HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-31, Page 44 .i•. H t' TIME". JULY 31, 1PO The IVio}sons Bank, g support Exchan, 4 Bann If Canada, This generous stl) o;wt was useful in bad that one cod fortune must be rwaolerorsacsn ax eon Of raLrxieiavmT,1s55, shotviug to Cathelics that the °gauge guilt on the mlxtortues of others, but • - \Mutt a.lrnly bonuttinl worli1 wo live in! Na.. tato 8.i Veit t'tt graullont• of mountains, glens, ',ipfa(Lt, 1 w,ta00 000: best, 1 4pp,OQO, , wish to deprive ouco more verifies tf'e old ettyitlg that F CE and oo:ttne, and thunsten(1e of ninaael ear ea- , -- rasa e a not, advantagesREAD Q3?T1 , MONTREAL, oynu0ut- We eau desire no b(ittur whoa in 1 ,ssalllle = fusel of any g possessed by . it is an ill wind that blow nobody _ -_ 7 C R Protestants. It shows that Illy, (good, A k i - - • $'1,000,000 porfe(:t health but ho•a• oftuu du the majority Q ' MONTREAL. Capital paid z(', Joint itl'Oasox, Ei ., - - - ,President, r f.- --- of ueople feel like Erving if; up tlishot►ttenotl, """* d." *"."'."" ."....,. DIt3F'(17.'UI3S; d1ec4U11 r' Dox. Tlroatns ommatyl The•Yrtm, ttlfii!'8 sentiments are not shared ltt ' 6tQ ntul worried out watt ilidra 4,tvlktan T J Gtaxroz<, Vica•Fros bultAlititnal,Iua C° byman of those 11e ad ressed, e ANornsn pro3)f that Gr°tat .131 iu,tin a. IL GAUP r, President; . there i3 no ocuasiou for this !ocher~, a t every Ron ULAlaopherseu Sonotor, y 6 d we rkiOlt.tS (; l.11FIILL,Stoe•i'lesirleazt,'!I(lflul(1t Daft o:t9i1'y obtain A;ltldfllett)' 1atuikf" sv31o1p heett;Pres OttawallivexNavletCo hope the will ooutinue t0 llltinlfedt' 008 3301 atpt'0 ant desire 3)0 altogether A. 1 O CiIIL IIN .i ,I , - Il. Ii.C,ltt n;Nt: 311e►tC3lewtt'sAnr,ttrttl+'lia003 iillttialtotllt+tue:r Ilarat o 1iolion, ht P P, Milos Williams,. 1 yTil s, 9 i 1'l P ah,E, tiU3rTIN, P. WoLfNnsrA.N Tltn3r93, E5 •, - Choi/atm. this liberality toward elle litho lee •ell(ali0 off her 0ol113333 G, is t0 be found ill J-tli1:S C11.iTFI«1i\. free fr,pin d3 331,3. tt8 wiled born, Dxspopsia DI: F1: 0Totr,. itsq., • - • - • zn peolo,•, y l . )}IOArihr ('•1.. .1C1 - - Cashier. unit' Livor Comptamb is the ttn, et tau: -e of i` and wo whin like to hear Mr. 'Weise the fool tllat,at 'Willlbledott,' 013 Sattlr- 3!.i10It(ir1' halt) I3 _e-- - Irlsptittt01 seventy-five lug cent, of such w1Uios as 13i1i- e Qti l l L 1l .k1. 1 day, eueness. Indi , tuft' iiliclu►el Rieke -Beach iuf011110(1 ,, >9 eettiou, Sick Titala0lu* cu„iivt•- fIFSNiiY C. 11REl4ER - ALANAGI,1;, strike a more liberal key the next time 1' mete -sr 'Branch. tx(+ss, Nurvens Prostratiuu, ittKzittek t of tliu LOANS TO FARM FI3)S. he speaks on the question For we Etre til° Claualhau oanteatauts 3.30 a 0 3113.333 tl•itl•717].l:#I, BA1,1x..:NG' 'I3Ufilmilss 7•ItA . llaa.l, Palpitation of 'tho Uoart, ttlml other dis. Mtoeyattvanoedtofarmers ouousyterml,enthelr P u11111bel'of 0ut11tniysiutid lit 1110 army 8:5.3Tt;1). N trnseul;sytnuto'tnk. 1'itrea doses of hitgu t 'own promissory notes with one or morn good en- convinced that he is - pulling ah'tinet vrae.3. No tnort me x uirud as soetlxity, --- Flower willcents. ftvontlt:rfal eifact. ::tlupl.w b 6 1 would be at the disposal of 'Cunacliaus Alg:iedcohnod tos !limits on issued Nownoteswrth bottles, 10 cents. Try;it. SAYINGS 131iNhDr'PAItTAIED I • the stream Of a:1vt1110ing 0131)110 0pLn1Jn, b: aoticutturoers. limits 19sued on 1300 13•ttt, uvliJ had passed through the Tfingstou -”- - 5larsant. interest aZIOWo,1OIL 3203aoaias, 1 r t3:14T1TCtS BANK DEPARTMENT. ' _ DIED. field andourr000ydrafts bought and sold. Star LET11ILLIER S DISMISSAL. ( ulloge. This the may take as an ad lig Exchange bought and sold, --didonal e'Vldauae of Glie exenllt,lice of that p jl per E upwards foxiest ailotvod on deposits of ore I Drsrtttorx.w•—In tn:rlr'r1, 0.1 T il'i 13)h1 1. J Coiloctious made in all parts of the Dominion Ot PICL J11OLrtiS-, rem 10 to 3; from 1067.1.1.N7 Mrs, Latino Iliiiordino, aged G;1 years. and returns promptly remitted at„luwestrotes of tlhe Reform press of the country for .1URtitntloul and tliorklnov:d elope tiling .saturlt(ye. 