HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-28, Page 22
(continued from last week.)
'Ile does not look like it bay,' inter
peed Miss Mashiter.
1. cu produee his uertifieate Of birth
if eacessary.By a wave of her hand
Miss Meshiter signified thatsuoli form
al evidence was not regaired. 'He
really uotof age,' resumed Mr. Own-
berbateli ; he's only learuiug his pro-
feseion ; ni he is eutirely without
moans of his own.' ,
the counts, of course, upon your
providing hini with a euflicient in-
'He miscalculates. My money is in-
vested in my business as a merchant.
Nile assistance I may be able to reu-
der hien for; his pay as a subaltern of
artillery will be very smell, But if he
thinks I can settle on Wei any ainouut
of importence, he is much. mistake»,
Ile will have what I leave bellied me
at me' death ; but uut!1 that event hap -
'Please don't speak of it, Mr. Onin•
berbatch, and dou't let us thiuk of any
thing so dreadful. it quite makes me
shiver all over.'
'1gen very sorry. my dear Miss
Mashiter ; but I thought it best to
speak plainly. Like you, I wish to be
understood. 1 f1111 a plaiu man of
b tintless.'
'1 atn much obliged to you, Mr.
Cumberbatch. Of course I shoulrl take
teem that all my money was settled up-
on myself.'
'Ttiet would be the proper coterie
under the eiroamstances.'
would uot give any man power to
speed my money. I'll keep that iu my'
own hands always.'
‘A.nd of course it's very mnch
against Charley that he is young, and,
in point of fact, so poor.'
'Without doubt ho is both youne
and poor.'
'But --you haven't told me ef this,
because you don't like the idea of my
beim; your daughter-in-law.'
'My dear young lady, of what are
you thiuking ? I should be delighted
to (mil you daughtetainlaw.'
‘Will you kiss me, Mr. Oemberbetch.
as though I really were your danehter-
'With the greatest ples,snre.'
He was about to touch her forehead
gently and parentally with his lips ;
but as she seemed to raise her mouth
towards him with an air of expecting
to be kissed there, why he kissed her
there. Her eyes sparkled —they na-
turally sparkled : otherwise she wee
quite cool aud calm and oolleo ea. A-.
far Mr. Ountherbatch, he fairly blush-
ed, the crimson of his cheeks beiug ie.
tensified by centrest with the whiteuess
of lits locks.
'You see,' she said, meditatively, 'a
woman in my situation. really oeeds a
husband to help and advise her and
to comfort her. I m really very
friendless; ani I thought it would be
very vice to have Charley always near
me—ie would have been some one t.,
leau upon at auy rate. You are not
sarprised at my wishing to mtrry
him ?'
•Nat at all. I titiuk it a very rea-
sonebie and natural sort of thing.'
'Thank you so much. And yon'll
retue and see me again, won't youoleer
Ur. Ournberbatch—you were so nearly
being my papa ? Yuu'll come avail,
and eotne soon ?'
My dear Miss Mashirer
'0411 me Madeline, please.'
'My dear Madelithe I shall be de
lighted to come agaiu.'
'Thanks, papa dear. You rely kiss
nia again if you like.'
it so happened that be did like.
After this he was a fret:Dent visitor
in Harley Street.
Sir Hercules oceupied apartments in
.-.1„lbertnarle Street. He was without
family cares or lesponsibilieies ; for
Ins wife had died very soon after the
birth able only ' son Jashuit, aud he
had taken unto himself no mooted
spouse. He had retired altogether
faun active service — in his day
he had been a distingnished pithier of
cavelry, playing a brilliant part ie sev-
ered uoteble ougegernents—and he now
led the life of a retired veteran, with a
taste for fashion, dress, club dinners,
gossip, and a harmless desire to look
s young as be possibly could. HA en.
j.iyed himself in his awn way. When
his health permitted, he rambled a lit-
tle apon a eruetworthy hack in the
It ter ; bttt his legs were not what they
had been., and. he did not trust him ielf
to walk mach--Ite was eentent to tot.
ter to aud from hte °lab and his loag-
inge ; and those joarneys were not tic.
complitthed without effort.
