HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-21, Page 3•.11(IusT-2L,l. all H}
�(,rs•�ytq,.t.�o�ac-�r,llntrltc ......:.: : .:. - � � �......
A 1,1A111.11AGE OF PURE,
• A..L+'1'1' (.,'7.'1.0 1.
BY of r•roi: coed..—I,
Sir II(Scule. Untub rhntoli, i:.:l. 1{.,
'woe an ultt wan,,jald;.ed.hy the Faintly
Bible, the tl:ltfltl1Lttu, tz,liii tkie ,1i'.wa l isa ;
;yet, Sc.1u1 a at itt luiitrd or by candle
light be wore a certain look of 3uuii.
No doubt his t it ;t was tt long ai
ededist'ltte prat ees, 'Y lfilel Ida valet wee
atti tlitist in Lie tt iii', amulet a genius.
itoleed. The i ,ttit was iU fiat' melees.
u1 that NV I:01 tilt Vt. orad had tI)(Jun
duly hut\it:g('dand tltiett, powdered tuul
padded, buckled and till typed together,
end stlaeseeet, so to tete., with jilveu•
eti coo c1:,1i1 * (levet alhnosteuggested that
he wl15 yeung(.I• than hie eon Joshua:
`C uultl.•i•aateh, and lilt a tciae cutler`
luau his gratlideou Cluarles, the only
01111(1 of Joshua. But then Joshua
'vnu,bet•batch was a .city Luau (:11 the
'firth of Cutuberlettetl, Crepe & (testier,:
i'f Great St. Delon's, Iiis1te11seatt',t
'net Iudia merchants and ageflte):,
ked city ((ten always look their age, if,
iudtled, they do not usually look to be
older time they really ere, ;Judea,'
hair Ivey white a4.6110w, his furellctttl
rias furrowed, his ((Moulders were r(luuil,
'Ills back was bowed, and leis n ru: teeth
yroj(acted greccltlsaly, 1: 1.1 really cued
nothing about his appearance ; t,•t';tring
thick -soled sgt,a e -toed blots, with
ample aceotuu neiatiou for the ,e r t (,f
(:orals. Ile habitually tl.ru It hie gland,
Bleep into hie trous;Jrs-poc'Icetb, to the'
ilia of his scri'.tbttutle, ((mud as he 'N'.1 tlk-
ed ho rattled Lia liaif-peno, or jiL ked
his keys together. Ede sou Cheri s
'C;amlrer'utttch Iv,18 oue of those synth,
who retie frets itafatnea: to adoleeeenee
',almost at Ib Weed. Is a schoolboy
dm had, Cf .',1?llrsee, besotted cigars, but
11e haul oleo develeut t1 whisioses. There
1,a(1 keen a brief period <1uiing which
lie had s rn a bt(y'..$ jrte1 et,Alia turned
aver its top e Intal;) white linen c,llar;.
•Lrut1.w 11:(11 ver;;' soon tteetiuf d coats
with tali:s and 'tied otavelet round leis
siieek ; a cadet ;:t Woolwich he looked
1118(1n eaptaite while hie moustache
would have done—credit even to a major.
Ilis expreseiuu was serioue•e'.ud his face
•was t:areworn.
Sir Ilercules and his sou were dining
'together in the strangers' room of a
eeetnit'uiilittlry'club iu Pel Meat. Sir
Ilercules was, of course, the host. It
was a simple entertaiuu elft enough.
o;ir aIfeecule;; could, when he listed, ex-
hibit luucli taste and cuiauiug in the
'ordering of a dinner, was gifted wi h
si1Ce iudgemelit conievuing wines. But
3tell''Iftjlt that the occasion deli tuded no
eixortion er display of that sort. Joshua
bed#t avowedhe (11 notin
o claw(((( (1 that d
the least':tie what he ate or whet he
titanic. So his parentsregaled him
'u •'til deems, oI ret and the joint.
�' �ti'el, Fred wlatie this business of
tOharl,ey e ?" demanded Sir Hercules.
'Some .crape, 1 suppose. Bye will be
(boys, you know; and buys rill get hi-
t° serapes.'
