HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-14, Page 5Aucttti(' 11,113( THE TIMES Bed Sign, .rd QOa1iTS FALL 17n1•IAT, White Wheat iso tt SPRING WHEAT fife Rod. Chaff „ flarloy (hits / ('liver Seo;l Eggs t'.+tis Ji atter .,. Flour per bbl. Potatoes, per beg ... Apples, per bag 1) 1OLIAi,plespr b }Fere, dressed per 100 nee hides Sheepskins, each ... Hay per ton ... Jaloue per base. ... .., Iard ,,, ,,, 11 001, lb ... ... Turkeys per Ib. .................. ......... ..... .... 0 07 to Geese 0 00 to I)ucks,per nair 0 75 to ST. MARY'S Pall whoat,por bushel 1 00 to spring we.out0 04 to Barley ..,. 4o to Peas 50 to iit-. 088 to Ifity . 7 00 to Rugs, per dozen 0 00 to Butter 06 to Hides por lb 01)ito ) ,,tatoos per bag.., i .. ,. 70 to Sheep shine 0 40 to 100to105 100 tolOS 1 00 001 00 0 95 to 1 00 0 00 to 00 0411CO 11 45 110 to 376 ,.. 050to0513 ... 009to9C9 ... 0 05 to 0 0:1 000to600 ,.. 1 00 to 1 10 70 to 0 75 .,. 0 05 to 0 00 5U0 to550 . Ii 00 so 0 00 .,, 450 to 5 C ... 00 to 0 811 ... SOI) to 9 (1U 050to0 75 ... 0 00 to 0 10 .., (118 to 119(1 0 07 0 05 0 75 1 C5 0 1,8 0 50 0 00 0 40 8 00 0 9 0 8 0 00 1 00 0 00 I1'111',sT-CL �.SS NEW BUGGY FOR SALE CHEAP. Apuly at Trims Office. UP WITH THE TIMES. —0— PARTIES INTENDING TO .PURCIIASE TIIOIZITE 8z; are very busy this week STOCK -TAKING (11 R. AI3BOTTLi. D.S.,M.R,C.D.S. • Graduate of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. Office over O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwoll Pieltarde. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, Licentiate of 1 L ✓si,�t1L the Dori Lal d ' Collage of (In tante, may be consalecl any day. Offi ce•- noat door to the Post Office, Exotor.Ont. ATARiif..I ! CATARRH ! ! USE The groat Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound, The only positive curator Catarrh yet discovered Fen SALE BT C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL 1)TU. G STORE. W. L, SMITH, General Agent, Arkonu, ont,ly-28 A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY hasjnst been placed in my hauls for in- vestment in mortgages and /rppro\od notes. Will rooef),o applications from $50 upwards. DEEDS, WIJI,LS and all other legal documents made a specialty. A. LAKE, Commissioner, 3:c-, Exeter, THE Wesleyan Female College ! O1±' HAMILTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladies College in the Province, enters on its "inetecutb year on Sept. 3. For variety of Departments, extent of curriculum, thorough- ness of instruction and excellence of accommo- dution Rig ia the very front rank, For catalogue apply to the pt'mcipal, A, BURNS, D,D, L,L,D, REMOVAL. CRAU would remind his numerotl8 • Customers that he has removed to the Shop formerly ocoepied by Mr. Road, where he will bo Lound ever ready to atte..d to all business in the BOOT end SHOE Line. C. RAU, Crediton, ORGANS SHOULD CALL AT r F TTON'S Etna Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. TEN PER CENT OFF FOR CASH ! on all our present Grocery Stock except SUGARS. -0:0 T,E3Ie Is STO SII.6.M. lt. & E. SPICER, Exeter. Allan Line! LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW short sea passage F,conanly—C'on fort— Safety. CABIN, INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES. EVERY SATURDAY FRo1Ei QUEBEC, P ,lyncstan 411g'1 at3ttli, Parties wishing to bring out their friends from the ala country will save money by,buying their, tiekets1 at; thei office ofl the agent at 1ixoter. beery information ecncerning route,otc, by pp-. plying to QA1'T, O. KEI\W, EZetor, IN THE SURROGA'rE COURT of the COUNTY RURO . In the platter of the Guardianship of the In- fant Children of Robert Mnrray,Deccased. Teke notice that at the expiration of t venty days after the first publication of this notice, sp- plioution will be made to the Judge of the Sinro- gato Court of the County of Huron byAgnes Mur- rav, of the Township of Hay, in the said County of Hurou,widon', for letters of Un, xd.ianshir, ap- pointing