HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-8-7, Page 1PRtatteill,TY Intern. LATEST FRO11 SOUTH AFRICA, border of Cape Colony, has been 'cdap-
ARlri'FOR SALE. --Lot 0, Snt:bie
awe, Stsphen,50 acres,. `30 aekea cleared, 12
«hopped, goon brill, housa, good Stehle, •well
encud. Land excellent, On lake shore, 1 of a
rnlletoo= Yost Blake, where boats ran throe
times a week, an .1 of at mile from (raid Rend,
"envonlouttostine )1 and °burmes, on rood roars.
Price, ":,300, t1rtna. easy; SSD &to massa,
DIN 0, 7rowstor p o
41A1.01 FOR SALE. -- f40'P 2gt,d,
potation OR:toter ;100 acres,00 cloareddtnd n,11 fn
grin hub 20 acres, 47 acres enc clod in erase last Sir Garnet Wolee:ey'e dispatch to
tipring. 2t mares of orchard, frr.•no hones, a gnnd "I propose. ti!
will, bricked, with pomp, ono as never failing the War Office suss: —
stenie, nhuat shad dtc. It wdntid make
form a brigade Of artillery alldl. engidh-
concession 2nd, Stephan, adiointn g Elia enr-
A Capetown dispatch says that ^hie£
iilori'ar,i has submitted, aurid the present
trouble with the Bozntes is therefore
Rei.tfed, but tnnuh discontent still esiste,
There will, it ienetreti, be asevere fam-
ine next year in Ztilnleud, as now is
the seed `time and no laud is being
sottn while much seed has beau de.
rttroyed and many crottle seized:
It is rumored that there are impend-
ing trnublee in `I`raneveai, and it is
fetared that if the Cttlo' ial Miuistere
take energetic measures in that pro-
vince, an itnonediate disturbance gilt
(memo. The amnonnoenaeut of a dis-
patch of troops and approaching of
�V' Iseley probably disquiets the
A P'rt Durnf rd despatch ofJuiy 18
says Iiintr Uetewayo, when leaviug the
battlefield of Uiandi, told his chief,, to
look to their safety, and seek terms of
iteaoe the best. they could. His army
ie broken np, the nation dispersed, and
the King a fugitive. Znlnlaud kill
probably be divid d into three or four
eeperate principalities, each under the
rule clan independent nnble, Oetewayo's'
brother, Oham, will receive hie own
territory under this arrangement.
All the sneeiel rlesratches of the cor-
respondents in Sonih Africa agree that
the capture of Getaways hs all -import-
ant. because as long as he is free .he
will remain the centre of conspiracy
and mischief. General TSVolseley, buw•
ever, has no intention of pursuing him
with British troops, res the nature of
the country renders such a course lin.
elunonble. His policy is rather to
4tir nn the nelghbr)ri ng tribes against
the Bing, and agents have been sent
to the Steatite -land Atnatnugae. With
this abject in view 5,000 'eagle have
been •ff .red to Oharn if he will Capture
his brother, Cutcwayo. Ona telegram
oven says that a price has been set up-
on Cotowavn's head, but this seems au
exaggeration. Uen.•Wolsek, in an ad.
:trees to is nlnibor 'of tlie: chiefs, on
3 aly..12th, informed,tliein that be had
its desire to take guy of their•: territory,
but that Cetewleyo vas a fugitive, nun
ant ld 1.ever more be king. Wolseley
tntd suilitnonedl ILII the native chiefs to
meet hilt, at Emau••weue, abut nine
miles mirth of the Umlatoosi 'River, on
July hilt, to heal hie final words of
i,-�i ,pbornd3and Ribbert 'fi:utnalFire lusitranoe settlement. The chiefs who were pre
orenany, Residence--raroaliar. Orders by Wept at the meeting on July 12111 ,de•
'Mall promptly attended to. n
claret] that the Zulu= nation had now
S. CAMPBELL. PROVINCIAL IIs hood. `They stbitl they wished to
• Land Stirvoyer, a40., will l.e at the
12 sal &etel;F,xeter,on the ilrstTuesday innrch
month. Orders for work left with Mr.:)ohn
Spackman will; ecoivenrompt 4ttontto1
The Colonial '1n I8ters have inform.
