HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-14, Page 4T E TIMES
The 11111 olse.ns Bank.
r;(coar'ornee :n YaY Ac'r or pAnhtAtµ'.j r, 1815..
G•"eipitat, $2,000,000. 11031, $400,000.
.10ax 5Tor,soN Fila., . - - - Yresedent.
1{oN Tnow..e 14ousin N, 1'ico•Proe.,
T 1 Ci.aaro&, Yiee•Prus lian5intu 1 Ins Oo
rlon 1). L. Macpherson, t(onlator,
ti dlzopherll,Pres Ottawa Alva Nwvrt; Co
tlJrwt 0 Nelson 91 P 1', Milos Williams
ol•Phasl, tN Tnoatas, Asq , - 0 rsrtisr,
saf, 11L•ATON, .Gan.,.. - Iaz vector.
L:xeler Bran^1.1.
MINES: 0. d31UUW10.11; 91491 01111,
L09,9Za 711 141)dil`+ILS.
1)louev advanced to humors olz c,.6sl to MS. on their
(.w,1 promissory. notes Y'(th (015 or more good en-
kursem. No. murtgoige required as security.,
SM'INGS 14.191K ll "'I'•'ili'I M1 1 J
5 per co)ti, xntarest,atlor4'scl an cievostits,
CrMIlad ca ruaay:itatts aat,.itand sou. Star
d Exchange bongo and sohl,
C011ectious zua,te to all parts of the :Dominion
co:d returns promptly rtsrnitted at„'!oweet ratesof
Exeter, august/5th 1878. 6-u
Tesit ttSDA , AUGUST 14, :1879
rhe Toronto Gfobe, the Loudon i1t
From the British Cauadi'ata,
Some of the uplloneute of (► Natioinal
Qt rreucy are in the lhebit of deuunthe.
beg it,, advocates as National Currency
switellera, Ohief auaohag these t•fland
ells to this reelect was 1110 J'oatrwal of
On amerce, of whioh Sir iareneta dollies
•d a, to +
h said 1 be the finitude!,e(
th liter. Wiiaa
has that gentlemen to saay of the Cou
selidatedB;ank,of which, heis,Prosident
Was It a btviudle ? it ,:eelns marvel
lonely like it, and if nutria. be true, thu
_Directors put out a statement of the
Bank's affairs a few neonate ago
whioh was far from being 4sorreet. 1Va
thin statement meant to decive th
shareholder. and general public? If i
was, would swindlers not be properly
applied to its authors, chief awing
whom was Sir FranoisjHinoks? Honest
1 '1i f
We edcieci at the same time the hares Latest Errata Zululand.
for the 1e.s.t quarters of 1877 and 1$78
respeetivel�ts but ignite of the Opptssi•
htion p►pers objected to going baok so
far, and we propose, therefore, to leave
thele ont of the comparison, The
above Nitres, being for each month
separately., do Itnt include British
Clol'uubia, the returns for which owe
in every quarter. But with the own.
pletlun of the return for the emend
quarter of the year we are enabled to
give thein for the whole Dolninion, up.
to the 30th of June 1'st:-
1878, 1870
3~ is urns above brought
down $5,604,800 10 4%0,809,717 54
• British Cotrilibta,tazrea
3 months ending Mar,
8.st ..., •„ 75,133 15 142,568 70
eau BCph................. .80,047 Lie 121,15308
Honey 1s a cry wit some o the op.
ponents ofa National lJurreucv, or of
paper moneyguarnteed by the Govern,
inent, and backed by all property of
the country, We ask these Honest
Money men, if the bills of the Mecha-
nice and Consolidated Banks were
i. Honest Money They promise to pay
-to day they will not pay anything,
and are selling at 80 or 90 cents in the
dollar, and it is doubtful if they are
worth either of these figures? Wlhie',
we ask, is the most Honest ?stoney. Is
it the paper money of the Government
which will pay all debts, and will buy
every commodity iu the country, gold
included, but does riot promise to pay
gold, or is it the I:ills of Bank, which
promise to pay what they Ihave not
got, which will not pay auything whioh
have no fixed value, and will only sell
at the pales speculators will give for
them ? These are trot the only Bank
which have closed their doors. ceasing
embarrassment to the general public
and in neatly instances bringing ruin
upon their oustomers they only add
to a list whioh comprised the Coalmen-
cial,the Bank . of Upper Canada, the
e Gore, the Farmers' Joint Stock Com
- patsy, the Colonial, the International
and the Brantford. Theee are all that
we at the moment remember. but we
are certain there wits another ; if riot.
