HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-14, Page 1L,1
err L men,
Vol. v,
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, August 14, 189.
10,11TY LIST.
FARM FOR SALE. -Lt 6, Sant)!
Line, Stephen, 50 acres, 80 acres °blared, •.
e w1)
hopped, good brick house Ood stabl'
snood. Land exeellent, du lake shore. .I of
silo ftoin Fort Blake, where boats ruh thr,•
linos a week, and of it infle'frma Grand Ilona
lonvenimt t ny3110.,l a ud churches, on prod rend
'rice *2010, senna easy; SOD ft40 nasal
oesi, Brewster p
WARM FOR SA.latt.-Lot 14, CON
i ' eatteolt 10, Stephen, containine 300 acres. 7f,
icros cleared 'omil 1 .g house and frame barn.
.0x00, tkood. young \irons, kl, grafted. fruit, Tin. ,
arm i. weal fencod sad iu a good state of cull '-
.'s,tion. There is IL 'large ,quantity of black asi. •
Liao a never failing 'til For terms apply 1
IENET I' a 13 ,t. ti."Y, Credtton .5n, '•
IFALOE FOtt ;SAEA.-Lot 1, Con. 1
' eidaulpie,;g5 acres, 00 improved. flood
!none dwelling house, frame beam, Rtthblo, shun,
)riving house ands other ontbeileings; two goo,
'yells of water, good orc lard of grafted fruit and
arge collection of choice small fruits., Farm op
wiill.is between iiiiidulpli and Osborne, )3
wiles rrom IL,eter, and k miloqcona Centralia..
terms easy. PlIILIP O'R RIMY. sr., Contrails
1-41A1lNe t'OR SALE.- LOT 22t,e,
1. .tJtICEIS4013. 2nd, Stephen, adjoining the cot,
oration of Exeter ; 00? acros,90 cleared,and all i
zr.iss but 'or acres. 4Y o.cressee,:dod in i:rass Iasi
00 ug. 21 acres of orbliiiircl,.fretne house, d
well, brie *pd., with Oral), ttlia never /Jain::
Spring of excellent water, 2 frame barns, tram E.
shed with stable, sheep shod &c. It woulil make
1good d ..iry farm. Terms to suit purChaser,
the famt will he rented if not fi 'Ad.
. . o"I, to iv q. 71' if f.IN.ENoter., 1.1. t itt o:l.L hi. i.oit 8, 0,),,e -
A2 don Vi, LTsborue. Seventy acres more or
loss, sixt3 acres uluarect and iu a good state of cul-
tivation, good frame house and trame barn, log
Ntablos, aood wellof water, spring creek running
across t.ie j.dao, good orchard, good fences. For
further p Li:tient:as, apply on tee promises or by
lettor to J1 t ilS K Ufa, liarkton P. O., Ontario.
,N.u..,. 20, 1975. tf.
1.p.A.RM IA) it SA.L.,E.-THE SUB -
e_ scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13,
Con. 1 I, Township of Osborne County of Hnron
30 acres ;lea od, the remainde good hush, well
fenced, Led in 4 good state of cultivation; under.
draina,l, good orcuarcl, splendid well of water.
r rdaue li ar II .30,d16, log stable 2406, log house, and
sonvenielt to school and three churches. For
ur therparticulars apply to
1r Al• 1311YA.NS, mrkiou, P.O.,or '
ME.11. V, ELLIOT. Attornev.Exoter P.O.
FARM EOR SA.LE.-The eubscrib-
' or offers for s.qo the north half of lot 17,
con. 10, I/shortie, containing 50 acres. 44 atues
•,..learod, well underdrained, and in 11 good Alan
f cultivation. There are ori the premises 6 litres
of good hash., 100 rods board fence, a good ceth-
fortahli dwelling 20x30, frame barn 34x64, good
log stable and shed 27x47,good orchard, good well •
of water with ptuu P. Tho property is situated siX
and a, half miles from. Exeter market and about
i of IL mill front Farquhar, and convenient to
churches and schools. For further particulars.
nVIy on the premises oi to Farquhar poo oillco
Solis FUTON.
'sumaesesermi as
- • .,.
, A , Auctioneers. Silos promptlyettended
NNT ' .
to. liVM fic Attlee arranged at this office
NT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us-
_ _
e berme and Mutualira usurancc
,Reeidence -Farquhar, Orders by
ntati promptly attoxd.ed to.
. •
wee • Laud Sur vey er,dee. will Le at the
It, yal fqxotor,on the fidt Tuesday in each
mouth. Orders for work loft with Mr. John
Spar. kinan will re ceiv e p rompt tontion .