ed the Assembly that they consider the
present an iiiopportane time for giving
effect to the recoorurneudetion of the
l3otne Goverulnent in favor of oentfeder•
idiot:, but they would take steps to
carry them ont as soon as peace is re.
stored. The action of the Gaffe
Gova•rument is generally approved,
A)rang of excellent water, '1 frame barite, frame
a geed dairy f; 'n. Terms to snit ntn'nhasnr,
`1'ho farm will be ront'td if not sold.
1 p:'lY to WV Ir,1? A 1MLIN, TI seller.
1.-41A11.1•I F011. SAL 15, --Lot 1, Cell. 1,
1d,ldlnh, 70 temp. 00 iu1»roved. (tend
'Fame dwelling house, frame btern, stible, shed,
driving home ,tnet other ontbuil,alna;s; two goon
wells of water, good nrc'tard of vatted fruit ttndd
Large collection of choice small fritts. L'arnt on
towuline between Biddnlph and 'Osborne, -31
milds Iron' '0..•eter, and :t mile from Ccntrnlia.
Terms easy. PITIr,IP OTtr;;ILldY, sr„ Cnnt1'atia;
VIARhi FOR aAlet;.-1]ot• 1.4, 00N -
tee aeesion 10, Steni.en, ocintaitllua 100 acres. 70
acres cleared. Gond 1 g house and. fro. no barn,
4t» G0. Goo 1 young oroba 0, grafted fruit, The
fart., 1,,wn11fenced sad in a good state of.culli-
vation. There is a large quantity of black asld,
also a never fulling well, 1?,,rterms apply to
ENIRYFr'i[1•.GlepTO, Orediton. innn5.
ARM FOR S .L1±;•—Lot 8, orlitOed-
sloe 15, Ilsbnrne. Seventy acres more nr
less, elxty aures cleared and in a gond state of ord.
tivatton, gond frame ,horse and frarne harp, log
stahlos good well of water, spring crank miming
e.oross the rtl',tec, good 'rah'Ltti, g ted fennel, For
farther ltert.mtl„ry, tu,piy on the »realises or by
letter t, 7') ITN It IRK, IIirkton 1'.0., Ontario.
may 20, 1070. tf.
111l4I FOR SAL1 .-1'xIk) SUB
scriber offers for sale his farm Let. 1R
Con,11,'To wnshfn of t7shnruo County oi''Hilton
53 acres clary; e.t, tha re,nain•te 'nod bush, well
foucod, t1.0 1 in e, knoll state of c'tltivatto1 ; ander,
titraine t 'gond nrrltar(L, s+tlnnrli t w•'11 of water
Immo lment0$ CO3logsttbleSIN00,1ag honed; ands
ennvoaie•tt to school and three churches. For
nrtherparticulars 'tnnly to
VII' 911Y 4.N4, rlston P.n.,or
MR,. 13. V.liiT.LIOT. kttor n ev.73 xeterF.O.
” r1RM EOR SALE.—Pile enheeriln.
- or ndTor ; for s On the north half of Int 37,
loft. in. ..7 rne, containing 00 acres 41 same
elnrcrnd. wd•11nn,lordr,tin.tiand in a final state
or (�ult'rvation. Ther'' are nn thn premisnns.ti acres'
of Rnnflbntih, 100 snr1she'tr4 Penne, at cnndl enn1-
fnrtable dwelling 20'.30, frame horn 84x131, goon
lag stable n.ud short 27x47,cnnd orchard. gond weli
of water with moan. The prnnerty is situated six
and a hn:1f miles Paster maventenf ehnnt
of tt mile from t argnhar, aryl conceal .ont to
athprohesail'1 snhnnls. For tilrthnr itarticulars.
apply on the premises at to Pern" 11a,• 'last office
•�T/.troHODCrSON, & J. OKE, CO..