Well, lie's no longer a boy; at any
rate he considers himself a luau.'
'They all do that. A love affair,
ell ?'
'He talks of marriage.'
"That's more series. The youug
fool 1 Who is she? 1)o I know her ?
She's respectable, I.suppose.'
•Ile stets so.'
'Ab, he's a prejudiced witness 1 The
youi,g fuol 1' Sir Hercules repeated.
'He is not absolutely a fool,' observ-
ed Joshua Cumberbatch, with au air of
defeuding his son. 'He's really beeu a
very good boy ; very steady, nut at all
extravagant, although, of course, hie
expensee at Woolwich have been a.lu-
siderable. But, no doubt, he'd too
young to think of marrying. It's
absurd, it's out of the question.'
You've not seen the woman—the
lady 2'
'No. She's a Miss Mashiter.'
'13ou't title's 1 know - the name.'
Most people kuow it. Have you
over heard of Mashiter's. Marmalade
and Mixed Pickles ?'
'Blues my soul, yes 2 Do you mean
that she's one of those Mashiters 2
"iL'hen she has money ?
'Sue has some money, I believe.
:She is the only daughter of old Alnsbit.
er who made Llfe bueiuess. He'd been
(lendf some years. The thing is now
•cer fed ou as a limited company. I
clow t suppose she's any thiug to do
with it now, except perhaps as a there -
'Well, but it may not be such a bad
thing fur Charley.'
'Ice's very young. I don't think he
ought to marry yet.'
'We were all young once, Joshua—at
least, I was. It's a complaint we out-
grow. I don't thiok you'll do any
good interfering. I wouldn't let pride
staud in the way, 11 docs•n't do .in
these times to be toe iarticular; mud
pride hots its pt ice always. If tins girl
has really got money and is otherwise
unobrjeetiouablo,1don't see why Master
Charley shouldn't Marry her if he watts
to very badly. Ile might do weree,
you knout. What does it matter about
11;lasliiter's fleeing been in trade 2
I'eople will talk, no doubt. Let tile((((.
The money won't smell of i;e:doe, or
be ,sticky tIi n irinalado:
'I don't object to trade,' said Joshua.'.
TR) a lilerehant Itlyself; end it would
he absurd fur too to be taking up With
without of pI.ole a- }Ion 8((011 a subject.
We're a good family, as good ne meet
for that mat Lor; still in these times
peiltgreee (10li't euuet far Much,'
laid,' reiur ked sir Hercules. 'It's.
0111,y the beeutrtic0 companies that are
0(8110(11 mimed:eye 00 that 41.14t>0t ; to
field out whether 0lle'S pror'iliitul8 died
of`ouilsumptioe or of any disease teed-
ing to 111or.ef1 life ; nut out of any re
atlo(:t tU anCestly,
'Iiut I sea father's fluty to perform,'
'('.hist so.' Not that Sir I1.orcltles
find been very heedful intunes pest of
les 0 811 duties uta at 1'areut.
;Tile boy hats tial mother. I feel
bound to hank after Mtn more partial'.
holy than -I otherwise shuutd, • I have
to consider whet will be best for hie
llarpllle+tia, and role Illi' own 030(11101
'Just so,' Sir Hercules repeated.
Thou anus a pilule, he inquired. When
did Charley. pick tie --I mean meet
with this Kea Masbiter2'
':1t so,.fils ttiut 110(' Hearse rite away
,with her fat the Row—a hard -mouthed
h1 III' 4139 r,eVer (mi tit to have ul00nted.
;1.•a I u:tderstand, Carley was just in
time t0 stop him, awl se to pr'evelut all
Quire a providential affair,' said Sir
Clereeles, a sceptical grtu greatly in-
1,reasin: Rud deepeuime the wrinkles
that scored and i11Li rseeied his fear iu
every direction. 'But things will hap-
pen tike that sometimes; sepeciatty In
novels. She was very grateful, of
'She so expressed herself ; but she
was not hurt, only a little friehteuad.'
'Anil she asked hire to call upon her,
that she might thank him for the im-
porter t earcice he had rendered her ?'