He was no doubt a selfish old gen.
domain he was greatly occupied in
eilusidering bit own welfare read corn.
tort. Still, his mauner wag gvod-ua.
tured, aud he rather liked his gramdsou
Charley Ouneburbateh,
.rt wa$
iu' the. thorniug; 4A he was
sitting *rapped in au oriental-lookin
robs iie:efitinibre, sippiug au early ou
of tea—be breakfasted at his club, bu
he eujoyed the stimulus and support o
m cap of tee during the pauses of hi
toilet—when a visitor was anintille0(
—Mr Charles Oumborbatola
'What brought you here, youngster?
inquired the old geutleineu.
'Have you heard about the goveru
or Charley asked, exaltedly.
'What's he gone and been and done?
'lie talks of gettiag naarrigd Nobs,'
'The deuce he does ! But I don't
see what busiuois it is of mine, Char-
ley, Of course I don't want any more
grandehildreu ; but then I don't %tent
auy great.grandehildren either:. Bat yon
aro going to be married, aud why
,ehoultIo't Ile? Live avd let live, you
lie ow, Charley.'
'That's just it. I call it as iufernal
shame I You surely ought to iutertere,
sir. lle won't lot 1116 get married, He
refuses bis conseut. He .won't make
me any allowauce. And he's going to
marry the young lady I. was engaged
to I
'Wefl. that dues eeetu hard. What
Miss Mashiter — Suartslaiter — what's
her mune ? lias elle consented to be.
come your stepmother instead of your
wife 2'
'She's thrown me over shameftilly.'
'Well, you kuow, Charley, when a
W0111.71 throws you over all yea can ao
is to pick yourself up again aud walk
off in an opposite direction.'
'This is what she writes to me.' And
Charley prodrL.ed a letter in a large
bold hand, with a gilded monogram in
the corner of the paper. He read
aloud :
eD.taa 01•1111t.EY,--6o sorry, but it
would never du. You're a nice boy,
and I'm really feud of you ; but you're
very young to think of rnarryieg, and
afraid yea can't afford it. Se
there's an end of it ; and please dee't
say another word to me Lanett it. You
ean send me back my letters ; l've
learnt yours. I intend to keep the ring
yon gave me, as a little metnento of
you. And we'll always he Mende, yua
know, Oharley. What a charming man
your papa is ! I like him very much.
g I was certaiuly deceived iu that wo.
on mean' observed Joehua Ganaberhatch,
t I was deceived too,' added his son.
f 'Perhaps it will be my grandfather's
o tilf111.16Xt.'
1 • Upou the return to towu of sir Her.
miles and. his bride, they hastened to
' invite their relations to a faunly-diuner
in Harley Street,
Joetnaa, well Charley !' cried
the bridegroom. 'How do both ? glad
' to see you. You duel look particular.
ly well, either of you. You should try
a little change. Welcome so the pa.
terual—the grandpaternal roof !' He
was delightfully young, and airy. 'As
fresh as paint,' as he truthfully desedb•
ed himself to be.
'So glad you were able to come, both
of you !' said Lady Onmberhatele
'Those frieudly family -parties ere so
nice.' She squeezed the hands of both
father aud 6011.
'Don't look so blaok, Charley.
never could say ;' and when you
asked me, and afterwards your father,
and after that Sirlieroultati, what was I
to do 2' How could 1 refuse ? At any
rate, I've been so far true; I've mar-
ried lett) the family. I am a Camber -
batch, anl you can still luve me Char-
ley ; indeed, it is now your duty to
love me : as your grendmother.'
'You count upou beiug a yonug wid-
ow, I suppose,' Charley said sulkily.
in the ordinary course of na-
ture, Sir Hereales—' she stopped, and
added, 'not bub %hat he's a dear old
aud I quite adore him,'
Tax sure I hope he may live a thou-
sand years, said charley.
'Dou't be spiteful. Bet, in any case,
you know, Charley, you caul marry
your grandmother I'
Teen tonne the announcement :—
•Dinver is served.'
Over their wiuo Sir Hercules itiform-
ed his eon and grandson that the mar-
ried state was a very happy state, awl
counselled them to take unto them-
selves wives at the earliest possible op-
'Ouly one wife apiece, sir,I eup-
,. pose ?' said °barley. impideuty.
