HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-21, Page 1aVelasiewreamsesarerracellesartadaraluseataltieteleesasmalatfraraleleargalaluelltalallaWerWIWOMOSIXZWISMIOselacelete P VWPEUTY L1s4. 41.A.Eti+f FOILSI> 1•�.—;Leet 6, Bauble eine. stephr•u,to acres, 30 acres cleared,12 'rhnpped, gond pric=k hones, good stable, well i"nnced. Land ° erment, On Jodie slxoro } of in lls ,.torn Pert R1ake, where boats run three 'times a wedk,alad eta caile.from Grand fiend, loriveninuttosehen1 andohurel,es, on good road. !Price, 82,3113, terms 0ey; soossaC T 11SJ'4R, DIN S, IerewKtri •t::,o f:I1AItA1 FOR fait idse iet..1�4,%ON• cession 10 Stepl:ou, eenteesine 740 acres. 70 Acres daarod Good 1 g house and tra:nv barn, •40'riQ. ('rood young °rena.d, grafted fruit, Tho 1'aril 'fa wall t. nnedd and in a good state nf esiti i- ..vattan. '.Ct,ere is a large quantity of black ass,, •also a never felling well. For terine apply to HENRY PliILLII'P1^., Oredlton. Juno 5 - ARM FORSALIi;.--Lot 1, Con. 1, Potential, 175 sores, 00 improved. Good frame dwelling house, frame bar., stable, shed, 4rivtag house and other ontbuiloings; two good 's74A el of water, good orenard of grafted fruit and toga eollnetion of cbotce entail fruits. x'arut on tuwnline between Bidgulph and Lrshorne, 8' rnilea trona h:aeter, aid} mile from Centralia. Terme easy. P111141, O'111 ILLY, sr,, Centralia, i'LRM FOR SALE. — LOT Mid, ooneension 2nd, Stephen, adjoining the cor- poration ofExeter ;100 aores,90 cleared,aid all in gr.sns but Sn aloes. 47 nem seeded in Liars last Spring alt acres of orchard, frame house, a good well, bricked, with pump, and a never failing spring of excellent water, 2 Lamm barns, fraise sheet will' stable, sheep shed coo. It would make a good dairy farm, Terms to snit purchaser, Thefarm will bo rented if not sold. Apply to Wilt. IL4.M[LIN, Exeter. TPARM FOR SALE.—Lot 8, 0000ee4 9 alen13, 'Osborne. Seventy Rem more or less, sixtyacros cleared and iu agood state of eul- ciration, good frame house and frame beau, log stables, gaud. w.rllof water, spring °reek running sr cross the platm, good orchard g.od iciness. For further particulars apply on orchard, i premises or by ls:ttnr to J•11 -IN EMIL Kiri ton P. 0., Ontario. May'•tl, 1876. tf.. .11ARM FOR SALE.-1IILi' SUB- seriber offers for Salo his farm, Lot 13, Con. 14,Township of Lisburne . County of Huron KO aures oleo •ed, the remaindo nod bush, well fenced, and in a gond state of cultivation; under, drainer, good orchard, splendid. well of water. 'frame barn 3046, log stable 2,4x36, log hoose, and oouvenis"t to school and three ehnrahes. Fos arthon:articnlars apply to V%I• ARYANS, Kirki on, F.O„or Int. B. V. ELIAOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O. {CARR EOR SALE.—The ,.nbeerib- er offers for vie the north half of lot 17, eon. 10, *Osborne, containing 50 acres. 44 acres .doared, well underiralned, and in a good state of ouitivation. Thee are'on the premiss 6 acres of good berm, 100 Yodel -:awl fence, a good com- t,rtabb dwelling 30:00, frame hai;n,54x54, good log stable and shod 27t47,good email:xigood well or water with pump. The propdrtytlesituated six and a half utiles frons Exeter rnaritet and about 1nice mile from rarquhar, dud contenfent to oltuioetve ari:4 s1Aools. For further purtiou),ars. apply on the preiuises:pi to Farquhar post office ,TORN F*OL PON. IMPORTANT NOTICES. r 'I HODGSON, & J. OKE, CO. • Auctioneers. Sales promptly attended to. lbws of aales arranged at this omee Nt J. OE,ARK, Ageut for the Us - • and aibbort SfutnalFire Insurance company, .Residence — Farquhar, Orders by mail promptly attended to. S. 0A.M.lealSLL, PEOVCNCIAL • Land Surveyer, &c.will le at the 11 yal Hutal,b:xoter,nuthe lirs,tTuesday in each mouth. Orders for work left 'rite lir. Sohn hpu,okman will reeeive prompt attention.. OIHN H. HYNDMAIV, ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT.:. money to loan on mortgagee, notes and other a^ouritios. Dente and accounts collected on rea- ••ouahlo terms. Insurance !footed in flrst•olass Cr.u•,ppa ins at reasonable rates. 0dicu—at Dr. Tr yudnran's, Alain S. roet, Brom. \r'OT1GL+'. _L --- M1 accounts due to the C;oderich Foundry and snruaufautuang Company (limited) must be Promptly settled to avoid costs. ,Yn persons are authorized to receive payments or melee settlements u•.i behalf of the company etetpt the undersigued. HORACE HORTON, President. . JOHN CHRISTIAN, Secretary. r;odorich, Juno 13, 1870. tf FARM BELLS! FAM BELLS! 