others. Instead of fuirly discussing
tree question of paper money, somal of
ite opp•lnents laud the ore ent system,
and appeal to prejtl;dice fur its men.
tenanae. 1s the system worth main-
taining? what have been its fruits•?
e The iva(se(lnacy of the system has
made oreeit a necessity ; the result of
• credit has teen overtradiug, bankruptcy
y and ruin. For want of money, which
is only a eonvemence for exchanging
the productions of nature or of labor,
f these exchanges have largely been male
open credit. _Parie,dioally, its at pre-
y sent, credit gets overstrained and brok-
er;, ea(lsing ai cessation of production, a
stoppage of trade. and creating enelh
bankruptcy alt,; ruin, as is to -day
uaralyzing the industry and corntnoa•ce
of the civilized world. Is a syeteno
the periodical results of which are as
described by us worth preserving? Yet
this is the system that its evooates soy
must not be touched, that ita support:
ers•oatl those who are trying co redress
the wrongs it inflicts swindlers. Is it
not time that the Government took
the matter in hand, and gave the
country a National or someotller cur.
rency better than what we have now,
and if possible, save it from the ruin
with which its trade is periodioally.cbn-
a ' l.w:", mai some of the lesser lights
ce the leeforut press have boon emus -
lug themselves and disgusting their
readers lately by applyiug the name,
seaag Blaby" to a national currency,
a)td aro now striving hard to impress on
tee ntiudiSl of their readers that such an
issue would be very injurious to the
r'rosperity of the oouutry, The recent
:'.allure of five tsanks within a short
'dine dace not speak well, for. the
;,nuudness of our monetary iustitutious.
esetuks aro supposed to have their issue
en a "hard money or gold ourreuey
basis," and some people believe such is
the cake. The;public lesiva tteeu led to
:relieve that by presenting their bank
cerrency at whatever batik issued th
i)1ll they would receive iu gold„ 00 de
:nand, the face value of the bill, bu
the fact tlzat fve of these institutions
:;ave.euspet odea specie payment
Isaievssetimetetieter rid net a suffieieucy
of the legal ourreucy to meet the de
:cauda of the public who held their
bills and wiao had made deposits with
them, an We doubt if others of rhes
lciudred houest.meuey iustituticus iu
the Domiuiou could, stand a ruin tins
store thau the ouee that shave failed, a
far as paying gold for their„Lille is 0ou-
perrsod, for according to the returus o
the bauks themselves, there are iu
oitculation uiueteon n1.111fous of dollar
of bank note.<, while the bauks ouly
hold about six million dollars in gold
to redeem this arnoliut, leaving thirteen
mil'tieu dollars over aua above their
gold to be provided for. The ba:hl{s
owe to depositure, payable nit demand,
„333,0011,000, aaud,payab.le after uotioe,
$3e,000,000, maldug $67,00t;,OPO at
the time of their returns, and Giving
them credit for aa their over due delete
111(0 tenon by oustomer:s, secured and
e nsecurede all their real estate and
bank property, and the amount loaned
t 1 Diro.l;to:et, (all: these anaoteuting' to
120,200,004 sial with all 111e gold
they hold, they cannot come within
some sixty million of dollars o€;lueet.
