HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-7, Page 8THE TIMES
Ehe fveter gitqe#,
C. M. Pumeer.--Itev. Zr. Chapman, et Lou.
don preached in the Exeter Canada Methodist
church last Sundv, morning and evening,
/nee. gitohell being absent in Toronto.
OAUDAN NAM -Remember the garden eo•
tial and battier to be held iu Mr. John Sentek-
rean's geouude to -night (Thursday). The band
will be ptesent to dieeowee sweet music. A.
good time is antioipated.
Foes Seres.-On Tueaday next Mr. John
Crook:am will offer for sate by publio anotion
that excelleut store known as Broderioki old
steed, together with a quarter of an acre of
land and a good clwelliog house.
?s.. -Miss sarah Clyde, of Philadel-
phia, a relative of Mrs). Mahan and Mrs. 3.
White is et present visiting in Exeter. She
favorably impressed with Canada and espe-
cially tho village of Exeter. She bee also 'a
favoreble opinion of Canadian bo-girle.
Sesames AND Prone. - The Rev. Ur.
Henderson, of Blyth, will preemie morning wad
eveuing on Sundaynext, Angust tenth, in aid
of Christ Churoh Sabbath -school. The S. S.
ohmic vill ha held on Wednesday, 13th, at 2
o'clock p. m. in Captain 'Howard's grove, Exe-
ter. All old Scholars, permits and friends
will be welcome,
A GOOD WALX.—On Tuesday Last Mr. 13oyce,
who was sent up to Goderioh a abort time ago
for selling whiskey oontraey to the provisions
of tho liquor law, in the township of Stephen.
valked home, a distance of forty-one miles.
His term cf imprisonment in the cooPty tont
expired ou Teesslay, and not haviug sufficient
money to oanie home by train, he struck on.
ou foot. M. B. is aboet 65 vat's old. He
arrived in Exeter ahont six o'clock, and after
a very shot zest started for his home, six
miles distant. Good Nanning for an sea men.
\VAN= A WATOH.--As Mr. Stew-
art on naturclay night °flesh week at 11 o'elonk
WM walking along Euron street near the
gallery, he met a man, who stopped hire and
wanted to know what time it was. H. Stew -
act took out hie watch to see the time, bat he
no sooner had the time piooe out of hie pocket.
than the stranger 1o:waked it out of his hand.
Mr, Steweet steeped lown to piok up his watch
and white doing so received a blow, which he
waanot slow to return. Mr. Stewart dealt
the dastardly coward. S. WOW that caused him,
Ib make tracks throngti Mr. Fielcard's field.
Me: Stewed has no idea who the porson is,bnti
hnowe ho Was larger than himself. M. S.'
may congratulate himself on getting off as well
se he did.
Cii1DIZT.—Same our citizens chose sides on
Tuesday last for a cricket rartch, lent were lin-
able to camplete the number of innings agreed
upon. Thiefollowing it) the seeress far as the
math was played:
First innings ? Second innings,
b. Rarta 7. Bissett, run .....21
W .Bisset,u. tiardin,,; 3 1.1. 'Elliot, Hyndm au-. 1
H.102int, c. Lewis, b. b. Hyndman... 0
831 Sa.ndars ,b. Shen', c,
Sande •s, b. Harding ethers 13
R.Bissetvndmin 6 W. Bissett, b. Sheri)
Co W.V.t , b. 7•1' ar'lug, o. (.104,1y,b,Shere,o, Nyn (1-
Harding 0! wan . 0
Oaddy, o. Shere, dif, F,1/lot, 8, herding, e,
Kyle tman . 1 !larding .........., 1
Te. Fillet, O. 1:11.rdi,.g 0 Cr.rivs.u, b. Harding :.. 3
Cr, Elliot, b. Hardin.; 0 �. Elliot, b. tiarding„.... 0
lecnotferi,b.nyndulan 0 Cruniaan, run out 3
Crud:toe:it, not oat .... 0 2Volionell, not oui ...... 1
Extres .1.0; eletraer... ..... __IS
Total 43; Total 64
pirst Maine . Second innings.
