft ,-..•.t ro Idv 115•.14 i' rove .• that no alcinli.,•14,10.once.,•. ') � 1 1,441 1 411 ,'34'011011115 (1K1, t 41:10 4.'44(1 (111 tlJ T `, ,.'.!131 412111 1' I -)41(. 1 14 31.313:114.,1.13;4, , 3,1. l.( .til ! , ptl.r•1111 . (i.. (: 1'.'•414 !'1 it' t 4 n• . vt.rt:. al. 4.f( to 1,7 AO: Vel e 43'l l I, ninti iir 5134t 111•if )43,31 114", 3)i . ( 1 .(nun 1411Ul( )'15 tin t 15 a1,ii ( t ,1 4' 14.1 441,4.0,31',. 43,03.,t .13141• seal, i:4. a 4,la:n en1.1;10pe,to ally ^.41- (11 On receipt of six. 001.0.v, 1414 to'a retitnt.e •t(u11)4',3. Blares T811 c' twx,r.., 117:'rTed3.. Cc. 43 Ann st,1Naw York. P. 0.13 x :15Se • FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Buy our De:xcl1ville WIIITE LIME Sint. 1ir:u(1 Plaster Paris, hurl you will b34 pleased with your work. Frtsll 141110 flats]' 1)11 baud. CLASS, NAILS, LUCKS, and t I INerB;3 very cheap for cash, White Lead, ails, Tur- pentine 1154ni putty at bottom prices. Rope Chain, t=aws, Planes Mutt outer tools at ptict+ ti111t will astonish you. Carriage Markers, 0:111 and see C)-lm.r 1.3erit, Gooc1 • mate from chi, tough timber. Cheap for eaeil O'DYR.NE & CO., The Fanners' and _Mechanics' Hardware Store, Exeter. 5Io11cy to loan on Mortgages. It. ABBOTT L. D.S.,11.13..C.D.S. 6raduato of lloya1Cu11cge (1f DIP,NTAL SURGEOISTS. 0014 3' c e.4. O'Nt1i1 bank. and opposite Saluwoil Pickurd3. ITx KINSMAN, DENTIST, T lcuntiate ofc r. tthe 1)(1111141 tans,. mat; be, oonsnll'J any Jay, (tj next attert,( laze 1'odt Uiiiee. Exut:er.bnt. I THE FALL AND`it1NTER TRADE jSOUthOOtt di Sem TA1LO ' :rn11 CLOT R1EIC ;;, ( Take pleasure to irforl',the inuabftawit ofrxet• ado snrrOun11in3 gauntry, that they have ,jtt-[. op0.ted out au exnollen)tas(ortulont 01 1''i'c'ads, Coatings, resfiitysetc., in the littera styles andiuutterna,aud feel assured that in tam atter of clot; tit 3, they eau suit the 413O14tfestithou stautea. alt,xeter N Orth FLOUR and GRIST MILL 13ein.gin good 'working order gives ovary 0.03(11(3• (lotion possible in gristIl.g and dote -Mg. Zoo and mill food 001ivn)1)i to parties learn),) tl'c•ir l orders 'before one ()37(4334('at 3, BI1 .T;'4 T3aicel•y, sr O'13Y1tN1; & CO'S, or 10)1111 same day 0 TEi M' $ a�i.,w rr����p +�l��Q�� }o ,wy 0' F8 I. dl r. e4V VD" I far] , ltiX161"Eit 16. 0.