'exchange. the last two or three months, has which WW1 'luted out as au obstacle ,ll` FC4HTIYCrS, datier Exeter.Aogust15th 1878. 0-m r p Pxeter,AuRust2:,nd, 1a7h, •- -• been tolling 111e peopleclay after day yam' cud week,after week one story after +r1 v' Il Mmes. a ` ' another in reference to the dismissal of the Lieut. -Governor of Qnebee • every THURSDAY, JULY 81, 1879 issue had some flesh infurtuatiun from trustworthy sources. .t;veu ititek'VIowe IIAItD ON TIIE CATHOLICS. with the Culoi:ial Secretary were published, and that person made to say At the recent Orauge celebration iu that Letellier would not be diyimissod, Godericb, our friend Rev. Mr. Walsh, that 11r. Joly 1)ad returned home with late of Centralia, iu the couree of his the assurauce that the home t}:'Vorti- ltddress, stated that Roman Catltolieo mens would not allow his 1isrniseal. ehoald not be soot to Parliament, and Another story was that the Governor that Orangemen should uot, upon any would riot accept the advice of his con• 'consideration, vote for any one aoknow- atitutioual advisers—that Sir John lodging the authority of the Pope, It would have to resign, and a new minis - is not often that we care publicly to try be formed. 1 -low moll di -appointed question the wisdom of clerical utter- those great IR••form prophets must 3)U3C8s, but iu this case we feel that we have boon on Friday last. Their Hopes must dissent altogether from the were blighted when they found his whole 1.111.11100 are not known. opinion of Mr: Walsh—a talented, es- Excellency would not do as au irre- d p Frederick Swei,3, who potl(llecl cheap timable, and religious gentleman. sponsible party had advisedhiin•-reject jewellery iu Url.:ttns 25 years ego, was There is uo doubt that C.auada is a the advice of his CELbfuet,whictl r9 back -]1 p near the ul(utti of 111/483 seen at 1Len (sIiluu,t llcIieun DEED , "SVI L• - 43 Protestant country in every sense of ed up by some eighty of a majority. County, .(Semon fuel the It ells 11bors and an other legal documents made a specialty. .til° term, but every shade of religions The Marquis has acted. the part of a eon• charged that the two beta murdered JAKE tend robbed Sweiu. Pending the 1n- a ori ieiou is tolerated nod respected es stitutional Governor, in accepting the Commiinioner,&a., Exeter cent those such as tine 11lormoutsm of advice•of his Government, which en• 1' vestigatiuu, Musemrall soli hie FnrCn titah, .whirl► it permitted would con- a s the oonfidenee of the people's rep- g years went away two llie boufamghly four P J y p l 1 Ii 1 l); ,years ago. Toe wan who bought the i'_iet with our laws. Then why should resentatives in the Hanes, a).1 has forte plowed up an old stump coal the quastiou of religion guide.our poli- carried out the true principles of 're- foiled a hnrnau skeleton. Neer by was tival actions t.) such au extent as to sponsihle Government, 1.11e very thing found buried, a fury days ago, a wooden box. and over a pick of jewellery, smell predeut us from electing even a single our Reform frtende used to delight in i es Swein carried... There is 120 lounger 1:01111111 Uatholio to Parliament 1 They telling that the country wag indebted to quo n el atlou9 of Wm. Fish Ppa any doubt of the guilt of &Law Han. late r000guized as part of the homogene• tl'eln for Bet the people boyo learn {, p