HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-31, Page 2SHARPER THAN A LAWYER,. A wag of u lawyer was sitting in bis o#hce, the other day, aeouly engaged in unravelilug some knotty question, when a gentleman entered and inquir- edt "Is thislllr, z?" The student of Blackstone, raising Iiia eyes. from the Legal book before hila, rapliud . " It you owe we anything or 96 myHue, it have any buxhle l •t l 11 ,iLe Z. is my natio. If you called enmity for social chat, you can call ole any came. I propose to present you with sante business its your line, I haven, note of i$24.1 I want you to collect;" end handing the lawyer a note, departed to mall iu the nest day. As noon as lie was' gone the lawyer ascertained it was oue of his own promises to pay. The next day his client appeared and inquired, "Well what success ?" "All right ; I've uollacted the money. Here it is, less my fees," handing him fifteen dollars. " Good t' said the olient, "I have mane two dollrrs alae a half by this op- eration." -How so ?" asked the lawyer. "Well," replied the client, "I tried. all over the oity to sell' your note for twelve dulls rs and a half, but oauldh't du it." A FIVE YEAR OLD HERO. The Pittsburgh Cilroniule relates an instance of valuable preseuce of mind is. a tiuy Loy, that might mortify many of hie eiders, who loss there wits in damper. At Z tnesville, Ohio, recently, tis the west buend Baltimore ti: Ohio Railroad train was ootniug into the city, a little fellow, aged jell aboutfive fiyears, nam Wil- lie Schwarden, watt seen etauding ill the uridine of tl+e track. A uuinber of bystanders saw him, but supposed that he knew that this train was approaching, and at first said thin But the trail! mune swiftly no g along, and the little fellow paid h o at- tention to it. MENNONITES CHOOSING A MIN• Beconliug alarmed, the bystanders ISTEit. called out to hint to get off the track, but Atilt the little fellow stood there heedless of danger, The train came on under a pretty high rate of speed, With the bell ringing, and the whistle screaming, to apprise the lad of his im- pending doome. Michael Ryan, a• playmate, aged about five years, seeing that his little friend would be killed in a .noment, if he was not removed, rusted out from among the oleo who were hollowing at the imperilled lad, awl when the loco- motive was within ten feet of Schward• en, he leaped on the track, and with til most superhuman strength bore him out _of danger. The engine steamed past, leaving Ryan titere with his little companion, iu his arms, the hero of tiie hour. So' daring and so prompt au act in cue so extremely young has rare- + the purpose of proposing suitable She was putting them iu her pocket when William looked over the sleek, noticed that. the crowd was laughing, and the crawled out of the boat with .the remark "It's" it dead failure, anti I know it 1 I'm a shook nein, thrown overboard for sone fellow when wears a standing, collar, aud now the only thing left, fur, rue is revenge 1" "She tapes it very cool," observed William e e policeniau as �'i llllaru roaclh d his feet, "Cool l There she sits, nsieg 11•ly mousy •and cllaaviug peanuts, thlukiilg I'm a aortae ; yes, she's got the heart of a tiger, sir, and if I had them, aeveuty cents in that pocket book I'd liok her father' before • elle 'exoureion loft tide towa f There she goes, ohawin' away, and I'm left in a strange town militant a cent to get that jude switch for mother. •w— A WORD TO THE CORPULENT. Instead of rogardiug obesity as an abnormal coudition many people have erroneously considered it. as a sign of health, and any emelt that reduces fat is therefore et onco suspected of being iujerious. Starting to reason from tbo false position that fat is an ovldeuce of health, it is not surprising ilaat they should. very naturally, fall iuto the er- ror of sepp,,siug that an agent possess- ing properties capable of reducing cor- pulency would prove injurious to the health. ttettsouing, ho,v'ever, from a rational basis. that an undue doposi- tiou of fat, constituting obesity, is not a healthy but a morbid condition, it is quite as natural for us to arrive at the opposite conclusion, which is snetained by experience thud observation, i. e.,that the reduction of fat in oases of corpu- lency is invariably followed by an im- provement of strength, tit irits, and physical comforts. • Allan's Auti•Fat will reduce a fat person from 2 to u pounds a week. Sold by druggists. The Mennonite ministers are chosen by lot, and then formally ordained by laying on of hand mud prayer. They eunsoient.iously abstain from special preparation fur any given service, be lieving that as God has called them iu• to the miuistry of His wetd, it will be