14. Pithard, b. Cowan f A, Share, 8, Cowan, a,
Hyudnut-i.h.CatIcly 3 a, Balkwill ......... 1
L, Thorne, 1, b w, J, b, Coortu 3
A. F.h.Celtd•ed,ru7 out........ 2 Biegett
T, Bissett, b, Cowan,, o,
W, Harding, 8, Cowan W. Bissett, not out 12
o, Ci, 6 Hyndman, mot out...13
3, Souders, run out 3
J, 8, Caddy, o,
InLucwut o,
1,nwiR b,Cotron
J., Drew, not out .
W, b, 0'
T,Bilsest, run out 4;
Swieneats.-Pnamers should be careful in
dealing with travelling agente. The latest soli
ie from two tree ageuts who are selling appie
tress at 40 ee,nte eaoh, said to be free frorn ev-
ery hawk, that al:diets the apple, that they
e tate iuto bearing earlier than other tree, and
filially. that the swot of all this is that these
trees are grafted on white thorn. The same
agent,: We selling ieses at el each that all
houeet agentare selling, at 25 cents each.
Thay we also offering for sate a new and very
wonderful gra,pe, almort seedless and the most
prnifio bearer knewn, i ean be trained iu tree
forth or any way one pleases. This wonderful
grape will kWh, as well in the open air as un-
der glass, ,and all feorn et to $2 per viue.
They soaeitirnes call it the "Champion," at
other times the "Beaoonsfialti," and monism -
ally the "Prin." Ono of these agents Bola
the Flemish Beauty pear tree last year for the
Souveuir De Congres and got three times the
regular pries, he also sold the Louise Boone
Do Jersey as an entirely new variety. Wo
have often before sounded the voice of war:l-
ite; against them fellowe, and the &nue they
repreeent, who are only Brokere p,nd not
Nurserymen ie alreeet every case, and yet
they appear to find people who are ready arta
tilling to be galled afresh every year. We are
on the track now alai will shortly make some.
other cievestopmenta of this working of that in-
fernal beaohine mailed a tree broken-11watt
Onoolloyeen.-Montley lest was Exeter's
eivio holiday, The da 'waft pleasantly'paixed
all, though the EMUS Moue of enjoyment
was not chosen by all, The excursion to Port
Stanley, which the Great Western ItailWay
kindly favored the village with, was taken ad-
vantage of by about a hundred'. The Exeter
excerel'oniete'sreie joined at London by a large
crowd teem Faris.' Pert Stanley Was reached
about li, o alook, and the orowd' wended thew
way tialtebeautietil'pleaeurti. 1st ounde sad the
gromid.wits'eoon thiokly dotted over with, small
orowdh, Who, were partaking of . the excelloht
",Bureau" whkali they had taken with • the+.
After the cravings of their Ici4su aped:tee had
-bee a appeased and the cloths removed from the
green sward, amusement ' of various kinds be-
came the order of the dad ,. The croquet raal.
lets were handled by many, and a number
went Oat ou Lake Erie ou • the stearuer Stanley
while those fond of tripping the light fantastic),
toe, repaired to the shed which has been eieet.
ed for dancing, The numerous and excel
tent swings also futnished amusement for the
children. All seemed to enjoy tuemselvee irce
mousely, and at half -past .faue the train began
to be boarded. At about five o'clock the train
moved homeward. London was reached tu
time to oonneot with the regular train for Exe-
ter. The Exeter brass baud ,vhich accompa-
nied tha excursionists played some sweet
strains of music, aud are deserving of thanks
for their )8ervices. A number of the Exeter
young people went to Grand Bend on tue ci-
vic holiday and spent a pleasant time on the
shores of Lake Huron, Those of the villages
wbo remained at home enjoyed •theniselves as
best they could. Some think they ooul4 Stella
a, civic holiday once a months .:
The Commit me. in the market house by
order'ofhlte Ba01/0 on Friday eveniugeenugust
1st, Councillors Pickard, Sanders, and Bisset)
present. Me. Pickard was chosen chairmen
The minutes of the previous meetheg were
••ead and confirmed.
After reeding of minutes the Boon entered
and tookthe cigar.
