HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-21, Page 8kite
LOCAL 'i+. S.
Rem Aeaz t,-M'.'T1zos- Greenway has re.
tuned to ()uteric. 1ie.was in town 0n 'Nes-
l ztla M,Sers r.—grain ie beginning to come in
`e large quenti:tiee, and good prides are being
letenovtteteee.---North street has been grad-
ed,nnd reuaired, and. is now almost as goad ne
R1,y street iu to en,
Semen, CoseetzeicE».--The Exeter Pathic
`eehool was recpuned on, Monday morning last
after a six weeks' vacation, The attendance
,.f pupils was very good.
C, M, Prmerr.—Itev. Mr. Mule, of Use
borne, conducted the eervie:meta the Methodist
(lurch on Sunday lee'; It is expected that
t he easter will be home by next Sabbath.
Fiona,---3ir.. James McClelland, of the filet
of Mo(lelland Brothers, returned from Maui.
tuba ou Thursday menthe? of last week, look-
in;; none the worse but better for hie trip.
F> rtox. — Iu the report of the meeting of the
Exeter School Board on the 23rd alt., which
was published in Tum Tru -as last week, an er-
rur. occurred. The amount of wouey to be
raised by the Exeter Connell for sellool per,
poses is ;1,700 instead of $700. Ouly
$1,000 difference.
C1u bteener.—Mr, George Harriaon, el title
-place, wrote tar a second class certificate at
the July examination in Goderich, and when
the papers wore examined in Toronto last
week it was found that George was 4ucees fuly
he having takensufficient number of marks
I'm A second class A noir-professional,
IlsroBE Tun J. P. AGAIN.—On Saturday
morning last George May was arraigned he.:
forst Squire -Gidley on a oharge of having abuse
(':.1 his wife on the night pi evions. In the,
.•,pinion of the magistrate Urs, May was not
seriously injured, as May was only fined oue
defier titan ousts:
Tneetes,—There have of late been more
•t'ltnbrella-wentlers going around the village:
annoying the respectable Citizens than is real-
ly necessary or desirable. One day last -week
no less than five of these "tradesmen" were in
town. Weuminclined to believe their busi-
ness le not altogether confined to 'tending
umbrellas: They are 1erobably prospecting,
with the intention of returning the visit some
Bret HABvgsrr-:o.—On Saturday, 9th inst.,
!dr. Janes Hodgson. of the third concession of
Theborne, existed 17 his two sons and two
residents of Exeter (Mr. G. A. Mao and Mr.
Tom Carliug) took .in twenty-eight acres of
heavy spring wheat with two wagons. The
nut sheaf was pitehed on the wagon at 10
n'elock a. ten and the last load. was he the barn
et 7. BO tetra Pretty good work,
Poem, ittoxze Oaottns. — The following
postal money regulations aro announced in the
%.facial -Gazette :--There shall be regular ex-
ahange of money orders between the two
reentries (the Dominion and the United
,`;tares) for sums received from remitters in
nue couutry ou payments in the other. The
lnasinume amount of any money order issued
in either couutry is fixed at 00 in lawful
money of the country in wnica the order origi.
nates, bat no money order eh:ell incluse a frac-
tional part of a cent. The provisions of this
r..rtiele took effect on the first of July.
1i Q01.eltr,L.—Ou Ttosnay evening a epee.
tock place ou Main street between. a married
..ouple about the division of eonio honey.
Those who witnessed the scene think that the
luau cavo oat seeoud best, The huebautl es-
i.ressod :ail intention of going to London ou arses a -size ,tuna Ill. ea c }
the evenle traiu,aud Ms wilo,knowin that he p p '(.:rile sattlere.irrtu tliz> 4ecd.hel'it ;?istriet.�,
g g trete is oviog to the rapid ileo fu the va uc+ of ling northward Manitoba i:+ se at with three son of et(aU4a ;. flats Village
lied a five dollar bill in hits nessoseion, asked land. Hudson Bay lauds is now thrown open Emoreon, (named after Ralph Walde contains several stores, cabinet shops,. as rho ltinit 02121.laa ol>i,>tiiva(1 .,t a mue,11
itirn to share with her before he loft. He did f 'for sale, and sells from fie to 7x1,5 per acre. Emerson the Awerit:an Philosopher.) carriage nlrlliufnc duty„ hotel,. black. • clasf<heer rate, than i,1 tele' dist t.; int west
+A. deputation froirnthe Portage waited on the • , t G�1 'Winnipeg. l twin the last fete days
not.comply with her request, hence the spat, !sures;ors to see if they would not eirvev the a lively little town of t.b tut 1,000 iu. smith shop, resident rne2licab mere rant., 1 g' g ?
