HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-14, Page 2'IOW TO BE BEAUTIVUL.
"•;Nrinly hundred theueitiel dellare tyro
annually ozeontled by ladies, ler
tielal ' Nadler:eve to hide 1 o si.rnek.
en and wested form, t r the siillee
bloieltes, hver ots., vliielt ate nut -
to female weakneee, dyseepeitt, torrid
liver, end oanetilitien. '1: a sutlill per
oeut. of this emu m eil it,
Piorev's Vavotito 1t&tr,
W0111 11 Srh•II really be whet OW 11‘.,4% Seent
to 1.10. It rc tidily Laois ets 1`, • 111
ueeees mei dietatses even triflela 1Ila'at v
and ellink•iatin 11 (101'eliti.
pepsitt by toning up the es tent, tid
wheu Utteti C011 !lel:11.04 I h Dr,
Pierce's Plattenut Purgative Pellets,
speedily overcomeall irregulai hies ot
the liver and. bowels. No. " Wotan of
youth," no beautifier of the complee
tion," cau impart such periotteeut
bee,uty of face and form as Dr. Pierce"ta
health-aistrig Favorite Prescription..
• y ^
aleug, mid that aiu't aal, toy wife bed
1 u az U W tu.k as a bet, suit, az I
eed hive, 1 btguu to spiu up things
ft.( eive
if incl. beer is not ititoxicating it
titled 1110 most almighty mean, that I
Stl 1 harody think thet lager beer
iz ifitoxicnti lig, f r I hay been told so;
anti 1 ata probably the only 11,18,11 living
he) t'y• r thubk any When WS liver wuz
a-Ict, wanlto etty anything against
harwlees temperance beverege, but
if etar 1 di11k uy more, it will be
Atli wy haede tied btliud sud my
mouth d open.
(lot' think lager beer is intoxicate
'lug, but if 1 remember rite, I thiuk it
tasted to me like a glass of soap suds
that a pickle had beeu ptit tew soaked
Yeark ago, into a 'wholoeitle grocery
ereanet players, who have begun to. store in Boston, walked a tallanasculer
indulge iu their' favorite and fastwhable looking man, evidently a fresh comer
sport, will be iuterested in the' origin of from saine beekwoods town iu Maine
or New Ilarnpshire. Accoetieg the
first person he mei. who happened to
be the merchaut himself be asked:
"You don't Want to Lire a man in
your store, do yon ?"
"Well" said. the merchant, I don't
know what eau you do ?''
' "Do ?" said the luau : "I rather
guess loan turn my band to almost
anything— what do you want. done ?"
"Well, if I was to hire a man, it
would be one that could lift well, a
strong wiry fellow, one, for instance,
that cortld shoulder a sack of uolfee like
that yonder, and earry it across the
floor and never lay it down."
"There, new, Caplin," said the
countryman, that's just me. I can lilt
any thing 1 hitch to, you can't snit
rue better. Whea will you give a man
that will snit you ?"
• "PH tell yon " said the merchant,
the game. Croquet is not, as many
suppose, of modern birth, but anty be
traced through it various stages as far
back as the eight century. Its origin
was polo, width the Persians played
with a long -handled mallet called chu-
gan. In the ninth century the game
made its way into the Eastern empire,
the original mallet changing its form
to a long staff endi ,g in a broad bend
filled with a network of gut -strings.
"Dais," says a writer on the subject,
"there appeared in the East as belcmg-
ing to the great sport of ball -play on
h. reebac.k the first shapes of the ha.
plements whieh remodeled the whole
play -life of mediaeval modern Europe,
the chungan bong the auoestor of the
mallets u -ed ii croquet, and of au eud-
less variety of other playing clubs aud
bats, while the bent staff, with its net-
work, was a primitive ratket.