Moved Iti• J.8anderseteeoncled by R. Bissett,
that orders be granted for the payment of the
following sume; viz. : Biala -al Welsh, 640,
for centred of grading on William Street ;
MaDonell and W. Bawden, $5,.for assessing
for street ytitering ; M. Eaorett, $5, for post-
agen. S. Tsfeltard, $40, for charitable purposen ;
I. flarniford, $3.50, fo: repairing fire engine
and making wrench for sante; Thos. Fitton.
85, for olook ; 3. Gill, $4.64, for eolleotiug poll
sax; E. R. Bissett, $853.54, for balauee tea
no:etre/A for gravel ; S. Littlejohn $40, for la-
bor, .; IsaahDawden, 25J1, fOrlabor ; 7. Bats -
den; $6, fen ; W. aCenn, Si, for labor ;
John Wilson: 8.6; for, labor Geo. Spicer, $2,
for labor; 7. Popplestene, eh, for labor ; John
Moreeheiede.',44p,; 6r'el`abor L. Edworthy,
$2, fon le4or.rTparrioCl.
The. iiitif:yeaflyi report of tho Treasurer
w4fah-weisareed,elmeed a balanoe on head on
lAlvf;41401,87,'Seedel050.00. • • •
Movedlby B. Biesetn• seconded by J. San -
dere, that:pee Reeve,,bto Treasurer be and are
hereby authorized .to. borrow $700.00 for
four atao'nilis for the; use of the corporation. -
.Carried.': a • •
Movedhy R. Ohne% ssoonded by J. San.
'ders, taat Che Colman adjourn until Friday,
the fishina•
t , at 7.80 0. ma -Carried.
• X. EiOnaTT,
SL. -On the eveuiug of the 26th
tilt. a t fantail° cow was stolen from the
farm of Mr. James Fanson, near the
.villege of Zurich iu the township of
Ergroa.-Dou't you think it
would be a gond thiug if the Township
Clerics would have a canoe:. time occa-
sionally to diecues municipal 'Matters,
so that, there might be more nuiform.
ity in their duties ?
C. Patton.
• 00UNC/L.-The Stephen Conneil met
at the Towu Hall, Crecliton, on Hon -
'day, Angnst,4th, all the members pees-
iteeve in the ohair. Tice minntes
ofthe former meeting were read and ap-
proved, Mr. A. Marron to be notified
to have his statute labor done at ono.
Mr. J. Lewis was appointed collect.
or, by-law to he framed requiring all
tease to be paid by the 14th of Deeem•
bor, 1879. A comunnioation frotn
Government te Clerk was read. The
letter requested the Clerk to enfotee
the registration of births, marriages
end deaths under a penalty, as there
are a great number of biretta, etea, not
yet registered. The Clerk is determin-
ed to enforce the taw on ail persone-
parents, clogymeu and doctore-who
who fail to make the noceesary returns
in proper time, No postage is rectair-
ed for lettere of regiatratioia The fol.
lowing orders wore granted : J. Mc-
Phee, 1st s. r., t19 50 ; J. Ryan, 16th
con., $5, gravoli $2.65; T. Lampert,
8rd e, r., $5.25 ; Treasurer, tdisoonnt
and stainne, 21.15 ; astir:lake, llth
tion.40 ; B. Moir, C i,, $18 ; T. B.
Martiu, 11! cost., 8.40 ; W. Pummel,
4th e, to, $16.28 ; Hr. IldoKiyer, R. b.,
$49.92 ; J. Ford, $53..f6; It. Rola
tau:, coo. 22., $49 ; C. Willert, .00n.
14, $2ti ; M-; Dalsiel, gravel, $27.30 ;
A. Oampholl, coo. 16, $10 ; Hr. ;Made,
road tn gravel pit, $2 : W. Baker, col -
vert, 4th eon., sg, council to 'meet
Wet ItIonday iu September.
C. Pnotxx,
TO the Editor of tits 2'itnes.
.$0,-..-.1)arentert doctors,: end
pots are negligent .about sending in
the neoeesary returns of. births, mar-
riages and deaths, If they lnnlc at
their assessment notices they e ill find
that they are requested to send in such
rems. Their failing to do en nnt
only renders ;themselves; liable to be
fitted but also leaves clerks who know
of fetch negligence open to the law.