i\rh=an a woman will she wiil,you may depend' line so as to tu,ew through the Portage, but it habitants on the l/-etl l(3 of the Red ru ltlie terd tie., and 8reni9 t(e tae .row of July there was All Cl�:l�ratrrtl[n221'�
could not be done. so the people of that thri9- River, ig y lug raltidiy. ,n�fier rez taiui.ug a ft'w 8t hvrty 122 the 1.�17111is{ion Lends Offices.
iv+littletowu will have to content themselves , liottre to tr2rianseett some ltusi.uess with Thtusands of aeree Wvsre beti ;ht with:
Mr. Lruhtiaelkin, Dominion Land Agent, eosin—teens(+ seertiona, (tcsrt7ltps tont
we drove southward to Mountain city, s:1ry lands tae' lug bought in'a blocks bat
%vitai?e another pri,,t elle anw mei is now that ttlteculetiun ie at an C,ltl.-
11,14,4,800.5a more than their liab1litiee. Ir°a , as Might 11%70 been expected, a large
end'ty creed be folt by bill holders or deposit+ 1ot1(liene21 %vets pre0eut. Some smolt
ors, alt the beak. ie porfeetly safe, tbized with the defen(li�zets, while others
laualted at them, saying tllttt o'fen mid
b�ant oba. witres in Ortario ought to be law Mild -
mg –" tug oitletes, told that those who trans•
Beset Ttntuu,----A. great Ideal has been said t gases the law ellonitt be q,ltnpelle(1 to
of M(a;litebain newspapers, but it is always' Cray' the fine, The (widener.) b.'il% in•
written in pro2 e, and thieeing that a pieta, of �' aU i10ieut the megistn'f,ts did. not 111p013e
poetry would be appreciated by the readers of the flue. Cristtstat eons.
your valuable paper, 1 submit the following
verses, written by Wm. Gotrard., Bali„ of High
Bluff, l4fenitoba
Notes of .tt Trip to TI&zlttoba•
1`o the Editor of the T?.nteR,
Auld Britain has loath o' eolonial bairns, SIR, ---As requested by yen, 1 givo
Some grown up to 104011004, some yet i' the you as briefly and fairly ae passy1ible, ate
tints; a000n17)t of niy' nbeeri'at10n8 in r'rI'tnita-
But the latest said fairest and best o' thein a', ba. There is nothing specially worthy
Is bonny, youug, wlusome, wee Manitoba, of mention jtt the trip till St, Pa'l'e is
Pule thiztg when t► Wean. she was scantily fed reftched, Passing thronelt Detroit,
0u piuiGan saps, anal Cts ,neantily Clad ; Chicago anti 11 ;;11.1saukee, Bat, Paul's is
B1reganapy on week day and Bentley and a', reached, a cite of 40,000 inhabitants,
Ayo, buskit the beauty o' Manitoba. Which is intimately connected with the
Bot this ltat7iely uloid had* toGher, the beat Nurth-west. It is solidly built» --setas
0' a' the young leestee that won i' the Wrest very fine public) d buildings and pieties e
y g business, and (urea an inn -nettle trade
Her furs, and her foiests,and prairies sae braw with etteueeotte, Dakota and the
Brought many fond wooers to Manitoba. British Provinces, Ten miles north is
4. company first o' Impoverished peers itlioneapolls, which il, said to do the
Had equandered their Biller in hunting tbe largest milling business on, the ton -
deers tiuent. Taking the St. Nous and
Would yet has a, obanoe & ich hatfets to meaty Manitoba R. 11,, from ,St. foal the
By pouching the toehee o' Manitoba.. traveler scan arrives on the great
They hextlecd,atidtheyharledbyland and by'sea, North-western prairie. As far as the
Let Ilene by tLensekeeever get a ba -bee; eye can rea0h scarcely an object breaks
It seemed that the very life's +,food they would the view, nothing but earth and sky,
Drat One unacoustotned to the hills, Valleys,
Prost the heart o' oor bonny wee Manitoba.
