HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-31, Page 3Ry' - um: 31, 187) THE TIMES S DESCRIPTION O1, THE BATTLE OI' ULANDL. The report of the Atljulaitt•( tnar'al ' *states that in the battle of Mandl Cant. Il (1geII, of the Royal Lttte:ers, was kis lad ; & Colonel, a Mejor, and two Lieu. tenants'' of the Royal Lancers Wore vonteled, besides various officers of Latherregiments. The heave of the victory and the po- eitive 'assurances of Loral Chelmsford and Sir Garnet Wolseley that the war wits over caused intense satisfaction in Loudon aud throughout the United Kingdom. The commercial ddvan- tnges to be device(' from an extension of British rule in the interior of Africa etre dwelt on and in most circles the war is now pelieved to be words all it cost, Lieutenant Carey, who brings with lliui the seuterleo of the court itlartiitl vwhich eat upon his case, has sailed for England. TIM:SANDS SURRENDERING. Later advices from Cape Town state that thousands of Zaius are surrender. big daily. There are dome twelve tuousaLd men and women iu the Brit- ish camp, and it is found to be some- what, difficult to feed them. Despatches to London from South Africa dated July 2411, show that Sir Garnet \Voleele•9 has ordered Lord Chelmsford to fall back on Iiambawasa to unite his force's with General Crea- lock's colamn. Welstley himself is at ' Port +hiruft rd, in the neighborhood of Crealecle'y command. When the troops entered Mandl everything of value had been removed to the kraal built by Cotewtayo when the war broke one fit - with a ring of fire, which, However, an the 7ttluti pante within range, was re. tanned with fierce and ploody effect, The Znlue tusked on over the dead • bodies of their comrades to within sixty Piano yards of the 'British hollow square,with the evident intention to close in a death•gvanplo, The odds looked ter. rible. The situtltion mast have been viewed with snipes of victory by the Icing ; but at this critical motnelnnt the British position developed a ,perfect atortn of lead and Metal. Bifles,guns and Gatliugs blazed ont as if a volcano had been let 1ooee, The Zultis waver- ed, and the British cheered, still pour• ing volley after volley upon the savages, who staggered at their reception. Tho ,rear ranks now clime up fresh through the bleeding gaps of the fore. moat regiments, At 9,30 Cetewayo's warrior began to fall back, whereupon nut from the British position rushed the cavalry, notably the 17th L'tncere. The Zulu retreat became a bloody rout, in which Dentin Ifs way once moreaveng- ed. Otto thousand Zulus were killed, w A MIDNIGHT DUEL. The Washington correspondent of the Bnfitt,n Journal writes :—"Among the many bloody duels on record as having been fought by Congressmen was one in which James Jackson, of Georgia—who had been and was afer- wards a Uuited Staten Senator—was the ehallenged party. He was an Eng- lishman by birth, but went to Savanah when a lad, stedied law, was a leading Freemason, and fought gallantly in the revolutinary war. He killed Lien - tenant -Governor Wells in 1780 in a thiel, anal was engaged in several other teen miles uolth of Ulandi, and au- 'affairs of honor,' until he finally deter- proachetl only through ,t long and oar- mined to accept a challenge on such row ravine. Cetewayo's chief regi• terms as would make it his last duel. moot~ are with iiirn as a body guard. So he prescribed as the terms that each The correspondents at the seat of party armed with a double-barrelled war, though all agreeing that the vie• ,,nn loaded with buck shot, and with tory over the Zetas was a deeisive one,abruiting-knife, B1101t1t1 row himself in BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SIRUTPA, RTE,'�MALT empress some doubts whether Cetowayo a skin to designated points on opposite SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, will immediately come to terms. sides of the Savanah river. When the VIE END OF TRH WAR. city clock struck twelve each should London July 24.