The Exeter Times, 1879-8-14, Page 34
AUGUST 1.1.,,t8 -i9
At1ll.'1' bll.abl.El11IS,
A traveller in 41444 East given the fol'
lowing interesting account '>f'his visit buns. I' Ie complied, ns fuliovvA
to the remains of /ancient IliG nphi•J, t'1Vhat. is the capital of 14luthigau
uunllet by th4 first known Egyptian. "r.Intlbll'g !' )3111,8 the prompt answer.
king- IVIones. nut what, acid we Mee of "Whitt is the largest City ill Mich-
this wouderfol city ? '(U dy a suttees- igen ?"
cion of /mounds," say(/'ttte writer ; "a 'i)etrnit,
14)9v l,'ieoes of (auCitoIll xt,Li.11„,t ;Alla far Where b the great University Uf to m e't5the views the
l i Michigan o„ Grangers, w f
dawn below elle )4)4+4Crtt 1740., writ its: NTclli 0.'l k)Catnd , g:rs, 41114 eatnolirias
Race 111 414(3 7141.:11', ,4 1n,LF1 111n.,t4t '144;114'0 "At Ann Ar}]' r.” /noun
less VI an those of (Iffy
/noun %eta eerR G on,0(r011 t•
of a woman iu 1'i y tiara, dress, with "What is the capital 'of Peuuesyl• ly Wow"; aeIlot)eauer,
noble features i.w1 44 fin ly vn 1dolted vani'a
fot•tn, allno;+t perfect,' 'although probab• 44. r4rrihl)ul ,"
ly 4,000 years chi. As )L natter of "'What is the largest city in Peon-'
core's, we linger, ti :Ln.(1 1'lw:,k(a,i •Ls 1o11tz sy)vlania ?"
as we thought scntitrs0IJr repaired, then "Philadelphia.
pushed o0 to the rtaial:ark bb, ruins of "What building. h there in Pllila
the cotl3eter ,whi013 w14.4 c n10eete-1 with tieIphia that is dear to the 11,lart of
this city-, or magnificent cit} of the 'every patriotic American citizen ?"
dead --to the very oonEo,ets 4.'f '.'hieh No answer. The geutlom:L11'r..epeat-
1Se'rnphi; extended, It is oo v but a ed the cluestinn.
lit4.a that/ a vast int.onta,in of "I know," sail a little .fellow on a
sand, being just the precinct, of the back neat, 04 he stretched up his arni
African (16"04(4. Titer'.. ,fro so many to its fu11 length.
tombs ovelrywhere pooping Ant, and so .'Tell ns what it is then, rely boy,"
lare,e s tt11111beru+ 1,--0101t.•y.cru i saic1 the doctor,
la all, Me;Ltt.•rull 5.1). nt-^-L1t t the inter "Tito mint," was the 0t)1iidet an8•
est is keoilly..extxlic•l1 at ouo,a ; and every wer,.
step 801110 ne'v do'veihntetit takes
place. When we rtnie ub»r• that .4111 ABOUT -A. BARREL..
Memphis was soVRIIti,011 lllll31. l• t utictlit,
and outs occupied with 'villas, (at•ds•Jn"s. T'
l 91101041 yl'tIv8.4, 54 4.1 eau 34:11" tit iIre,j11,4t 0.:4 tho ray's of Lilo netting
than in any other way tire wondrous.
118x$ of the Cony i41noh r mains t') 41F
to (lay. A:ftt•r l,Lr, 41,1 Ilyra-
Mid, C 111slt1ered tai ,41,1'.44 in moment
4)f anli1l11it1 int t iy()r.11, \v3; 41<)4Cd1)d3d
rapidly to the one little lto'i•.0 of +•efugat
titanding in the 141141 t o1 the sena, dis-
mounted and iitt112c11eyd— lilts a curin,I
,'(i(, that it 7:14 11141444.0•.1lull to elevate,L good rbstlli;( season, uu• 0 :u after about ,t _ • • -,. 4
-au hour, >.tart(d'out with our i uido3 t3) It tit 4.h 4.111rd st.t,(4, Lot ho:\ .
