HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-21, Page 51, A>;IGLST 21 1179 T11I TIMES THE STALE GR C; EXETE LOOK OUT FOR R ADVERTI EMENT NEXT WEEK, Jr- N I+�^stllElt White 4.c lien t Soots " Flee it•ni Chaff " Darley (,.Lt, Clover Sena Naas ;fatter Flour per bl rnw't,o•, p'•4.• bee '.. .rPd ' .r7, ki r..1/41..1., mixer. • mama vareaT 1 00 to 1 00 1 00 to 1 05 ... 100 30105 ,,, .,. ,., 0 03 to 1 00 ... 000 tut eo ,.. .. ... 0 4'1 to ' d.; ., ...... ....... ,,........ .. II 40 to 8 71 .. ••• ••• •. 0 :0 to • 115 ... ... ... 00930'9(8 ... •.. 0 05 to 0 09 ... ... 50113030:1 1 00 to 1 10 Avpirls, I,.'r bag 70 to 1 75 11ri.-Ct ,lpPUi . pr b .. ... ... 0 01 t. (1 to floes,th'ess0itpor100 ... 0 On to 5 01! ,tett: ... .., t. Uri t0 0 00 (I ides .. ,•. ... 4 00 to li fin Shoe Twit In3,eaeb .., ... 50 to a 80 14ay )ler tell... ... 80 to 9 0. Oi.iorla ler basso ... 0:.0 to 0 73 ,aril ... ... ... ... 01'0 to01.. Wool, p°r lb U 113 to ,1 0 .1.1rl,e is oer 311............ 0 U7 10 0 a7 t ,•,'4" .... ............ ...... 0 00 to 0 05 horsy Dor pair ........•' ...................... U 78 to 0 73 ST. 11A1tV'S psll Irlleet,wr !whoa. ....... 1 oe to 1 (L s9,,rul 5.91 e.4. ....... ,.. ,. 0 V4 to 0 00 Barley 4" In 0 OU tr:•(d .... .... ............... 011 to 0 00 t Mt.. ..... 0 k; to U 1:1 It u r00tII(0 1 . per dozen.... ......... ........... 0 (ti) t,) .1 11 dotter (Il t.1 d 8 Fl sips per .9, ......,.., P ,'" 0 N: o .,r'4.:,;; 74 to 1 111 t'laet.:p (11'1;'„ n 40 to 0 8'' aa=*rratsz;,.x�:;wt.ac.'•a.cr^.'^ns1-;•;�es...��-czc9,aaz t1t :ST•,`r i s \i';Li7 it �Jl vti FOR ttidv•t1T.0 a ).,circ. ,7ANe'i 4.j AN I'•Xl'a(ltil'NCE1e (0') Agent t ) .s n4. i . (.b 41' )Onri .>.:nneoo.• l ..4.u...., , :1• dewed 1 .' 1.1•', ti"., (s•�1t,. /'1AIU, i()-':.--1 lo.r(•t,l torbi'i an per. (<.) sone t: • •:,a i . i. (; .'rodi:( to any nue on my a0 - .;.,s•. ;^i.•L.,n'•.11'. •..(it!; n or,l't, O.s I will not be rr:.le.ta-i.'ir tor dein. 0:9;1:r.ea,ed. wiLI(nt seen ordai•, e.4.:+r liar (i:•to. 14LN.ik1I.i\luC3Lt'lrz, rut o, eon .12,'I -to}a:vt 11. 18'5. { prf�±, ;o n rfN 4, 1-m r+ trit�y%A a1 is ls1J'l,1nu td triutJ:ya www ay via•1i+¢vS M T .I.iiD 71'S for tit:, con •ti".1.ltion of About one ilau9r0d rrtit:o rd Railway West of Rod River, iu t.lrc Previa:(. o; M...nttuba, will be received. by the undersigned. until :loon 011 I'ri114LY, 1s1 3.ugu111 13.•x3. Tile Railway will commence at \Winnipeg, and run 3urth' :e,•.t°rly to cot0a tt with the meal line in the n:.i,llboncatod of too 4011 baso Iine, and t itmice Wostlrly between l'rmirie 1a 1'ortago and Lake 1Leuitobe.. Tolnievs must be on t110 printed f bans. which, vitt all otheriufur:uuti:nl. 111,1)' bo 113 d at the Pa- 4..tlioltailway Et.biueor's ()11.tc.er.,11.1. Ottawa and \YinuipOg' F.11It A17N. Secretary, D epartment of I`ailn•I.v' and Canal?, i CTTAwA.1Gtu T1300.1879. t - N iILLIN].11 �3' A. 1 :.E s S G.41111114IC JR ' S. A.fulllino:wow in, of Spring' and lin ismer hats, affil mBouiiets, all the very latest shapes. N:w Flowers Feathers, and Ornments' Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS HAM FROM. $1.00 UP, Mottle trlmmed. Everything will be sold as cheap as possible. Fancy