Y .;, �e .Anntioneere. Silos promptly 1ttended
t').:ye_ of sales arranged at this °MRoo
J. CLARK, Agent far the US-
I O1 --3N 11. DIND1IAN,
money to innn on mortgages, notes and ntber
securities. Rents and accounts collected no rea-
sonable terms. Insurance ,fectod in Bret -class
Oaanpralos at reasonable rates. oeioe—at 1)z.
Ilyrniman's,,faln S, reet, l)xesei.
hhave no mors black kings, and said
they would prefer John Dunn for king.
They remitted to bring the chiefs of
the coast districts of the Btnangeene
ulod:titig. These tribes. however, do
sot colieti.tute the most warlike part of
the nation. A flying cannon started
for Emangwene ou July 14111 to pre-
luu'c for the meeting. Wolseley and
staff wil f •flow.
It is reported from Luneburg that,
Cetewayo, with 7,000 followers, is en-
deavoring to escape across the north.
A3lacnountsdue tothe Godnrieh Foundry and ern border to join the Soeoeoeri. The
m:tnufactu:ing Clompany (limited) must be
'Promptly settled to avoid costs.
Nn persons aro authorized to receive payments
or make settlements u') behalf of the company
except the undersigned.
Goderich, Saito 15, 1879.
I11EPO14TEht OP'
Full Plated .Revolvers,7 Shot
FOR. 82.50
having been mane spaeaally for the I:rugliett'
Lewdest and American Armies. Only to be
aii+7r raaikirr Aims,
Importer of
GLASS, bc., 4ko.3 ,te., •
, T I-N"T.dC`,9`N:a
cors and a sgnarclrori of cavalry for
Tranevtaal. 1 ani reduoing the ex-
penditures, and Have given porplissi'rn
to Lord Chelmsford to return to Eng-
land. I am disbanding some of Eli
expensiveirregular cavalry. Cetywayo
is said to be in Iegome forest.
A dispatch from 1.wanegteasa, of
July 11, states that tete colonial cavalry
corps have been ordered to be disbaud
Porten°, the Italian murderer of
Boleuder, hate been terrified into sub.
tniesiou by the u.e of stomacts pumps
by Cheprison physician yesterday, and
i:ow says he will eat if the pump is nut
used. lie made as :ttattement t') 0Otlai=
eel this afternoon, in which he tay.s.
that hie wife and child were [nerving,
and he was compelled to give B./lender
gratuities of aine; &c., to maintain his
place. He added, "iny wife went one
begging with my child because we lied
uot.hing to eat int the house. I heard of
my wife's arrest the mein before the
day I met Boleuder. I got up and loft
the house at seven o'clock. I put a
knife in my pocket. I do not know
a''lly. I went to Oha,ver's grocery in
Bloater street, where I drank a glass of
eraudy. I wandered do,vn to the Bat -
tory. I had nothing to that eirlce the
eveuing before, when I tate two cents'
worth of crackers. My intention fin-
fall resolved itself into killing :myself.
At the river,..ttbo it two o'elock, I met
a roan named Ciro, two 'keeps a fruit
stated, and drank a putt of beer. Then
I went tov:atds the river. I had no
intention of sleetingBuleuder. It was
an accidental meeting. I drank alto-
getber seven or eight driuks of wine
and brandy, besides the beer I had with
Ciro. I was tight, not drunk, I was
mr.re drunk frons anger than the wi:10
Or bri►utly I had takeu that morning..
I had no appetite except for water and
wine. I conid not eat. The places
were 1 ,anal down town were strange
to me. I served in the Italian army..