Clerlte are frequently being reminded of
their duty in this reipeot, but it no.
;ware that Rome penple will never per
fewm.their duty until an example ie
mode of rime one. I nbsnrve
fluently by the papers that deaths take
Mewl in the tnrinship, of . which I have
roved on official return, A certain
ledv living near Toronto Pew by the
daily Globe that a portent, bea,incr her
Ann't1 name lead died suddenly in
Stephen. She did not know the
whereeboutA of her ROB:and At (VMS COD -
eluded her eon was dee& anti come.
cl`lently wag in it state of excitement.
she got enure official to write me for
informetion. 1. hail not received any
efficiel return so my books were
In order te get the desired infer-
•mation , 1 had to trawli over ten mites
the same night I got the letter. knew-
ing bow anzi hie the none wilow wnnld
he to hear. Even vet I have had no
qficial retarn. Had the proper return
inhsti mede at the proper time, I °mild
hew+ eased the wnrunn's mind itany
qnnner. I expect daily to hear from
the official who wrote me. regeesting
the narnes of the parents atile deepest -
ed yering man and the nfficiating
gergyman for the purpnee of enfereing
the law relating to tench negligence.
I see in the petters frequently esiver-
tieemente of stray cat tie. Nnw if nen-
nie avonid elan neticy the Clerk of tooth
cattle, as they are required by hew tn
do, a note would be made in a 'sink
kept for the pureness, and ieffirmatinn
onnld readily be given impirers as to
the whereabnote tt such cattle. Pen.
He tin sometimes advertise etray matte
hot generally not, and never notify the
Clerk. Often. the animals are never
called tor and are sernetimes liiflmd
ror home use nr sold. Will same legel
oentletran tell me in what Statutes
the law regarding each a crime may
be found ? I am Yours, &o.,
Curtsies PROUTY.
ERTY.-Late on Saturday night or eerly
on Sunday morning., a meet daetardle
act was perpetrated on the farm of Mr.
&meth Stevet,s, lot 6,co3ceesiou 6, Us -
borne. 60nee person orpersons wenh
to a pasture field on the above-men-
tioned form and with a knife or some
other sharp instrument sheared the
tails of two horses stud attempteed to
nab the throat of a two-year-old colt,be-
louging to Mr. Sohn Spicer. of Exeter,
which is pasturing at Mr. Stevens'
A. set of good harness was'ent to pieces
ao that they can not be repaired. Part
of another set of harness was forted
lying in the lane. 114r. Stevens raised
the window of his renin about twelve
o'elock, and he thiuks the cowardly
vittiaes were carrying them to their
buggy, which they had left tied a ahort
distance away, when the Attlee of the
window frightened them and they
threw the harness down. The slight
wound exteuded clear acmes the cott's
throat. It is conjectured that the
knife was dull or else they wore fright.
ened away before they had time to
carry out their intentions. If these
persons are found they should be and
no doubt will be severely punished. and
no exertions should be spared to find
oat the guilty persons.
Council met on Saturday 2ad inst.
at Town Hall, Elioaville. All the
members preaent-Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed.. Moved
by J. 'Shier,. seconded by T. H. Kay
that the sum of $3,652.62 be raised by
tax on the ratable property of this
•nunieipality for ,00stuty purposes,
Carried. Moved by T. M. Kiy, aecond-
ed by J. Shier that I 45 mills on the
$ be levied on the ratable property of
title muittipahey iu order to raise the.