ing their indebtedness, This state of
our. tnoiletary institutions 7a n01 aka
the country wants. if there ie not
hard money ottough to meet the 1;e-
quireuients of trade and if the banks
do not hold more thau thirty-three and
a third gouts on the dollar for every
bill that is 4n' oirouletioih, the r'ioverh,-
n:tout, we think, should, issue the paper
curreuoy of the ooulttry, which would
have the security of the whole Do-
tuinion to bees it up. This issue
would net do away with gold, bat would
tats the phlae of the present tlauk biles,
the holders oe which are only' secured
from loss, by the stookholders. But
eve are told that depotsitotsiu the banks
that have fueled, and holders of bills
will be paid in tali. Admitting that
tbey will, there will be a lose eo persons
who `held their bills, and eantiot wait
until the affairs of Ellieinstitution are
'round RA, and itte forced to sell thein
to brokers; at a hie; 1,oas. Who then
is the loser ? Tl e public, of course,
for the leroaeraa realize Ilio, 011 value ..
of the, ;hills,, while those who. held them
at the, tiante ,cif sus.peeaion lose the.
alluou,tat( trade' by the brol;,et's( which
L;onerally amounts, to a good deur,
The Ise Iseite of a natio,nal paper eurraeeeri
with the whole credit of the Dominion
to hack tt up would 'do away (vitfl, aauy
hiek of tilts 0(attlas e,<
45006,043 54 80•978•04 60
Bohm Barne in favor of iir'st clx mouth$ of
1879 11607,408 06
These fi ares ong it to quiet the howl
About our "deoliulug rePe1111e," So far
the comparison is a very favorable one
for the new tariff. And soon the im-
portations for the early fall iholesnte
trade will begin to tell on the r•e(ures.
and will slake a still better showing.
And yet that standing Fizzle of the
Free Traders will remain -riot is it
possible to extend home mantled pe
by Protection, and still draw revenue
from importations? Some of these days,
perhaps, we may be so bold as to offer
a solution of the difficulty.
THE Montreal Post, an independent
paper, thinks that tele Joly Adminis.
elation cannot last long, for, although
sustaine:l by four of a majority, on a
rnoteon of confideuoe, the vote of the
previous night showed clearly enough
that the Premier did not possess the
coufldenoe of a portion of bis following.
Tho Post truthfully declares that it
has been siho,vtt beyond doubt that the
present Government do not understand
fivanoes, and as they gained power on
that question, they wilt probably be de.
feared, or at least on that part of it
which is embraced in this railway
Population of the Counties of Ontario.
The following is -the estimated popu-
lation of the cuuntiesiu the Province of
Ontario, as published in the Registrar -
General's report for the current year:
Algoma Sig eluding Thunder Bay) 8,070
Bract .87.097
Bruce . ..., 55,729
Uarltou .. .,. 45,776
Elgin.................. .... ...... 38.716
I+yaex • 37,602
L'ruii teutle.... 83.204
Grey 68,304
Iialdsror:nd.... .::.,,:......;: 28,579
l-litlton ,
feastit)gii., •, ••
Lanark . .
Leeds and Grenville,.,.......,...
Lennox. and Addiugt•on....:....
Ifueltuksa....... ' ..... ,
Northumberland and Durham
Parry a .,u1d:............
. Peterborough ...,
Prescott auci'tassell
Prince Edward.
Renfrew ...
Before an'd during the eleulions last
fall the Reform press 1>iaaiutain'e,l that
an iuorease of the tariff would be as
decrease of our eustotns reveling, but
the following which is clilll.led from
the Ottas a. Citizen will prove that in
thio matftlr they were writing and talk•
tug about sotnethingof wltich they were
entirely iguorttn t, and working against
the intere;lt of the minutia'. s.
In creel tktat the Canadian public
inlay dude;•stand properly, the opertt,tiou
of the new tariff, it is rteoessary that
they he accurately informed es to the
revenue. returus for periods before and
after the tirne when the tariff itself, or
the prospect of it, anomeenced to affect
importations..,LookingAt the consider-
able increase fr. that month, we shall•
have the support of copetnercial rneu
generally in taking the figures for Jaana-
ary last, eel the firet nkontbly returns,
snowing deoieively, •aid., beyond rill
doubt, the lnflttence of expected change
t)u iulrporttations, and• iu' taking the
first dray of the calender year as the
date of begin ng in comparing the tiew
systene with•tlreold. • .Lsi'oui issue 4,f
July 9th we ttive,tire following flgtirea
oe cttstott7e rettenite returns: -
January •
Peblaary...... „...