America a forger, lately a Sir S. Northcote, Chancell'lr of tilt ity of the people. They are forced to Exchequer, was tbrewn from 11is 0331 - prey :taxes last a •slime proportion tie 0 ridge by- a culiisiou at Fulham, on Pectestante. The irre. liable to hili: Saturday, and much shak.tn. lie had 7 AND F' I They g Of e,pousible Govern f tL narrow weeps. P. is. hoped lie will l m "' `• :tau services the mane as Protestants, be t rtectl, recovered in 0 few days. q c In ten p'., ' Y'- ;tad are not ,permitted •to beaape any Governor a of rho filTereut Prnvulces of ii 1°he&Sluithsouian lnFtitvi.a„ ral•orts 114111es Which. the Government imposes. that P,af. C. 11. F. Peters aun' uuces Beiug tnado to share the respousibili_ the di-eovery by himself at Clinton, (x t b N. Y., Observatory on the 28th July. title of the oountry, why should, they g y may .1879, of the planet Vide, eleventh not likewi ee share in its privileges ? m lguitude, twenty -else hours forty-two Or axe they to be regarded as an ea- IIow strange that men whc clot 1 ti t L l Chelmsford ,onrltemclate,, minutes right a oentiou, fifteen degree,' thirty-eight nli: utes south deelivation, motiou parall si. ' Enjoy Life. iu the way ut' the CUllege,v.z, the dif, 1tru"s0 ` !faulty of fiudfur;. positions for ltd grtadn. 1)r. Culling, luspectttlg Oflicer,tvlionl the Vigilance. Oemu3ftt00 compelled to awe, Thi a11nt,uncenlent 013)111101 fait flee irein Lagrange, Teen., me ive(1 ab to be satisfactory' to Canadians, eseecl- Memphis, S1dduy. ' lle walked from ally to our volunteers, turd is another Mo8eow,. Tenn., t(1 Butllt•yt) Station, a testimony to the hiecerity of Lord distance of thirty mites, without fond, arm - Beaconsfield, when, a lila Natation as et every et,ttiuti he terse feet by arm- ed 111e1!, elm wattled hila t0 p10Gee(l. House speech, he declared it to be the A. shot gnu gnt1rtal:ine wits enferc::d policy of his Governuteut to dea.v col• against hire, mole severe 3111113 that of tottial connections still mare closely to- the State.Bu:trll of JIe'tltb. nether. But will not the llonio an- A gravel brain 011 the Northwestern hurities go a little farther, and aid in' Railroad, (13) Sunday, while backing in- to Sitatlkeguu, III., with a large nuu'lver the coustruotiou of that gteat trork , to of workmen aboard: i134 01lr3, Struck it which µe are committed, the Comedian 0')W on tlitl truck, 1Lild was dit"i10d. An. Pacific Railway, which its advocates tllolty Juice, Mike :il,erillan• Johu Der• say is Due not only of Dominion but al- gent and Pat Gunners wet e killed. 0u0 so of Imperial necessity ? of the other workman u3ill (lie of his iojuriekt, The cwulnetor, Tom Bale General,'Jews ligan and Turn aleNalav Wets badly in- . jured, together' with several other& A Barlia disptoh announces that the Sultan has uceu_ c•d full powers to the Creed Vizier. • The 'allow fever at Mem hie con• tinned to sprello, yet the death rate is not as (forgo as u1 1878. TheAretebishup of Paris is protesting in the latae of liberty p33'ainet the ilea, French Education Bill. A large number of strikingengineers atrel tort , (ng., are about to 011)1 - grate to Canada tend the United States. Striking- spinners •3t FellRtver, Ma's. caused quite et: disturbauoe on Satur- day. Soule of their number were ar- rested. . The ' mond, the m 1•ict_ ] r3 ed that it remained for the Liberal rested in Liverpool,.alnruuted to over Conserv:ttlao Government to show the • 1, 00.000. EiLlO wnrItnl 1 ' ` All the {ireat'Po(ve.rs are to be re pre freer and to Eeacli• the Lieutenant- seated oil the Intern:W:1lal O 3Rmnisei,'u ' 10 ll. Bird 11.1to the state of Egyptian ' • • renew. the Dominion that they cannot dig- 1t is believed that ; the Emperor of iniss a