Dominion cried: "Let the wee lassie atalle,
We'll tend the bit tootle]•; and girt you bane light a different Oracle ; the sky seems industrious thrifty class of settlers Rud
To pick and to soothe your voracious maw a paler blue and the atmosphere hazy, have a Might reputation for houe;tty.
100,000 DOZEN E008
anted it each t age for goods .t Sontllcott & Swi's Stores
A choice stook of
us't received, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots
51ioes. Come with your butter and eggs.
and eustotns. Tbey are of Gorman ex-
traction harirtg emigrated thence to
Russia about 100 years ngo. Their
and forests, of Ontario.the ehange pro. reservation is just west of Emerson
duces a strangle sensation of loeeliheso, along the frontier, and is a i'ery fine
want of objects for reflection gives the track of country. They are s very
But bother ne mair the wee Manitoba.",
Tho tooher intended for plenty And blies
Has brought her already a head o' distress t
There's so many pinin, to phone the}''ll draw
Our bonny, young winsome, wee Ilauitoba,
Fra castle and parlor, free kitchen and plea,
Frac England and Scotland and Party-Yoo,
Free half-breed tend hale -breed and nae
breed ave,
Thery're hassling and pinin' wi' Mauitoba.
Bat thanks to her training, she's tench and
She's bauld,
L>uaeorched by the fire, unfrozen by eattld,
tVndrooned by the big flood that threatened Asa'
She's here, wad she's eoatohlers, wee Manitoba
She's been dallied, and flattered, fend wrongly
She's been cheated and bartered and mo-
She's been feasted and hungered, grasshopper -
and a.'
tiro mems appearance that cue abeerves
on the water. The St. Paul & Alep ta.
ba 112. R. runs for it longdtatance in
Minnesota, parrellel with the Red
River. All along the railroad and
river are sprin•ginn up many lively
hairiness towns and cities, where but
to short limo ago all was desolate.
There is an immense tarrying trade
done by the R. R. iu agricultural itlt-
plemente) steam threshers, self -bind -
big, reapers and mowers, hay rapes
fio•, and in settlers supplies. The
country is becoming rapidly settled all
along the R. B.- end far into the in-
terior. The twit resembles that of
Manitoba, only, it is riot so deep and
the conultry seeps rattier fret and low.
The ditches along the R. R. were full
of water on into July. There are some
extensive farms to Minnesota and 1)21.
Rota. One firm near Fargo is said to
And yet she's a healthy wee Manitoba.
have 20,000 stores in wheat this year
She's been Rieled, the poor lassie, and sorely and are employing 115 self -binding
4rchibaidcd and rac]ae'd, as west's Fftadao %
Rictiaotted, Mclougall'd McDonal'ci and rt',
Ben danutlese and hearty is Manitoba.
These trials are past now, give thanka fter the
That gave ns a Morris the sceptre to sway,
aha, Wooded wi' fJuatice and cornishedwi, law
May yet got the tooher for Manitoba.
Should there be anything of importance tale -
lug place in the Prairie Provinoe; or "Bonny,
wee, winsome Manitoba," 1 will send 'you 'the
news, as I will ever take en interest ie your
loyal Conservative ,'aper. When I see it here, the Staten quite an advantage, and
lig is like visiting home. Haying has c0111 inany Ca11adiane are being induced to
settle in Dakute. in preference to Man-
itoba, Oar people will have to show
more enterprise i.0 building railroads.
and will Have to adopt a 1,10)9 libers.l
reapore to taste off the drop. The
Arnericaas ,elho.o goat enterprise alt
opening up that c.,uittry. They have
elroady '!built' 2130 miles of the N. P. R.
R. west of Rod River to 13iemarir in
the centre of Dakota, and prices there
for grain are nearly as' high as here.