Sir Hercules observed that he
I thought they wonld find oue wife apiece
(sulficieut, aud then proposed that they
should fill their glasses and drink to
the hettltLi uf thoir
relation, Lady
'There was a settlement, I suppose,'
said Jushea Cumuerbatch. May I ask
so much. 2'
'Cert drily there was a settlement,'
replied Sir Hereales. Her every Half.
penny is settled upon herself. What
of that 2 What does it matter how a
wife's money is settled whey husband
tied wife love enoli °Limas we do ? Au -
other glees of wine 2 No I Then we'll
join Lady Crunberbatch in the drawing -
room. By the bye, silo is to be pre-
sented neat ireek---on her marriage.
She seemed to wish it, and, of couree, I
had uo objection. Indeed, how ouuld
refuse her usaything she asked 2'
How, indeed !' echoed his sou aud
his gvandsun.
'Well, there's no mistake about the
letter, at any rate,' observed Sir Her-
cules. I am bouud to say Mete Mesh -
iter expresses herself very clearly. But
I dou't see what 1 eau do for yon,
course, I think it's a hard case,
especially as she's got limey' What
more eau 1 du ?'
•thnilan't you do anything to prevent
the Governor's making such a fool of
Ininsell, sir 2'
"Well, you know, Charley, your fa.
tiler's of age. He's his own m tster.
He's eutitled to melte a foot Lf himself
if he likes. 11J•et old euough to know
his own mind.'
The young man paced the room in
a raga. He stareyed, he swore with
vexation, aud the tears stood iu nis
'Den't excite yourself, old chap,' said
Sir Hercules to his graitcleou. I knee
it's no good my toiling you that there
are pleutv of other women in the
world, because of (louse you waot this
one particular woman. Bob you cau't
have her, Cuarley, that 8061116
It'S vexatious, but you'll got over
'Bet to thiak of my being thruwu
over for au old fogey. like the peer.
nor 1'
'Welt, he's your owu father, Charley.
And he'd my sou ; but that's of less
•Oitu't you do any thing, sir, to hin-
der this marriage ?--diegraceful, I call
it I'
Sir Hercules shook his head. •I
might see the lady,' he said, after a
pause, although I dou't know what
good that can d.). Is she pretty 2'
el. call her eimply beautiful 1' ex-
claimed Charley, ardeutly.
cartaiuly see her,' said Sir Her.
oules. 'I'll mak a poiut of Boeing her.
In fast it's ray duty to call upon her, 40
so soon to become a member of
the Curnhe,bateli !Amity ; iny
ter-ia law--youe eteparatlier, Charley.'
Not long afterwards there appeared
in. the Time* no +/simper, wider the head
of Marriages, the fullumug advartise•
men :
'On the 2.ith , at St. George's,
Hanover Squere„ Sir Hercules Cam
herbetch, K. G. B., to Madelitte, only
daeghter of the late Humphrey Mesta.
ter, Lf Street,Cavendish Sqtte,ve,
add also of fibzlz II Altura. No eartle.'
'WOu'd have thought that your
graedfather could have been such a
fool 1' eamtneuted joshitit Cumber -
beech, angrily.
'fie's not neon the ouly fool in the
ease, sir,' said Charley, mardenio dly.
his Mitts of life, toil l'
'Yes ; tree old eeounli to Ittio w bet.
ter, certainly.'
(Lie 101Tha be Mild 1.
'If he is, sir„ dopeud upon it his wife
will look hitn Up.'
The happy pit lied departed to
:earls for their 1.aesax.)0,4.
r .711 G. 4 it IL C S.
A full line:ear in, of
Spring ana!Suunner Rats, and4Ronnets,
all the very latest shapes.
Flowers Feathers, and Ornments•
Trimmings in groat variety.
nicel/ tiituated. Everythiug will bo sold is cheap
the possible.
Fancy Coeds, Bailin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a tut
line always kbpt.
jackets made or out in the latest styles.
April. 78. Main St. E getter.
Tao latest news on rocord at the
New York Millinery Store
m -Rs. 0. 13. WILLIAMS will sell
r,rtir rztrth
rty days the remainder o
Ale° the Tomit:ndor of her stock of Fancy Goods
at Cost Ho as to make room for tho comingsteek.
