HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-7, Page 44 The Mo(sons Bank. INCOIt:PQI{ATXD BT AOT 00 rAarriAAXEIIrr, 1855.. Capital, $2,000,000, nest, $400,000, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Jogai Monson, ESQ., + Presf+rattt. i'tpv, Tzto sas 1'YomuseN, - Yies•Pres., 7,' J CLAxTON,V)ee-Pres Sun lffutuel Ins Oc Ron 1)14 12aoplierson Senator, R W $r0.3 Ottawa, River hal to Co Haat o Nelson, M P P, Miles Williams, 1 . WOr.,F'1'1nsTAx TkiesiAs, Esq., - O,tshier. lel. lies.'rozs, Esq., : - • - Lc •pcotor. Exeter Draw -AI. HENRY 0, BREWER IttA,NAGEE. LOANS TO 1ARIIER8, laXottoy advanced to fanners on easy tornte, ou their own promissory -notes with one or tuore good en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS a3ANI D'''PARTSTVN1 5 per aeltt, Interest allowed ort deposits. Gold. and currotioy drafts bought andsold. Seer ngExohangebought and sold, Collections made in all parts of the Dominion and returns urolnptlyrefnitted atglowes rates of exchange. Exetor,august l8th 1878. Ban Ehe THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1879 TRADE IN WOOD WORK W[TH AUSTRALIA. The followiug letter Was written to the Mail of August 3rd, by Mr. Thos. Cowan, of the Galt foundry: Sin,—It was thought that the good Speaker's room. The Olnpo:,ition held 8.31180 and patriotism of ti.e peopie of a oauous and oougriituled lir. Chttpleau Canada had settled the question of on the result of the vote. tariffs to our entire satisfaction, and The defeat, as will be seers by our re• purly the result on his part, of a dis... torted Imagination. Let us hope that writers for certain papers, may, for a time at least lay aside the jauuclioed' sl\eotaolee through a Mich, they have unfortdivatelY boon vietshig 0411J1,d4ot it!dnstries, and unite in doing all we can to 'carry forward the expressed opinions of the people, with a view to developing to the fullest extent our native industries, and to the opening up of an inter -provincial trade, knots• ing that, in that way alone, a foreign trade with Australia and other counti ie» will surely fallow, With inexhaustible lumber supplies, we ought at least to gee our fall share ill the touch tatked of "Trade in wood work with Austra- lia." Iu closing, allow me to suggest that before attempting to ventilate the subject of "wood working," it would be well for the editor to consult some of the planing mill men in your city, or to condescend to Advise with a fete of our mechanics in Galt, or Dundee, in .be hope that he might arrive at some of the facts of the case, if, indeed, that would salt his purpose. MB. JOLY DEFEATED. -- .Front yesterday's Mail, Great oxitelnetit exists over the de- feat of the Government this evening, Mr. July immediately adjol:rnod the elou:le, and the- Miuietry met in the that it was hardly necessary now to refer to the absurdities of the Globs on that subject. But :.n article in to -day's issue of that organ is so glaringly at varianoe with the facts of the case, and so manifestly unfair to our Luanufaa• Curers, that I am induced to invite the attention of your readers to the ab- solute ignorauno on the subject and want of national feeling ou the part of its author. In refering to the "Trade in Wood Work with Australia," the writer says that "before be uew tariff was passed Canada could have commanded the have boxed their goods, put them on port of the proceedings of the Quebec Legislature, was on a+motion matte by Mr. Joky regarding an expresslou used by Mr. Cllaplean. The yellow fever is less destructive of life than it was last year, but it has in- volved a more complete and thorough paralyzation of businoss in the infected community. A city of 60,1100 inhabit. ants has been deprived of its movable population, and its business comuoity whole of this trade, the transportation difeulties being the only trouble in the way." In point of fact, such a trade is already being carried on by some of our large elt►niug mills now in the country, and how the new tariff will preyeut its develop nett the Globe alone can answer. But, we