'Well, I thick lie tusked if he ,night
I call to empire if she had completely
reenverud —if she felt no ill effects from
'Joet so; the result would be the
saute. Ard she lives—may one aril( 2'
'Harley Street, Cavendish Square.'
'Well,� that S0UU(1s decent, at any
rate,' said Sir Hercules, cautiaubIy.
'Arid you're going to see her 2'
1 'I thought of doing so.'
'See her by all meatus; that can't do
any Harm , you know. , Altogether,
the thiug doesn't justify any uneasi-
ness that I see. I was afraid of some-
thing very 00,((11 worse when you first
hinted that Charley was iu some sort
of trouble, I kuew there }oust be a
woman at the bottom of it; but when
you spoke of his getting married, I
r ..
feared it might he a Very lmprudeut
marriage indeed—a ballot -girl, you
know; that Kind of thlug '
• '011, but Charley's quite above that.
I had no appreheasiou ou that score.
He's been very carefully brought up;
and be has always shown himself to be
se Particularly steady.'
'Yes ; but sometimes those portion -
Italy steady fellows do such perticuhtr-
ly btupid things. They're so serious
over their folly. Ilowever it isn't a
1)81101.girl, it seems; that's in hie favor.
Me a weal to with money; so far it
sounds reasonable enough. If be must
marry, there's a good deal to be said
for bis choosing a rich wife. However
you'll see iter, and tell me about your
visit. I should like to know the result.'
'You shall know the result.'
'I forget whether you smoke ? Ah,
yon limit yourself to one cigar after
dinner ! Prudent fellow ! I never
could limit myself in any respect. Thee
is the way to the molting -room.'
They sat and smoked for some time
in the vast chamber set apart by the
club committee to the uses of tobacco
and its devotees. Little more was
said, however, touching Charley Cum-
berbateh's love for Bliss'iasbiter.
Johns •Cumberbatch duly called in
Harley Street, and found himself iu
preseuee of Miss Mashiter. At a first
glance he decided that she was rattler
au insignificant looking young woman.
'What eau Charley see in her?' he ask-
ed 111018011'. • She was low of stature,
small of feature, and Ler dress was of
an unimpressive cllaraeter—a fashion-
able Iuouotoil'e of dull drab �r faded
She entered the room in a calm,
quiet, almost humble way, holding Mr.
Cuwberbatch's card in her right :land.
and gently tapping it against the
fingers of her left hand.
'Charley's papa, I presume ?' she
said, with an iuterrnj(ative air and a
very sweet smile, Further Mr. Oum-
berbatoli noted that her hands were
exgnieitely small, white, and shapely—
with slender tapering fingers and pink
nails of filbert fortn—tsnd that her voice
wee very sweet, her articulation silvery
'I illi so pleased to see you, Mr,
Clunberbal011. Detain take this 01e037 -
chair, Cbiti leyand' I are 81)011 dear
fr'retnis that I feel know you already.
I bates heard so ante:) of jou front hilt.'
71y this time Jnhu:1 Cunlherbiltch
had decided that there wits colnsitll?able
jnstlfieetiull for Charley's proceedings ;
that Aliso Alitsliiter was ideed a t;et'y
pretty little woman, and that her dress
fitted 11er remarkably well, amply ex-
11eeeeiug the svounetrical eoutattrs, of
a l(erfse ly graceful figure. Ami her
oyes. l They were ('arts grey; of hue,
and of very piercing 11ualitt', 2Ir,
C'ulnber'bateli felt t1 ite riddled by
ghettoes as keen and bri„lit as. ropier -
'You know who I tun of course 2'
she continued. 'I 11('11 Madeline Bf11a11-
iter. I live alone 11(18'0, At le 1st 1
have a ((ort of duennn---lin aunt 1V110 ie
almost bed -ridden, and who is stene-
deaf. The world said that I needed
the proteetiou of on old woman. So 1
soot for Amit Jeno. he's very stupid,
but a dear old tides', fel the sande; a11(1
we get on very well together. I am
W BLACK 13 Al 1'I' II 14 If O I)
4t ii (1L)1L(.''1.A.