Goods, Devlin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a ful. line always kept. Jackets made or cut in the latest styles. MISS GART ICK A crit, 78. Train St. E toter. ,THE HOLMAN LIVER ' PAD. Parsons suffering iron L:ver complaint, Dy- spepsia, Diseases of the Stomo.cu and Kidneys, 'Fever and Ague, &e., should procure one without del, y. (losoriphvo Treatise soot post free oto sp pliclttion' PitaVE LIST. Child's Pada - - - - $2 each. Reguiar " - 2.50 it1,00iai " - • - - 3.50 Absor•rtionSaits - - - - 9.5o pkt tinily 'P1,ters - - - - 50e each, Fut (• - - • - - 50cpltr'. Spl.'on Belts - • - • $10.00 0acll We aro e.lo agents for South and ';entre liur- *..n. aro othererauns within thew) limits are au. thori>tedto (fell the'r exoapt through us. HICKSON & 13LEASD.ELL, Seafortb. bi THE SURROGATE COURT of the COUNTY , RURON. to the matter of the Guardianship of the In. taut Children of Robert Itfarray,T►eoeased. 'rake notice that at the expiration of twenty slays a ftor the fleet ylublioation of this notice, ap• ,liention will tlo mod° to the Judge of tho Burro. gate Court of the County of ,'toren byAgu0s Mur- ray, of tile Township of iiay, In the 'triad County of Iturrnu widow, foe letters of (i•tutrdiawlah(p, all• polutu.9ltcr, the said Agnoe Murray, Guardian of the infant childrenof the said Robert lfurray 311 his lifetime, of the said Township of Hey, yoo• heal 1) • lied at Exeter, this 6th day of Augnat,1879, Bata. Y. EmiOT, Atterney'40r the gait) applicant. Li R. ABBOTT Li. D.S.,M.ii,.C.J).r5'. Graduate of Royal College of DTAL SURGEONS, 0IIloe nvez O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell Pieherds. �. Lieontinteof 4'>a' the 'l)ontnl t';►k t lollegn of (1n tatrlu, Trey be un1selt'(3 any dray. Milce•- nest door to tiro PostOiilan. hxeter.Ont. KINSMAN, DIIINTIST, A *b.;N.TS EAD THIS \Ve will pay 43.493911(9a Salary of $100 lar an cloth and •,xl(eneeh, or allow at lave) county.—.Pm to 5011 1)3,11 new aud wonderful inventions, 114 (teen te76at we say. Nau:(t,le free A idre»s, St/k.1(11Ai; a^ Ju1..1tex hitIl.3iirh. TUE W e3�ltey`al R" err ale CoIie' a M aL qp \lmalt8':• D y 01 H1M'Ll T'1^:,(1NL1 IU, the oldest Ladies C9ollog#191 tine P1ovirco, enters '•, i't4 ' .1('tll year on Sent. 8. For variety Of 13.I t hnc:n' (.taut of 011 l'icnhlm, thorough - '•t( 4 „f i11br 1U. t ),1 9194(1',c0•.il 11t0 of art 0 01)11111' 1.(i' -it 1.1ill '11.10 A/11).A ra.,.h, F)rcttalog,z( a313.1/ to two p..u.i,,.tl, A, • PLOWS, au(l SCOT: Ou DIAMOND HL liltl�V'tl constantly on baud au 31natde to order. \\';,HILL AN tk, llluBRIDE ;laving now greater facilities than error, are pre- pared to 31r1i,1y fernier. v• tt11 iron Beton Pi0tr3, „'.•e11'c'ultd :,on,d, matte 1•y orrs.