—The Zulu war is row his skiff to a small island in the over. A private and unpublished middle of the river, which was wooded tuessege from Sir Garnet Wolseley was and covered with tulderbrnsh. On ar- received et the war canoe to -dozy, en- 'riving at the island each was to moor gniriug which regiments are to be sent nis skiff. stand by it for ten minutes, home.and then go about the island until the SAM -WELL A M - ELL p„ P Z 0 -K• . D Tho'fiitet reaction of feeling here is i meeting took place. The seconds til ri V Y W `1.1 .b`� .t` in favor of Lord Chelmsford. In the waited on the main land until after one House of Commons all parties are o'clock, when they heard three gun Are selling the balance of their Spring and Summer pleased that Lord Chelmsford has won shots and loud and angry cries. Then a victory before General Wolseley ar- all was still. At daylight, as had been Deas GOOD &I ILLINERY rived. bore is also a reaction of pub- agreed upon the secodds wont to the �1 lie feelinn iu favor of Lieutenant C,uev, Mand, and found Jackson lying on the Auld it' is generally allowed that his de- ground. insensible from loss of blood, fosse which has been published exon- end his antagonist lying across him, Greatly �+ • crates him. dead. Jeekson recovered but would , G,IiL eattly Reduced Price' London) July 24.—A. Cape Town never, relate his experience on that OaClyR made and Ordered Clothing eorrespondeut says the question wits. !light, nor wets he ever challenged : `: Very Cheaptiter .Cetewnyo will surrender or not is again. He died at Washington, while of little importance, MI in even his serving his second terns as United proving stubbsrn, the British can place State's Senator March 19, 1806." his Brother Ohatn, who surrendered .eee,.s some time ago, in poeseSsiOn of the , OTTAWA, Ontario, lower and more fertile part' ofr Zulu- I �VICTO L. CI Mtctr. COVPANT, TOnoNTo, land ; and Ly assuring Ohnm of some: Gentlemen,—Confirming my statement a little support at the commencement of short time ago, as to the satisfactory res:lts his mien, there can be a ltablisheda from alis use of your COMPOUND SIRUP Or BY- ' Complete bulwark bet wee u Cate weyo enenosrnt•1•i:s, I will farther acid that fresh and the British colonies. The non proofs of the genuine benefits confo,recl on ACtiOICr LOT 1VEVSTGROrERIES (illtitati(lD Of the war wt)llld 1)0 an alYlll- patients requiring it the constantly coming ..e ander may observation'; parties to whom I have ons and fruitless task, its beyond U1- recommended it, have in e short tune, with the Fresh arrivals of Turnip and Rope nndi the couutry is a wilderness where deepest thankfulness, acknowledged the relief Seeds. As all OUT Goods were the dittiouliies of transportation Wo hid they have terwieneetl, and in some cases have 2 y } �7 exceed anything yet ex)erienretl. cs,c ted that ,t, au it alone, has saved their [�o gbt before the New Tariff, we y g 1 lives. It gives me much pleasure to assure you The official return of toe British Ins- that I cou8ider your Syrup, the VICTORIA Hy- still offer them at old prices High- see does not include those amouget roraosr urns, the best