"f,'(i 11 44. t:1C 1d0. (4.0141' 417 1)a!1e5T 141 41'10.4
4114 .vo special points of in a ;:.t 11i,re,
tl(> ,aT`lt2R(il:'•iltn (', t )!' i.�:1.•r. ' , 1�1111'd urot s wlt.ltlr)n'+," 11t4,1i1 4'.140 first Mau
1 .1 Li=tt1 IL lel
toe 44:1413 llri'•s 1'111, 4he 14440.'4 tvbrr 1144.1t('d. "That's t/asioet away,
4)01.4 0.1)44114. 'ao;;WO ( " t, ,a , atm tali re'S or) (:1,1,4or of 0,00i tout."
J3: G: l.h' y 50..40
e4.44e,5,r.ti 1.1 1839 by the I1'ttyptain
at 14 , it (a who, h :,t ti(It1e1na• the
£m t4. ,(.s nil the 5.0.', 1 1).)9,51 1,G tilt ap,)ertr-
!4lte,J 0f 11.45 tN1 (i 1)1).11.;4 k,4. :a0-1014i1Y:ii•)u,
and, atit'r N 1.41301 14 six months. tali
n1700'110.411 splairKe , If1-. 4.t .t:ltln.,;, Was {'
it ''.'Stwtlty�,t:t51111?;1;0\41\?0.1(„440.rfl:rker,t
_ tooil f:,ei; lrll): (4.'1.1 I:,.v '(„o on I ate qt. 11144, At all l',i4les,..nLi;)artlealarl at a period wit( 1.' , 14341 folanictship r
,.,s, (134
)'414 ,1Ofin, 1114' 1!4`11 G tri or it. Lit 1214 1 }t , ..,. \ 1 )n Trail, 13 universally ('loll1'0404'11 ani(. money E:y 30.0.11417 01 incite 1('.l aunt 51414 of 4'1412
t 1"• then t w') 11)Yi11 () Lr4 4'110. Ili 14. bi4l'r„1 .1111 tree. It is i11 the 111, O1 t 54. Ot eyer • hover t0 Trnreliose where he mut get the altl(:1 he \wants 18 Nt)i' '
pet ( r. i t 1414 ( •4•;1.70. .1 n( Ro a el` 1 •.1'1
14 rate. e u e 11 111 your int attention t � m r present stock, 1 l With i E
t ,(1 lett t. 1,14 ; ?.-t i,(il
Y P elsewhere,
A gentleman visiting,a school in (lin.
0iO4)ttti (luring a recitation in geography
was invited to ask the class. a few coos-
ari(. ' "111 Lin). i i . f-,
T 1 Ai 11 C111`t.c..:t;l 4.1
t�..y call specielattoiltiCn
bo our 45(111 l0f,lng 14 41!11
a)ont,\)hiel. is More Cole
ts10te then c cnri,15 we WINO
s31d541 evcra1 new desi5r
1 344 tttc '1'1.u, ]fort 4.(1011.,
I caskets s117erdtl,'rnd evoly.
.,111(1•x1 !41111 alit(• at Mit'
tom est 411)34 .. Oar axe NV
Heti 5. n i4 1i(nteuillcdln
eon:petegit 15deet to I,(.
s.4:4)!41 441 none iu ti:c
l,Yndei"tal£o r �a
T I 4117,40 'who intend
pUr0htuthut to do so 11ront
the lt'5nnfaetu4'er. Tho
dealer who buys.. to null
again must ,necessarily
itavc '(� 7411114. Wo .11aiin
to give 41i0 purchasers 4110
wore quilling th�l church spire3 and
whitew'Lehit]g tie/ back kitehe119 of De-
troit. the other afternoon, a 11114n and a
barrel wore diso-)vared at a stairway
0.11 L -))11'O0 avenue 11,'1 was 4)1 small
roan and it was a big her-rr'1; and ells
ptdoet'144118 who Haw 111111 l()okidg up
the stair i .Lr111 back at the,llnl•rol
Tie "l =L4ted A *host the 10.01) post to
nictitate 00 the 1e+ngth of a rope (0.311 ` J ?�
„ 11 e w e Ji. 8 �S CJ )
the lifting u)wel r4't + r ( and along 1,
owns l4, til?u,itr:l man, 4.14)44 to ,l5 1118 sit ah'" `
bees of all the 'Different Soc2 ties.