Now is the time for harpies, Rats that sell for
$5 are clown to 05: Hats 62 55, for SI 115; Sate
worth 0s1., fore° ets. This chance to only open for
30 davit. Don't forget the place—Wm:11s old
Ludt iauson's Blook, Itlxotor,
IS R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,11.1t.C.D.S.
AA, •
Graduate of Royal College of
omio over O'Neil bank, and opposite Saturell
1if:0it :ia:e If
College of O
eousuit'd !toy
day. (Mica --
next door to
the Post Office, Exeter.Ont.
Wo will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month
atia expenses, or allow a Corp commission to oti
our new and woudorful inventions. W6/384a what
wc say. Sample free. Aldresit,
S11-.12MAZi ,JJ Mar:hall
nit, HUTCHINSON, Member of
1, the College of Lthysielaus tinti Surgeons of
Ontario, tte,, Ate., Wilco PAU dour tio L Carliugs,
5Ist11t Strout, F.tieter,
itt.liffe VIONniptvi‘olistINtiLn.t?lliirt:!1,1<tiolO‘Or tu
4r.I. Carling'ture, Exit tor.
W. BitOWNING M. 1)., 0. 111.
01. • P. 03, Graduate Victoria:University' °Moe
and roshionee. Don. vitro 1 othoratin y, Exeter.
14 Q. MOORE, M. D, O.
• Graduate of Vle0111 University, Mon tree/
Wilco anti residence, Exeter, Out. 0:11eo 1 ours -
8 co 10 tt, m and it, 10 0. in
FIR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S.
Lee 0., Votiria S, Oreditoo, On! 011ice hours
ronQ to le a. tn.; 8. to 5 p. ru.
CLUTZ,- M. D.,
o 011itto ug Itt residence, Exeter.
Gile.DUAT el UNI.
Vitl1tS1'11'.• Trinity C.,11ege vietoLereollege
PitYsioiums and sari:wow 011... °nice tilrhttre.
At IittIV, Solicitor, &o. 0111ce, Feamon's Dloek
.11 '11.1M:ters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com.
sioners,11. 10,, tte.
tOK—HGTTGN'S 'Exxon, Watex trout, St
Kit ry's.
) —Wm. Baker proprietor. Tide Hotel he
beam newly furnished and fitte,i up in first-e/ass
style. Largo and oonvenieut Show Rooms tor
,Commercutl 7 revellers; best of liquor' and cigars
at the Bar. Attentive Hostlere always on hand.
OLIN VON. G. SWART.S having purchased
the above hotel, and Mtnl it throughout, now of.
fors iirtt-e.atis accommodation to travelers, Gond
liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling ani
atteutive hostler on hand. Every attention paid
to guests.
k_.) The great
Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound.
Tho only positive cure for Catarrh yet discovered
vt n, SHITE, General Ag,entAritona,out, ly -118.
A uo us T 28,1870
Marble Works.
W, D. '';it's EEK ES
Dealer in
Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly
5 Doors North ot Drew's Hall, Main street,
1:4,-xeter JN oi'LLi
Being in good working ord-r gives every gen: 444-
tititm possible in gristiag and flooring. 1,1011
thud mill feed units -need to parties teicainfit tit..,'
orders before Otto o'oloe.k itt .1.1113LL'S lialtery„ or
O'BTlii35 Sc 00'$, or at mic same day,
INT•1121-7,7 Cl
Having commenced business for tne
Fall andWinterTrade
'We are prepared to puitthase auy quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations:
We will take off two ponuas per hundred if.
dry, and three pouna if soft. Shoulder stuek,_
twenty.fire cents. 31 any of the bung gut 16
left in, 25 cents extra will be aeattet.ed.
No poi' will be bought at an price it
—AND-- —
Pork Cuttings
on baud at reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cutting aright througl:
grout to head, and .aanis opened out to tail.