Government iu which the people Austria wiT{. viAteth3.Eiltperor of Crer- lrave confidence, although the nlauy in Gay eiii, about the 11th o' Atigflat. differ with that Cabinet in political be' A uespetoh from Sou'h Africa states lief. claim. .la ora cursed. people and subjected to the to be worthy followers of such noble teuderiwg hie regi„ nittion im rodietely. tortures penalties Rud restrio'ious amen as Baldwin, Bidwell, and other A lluriia digpatcil states that Petro which the dews were forced to undergo leading advocates of responsible G. v- . Paulockee-iu Weal,. Siberia, and the re r mains of Oralykaa, leave been burued bv in Engbattd for cauteries ? 'Could that srument iu. their day should 'be the revolutionists. Vetitizaski also be reconciled with Protestant claims to found opposing the very tiring that suffered Trona incendiarism. ' liberality ? It will not suffice to those men ; upheld, and advocating Constantinople tttst'ateh reports that (33)SWee t11te by- eaying that the Roman priuciples olnch they condemned. t e financial s1t111rt1011 111 Turkey is very Catholics, by tui l;t oKledgi kg the sup.. The Letellier matter has ea lust been had. Paper is already' unknown, aril remaoy of the Ptape in all things,dae]are settled, the Lieut. -Governor being i copper olm alhv value. 00 per cent. of _ its' them elves the enemies of every Gov- Forced to stop down and out, and Mr. A Berlin despatch says the Prussiau erntreut not under the iuiiueuce of the Rubitalle eppointed in •bis steed. Government 113 now preparing a meaH- :1.1e3utitf. Our constitution permits theta ''We see by telegraphic. report that are for the substitution of the bieuiial to become, not only members of our the Methodist' Couferenue,iu ,seesiou for the tumult' budgets in Prussia as well ars in the Empire of Germany. Legislatures, but members of our Gov-•'iuIsuQla#td, Utas Dossed a resolution: At an election held hi Ennis, Ireland ernatenls and even Governors of • the ttnanitnot1.dj- ooudeiuning the raising•" on Smudgy to fill the vacaaney caused rrovinc6a. This is au aoknowlcde,o- Of lnouey for ctlulell ; peptises by ;by the death of Wm. Stacicpo,l, Mr. meet that they are not traitors in the •bazaars, raffles, &c.,—.a system which Fiunegan(Obstruottni let) Was 900Ce8s8- opinioll Of the Crown, and in feetrlotll .is erectly i(1 vugtte in this tlountrv, ful, defeating Mr. O'Brien, the Oleritltil iug has ever occurred iu this country The principle is subversive of 1110 true tlalA Idttily announces, that iu oonso- to warrant the opinion that the Romanspirit of christianfty, and it is matter gumtree of a dotnestie.. bereavemeut, 03311301102138.a body• aro not as loyal to for wcndar that the religions authori- United States Minister Walsh has re- MA.It1ZI:3D. Tartan rrI 'ntrsoe.—On tb,+ 2',;-(1 blot., et lh residence of the bride's f1tiv.r, by Ulm Rev. I)r, Waters, 0f -it, ,7otcn, N. Ii., as. sistotl by the Rey. W. A, Wilwnl, 11I. A., Si. Marys, Mr. W. 'Tiller, 11, A. rka:l Master of Guelph high t;nhool, to ,llattia . yonnl;eat llraua(ht,ar of Mr. Milner 2Inr- rieo,l, of St. Mary''. SALE 1t1CkISTI•].S FilTapa Propperl.ins.—Ott Tuesday, August • 12th, that proporty of Mr. Crunieall, situ- ated on Main stroot. Salo at 2 n'clook. Terms—ono 3)11ous1L,1(1 dollars down, bal. limo snored by morttingo on terms to mut 1'nral:ier with interest at 8 par cont., per annum. 10I1N IiYNDYIAN, ACCOU\TAM', CnETAEC .5NC13B, 111 3I. 11STAT31 .&N1) INSU11\N('li AG1;Iv'j, ninllev to loan on mortgages, 11nt39 and other securities. Rents and accounts (01b,et1-41 nn' ree- reklable tonne. I11F,1renee tffeated iu flret•clu.9 C•on'pikt. los at rraRomtblo rates. O,;ieo--at 7)r. Eynti,nnu'a,Alatn S:rent,Exoto,. ' ALARGE A1fUI1NT OF MONEY 3233.8)1183) 1,oen 1(1330831 in my hands for vestment in mortgages and (worried notes. Will receive appEwlticns from 800 upwards. 