We find that the original ball -games "If you will t henlder the sack of coffee
in stieks.were used were played and earry it aerobe the floor twice an
on horseback, and, instead of polo
being an outgrowth of these sports
played on foot, the latter are the
changes made in the Persian ganit of
chugan, which, as has been said, was
the Leven t f all our gamed in which
artificial -means are used to propel the
never Iny it down, WILti 1111'8 3'011 a
year for $100 a molith
.'imue" Haiti the etrauger, and by
this time every °lei k in the store had
gathered around and wailing to join. in
the laugn against the mar, who, walk-
ing up to the back, threw it steross his
shoulder ttith perfect ease, although
The translation from the ohu'an of extremely heavy, and walking ith it
Persia to the short -handled mullet
used on foot was easy and natUrill, and
the substitution of a club came by
gradual chantrea, 'the hand being prob-
ably the oriv,inal implemer.t, which was
supersedA by a rounded stiok.
I hay finaly emu to the conclusion
that lager beer, as a beverage, is not
I hey ben told so by a Gern3an whu
to ti.v tau eiperimunt, and was obliged
to go home entirely sober in the morn
ing. hav seen this same mall drink
eightoen giasses, and if lie wee drunk it.
in German, /3.13 1.101,Way could un-
derstand it.
Et is Proper enuff te stetrathat this
man kept a lager b•-er saloon; 'could
have no object,. in btatiiag what was rta.
twins serosa the store went qmokly to
a large hook which was fastened to the
well, and hanging it up: tureed to the
merchant, and said. •
"There, now, it msy hang tilldeoms-
day, I shall never lay it down. What
ellen I gLitatbont ? Just give we
plenty to de and $100 pertmouth and:
its all
The ulerke broke into a laugh, and
the, merchant di;.,ocnnfit ea, yet satisfied,
kept his agreement. Anti io.day.-ithe
green countryman is the88111 1 pakirer
said he had drunk it all into long, just in the firm, and worth unlit',n
A F AOT OF HERO S '4\1 .
[-Ilrilnaati -
The tinny frieiale of Mr. Hogli 3.
Merlielan• ip this county will learn
ith•-•.;thjmost sincere regret of inc
cla*Aititr oectirred nu the 2,5th
1 believe him to the NU extent of bf JuneA Little Hata liver, 'near Bis.
my ability. 1 never drank but three
glitettee of lager iu any lite, and that
made bay head entwiet as t110 it was
hung on the end of a String, but I was
told that it was owing to my bile being
out of pleoe, and I guess that it was so,
for I never biled over wus than I did
when I got horn that nite. ' My wife
thot I was pin to die, and I was
afraid that I shouldn't, fol it seemed as
tho everything I had ever eaten in my
life was coming to the snkfttee; and I
believe that if my wife hadu's pulled
off my boots just as she did, they would
have cum thtinderieg up too.
Oh, bow Biel; I wuz ! fourteen years
ago, and I eau taste it now.
I never had so much experience in
so short a time.
It any man shad tell me that lager
beer was not intoxicating, 1 shad be-
lieve him; bat, if lie shud toll me that
I wasn't drunk that 'Ate but that my
sturamaak was out of order, 1 Blind ask
Niru to state over a few words just how
a inan felt and acted wbeu he was set
11 I warn't drunk that nite, I had
some ov the most natural simtume that
a mu ever had and key, sober.
In the first place it was about eighty
rods from wuere I drank the lager
to my house, sur I was jest over two
hours on the road, and. a hole busted
through each oue of of my pautaloon
neezeand didn't hay auy hat, and tried
to open the door by the belt.pall and
hiccuped awfully and saw everythiu' in
the room trying to get round on the
back side of toe, and sitting down on a
chair I didnot wait long enough for it
' to get outritly• under me when 1 wriz
mark, .1,Yaltotoli Territory whilst iu the
self sacrificing attempt to save 'ths life
of a drown* boy. The boy had g011
swituroitig. got beyond his depth
and was drowuiug, Mr. MoPlitslan went
to the rescue, and, whilst the boy's life
was saved, sad to relate, his rescuer
was drowned. • The deceased was about
nineteen years of age, and a emi of Kr.
