HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-14, Page 7LAuGusT 141ST°, A VKItY NATURAL MISTAKE. A very >•onng nuNt from one of the buck t• w•l.. eraeu(e in hi buy a presout for tat Fi'1 to.�,it'.v, His wuutleriutr gaze bring fixed Its the 1(iel'lfeteis display in a dry geed, eied•lw, he entered the htt,rt'. ,inti tee.eifaliV'deel end. in front of to pretty ytount. 1:1c1,v bulli l the count- er. '•t1tis,' nlueil rt (itaft ?" he inquired polmier; to n., leer of herdscimely lyrt''lul,t, nieL•lc plated garter iu the t\lrrl•ewy. bees etety-fiyae cents, " replied the yonn': hely, sweetly, bantling out the .ttrtieltee i:t giieetion, anal blushing slightly. I ihilek they ere kinder pretty, don't yon ?" inquire(' the young mean, anxi 'els for enmebf, t'fi elite opinion."V .rv," repliedtthe young miss; "they are the latest style." "Li'v(ervb"dy wears them, delft, they," Continufed the young man. "Almost everybody ," said the young lady, affecting an unotincerned sir, "I was going to get thein for a girl that I know," said the yonng roan somewhat nervnnsly. "Do yon think she would like them ?" 1 fel ehonld think she might—I do not know," returned the young lady, blushing agaln. "Well, I don't hardly know myself," said the young man, piolting np one of the dainty articles and examining• it closely. "Yot don't suppose they are too large. now do you ?" "Why—•I—I--" stammered the . young lady, the bhish growing deener. "They seem sorter big line,"oontinu,- • ed the young man, not ohserviug her confusion, "but of course I wouldn't be certain. She's middlin" size. hot not very fat, and mebhy these wnnld be a little too loose. I shanld think she's just about your bigness, an' if these would fit you of course they'd fit her. Now. suppose you jest try then on, and if—" "I--s.ir, yon insult me," indignantly exclaimed the crlmeon-ehee.ked damsel, as she s '•ept out in disgust, leaving the young man thnncleretruck. When a young man came in and expl lined that they were not bracelets but starter', he just drew a long breath, bolted ont doors, and mounting his wagon, be drove out into the country, at a speed which wield have double -Meet -milted a mad locomotive, and as he ground his teeth and witched Rolnebndy would tie hire up and kink hien, be jerked not ; "I'll be (fiddly dog goned—if--evor— I--bnv—env— more— wiminin'R—fix- ins—till—I've—been—Rn'iced , so help me Sohn A. Macdonald I" THE VALUE OF COAL •ASUES.. All the sour fruits make enormous demaude for potash in SOWS form, and why potash should not be furnished Li 'avulth conetidering., Of vegetation, from 95 to 08 per cent. is fnrnished by the atmosphere; the remaining 2 to. 5. per cent. comes from the soil, and its fuuud iu the ash of the plant. half of this ash, ie. the case of sour plants, is potash, of which 'nest soils ere . snee oiently rich to Nadal enough for too growth of tt eos of nue genel•aation, sue one geuerateou truly. When therefore, we try to grow trees of the second. r,uneration. we fail, and tate failure uta.. Deers ti.t:lur a great variety of forms.' — rot, blight, fungus, mildew, insects— and we eherge the seine to disturbed and vioioui atmosphere conditions, whieh are then glit to be the oh'gttu of blight, fnugui and rot ; forgetting that, z u far as we have bi en utile to aeon tails, the substauee uf the attnospllere Las uudotgoue no perceptible chauge for centuries, and is not likely to, change for the other centuries to tomo. Eluding, thou, the 95 or 98 per cent,. of the material• for vegetable growth has iu uo respect failed, or is likely to present, we are forced to oousiier the to 5 per cent. furnished by the soil, and here we get the secret of the whole buein ass ; and we learn that we must rued bubstauces iu rich lisle, potash,, a t phosphotio acid, and these aro f utid olheapeet and most accessible in flit form of wood and coal ashes, the abundant . and cousteutly increat,iug products of an ativan0N)g .civilization. But we must feed not only liberally but regularly, and at least snutially, though souls regard