AT t ::
THIS IS N C� . O .113AST
Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit,
Thorofare, road, purchase, andel:jnyIts bargains. When 1say 1nlanufacturemy own Furniture 1 prepared with proot-shout that the potpie eau inspect at any time by calling at my Ware
roams where they will see a superb lis plag of •
Furniture in All Its Branches
Is atmaltraet1 ro 1 by myself and my combined artistic skill, wit,f goo.' workmanship. 1 del tare n(1 the people with amass of 11'tt«uitnrn that cannot bo equalled for quality or price in
id:cater,all blowing to tins contrary, notwithstanding.
Corner of Main 04.441 Gilley Streets, Exeter,
1 dressmaking at 1101' residence, 021 Ham
street, Exciter. 1:frattingand fitting fa s4.}eetazlty,
Two apprentices wlLntc�l ixnrnodiately.
avellill'l,4: A (4nts(1 51434ry'of $100ver mouth
ntel0x17 u;+( (11 plicate, o0lnrniesioil to sell
0L4r)45751111.(4: 7'1)1 ld(rfnl. irivnntiuus, We 71,1(04 Uhot
34 504/, (0u1,rlt flea. A /dross,
541r,1:11A`, R at),.;l'Iar h1'i1:4lIoh.
1 tST1'l 00 011l;I ;, ?I. so, it may be from
t P,tl' 1(r.104u4.41, 4.f the lit}. (cilthry, 1'A'SAILi0I3.
(10Nweerrrl'7)NAL CATAlnu.T Itr>nlrnl \4111 restore
5•outo('J-.5$111,006140. It not only cures Da-
tum/I, bat other iliac:45es atth su130 tilOS.
1 1 ice Iva' {,,:t tin Pot sale by 1111 d: ugr'ists said,
141•,114.1 u+ t:telilet. E,rrtid. L4117111' h r 48 t,sgii pam-
1,111et,10ob1ini,4) t.u'ati*e 0140411t151•43,and certili
eat3r4 of t'(, 4 tlroi to '1.°, I. If, it ei:itl)IN)k, IY.lnl11-
i(p, Arent 1:roc114Ae,O"t,
7r)Y: i'1(`i7'LI4ii;1ln C1.1TP1t1i,FI1ttI1MEDY.
The orlly curtain, safe, and effectual cure for
Cate5rh, buil,h' up the ay'tetlrand ures all other,
di,ls)a:serr at the sumo time. Asthma, Itcso Cole,
Hay Fever, Nervous Debility, e11 leave togs-ther
when tun C'On13Ytttit,it3(-14,,1 .Catarrh 'Remedy is
%aim, ,a :1144+eta d. )'rice $1 par bottle, 1l'or sale
by all 4d1u .gists and Al, liei3)c denims.
1l'A11 Ib kta 1U'U) BUILDERS,
Ray our I3onnllvillo WRITE LIME end *
Star .13r.,MMI Plaster Paris, and you will be
pleased with your work. Fresh Tama always
0n haled.
LOCKS, anti
Hi:t uE;i
very cheap for cash, 'White Lead, Oils, Tur-
pentinelanrl putty at bottom prices, Molle,
tthafu, saws, Planes and other tools at prices
that gilt astonish you. Carriage Makerslcall
and set)
Our Be1.1 t G ood84,
made from dry, tough timber. Cheap for
O'[ Y£INE & CO,,
The Partners' and Mechanics' Hardware Store,
Exeter. Haney to loan on. Mortgagee.