This groat honsolwitO 5redicino ranks amongst
the loading necessaries of life. These famous
Pills purify the Snoop, wee sec most powerfully
yet sootttlegly on the Liver, Stomach, Etilueys,
and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to
these great Man spring; of lite. They aro 0011-
tisioubly reconunen led as a never failing rentetly
mali eases rem the consti.trition,from whatever
cease, has become impaired or weakened. They
are wonderfully eMenelous in all ailments Inc.
dentail to females of ell age; and, as u. gentnel
nanny to ett loins), are unsurpassed.
I-44 qq,•.,,;.. x.q zl.i,,,,i ' -A..,i,
. I - /I‘.".. ; ' '' ': ':: ij
, . (
' !k..,..ib,.
Its searching and healieg properties aro known
throughout the world.
For the onto of bad legs,bad breasts. old wounds
Sores andUleere, it is an infallible remedy. If
effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt
into meat, it cures sore throat, Dronchitis,Oonghs
Cloids, and even Asthma. For Cilvmdrrlaz Steel-
Ancosees, ithitulas. Gott t Rheumatism
and overy kind of Skin Menne, it hum never been
known to tan. Thorn's imd Ointment are man.
ufactured only ab
And aro sou oy all Vendors of Medicines
throughout the civilized world ; with directions
in almost oyerylaugurge,
The Trade Marks of hone medicines are regint
tared at Ottawa.. Renee, anyone in the Brit -
UM Possessions, who mrty keep the American
C.untericits for sale, will be Imoitecutoo.
i.W•Purehttsers should look to the Label on the
Pots and limos. If the address is not 585, Oxford
Street Lot.doo, they areSpurious.
Pacific Railway Tendon.
TBNDMItS for tlut ooastruntiin of about one
httudred miles of Balmy West of Red Btver, in
the Province of Franitobtv,will be reeeived by the
undereigned until noon on Friday, ist August
The Itailway will commence at 'Winnipeg, and
run North-westerly to °mutant with the mate line
lu the neighborhood of the 4th base line, and
thence Westerly ',atrium Prairie la Portage and
Lake Manitoba.
Tenders must be on the printed fume, which,
with all otherinfornintion, may be hod at the Po-
odle Itallway Engineer's 0111cou,ln Ottawa and
Department of Pailymys end Cattail, t
Opraw.t, nth lune, 1810,
J.;1"11.,:a•eef alethorough f.lood-; *UT -
1)."4 Gobi, Di -6'v,
Irmator., frrou tlo. 1.4ernrcht nn
it • o
tfolett. Plutple, r
• 1(11ir ,:i!rt... t.rwilent,,..',
old o'1(1. n. o itt 1• 1 110.;'., (''101-
11:11 Voter' Fore., Elenly
or 110111,131 141.1n, in r!,ort., '401 11 117.'1
1,11114;11V (.1311.01,11.1 thin 1.,,,w;:rfui, 1.,artil*, Lig, alai
looi it tm.011 •tol it voieney 111 eurhec
er. e;fe C.;1P7111.1CleN Sore It.Tvr,
Seroruleur Sorer anti FiW411:',..1f.r.), 'White Gs:N.411ov,
Gott, or Thiel; 1114,4414 lioatflrecti Vena
u d
OC yo...tinaloO, ,,,nov:
color of .4!:in, yr11,.....hfr.hroun 01)1,1,' v,t1 (.11,
y fremulit liezo:zu•te., cr 41.1:4:111eSS 17441 in
innato, internal in at I V. C1111IS eltortuth ;1 Y. Ita hot
flu' 11(9411)1r 0)031.', 1:11 vloon.y :r..!:oUlturo.
14 npot annaro Ent.1:riutr trtnn
Torpid Livo
er, r '“Lillotioteg.." 13 0011y em‘ri of
Liver Complaint (.:11 put t ..1 those symptom, aro
A..q. for :31 Hull ruses,
rfore.".; 10.1 111 11to!,.....,.ry iitta no cagiaL. as
It c lreete peraief r-r,r pi
In luta our,: of I:roue:AIN, SiVtN.1 tootorbs, ;nisi the
early stages or com.amt:cm,
fuotli:F. and ellIii1011 phyMelaus pronotmec
grt.:Itt.st ntrilloa/ di,rovrry iii;' age, iv um,.