given thein !shat to speak in His name when the time conies. This is jnati• fid by reference to these words : “Take no thought, therefore, what ye shall say," etc. Their method of choosing miuisters may be understood frnnh wheal recently occurred in Ituckinaham Omit ty,Vit giuia, Two ministers having flied, it was- believed to be God's will that their place should be filled as sow) as possible. At the call of the Bishop the entire congregation met for ly been knutru, and Willie owes to his little playmate the debt of his life. peels. •. WVILLIAM'S LITTLE GAME. The idlers at the ferry clock were considerably agitated by a little incident in which a •"Willian" and his girl were the lratu actors. The pair were ex.- carsioniats, and the girl had her "dan- der" up about something. •'I dont know what ails her," ex- claimed. William to a polieemtan as the girt sat on a salt barrel and munched an apple in a hard-ho'arted sort of way. "`I had my arm around her all this morning, and we've walked all over town with clasped hands, but all of to sudden sbe tlew from the track and has had her Bose up ever siuoe. Are you engagd ?" asked the offii-. icer. Well, I kinder infer that we are, or was .afore she got this diad fit. "And what still you do 2" ""I dono, t was thiuking a spell ago that I !night draw out her feelings, if she has any, by jumpiu' into the river, though I kinder hate to wet up this Sunday suit." Tho yolieeman held a whispered con- sultation with William, and .the result was that the young maw went back to the girl arnl said "Emily, 1 think kali have given me the cold shake. Hea►veu kuovrs I luve you, and I can't stand thisruo .longer ; Emily, take my ring and pocket -book, for I amu going to julep into the cruel river 1" *'Humph 1" replied Emily, as Bile re- ceived his wealth and bit iuto the solid side of her apple. "Good-bve, false one— don't look. for*nybody 1" exolrtived William as L'e started for the dock and leaped down into the !harbor -master's boat out of sight. "Man overboard—sate him -where's the life preserver ?'' shouted a man with a voice like a thunder storm. There was shouting and runuing to and fro, but Emily -ever even looked around. Throwing away the core of her apple she a lowly opened the big flat. wallet., turned; over the several pieces of eerie, and stepping up to a huh eta",i ahs satid , "I'll take ten •cents, worth of raw lea- , names. `rhe meeting was opened with prayer, and the secoud chapter of Acts was read and commented upon. Theo fl•Ilowed a season of silence, during which time each persou was oouuselled i to head the prolliptiugs of the spirit and to announce whatever mune auy oue alight feel .constrained to regard as a fit person to minister in holy thiugs. ;.Sixteen brethren were nominated, as � was believed by the suggestion of the spirit. A week was allowed the nomi- nees to reflect upon the question of duty, during•which time their minds were to be settled as. to whether they would allow their names to bo put into the lot on the followiug Sabbath. .It 83 happened that all consentedto go into the lot when the congregation met again. At the request of the President sixteen copies of the New Testament, uniform in size and binding, were plac- ed in the hands of two ministers, who retired with them into the vestry. A slip of paper was put into two of the volumes. The books were Laid on a table promiscuously and left there while these two ministers returned• to their places in the church. The Presi- dent directed two other Ministers to go and bring the books in. These went at once to the vestry, and hav- ing ehufed, so to speak, the copies of the New Testament, they worried theme 1 into the church aud:sel them up in a row upon the long table in front of the stand. The sixteen books being duly arranged and the candidates pissed near totem' prayer was offered that the Head of the Church would show whicb twoof these sixteen brethren, who had beets duly separated by the guidance of the Spirit, should be called talo the Ministry of His word and power. Prayer ended, each of the candidates arose iu order and touk down a book, the next thing was to seg wt6o had the. lot.. While the books are being exam- ined. the interest end suspense are al- most painful to witness. The brethren who find the lot in their books are sometitnes very molt overcome by the overpowering sense of the solemn duties laid upon therm Others again seem greatly pleased with the call'tu preach. The chosen. onus are ordained on the spot, and from that moment they are regarded us' the authorized messengers of 011riet to wituese for him in the preoeuce of the peoolo. IV .8 AV BLAOhS111,TIISIIQpI a1'1 WIN- cuim A. VP.BIJCIiINti 2IAfU.latoof 13acet0r, leas commeuoed husinoasiathe at.'vobzauo's Ittitwilzotaoison elle is ire+- o ;e,l to d0 an ^w ti �, kinctoth�auk szntthingivork horse shoe- iO' ipe .14,11y attended to, Promptaeee,wheapness audgoodwork autal'autoed, Awallsnticftod. Y 1'i 1 . I3I VI i E" t.snl IV r$Ah[. ENGINES AND BOILERS. Trcntz to 13 Fo se Power, for Farm. yrs, Dairymen, Butter And Cheese. Factories, Printers And all parties using hand or horse power. Hest and cheapest an the market.. Send for cheater and price list. John. noty. Bspianade Street. 