her, the said .Agnes Murray, livarcliuu of the infa:it children of the said Robert Murray in his lifetime, of the said Township of Hay, yoo- 1051, Doted at Exeter, this nth day of Aegust,1879, BENJ. Y. ELL/0T/ .Attorney for the said applicant. Pacific Railway Tenders. TENDERS for the construction of about ono hundred miles of Railway West of lied Inver, in the Province of Manitoba, will be received by the indorsignod until noon on Friday, 1st August next, Tho Railway will commence at Winnipeg, and run North-westerly to connect with the niatn line in the neighborhood of the 4th base line, and thence Westerly between Prairie la Portage and Lake Manitoba. Tenders must be on the printed farms, which,. with all otherinformation, may be had at the Pa - utile Railway EOgineor's OAioeu,In Ottawa and Winnipeg. F, BRAUN, Secretary, Department of Railways and Canals, 0rTAWA,16th Jnue.1870. BMW CROOERY T. Tea, 50o., Tea, 50c., SUGARS, COFFEES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES. ORANGES, AND LEMONS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. GREAT WESTERN STEW- SHIP COMPANY, New York,' To Bristol. Montreal,) direct. Alsoingent for NoTI0I,.— SE.LiL'.ED TnziasI will be received by the undersigned on behalf of the Carpor..tlon of the County of Huron until FRIDAY,. THE Sth DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, for rebuilding HET-P'SBBSDGI,, on the bonud- (try between least and West Wawanosh, Pians and specifications may be seen at my otheo. Tho lowest or any teudornot necessarily accepted. PETER ADAMSON, Goderich,July 33, 1870, County Clerk, Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co 55 College St., Ontreal, P. et. Witr t rr e e,< Sole Manufactures in Cal:adn of PATENT STEEL EARS FENCING THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE for Railroads, Farmers, and Stock Raisers. A STEEL Thorne Hodge. No other fencing so cheap or put up so quickly, Never rusts, stains, deoys, shrinks, nor warps. Unaffected ay fire, wind or flood, A complete barrier to the most unruly stock. Impassable by man or beast. 42,000 NILES OF BARD FENCE EBECTED IA THE 'UNITED STATES IN LAST THREE SEASONS. For the Gardner, the Stock Raiser, the Vine yard Proprietor, BARB FENCE 09 tue only per- fect fence. SEND FOR ILLIISTDATED OATALOOIIS. Active parties to act, as General Agents for the sole of our specialt,os. Busi- ness respectabo. Goods sell rapidly. We pay a fair sale ary and ex„ euses„or a lib. cral commission on salas. From $100 to $200 n month can be made by live tnen. Rare chance for makinggmoney. References required. Address TRIUMPH l,i'E'G C0.,110, Mormon ST, CHICAGO, ILL. Chicago Medieah College Twor-ty-first annual Session dogine September 30th. Graded Course of Instruction, Physiologi- cal Laboratory established, Anatomic, l alateixnl actually ab.mdent, Seats numbered, and secur- es iu orhor of application, Professors'fees S75, Practitioners' coarse through Auri1; fee, $30, For announcement orp rticulnrs, address PROF. J H ITOLLISTER:71 Randolph St, Chi. sago, SENDTO P. G. RICA & ('0•, Portland, J.l Maine, for the best agency business in the world. Expensive outfit free. S7F,a month,and ere en ses gu n rantoed to agents /4 outfit tree. Smow c2 co, Augusta, Maine, $777 A YEAR and expenses to agents Outfit free. Address P. O. Vickery Augusta, Maine. Advertisement Ofweek 4 linin5,,0 es insnewerted coo spapers for *10. Send 10 cents fo 100 page pamphlet. G. P. IROWELL d 00, N..Y. $//�� profits oil 311 days investmen.01 1G�dOtltcial Reports floe.-- 00 Proportional returns every It eek on Stool options of $00, - :$50, - $100, - $500. Address, T.POTTP,R WIGHT it CO„ Bankers. 85 Wall St N. Y. AIS. MAHAN HAS COMMENCED dressmaking at her residence, on Huron street, Exeter. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Two apprentices wanted immediately. ' AG-LNTS READ THIS Wo will pay Agents a Salary of $100 por month and expenses, or o)low slurp commission to sell cur now and wonderful inventions. Minoan what see say. Sample free. A,ldrese, . SHERMAN 8 00., Marchall,Mich. H, AV YOULOST TIME SENSE OF TASTE OR SMELL ?If so, itmay be from the Lnenosr of rhe leth century, CATARRH, TILE CONSTITUTIONAL CAT13n1H REMEDY will restore you to enjoyable health. It not only cures Ca terrh, but all other diseases at the same time. Price $1 per pottlo. Fot sale by all druggists and Medicine dealers Send stamp for 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh and eertift- cates of the cured to T. J, R. HARDIrNG, Domin- ion Agent, Brockville, Ort. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. The only certain, safe, and effectual cure for Catr rrh, builds up the system and ures all other diseuaoe attire same timo. Asthma, Rose Cold, Hay Fever, Nervous Debility, all leave together when tho Constitututiopel Catarrh Remedy is taken as directed. Price $] per bottle. For sale by all druggists and Medicine dealers. 11(AIM STREET, EXETER, REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! i( REMOVAL! REMOVAL! �„ ja REMOVAL! 4 FRAYN-r; iln,n remove to bis now shop, lately occupied by Perltins'As Co—two 3onrs north of 3. Grigg's book store, where you will find everything usually kept in a first -clean harness establishment, Which for 7uality of material and slyle of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED MORRIS' EUROPEAN EXPRESS, anll' and examine my stockbeforepurchagtug elsewhere ,l parts of Great Britain at PTPi Parcels forwarded to alR�Y1•;, low rums, lV2ain. Strutt.. LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN +'VEI'. WHAT IS ? DREW'S STOOK OF FUR- NITt)RE. Bedroom and Parlor Puru:ture A T70,0 a lti • ,'+c.:47774�ih19lj��o��y��11�� specialty, and the eh_apost west of roroato, Lounges and all tip/wvlstered work greatly re- lucedin prices. Spring Dods from 03.7511p; wavon wire mattresses fi.r irrvulics and sickness, to prevent bed -sores, at remark ablely low prices. Parties desiring toff rnieh }oou.sos would do well to salt at Drew's, and examine the stook, before purchasing obit:- wile:a. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates. AI Ideas of Trimmings, Shrouds, Gloves, Ce.ps,, Ito., furnished. Emblems of all the different• gorietie also kept in stook for unerals, The hearse is the beat lathe county, Feathers tor bale at DRkI\V'a Furniture waroroolns Exeter, The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent the discoloring of corpses and offensive odors • RA TON BROTHERS Still continue to sell. Pants; Dress Goods, Costume Linens, Parasols, Cotten Hosing, Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, Flowers, Trimmed Hats, Gents';Straw Hats, and all Summer Dry -goods at an immense sacrifice to clear them out during August. Call and secure some of the great bargains at MANTON aROS, EsQter.'. It Will pay you to call at 'CLLLLAND BROS DREW'S :BLOC%, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc: Everything reduoed to suit the h )rd times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT' PRESET T WHOLESALE PRICES. 13e sure and oa 1 i before buying.': Suits to order at startling ftgures, McCLLELAND BROS. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING sprepared to givo all his customers the botetits that will accrue from Its adoption, and Lias of F hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines .anc1 Liquors, Crockery, Etc,, At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at «Thiel; will be sold at prices nngoi,rd of under Free. Trade.) The farmers of the'snrrounding country will And it to their act= vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the,,, store of the subscriber and Secure pininense Bargains there to be had in Overooating, rllll.clotl�a, Broad -cloth Doe shins, Silk, Wrneeys, Delaines, and everything , needed in the Dry Goods lime. The Grocery ' Department very Complete, An inspection invited Nct 40121400 to show gooide ISAAC CARLING