011N II. 11.YNDNIA1't,
money to loan on mortgages, rotes and othel.'
securities' Rents and accounts .collected on reit,
reliable terins. Insurance effected in nrst.clase
'Clomps, ics at reasonable rates. Odice-at 1)r.
Hyndinan's, Made S rent, Exeter.
All accounts due to the Goderich Foundry and
'manufactii:ing Company (limited) must bo
promptly settled to avoid costs.
No persons are authorized to receive pa yriiimts
Ike settlements ot behalf of the coMpany
except the Antiorshmed.
Goderich, Juno 13, ISM
ilfronTnit or
-477 11. 4
Plate. Revolvers)7 Shot
FOR 82,50
hr -,:ng been made specially for the
,ii:1111 and Autotiean Armies. Only to be
Importer of
h,lirrallil? HARDWARE:,
(+LASS, ,Stc., &ee
Shootina Affray in London%
George Porter was diseharged, and
times admitted to bail on two sureties t
f $100 each, to ;ppear net Friday s
the 15th inst. Stanley was remanded
ill the same date, in order to allotv the
prosecution to segue important wit-
nessee who were.present at the affray, l
but were unavoidably absent froth the
Ars a
Prom the Herald of the Oth.
Abottt half.pest four o'clock yeeter-
ey afteruoon, a great excitement was
reated by the report that Mat. O'Flen
way, proprietor of the Wellington
louse, corner of Wellington aud Bath.
oat streets, hod been shot. A big
hence like that rather bewilders eau
• divary news gatherer, and the :Her.
ad reporter after standing off aud tak-
ug a good look at this surprising op.
trtetnity to curdle the blood of even
trivelling ageouade a dealt forthe scene
a the tragedy. Of course there was a
rtowd, and each seperate individual
ted hie infallible version to give of the
iarrowing tale, The most defiuite in-:
mattou patted at the time, however
as, that Mr. O'Flaherty had enjoyed
very close call from a 82 pistol bell
?mailer enquiry developed the fellow'.
eg story :-Mr. O'Flaherty had iuvite
d some friends tu engage in a gaixte'bf
tominoes, aud they were opeuiug the
;Ione wheu Thomas Stanly, a brakes-
nan ou the Great Western Railway,
etuuteted into the bar, and, eteppiug
ear to where OThtherty was sitting,
aid: "Now, you son of a-, I've
got you." This rather startling ()beer-
vation quickly arrested the attention of
those aruuud the table,but not suffice!' t-
ty in titne to preveut Stanley from
trawine e. seven shooter from his pocket
,tid diechargiug it almost directly in
Ile faze if his intended victim. The
shot fortunately missed its mark and
embodied itself in the wall. O'Flaherty
instantly grappled Stanely and succeed-
ed iu throwiug him upou the floor.
During the struggle Abash followed Mr.
Irwin, a G. W. R. engineer, came til
the assistance of O'Flaherty,an example
which was foltowed by others present.
Stauley fought desperately, striking
Irwin in tLe mouth with hie fist, aud
0 Flaherty above the left eye with the
butt of the pistol. Just at this time
George and James Portereebrothers,
who were passing the hotel.at the time
in a wagon,caroo iu to discover the cause
of the uousunl dieturbaame. Seeiug
shat Stauley, with whom they were
well acquainted, was getting consider.
ably:the worst of au unequal struggle,
and latiitenentirely ignoraut of the at.
tempted' assassination, dames, the,
younger brother, stepped in to the res-
cue. Irwiu, however, seised hiut and
put him through the opeu door on the
sidewalk. Still determined, however,
kse returued again, but hia brother
caught Liu Chia tiute and dragged him
from the room, insisting twin hint
having uothiug further to do in the
dflioutty. •
The fight on the floor, in the mean-
time, wad going on with a desperation
that proved bow iuteuaely earnest
Stanley was in his efforts. The revolv-
er was nevertheless, wrested from him,
aud shortly afterwards SergtoMajor
Baskerville, accompanied by constableu
pope lead McGuire,. arrested Stauley
Arid conneyed hitu to the Station.
Our informant states that before
Stanley was seized he shot the second
lime, pointing; out the perforation in
the wall as a proof positive of his esser-
uou ; but a close examination led to
the belief that a ten -penny nail had
nuttleahat hole,and tot a bullet.
'a:warrant was also issued for --a--
Porter, it not being known at the time
whit% of the brother's was implitated.
Deteotive Murphy was detailed to tithe
the arredt, and, after a short swell,
found and apprehended dames. Previ-
ously Detective Phair is said to have
taken the same warrant and arrested
George. They both were accordiegly.
lodged in the cells, where they remain-
ed till this morning.