1 i-1ARM EOR SALE.—The 3nb3crib- er offers for s' le the north half of lot 1:. con. 10. Usbornn, containing 50 acres 44 nem: cleared, wolf tnuler'10lhled, and in +t „to(i state of cultivation. There aro on rho premisca 0 acres of gond butih,100 rodsboard fence, a good cote:, fortablc dwelling 337x20, flame bar, 31401, goo'r leg stable an(1 shed 37x47.gond 03 -chard, good well of water with pump. Tho property is sitnatod cis and a half miles from Exrtor moan and about f of n mile 'from xar(jullar, Hud convenient Jo, churches and echool0. For further part,cttlar3 . apply on the promises of to Farquhar post call^v JO13J7 FULTON. ' (ARD3I3• our onnstitutiou 418 Proteetauts. True,ti°s of the old world have not et oken 1 segued, an.i will sail home about the out sooner. The sil03Oss of the church, 2.t)ti! of A ugust. iudividuat'Catholics have been Etruria A correspondeuc at Vienna says it it engaged iu foolish rebellion and plots as a worldly institutiun—how many asseeted there that bchonvaloff,3otwith• against £he authority of the Govern- are such ?-1uay be advanced by such standing he ib on furlough, is enusalt• nicer, but have not Protestants also means, but Christianity is retarded. l e.1 by the Czar on important questions been tlndageol in the sable diverting Wheu churches themselves resort to I though his opinions are widely different loess naelans of raisin mane from those of Prince Gort oliaicoff. exercise of miegui(led ambition,? of g y* 311° Some excitement has been caueediu 0021000 it would be nselees for any One members of the chetah are vary apt to ,liadtid by rti old woman, supposed to to say ts. 0 angelus') "you trust vote lightly regard their dutyto the Om. be insane, throo'iug a heavy stone at fir Outhulioi," ]kat it is jest las usel&ss. Ylipotent. What American and Cara- the oarringe contaitlinri the King of to 3011 thein that they must not. vote dian Coufereuces will (1e in' the face ee Susie, who was ]going to: church, on tike clear expression front, .E.•u . Saturday evening. for them. They should be allowed to p.' blal;d re- .. The U. S. Consul at Oettka and Hiago, exorcise their' j•udguaeut 13i stroll matters mains to be seen, Will they •oontiutte Japan, reports the epidemic' resembling " iodepen.elaut of dictation ' from any , to permit the devil to be fottght in the +cholera has armoured in UilIgo. None quarter." Esu@ of the best wets ewer'. popular way h O'r will tipsy recognize of the foreign population have yet died par/eased by Grangerneu was the oleo.Christiaulty feet and. ueoeseity last? of the clieett>di '. 1 her of cases of epidemic diseasese in Iliago• district tion of Me.. Timothy 'Coughlin, iu was 08.43 of which about one third had North Middlesex, in ''spite of everyTzlt crrrlls iu Fraane and Fngynlall died, The epidetnic also prevails at, effort Made to prej;ulll;(la '.thetr't e4aitlst l Wilke,' but fliers are few or ea fnruigu are, cutaullnritivellt o.pealcing, ftti iicu:s shtpsnt that place., hire, Mr. Coughlin has neede`a useful, '11tlssile, too, will fall a long way behind The folloeing cable meesa a has est hardworking repreltefttativ0, falty ittf usual gataittity.: 3 zlgland will ltttve' been received by the Peruvian Minister alive to 0nd telly kirowiftg Oka weoits of to. Report u.. 1Slatot3 larger summit than of New 'York from ; the Minister of Isis oouetitttouta, 'lie ttag'edas3'tssttp• -in fortrteryeare, and Canada is expect- Foreign Affairs in Lima : Tllo•lleaecar pjirted'biai like•Inert, beeattl14tjioy bte',ec1 tie supply n considerable u•autit •etl'teee4 the blocaded port of Iquigiii• Raved he wot11d Maki lr g m re i oseu`i'' q '. and fought the C7hiliatt.. ritqundrou for °i 1 k"f1a crmtluod't for Stigla priooe itt this two hours, lenving.kof r.rltt combat the lady', and because hist • littoal. 