1J'A1 M: BELLS ! .Jon, Uardwr;re and Carriage Goods Merchant, Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, August 21, 189. No. 5 tleltlinion Mr. Alex, Todd, of the township of McGillivray, who had been oorninitted for trial Me three charges of fraudulent entey and giving false iufartnettion to the Official Assignee, furnished bail Satnrdsy for his appearance at the Fall Assizes. , The Great Western Railway author- ities have provided a new arraneement for the Richmond -street crossing to prevent danger to teams, ho. At the riuging of the bell a pair of semaphore mote are lowered across the road, and raised again *leen the traiu passes. Proceedings have been begun in Toronto for the extradition of Cool Burgess, now playing at a theatre in New York This step is taken be - cameo Burgess fouls to keep hie promise that he would return to Toronto of Itis own accord. The charge against him is shorting with iateut to kill, the ootnplsir.aut being Widgeley. The Hamilton correspondent of the bIafl gave currency to a statement the other day that a new official car was hong built in the United States for the G. W, R. The oar iu question is be- ing built at the CT. W. 1. Car• Works iu London Eaet for General Manager Broughton, and the old cue will be placed at the disposal of the other officials of the Oompauv. On. Thursday night last some person entered the store of Mr. Mahon, mor- ohuut tailor, Queeu street, St. Mary's, and carried off the ee full suits of clothes The c'ntrauce was effected from a second story window iu the rear, which was entered by the std of a ladder. A boy found one of the vests on the Sar- nia bridge the next day. There is no elude to the burglar. Two attempts ward made on Monday to wreck trains on the C. S. R. a, few miles' west of Stevenville, by placing some`stonos and Use on the track. The obstructions were first seeu by the me- opnttuts of the pay oar. A. German ,giving the value of Si..aler wits arrested et the pia se*me the ,tunes ware placed on' the track, and a sectiou Ymon Krcys positively that lie saw the man place them on the track, and did not losesight of him till ho was arrested. On Tuesday night of last:week a most dastardly attempt was made to wreck a pesseuger train at St. Paul's statiaii,be- tween tit. 'Mary's and Stratford. Some villiau wedged pieces or iron into the frog at the switch, and only fur the wing rail the train must have iuevit- ablo left the track. 'The engineer felt the engine mein over the wedge, but dented it best it riot to atop the tr':in till he reached Stratford, when a re- port of the cirouulstance was Whale. A detachineut wee immediately scut to investigate the matter, with the i bone result. Nu glue to the would-be traiu wrecker has yet been obtained. A horrible tragedy is reported from the village of Mergaret•sville, on the Bay of Fundy ellere, in Annapolis comity, which has caused .intense excitement. David Gettee, who ]las not been in his right tdlind for some time, attacked his wife with a hatchet on Frida-y morning at an early hour, The oldest boy, aged sixteen, rushed to the door, where I he inet his father coming towards hiin with the hat„bet. Tlie son :mole leis escape, punned for a short distance by his father, wlio then returned thud again struck his wife. The sou iln mediately gave the alarm at the village hotel, and Mr. Jelin:dou, who was stopping there, immediately ran to the hones, but ;in eutc'rie'g felled it desert- ed, save by the bleeding body of Mrs. GMies. She ouly lived .. few ininutes afterwards. An ingot et was held by Corouer \Sroodberry, told the jury re- turned 'the following verdict: "That Elizabeth Gates canto to her denth by Weevil on her head, inflicted by the stands of her 110r,b.tud, while in tt fit of temporary insanity,” After the i., - quest a mooch was mile for the mur- derer. After tracking hies rtt'ullnd tlin building by the blood which ho inflicted oe himself, his body web found in the water near the dock. Arnaud his neck was found a piece of cord, several turne of it in a bow•krrot. An it,q•.lcst Nati held and the following verdict. returned : "'That death was caused by drowni/,g, Steamer Complaints, nr Cholnrn •Infantt'n, whish is carrying off the infants and children by the thousand at this season of the yetis, can always surely be checked gees Oared liy Dr. Fowles extract of Wild Strawberry. It has /loci., failed to give immediate relief in the Most severe ensue•. It i:. a loon within the reach of every :nether. Do not fail to give i at trial ; you will be pleased witli its charming effects. tow salts' by all defilers. Kilburn, • Bentley & Pearson; Toronto. General News Eight thousand • Albaaatls threaten the Servien frontier. • Two streams of lava 0.6170 i from Mount Vaeuvius on Fridtry as far as the base of the cone, but there was no eruption on Saturday. It is said Spain is abnrrt'to revoke her several treatiee .with llforcrcoo, and the earrisous of the Spanish posts in Africa are to be increased. Further roiling occurred at, Lurgen, Ireland, on Saturday. •Many houses were wrecked'. The police were stoned and fired upon, and some won idod. Sig tweetyton Armstrong guns have been•fanded at Gibraltar, being towed in lights"rs for Tangi'ere for a uew bat- tery. The matter laws been bitterly ooinmented on by the Spanish neWs- papers, It is stated that Albert Pall and Clare Sewell Read, bath members of the Im- perial Parliament, who aro going to America in connection with the com- mission appointed to it quire into the causes of agrieutturAl • dperession in England, will start immediately in order to take cognizance of the present harvest. A. person of undeniable authority writes as follows :—From the recent moetiog of the .Emperors of Germany and Austria will date the commence- ment of a clear and decided polioy of Austria in the East, aiming at the at- taiuuient of a stroug foothold in Tur- key. A. Ctlloitta dispatch gays the Ameer of Afghaniaten, having received some formal letters from the Rnssjan°'General ICauffmann, askea the .advice of Major Cavaguari in regard to his answer. In acoordence with Cavaguari's advice the Ameer suggested to Kauffmann that all future communications be seat through 'the'Indien Government, There .was a di'tturbauoe at, Lurgan, Ireland, on Paley between the Home Rule precession and the police, who charged on the slob with fixed baytlnete. Many of the police were we neaten !dry stetted; The violence of thelorowt1,was so great that the police fired ceps them and kilted one and wounded two. The snob subsequently wrecked Lord Tur- gan's gate ledges and the house of a Pretestaut. Toe Standard announces tint in con- sequence of a threat by the uativoa on Soarcies to destroy the British Custom House at Kinkonkeb, the corvette Ten- edos, with 200 teen, homeward bound fret° Cape Colony, was ordered to'Sier ra Leone from Ascention on the 18th of July. The Didu has already arrived off the West coast of Africa. - Inelud- ing three ken vessels the British force un the coast will amounts to 000 men. A woman earned ltach, while on board the steamer Bristol, which left New York for Fall River, last night, drauk to bottle of champagne, gave her diamond necklace, watch and note to the purser of the boat, and thou jump ed overboard and was drowned, The note which she left was addressed to Joseph Langleldt 507 A rah street,Plilit- adelphie, and btated that she could not live any lunger without him, and she hoped he woeld itot fuel unkindly to• wards her. The deceased was appar- ently 25 or 80 years old. The Tribune says; by her 'counsellors that her husband's body bad been re- covered. It is believed that ebe hag not yet been undeceived. Hilton offer- ed $25,000 for the body, irrespective of the capture of the robbers. Ex -Post master Jones, who represents the rob - hers, declined the offer. Tho Ilettrl,.l's 111outreal says:—About the 9.1) of No- vember, it canal boat, potty laden with coal,moved to the wharf there, and a uoffiu•sha},heti, coal-begritned box, enp posed to sustain Stswart'd remains, was removed to a carriage, which was thou driven away and toll traces heat. The facts were communicated to the police the sante day, but the Saporito tendeut doubted if was the body. A detective was set on the tracic n.id die- oovered the driver of the carriage, who edrnitted having taken the body to a medical cellet;o fur embalming it and they removed it. Ono of the throw said the camel boat cleared from the foot of Cantil utrable New Yuck, acid wise towed to