sum of $2,688 for local purposes : that
a By-law be drafted acesordingly, and
that the Roll be delivered to the Col-
lector by the Middle of October.- Cele
vied. Moved by J. Halle, seconded by
H. Homey that the stun. of $1,533 be
raised by special rate for Rail road
purposes, and that a By.law be passed
to that effeet.--Carried. Moved by
.1, Halls, seconded by H. Homey, that
the sum of $125.43 be raised by spa- ,
rate on bus ratable /trope y of si
4, 5 & 6, on the 4th Con. and the west
half of lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 on the
gth Lou. to provide for Intereetatud
Siuking Ettud to redeem Debentures
;tooled on the 5th Cnn, water weenie ;
and that a Byelaw be drafted according-
ly, -Carried. Moved by T. M. Ray,
seconded by 3. nhier, that the Ennis
legally required by the Trustees of the
different echool sections in this mini-
m:polity toe school purposes be entered
on the CollectorsRoll and no/leafed
with the.ollier raters, .and that a 13y -
law be drafted in aecordatheo theitewith. I
AUGIJPT .', 1870 40.,
liiiTAATTED 411114?Pbeatetsao
100,000 DOZEN EGGS
wanted in exehange for goods at Southoott & Sou's &Oro,
A choice stock of
• d
just received, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots an
t.lhoes. Come with your butter and. eggs.
-Otrried. Mnved by T. M. Kay,
seconded by H. Horsley, that the ao-
want of Mestere. Caddy & Ellis for stir
veyine, sidetiees, einteautiug to $33 75
be paisl.-Carried. Moved by J. Heats,
sec:ogled by H. Homey, that the Clerk
notify the Collector to famish for ito
apection by tide Council, Bantle execet-
ed by himself, and two vett and r•tilli
dont securities to the atnount of We
000 for the due performence of hi
unties us Oullector.-Carried. Moved
by J. Hells, secandet by H. H truey,
that Joseph Hewitt receive $5 for re-
lief. --Carried. Moved by T. M. Kay,
seconded by J. Hells, that Win. Fol.
land be paid $18 being for nice weeks
board of Wns. Reek up co 4th of Aug,
--Car- led. Ou. motion C.stoteil ad-
journed till Satirday the 4th day of
October at 11 o'clock a. to.
N. J. CLAFE, Clerk.
Il• -•411.•-•1
BURGLA1iY.:•---01. Sonday night the
27ib ult., an 9 ttempt was made to
htuglarize the store of Mr. Thomas
Abbott but owing to the late hoers
tate of our citizens the parties were eue.
prised just ,se they lied commenced
operations and made good their escat r.
As the burglere neglected to leave their
esirds theare onknown. Mr. Abbott
feels confident that should they' again
favoe him with est. call, he will tender
theses a warm reception.
• Lnean.
A. fire occurred in the bnildieg
known as othe Dominion Hotel, on
William street, at one o'clock on Fri-
day laet, and it was totally consumed,
together with the stables adjoining.
Loss Menet $1,500, partially insured.
amuse of fire enknown.
7o t?te if?ditor qf the linzes.
Dnett Stu, Since the opening of nevi-
gation this season, the trade at this
port has been steadily increasing.
Large shipmentof wood lumber and
tanbark leave every week by the nteam
barge Victoria, she being constantly
ompinyed this+iseamon miming between
this port and Delvoit, which is a sure
,ndioatien •ef the incense of trade as
lest year, the same stenmer only left
every other week. The same en -
fertilising firm Blake& Co., during Islet
winter built a dock at Kintail and they
are :doing a large shirring businesa
there this beacon oleo, tlie steam tug
Smith and two barges being constantly
trading, from there to Detroit with car-
goes of lumber hark and wood, and
from the arrangements they have made,
by the close of the season they will
have shipped three thousand cords of
wood, and the same of bark and one
thnneand onrds of cedar and half a
million feet of lumber and they are also
holding two thousand cords of sawed
wood for the fall trade, contemplating
n, rise in that article, Mr. John Sand•
ors of your village expressed himself
the other week when at Kintail that ib
was the best lot of wood he ever saw
in vise pile. 1 had stlrnost forgotten to
menthol that Mr. Richard Stanlake bas
bit hotel nearly finished and will be
ready for bnsiness soon. , Hoping 1
nave not trespassed to much on your
Valuable epace I remain,
lours, R. Z. Y. P.
The Globe Says a letter wits lately
received. by Horatio 3'. Sprague, 'Unit.
ea States Consul at Gibraltar, demand.