fertilizing once in three years quite sufficieu.t. *IV - LEARNING TO SAVE. The first thing to be learned by a boy or young man,. or auybody else slaving the. least ambil.ion to become a useful member of society, is the habit of saving. No matter if a boy or girl has wealthy parents, each should learn to salve, if for uo other reason than that riches are well known to "sake to themselves wine and flee amity." Few aro su wolf-to.do as to bo secturo again st poverty and want: The children of wealthy elaamsee are often miserably poor ; while anon of Targe 'meal's have commenced life without other ,avail. Lague than hebits of iudustry eouple(1 with the disposition to save. It is es• peoially important that t ohildreu of people in moderate ei.coutnetancee and of that poor should learn to tithe care of the money they flet- A boy who ie earning 21., 3i,, or more a day should. lnallttgr•e to Bave It purtioe of it if pose- ible, • If he tette lay by ouly 1s. a week, lift him save that. It doesn't ietltenit to touch, it is true, but its wut th a tevieg ; it is better Raved than vestal. -fetter waved thou throtvu away for tobacco or beer or ally other avarth• leas or iseleea,artie1ei or ebjeet. lust the beret thins{ about it is that the boy who gavels 52..'a year uta a very meagre salary equities a Habit of tatting 'care of his (money which will be of the ut- most value to him. The reasou: why wicking men as a class do not get ahead faster, are not !note iudetiendeut, is th'tat they have never learned to save their earnings. It does not matter whether a luau reCeivee a salary Of five ehillielgs a (tiayor a pound, if -he gets rid of it all: during the week, so that thole is uothieg left on Saturday night, he will not get rich very rapidly. He: will never have much ahead. But the individual who :rebeiVes five shillings per day and is able to save a shilling, of the one getting a pound who is care- ful to lay by five shilliugs, is laying up sowethiug for a 'rainy day. Young people who expect .to labor with their. hands for what they may have of this wurld's goods, who have no ambitiou or wish to become professional man, office holders or speculators, should be all ineaus acquire habits of ecouomy, learu to save. So surely as they do this, so surely will they be able,to accumulate, so surely will they be in a situation to ask no special favors. Every Man wants to learn to look out for himself and rely upon himself. Every ishan needs to feel that he is the pear of every other man, and he oauinot do it if he is penniless, ivloney is power, awl those who have it exert a wider influence then the destitute. They, are more in. depeudent. Heves it should be the ambition of. every young man to !acquire, and to do this he must learn to save. This is the first lesson to be learned, and the youth who canuot master it willnever have auythiog. He will be a deueodeut. FOR AND iND ABOUT WOMEN. Blond sashes tor children. Beennete are growiug _ill. size. Ltace is woru very high iu the neck. And stiii the dresses are shorteued P,,,le blue is a favorite outer... The last novelty in fringe is made of pack thread. Carefully -made lies are warn as ear- rings and pins. • Lresemakers say that alpaca will be tnuedi worn next fall, Cover a dapauese fan with a_ bit of pretty silk and it is gluie "chick." . High -colored stocking:' are the rage still, and especially for young misses. A few Bostou ladies have qualified themselves tovote iu school matters. The glow-worm is to be the success- or of the beetle and the fly as au orna- mental iubect. Dresses of the same Material as those worn by their mothers are made up for youug girls. • Plaitiugs, with a llniug of another color, are worn. nu,.elresses of; wash material in Parrs. The flower that n .l'cdy wears et her throat should give the Iteyuute of color in her dress. It is difficult to tellthe difference between .some of the new styles of ceps and babies bunuete. Neapolitan bonnets are trimmed en- tirely with flowers, no ribbons what- ever being put on thein. Two .American • ladies. astonished .the iuhnbitauts of Rome by a velocipede race the other day. • • Ribbons with spotted stripes are the latest importation, and take •the fancy of nearly tall the ladies. Sosie uf the pretty shawls have a ribbon or velvet run auto the border by way of trimming. Breton lace, arrangred in several overlaping. rows, Hues the brim of some of the Leghorn hats. White flannel suits for young plisses are . extremely becoming, and aro al- most uuiversal at the seaside. Pretty overdresses for children are entirely of white Italian lace. They are very beautiful when worn with pink or blue slips. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING O1 VOTERS' LIST. le'oi'cr a .1,asx--$879-.0801slatcipality at' U&e Toawnalaip of Stephen, G'aareaa,ty 01 ,ljtirronn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ibave transmitted cr rtalivorodto the' persona mentioned inthe Third and Fourth Seettnt•s of the !!Voters' List Act," the copies required by sant Bonbons tohr so transmitted or delivered of tire;• LTi,, mode 11111%119.116 to the said. Act of all ilerKops aul en,eine, by the last r•avisr_d AsKusynhcint 1t011 of said uiul,u paltty, to be entitliti to vote in the said ntunieiltality at sir itttus for 11 embers t,r the tecee In tn•o Assembly and at municipal eine- tions,nlerl that Held Lint wits first Poe ed up at icy office in Stephen, oh the `1wetty-fourth 'day cif h July, 18" , mid teuteaihs there for inspection. Electors tate culled upon to (mahatma the, Haid List, Keil if 0n.3 outisstuns or other erre'a are gods titoi t Tato also huntedt;ate pre+nueiint;H to have the Haiti urrrn•et unrroet(1d taroordino to haw. 'hated this'Lita ae.yof July, 1879 C.'Pt13.00TV, Clem of said tuuuieil allay. TIMES Piano norm for tale of THE._ and Sewing Machine eller LARGESTAND BEST STOCK 01i' �i it f (lel '.'11/11#11P; este, Silverware, China and Deif ever seen in the West, At ;. 1)11.Z497'S Mr. Drew has lust received an excellent stock Silver Teta Sotts,llutter Coolers,Doubleand Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card lteceivore, Coni- muuien Setts, eto.,of the Bost Quadrupleand lzlid s Plate, and is offering the same atpricas that eldu ASTONISH YOU nit CTUEArlirSS ; Re has just opened out a new and complete as- sVntent of China, Glass and Stonewaros. A large stock of Lam tis just arrived. Cali and satisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness. Como and try our instruments. Mush) Teacher still on MEWC 1. DE. UUTW INSON, Member of the Coliego of l;hysioians and fiurgooasu t uutario, Sa., Bcc., Wien next door to 1. C:ar::ngs. Main Street, Exeter,.: kl.11IN DMAUI.—C()ItON Ell PO „thocounty oxBaran, olnee,ilexta or t, air.I. oerulag'b store, Exeter. 1Y. •B1i0WNING M. D„ 0. tai,. DJ . P. 'i, Graduate ViotoritbUn1vernit;y' and. resirle.ace, Con .pion 11aleoratei}, 11aoGer- gg 0. MOOIIE, BI. D. 0 3I. JL . lar:adaette of :oGiti e):e[uC i sly, it:ontr�'•„ Oibceauure stdenct t.xe ter Out. O.liee ' au.4• I;,. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. 1'. o., Vaatorta S'. Crudittiu, (Obit 00i3e /lou rum 11tvlOa,iu.; 2,to51,.in, . ri LU'z'Z, 1i. D. o teneo at his residence, Exeter. hand,Services atlowest figures. 1)RIRVING, txi1ADUA`.111t1 UNI - Special attention called te the Raymond Sewing NI•.SpeoialattentionealledtotheltayinondSowiug l, velleSaTi Trinity College tiole,l.erCol to;;, uvsictaueand sur�eont Ont., Ca :eelCirkton. lfaehine, Organs and Pianos uuanrpaseed for beauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETE GROCE AND LIQUOR STORE, GREEN, JA.i AN, YOUNG IIYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, A LAIRGE STOCK OF Oft BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, wIN1 S AND SYRUPS, ILYE,;iiALT SCOTCH, IRI13E AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, • Wholesale and Retail. cry. A., MAC 1 1 Main Street,Exeter. SAMW-' aL L & P IOKARD Are selling the balance of their Spring and Summer HESS G" . = ss ILLI '= ERY (All newest s'Lades and styles), at Greatly Reduced rices e'adyP made and Ordered