PIattsbur:; alone in quick tilno. A long box wits received ate Plattsblrrg frolu,the railroad and slii,,;tud. on the boatw County. A. Valuable cow belonging to Mr, •James Knox of Brusi,els, was poisoued recently. Au examination by a veter-' (nary eurgeon allowed tliat it had par- taken of some strychi'nne. The cow is supposed to have got the poison about a mile south of the village, as a. person out that evay has been much troubled of late by breattcy 'cows breaking into his gr fields. A few nights since, the store owned by Mr. W. Somerville and post office, Kinburu, was broken into by eome person, and about fifty dollars Dash stolen ; also Mr. G. Fethereton's ittore wee broken into, some small change and some 'eweller ' '. n, Several of 3 �k11 y''. the'other houses in the viciuity have been entered, but nothing of Any con- sequouce is missed. it is thought that there area gang of experts travelling through the country from cue place to another. They take things very coolly, having had lunch in Mr. Somerville's house, and went upstairs into his bed- room, and took a pocket -book ant of his trousers at the head of his bod. No - trace of theta has been left. About three:o'clock Manley morning a fire Was discovered on the outside of the dwelliug of W. Ballantyne, License Inspector, Seaforth. On reaching the spot Mr. Ballantyne found a bundle of straw burning furiously iu an angle where the kitchen joined the main building. Ike succeeded in putting out the fire at the 'bottom, but it had got through the clapboards and tip to the cornice before assistance arrived, and the building was completely destroyed. The loss wilt be about $1,200. Iusur- ed for $400„ A Daring Feat. Asa Broughton, who escaped from the Albion (N. Y.) jail on the 4th lust,, where he was confined for the murder of Levant Banorofs, at Medina, ou the 14th of May last, was re-oaptur- ed atCrowtand early Saturday morn- ling by Detective (Gorman and Ontario Pulit'femae Wynn, of Clifton, assisted by Constable White, of Welland. Bronghton escaped to Canada without arrest immediately after the murder, but was apprehended at Rogersville, Out., May 17th, and taken back to Albion jail, where he lay confined wi- der au iudictment for murder uutil the 4th inet., when he escaped jail by cutt- ing his way through an unused water closet with a knife, and returned to (Canada a second time. The above named oflioors, why had been on his trail for some days, proceeded together in a carriage at nius o'cluclt bion - day night to Crowland, some fiftoet, miles distant, at which place it was be. sieved Broughton was in }riding ie. the reeidenoe of a relative named Hiram St•rano. The officers reached their destination about 4 a. m., and took up positions, surrounding the house and demanded admittance. The inulatotlhud all the doors and windows locked with the exception of a side door through which Broughton appeared iu the at- tempt to escape, but succeeded only in filling luta the officer's hands. Ile was brought to Clifton stud lodged iu jail to wait the arrival of American euthorities, who have been notified. Bronglit,in both times effected his es- cape across the frontier by scaling the cables which remain snapended from the towers of the old Snsponeion Bridge across the Niagara river at Lewistren, some 150 feet above water, a feat of no ordinary difficulty. Brough - toll is thirty-eight years of ago, and looks anything but a criruinal. Con• sidorabie sympathy is felt for the pris- oner. From what the officers can learn of the oircumstnuce of the crime, it arose out of an alleged undue intim• icy between his wife and Bancroft.. i,ix hundred dollars reword was offered fur his apprehension. .-..►+•tea Bffeots of the I. P. B1aLLsiv&nLF, Ang. 16.—The Belle- ville pottery, which has been closed for some year's, ite about to be patin oper- ation win and will manufacture stone ware. Mr. G. A. Lazier, of Picton, and sumo capitalists who reside in the United Settee.ai'e said to be the les- ease, Herevex, Ang, 16, --Moro titan twice h%e 1111.1013 cuttl has been shipped from 1'ictou ejects the first of Jatlnerythis year than during the corraspondieg period lust year. • Ray CovxozL Maari1G.