_4 I',
inn that $3.000 be aviin,itet1 in a eers
Lulu SpOl., 00 01411l 0.f (1:•;101 of himself
and homily. The Spout:of nrithorities
sestigated the oeett&I• and arrested,
fourteen persons on rueoieinn, Spra..
gue hes shies received a letter coutaie-
ing 81 in 1/10 atelaeittee threots-.
A, son of Mr. Julies Ritchie, of See.
forth, aged se yea yeare, fell from a
ladder on tho 815t nit., wriking agaiut
the grouirl, his )01 thigh and
etnerwieeinjuriuse biot 'Pi/. Or. Camp-
bell attended to the oaee, thick at tont
accounts was tieing ell.
l'riday !ant a mar) led man nameet
je sues fIencock, reeitlieg on Locoinro
Live street Hamill nn, while ougavd itt
oiling the upper poi tion of aderrick.
itt co'trae of erection, for iniiiting, the
stone out of the Insiiinotit of the Mc-
Innes block, tli-striiytd I.y fire on Fri
day, In order to roc 'vet. tile bodies of
tit.) three men buried in the ruins no
Satut day morning, he a;!IS 1)3901 pit ai
into the alone an tkbris below. a dis-
tance of 25 or 30 et: t, etrikiniaon
his forehead had his slitol frit:oared a.,
badly that the brains protruded. The
111.'40 Was minveyed to his 1101Ne, where
he died it, a short tirrke after. Tile
chmse of Hancock:a (lett h was the
is defective leg in the der) ick -is /en'
hi, brother, wlio wits th.A con-
tractor for building, the new Court-
house, had oondemneti, and w etch gave
way, thus tanking the whole to bill, re-
sulting in the death of the unfortunate
wan. Hancock leaven a ahlow to
taourn his death.
Pall Flom.
The following are the dates of the fall exhi-
bitione of Agricultural S mieties in this dishioi
Stephen and Uehorne, at Beet, r, on Tacit -
day and Vv'ednealay, Septa:shier 23rd and 24th.
Sn..th Huron, at Seworth, 00 Thursday aud
Friday, September 25th and 26th.
East eimon, at Brussrls, ou Thursday am:
Friday, October 2nd told 3rd.
West Huron, at Chelerioh, on Wednesday
and Thursday, September 17 aim 18.
Tnrebeiry at tVinghans, or Thursday awl
Friday, tember 25 and 26.
4! e
Porpons suffering from L.ver oompinint, Dy-
spepsia, Diseases of the Stotnitan anl HiIneye,
Fever and Ague. &a., ab 'lull prdtitre one without
5.31 y. DesarIptive Treatise self post free on ap-
Child's Pads - — - es snob.
Absorption Salts - - - - pitt
1104 F1,4 RtOr-----OOo each,
- - 500 prlr.
Solon Belts ----- 31000 mob
We aro sole agents for South and Centro 31'-
00. No other persons within these limits are a•••
thorlsod to sell thew except through us.
Active parties to wit es
General Agents fertile sale
of our spocialtics. Busi-
u ORB iv:special). Goods sell
rapidly. Wo pay a fair vele
sal andel:pi:instil, or e
oral commission on 85155. Prom 3100 to 3200 is
month an he mule) by live men. Rare ohmic*
for looking money. References reaulred. Address
TRIUMPH. WC°. CO 116, 3lesuo8 ST, Cl,noaoa,
Chicago Medical College
Twetty-first annual eession degins eopteenhoe
MIL Graded carso of Instruction, rnvatologi. °
cal baboratory es tablitilmo, Anatemiciil Material
aatuaily abludent, Sesta numbered, and scour.
00. in Other of applieatiem Professors' fees 870,
Prnotitieners' course through ; fee, 330. Per
aunounognvint err VtiOulttrl3, aadmita
P1101P.;H erOnfelseenet: et Randolph Si, Chi-
Pvoportione returns ovary a sok on St-oet options
of 800, • 860_, • 3300, - 3600., Address,
T.POTTlen ntratiGenT & 00,, Ban/tare, en Wall
Orskrn TO P. 0. RICE & (10., Portland.
Ati Maine, for the beat agency besiitese
in the world, Bev:naive outat free.
. lf‘