'roRo-ro. . ATCI11s9, CLOC'ItS, Sowing !Machines, Organs, Auuordeons, and umbrolle repaired, Agent for the Waltzer series sow- ing iL ..pines, Segund - hand sewing Machines for stale cheep. A11 kinds of needles and aliutttos for Sewing Mu chines kept on hand Shop—Main Streot, 19asltwood, J(111N 0, SiSLIJON, Proprietor. May 18, 1-y. Woncerful Discovery. PRESS Eft'. THEFRIEND QFMANKIND. An Internal & External REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND. It cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia.and I:ill�alt p.uu 1'net: nti "bony it whit can" It Is ilio only known ronu (ly far I.tliot' tit on the American Continent.,provodby others."'. As soon i s tUpplied�it,'iveeinfttut ease to the ul foltTMwate stiti'oierIt is rapidly ahsorbed, ponetrates ionto very !none, enters the circula ti, -+n, neutralising all "Itharu,ttio Poison" cir eal•ttiug intim blood, and oxo pelsice' i tom ' " ysteiii th-ongh tho mama outlets, ' CURES Tooth. che, Earache, Iteadache, Neurally, ituouznadam, Spruir0, S wellb tgatludarnation , Iiurns, duress Br;u.es, Pain in Side, Pain in: !hack, Pain to Cho4a, Pain in 4hrmIder, Coughs,; Colds,Nro,t 13ites,t hilt laius, l)iarrhooa,Dys-' outcry, Stunner Complaint, &c., &a. It will cure clic :host agonising pain, inter. nth or external, in one instaztt .1 time. PP. wket, year 1 i aju,li•+o r.ti�l gvo 1t e. troll ; rite tuvwlt-r. nent is small and rell.tfco_ u. Tho groat! seciet of its sttecess with • alldT see Js owing 00 the htCt it i4 ea110 earn h.trmles4, pleasant to take, gives instant ease, and can be applied to a witter. range of disease in every clay life.+ with groats succuss than env preparation`: which research skill and "Medical ticitu1c4 1.la8yet prndnced. .tela proof) ice great power over disease any person, no matter who it may be,:cticb, yr Pour, Old. or Young, who is suffering from unyofthe aboveneanod;,1uin'ua eornpictiuts,; will pall at the Olileo in Toronto, any d+.y or the week; -wilt,t practicaliaoof _"Freo of'. charge," of its nwgical jaowar over pain in, no3 appimatiun. Testimonials frau ell pa res of the Dominion .are u Huta ,t13 e: iug.to hand, giving sxpree .lou to chi) )nust grateful gratitude for tanisbing.onres which it hay performed, and we would. be pleased to roesive testirno.rialsv fro-•, all others v,' o n=e it successfully. Pttysielaias Sf the highest r.`spoctability ro• enurneud it as a most effectual "domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sud- den ea fergoievw Cat:yiGtoyour hgnu ,and it will prove a blessing tea your ft:mill, and afflicted fiionds. Druggists ars sailing enormous quuntitiea sir; itwueroverinttoc uccd. T cl'allangothe world to to produce its equal Tho Tra.1s snpultod through the wholesale Drug stud Patent' )ielicir.o llouoe4 of .'.ioutrs- MBE Srb,:eriber begs to annonuce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s'-rroniidinu COMM. al, Toronto, Muni antLon on .l try, that he has owned. a TINT and STOti'tl DEPOT in the store nearly opposite 'Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street, Exotet,where he is p.epuietito 1111 allords,s Price 25 Cees per &tile t for Sold by all:::,nterp:ising Druggists. Sept. 10.,iy. C. Lt S. GIDLY 1Jnr.Iert;aIck. ir-. aiari Fl IITOULD SAY TO those who intend uuruh s.,Go sto so front the tutttlnfaeturor. The dealerwho haus t a s, 1 )1 again itinat neeessaril have e. weft. We fltaiin to gfvothe purchasers the benefit, tivlrioh cannot tltil. ,,. •t to n100 the views o 0 t tho , Grangers, Our espouses lire less than those of city mauu'acturers eonsecrent- lylveeau slichoape.r. 41, •n t '104 .a w.•tees- Embers of all the T , erent (t 'Litt fh'<. t'tI'c r T WOULD 1 eull specialattoution to our wictettultu.(" d(I. i a n)out,wl,iclt it !,tore 00141 ltt4 4Ci a i eliv E added (Vtl•al how designs of oto 7'L,. l+ert 0°0111.4, eaeltets *dwell do.; lttjl es (n y 'Intern' ronui.,i1e at the 1)xs 1 ,. t( c tit a•{r>t +r, our new ne ra ° is nrout tweed 1 y ouuipetent Mortes to 1.4 s000114 to -note in the pro Vinges Soca es. AT TI -En DOMINION LABORATORY, T. , T_EHIS IS N O ()MBAST Truth Concerns 'nil More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, purohane, and onjoy its barge ins. When l say 1 manufacture my own 1 urni tt:re . re prepared with my pronl•ehnut that rho peupio Can It'itpeCt at any time by.s1lili'yt at lily Ware rooms where they will see a sua+erb,lis ;slay of Furniture i All Its Branches is nrannfaetnrori by myself inns +zzy onnl:atue+l "sttntic skill, wit's good workmanship. 