HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-31, Page 11'11OP.1+;RTY L« aT. V V sE TO RENT. Known as the Itod erville hntct, i1 ,ilediate T.umeasi+.iu, Apply to J 7 a7 h1t4ld:AfxG, E:.ot•,r, FOR. .SALE OR TO1t1±;NT'.---ONE ol` the belt business steads on Main Street, 3.' tor, that largo anti commodious odious store lately •"lt•enitied by the subscriber, and formerly by i 1v,. ;1oho Broclerlok. Good sonar under hart of the artntt ,Far particulars ap Ily to JUEiid C 33T. NN1- tiii ,,,Later. 17 skit FOP. SALE.—Le G, Sol: )lk Line, Stephen, 51 acres, 30 acres alnarud,1!0 e�i)opped, gond brick houso, gond stable, well homed. t,ILtul excellent; On lake shore, of n 1110 ftorn Port 1310101, whore 'beats runt three 'times a week, and i' of a utile from (iraud 11 tau 19, tonrontaaittr)soIscol and allure es, on good roe 11, Prnoe, 03,300, term easy; SLI)10)10 DESJ-411, DINS, Brewster p - .41AR11 lt'C31% SALE,. LOT 221,11, cout•,ossio 2nti, Stephen, adjoining the cor- poration of 1110L;100 aares.00 otcarorl,and all In 'grass but' 0.1 acres, 47 acres geraled i11 grass fast :.illilng. l0 amcs oforchard, f)'t:',iQ house, a ,rood neon, ,ricked, Arab. pump, sing a never failing 'spri (g of excellent water, 2 frame barns, frame t<h ed. will' stable, sheep shed arc. It woull make '.b flood dairy. farm- 1'arnrs to suit purchaser,. The farm will bo rented if not sold.. t•,1Y NI, II.Aa1L1N, Exeter, 'FARM l� O•l:L SALC.—Lob 1, Ot>n, 1. Tfddnl±th, 70 acres, 00 improved. bund frame d.vuilin(; house, frame barn, stable, sited, driving home and other ontbniiuinas; two 200') weasel' water, good orchardof grafted fruit and large colleetlunof choice, sutali fruit.a, Yarm on toweltne between. I3iddnlph and Tisborite, 0. )piles trout l,.,eter, and } mile from Centralia, ^corms easy. PlIIf,IP O110:ILLY, sr., Centralia. 1.I1All11 Fclkl SA. teit;.—L.lt 14, OU- eiasiou 10,eitopl:on, avtea-Mine 100 aeras. 70 'lulros Olea,.ro1 Groats 1 g home and fra'•ne barn. touts. Cinoil yot art crena 0, grafted fruit, The temp i5 waft forted and in a good state of cu l!,q aent,ly blown, and as frequently ie• votton. There ; a large guaniaty of bleak ash, I aaisa, a never soothe won, nee .torms apply to , plied to by the locomotive, and also by HENRY' Pur L.11 1 11, (:reditmt. Tune 5. a cannon at the American fort, which was fired twice. First officer McMul- len, heaved the lead several times with ever varying results, till at last he announced two fathoms, when he sng• geeted that the engines should be re- versed and the ,vessel backed. After the lapse of about a minute the order i�_1I'43I FOR. SALE.-'L'f:IE SUB to reverse was given and at the same norther n moment the vessel strnoil broadside on the beach, about one hundred yards from the shorn on a shoal kuown ari Miseissenga paint. 'Very soon the wind and swell carried her still farther 'tshore and she now Hee on her star- board side ie about five filet of wader. When the: stuy,rner struck, the pates. gingers. most of whcln) had snffered from sea Liokness, became very much alarmed fur their safety, ea the vessel began to spring up in the fuddle from Item to stern, aucl hnany feared she would go to pieces. Their fears, how• Exeter, Ontario, Thursd y,• July 31, 1379, R,(DUGu DAY ON THE LAKE. alhd until the present ilea: b n was re nlarkahly fortunate in esoiGping acei• THE CITY Q1, TI)18NT0 A RUUND Ax NIAGAIOA, )'Ass0NGrtlt11 SAi°ELY t,ANI,' ND IN E(I4JS, A DENSE 1'OG, H1(3x WIND ANDA HEAVY SWELL. The steamer 'City of Toronto, which left hl,r dl ok, foot of Yonge street, at k two o'ulncu 00 Friday afternoon far Niagara., with about two hundred paseugels, •iirhlrertullately went ashore upon entering 1118 mouth of the Nin- 'dura river. When the steamer left port here the wind was blowing r'retty fresh from the cast, and the swell on the lac was enfticient•lylleavy to rend- er tibe trip anything but pleasant to the passengers, most of whore were obliged to pay their respeote to Nep- trine. Nothing ttuusnnl occurred till the stnatntr was within about four miles of the Niagara shore, when she encountered a dense fog which swept' aOPOPS her track from east to west. Site was apparently a little out of her reenter course, being too fir to west- ward. The 3vhietle was blown, and very mai responded to by a locomo- tive of the Canada Southern railway, which was on the tract( beside the dock at Niagara, and wliioh response was distinctly heard by those on board the City. 