3 cure, Ihe eeverett Covell+. 11 ropy:thong ile system.
pprillee Lifeblood. 14.1.1 lry Ornegisis.
It. l'l Ent • E, Wand's Dispensurr
andInvalido, Ilett 1, 1:1111111%..i.
• ig---ompft-c-ii
e it2S
1 .1
.1571AMS Witt
PNELLETS:0°411 7w‘ ‘:
O1BOott:1:1e1,c eIv vt4:17
composed of cheep, ere nents
Thew Pellets ern scarcely larger than mustard scarf
Baltic entirely venemblef no particular care le re.
mitred while 1. 115 111111. They operate withOut
turnunen to the reactitatten, diet nr ocenimtion.
For Jaundice, Mendeelae, Constipate's, Immure
Blood, rut,, In the Shoulder:1, Thattnese of the Chest.
Merinos:4, Sour Eructations front the stoutaelt, BaC
Taste In the Mouth, =Ione attack.. Poln In regio
or &Laney& Internal rarer, /flouted feeling abovl
Gtonutrh, RII811 cr Mond to Wad, take Dr. Fierce*
Fieuennt Pull:Mire Pellets. In earl-natton of flu
remedial power Of those 1.ur31uf 13, Pails ov. r er
great a variety of tilsooSes. it inn' Fail that theft
tuition upon the animal retmouty fr universal, not
&ander tlirote romping theta. runntive Imam.
noes DOE inipalr tta properiks of arse
They ttro ettgov-cluttett Ana ite.lo,cd 111 glees bet lio
tr virtues being Menlo,- pre,ervukt unimpaired 11,f
010' II11011 of 111111:, J11 tiny etimate, 944 111:4L they arc
always feesll and a:liable. Thlsis not the mei.
pills put up itt ChM» wooden Or 1111:411:14414L1,1
roe nil diseases where a Laxative, Alterative, to
Purgative, 15 Indleated, Mire little Pellets will iilvf
It '1101t nerti.et satisfaction. Sold by druggists.
11. 5'. PI W tit. I L. Mori Dm
and Hotel, Mind°, N. Y.
arIttyllech trgo 1101111g o three
SYMPTC31K—Fremient howl
4 enmetiow$ pram', watt.ry, Litlek
DittoOne, p trot, ar, offensive, elf.
in OL11.C.114, IL llrylleM14 Ilry4 wit ,ry, inflemed
eyes, stepping. Pp, oh.true ton, or ihe nasal Pas.
sages, ringing In ours, dettmes. , hawking and rough.
Ina to steer the threat. elm rat ons,ettebs from ttleers
voleentteredtite.el twang, ,)0:4•Itel ve Invent, ittundre
or total deprivation or ;awe r smell fuel taste,
elnees, mental thwession, 10.9 Of appetite,
non, enlarged tonsils, tielttla emelt, t tr. Only
few of these•sym ',swine are 111;4 ly to IA rrew: I.' in says
eaSti at one tune. •
produeesradical cures of the 11(1051room of Catarrh
a, !matt. '''3 leer eee matt DV: The Ihmitt rern1at3
1.44: S1111111.41, (lr tter applied by las . leor lir
l'outerrs Denote. This is the only it am of ins( IT.
merit t Invented with fehleh fluid tiedielito eau I
'tarried. mon Te ;old rfairrx-rix to tel
parts or Go, infevIorl itqL Witi4nif1.41, the eluole
Mull or earl' 1,4 1,(1,n11111M1Vitt11114. heresy Id., In
sores awl tarek% 'emend ly awl from Ividek
the eat rrhol ,.•.selieral generally prceerlis. '1,/s• us(
3,1 3tItOBtIlti ono easily intileiNfood'from directions
lipanninanyhte mum Ingtrate,ilt. 0101 11/1,141'14 0:4
'i11; 1.1101.. rnee»i alta,.14.1 of "Cold In tilt
wad 11 by few uppl1e.1% Irma 13 1 111 , 111 WOW/
Itil Um% 4.0111111rtinir no went: sr eau,: f ••• Parc of
pol eititirre ft. flief slat I 1,1114'q, Asia area
0,41 tt. l'txra.n.•)I. .• Pt', 0. • Di*,
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