preparation of any which est prion paid for good Butter and the native COntin•'ent, has come under my notice for Debility and n11 Eons Pulmonary Conlpinlnts,Bronchitis, Cough s,&a., ay' and believing this, I constantly recommend it SAMWELL & PICKARD. The Zulus were compelled to pingo 1'efore evory other Compound. by a heavy fire when they arrived Very truly yours, ttlthilt 800 yards of the British Square. H. F. McU:tarny,Pharmaceutical Chemist, Eye -witnesses differ greatly as to the Per sale at central drug store, Exeter. persistency with which the Znlas pres- sed the attack. Ttiie probably arises a, from the various poeitlone froin which Ask Yourself these QtIPy leri3 WONDERFUL � �p they witnessed it. The most circum- t Are you a despondent sefferer from sick BARGAINS stantial nerrative states that the Zulus .Headache, Habitual Costiveness. Plapitatiou of the Heart? Have you Dizziness of the .Ar; • • came with a tuagnificent rush in dense Head? Is. your Norvens System depressed � T tnasses. In the rear .of the square Does your Bloodcircnlate badly'? Have you a g. ATI1V'll.j\ LL 11`1'tJC) l.J BR iJY S they determined to get to close guar. Gough. Low Spirits? Coming up of the food �• ters, but their attack on the left flank after eating? cite., (to. All of these and much SikkFinished' Grey Lustres, 15c, worth 25 more are the direct results o. Dyspepsia, Liver' Also the balance of those American prints -15 was i)rot etell by a Sestina gun, which Complaint and Indigestion. (halite's Auovs•s PlaidantlkiguretiStuffed Goods,l0c, . " 15 the Znht j greatly dread, FLOWER is now acknowledged by all Druggists yards for ,eat, gnarantced fast colors Estimates of the Zulu losses vary to be a positive shire. 2,400.000 bottles were BIack Paramatta,(i0 " 00 . eo greatly es to show they are pore given away its the United State+ through Drug- Finest designs in double thiead Curtain Lace The The gists to the people as trial;. Talo, dose will Striped Muslin anis 1'. K's........10, " 15 guessing. hiRhesy is 1,500. 'Isatisfy any person of its wonderful quality in for 1Sc per yard worth 25 dead were seen lying thickly all Aron 'id curing all forms otludigcstion. Sample bottles, Cohu •gs and Black Lustres at Cost the square; , In the pursuit of the flv• eo 'setae Regular size 75 cents Sold ing enemy several o!'ticers of the Lano• ers hulled four Zulus each. One 'elm' Band eight hundred and seventy Europeans. and 530 natives, with eight guns under 'Gen. IVewdl- gate,; 2,102 Eurot;eans and 573 natives, with four guns under Gen: Wood, com- prising flying column, and marehifig in hollow square, tool! up ti position in the rear of Illetedi by 8.30 at m., leaving a fortified gariieon on the right of, the river. No sooner were the British fair- ly on the grotrnd, fixed to receive an at. AND tact than the Zulus, wilo.had been show- ing themselves in reginitents, eenoen. TIGjt � L`r'�'ray' 'R' AgEs. trriting on .all Irides, chime tin nou1 open- Vat ed lire, which was answered smartly. but in no way suififaent ,to eheok the CAL,) AND SE'E Tfil~1M, determined Onward march of Celewayo's warrior, who, ander the spree of the, Vr� �i , • king himself, pdnrei i»k1 the Lot Ldtt volleys sonounding tilt tar op$ Hardtoare17oalete,SCAInStreet,, E1t•lrter,t)nt, far thio wig=s. aura Sewing Machine ri :IIE LARGEST AND 731ST STOCK' OF 1. Silverware, China and Deli ever seen in tho west, at E. JB W'$ ETOR,. . Mr, Drew has just received an excellent stock c' Silver Tea Sotts,Butter Co olers ,Do uble and Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, 0 om- munion