are told, "they meet pay a tax of 50o per ton al, coal, and their bilk for fuel will be 10 ur 12 per cent. higher Chau theirAmeri• can competitor." It is really difficult i•rI i.11agine anything more indicative of inere prejudice and igoorauue than the Ebert) statement, Who ever heard of burning coal in a planing !Hill ? With the boats and gone north to set up anew in a rival city. The present visitation will prove a blow to eleniphis such as will not be recovered from for years, It is traceable to tete neglect of sa::itarp'precautious and open defiance of them. The privy van.lts where per- sons wore siak of the fever last year • were not cleaned in cold weather, a3 should have!been, some landlords re - elating the sauitary authorities by in- junctions from the courts. It is sug- goste,d that the wooden pavemeut which au ordinary return tabniar boiler id r(I•?aloeks, ten 'riches deep, stay plain engine it is hardly possible to (hold the gertrtd of disestse. Here is con. consume all the refuse of a planing ltniued a warning faiir Montreal. hill in the shape of shavings, &e , &s., ___ ._. laid besides, it is quite possible to drive Dominion them with water power. But there is another grievance—and how strangely that mutt sound in the ears of our .1 .1• Bishop O'Brieli,, of 1iiligston,'•diud suddenly ot. Monday at the St. Louis Canadian artizans and skilled =chem. Hotel, Ottawa. ies—"Most of their tools will coutinee . It is stated' that the sugar refinery to be imported from the States, and to f.ir which a charter was granted last be taxed 80 per oeut., and their winter is about t l be started: at Si. machinery 20 or 80 per oent.'' And Johns, N. 'B:, the blanc: &c., being al. the article even goes on to say"If ever most completed. The charter of the factaries to supply our small demand company embrace several of the lead- ehold be started, the coat of production ing merohauts. will be so iecreased from the small- Iu a case of poisoning frorn paris nese of it as to bring the cost uu to the green, which ocefirreti at St. Martin, foreign article." ' Now, oue would sup- Que., the bread was placed iu the saute pose that even the moat oasual observ- place with parrs greet,. Of seven in a er at our Proviucial faint would have family named Mouett, three are dead, known that we have for years been and the rest siok with no hopes of their making the very "took' and woad• recovery. working "inaoniusry" referred to, and Toe pontract for the transportation of the very best quality, the last ex• of 5,000 tons of steal rails now arr'iv. hibit at Torouto in that hue being pro- Leg et Montreal by the Sardil,ian, was pounced by competent judges to be the on Saturday closed bv` lion. J. Pope best ever naado• at any Proviucial or with the North-west Transpottatieu State exhibition in America, and all Company represented by Mr. Beatty. Canadian, Galt alone filling half the the manager. Mr. Beatty left Ottawa Inachinery hall, in proof of which I by the aftornoou train for Moutreal to need only refer to the advertisepneuts make immediate arrangements. Land notices in your own pity papers. In Hamilton on Friday night last, And yet we are told that "their tools Mrs. Uptilegrove was hunt to death. and maohinery will continue to be im- it appears they while she was attend - ported front the States;" and with lug to the alcove she upset W coal oil evident ill -will to our own industries, lamp, and in her oudeavor to ex - there is the neual`warning sneer about anguish the flamed her own clothes reeistiug "the natural temptation to oaughe fire. firm rings and charge the highest pos- A. serious aoolient betel James .Allan, mete prices," whiol► is as absurd and of the 4th concession of Tilbury, a few ridiculous as it as nu -Canadian, The days ago. He had gone out to kill a foot ie, that we have faililities and ground•hog,.aud took with hitn an•otd mechanical ekill for supplying the andrnsty shot gun, and puttiug too i)olniniou with tools and ni•aeilinery heavy a °Large, the gun burst at the frilly suited to the requirements of the