Cornelius MePhelap, of linmberatons
township. The young man was pos-
sessed clan adventureous and enterpris-
ing spirit, and a short tirne ago went
west to find a wider field for action.
The instauce in question is not the
first of his haviug distinguished himself The
for unusual Lr Avery. Boom months
.ago, it will be remembered, be excited
the admiration plaudits of the Western
press by Funning -a locomotive through
11 gauutlet of fire, saying an immense
amount of property. His relatives pos-
sess the heartfelt sympathy of the
public iu thoir distressing bereavement,
only alleviated by the recollection, of
which they may well feel proud, that
this noble young man lost his life whilst
in the performance of the tritest act of
heroism in the power of humanity to
Furniture and tIndertakinwe
S, FAIRBAIRN has on band at Ilensall as htrat
and as handsome stock of as WA1.
fuuud ill any establishment Huron, all et-wIdolt lit
Having proeurvd a itandson'e hearsO, be is prepared
Lo atitentl to UNDERTAKING,
On the Most ReasonableI' T MS,
In connection with the. Undertaking Business, he utes the Anti. Septic 'Fluid, wItich preserves
the body and destroys all olousive odors,„aud prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A call
respectfullysolipitea. • S. FAXIIMAIrill.
. •
T i1 i.S
. •
All kiLds or printing done neatly cheaply and with diepatch.
Order you work where you oan g,et it done the cheapest.
Ask Yourself these Questions.
Are you a despondent sufferer from Siok
Headache, Habitual Costiveness.. Plapitation
of the Heart? Have yon Dizziness of the
Hesti Is your Norvcrts System depressed ?
Does your Blood circtflate badly? Have you a
Cough? Low Spirits? Coming up of the foot
after eating? Je.,cte. All of these and much
more aro the direct results of Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint and InClig081.1011. GaERN'S L801181!
riowas is now, aelthowledgerl`by all Druggist,
to be a positive cure- 2,400,000 bottles were
given away in the United. States through Drug.
goitig round, and I sat down a little. gists to the people as a trud. Two, doses will
too soon and missed the 'chair about'iatiofY auy person of its wonderful tluellti•
twelve inehee, and couldul get up soon `1"inegatLsi.i"Tteg
10 en5 Samplacute. :Sold
enough 'to take the oeXt oPe that ooroo positive by all first-elass Druggists,
. .
Colored Work a Specialty !
has excellent facilities for ttunIn ou
AV 1$79
FLOUR and CalYST Yin!
110(11g 10 moon working order t)i ves evotN
'Aaiun lunisi.ble g :Ind tletuirg. 11ou
tatt mill food dalIvt..-ed kt W.I.. Lb< ir
irders before ...Ito t'inc t)t.r. .1.1 ;to Ito ry ,tor
CeLtYlt.liv. su,ete &lay
•, '.ASITT.
:Tr I77
IP X V 'I," s'
rp -up p I..) CENT
on all our pi esent
Grocery Stock
except SUGARS,
0 :0-
R. & E. SPICER, Exeter.
HEN SA Lt.lb
Having cornmencod business for the
Fall andWinterT rade
We are prepared to purchase any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations:
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and throe pound a soft. Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. •
No poi' will be bought at an price ir
-SUS (4. E S
—AND-- -
Pork Cuttings
on hand at reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cutting aright through
qreaat to head, and .1iIams opened ont to tail.
700,:t•r.t,•,, !,t,A,..i...4.,,.,.....,4(4,:.:4:4,....,,,,17:;1-
r'1/4144 . 1 ,; 41,
'*1'11:. .-1.ri.Y::::-;.: -.'::::;`...'.,..f,,It'!..:;,';,:1Pkiis:,i::,‘.- . 4,
nttr,r,t1 1',..,, ,... et, ;• (1.7 ,..y 1.1.1.-, •, ••!•• • ,r,, -,,. 1 ,.,.