(1879 P. P AYN
1LLti1'1 4.t It °'}(40(14, told `i0.; -- - 0
"Cr 1 a)'(1� )''t rirr14') 6('114).114"r
has remora to his now sliep, lately occupied by
r ::i a OLD RELIA_.1.3L:1't HOUSE;
:Perkins to Co—two doers north c f J. Gri(.g's book
there all slier: SR F;'0 Lqn.
the415 a t 1 t, , t,. . c5, (oto r\'ey coup(
11:11 (t 11140. ,>tLul170.1 ell..,; it 43,1(0 analEc:trefulir assorted 4:11 sslected than 1110.4 of iLn re.viunseeason. Call and examine my steel: before purchasing
AlaIL SL'J',.PA1hSED u
Toe little. in 1,44 11)„ kod around in n
41'111, 40.'144>t•U t'd;.1 4431.,(,:..( ,,.i ,t•:lr.illn o
. 1 n4. T� 'n 1� 1' . :!-1
t tie Irl?,i4 cnry ')t 1 ,74117, 144101 tile
tllk'(:a r 1
PETER � ,. 5 y t •
ties t e it 1(x71 1 1' : 4347 ell n0.,• 1 In the _3. T Goods
ties, 31'11(.1(, u(1'i1 f �.11ldth3a+' Nt'',J11.4'C 111111 came bll'titnil:ly 1111 !1R(1 e:Lt3t'd J 0.84
> 3.1,1 1•-rel1 ry '711'1.1. is 1'P1)1(te 71'11 the lllo t . 4.44. unable an(1 fa„Iliona3le fabrics 1)104.lted a
!jilt 1, ) 1 t t t rl}' !, 4411„ 1.4,tn t bI40e triGeS\,11iuo 11((1'31 ((11111at1, 41
"}Y•,.nt 0, t -at tint 11.44'!•01 no 4c.tilc," 1 ! ,ealtt'utlta)ofy.1e very elosert hears. 2.131•} 011I)EILA')
}, � ; ( i ;1!141 47;43 t) t,, - - 01'5.44:!* . (14(51411\ a still 11as 1(11. ti�,T�'Eti ati 14.h(ad
'111115 e4le 11,.4W (,;,011, 0 l( Can't 1101. en '...• NY..g1, W , fasten your put
f3110n ; au 4 ier,....t in 00-1'?'1. tai! c11` ley at the 110:11 of the t+ toles ait(d 4.',n 13.1 liii.ilineTy
0 , ,,;(1,..1t., ' v, , 1 , men down here ;t 14) 441 4.14.1 that It -1 •1-Pl tip Una.,,, elle'I?G..a'I,F'illflTt,,of 'Anse ur(a10t11l(n,we can suit the mostf fastidious. .1,113 )L •l4.' 't l• are 4:13.4: .d ),3`�' 0.w. r •7 b 112' stock " of
elJ1;r:: 13',,:1,1 mut llli,l A':, ire ((() }ll"/Infi.11t/. 5 Wit -res 'SI n.•: -441 le ry ' GroCe.ies . Boots and Shoes, -.!`T. English and
..i, 1!4. 1441 � � o� , Canadian, I�n�lish A.IneriCttl?
Al. rnek, arta(.' a1(rlit t,lf ,irlt 4 al*, 41;,0.() re By this time the er,I c,i 11,441 b „1, in, illE ii il.Uri Heavy Hardware
(•i"Sat•1 ',111('1.0 are II `\i' st:4.41 l}i1.ry 41141 :at.- (rf':t 0:1 to t'V1(1( %,• 1}141 t{ay (1)4.11,1,1 t . ry J
` . i -ars 4• 1 , •e' 0140 al • t one of tate i argent (41441 best )1 1 (4 in the t,n,l:'1t7. Intend111, 111'G11AsRrgwin consult"`
((}11.1A,..1 of 1)11`1;.' 'r(elit tiao .per L.,ttV, n a it ,4,d lift throre4d1 t Intending their
y p b.31 tin,.e:est., o4.• ox.Llntniug II1y;to(:k before going elsewhere.