breach, one of the peices striking him country, and as cheap and good es any in the cheek, contpletly destroying his of their bottste4 ilpportatiene. It is left eye, and knocking him senseless. also a fact, of which, its a Canndiau I Dr. Marteu was summoned,. and found rctt prom!, that our machinery has the unfo►tunuto matt nearly dead from beaten the best American, both ate loss of blood. It -'was with great difii• Canadian and Atuetraliai Exhibitions. culty that the piece of metal wasremov- Perheets the tate Government got their,[ ed, as it was firmly' i nt eddad• in the up - information from the moohanioal editor tper jaw, and quite a large.pieee'of the of tate Globe when they stoefted their jaw•had, to be xemoyed.also,•.a1gd..sev p ':aning mill at Ottawa with Yankee 'oral arteries tied. , lea doubt he, will be znsteed of Oana'llen tn,achiner;'. if so 'disfigured as long es lee' lives. they were really qot; to blame for sup- The Montreal' Mae r says : The City posing that no such thing was made in and Listriots Savings 13aula this mor e- C;auada, ] hope our ifrrenclj will AA ing took Avon the,:allalloilles Square :!leans of evercontiug.tte "trr!.yansportat brei oh bf the Consolidated Built: A th')a diffietdlties," se i0 is quite clear to Oirlular was „rested; ta; Iffe, depesikirs' one all o at, rlrlvereant with the sub, `notifying thele-* o•.£;the e'itis,iand Word. pot, titan the Ora Obkietiono 1trq riyg 'tlsf�tx}' t4tltl ' tf t}i dsti;eti any othole ,r, T..Et3 TIMES, A.IJtT is'r 7,1870 Mandy it wonld be at coca Maid, In acoordance with this iutilllatlon; about the one-half of the dccpositorr applied for and obtained their money. Tice amount so paid aggregated some $15,- 000. The Consolidated has been ie- leieved by other banks of nine ont of its sixteen ageucios. We understand that heavy demands have been znade upon elle head ()Ste to day, which it is foetid impossible to meet. Vire regret, therefore, to say it is quite probable the bank will not opeu its doors to- tnerruw, General News One of the ruost terrific storms of the season passed over Clifford ou Sftt• urday afteruun, blowing down the grain, fences, haystaok'(, summer cook- houses and bel►tterig their contents in all directhcns, The storm unroofed ten barns. Ou Thursday afternoon last, a Detroit banking house was robbed by a notori- ous thief 1s[lo\I'n as Idoses Stone. Chase was given, end the robber, followed by about two hunched persons of•,all ages and sizes, coveted nearly half a* city In his flight. The pursued amused himself occasionally by turning on the crowd and discharging a revolver shot into their nlid,,t. The Fres Press, in its account of the affair, tells how the thief found himself on the dock at the but of Grisdwold atroet, and arida :— °'Here ho was sonfronted by William East, of Toronto' who is in the city visiting friends. He aimed Ins pistol at East, but the young man seized his wrist and wrenched the weapon from him, retaining hie hold of the thief un- til the arrival of a patrolman." A gang of sharpers in Philadelphia have for more than a year been ewiud• ling visitors from the county in a noval way. They have a stable osten- sibly for the purchase and sale of horses. When a countryman eaters to look at the etock, a practically valueless horse is offered to hire for $150. A bystand- er offers $200, but the dealer augerly says that he trill not sell to this men at any price-, bavint; had a previous quarrel with hire. The bystander draws the countrymnna aside and seys :—'Buy the Horse for $150, and•I'li take him off your hand at $200." This •:seems to of- fer a chance to make $50 without ri+ii ; but the victim, after •paying the $150 for the beast, does not sea any more of the promised purchaser with the $200.. Letor details have been received from Calcutta respecting the fearful morality, among the British troops from oholera. 