There are various reports as to the
Cantles which led to Stanley's deadly
assult. One is that Oliilalierty had
slandered Stanley's wife in the Vilest
mariner, and supplemented this outrage
by describing her in terms that no man
nf spirit °mild tamely submit to. An-
other is, that 011alierty had drugged
41.11(t afterwards induced him to
divulge the secreta of Orangeism, 171)
Order to which Stanley belongs. A.Ie.
()Flaherty states that ho ie unable to
ascribe Stenley's enact to any eause.
They had always Leen good friends till
ebont eight weeks ago,when for some
reason unknown to himself, 0 coolness
11,1,1 arken, and Stapley avoided him,
Of comae the real feels can milts be ex-
pected when the judieltd exasuitmtion
tithe piece, which will no doribt throw
it lt OW light on the whole efteite
Casio was celled -this morning at
the Police Omni, and atter liestring ex-
planations from the Chief of Pollee,
A. privets dedpatcli says --While m-
eriting to Montreel from a visit of in-
pection to the 6t. Vincent de Paul
Penitentiery, the Hon. Mr, Masson,
thnieter of Militier, met with n serious
accident. The oerriage in whitth the
tongentleman wets riding broke down,
and he was thrown out, euetaining sev-
eral eoetusione, ivhich will Confine
him to his room and delay ltio return
to Ottawa till next, week,
The establittlinieut of a MUNI' relltesay
in Halifax is now considered au assured
matter. The prontirte of the &Verb
meut to revise the decision of the Bur
eau of Exports in Heger duties Makes
an end of the uneertaiuty which a f at •
night ago Roomed likely would attend
the effort to form a eompauy. 'Notre
itt no mem' to doubt the Humes of the
delegation in their purpotte of obtainiuir
a large stock subsuription from wester!,
capitaliets, and the construction of the
buildings will probably go forward 10
large part before the wiuter frosts check
wo r1;
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
%its inked a neat new $5 bill to tak •
e phice of the otte counterfeit el. A.
photo. of the Hon. Wm. McMaster oc-
cupies the centre, instead of the Q -teen
at the old. The new hill loaf the sign
,tture of the President in the left newt
comer instead of the right, A bort.' a
surrounds the whole, with the figure 5
itt each (terrier, and the woods "capital
$6,000,600." The reverse is literati
tinted, with the Dominion coat of erne,
in the centre and the figure 5 on ester'
Cu Thereclay, the the 31st July, Ai•
trod Bowen, while engaged in taking
out stubs on the farm of Mr. Miller, lo
14, in the 'NI coucrossi014 Lanark, fast
teued the chain on a stump, which wit
six feet high. It is supposed the team
started before he was reedy. Be that
LH it may, the top of the stump struck
him with great force ou the back. Fie
rode, and went a few rods to a spring.
bathed his head and took a drink, epoke
e few words in reply to questions put
ton him by Mr. Miller, but in leas than
half ati hoar he ens dead.
Mr.W. H. Palmer writes as follows
to the Madoo Iteuieun-'AS the pro-
gress of eaploratioa goes on slowly,
()hetet-01y, nelr geographical fasts 'of
great ineportannee to science are being
brotight to light, and new ditienveries
made which dhow the ettertaastid rich•
nese of the auriferioua regienthere to be
much greater than was supposed. The
veiu discovered a short time ago on the
mill lot at Pannockberu, which ts there
a mere thread, and has all the appear -
sues of a small "crop course' is found
to be a true vein. I have traced it in-
to adjaceut lots and tied it expanding
into a fine strong lone of Hell creamy
einertz, well charged with gray and
yellow sulphurets, Meek and free gold.
gilar Hawksvill a little girl named
Forwell got into a field of standing
grain unobserved, aud the reaping
machine coming up, both her lege were
nearly severed before it could be stop-
ped. A. boy iu the employ of Mr. John
111cGerrie lost one of his mins in a
similar manner. There is altogether
too mncb carelessness about the hand-
ling of these matinees.
William Anderson married the
widow Heeling of Rama, on the 14th of
July. They were married at Upter.
grove. Mara Anderson is a Norwegian
and the window a Canadian. He is a
third husband. She °WW1 a farm, has
a fairly comfortable home and is a
fresh looking woman of about fifty.