1 der sire no!` iesatisfying the paoplu with a e,ass of G'a •nit.are that eanuot be equalled fur quality. or pries in lixeter,aui blowing to two contrary, notwithstanding. , --t -- WHEN YOU' WANT & Y FURNITll'l!E GIVE J. DRAVA A EAU Corner of Jlaiu and Gidley's Street, 2;_ titer. 1879) SPRIMM (1879 THE OLD RELL A BLE HO At all times, and particularly at a period when Tracie is tlnivor•eally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the attioke he wants at thelowest ra40. In cc114ugyour attention to my present stuck, I do su with every guilt! I once; it being more carefully assorted and selected• than that or any previous season. In the Dry Goods 1 Pve,y cleparttnen t is replete wi'.11 the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked a prices which hhuu.tl c+ ininand the attention of the very closest buyers. 111E Call]:, ii ,i) CLOTHIl\u still has MIL W. IVES at it. head In 1VTi11inery Underthe ma..agr!nient of Blies McGioo ilon, we can writ the most faetirlr,snA. ur stpG,t el Groceries Boots and Shoes, Canadian English and Americian HarShelf and eavy HaCanadian, are one of toe largest and best assorted in the County. Intundiug purchasers will consul". their best hate reste by examining uay tuck before going.elsew•nere. ' ,TAMES PICtA.BD AN 1 ntwaltwasearsammugg TIE EXETER STOVE 0 E T aro-,..... a—a'a•_ x`M.• k b r.,+w.+..t✓,+pe•+..n,.n, Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practic;tl workmen on the premises. • Eare-'Vronghing"clone to order, C'nrriare Plating a Snseisalty. Coal oil Chiinneys, the very best and ne)rto Cheaper. 0 Intending pnrohaeers will always fincl,rne at my pos., ready to attend tr, my own business *and prepared at all those to treat customers courteously and supply them with it good anis ttn"apartio e. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get butter value for your -money. Phe very .highest price in Cash peal for Hides and Sheep skills. E H. SPACEMAN. Laxeter P 0, Ootoi'er 15 1877. HOLLO AY' ;PILLS, This great household 6rodiclnaranks'-amougst the leading necessaries of lire. These rhinion Pills purify the Rroov, and net' mostapoworlulty _ ,1 yet soothingly .ou tho Liver. 5totntaeh, , uineys, 'ISprepwed to give alibineustomere the heeoRts. that wilt accrue from its adoption, and,at eat and Bowels, giving tone, oners�,, ai►ci vigtat 1,4those great m sin springs of tits. '1tFiex'nthr eons hunt a large stook of a• THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC. CARLING fidentipreoomtnended us* nover•Sut1htq retmedy. instil oases where the onnstitatfondrena wnytever cause, Sas homage impaired or woAA4ez+h0),- Thy aro wonderfully efficacious in all. ailments toot dental to females of all ago; sad ge *seams' Family 'nonionic, aro unsurpassed. Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., US searching an& healing properties aro )mown throughout the world, For the oure of tiadlega,bad breasts. bid wounds Soresandincer., itis an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and ghost, al salt Into went it cures sore throat, lirenehitts,rloaghe Colds, anti even Asthma. i'or Ulandala': Swel-: lines, Abcesse$, Pilot, I'istuiits. Goutltheumatlsm and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fail. The fills and Ointment aro luau, ufacturou only at SIti OXFORD STEED. LONDON, And aro sold ay all Vanden of ''Medicines throughout the ei villned world ; with directions in ulrnost every language, rhe Trade Marks of those inodieivoe 'aroregls- tenni at Ottawa. Renee, anyone in the Brit. ieb Possessions, who tiny steep the American, C,.untorfoit' fpr sale, will he erorecittort, PlerPitrr.h `..urs should look to the Label on the Pots and nose,, If the address is net 58J, Oxford 5ileal Ll,.dou, thsy aro Sparluus, • • t .his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at Which wAibe sold at prices unheard of under IYoo Traded .The farmers of the snrronndina country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without, paying market fees, on the 1+lxeter market,wlarch is second to none in the west, and then tall at the store of the sibscriber and Secure Immense Bargains there to •be had in Overooao,iu, ,` T+'nll�eloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and :everything needed in the Dry Goods line. r av,. t3 The GI o cell . Department very Complete. An iall-pectfon: invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING 1