Ma rob,
94Arolt 1st, to 14th
tcreh.15 to April00•
187,6 . 1879.
V747,808 ' ' 11 89540, 05
048,056,0, 2,19;344 25
0 8,165311
3:35,010 40
b8,s,4•i;i0. want to freight and work the ground.
A Cape Town despatob says the ro.
port that getawayo has offered to sur
render is not eoufzt'nned. The gouoral
impression is that he will give more
Some eorrespotdents in Suntll Africa
think`'it possible that Coteawllyo may ale
teat the natives sent against hila, in
whio:i event all the prestige gained ^by
the British forcas. will be lost. A mili-
tary council will be held at 11lanizburea
but it will probably be little more (hall
a matter of form, as General Wolseley,
who is accused by the eoltnliets of Ria-
deeretn(g the enemy as 111(1011 118
Uhehneford overrated thein,is evidently
bent on pursuing his own views as to
the reduction of the British forces in
South Africa.. Bearers the marines mid
1 naval brigade, six infantry anal two i'
Jcavalry regiments will be sent house. I
Some accounts sate' that the Secocoeni
in the north is not expected to submit
without fighting. A. c,tlumn of 5,001)
menare preparing to march aguiust
hint should he continue reoalcitrent,
\Vulslev diel not inform the coast chiefs
that they wonld bo governed by the
English, but told them that their ennn•
try would be ruled by independent
Zulu chiefs.
A. few dap; ergo a Clinton firm ship•
ped four threshing machines, three
engines and a horse -power, to Manito-
In a cricket match yesterday the
the rcnre stood: -Bayfield, 154, one
innings; Seaforth, 98, two innithge,
The Harpurhay Uuiou Rotel Inas
been sold to Mr. Knox for $1,100. The
1•..te proprietor, Mr. Foch, intends re-
moving to the States.
Tice Pre.abyteriau congregation at
Seafortb have decided to erect a two•
story brick manse het spring. The
material will be put on the ground
during the ciuter,
There were twenty-one applications
for situations as teachers iu the sea -
forth school, all the applicants being
females, which stows that there in no.
scarcity of thed•ciass teachers'
Brussels civicized Friday last.
The Searort() Conncil borrowed $2,-
000 from the Bank of Commerce to
meet torrent expenses.
Mr. D. 13. Wits:on, of Seafoa•t11, the
most .extensive egg dealer in the Bounty,
uses $1,000 worth of bran and oat
hulls for eq season's packing.
A Seaforth bay, (tesd 7 years, fell
from a fence a few days ago, and broke
ins thigh bone.
Mr. T. A. Sharp, of Seeforth, has
s )ld his t1 ott'ng stallion, Geo. Brown,
4Lr. John Ward is the purchti er.
Mr. John Alexander, of °B`rxtssels
shipped 4i packages, 2,2.00 pounds
butter on 'Tuesday of last week.
The Molsone Bank has opened an
ageucy in Olintou having bought out
tee building and bueiuess of the late
C:1uso.lid.tted Bank.
A very serious and almost fatal oc-
currence 'took piece ahouo seven miles
from Luckaow on Friday last, by which
Malcolm lioGregor was very seriously
injured. H,.', with another man named
atonesIIcleay, was out harvesting,
whet, for a little recreation, the two
started to wrestle. McGregor got the
best of it, and this made McKay angry,
and• the struck hien. It was returned,
and a fizbt began, in which McKay.
ticked McGregor in the b'webs. The
atter staggered and fell to the ground
.,cOuseious. lie was car•reeed into the
louse, where he remaLiu(ed nntit Satin.,
ay night, when he was bronght to,1 once borne. Medical aid was oa 'Det-
ained, and though at first his life was
espaired, the is now iu a fair way of
ecovering .