'l`he disease broke met in the most virlt lout form, and raged without interinia eieu several dri.ye, arni the a edical..ataff. found itself., quite• ivadequa e' to o,)pe with it. In souls instances its progress was so rapid thtit the soldiers died be- fore a surgeon could reach theta. • :filen and officers were alike attaeted, and alike perished, although some of the officers recovered, while no private soldier who was taken witli`tbe decease. survived. This was attributed to the greater hardships endured by the. p'ri• vates during the calnpaign,which so en- feebled their constitatione as to make them fall easy victims -to the pestilence. Notwithstanding the distress'altil panic caused by the plague, good order and discipiine were preserved to a remark- able extent. THE• ides cyan ensile College ! OF HAMILTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladies Collego in the Province, enters ou its rinetoonth year on Sept. 3. For variety of Dapartnlents, extant of curriculum, thoroa;gh- ne.5 of instruction and oacellunae of accommo- dation it is in the very front ranit. For catalogue apply to the principal, A, BURNS, D,D, L,L,D, • IN THE SURROGA'T'E COURT of tbo COUNTY HURON. In the mater of the Guardianship of the In- fant Children of Robert nlfurray,Daceased. Take notice that at the expiration of twenty daye after Vie first publication of this notice, adSurogate ap- 5l1le County ofon wilnFilmirono bytAgnesrMttrrav,Cof the Township of Hay, to the said County of Huron, widow, for letters of (.Guardianship, appointing her, the said Agnes Murray, Guardian of the in- fant children of the Bald Robert Murray In his lifetime, of the said Township of Hay, yeotnan- Dsted at Exeter, this eta day of August,1879, BENJ. V. ELLIOT,. Attorney for the said applicant. FARMERS ANI) • BUILDERS, Bev our Boaohville WHITE LIME and " Star Brand Plaster Paris, and yon Will be pleased with your work. Fresh Lima always on hand. GLASS, NAILS, LOOKS. and HINt.ES • very cheap for cash. White Lead, Oils, Tur- pentine and putty atbottom priced. Rope, Chain, saws, Planes and other tools at prices that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, call and see Our Bent: Goods+ !made from dry, tonal! timber, Oheap for • sash O'BY:I NE .& CO., ±he Farmers' apd Meohanios'Hardware Sturi Seater. lienoy to: leo on afortgagest , Excha etre . Bank of Ca,naa a HEAD OFFICE, IYEONTREAL0 Capital paid up, 01,000,800 DIIRECTUBBS M, I3. GAUI T President. PHO1 AS CAV11I1II1LL, Vice-Prosident A. W.OGILVIE,, M.P,P., k Is, CiRI;i,N81 THQS. 7'I1'1`la�l, - Al, MX., IIUNTIN, J 1MlaS ChtATII:ERN. THOMAS GRAIN - • - - Cashier. GEORG . BURNS - - Inspector Exeter i_ rr•Lnell. GENERAL EANISCNG BUSINESS TILAN- SAC'1'1J)D. Money loaned to farmers on their own notes with pod endorsers, Drafts issued on Now York. SAVINGS BANK D1;PARTiIENT. 5 per cont. interest allowed on deposits of one ollar and upwards. OPP(C1E HOURS—From 10 to 3; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. -• W. 5. 1LA'3TIN GS, Manager. Ixebor, Augus 28nd, 1878. 51-1v. NOTICE. - will be receive,? by the undersigned ou behalf of the Corpor,.tion [tithe County of Huron until FRIDAY, THE Sth DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, for rebuilding: HLT P'8 BRIDGE, on the bound- ary between West and Wont Wawanusb, Plans and spooifications may be soon at may omen. The lowest or any tendornot necessarily aceoptod. PETER ADAMSON, Godorich,Tuly23, 1870, County Clerk, Mar le Works. o: W. WEEKES Dealer in MON UMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &c. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. 5 Doers North of Drew's Hall, Main street, G'rocerles e (Jon fectonary. Smoring Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always instock l'' SPORTSMEN'S. DEPOT. „„_1 • School „_1School Books, Statiopery, Magazines WI'T'H ALL THE LATEST news. Y.B.—Sewing S7 aohin. Needles ofevery kind. A. BOYD. ILLIN Er Y .nT P .T$ B .s 8 6 .