•Icrs;Chill �in:I.3130r make; t:: (9(•1) I,(,t,nond hatrnvs Earth ttar. (:ail'; )'1uv:S. (1 •lrl in;'es 141 .41 1. •111' 1,11 ,1::134 Vila rade to or- der, lior.t .191.33 o (ltttild02to on thesh)rtt,st motive. ilor :ea e;htdti3 'revont interfering. MoirILI AN 6:103I913I11E, Kiaag St.,lIt.,all. •Cx"",-;'P ,fin 1-r�is F .uu'uafrr,., .iz. t,� .S�,z;ave 2. F:. r r.l'ea, 50c., Tea, 50c.., SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRAN T S, PRUNES ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GREAT WESTERN STEM - SHIP COMPANY. New York, T To Bristol Montreal, j direct. Also:egent for MORRIS' EUROPEAN - EXPRESS. Parcels forwarded to all parts of Great Britain at lo ,v rates tiAV1 'YOU LOST THE SENSE OF TASTE OR SMELL ?If so, ittntty be from rho L13YTLosY of the 1911 century, (IATA1trm8- TEP: CO.1'a2ITV'QTONA'ti CATonn)3 Bi9tEUY will restore you to enjoyable health. It not o n1y ones Ca- tarrh, but all other disclaims (tubo tame time. Price iu3-per pottle. rot salt) by 1111 druggists tind Medicine dealers Send stamp for .18 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh and eertiti- oaten of the cured to T. 7. 13. HARDING, Domin- i o u Agent, Brookville, Ont. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. Tho only certain, safe, and effectual ante for Celt rrh, builds up the'aystoau and ores all other diseases :tithe battle tlmo. Asthma, Rose Cold, Hay !'ever, Nervous Debility, all Ioave together when the Constitutntionvl Catarrh 'Remedy is taken err directed. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by all druggists and Medicine doalon, 'JAY PUMP WORKS. O. BOLTON - PROPRIETOR. Having added to my pump machinery, anti pro- ouro,l a largo quaut'ity of first•cless pump logs, I aur prepared to oiler au article Superior.to any Factory in the County, and at priced that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest uotio0. Before plirohasing °all at the Ray Pomp Works, ta„.`lhop-•One-quarter mile north of Exeter rt0a•1unlioad. HUN Y. 0 GOLD IS UV. The latest news on record at the New' York Millinery Store RS, C. 13. WILLIAMS will loll for the Next thirty days the -remainder of her Setnnlor'ltnck of - IV.iLLINERYatCOST Also the roma:ildet of her stock of stray 000de at Cost so as to make) room for the oomingstoek. No is the limo for bargains, Hata that 0011 for $5 aro down to 231; fiats 89 Gra, for $1 2G; Sats *Worth $1, for 90 cls. Paris chance 111 only open for 20 del s, Don't forget the place--O'aeil s okl� Sad, Volume. Block, i8,soter, ", EITI3.Win°s wink., receive? by +llo undersigned on behalf of 1110 Corpor.,tlou of the County of Fiume until FRIDAY, THE Rth DAY OF AUGUSTNEXT, for rohnil;ling FLET P'SI111I1aOF , on rho br un(1- ary botwenn "'est (4.11,1 \Vest 4Vnw 3,91 ,$h, ,'Inns nu:1 ei(00t(1Cat1011s'111971)r-• 1191:,31 at 1y coot ha The lowest Or (4.u)' t0ndern',t ueceygarlly scoopted. PATER Ai)A1TSOw, Gaderich,Juty 23, 1879, County Clerk, MAIM STREET, EXETER. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOV.aL! • ItE°1:OPJ',L! REMOVAL! iYL;itIovAr.1! 4( REMOVAL! P. FR AYN_.tI !meromove to his new atop, lately 00011Pied by 1'4rkin> 090—tiro 1) asnorth of J. Gra ga book ,,gra,'\ (r) you will end ov, r.etllic tr: In le kept it t. Nr i t„ 1144111'.os o.t t,-h.111Rent t 1 901 for loaf)%ty of matt i J 4)114 r1y10 of '+'(911 rozuvi lrp IS Nt,T EASILY SURPASSED (':tri and evatuiue my stock before purchasing PETER FRNF. THE FALL A.NL\Vi..v'iBitTit ch E, + Southcott ck Bon T.Ag1_t',IR`,i and CLOT IIfl:?., Talcepleaaaretoitft..nithe intlahital:tcofFxetel :td,( surrouariing country., that thev have just 0318.141411)43,1 anosetllentassortment of T;I't'edr, Coatings, T'estinyeete., in the btboat styloe.