'The vessel at the time was mov in very slowly, The whistle was fro. FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 8, 00nc ie-. Sinn 10L'.ahorne. Seventy ace' s more or, 1•!9P, sixty acres cleared and in a good state ofmil, tirtition,good frame house and flame) hn'rlt, log ,staples, good 171111 at water, spring creole running ' crass the plaam•,good orchard, r +od fenuos. Por further pllrtirnlnr'l, imply 1y on too pvoraises or by 2uttnr to So I 11111. Kitktou P, 0., Outtvrlo. a01.ILy 20,1S7r,. tf. oi0� s for sale his farm, Lot 11 ''ou 1i, t"t�nsllil' of Usl,orne County of Huron RQ ail os ;lea.' e,i, the reluaintre good bust,, well -conceit, and in a ;,nod state of cnitivittinn• under, ,lr,Lino<l, good. oreherrl, splendid well of water, frautobarn 30iie0,log stable21rilO,lot; honso, and rnnvenlre•tt to4, schioel and three elturebes. For urtlter aarttculurs anh>tr to tea(- SILVANS, ilirldon, h.n.,or Mit. Ih.7.13 t.ITOT. Attorne,. Exeter i.o- Il4£i'OI:tTA2;T :e °TXCES. N •"•HODGSON, & ,3. OKE, CO. Anot)oueers. 0 ales promptly s aoudad te; Daws ofstLles arranged at this office T J. CLARK, Airent fur the Us- . •barueantilIlbbert Mutaall'iroInsnrance ever, wore soon allayed by the assur- Cnmpany, Residence—Farquhar. Orders by duce of the officers that tt:e would be snail promptly iltaendod to, y taken ashore iu safety. Captain Mil. Ivy at once ordered that two of the boats should be lowered and taken to the after ganewlty on.the lee side; and by weans of thane all the passengers A TTENTION TAKE NOTCE Dere taken tbrnngh.-the surf and land- -CA- the.' oho appointment of Messrs. Mason at. et] near rho old fart, and ftlloat half a lrwhsn,o,ttenoell. as u.gonts 0f the Mutual Frie Int• �i'lrt(nce'Coutpa>av of the County of Wellingtnxa, is 1011e to the westward of the Qlleeth's aide day L,loellecl,andMr.'TOfi.l SYN,),UAo will Su future net as agent for Exeter and vicinity, Royal Hotel, ordea, The steamer (Moore left Yone•e i5fDAVIDSON, etaoax'(uelph,ioaoul•er 4th. 1879.1Ii street wharf at three o'clock, aud with a view to the comfort of her passengers, took a different course to that usually sailed ; for after pressing the Qhieen's wharf she proceeded for some time to the west, and then came round and steered for a point a little to the east of the Niagara river, time getting her Fiend to the swell, and avoiding that unpleasant roll which a sea on the port or starboard .bow always occasions. She struck the fog in due course, and moving slowly sounded the whistle several tines. Gnus were fired from Fort Niagara, and the Canada South• ern locomotive 'already referred -to whistled in response. After very trill- ing delay the-Obioore reached the dock in safety, never having varied from the direct coarse, anti passing the City within about sixty or seventy yards. After lauding her passengers she pro- ce(tded to Lewistou and Qt eonston,,aud- at'ttto latter port took ou board an ex cnrs.ion party frolnToronto, consisting of t.he<ecffllr-makers and ,their friends who proceeded thither bythe City yes- terday morning., When tihe Cbicora reached Niagara on the retort' trip, she also 'took on board the City's wreck- ed passengers, and reached her dock at ttl enty min ntes before f levet), with all 00 board safe and well. e The officers of the gfrrieon at Fort Niagara are entitled to the thanks of all on board, both steamers for their kindness in ordering the glens to be fired, tante i•eederl017-essential assiet; Ante to 1110 vessel's onion; is reaching the,:13)trl,nu1'. The Rothesay