1 arse informed that wheat was • worth
90 to 95 cents' per bushel at Fargo,
about 200 miles sleuth of Manitoba 00
the Red River lit't.lbe N- P. 11. R. cross
ing, Tine togetlher with the cheap-
ness of -lambert.' agricultural imple-
ments, and supiiliee generale*, gives
menced here now, but hardly any harrestiug
has been done vet. Grain looks well here,
but itis much later than in Ontario on accolint
of the spring rains. The main line of the
(lanalta Pacific railway is note surveyed freta
Selkirlt to the west of Portage Ila Prairie, aucl
work will be commenced on it soon. White -
and fiscal policy (Ir,e D>tltota will
heed from Clinton, will likely get the principal taky the lead. If it were not for the
ec,nt-dols. A great many horses are dying oath of itllegiauoe which is heedlessly
here now, the disease is not weal understood .UffensiVe to 022122diand, mealy more the JJQnlinli01) Land Offices aro slttrat
by Veterinary's. Persons wishing homesteads would settle there, even as it is Dakota, ed, There id to Marge steam grist au(,saw,
can new get uuly 80 ' utas homestead totaud me 1'.0 is 1a1-geluv settled by Catrttdiati;+, Travel- hili in course of eanatruattcn here,
Tbey atill retain the coturannietfo
system of litng which they had in
Ramie. Twenty or thirty families
combine and live in a village, and
herd their settle and work their land
together. Their houses are substau-
tl,al, generally log with thatched roofs.
As yet they cilrry on very tittle busin-
888 in the 11e,itive, their villages con-
tain n0 bttalnelle places', but are merely
collections of farm houses bearing no
resemblance whatever to our villages.
They seem to have some orgahlzatieti
good quantity of crop ill the groullcl,
Returning to Emerson we pass throngh
the Mennonite settlements again, Mr,
+ men's and 1 gathered quite a umber
of samples of grain in the Reserve,
We took the trouble to odors toe num-
ber' of villages we amid see from the
road and counted twenty -Kix, six of
whish the passed tbrougb In a drive of
80 miles, These villages average front
10 to 25 110220es turd are scattered all
through the reserve, but are more
numerous bear the road. On the ritual
to +"mereon we met the Rev. G. A.
Beltran), who appears to take very'
kindly to the oottatry, dote may judge
from his healthy and vigorous appear.
nuts. He is larrnine Dor Emerson,
and has a splendid crop. We arrived
again at Emerson, having driven with
a eiiigle horse arca buggy 150 miles in
and public spirited. Through their tiro days atilt a half without any difli
eettlemeut abotit 80 milea prism al- oulty. We wet only one Net Place the
moat the only piece of nieproVed road 1 tvho10 distance, and that wad out of the
in 11•l,lnitoba. They have covered the
main scull, folie craps in the s:,utl.iesval
water coarses with cult+erte and grad fart of 1linnitoba are good. Ilte. T3redr.
ed Ilii the'low places so that at Cha ley collector of ellstpms at Ecnersnrr„
resent time there is n better str to hada crop of wheat which yielded!
of road through their Reserve than can from 85 to 40 buihe1s per here. Tat,;
be found on any nngravelled road 101 wheat eropa 1n the Mennonite o*i'atriete
Ontario. From Emerson to their
Reserve, 15 miles; stretches a line of
posts to mark out the road over the
prairie, Each fittnily who mime in
first planted 0. post by the road (some-
times incribed) and these posts are 75
store not good, on account of their not.
dotting the best grain, barley. mid' oats.
were very good, also flex, of which.
there Wag a good clnaut„ty sown,.
millet, potatoes aim] all ua3,nctell vegetla--
tables. These are about the orated.
ynrda apart, strotching across the prairie grcttvu. yet, and they are all about 221
marks the road to their hotnes ice the
west. They have large horde and eaten -
siert) fields of grain, Neatly' every honse
has a toad Kitchen and flower garden
containing good cabbages, beets, car-
rots &e., and almost invariably alarge
bed of tits grttndestflowers, chiefly pop.
pies. The older eettlementa are begin.
ind to t.ho1 signs of wealth and all ap-
pear to be prospering and comfortable.
1n unseat. to n)y enquiries as to how
they liked this couritry they expressed
themselves tts highly satisfied 11 good I:
good 1 better than Ilusslitnd " watt the
reply and the expression of their 004)21 -
average, no fedoras and nothing ex..
ttaortiinerily beev�t, The soil its heavy -
and sticky hone the bled: falcon,. ra
distance of 10: or . 5. miles weak,. snit
then it grndnally loaeu its ad±tesivte-
qualities, becomes. loafer 21451l more
pot ons, do98 not I&tr1ili the wile ex a1111
does not become eo, stieky. in wet:
weallaev. ' This a -cements for tele good --
miss of tate roads in thatseoti,ln aruuntli
Emerson and indeed all along. the river,.