>.nd)aatterus,,antl feel assured tUUt 8131,4111311 .ttlor 0(0101 1(0(3. tb.ey cult suit the 11)0(1Lfastidi011fi tastes. TEN PER CE T r OFF FOR CASH +, on all our present Grocery Stock except SUGARS. - 0:0— R. cC E. SPICER, Exeter. UP WITH TTIMES. PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORG-.A N S SHOULD CALL AT T. FITT and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Bny our Beachville WHITE LIME and • Star Br,aud Piaster Paris, and you will be pleased with your work, Freah Lame always on hand. - Grass, NAILS, LOCZS, and HiNtAkt very cheap for cash, White Lead, Oils, Tnr- pentine and putty at bottom prices. Rope Chain, saws, Planes and' other tools wt prides Chat 10111 astonish you.* Carriage Makers, call and see OurIke.xllt• Goods. made from drvu glt timber, . Chea her . 6 P 094011 O. Yt'b Y'ENE & CO,, ratios' hardware )Motto, on btortgagei. a O 0 0 8) EXCHANGE BANK BILLS taken at Par for Goods. 1V E % T LL GOODS TO SELECT FROM AT BOTTOM PRICES \T SAMWLLL & PICHAR '3. LARGER THAN EVER, AND CH j' APER THAN EVER. . !4 5 5' 1TIi i) Bei�rcln,n* am F:STOCK r i'ornoture FUR - 14 '31 •+tl•'•.s i.,Y•i, specialty, anti tun 01. (131•-0t west of loronto. ?� f d' aw h o u' Lounges and all tiphutstef'ed leo)•lc greatly ft!. �++ /(C/.//in j,) iCrS. _R�} Splint.; Ile•i8fro;.1....75tip ; wnvoa wire mattresses kr ,n\'1uos and eielill,SS, to pt.vent bed -sores, atmoat 1, chicly low Pal'tio; Ups tilog to f ernish houses would do will to oat/ ewthollr. e. 's, and °xaioline the stuck before pureh(tatWg else w,,w • w "'�' Undertaking' promptly attended to at low rates. n ( ki' as el . rrttnings, Shrouds, Gloves, Caps. &c., furnished. Emblems of all the different Rceietie also ltopt iu stock tor; (*nerals, The boa, se is the best intim county. 1'eathtrs for sale at L`13:'P,-•r; Furniture wa'•eroones Deter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent the discoloring of corpses and offensive odors. It Will pay you to call at M'C LELLAN p BROS' DMETATZ ELOC I , For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduoed to suit the h ,rd times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE FD,ICES. Be sure and ca it before buying Suits to order at startling figures. Mc,CLLELAND BROS. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having trinmpbed at the polls, ISAAC CAR,LING prepared to give all 1118 customers too heoolits that will acorns from its adoption, and has on hand &large stook of Dry 'Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at Which will be sold at prioeo unheard of undor Free Trade.] The fanners of the surrounding country will find it to their aad•- vt'ntage to sell their produce Without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second' to none in the west, and then cal] at the store of the slibscriber and Secure Int erase Bargains. there to be had in OverooaLing, F'llll.claths, $road-rl•otll. Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delllines, and everything needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete, „kn inspection invited No trouble to show, goods ISAAC 0111,1414.3