3 '0 J ,t ,! , s { ii Gvy lie good ilt oouee•u eltee. , ortisiytt , • • _, q. ,a. said, 11kb'te3t3+, , • The Hq,tieottr olivi"trea aro ih lwo..ird t3) W tl4(r 0W 113' ,ia iri fotiosih torr etatsatiaw" , t its too, Kotcue li,tt;rt. • t << 8«' ;• Jail Breaking Burglars. • On Monday evening .three burglars, who were confined in the St. Thomas Jail awaiting trial at the Fall Assizes, erfeeted their escape in a remarkebly bold and dexterous manner. The manner in which the bold and success fnl attempt to secure their freedom was nccoinplisbed proves them, to be ex- perieueed burglars. When the jailor went to partake of sapper, the )lieu were secured in the wardroom, tlu(1 up - nn reentering, within ten miontee, be was .mneli surprised to find that four of the•birds had flown. The mode of egress was shown by the hot air grating in et -he floor haying been pried and wrenched holm itt!'. place. It would seem that after dexterously raising this grating, the smallest roan of the party descended through the af)0rtare into the oellar,ttnded then ascend to the up- per apartment. where he seemed the keys, afterwards opening the door of the room iti which were the then, and giving them liberty. Five persona were confined in the room, tut only four reek advantage' of the means of ex- it. The quartette propeeded to the yard, and in some manner suoceecled in clambering over:the'high stone wet :that surrounds the diaol,y'and then, Feli 'along Medcalfe street. towards the ranine. Ilogbin wart slabsegnently re• captnrod., btlt the remaiuibg three still retrain at liberty. The' gaol .breakers are. george Footer,. charger with lar- ceny of a watch and other articles from Edward Ellie ; and David Wood and Charles Smith, who had been commit- ed for tri,Ll upon the charge of being. concerned' in the larceny 'of silverware. from Mr. 1) done, of Niagara Valle, N. It is believed the men,, who' are thorongilly drilled in *rime, had a saw in their' possession, ae one of the • bare iu.the window was sawn through. As the gaoler had been in the room but a few manatee before, no blame can at- ' •• 1a011 10'•111113. . • Mrs Henry Pfaff of Bills Green,gnve birth to a Arm „on Friday ovelina of lost Week, which weighed 10a pounds when born, Gooctror i illtt'pilaf). The Ladies of the English Church Sowing So- ciety will give a Garden Social and Bazaar lot the sale of useful and "limy Articles on THURSDAY, 7th AUGUST, AT 3 O'CLOCE P.11. ins lir. Sdaalcnlan's Gronn39, Exeter, Fu n14 of the pnrRouage improvement fund, rout .soar 1;an189 and amusements provided_ "Samson's Lion," "Aunt Sally," croquet, etc. The "Exeter Brass Band is expected to enliven the preceou- ings. J.•lmissionto Grounds, 10e. ; tea, ISD, each. IUJI SON & BLEASDELL, CHEIIIIST,S & DRUGGISTS, SEAFOILTFI, aro the only chemists wbo handle Eumphrey'3 Homepath a Spycifics in tho Comity of Huron. They also aro agents for south and Centro limen for all goods mann-. Lectured by tae HOLMAN LIVER PAD COMPANY. ORDERS by mail promptly attended to. July 31,4,1879. O'RTRNE & CO. ARE TOOT BUSY TO WRITE. OUT AN ADVERTISEMENT.. PAR- TICULARS NEXT WEEK. will bo received by +he undersigned on behalf of the Oorpor..tron of the county of Uttron Until FRIDAY, TF3E 8133 DA'Y. or AUGUST NEXT, for rebuilding' 8k1L1a'SB1a1iGt1, on the b333141- • erg between moat and Weat •Wawtttlosli, l'liti,s anti tipecidcation/I rutty be seen at ley *thou. The leivest or any tiandernot neeetisa•,rily aeetested. PZ(T.101a ,4AA3ie("4 Golortoh,Ju1i'25,;ie?8, .3et*at ClazTt, •