the front witiaows ens a potty at tl e
oto•s ~:and 10 000 110.1Vt:. (.14611 w;A1;11-
T ,I top of the Rat4)r5 bat the 0171} who
gra, rt 44. ti• tons; awl tn.Lrlc (,+ tau to fn''S
engv,,1.t>ti 511 li '1,.,1 .es. r3>)r„g(?171in . 914.3(Te3tel 04'1'19 li itl N 1"7 4')44(1 5t31('t1,
life, thq li i''(l 111"t1,)ft1a!l1\'. Jiiut it is 5.1311 wag (1e.!erI11 2e'1 to early 1414 0.14114.
11,1 lite" r •b(1.4fil1 to F.4) thein WI! aro 1 t!ctrl'j oil 14:4 001:51 110 saii,l : TILE 71� ? 1.4 rrl'r,. '�:
i ..1.�.i1.1 .fJ J �. :`
4111 11.e t',s,.o t4.) '11(1 +1:1:1(1 !13•'(17 411'? - .4 know 55)1114. 1'4!1 tLe44111:" ab:)11},
y:•PrOt lint thee',,, ()•,a, n, ii, 11 ,,,as pre. 1 Sa'C that I ell 44.1i141 that barrel rip them' t ,•�;'s}°�,, Yj , l3.` 7. icy. 1 17, ill �`ti -p-c, "'4.",1"•.9 a;" „¢.• c'''''$
> - a, 1 11141t1e1. - 3)11`14 1'=",[1 wait 1l Tl]:111140, d:3 i�lt y.,,�1g"},,,,;,, y;,,, '( +1711 c tui
.en it(l 4..1 Ott- French heti hew ab Ltltl-
oat'1l 17 ll(^il it) (51.3.1 s,ttne 'lista 3r', tis 4.(1 1 1in crossed th(?,sO 'O4 t') 1)31)1,1f111•)'. istl•
„ el 1)011141 nod l41r11 1 with a roo} 110
1404~;) to be 4:111( 3( 150:4•. . i470V e,,.,a
Li 111.3•,,11 ft,,,i 1 0111, 013174,11 ht„t high 211(1 of J by 1 1(Cta7Jtli 0.4. 11'1(1 1,41.1 thorn (>ll f'yTiII G`(+:3'si11('r 111gs to;mama:e(, to the inhabitants of Exeter• and the n"rrotil,(Iingconn-
k ti's, 4..:4.411( ha.; 4 1'1"1 ai111'1 1'0'\ 11EPOT in the store nearly opposite lir. G.
a:ey. 11 ft)4't, (1001:, .1134 1.110) 41,..,'1 Tl?74`1[' of the fit•1l1•H, 0.1d 41,E el•ovril t10w nnlnl)t)r- \ 1f101 'llrt'Utcr�'a111.oi(1tiU1'4 1114, 311.111 street lrFete/,w11a1'elYel5 Nepal0(144 f11i4t11051(6 s
111,- e vers 1115 ! intrad r,-nnt \;0.1 11,14114*T , 1 -1 - .t . , tow'
1 ' y,,ll 75 4,114. l lil4 b:8rrt,l 111 the 11)151fi - - ^�
Cti 11R 4.!3=rlld l'3 .1 i2} 4l t.3(?:1+. ::ib -1`4) t}t'' (,),.-, /-r��. �•-•' .Y.���
( 4". -a ' .0.i^ 'IJ � 1 1 t'>•'1
> t r 11111, 11) 0.] 11 t] a 1i (1 C213 I,4tt(. „9 >•.(1 d other Stoves
} 1. „i r5 1 111'cill,tl(1 .1 rmaii, f.4.}; y.