.Leta• when the roads get dry they are.
aderstys umetren midi barn. as iron,. but:
farther ti eet thee: teat down Anile
smooth, and are :.early free front (lust.
ten2nues c.)rrobrated their aortia The country nest el 610 Red .shiver
Passing through the Mennonite set- flit las the 1i'irintsina Pivor ,bout 7i'
element, we drove to f\t,laonviile where uiilea,. is nearly air taken hp. ?Very;
little of it relntuus: in. the heeds or tiler
,"gra-b," :be beats railway r€:gtrlattio esa
will without doubt, have a bontl,.11cy to.
nn t, ive Although :fit -et settled b
.tact when she won't she wont, and that's the, est -
with the road rvit1 have
Smiles north.. Navitla- ri`ns11t ansa the piece z, stow almost
elusively • 0tanedircu, and resembles an
mut au'1."
s tiioi non aoon1rr.—This is the nave of an
2 tustr(eted lnagtazine, of wilseh we have receiv-
ed a copy of the July nantber. It is ptthlieh.
tel in .Xe mace, 1 ngleud, bat '_deters. Belford,,
cclerko de Co. have arra:tenet with the English
proprietors for a duplicate set of stereotype and
r iectrotype lil,ate:s, which will suable thele to
i,radetee an exact fat-sl1nile of tho original edi- k
renl'1onthly from their publishing hn;lses 121
.ilieego and Toronto. The prion iter Annum
..,r this poptelar monthly to $8.00, which is
very mall for sc, large a neap zinc. Placii
member c.,ntaies a, continued novel from (11.,.
of the 1r:st.c og English novelists, All lovers ofi
i.te:ert111g and instructive literature should
selese,ilre for the London'See cry.
nese 1117ar.>a,--1t was generally r'r+.ported i
lest Saturday that tbero was to be a "rim" on 1
the M Beak a eney in this place on {
ATau=lay. But Monday passed over without
tr:ly indieetit1-1s of the promised "run," in
feet, there were not at many peoplevrn
ne bink on Alondag 2112 ou 1nau, dray:+ pre -
vines to and eir10i'tita.snsneAsinrt of tile Bx-'
111» ge Beak. 1ie1 any unusual deluded.
4_;11 11)14(1e, lusty wnul(1 1tiaye been spot, as the
';;ell8,e' was' 511ppliee 211111. etii0,000 in (.Told.
ee he shielding of the illatitiltian may be log-
e ler rtuine1 by referetwo to their 1e;ttu+ns,� which
scum published 1(1 .Tnealey'8 ,lruliu4, 'Tito to-
t d fud>btodnrss 01 1.11u bank is 03,1761,0(7.8x,,
crlljle there assets Mao i1;t to 45,021,374,38
ton is still brae on the iced and Assinne-
boine rivers,
Tears very respectively,
I3zueeerix 0, Cunt.
11±11 inst., 180 (rabbets of scot'4Vheta
were threshed in 01)0 1hour, 011 the farm
of ,Michael Fletcher, lot 12. 8011001.10o
11, Usborne.
Ontario town more than filly other in
the North-west. Ontario faces meet
you everywhere and you realize that
in course of oorrstrtt 14.01- '.rheic 28 a •bcr•ip la no longer taken for Iletilwnr'
you etre back again in Canadian ural- very fine sin for a town here and it Is•.lands, and no one is allowed to buy
snore than 240 cores. The great defect
of the lata rogtileti-0118 are that only See
(acres can be obtained for ;3 1inntestelul,
axil that euly months aro allowed la
.whici to settle the claim. In Dakota.
on the odder hand the settler can al, -
lain 100 0eree homestead, and have
!would ourupraro favorably with any ]fere is very line,. From the lop of an 12 months for getting ready to settle..
t)utrario hotel of the saws 2111.0, There t:leva,ted 11122te12n: the Fye can take in Tine is a serious drewback, and is in -
;tory, and every tiling loons more like
bane. There are quite a manlier of
settlers from Huron County in Brecr-
Gooi) T11nESI1LV •.-0n Moeday, the
t±hely to become a phase of 80,(110 101-
pol`t tees., 1±127. Aldet-eony, late of
Zurich: keeps hotel dud etore here an•1
sou. There are four gond hotels, the 1 ie doing ra good trade. Pr evcliing
hugest 1,1 whish, is the Anglo. Atneri. weetew and along the main road we art.