`r. A full linoaow in. of; Spring and Summer data, andGgponnets, ail rho vary latent shapes. N.w Flowers Feathers, and Ornments' Triiumings.in great variety. . GIRLS fiaTh FROM. $1.00 UP, nicol; trimmed. Everything will be sold as cheap as possible. ,. Fancy Goods, Berlin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a tui line always kept. Jagltets made or out in the latest styles. MISS GARz ICK, Auril,78. Alain St. E toter. HAY PUMP WOIRKS,. L BOLTON • PROPRIETOR. Having added to my pump machinery, Ana pro- cured a largo quitutity;of first -01=a pinup logs, 1 am prepared to offer an article Superior to, any Factory.in the County, and at prices that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing call rOthe Hay Pump Works. r1ou0 h oudo e v Y to mile north of ExeterQ DO NOT READ THIS. ��aving received a lot of new machinery, would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding Conutry that I ani prepared to manu- facture all . kinds of Horse Bakes, Borley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, eta, and'having secured the services of a first-class Turner, am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. 'Alwnys on hand a first - ohms stook of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. f HE 1'A.LLANDWiiv'ri 1 TRADE SOIlt22.00tt C24SOU.' TAILORS and 1 LOTHITul:Sr Take pleasure to it feriutboinliabitaut;rofExetST add surrounding, eeutitry, that ttkeY havo Suet bite and out an eseellontaseort inentof ...'2' i eedsl Corrtittrjs, Veeetingaets.,: a tflelatest styeg and patterns,and feel assured that in Winn atterofoiotbiog, ``!ley eau edit Ins >xtoetfastid1Oustastee. • weenoweweeteraseteeep 1t 1 RS. ataIlAN } AS C0lff8f4lYr dr'esninaldng at !ler residence, on 1'i - street, Exeter. Cutting and fitting a tpeohdiy. Two apprentices wanted immediately. AG -11.1 NTS R WAD THIS ' We Will pay Agents a Salary of 8,100 per month and expenses, or 40101r a leiq l cotunrissaufl to ruoll our 11e1V and a pllUorf1111nvett-Gone. 1P0 moan what we tail(, Satin le Tr(o A tdro,e, St31,It0., Mai. hall,Uich. AVE YOU et''rl'l1I,SIINSE0b, TASTE 00 81111;111211 so itloa ' be front tiro 1rrnoss or the 19th iunitary, llAreiwarr, T1X0 CONSTITUTIONAL CATAIUI$( ttl:Ditan ivi.0 1•estulr you to cuivyabla !tomtit. It uul' ugly 011 WA (10• tarib, but all ether disottsue at the saint, rune. Price el per vottlo. Put sale by all \l.'ngr,i,r •11:'1 Mediciuo dealers 8(uti stank)' for •18 page pm, eontaiui::g treat ieo (In Catarrh. And •llrtid- eatee of the cored to'1'.3. i3, liARCM t., ,I.,, do Agent, Brockville, 0e1, CONSTI`VUTIONAL CAT:, ILEhiPEBY. Ilio only certain, safe, and ofreut'utl' caro for Cats rrh, builds up tbo oystelu and thus allotlrm (Newtons at the E,t1110 till( (1, Mt:lima, Inose Gob., Hwy l'evor, Nervous Debility, all leave together when the iloaastllututibus1 Catar711 'Remedy is take,' as directed. Price 0) per bottle. Fur sale - by all druggists and Radiolus dealers. NEW .BUTCIIE , SHU:t' rlllle undersigned wouldi'Iform the iobabi tants of.11xeter and vicinity that be llaa OPENED A NEW BU'TCU1II STlOP one :War ',Muth olhjsB1aca5u11thsholp :wIdhow e tllos1mc liberal patronage that bah been ea 00000tl to hilt in the n:..1C$eMITn AND WAGON MAKING line will 110estendon Whim in his now branob c F 00010ess, Nis meat wagon will call attire rosi- dente of the vihlagethruetinteseacl weekend, ' - ^; ii 11:i It+' A T tdt loads kept 0onstuutl) un nand at his butcher shop. Rlaeicsmithing and wagonmakingoarried ea as 08011 in al) lib brul tl.w R. DAVIS. $50 Vex Weelma AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TFIL' BOYCE BFL PERS AND MEADOW LARE MOWERS AND TIGER. '1.111117 L E . CALL AND SEE THEM. Hardware Dealere, Main Street, Exeter, Ont. (Successors to R. V. PIERCE, :lf. D.) DR. R. V. PIERCE, having acquired a world-wide repetition in the treatment of Chronic Dleeasc,. resulting ht a professional business Air exceeding his individual ability to conduct, some yyoar0 ago induced several medical gentlemen to associate them- selves with him, ns the Faculty of the Workts ME -- pommy, the Consulting Department of which has since heel, merged with the INVALID& HOTEL. The organization has been completed and lneorpe- ruted muter the name sur) style of Sarld'. Dhows ■ark Medical Association, with the follo\eilig odicers: Hon. R. V. Ptsucte, Pres. Ir. D. Ptsucr, R Pres. JNu. E. P1Eltc0, Ser LItsTsat B. Sl11Tn, Treas. NINE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS .of .eml- ncnr0 olid .skill have neon chosen (IS 11ee Faculty. OII ISINIO' 71ISEA8E,+ of all Cornea come within the , province of cur several specialties. LUNG DIsEASE13—Tills division of practice la very ably managed by a gentleman of nutters judg- tnc.5 anti sk1I1. Bronchial, Throat, ',rod Lung 15ls- eaaes frosted with the most successful results. DISEASES OF WOMEN.