On Monday morning last, a Wel.
exploded in the planing mill ofBobilason,
Lawson, fi: Buchanan, situated nearthe
in Goderich. It is supposed
Arc r T'14 ,e6379
grain trade, publlehee Rln'iisti(r rhow-
iug the harvest to he• ole+lhoe.'trt all .PII-
gerhz, aud the grain an.tet i e itnpoet-
• A Sncitalietx:twee el me.; f'. iii)prieone
eti at Odessa. has jtU.4t tl c d tlae host
Ilessl from the 11'1.0;_,) " , rli'lo 1)0ros,.
inflioteil who tile) :ere:Ira)(i cif self.
destruct' n. Ile• ,tin.: fullrt,t a'it is cell
sitting over a eters ihi) �:)})a .. Tho
R 1 3.
flesh of 1118 111'Ipt ,s r.t ,)E. 'lr i(!a(, rind'
his back 1111 t:• lits ;leek 1 rrl.'1! berri-
ed, IIs was r,' Ill' vt't t;, 01
where ho dit d.
A letter from Aby "ts)tcs that
the treaty of pease! ht.;.lag Joint
(.)f Abyssinia and , tic Keseese es i`.tgypt
has trever been siglle'd by ate
The Kiug has (lama 100,00:, triou to
take: possession of verions :,lastijote.
The Egyptain garr'isone e,•ireist ori 200;
men at 11lassawaap and 200 at Senuits,
brit Col. Crordon has left Khaartoun
with 3,000 then and 12 caution for
Sen n ite,
.There is considerable excitement in, et
Paterson N. J.,. over the report that
pleuro-pnournotiii. appeared among the•
cattle thele The authorities c}uar,au-
ttned a (trove from which three had
died, and forbid the sale of mint by the
owners. The Slase inspector experss-
es the opinion that the disease is in-
creasing, and says if it once spread;e
beyonu the Alleglhaaeies it will devastate
the entire west, .
A Cork Correspondent telegraphed
on Wednesday :-"Information bias
been received from Kiflavullen, county.
Core, of the appearance of an insect i'i
that disttiot resembling the Colorado
beetle, The insect appears to have at
tasted a potato lumen as the Ameri-
can champion, and to have made con-
siderable ravages among the stalks..
The matter wes reported to the oon-
stabulary, who proceeded to the place
and brought back about two -dozen of
the insects, which bear a resemblance
to the Colorado beetle. The American
ehatnpion potato is the only kind
which has been attacted.
Sir Edward Watkin, heirman of
the South -Eastern Railway Company,.
is to be made a baronet.
rARli of one hundred acres on the London
road,tlrst concession of Stephen, near the vamp
of Rol e ' Apply to 11iR.B, V. ELLIOT, Solver
tor, Exeter, August 13 1 b79.
• Fire Insurance Agent for this neighborhood,.
Address Grand River Mutual Fire In.. Co., Galt,
CAU'l'ION,--I hereby forbid all per-
sons from t ivirg rred3,t to, any one on nay ale-
couutwithout mywritten order ,as I ',vin notbe
responsible for debts coat:weed without 50011
order, after this date. DANIEL '.Les', t2Y, lot
6, con ,1'3Sbephen,
August 14. 1870,
29,913 I
85 047 I 1
41,390 d
23,387 b
32,170 t
Sirucoe... <..,. 73,885 d
8tnrmnnt, Derides and Giengary67, 031 r
Waterloo ..,
. 34,730
.. 80,629
Wentworth.......,, .,. ,,. 66.239
....... ............. 133,286
The Uulted States Indians.
the boiler had been allowed become al-
most empty and• that corer water was
let in. The dome. of the boiler, weigh-
ing one hundred d fift I
threw') cue hundred yards, and ohree
The Indian . agent at the Flathead pieces we're found still farther away.
agency, 1�Iontana, reports that ten �,v111. Rollinson was heals injured,
an y pounes, was
lodges of Nez Perces recently deserted bbl f tall Ii f
Whits Bird's ba,ndslof hostiles sod de
sired to enter and live upon the Flat.
head Reservation. The agent agreed
to 'receive them if they gave up their
arms and ho.ts.:s, rind"surrendered as
prisoners, subject to the further orders
of the Goverumettt. No `further com-
munication .was received from .them.