Clothing Very Cheap Full Lines of HATS, & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. A CSOICE LOT BEY GRO e EWES Fresh arrivals of Turnip' and Rape Seeds. Asall our Goods were bought before the New Tariff, we still offer them at old prices High- est price. paid for good Butter and Eggs SAMWJ LL & PICKARD. NOW IS YOUR. TIME To secure some of those N ItERFUL; A ,yti GAINS A rr L.EATHO1 & M' OOTJBREY' S Silk Finished Grey Lustres, 15c, worth 25 Plaid and Figural Stuffed Goods,l0c, 15 Also the balance of those American prints -15 Black Paramatta • ,60 Striped Muslin and Coburgs and Black Lustros at Cost Table Linens, English Table Oilcloths, Window Linens, Ducks, Denims, Shirtinngs, 00yards for $1, guaranteed fast colors Finest designs in double thread Curtain Lace 15 for .. ado per yard worth 25 Towelling%, Hollanc,s, G-rey Ootton.s Criy Cotthns, and lflcaelwd with prints at reduced raft's for 30 drays: Men's and boy's linen ('t i tt 1'I.' COST. Parasols AT COST. A full:aucl ennrple.te stock of (1.1t0CERIES, iu which w.: liavtr Xtraordivary bargains. f .�"3)ont.forget the place i LEATHORN IVY C i11 Faticnnis Block, Mani Street, Exec) LEGAL .3' II, CADDY, 1'v. BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, Bre. ofliee, 1?anso21's Bloc:;: Exeter. A1tDINGx IILRDING, ez WHITE, Baristere, p etoiiieys, Solicitors, Coale.. siouors,B. it., &c. ttrrCOU—IIUTTorr's n4cs, Water :WOO t, fit Mary's. b us 1.3 ,HARDING,E .W. AA$DING. W McDIARMID, B.A., ti t itTldST ''E,NOTARY, CONVEYANCER. etaU., LUCAN,ONT. HOTELS. `IENTRAL HOTEL, OREDITON N) —Wm. Baker proprietor. This hotel has been newly furnished and' fitted up in Lint-elas,l style. Large and convenient Show Rooms for Commercial Travellers; best of liquors and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Hustlers always on hand, M 21-3m. WILLIAM BASER. DRINOE 013' WALES HOTEL OLIN VON. G. SWARMS having purchased aha above hotel, and fatted it throughout, now of fern tir.,t-class accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Goodetabliugan. attentive hostler ou hand. Every attention paid bo guests. NEW MACHINE SHOP. 1.� Witam, Eitching Wishes toinform the public that he isybetter prepared torollaii all Linde of Sewing M tebinos, Watches Clocks, Glans, &c., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MLS - ERY. Just Published, in s sealed Envelops Price six cents. Alocture ou the Nature, Treatment and Rad; - cal cure of Seminal Weaene 5, or Spar atorrhraa, Induced' by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility,' and Impediments to marriage generally; Consumption l8piit.psy, limn Fits ; Mental and Physical Tuoat'aoity, &.t. -- BY BAB L BT J. CULVEIt,YELL, M. D., author of the"Green Book," etc. The world renowned author in this admirable Lecture, !,early proves from his own experience that, the awful consequences of Self -Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine,anri with. out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru monta,ringe, ar cardiols; poietin; ouL a mode or cure itt once certain andetfsotuul, by which every sufferer, uo matter what his condition may be inay care himself eheapl t,privately and radically. tA,.ThisLenture will prove it boon to thousanJn a,'d tnousa+ids. Saab, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, ou receipt of six acne, or two postage stamps. lddree THE oVLwtr,s. •,:TsnzcAL co. 41 Ann nt. Now York. P. O. B x A586 HARVEST TOOLS .:a- eapers, Mowers, !,Ins, &c., • CHEAP AT B SSETT B��O EXETER & IIENSALL. Natio P 110Y PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand 'azii m.ado to order. 11L1SSILLA.N & 11IoBRID having now neater facilities than evtis are R pre- pared 0 reared tosnpply,'farniirn wtth Iron Beate Plows Steel 11Tould Board, mads 'oy' remover; ; ohm. 1'Ion s, iinappor nl n ko ; Sgash Ptarnoud tiareo\ia Otuttivat rs,(tangPlows. Carriages and bugii.ts on baud, nod made to or. dor, Horse shooing uttrndn t be on Thu R1atrteet notice. Horses shod to prevent tntorforing. Ito.UILI d & 2.01311I1)1; 'sling St iianeali