I entered it in 1808, and was never
wounded. ,a
authorities are keeping a good Iook'.out
for him. John Dunn and other well-
informed parties think there is great
probability that Getaways will be Milled
by his followers if he ooutinnes to give.
ti cable. All of the Zulus dt ennded at
the battle of Ulundi were kiiled by the
,iative contingent in the employ of the
A Cape Town dispatch of Jniy lLsays
Crealool;'s cavalry bus -ted Ondini tu4d
il1ugweude, on the eastern lion of the
Bluish advance.
I)sbttlmanzi, Cetewayo'sbrother, and
several other important chiefs surrend-
ered to Chelmsford.
Lori' Chelmsford has resigned, and and iueerted a roll. Subsequently he
is returning to Durban. inserted a probe which touched some
The movement of the troops in re- hard snbstauue, and Mrs. Reed instant
treating from the neighborhood of ly said ."That's it," and on introducing
Ulundi was expected to be delayed by the forceps the doctor pulled a large
the heaver rains and the ivareasiug din daring needle, fully four inches and a
fionities of transportation—difficulties half in length, and held it np to the
which would prevent any 1'eadvanoe astonished 'gaze of. 111080 in the room..
this season, even if such a movement In a few minutes afterwards Mrs. Reed
was noeessary. Eitowe is to be repo- was sitting' up in belt, chatting with
copied. The naval brigade have been her friends. This is the most extraor-
10 embarkedl for England. The volnn- dinary ease which has over come nn-
teers originally raisetl'for a icttmpaign der the notice of the medieed faculty in
against Beeoecaui hove been ordered this city. Mts. Reed is forty-seven
into poeitio110 "between. Forts Weber years old,' site does not recollect in her
and Derby, to the north of Znite• life ever having had needle rem in to
land, so as to out off Ootewayo's r'e• arty part of her body, but has some re-
treat, rdrn'tltward, and Prevent raids by, meinbrattce of what she thought was a
the Zulus in the neighborhood of En. ,t:pllntor in her heel when a 'very little
tombi mord Assegai Rivers. I'uffAdder, girl. ' The. affair lifts created consider•
i tint chief on the nortlteru able oontruen:G•an the east end.
TZARS 1111 A
Tho Hamilton Times ofMonday had
the following For many years past
Mrs. Reed (wife to Mr. James Reed),
residing at the corner of C1Fellingtnu
and Cannon streets, has oceasionelly
felt very unwell, the symptoms belug
usually these attending affections of the
livea and kidneys. She was treated
time and again by leading. physicians,
and lately, we believe, had suffered
severely. A certain doctor of this city,
noted for his skill in all puzzling cases,
sometime ago took the matter iti baud,
and being surprised tbat the supposed
disease did not yield to his treatment,
resolved that there must be sonleloreigu
substance in the woman's body, a sup-
position which on Slttnrdity proved
correct. • The doctor made an iiiolsion
on the Left side below tho heart, the
region which patina'd 1.Irs. Reed most,
The storm ou Saturday was the
severest kt,own here for matey years,
and caused immense iujery, The loss
by ttto rain, flail and inundation will
be irrepaorable this Henson. The storm
was attended by a fall of hall•etonee,
some of which were five inohee in cit'._
eulnference.. The damage to the phase
itnmediatety atoned London foots alp
tit,:hands of pounds. In a great part
of liedfordehire the hay crops has been
ootuhletely swept lawev, anti rattily cat
tle aruwned. Newmarket and neigh
bornond are fl:rodlpd, and the ,rainfall
in Buckinghamshire, it is estiineted;
ruineJ immense gtuttitttiee of fifty.
I) tmtsge by the fie td tenth li'ght'ning i
alto reported from (i m ridge, Nair. I1c,
Gailm'd, Leicester, Beth and Mon.
20th ".Iiddlesex" Battalion' of In
fantry—No, 8 Company, 1$.arrietsvills,.