?1',3'1 by 3111 14 i3t 14) 7'140,0 r,i ;!l 4113.~ 1111
11i4� '•\;I•Ln3' tableis w -'re f.,nl'ti upon `(it?;' -but—it=.4.t ' :� ji i13113ii1Ctli1"C'I'9 i l'Ii'EF..
114,4 1111M which were pi lova there asj ".13.1t \411 it. ?
.'1re li),*S to tilt' gt+t1 •: til('aP, 1towever, 1 "Why, , l \x'144 741411(1 r rte !Try' wife to ri* k,3rls`liopt oonstalltlyon hand at his
were allowed to be taken to Pit -is.
iry 4)r 1771( .>H1.110.,
The 1213(111242. J1 1 L
tale, (1 1 ry rs 15(53.7(1
43 13 ,♦:~ 1 1 14. . t 4. 4
29" }l 5115 4.}5 $1.
.).•11 Th'l
IM 011 nn 2•tu•1..L of
tl•eatsofls:111at1 tact" 1, 1145 t 5,,,5,..1,11” ..',
Ne' ot:I uu)145y554 15 ,114 (u
('oIenli l t. 1 4 3.1141 7,771 h, u''. •1t t•15
fh0efinn7 stn --d4. ci^l tl, vtno(. ' 1 r.0. 1 1'
5'erilltin114 ny74. t ltSic111+ .ti; price
the het/51114111 1.4. 145411 en I 0 t
t(n,ive lint )3l'3.')'4.111)- 11 1-,,. sl 14.1, t
int\.1re21C,1,'001133m N5,
;.w.. .t :t(• 1
t'ilerint(d33143741)34106)15u,1410,1.1.• (.,
A 15lithle4 i(1t atld 15111
5`5,!01 /414.344.5.141.41-5 that= 414.
Fel Of tart (113.1 beauty.- i
6011'11 4'02.34 ter Oa. Soul 1
for it at once. AAI
1'I :U:0n 1 111 1)1 1? 'r .14'41'
1NPTIChll 'Sc 4
Ana ..t.. 1104 ,011, ,?._ a Hi 9
Mhe unclelsigned 7001411 lforr. the i11h'tlri-
,tante ofExeter and vicinityythalt 113has
(etc door south. ofhis l31ac1csulitirshop n.nrlhores
tilesalueliberal 'patronagetlhat hits bean so
corded to him fltthe -
BYA0T5511IT11 ANI) 15Art0N - 1/AWING
11newillbeexte211riltonin)ithis newbrancllrf
0nriues,1, .Hits nl tut wagon. o ellieall attire resi-
dents Of the village 4121roet1111c -c 8(,11534340114.0(1
s'4) R E s.I�..4 �i' _.f{. A T
jcrnt Lap C141104•ll':rsa tent of 11)t1'lln?ter, cllen..”er than the cheapest., and (lade alp l,•V l'ractie,al buteoershop.
111111. 151111':. 1111 i.•aa4y now, 01)(1 I'll taai(e.
it 11p.
11 1 :111'0 it'4)!'.51'`(111^'1104
TI/INK Iii\ii �L MOMENT ? `'s c :x'1(1, 1� ;k...le ;(17) 4ll,snl,leret..t 4.h°
w orktnen an the 'remises.
� l Tlnclrsrrithfngand wagrntn:111iur;curr3ed on
as 11672af in all its 1,1).).,111':
40 Order. (0.41'4 7S'e "1'11)4 A'5 a Specialty. Coal ell Chimneys, 114(3 :Il.. D 4 ITIS.
harrol 134,':l trott(41 n)/stairs between 4143.' n
very best 411411 (40)141 (1t)et11rer.
n15tds. It ten,^, nrll')I\, 1nten11171!'' ;nivel wi11:4. 51(54.1171t113F nt?Ily 1044 ready to attend t() my 01014U431)CAF
1) ys 3.141 a ' re .t n11u)y thoughtless 1 _ ' •� 1
.-,-+.+.•..+n. •1714.- prop red at ;131. till 114 to trout (11,;tnulcr6 courteously and sup )lY. Omni 'a itl/ a 44.1,04)(1 unil.