The couple were marded about three
o'clocx in the afteruoon, aud started
on their way homewards immediately
after the ceremony. When about
twenty minutes on their road, seated
lovingly in the buggy in wiliest' they
drone, the newly tnade wife, it is alleg-
ed, all at once became stark staring
mad, and tried to kick Anderson ont of
the buggy. The oouple got home some-
how. There the woman tried lb hang
herself, and to out her husbanda
ehroat with a reaping hook. Site broke
the pots and pane, and made the house-
hold furniture a complete wreck. Tbe
husband, alarmed for his life, lodged
ati information before Jaine.s MoPher,
son, J, P., of Rama. and thaewoman
was commited t ) the county gaol at
Whitby, there she now liee, She was
examined by the county judge Ana by
the gaol surgeon, and is kept ander re-
straint as a dangerous Iutiutio until she
can bo sent to the asylum. She has
hecoree dangmcvisly violent 811JC0 her
incarceration, and the gaol author.
Ripe are obliged to UVi the straight
waistcoat to proveut her doing injury
Ito herself and others.
The north half of let 18,00n. 7, Mor-
isahaa beet seld by auction for $4,870
Coal dealett M Kingston have drop-
ded their prose zto $4,50 per ton.
Tho first peaktere of .the New Donn
niou notes, onesand twos, were sent
froin Ottawa, ou Friday, to Moutreal.
The eohooner ?Sisrrodell has beeu
seized at North Syduey, C. B., by the
Customs alter for violation of the re-
veu Ile laws.
The schooner Mintne Cook, of Clay.
ton; N, Y., has been -seized at Millpietit
for iufractiou of the Customs law, by
sailing from Belleville without taking
out her olearanci papers.
The Peterboro' Examiner learns
that arrangements have beeu sat-
isfactorily concluded for the working
•tf the Gilway Lead Mine by an Ewe -
lief' Company, an'el that work will be
commenced At Nit 4?qty day.
11r. Kelley, wild hao long believed
Wet petroleum could be obtained in
paying quantities 'in the township of
Sombre, has made arrangements to
erect a derrick and begin boriug on the
feaanbton line lour miles from Porte
A mato named Maloolm*Gillies, who
has alway's passed for au honest,
straigtfOrward main ran away a, few
dap ago from Alviueton, on account of
forging names to promissory notes.
warrant has been issued, and the
constable is on the scent.
Mr, goo. Scott' loss, by tine stroke
of lightning on the 12th con. of Mc-
Gillivray \vas a large barn, a t bed, 10
'maid of fall wheat, 14 tons of hay, and
one horse, (the !wade veined at $100,
mall about $1,200.tes neglected to re -
flew ,his hem:sweet pointy which was
'about one mouth overdue.
Gran Trunk Trunk Railwuy detective'
Flynn has succeeded in, convicting e
lad named RobertVerguson, of Berlin,
of throwing stones td trains- Ferguson
ha • been sent to prison fornix months.:
()tiers who have, been guilty of the
like offemea will -leant from this some-
-Mime of its serioueuesst
The 'Saspension Midge journal
Warts that Reginald Fessenden, eldest
•son of E. J. Fessenden'of Chippalva,
'Ont.; left home. on Wednesday after-
noon with the intention tif going &Wag.
Not having heard attathing of him
since; his father came doWn to Clifton
bopiug to find hitn there-, but failed to,
do so. Fears are entertaiued for his
Jereinith Coiling, a resident of Lon•
don, a short time allied signed a pew
whiult wee represented t� be his will.
He was eta at the ante, but on re-
covering; he found that the paper. was
a deed of his property to his wife. who
has sincebeen trying to Roll it. He
has taken iroceediugs to quash the
The Dominion Bottra, Toronto has
been granted an exemption from tax-
atiou for ten years. They will employ
two or three hundred nom. It is also
proposed to establisinnent in the city,
by a Chicago firm providing sattsfactory
terms OttO be proctired.
A three-yen,rs,old child of Mr.Arthur
Maxwell, Sarnia; fell from au upper
window in the Alekander House ou the
verandah, and thence to the street,
Dr. Jonston was at once sent for, who
made at eattodnation of the child, but
found uo bones broken, thaugh many
severe contusione. With great care
the child has been progressing favour-
ably, and hopes are entertained that no
serious results will follow the accident.
The news of the suspension ot the
Exchange Bank caused quite a penic
in 'Parkhill on Thursday morning.
Those holding their bills were aneious
to convert thorn into gold and silver or
other bills.. Saunter a:person dell be
found who does not hold their bills, as
they hail a large circulation itt this
part. Many owing the Betik were of-
fering 00 cents for them, and cplite 17
few changed hands within the past few
days. The feeling is somewhat easier,
as the general belief is that the 13ault
Will fully redeem all the hills.
No. 50
- esertne
Canadian Pactfic Raiivhay Loan.