Eight Nez 1?'eroes who followed the above
baud were massacred by a war party,
it is supposed, of biros Ventres.
• The ,2ecretury of the Interior re-
ceived a charaoterietio letter . from
Indian Chief Spotted Tail at Rosebud
Agency, Dakota, The Chief tnakoe
one complaint, and says; -I have bad
enough of the Military. I want my
people to work., I wn,nt no more scc,ut.
ing. I have had n'iy'belly full. We
08,),097 77 Nyli,enevex• the •Mar are. here there
1,050,0°= 04 sts,its8 18 EG11 >!
-----r-- --- is always wltieltey, and that maks
Tetals 4,"4'',.88.6,% ¢5,518`,860 80 trouble. The Chief requests the
ep naw ad,i
,nue .. 90217;,9.(1, ;07,906 60 Secretary to, visit 'she tt,geuoy,, ,au11, the
"7 ota13 $s apt 9{i6 iu is (144 727 G4 'I,e teed rohrtises t elei'ecs
pr•o a y it as y. a was nun d with
a large griudstone lying on trivia, Bud it
is thought he has sust;tiued severe in.
tuna' injuries. He has nue arm brnk.
en, his jaw fractured, and body badly
eealded. James Buchanan, a son ofl
one of the proprietors, was,bttdly scald
ed, ixut no buries, broken. It is very
doubtful if he will' recover. Drs., Tay.
for and Hamilton were itra 'attendance
on l'obtueon, awl( live., Cassidy oa Bu-
General ;News
The Chicago. Go',ernmont is steadily
building rip a fostnidable fleet o$'stream
.gun boats, 'l'hey are made in England,
anis each carries a 80 to gnu,
• The Earl of Aylesfoi 1 11as sot tip a
regular coach between Hamburg (now
become the correct English summer
colony oh the Continent) and Frank-
fort •on•t.he-Main.
The firm of l3artbolemy iii Esteinne,
elIarsoilles, regarded, as au,tlooltita in,
constantly arriving at W. h. ?deGloghlon's.
Mammoth Jewellery Store, 150, Dnnitae street.
Louondon, Ont,rio. Whenever you visit the For -
es City uon't fail to visit this fine establishment,
the ais' itrst•els, store of the kin in the City,
and hest arranged :Jewellery store in the Domi-
nion, The W, D.AfcGlneh'ion Watch atonds un-
rivalled:, A1' who use •bhezn recommend thein tn.
th"ir fr,ends, All kinds of Watches in stock,
Clocks of ewers dosertption, Bich .7ewollsry of or -
cry style, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Fancy
Goods, Spectacles, and ,,it '0, odrling Rings,
Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired and
wazerante(1 W,,1,).M0(.1:,00IILON.
Persona fl(fferiug froa+3. Live; complaint., Dy-
spepsia, Diseases of the. Stoanrzetl and Ki,lneys,
Fever and Ague, S:c. shpuld procure ons without
del ,y, Dusaryptive :treatioo sent post Area on up-.
r etrfeeR 1!:'.47.•
Chad's 1'3•„+1
t�8 0oh.
egniar - - 2.50
Special "- 3.50 "
Abinr.,tion, 8 tits - - q.,(, p1a
I ode Piasters . - - - 50c each,.
Fast " - - - •- 50e pair.
Spleen 13011s -. - - $10.00 each
We are sale. agents for South anti uoutre
on. No obhe>rpursons within these limits are au-
thorize(i to sei,a the'x except through ua.
RI0Ts;S0t ,&i B?1J:ASDELL,
Reapers,, Mowers,,
(' xv.e.rJ<l, & ItE ls� t�,l�axar.