11 .1..1.1 late of
Exeter, has
011Sf[lnhsitlt1, )
at Whioliolstl<,
pa eel to (10 all
etllxthtr; work
lug p •1:111'u.tteuded to, I'rol(1(ltuens elnaipnes8
.m11.4.004 worn „18ranteml, A t 111 solicited.
111.019 W, 111J1)Ial\t111.1:1I,
001111/1 WOW
(, Ve1(1',, lln'i
and is 9,1e
.,, -.
Mutt ((1'1)1:1(4
)1t. IIUTOIIIN!()N, Member of .1 the (allege of l'llysicite05 (11(0 Surgeons of
I a ,italto *o;, dv., Mee next dour to 1' L'tllibg...,
j;I,lais1 ht , e.t, 1.;xeto1,
I lit. If Y I11IA.N.—COI10; :1':16 F0.11,
Ilya ('aunty of if neon. (,ince rust door t
r. 1, (;arlitiu't r tete 1:x(11(1('.
p 1V, 11110\VNING M. 1)„ C. 31.
e a 1` (8,0emanate Victoria il,i'vcr8itwe
andl'osnlluicel. Don_ „tion 11at,urlittn , 11x,' ,•;.
Frost rtortllcieenesse, CorIeee. ,
t C. 1\10ti1I1': di. 1.1. C. ll.
L. a Gra,lit111. (?rtiversity, .Iout? ^al
l(ilio, and re,li inn. Exeter, Ont. Unice 1 04:
6 t 19 (1 ultd. 7t, lou u1
(n•, )-1 u:•vtnrtt, Butter .Ind ('1(14,0
1(01241-,, T'rill(((('s ((inti 1(11 }1ar(i18
using hand or }arse lower.
Lest and cheapest n1 the market,
Seed for droit(:((' and prt4(alist.
JolILi 7.)oty
Esl>lanada Street. , ,
;L'osc i zo,
eel M t 11x'5 LI 111 WORKS,
It 1. A.IROLLINS, M. 0. P. S.
It 0,• Victoria S`. Grodifen, Out (Iftice lt.,l tr
I' U 111 0 to 10 ii. In.; .2 re :, 41, 1:1.,
Illy own stilettoes, of course, Tllis IVa6 t-% LU'I'I, 1I. Its,
Ina' ether's house; Ile died in the room
iululo'litiwtely over this; and he left life
all his uh.111ey. 1 0111 IL lotto orphan,
i11 fact. But 1 thiuk I take care of
11r. Outriberbatch began to bo of
npitli011 that Miss Mashiter could ter -
Willy take care of Herself.
'3.ou know how my father made his
money? Everybody knows, awl so I
don't attempt to disguise the fact in
any way. I owe my fortune to lllar-
matedo and mixed pioltloe. 1 t(1.I not
in the least ashamed of it. I live very
comfortably. I have everything 1
want; and the best of everything. But,
of course, I ant not extravagant. 1
R110 kV tll9 Value of 1110110y, I was
taught that at a very early period of
my existonee. I like to have }fly
Iuouey's worth. I keep the (servants
in strict order; and I see myself, to
the housekeeping account~. 1 don't
allose any outs to cheat 111@.'
After a pause, during which she sur-
veyed Mr. Cumbexb:lteh acutely, she
'I should like you to uuderstand me,
31r. Outnberbateh. I hate to be 11119-
uuderstoo(1. 1 dare say I'm not what
would be euusidered generally a lady.
L don't in the least care about that. I
know I'm 1)01 what's called ill society,'
anal I don't want t0 be. I've Il(t beeu
to Court, and I are not grliug. Royal-
ty can du without uie, I dare say, and
I lame, that I cal do without Royalty.
'You know, of course, how Charley and
I became acquainted, b0 I need not go
into that. Like a novel, Wasn't it?
He's a dear boy is Charley, and I've
gown quite fond of him. IIe's rattier
stupid at time;; hat,. then, I think
most melt are stupid. Ile's good -look
ing enough, and his hair's always nicely'
brushed, a0a ho dresses b.icomiugly.