—Especially are our facili- ties of u superior order for the cure of all those chrmlie diseases !pectin:n• 0, females. NEIuy0UB D1,3ID_ASEN.—t':u•alvsts, \ervons Debi)- lq, ilpllcpsy (Fits), Ulml•Ca (St.Vitus'a Dance), bleu - might, anti other nervous tttleeticns, roceiVe tha aue1,l10,1 of an expert 511 this spochrlt0. NOT NECESSARY TO SEE PATIkNTB.—By our original 8055501 of dingnoais we eau treat auany chronic diseases as successfully without ns win, a personal consultation. For particulars see "People's common Sense Medical Adviser" (1,000 pages, scut ppest-pads for 85.5(1 or"Inv:11lds anti !Tourists' Guide Book" (10U pages. (0 cents post-puh). BUROICAL OASES.—Among the operations which we are called NAM 111055 frequently to perform, are those for Natal Polypus, -Ha ell 'rumors, P55tnlrc In Ano, Piles, hernia (Rupture), I)•tirocele Ljropsy of the Scrotum), Varleoeete, Ovarian anti Uterine Tumors, Calculi (stone in the Bladder), Stricture, eta., etc. We also treat successfully, by a n0w'rob- es without surgical operation. Cancers, Club -feet. Spinal Curvature. and other deformities. (See �pana- p5let entitled, "!lotion us a Curative Ageat,t ent on receipt 00 10 rent0.) dddroe8, War13's Di.poatary Moditen Aomhtt 1 uvr.lL0. N. 1 By an immense practice at the 11 erld's Dispen- sary and lnvulithe Hotel, haying trea eil many thou- sand cases of those diseases peculiar to 000105)15, I have been enabled to pertbc5 a moat patent and peel- tive remedy t'or these disease& To designate this natural specific, l have named It Or. Pierces Favorite prescription The term, however, Is hitt n feeble expreasldn et arty high appreciation of Its value, based 01015 per- 51nai observ:Ubn. I have, white witnessing Sas pnsl- stve resnits hl tiro special dl•easls incident to 15- org:wlsm of woman, singled) 1t nut as tits elhaaut c•r crowning cern or my medical career. On it+tam lie. OD a positive, salts, tut t eticelnal remedy f,1 this (1l •5s Of diseases, and nue that will, at an dates and under all circumstances, act lcbtdq•, I ant willing to stone- 111Iy reputation as a physician: and so confident tun 1 Writ It will not disappoint the most 3:tuan:1ne 00- peetatln119 of a single invalid lady who 11509 51.1br any s,f thu ailments tor.which l recommend it. that 1 01Ser void sell 0 under A POSITIVE GSAi)ANTEE. (Cor conditions, see pamphlet wraj pinttr bottle.) 54 Tho fni1owing are among those (11510ses lu v: pleb m)' Favorite Prc.erlptton has worked curve, as if by etvak11, 1uu5d0w11a1):n aLceereturhthaaoExlehryntFnvd nby 1'al1A11 Monthly Periods, Snresslnns when frons tinnntnrni causes, lrregUuhn11 Weak thud, Pro - morals, or Fulling of the Uterus, Atiteverslon ant notrovevion, Bearing -down Sensations, Internal Rest, Nervous Depression' Debility Despondency, Threatened Miscarriage, Chronic on6eet1on, In - gem -nation and Ulceration cit Ute.tlterue itela,leucy Barrenness. 1'to5 ailSterility, tct d' n0 a "once-all?Ind it admirably fu)0lls a. s5ngkoneM of purpose. !slog a moat perfect 5pecifie In all chronic. dhsensr:s of the 00 )081 system of woman. It will not elsapnlu)tir, r5cr will it de harm, hr am/ state or rendition. ThoS0 who desire Aird,. r Inform:ul01i aD thn0t��0r (Mb -.150(5 earl Obtain it fn TIi •Ptteeztih7 COSOlO15 51550*) XIIMCAL'A0Vi$F,it,a b 05 of over 90e pa(;erl, pot. port-pasa,on, receipt or$1.e5. It truant minubdy of 1.110s0 51501905p'00411111 5 to irc+awa's, Ault )'Wise- snide 1:table advice in xpgetd to U mrltanagetnent 0r limsti atibetIoons. r V. V11.Iat"F., 34. 0.e- Pt,ip'r W t' Ufek ar>f lattll11078 lee' Iwlotel, iiso Co fuit,,t , "(. • 57 .