A London eoerempondent of the Mont
tteal Gdgette writes as follows, hie in•
toemation eertainly not tending to shove
tiny doubt by leingisili finauciers uf the
stability of the medic a the Domiui-
en 1 -
'Among fivancial etren there has been
conaiderable talk nhoitt ;-he proposed
Otattenart Pacific Railtvey loan, and
opittieo eupears to be tiontewhat advet et)
to the seccees of the Ceinsoliettlqinister
itt obtaining the Itnperial gueraittee of
even a part of it. Sir Leonard Tilley
is still heee, but Sir Custelns Tupper
bas gone to the Continette, end no
active eteps will bl taken with tbird
to the ruetter until the arrival of Sir
Jolie .A. alaclaneld, tiiti, is expetted
about .he 29th itistent. It is to bo
said in tavo . tf tiet scheme generally
that motley is plentiful. anti with tho
generel public the Dottoinion redit
etand • high, not it het ending the de-
pressi to ill ituentess and e somewhat
bostite tariff. The credit of the cities
also stead^ birth ii.''F. ()MAW& sixes
bee, ea:0 ,01,1 at 103-a. Toronto shoe
at 1104.; Qii diec sieen n. About ,108,
and Melia ett fl see )0...108-1 Of course.
from these fizilres illi.4 'o bo taken, a
email aninato of jr,td-tit3 a the coupons
'nature in May ;eel N or ;tabor, and ie.
eccorilance with the Itoridon Steck
Excuatige te.• otice, ' he it. terest is al-
ways includal at sue price. Another: .
paint west not be fermate in censitler-
ing the probabiltrie- of tit., success nt.
the Canndian Pacific lo 0, The old
aseteditta Rix pet- 0 et. loans ere now.
matnrning, an I whet ever tett redeemed
alreetly by pnrchase • en :twain t of the
sinking fund, are twine replaced , by
[attn., at fur tier °eta, Lio that elle au -
n ualbn dee ofieterest wItioll the enuutry
nae to bear is being largely ditniniehed.
This, if continued veer by yaer with tho
six per cent. awl five per cella extsteng
loan., will enable the country to bear a
very much larger debt, even if its po-
iflation and its prosperity' did not lit •
crease much during the next few vearet
Some financierappear to think well
of the letid scheme it; commotion with
the iesue of the bond., .end there is no
doubt that the proper eneetiptalation of
-the land etartt will have. an impertant
influeede on the succese (.4 the whole
scheme, The idea is, it is believed, ta
place the lands in the batiste of cointnie-
mintiere, in the trust, te dispose of gia-
dually for the etelusive benefit of the
bondholders, The etteetion, however,
at once preeents itself whether an emi-
gration schetne is not e neeeesary se-
, compeniment ? Possibly this questiort
i the cornatiesiotters wil eolnet 'Whilst
ft ruittimum price af $200 per sore has
been fixed for the land within a certaie
distance of the railway, the iutentioa
appears to be te continue this system.
„of free grants, witlamt these limits to'
bona fide eettlers, as at present. Con-
siderable misapprehension appears to
etiet am to the amount of •money re••
quired for the railwssy. The impres-
sten which has been given here is theft
ebeut $5,000,000yearly for the next
ten years will mess the needs of tto
Government, whose great and mot&
immediate atm is to o 'en up the eolith.
' 1 tly west of Winnipeg,'
\ \
The Detroit "tars says:- Ente`rpris•
ing Canadian fishermen have been th-
gagel in nehinglIng the river" totteat.
St. Clair, in order to drive fi-h over to
the borders of the Laud of Lorne. Tho
process of shingling is to anekor shing-
les near the bottom of the river by et
few feet of line, The shingles dart
about in the enyrent and soaro the fish.
Enterprising Yanks tried it near Dot-
roit It few yearn ago with great sloe
The St, Mary's Argus says: -it
couple of years ago our citizens had. ft,
maple for obtaining flowing wells ort
their premises, and a large number
were bored. It is generally found noAV
however, that nearly all of thorn aro
running nut. The inch pipes which.
were at first inserted, poured out a full
and constant, etream. ;how it may bo
observed that the streams are becoming
entailer all the time, root we believe
that it nambor have'coitood to flow al,
This is td certify that I hsv,: used and noir
Dr. Vowlor's Boat:act of 'Wild Strawberry with
groat itatisfastioti, not only to myself, but to
nty customers, who le every case whet) 1 halo
recommended. it, speak highly in its favor.
Vor 1i010rd morbus, uilsl11n,n, dyssyltry, and
all 4151)111105 Oinplaints 1 cite ttith cctofidori
resonnueod it.
En's:.s110 Do....t