So it came about soruehuw tliat we'r'e
engaged. I hardly know how it hap -
petted; but Charley seethed to wish it,
and I did not so much object. And
now you've called, I suppose, Asir. Cuur-
berbatch, to say, 'fake her, you dog ;
be liuppy ! Bless you, rimy childreu,
both 1' just ns they do on the stage.'
And she laughed merrily and prettily.
i1r. Cumberbatch was certainly sur
prized. Miss Mashiter was so different
from what he had expected her to be,
'Charley should consider himself
very fortunate,' Ho said, 'that he was
able to serve you iu any way, Miss
Mashiter. It followed ((linos, as a
' matte(' of course that lie (should love
you. '`hero, indeed,' demanded MIr.
Cumberbatch, with sumo wonder at his
own Warnitll,—'Whore, indeed, could
lie find one more worthy of his love,
Inure beautiful, more attractive alto-
gether P' •
'It's very kind of you to say so, Mr.
Cumberbatch,' observea,Miss Illashiter,
III '13ut the prudence of the step he has
taken is more open to gnestion. He's,
' very young ; lie's still but a boy.
Travellers and tourists should always be
provided with Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry, the bust remedy in the world for
curing suffering brought on from eating un-
ripe or sour fruits, b,td milk, impure water,
change of water and climate. The great rem-
edy for all summer complaints.
Ask Yourself these Questions.
Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick
Headache, Habitual. Costiveness. Plapitation
of the Heart ? Hso'e you Dizziness of the
Head? Xs your Norms System depressed ?
Does your Blood circulate badly? Have yon a
Cough? Low Spirits? Cooling up of the font
after eating ? tic., (Cc. All of ;hese and much
more aro the direct results u. Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint and Indigestion. Galli:N'S A00081
FLOWI11t is now acknowledged by all Druggist,
to be a positive euro. 2,400,000 bottles were
given away iu the united States through Drug.
gists to the people as a trial. Two doses will
satisfy any person of its wonderful quality in
curing all forms uftndigestion. Satnple bottles
10 cants, Regular 81ze, 75 cents. Sold
positive by ail first clads Druggists.
The latest news on record at 111(1
Blew York Mill5xtery Store
Ii S. (i. i3. 'WILLIAMS will sell
oo 3110r16a1t1 \cn�o tithirtsdays the remainder
Also the rei nl:ndet of her stock of 'Fancy (loons
at (lost hi 144 to Make room for the comingsbaek.
�— ,•J a o,ln'u 111 his residence, Exeter..
00811 a.we ?Illus bniugliow iu .011 nlloratinll lila
turningout'laily a Large ((aatOtity of
that for all pori'osos
eallllot bo surpassed in the Domin-
P trtiesfsem u listauoe can tlways best rp1i110
altlx,rtttthokilos or (iCljVOl'(l 11)' l0'(()1( (Ltlnw
r it rn:elttltwat ire l'1 INS, Urdor1 Crew 11 distance
promptly attendc(1to,
v`11I1'i'SON & MATER
r 1110 undersigned Would i'Lform the inllalli'•
tauC: 04Eautorand vicinity that helms
tea Loos south of his Illeettsinithshop andhopos
the ,ailie liberal patrnuatic that has beau at:
corded to Min in the
R Ie tC1111111T$ 110 w,t(1o141 11A0IVG •
lino wil1101'xtonil,(l (01141)1 in his ((OW 8811001101
,1(1810(811, Ilia tu(ut wagon winuall attire reel -
.1 outs of t be village tii'r(`111111t•: Nita., wool:a11(l
rA, I.J. iii 1 i iii A i
811 k,aet8 kept collstanti; 1n nand. at his
butcher suop.
P,laeksnrithin g and Wept).naltill(oarrioci on
as (111:1(1110 al) Pis Lien LTA.