Setts,'atc.,of the Hest Quactruple and Triple Plate, and is ofieringtbeGame atprice sthat emu ASTONISH YOU POlt CIJEAPMESS I He hasjust opened out a now and completteas- so meat o f China, Glass andStonew re . A rt o a a s large stock of Lautps just arrived. Call and satisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness. Como and try our instruments. Music 'reacher still on hand. Services at lowest figures. Special attention collet' to the Raymond Sewing Machine, Organs and Pianos unsu'rpassecl for beauty of design, and quality of tone. •t I!N^I i Gtlliiilu I1 I 'n �muoluiuut E. DREW. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STOR A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED Amu, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, Wholesale and Retail. Com. A, MAC. Main Street,Eseter. (Ali newest shades and styles), at Full Lines of HATS, & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. THE BATTLE. Marble Works. W. 0. W E E K ES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &e. Cemetery 114'urk of all kinds neatly executed. 5 Doors North t�etDrew's Jlall, Main street, siilefi,,,C TE11■ National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand 4111 nude to order, IC.MILLAN & MoBRIDE bald ng now greater facilities than ever, are pre- parod to supply farmers with Iron. Beare Ptows, Steel Mould Bond xi, made by ourselves ; Chill Plows, ivapper make ; Scotch Diamond Harrows Cultivators, Gang Plows. Carriages and buggiee on hand, and made to or- der, Horse shoeing attends:1 to on the shortest notice. Horses shod to prevent interfering. Mt HILT AN c$ McBRIDE, King St„ Ht HARVEST TOOLS Reapers, Mowers, &o., &c,, CHEAP AT BISSETT BROt5,' EXETER & HENSALL. )1."114 e.,ea awl tttnrnntzh blood-,nr1frli,e eropt D`. 1'Irrr, `; t,.1 1, a Me,geol Dseut. r',y, sn 1 I3 Iomocx, 15+ m ;.he a•nirt Ceroruln ton :•{etch, r'tmyte, o- Eruption. Merearlal ubt•ne , Mineral 5'0la,•a anal their t•"i'et , an, er:ullcatrC, an•1 t Igorr.u- health awl a mond cnw.iltution r.?t:,t - s1,1s•.t. Erysipelas, 3alvinctALm, Fever Sore. Sealy' or Hooch 51.h.. In short; :11 a - as. a eau .••,i 'lg- h•"1 L,st. sn' (.4)11,111,1 1,d 1.15111i potxeriul, 5,rih•1,r,:u,,.l itvtgnrathet me, Iran,'. +h`elally bow It nutnifested its pot'eev In curls; 'reuse. Itorc Itn.h. !tell,, Curbaneleo, Cora I'ytx, ltcr,:t'u1on. Eona uud ea cJlL c, It'htta Btreli„ro, Uoltre or Thiel: Neck, awl Iiutareed GLwde. if yon Gaol dull, ,u',m'sv, dehllltaled. luted Fallow 0n1,.1. of thio, Ilolel'h-brown spot, on f. re oc 155,1)', At4itu'nt he:rd:u he .:r dizziness, bat tatae to usoutn. internal haat , r asialia altcruat, d milli hat (tithe,. low tsirlts.awl gloomy f rehodiu>,nrtSieh•:c 1t,5) arc'. rift tt aid IIP yea ,aro Fuant arl:ring front TSiryld Laver, or •'It111ou.ness." In minty tutees of •,..Iver otxnlulutt',alypart .,fthesetytuptotusare aais•r1en,•„t. Jo 0 remedy for :ill such cases, Dr. Piero Lioldcw-Uoatte:11 Utsroer'ry has no equal, as 1t t•:li'cts p•rmrt and gall,':d cures. In t1,' care a Brooehhin. Srvcro Couab., and the cant' start's of Consumption, It has astonished the tuer.ieal Sirup};:ut,l eminent physicians pronounce It tit'' l:reshot t:it i0'al discovery or the age. White It cares the 6ev,•rr<f1'unghs, it et remota lens the system not ntn'tllegt the blood. S.rl.11,)” drurglsts. 0. V. Pli:.a/•i':, S1. 1'., i'rap•r, 1Vorhi's Dispensary an Iaeullils' Hot 1, Iiutl:alu..N. Y. NOW IS YOUR TIME To secure some of those positive by all hest class Druggists Table Linens} $50 v© wa®k. - English Table Oilcloths, AGENTS WAr1TED 'Window Linens, .