3-,,r,,- It ..93 ; 1....., ,.."411,.31 ,.4 1, •,1'.1.,
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THfl. OA-0AM;
No uso of tol:Ing the I nerr.(NrOptlIAVO,111131S0011S
tottrpsen of 81)..)t31, ern tool 1111:3• ittvrr.,t11,13t.
41 ri• tu,nre. nly lamer t ban inzuntusel 40014
MIAs entirdy veautnble, no puilieular retro iS
quirtst while u, 031 1111. They uprrat it without ell •
turbotre 1.,t) 'the roin.ntution, cart or ()remota, n.
loor .astundire, Corintlpottort, Damn
Blood, Pula Lin lisp Shoulders, Vzhtlleklg Or tlo (:)test,
111=1nrio, Sour Xi -vet.' tone from iitu Stollu'tia, 51314
Tntte In n'tnets. l'uln in '.1100
or Kidney& Internal XPOVCr, Eloilted feeting abate
Staunch, litush of Illonff to Itentl, Vey. Dr. !Fleece*
Plessannt Port:alive Patin, In en. Inn:Ilion of 1..;•
mint dial liow.r or tin otl 438: r
Fryttat Vnl'itttr of 1-1.;:y ti • t ;11,1 3 IrI tivti
itc,trun upon the entarti reoponiy n. 13313
cloud or tInsue entuping their ninsotive .".• •
..nes not impalr the prep ril•,‘ of tem] l'111, ' •
'nu y 010 Stig,LVC
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PUrntltIVC, indiVilt to v;;;\ ;;,‘ •
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it. V. Pie.11131)1.34.1)..1,1:oett.i'Vt'Orld'SL)11- 0ar3
ond 0111410•N.--1'.
/11.`• 'all 'ill
acne. disci,: trio: 83113t:tt Int.t 100: "1
•.`"" inuenir, with 1(0 8• ••,I
1,othPrk a drynes::'dry. wilt '3')', 31''i,. or 11,411).....,
s,yot, 33)313)3 3130 Hp, or 91,strurtitm. 111t3 10..11 ,1.).11
sagen, ritorittg (,14,0,
ing t8' 18 tho thront,1110er)31 olt0,o8i11441eu13ri
133 13,tal 41311r1V3.I1411 of .o 0'.'' 3111.1 i
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(Ion. col:viten 100111s, 0r1t1l1) C01111i, 4 !?:13:!, 0
fl'W 03113, 8'..-yeorttouts are lilt (y 1.,o Tr, • . Lea
enso at one nine: •
predneysiltretra 0100, ('f qv, IN'Ortit r":3)8-'
330, iiiiittc.r or rimy has:, .3333) 1)3'', 'No! (33133 3'
'nay 3' 3.4333333 01.• ir 11 3) ,•1'.
1)11101), TItitt only)Irwin t.f It:strut
mootyel 3itv).1)e)1 with c.•1.1) n3111 31.)11. t
carri.)1 num T an 3 (1,1311' 11.': ZI1
"nuts I S.11:11b.
!wit 11141or•tv ICI. Wi'41:
1+1,08,4 sn 3. idevrc 'vratritny r•Jo,t, 1;),1
nir oniarreni innor•lity 'Pt
Is nionsia,t nno et
:d!,•omprdiyatft 1,1101 in.ifrttravtbt, tt'.1
rrtl liontetly our,. 8' ('31 131 3••<'Ol5, tnt
tow r•dp11-111ons. it • 3 Will :1:11,1. 3 "4 -
qui (3 33,!, vont:kr:1w nostr,,,:t • t,.1
poi.on& Rontetiy .14 rer 44:41 1,v48us
-'1? It. N",.P0111331, 1T. D.. l'3,r,l'r,11';•:0 ---1
tenancy and