To be Second Lieutenant, provisional-
ly, William V tusou, Gentleman, vice
27t1 r"Lalnbten Battalion of Li-
fan try --T.) be Q(utrtertnaster, Edward
Hugh Johnston, Gsutlemau, .vies Char-
les Taylor, wbose resignation 3s thereby
81:t ''Grey" Batallion of Infantry—
In anticipation of an early reopening
of the North American Fishery quest-
ion, Everts will request that an Ameri.
can naval vessel will bo sent to cruise
on the inshore fishing grounds of the
information of a recent date hie al-
ready been obtained to clearly demon•
strar'I the eaitrevagan0e of the award of
the Flelifax tribunal. The presence of
tan American vessel is to secure the
latest authoritative information respect
ing these ash ries aft a basis of the
future negotiations with Great Bri-
ttiu. •
The position taken by Everts, in his
c•;rt'e:ipondence on the award andin
oo'lnection with the tartymert of $5,-
500,000, wee fully endorsed by the Sen-
ate in December last, ani the resulu-
ti to then passedreconmmended the ab
rogation of the fialtery elauses of the
Treaty of Washington.
A special from Gen. Miles' eatnp up
,to the 20113 alt., hives an 0000 ant o' the
fight of the 17th from the Sieux them -
delves. Sitting Butt was in the affair,
and wan the first' to run aney. His
adopted brother, Little As'iaaiboi00,
No. 2 Uo.up,tuy, 'Meadfurd. To be was badly wounded in the hilt, and
Lieutenant, provieiintal}y, Reginald I may die. They report eight wtarriore
Uarley Pollard, Gentleman, vice men .kilted and several inn—ming, including
Night, resi'ned. The resignation of 2
ud Lieutenant James Winollester illillte
is iierl•be acscep ed.
N.. 4 Company. Durham—To be 2
ted Lieutenant, pruvii,inuully, Sereeant
Alexander Moodie., viae John Heehaws,
whose residguetion is Hereby accepted.
32ad''Bruoe" Battaliou of Infanry
—N 1. 4 Company, Prtiel,ey. To be
ftaapttain, Lieutenant William Carson
Valentine, M. S.,v ceTit tnhai �iliallell,
left lints. To be 2nd Lieutenant,
provisionally, Frannie Grange, Gaulle
Ot1u),-vice John Ref), left liubit:t.
'33rd "anren" Rettalion.of Infantry
—To be Assist tut Surgaou, Charles
Jamey Hamilton, Esquire, vice a )1 'nes,
pry mote,.
30th "Norfolk" Bettalimnof Rifles ---
No. 3 Company. Port Rowan—The re
eignlation of Lieutenant George WPrioe
ishereby aocepted.
Reports from Peking strow the Gov-
etutt,eut's determination to resist Rne-
siou adavuoes iu Ilia at all hazards.
Prepau•tations are progressing for trent:-
renst'et'rlug a large part of the army about.
Ptkit,g to the ex,trt,tne west.
Advices from Yokohama on July 17th
state that the Japanese budget shows
the estimated revenue of the Govern.
ment for the year ending July 8th is
55; tnilliou dollars.
Oousiderable excitement las been
caused iu consequence of the British
'Minister's interference with the Japau-
ese quaritutine regulations. Cholera
prevails in the southern parts and st:iet
quarantine is ordered for 'Yokohama.
The United States Minister issued tin
mediate instructions for ttieoompliauue
of Americana. The ,British Minister
denied the right of the Japanese on ac-
oouut of extra territorialjurisdiction
laud declared auy Ei,glish shin should
broad the quarantine and be protected
by British men-of-war. Owing to indig.
310ut remonstrances from influential
quarters, especially . from . Governor
riennessy, of Hong Hong, uow visiting
Japan, the British Miniater modified
his attii,ude, and now consents to no.
operate with the Japanese Ctovernmeut,
but still asserts his right to break
` Minister
tuarantiue. 'rho 4arman It'IInter
supports hila.. •
General Graut'e receptior in Tokio,
was unpreceuted in Japanese historv.