Unwin' received a lot of new machinery,
would inform the farmers of thestir-
rotlndiiig enu.1try that I atln prepared to manu-
facture all kinds of Horse. 'lakes, Bailey
Forks. Grain Cradles, Sualit18. etc, Itu.1 having
secured the services of a first-class Turner,
(1111 prepared to do
o11, the shortest Notice, and for style and ou
a first-
class stock of Fork and Shovel Handles. Mill
half u mile south of Exeter,
tyy s t• rets Th)g e t t,.hetlelfa
' j cue 110(1:1)100 t• nib, (1011..
tluntl in the r. ntc•dield
boon t\(1 11'L (.1 till((}
p� SEL:: -11 I S3,ls Tlt111
� � (t �I`ru•,,nnll 31. n11 .. ).11ti1
c1 t.
treats of]'sxhansted ,nein', P1(m:uofw•,1 1t(. It
Nervous and P11y owul Debilitt •11(1 111» ('(ulle•ss
concomitant 111s ('1((1,((1101'1 tui ( lira that 1. stilt
therefrom, and cantatas morn, than to original 1 me.
seri ltiOns, eat' nn. nt' which 1s 0,11(1, the mice of
the book. Thisbe lk wits written by the m ' t cx.
ten$ive and probablythe mn-t sI.ilful1110')1) Liner
in America, 1awhom was n Wnro,•,1 acr,nl an,1 t. w..
riled medal by the N1110(11,1Jtettle..1 As-lelin on.
A I'iunphlet, illustrated with :he very fittest
Styr} !,l art e d bea ,na- L
or art and bra((((y —
sent rum: to all. 8r11,1
for it at once. Ao1,l,',4
'Alya- pmg
NSTIrcr(.,ha Bal.
ti 'h bt..Loe10o. 1((88.
J1t IR ING, lrliAl)Ui'
Al1 L 1 !-
`11'811"1 Trinity College .IletnberCol h.
P(('('elt ,(n,> and Bianco/at Cin-„ 0((11.(10 ]iirkt0fl,
13A.1tRISTER ; ATTO1 N1T3 ' °
At Law, 8111.16(', c'ze. 01110(1, Funson's Mock
13;ta-tots, itt.10 f-cy8, Solicitors, (loth -
slattern B. it..„c,
tletue--ll0.i.o6's BLec0, Water treet, St
1011)) G.11.euoINCa,E.W.Iisor,x c.,
) 1vm, P, torr pripri(-tcr, This Hotel lia1,
boom newly tm1,i4 adand fitted up in Brat -oho::
style 1.N n'.(e nod convenient :bow Rooms 1, r
Commercial Travellers; best aligner- and tibia....
(11tllt liar. Attentive ustlers uiwac8 00 ha+a,•i
31 31 --esu.
CI.iN 1'(I,d, G. StVAII•T.5 having pare uh.e)
the above hotel, tin(: ilttad it throughout, n t. of
firs li t1',ass a0cimunodation to traveler, U t:d.
11,1 61 tatl(1 signs et the bar. Good stabil. t r a r,•1
:atm tivuhostler 011 hated, Every attention paint
to guests,
B.isi.--11 79- 71'is6I cip sEit§I
of the Towais•Rip oI Step/acts.,
County of Micron.
1)08s transmitted cr 4elarered to the persons
mentioned in the Third and fourth Seetlo: 5 of
the "Voters' List Act.11 rho collies required by
said Sections to be su transmitted ur delivered of
the List made p(18511ant to the said Act of all
persons au 1OariLg Lev the last revised Assessment
Boll of said muuie'pality, to be outitlid to vote in
the said municipality at elections for Members of
the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elec•
tions,andthat said List was first pus .ed. up at my
office in Stephen on the Twenty-fourth day of
July,1670, and 1emai1)9 there for inspection,
Electors are called upon to examine the said
List, and if any omissions or other errors are
found thei'e.u,to lake itnmediate proceedings to
have the said errors corrected according to law.
Dated this 21th day of July, 1.879
C. P'14.OUTY,
Clerk of said (1(1111'
Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co
55 ()allege St., .1Costtreeel, .t'. Q.
Sole Manufactures ie. Canada of
W 6 /ntZL DARE FE1'CI Off
eapers, Mowers, for Railroads, Farmers, and
Stock Raisers,
&C., &c.,
tares Just Published, in a sealed Envelope
r'm ” Prase six cents.