1 eau, kept by Mr. J. E. Johnston, late gleed Dear eight et the house of Mr,. G.
I of Gederioh, a Bret -class teem, aud Sweet, of Stephen. Thecsauntry nt'Ullnd
Mars sevsirltl goats snow,tvllich. c u a teeny tulles of (*tearyetvetetli•nn iiirieg the settlement of tbe country
()N lee \Valu Peen.---1)otective limits,
having c.lrnplet211 his work it) Usborne,
and havinig lear,led that Zurich nits a
pretty tc1ugh plrtca, deputed Police-ann-
etrable Tupper to the latter place. U1r
oft finding tier the doctors 'were regu-
larly lieer'iSed 021(1 registered according
to -law, inpper directed his attention
to a &esti of old 1 :clads, Ituottel as grain
ides or mid .Fwive8. Ho nlitairte the ley
of his infornettion from the Registry of-
fice, then ptrUeeerling two 0110 of the old
reties, he has no difficulty. in inducing
ler to frlrnish him 1112n1e.�8, stilts any
other e eeeseary facts. No lees thiol
ire° of the unlicensed widowers wore
arraigned before Mr, Zoller 3. 1', of
Jnriell oil Teesdlly of least w)al,. The
trial was held ill the Town JI2211, tants
, large Erode with the settlers in the away through tho loner districts, very 21100ti. Harvest had just coni.
1 western district. 1 islet quite a men- `There are heavy bolts• a$ oast timber all . rnetieed (ten. 0th,) wheat and barley
1 her of, Exeter people bete, among through this ditstriet of a very gond' • were beteg eat, nod oate were gottiue
others Mr. Z. D. Jolliet anis 1`7?r: A. quality, plenty of trees from 18 to tial Yellow, i20(l the farmers everywhere
Stewart, assts quite a uo-rn-boi' from the Mabee in diameter. This with nem. were gathering in their hey 1x,2711 the
.[took Lahti and embiltra Districts, who emus tri11s scud knolls gives the routrtry Prairie, east and •gathered by inaoh)1te,'y,,
were in Emerson 011 1'ru•si1088. Tlrey au althogethsr different nppcaraucef the 1a11t1 ie saw level. Bata tide letter is
all express themselves las liigbily stat from the level 3)81irie. There aro veils already long enough, ,tad 1 will troop
ir.fied with the eount21 , end appear to few frail. rlidtrlces in Manitoba. Mr.
be tnosperiltg, Mr. Z. D. Johne 1s Sweet 111a8 two 12rlase (a20 acres molly in
fnrecnau in tbe 1•llnl) of Messrs. Keller this section bath of good 1ac11tiokz. We
& Ashdown, nl)n do a veru large trade stayed et 11fr. Sweat's over night, incl
in stoves: turd thin are. very
company 110Xt morning 1.)11(1 peed bee to our
with lir. ,fnhl,s I deove orit west as far kind elltortaitiers 22nd is2t out again for
as 11elso J61112?, 035 ashes west i f Ewer. En p,l'son. The c„rirtry 2n`outd here
WeY. ) i , 3 getting.. i i y l
son, ucssed-tluotl t1 t.l.J(, i•1F,uutzu• i21inns leeks r,ettied. From
l � y
Ile aet,ticrinuzlts, tyta,yiuc,' it ni:�iit,i,i ono Mr. Sweet's place can be seen quite it
of the villltt es 1211(1 hitt 1411 excellent u )- number al houses. Bloat of the e(tttl-
x 1
pot tnility of obserntng their meaner!, _ ere 11uve (1,0110 ikido felloe1 10 tont 21
ties best fur another issue, evhori 1 will
give you an tteconnt of my 11'i1) to
\Viuuipeg end westward. In the,
meantime 1 Jeni(ti0, Dear Sit',
Yours, J. M.
lei of 02(12 Innate:ita¢ree op ileo Loudon,
I� rtla
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