1,4141 f�l�nl1.11 things tiler fun' that 1(1.)it)F'y' 3,31 prtrti1 e. 11:Tend upon it that nowhere can you get b:,ttervalue for your motley.
them very 1111101.} 1'l 411(3 4.011'73))))rane4s• �nl'1
Travellers :4.1'. tourist.; 511x74.1(1 al'ts'"s be a'itiareceivedalotof no's 1nacii.nery,
3.(1'14 ( with 1)r Fowler's I 4) t ant of ~call ['1 1 t L • �r 1 Hides i w Pte inform th e' f the,
'4,3) kit,\'4.1 been caught "tit 0(441+>hn;1t'„ , Iwovi••ttrrl ?(rDr.ta,('r i , ( r Ie'' very Iiiy:l:3 t: )rice 111 11.9111)?I4. for i es and Sheep sliir:3. r,. "', 1 farmers o' tnr-
::,i rr e• 1 r t 1...14 in tl(e 15311(1 fir ( r) coot tly that I Fall prepnredto nlanu-
7 2153411)1 1111 kinds of Horse lakes, Barley
114 I .. SPA CSL M l\4. . Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, et.e, and having
&toured the snryices of a first -elms Turner,
tun prepared to do
on the shortest notice, and for style and price
I defy competition. Always o)2 hand a first -
etas.. stt,r:. of Fork anti Shure/ handles. 111511
half .1 mile south of Exeter.
31,..(11) 11,4X12, nr ta,5l ng a, ,5(l 111 ail 1111414,1111,", 411711 ns bl n.411t on 31411 eating Ipl-
i.inffiee, or e 14.71104; 0)411et). a 14hotrinri3O%, ` 11(4 or :our t 1155, 43,41 rile, 41111'111 \514(er,
11)' pia l ing (.1117 kind trick 4.t: • "(Hinge 01 teeter and climate The great re/li-
tho for all sumer complaints.
'(nary (.41 41n011)0r, 44411 t144,t 110.8 r.!1'
I fa 'en z v r• xarat'a anatm
ba ,4es'll5101t51I17tl in n: 5'lealt lt4 5why,~ _r..F-
'W 30 4. peer) 51;1,)3 smart if 3''11 aver grow �Iy r• '• -AT 0.1 S LIRE WOl1:iis.
to bo 5 1111)11 of sense Yon will "43 4tQ its
and.1vcrt'1'r that you could ever have onr.lra\:n't?1342+1•ninr•aowInfull mteratronany
10014, 114..141 sharp. 4.1(Mut 4 3n:titatly a large 3trtantit3 of
flatter yorself that On worst
thing it mot a. (1)04.4) act is in being
caught at it or found odt. Yon can't b4
low, 4r vicious!, or tricky,. witl'l,lllt
somebody knowing it, and it (io(13 not.
take long for a good many to land out,
It takes e:(tra')rdinary talent and de-
ception to Have 41 good ropntatiolt 0011
eea:l a btti cilaraeter, and its never `4?1:JIT�it�v' a(Ie,a`TEI
'4.50) tl1 trying for. `.Chere was never yet a
boy who was manly 410(1031,.4147(1 it ire
Exeter P 0, 034103 61-1.4 1077.
,..,., ,..,,.. ,...,� �lm,,e.PSAM,.,,.,..,, .^YVi Str.:,,..,., ,,MY%1.,.,...11114,4).,.a,
T*vrgrsca;. „�. , mIto 1.;. AIL
'4” 1,..v4
Baying. triulnpllod at; the polls,
IS 4;454.., .(u,.' C A ii6:,t,;✓L ne&i oL•...L
tna tforn.11 310rt1(41es 4 p15551 4.:a to glveall his customers the here3te that trill nccruo from its adoption, and, has on
hand aI.arge stock of
cannot be 8urpaseedin the orcin-
in,l. Dry Goods t3- ooeries Wines alio
T'(ltferflor2 8 1isttmeaeon 1,tw vsbec-.•plied
either at the kilns nl ail'iverd by temtle 41 tleW . •' ' ,t •� �v rockery
■�, ^gam '�
est tmmnue,aLive r:t.t s nrcloisCrouis (i.stan0e Li('� o s ke� -y) Eno.