Alecture on the Nature, Treatment and 11d1 -
O I 0)1110 of. Seminal tiVeanno 8, or Spol aterrliceit,
induced by Solf-Abuse,, Iuvoltultery T.n(issions,
Impotency, Nervous Dobillty, and I0,uedimen 1
to ,carriage generally.Got::;tulrptilu 1111110(83,
n , its; Hemel and Physical Incapacity, (1•.:.—
BY R013 ORT 3. GGLIr '111 W'0LL, 11, D., au(1101' of
the "Groan Book,” ilia.
lllhe ;vetldccuowned author in this aim frame
Lecture, clearly 111.'0805 from 11112 1011811 experience
that the awful l:t,nscapie014 s of Self -Abuse may be
effectually removed ,without medicine. atm with
out clangorous surgical operation s. hm(gio5.lustr 0 -
toe las, /nigh, n1• vort1 ,11 ; 211112(titl1 out a 1(1%20o 111
(1111 at ouzo curtain and etfectuni, by width every
811lfcrar, no matter (' 111t 111 cnnd18011 . nuty be
may mire h im:mit/Meant r, pri wittcly and radios/1y.
f'« LL'1d8 Lecture twin prove 0 boon, to thousands
and townie -oils.
Sent, under sent, iu a plain envelope, to 811810.
oft rec0iytt of six cents, or ton pe,wt t
Now is the. time rw• bitrg ins, hats that sell for 'Stttllls,:
A STEEL Thorne *ledge, No other fencing so
cheap or put up 50 I./Mal )y), Never rusts, stales,
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42,000 3011.58 01' BMW 1132t0E 1711501011) I21 T13I%
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For the Gardner, the Stock Raiser, the Vine-
yardPropriotor, JIAIRB PUNCH is tee only per-
fect (once. Sara) Pori Irsils#anun C41'snotrins.
Active parties to act as
General Agents forthe stile
of our specialties. Bug.
11088 rospectabe, (foods sell
rapidly. W e pay a fair sate
aly and oxpeuses, ora lib..
oral commission on sales. From $100 'to $200 to
month can be made by lave, mon, Rare chance
for making mousy, References required. Address
T1i.IUOIPi1 241'8'G CO.,11G, Mo:txtori ST, CSIXC1Oo,
Chicago Medical College
TWVel-ty-(rat annual 6essioh (legins September
.110tH. Graded Course ofInstructio 1, Pht'siclogi'
cal Laboratory established, AxiatomiceIMateaml
actually abandant, Scats numbered, and teem. -
ea in ether of application, Professors' fees 1278,
Practitioners' course through Aeril , fee, Sr30, 1t'o1
announcement or rticuhtrs, address
PROF, J 11 I OLLISTYT1: it Randolph. St, Chi -
e'�*( in TO F. G. RICH & CO., Portland,
,6dgA Maine, for the best agency business
the world, Expensive outfit free.
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Q dd 11 outfit free. (41(AW & CO, •Augusto, 0L ,ino.
$ 6 / A it;AT1 and expenses to af('flts
Outfit free. Address 4'. U. Vickery
Augusta, Moine,
k1. Ver,,( y e el' nY a fines iueer5'8 enc
w U 1,1 r week In Jtq not%speprrw .
for 81,0. ((fend (0t ents io 10(1 page pamphlet. G.
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tth( 0
i'roportio,nif 11 turn et (.1•('(N rub 011 Stocl Option”;
121114 tn, :
aro tluwnto 10 1n1t ; 11 for $1 2i,; plats
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nneo i. ()lily open f'u'
x31) rte'S; nonr't forget the 3-utee..O'.I ell s 0111
tutu, d'01.14011'.131us1;,11,s.Itur,
�fy�} prontl on :iii dm) s inveatman,„of
..k:1W�-•---•tltl}ciaT /imports free.-- �' ,t,0
of ;(1110, - :10• • ,1.11.0, • $300. Atuh'nti,
.11Ann .lt.;1 eIv L'crl'1.. 2'r.?0I'j•'J;a 1X((11' oL t:0„ I3ailiers, 35
P. 0.13 x •13Se