� TO SELL THE Pucks, BOYO RI+'IAPERS Denims, AND Shirtings, IoW LAS SOWERS Tovvellings, a11. SAGE'S EAsA�'IA >atnl1:1�Y s i ll nd ► a, rtviMatertfbolostiYVIZ eeee.. cruxnPCantecl r its Matter of ed cures nly� wee V .The * of -Catarrh Grey Lr y/'' �` t may he rut llti1i or 'Tide , era WWI lee.. by the vacs of Pt' \J�1Vt i e Cottons mod R 1318Putet Rbtdi fart1 0nettloaferm or canmetr1,4 V „+ meat pet ttt'rcaNetNettiaahf'i ft'e,r1'M .ii•Inecon, h( eats (O IttGt1' tl' it,ltl iy,itt• 'f3 V al)'r.it 1, to al i ' , carts or the ati`eetear LNUI.a!�ise ',slat# diel the Cha nt Ores Cottons, Land tllenet)ied wittt prints at tecltieset'rater fpr 90 days. Mens and bey's Linen l,etit e,' earl i,.v co mthnntc:.iTtta• itietr'a, nit, )awhat•r (k,ats A'1' COST. Parasvts AT COST. A Esti awl mpleto stock of 4+ItOChRIEl, in which anti'M nlsl'Yis 1! Iwtititly ,• to 1 d fivltit'tt'hnrt WO have :t traerdinar bar' &l 9.• ti•."t" Pent forget Me the rattt..'tiat t'aort a, t �ereit all F' dg } itac: y t3 11(l i� q . 1 is plearant and I r Braila, . tt. dirteitak , r __. ,,. - •.2untnyatt La ('{�, fit jt(�..e f 1tAr f.'S l;a• to rr1Y Renyy / YtMt 1t1,1 tVteld la tfy � � C'i e U �' head* Ay a i tv 8 Mico* y4ry tan I ,a.l 0;41., 1.FFF,,. ) ) r lilt It, ' t•fiAtttl , itt ritictt„ •into+,A, �lifilSOfl's$kc , Main, Si ei,t ' eiey l 00E6 , til`av:rr,,�, „�r,,n,v.. ,,4,F ,'n"+, . ,.,++ � %pisrry and Iinvidldc,1lutel I er.,t ase Y, es exe, S 512E ®eaSA1® of PELLETS.;--; UN THE cAltiffirriU Ito 5154 est: tkltthq tela Mere, repulsive. nauseous polo composed of cheap. .Pull,, and bltlky ingredients. TtoaorelklianYeeddlerly Iarglr than mustard seeds lki5t7 entareirwesessade,no parttcnlar care is re. cps(rc 1 et hid wing theca. They operate without din. titrban^u in Llai S�Ctip_"titittl,on (lint, or occutsatlan Vtsi Jn,radke, neAdl he, lllomtlpnUon, Impar{ 111004, banihl, lnthe SbOuldeau, Tightness of the Chest Dliziorso, Sour BrOneatlbna from the Stomach, lied Tette 43 thea iout'5 Minus attacks Pats to treetop or l&ldntyar Intents. lrover, Bloated foram` about Stamm 1y Disbar MoOd M /heat , t:rd I)r. Pierce* Vim.at 1'urgetlite Prance. bakt.rplal$atlon of the retnedt,d power of that* l'urc:Ytb''u' Pellets ova r e sr groat a varlet of eiwaseest teep 'bo EMU tont theft action a lbC 8144 Mall etenotuy 3. universal, 8403 a Candor 09.se.,eseanttl*tbotr saust*V0'tinprrsit net i loco 6nt tnlpRlr the pkopy;rnetti et-t),'se 1'a'tlets They urn sugar-costtOf,d att3 In tetqpk1R glesib0tars their vlrtncsWag tk•tebypr, wti441tUtlisnpttlrod tort wiy I, nlith•of time, lar may Slltratenter that f hey aro :'wapsnr?hand MCIlittblet-TbleIs tot the ease whit; tails put up 0Y ctit:{sp wooden or p tstct.nard boxes Fir all dtsettAes whE'4iY it Lcattro. Altornt{ve, m Peeseaes,ls meanies tacos iIttW roves Ism gtv( nt.+tiest�e�,crfrOt sa e.Bton. No14 by dne¢glsts. H. V. PS'L[tt E. a4 i 1403'U t'.' Graillnji,jicnsarl atu}Sav:SLISI *' l:tote4 ,UFalo, h. Y. 1 CATARRH lobnie.—Frequent howl• richt{. d1sctiarge'Cllling f n to t n•o :f tortietlprclfwe watery, thlcL titintlent, ottenslve. etc In others, n 4t'5G4 Vttet "yeah or 1ntumec eyes, stopping tgiv c?' *beton, of the nasal pan 4:ttti��t� 434, r)tittln in ea • t tay lu 1ting noel rough ln,rteeloltrtbethr�1t utet•t t4Msktrahsfromulrcrt od1(eealttrot iota ltwsttg,otlt"ttet 0brwlb i spoticC or tots' acorn -totem es 000001 Abell alt !.tars,, til t' ziness, nsmtal depressIrsI, Ier4SeCMppcnre. hl IC.s' non,enlar5ed remits, (1(5tt05 abash t t . only a fewrUde* g�,�,pColnsare Nati ytoiii:llrestt'tfnSII Cate at else trolls.