promptly attoi}ded to. "Z 1 sJ i ).
worthy of con6(Ience that people (lid
not find him Dot and give him leis Kine.' ,<II r ,.7j7 A ti r *.ri' R L 8c' 1r1i's-,
You,cau't afford to trill., WW1 yollr Afull lino,1.unvin, of
repotlation, If you descend to indecent
' E '* )1'irr'r and Simmer 110.4~ (11147'"1�4}n11Ci8.
and immoral conduct, It will sni) your
C11arnoCor 0.1111 !vitt your prnf.poet, 4.0 all 1143 very latest shapes.
'natter What your fiiernd:l may do far N'tv Flowers Poathers, and Oi'nronts
y'011, and how you T(111yy try to conceal Trimmings in greet variety.
those thins from good people that you GIRLS IIA'.. o 4.('11.011 $1.,00 T.TP,
taw these 4131(IgI. 5+1, when 174)11 ar8 n101)1/
trimmed, I4vor'rtllinli'siilbosoldnscttcap
tempted to ('!o ally lotr,tl•ieky,4ishonest, c+.sposttibie:
14100.( alld itt)wofl;•lly 004, 4101) long en. Fancy Concis, )3411411 Wool, Mottoes, etc, atm
041)^1'1 to think what the effect is ,going line nitl'ayekept.
to be 14 pen yotlr own soul, your own jackets tnn5,; or out in the latest styles,
mind }yoi»' own relitltatintl and if that
At his Store, /lain Street, Exeter, which will be sold at
whichsol be sold at 1)rines unheard of uncial• Free Trade.;
The farmers of the surrounding country will fin:ct it to their ad
vlinta,, e to sell their produce -without paying, market
fees, 0n the Exeter market,wliioh is second.'
to none in the west, and then
call at the Store of the subscriber and
Seto re Inizzlensear.p,+'$ mins
there to be had in C)veLor��tluirl; , lylxll.oloths, Broad-clotl.l
Doe skins, Sillks,. WiuceyTs;-Delaines, and everything
n3edecl in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery.
. (* Department very Cowple'te. An inspection invited
MISS G , s0i 1 , Nrt t3rouble to slob' hoods ISAAC OA LNG
yolk strongest 4(011170, don't t)' .it. rS7411.,711, ilfaitl iSE. fyxeter, 0.-i
411111E FALL AND 1i 1'1.1'1'1;.1:4 TRADE
0. 3outhoott: .5.3c12.
TAILORS and CLOT131'Elct,
Take pleasure to it for tu thetnhubitsntrof1;xetox.
acid surrounding country, that they have just
ope.tedoirta1) exrelleutassartment•of
,'/',(!'ells, Coatings,. Vest i-ngse1C.,
in th1latast 5ty1es and pattei'ns,and feel assured
that iittoem atter of et0t'lirl(;, they eat suit the
m n4tfasti,it0uutn.stos.
The latest new on record mirtho
N'e' York Millinery Store
IZI4. ail] sell
herr Summer )itnclt 11f
Lli:.s.LLI `EBY at COST'
Also (he remeauler or her stook of Taney 004),1s
at Cost 4.0 as to make ro0,O for the comings tock.
Now is the tanto for bargains, - hate that sell for
t rs aro (/Own to $Il; gate 1$4 84, 105 $1 23; 1•lats
worth .3:1, for 6(1 ets This cllnnce is only Open for
)0 dos s. don't forgot the placo--0 5eil 4l OId
and, I3'an5011.'n'lllouk, 0teter,
r•,r the lrgtthl5tydity;s the renlal4tder (1f