—T11e 0011110il .meet peraunilt leo adjournment on Monday, August 11th. Members all present. The Reeve its the chair. Minutes of the previous meeting were read andap- preyed. Moved by Mr. 111cOcll,secorld- ed by Mr. Moritz, that D. Zeller be re- funded the ruin of $0, for statute labor done on lot 2l,coneetheien0, for 1879. -- Carried, Moved by Mr. lleyroek, sec- onded by 111r. Kalbflesoh, that the sum of $1Q be granted towards repairing the sideline between lots 20 and 21, on Otte Lake Road —Carried. Moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Moritz, that Councillors Kabfleisoh and Hey - rock, be a committee to let contract to open a road from south boundary to lot 4,eoneession 16. -Carried. On motion, the following accounts were passed, and orders granted fur the same, viz :—H. Jo J. C. Kalbfleiech,plank and oedar,$96,- 68 ; T. J. Wilson, plank and timber, $96,95. A. ELeironymus,reparing cul- burt,$1.00; O. Busohlen, do, $1.20 ;II. Otto, do, $2.00. bloved by Mr. Kalb- fleisoh, seconded by Mr. Heyrook, that by-laws be passed for raisiug the follow- ing amounts, viz : °aunty rate, $2,827.- 71 ; township rate, $1,600 ; legislative school equivalent, $500.00 ; interest on S. B. debentures, $150.00 ;; to dretiu- a>te debentures and interest on same, $500.00 ; and for school purposed le .tecordance with application of trustees, No. 1, $251.50 ; No. 2, $610.00 ; No,. 8, $320.00 ; No. ,4 $810,00 ; No. 5, $800.00 ; No. 7.$550.00 ;No, 8,550.00 ; No. 9. 294.10 ; No. 10, 025.00 ; No. 1.1, 285.00 ; No. 12, $325.00.—Carried. .\'loved by Mr. McColl, peoouded by Mr. Moritz, that the Clerk notify the col- lector to furnish bonds and give secur- ity to the amount of twelve thousand dollars for due performance of his work, and, that the same be laid before the next council meeting for approval.— Carried. On a motion,. the Reeve was authorized to get the township hall,in- sured. The council adjornad to meet en Saturday,Octaber 4th, mailed. no. A Fatal Accident. An accident occurred at Mount Hope ou T.esday afternoon which resulted the death of Islr. William Illiteheitra a butcher reaidiug in the northern per of London. From what oat be learned from au eye -witness of the affair, it teems that the unfortunate man was driving up the hill at the upper end of R•chmond street in a light wagon, to which was attached a high seat, cud when at the termiuue of the street rail- way traek the wagon was shakeu t,o violeutty as to precipitate pool• Mitchel - tree out elite! the road. Ii'rom his ele- vated seat he fell directly upou the crown of his bead against a stoue, and then rolled over. Several persona saw the occurrence, and one of them, Mr. Bricklin, ran out acid raised hien up, but be u'ab perfectly unconciores, and the blond etrearnedfrotn aghastly wound on his bead as well as several smaller cute about the ear. Seeing that be Wits dstlhgerously injured, no time was lust in removing hi,n to his horns sev- eral biouks further north. Dr. Fen- wick erns summoned, and when he ar- rived the action of the heart bad ceas- ed, and there was but the fttiutost evi- dence of li^tering animation, but, with aid of artificial heat the pulse was ,again revived, This lasted but fur a very few minutes, however, and short- ly after five o'clock the Heart fluttered spasmodically, and thou ceased to beat for ever. A careful examination failed to reveal the slightest fracture of the ellnll, but the Hound on the head wag eutlhici'utlY large to lay the bone bare. under the circumstances, 1)r. Fenwick attributed death to cornpees:doll of the base of the burin, or the rupture of ,.ohne vessel of Chet delicate erg seism, through the terrible farce of the fall. Deceased was a e,culpaa'ativly youut men, and was %cell !mown as one • of the market batotinre for massy ,•ears. His untimely death is rendered eddi- tiutrally raid, by the fret that but it few Months sines he married a young lady front the Old Country, who le Leese a tviduw in a btraege lead. Fall ..lows - The following aro the dates of the fall erLi- bitions of Agricultural Sotsictios in this district : Stephen and Osborne, at Erotit•, on rl'ues- day and Wednesday, September 28rd und'L4tli. South Huron, at Sealorth, 0.1 '1huruduy au,i 7+riday, September 25th and 25alt, East 1301'oti, at Brnsvnls, on rl"hunulay Friday, October 2nc3.amd 3rd, West Huron, at COuderich, on. Wednesday and 'ilinradtty, September 17 and 18. .t'rtrnbeity at 1\'ingltatt, OP !Thursday and Friday-, Sot teutber tied 211.