In addition to Government demonstrat.
ions the citizens gave lavish entertain-
ments on a slnnptnous scale. Every
day and night were fresh novelties for,
his diversion. In an audience with
the Emperor on July •4th, bis Majesty
alluded happily to the ooiuoidenoe of.
the date, The sole obstacle to harmony
is Caused by the demeanour of the Eug
lisp officials, who presistently keep
aloof from Grant and deoline to give
salutes or recognition. It is not under-
stood wether this is in accordance with
instrlioticus from Rentz. 'Three is
naneli comment thereupon, and certain.
Ily the General is keenly Sensitive of
these slighte. Ile starts for America
the last week of An est
r I
Ilia famous chief, "kt in in the Faze,
who is supposed t, flays shin General
Caster. The shell, fired at the.Jadienl
by Col. Rice'<+ gun o. ttipleted the dis-
comfiture of the lin•+tiies, and goes to.
prove ow valuable light artillery is in
Indian warfare The Sioux chiefs say
they don't went to fight, but their
children cry for solu4tideg to eat and
they must have, fat cl.- Major Welsh,
of the N /telt-SVe:tern raodtuted pri}icb,.
had arrived 'H
at Gee.tlee'caml1. Spot-
ted Eaganchief, of the.. Sioux, seat
word by him t':et he 'did riot _want to
fight the whites, fiat eaoted to get at
the Crows and Cheyennes.
A. Fort Bufurtid;lleciatl confirms the
report that Sitting
Bull was present
and directed the figut with General:
eines oti the 171h, and cue of :de
brothers was killed. Scouts confirm
the bi,ling' of several other Indians,
inclihdliag Chief routine au Aesiuiboiue..
General Mtles will l•'oate for the prsent
near the mouth of I'renchman's Creek.
No fightnlg expected aules the Indians
assnmo the oi#tinsive. l3even lodges of
lialf•breeds captured by Miles will he
brought toFort Bnferd. Lenge brands
of roaming hostiles are ou tlt issiile of
the liue,
Not Col. Ingereoll's "aristocracy of
the air," but reel hunari ghosts.
Ghosts that were once healthy mem
and wotnen,-bait are now simply the
"ghosts of what they once were." As
we met them, and inquire the cause of
all this change, they repeal the old
story, "a cold," "neglected cough,"
"oallbrrh,,,"overwork," or'"dyspep:lia„
"liver, complaint,", and "eouetipatiou"
with tiasncoeeeful physicians and re-
medies. In offering his Golden Medi-
cal Discovery and Pleasant Purgative
Pellets for the cure of the above aifiao-
tions. ,Dr. Pierce doze not recommend
theta as a "sure cure" its all .stages. For
if the lungs be half wasted away, or
there be a cancerous ,complication, no
physician or medicine earl cure. The
Disoovery is, however, an unequaled
peotona and blood•pur'ifier. It speedi-
ly cures the mo, -t aggravated cdhubh, or
cold, and in its early or middle stages.
ao❑surnptiori. By o trrecting ail iio
regularities of the stomach and liver,
it readily cures blotches, dimples,
sorefulons utoers,"bnuehea," or tumors
Hundreds tetttify, that it has restored
untie healthl after euentout physicians
had failed. For onrtatip e:inn, nee the
Pellets .As it local remedy for catarrh,
use Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Advices received by.the'TI,S.War
partmeut for the Northwestern frontier
show that all, or nearly all, of the hoe -
tile In 0tans who came south from Canada
to hunt buffalo have reeroesecl the line.
It is beleived by elle military authorities
that they had r.o intention et env time
of provoking hostilities. Tho. rel crt
that Sitting .Bull was engaged in a
skirmish on the 17th last. is entirely
discredited alai little apprehension is
now felt of further trouble.