did ,not lnahe a'Becond trip'yeeterday, owing to the unfavour- able strand the weather, The Witmer City of Toronto is•owl,- ed by Capt. llilloy, and, it is tender. Mood is fully ins nod. She 19 sever) teen years old, and was gilt for the rotate ' between Toronto and Niagara, S. C A11.PBLLL. PROVINCIAL • 'rand Furveyor, &a., will to at the 11 yal Motel, Exeter, on the first Tuesday in Reel, month.Orders for work left -rift Air, John eipnckruan will reoeivgpronlpt i.ttontion ' ;['OTICL. Alh accounts due to the r>ocleriolt Foundry and mauufsetiting Company (limited) must be t>ro:uptly setthed to avoid costs. No persons are authorized to receive payments .or make settlements 0 1 behalf of the company eseept the undersigned. • HOR.CE HOI:RTON, President, JOHN CHRISTIAN, ' $e:oratary. Gaderich, June 18, 1e70. tf R. M. 11A_C E , I PORTHn OF CA.FIRIAGE AND �BUAILDERS' i.a z YV .tai E,; CLINTON,O1.V :! . OFFERS SPECL IL'EARGAliv6:l:u` 'full Plated Ilevolver0 Shot 'having been made . specially for the. English, I'tnssiau and America's Armies. Only to be fr esus t &CE1 , Importer of - MILLI? IIARDWARE, BAIL IRON, LINSt'ED OIL; VARNISH, GLASS, X50., &0.,, t&C., CtTN TI N'e ,lents. After the steamer 11t aground the officers telegraolied to,', be under- writers, informing theirs the condi- tion of the vessel. .A t gram was sent to. Part Dalhousie' fur ;esaistanoe, and tugs were also des lied from Toronto to assist iu gettiug011o City off. Dominion An ironfoundry wilt silo Hailed at Parrsbo ro', N. S. •There is no truth in the y -be estab• ;neur that the Joly Government is about to resign. On Saturday morning yiboet one o'clock a house of ill-fatne4 Wingham was visited by souse to'wn's • eoplo and the windows and furuiture otally de n101ished. «` A. Quebec paper says the Dominion Government are about to erect new worke,in Levis in connection with the River du Loup branch of the ,latex colon. ial railway, Ata meetiug of the Wellington County Council on Fridayit Was agreed County grecs to give $400 towards entertaining the Goveruor-General and Princess when visit the CJ,ltral Exhibition .to be held at Guelph in September. Ott Sotarday afternoon '+' :Ilrss A. Purdy, daughter .of V. 1)urdy of Cara. raglu. was found lying deed in a smell stream otose to the village. It is sup- posed tILat'tvhileerossing the greens she lied fallen in a fit and been drown- ed, . A terrific rain accompanied by large hail stones swept theotighBrouhe, Qtle., ttnd the neighborhood on Sunda•, night. The glass iu every house is broken, the crops are . riddledcompletely and the fruit trees broken clown. The damage is Said to be great, Malcolm 1I.cArtlinr•, son of itfr. John llcAltliur, of EIJou, was instantly killed, and six others wore seriously, batnut fatally, injured by the falling et. abent, ou Saturday last; at . the tensing of;re.frame tiara '1113 . iii ferns of MON'•evin, about four` •riittes from Wardaville. The parties' injbred --are reported as doing well. About eight o'eluelo on . Saturday evening, whilst two young men, sons of Jlessra. W. Lingelbaeh and N. Switzer, farmers, living near -•Shakespeare, were bathiritg in the River Nith, they got be- yoiu1 their ilepth•--sere tryi*hg,appal'ent. ly, to resone the other --and beth wore drowned. Their. bodies were not re- covered until two hours afterwards. • The Chatham Pignet of Monday says thhat Mrs. Finlay,,wife of the murdered Finlay, of Sombre, died in Chicago last weak. It will be remembered that she was sentenced to a term of imprison - .went in the Penitentiary, but owing to illness site was discharged a few weeks ttgo. A sensation was (rause(d 0111 a traiu ,leaving Montreal a few days ago, by !the arrest Of au old gentleman who vas endeavoring to elope with hisjstep- laughter. The unexpected return of he girl's mother spoiled the old maw's plans. e.: A ludioroas affair happened at the s w h of alis, ten miles from Sparta, tttst Friday night. There was a dance Oven in a large barn, and over a 111101 - :red persons were present, During the ening ;ernnna(1e was served.'and in a• port -tine alt who partook of it were iced anti a vomiting. It' was after sleds itieertainoct 'that fah t tr emetic d been patin the 'lemonade by mita ke,instead of forted° acid. The steamer Bargee, of. Hull, 1,100 n's, fronedIont'real for London with°a c,iti o of.proiitioe and live' sheep, ran al imre 011 the 14th inst. at Mariners.'' ave, near Gull I:+1aud,St, Alory's Bay, ewfonnt1 tint, and became a total reak. Tlio brew and passenger's' were saved and have arrived at 13t. Alii) cargo hat, beau largely nrlered'` by ''';'the residents in the n: igf berh o magistrate • with a o „ o d� �A 1nag1 Alice force has left St. John's for the e ,fine of the wreck, The hull and Machinery of the wreck will be sold by onion ot1'1',lhursday next. •The Gazette says.: --"Sir Alexander It goes home to renew the 11egoti- a 'one in which 11e was engaged last w,wuter for better traele between Conic- alfa and ,certain ,Ei ropean countries Mucid 'Vest Indies. The importation of such a mission 'cannot be over-esti- mated, anal the entire fit,iesa of the envoy to accoraplisli aiieosss, if suecese is possible, will anywhere be doubtled, `I'llis much 1n relation to the mission of Sir Alexander is Icnewn,'• ......... ........ . A madman dressed in a light gray suit has been haunting Lesliville fur three weeps back. Until recently „he constantly promenaded the Kingston Road, between the Presbyterian Chur.h and the railroad trade, and when quee- touucl he answers that he is expecting a load of cattle froth England, and is waiting their arrival. He is >,towlocnt- ednear the railroad track. He hoe dug a hole and sleeps in it, A larue timber raft, containing 1,- 700,000 feet, which was from Frenoli River, being towed down by the tug Relief for Messrs, Evans, Wrens & Co,, Tonawanda, was seized on Monday night in Lake Huron by the customs officers of Sarnia, The officers have been on the look -out for this raft, un• der Instructions from the Government, the reasons for the seizure being the non-payment of timber dries and in- fraction of the revenue laws, The tug Relief was afterwards seized for not having the necessary papers to clear. her. On Saturday night, as a crowd of Orange Young Britons were returning from the Ottawa railway station, after eseol'tiug a number of Montreal Young Britous, who were then leaving for game, they were met on Sussex street by a party of Roman Catholics, and a row ensued. Revolvers were used and it 1s estimated that about ten shots. were fired. A squad of police arrived promptly o11 the scene, and succeeded in dispersing the crowds before any stations consequences resulted, So far as heard from, only two were wounded by the pistol shots. One named Pilon was shot ill tile hltud, and another named` Cowan in the ]eft arm. Both are Britons. .No arrests were made last night, but a number of the com- batants are knuwri to the police. County. A barn belongifig to Hoiiry Rich - t mond, of Morris, about two mites from: Blyth, wed; struck by lightening' on 4fundam af;,ernoon and burnt to the grimed. All his Rgrioniturat 'melee menta aud"hay were learnt; Loss about $1,200. Insured in the AleKillup In suraece Co. for $800•. The fc.h'owing tesloution was discus- sed and voted in the Wingham Council at its tart meeting; "Meveti byCanucil- ior McKibben, seconded by Councillor Neelaudo, that the Council advertise for tenders stating the lowest bonus that would be accepted for siok-ing a salt well in this town and constructing Batt works, proviaiug that salt is found,. said bonus, if satisfactory, to be sub- mitted to the people, payable When said works are in operation and` e,000 bar- rels of salt are manufactured. The Late Wreck. The schooner Nimble arrived at Halifax from Sable Island with a por- tion of the crew and cargo of the wreck- ed 'steamship Virginia. The cargo consists of flour, plate, mirrors, &o., and is understood to bo in good con- dition. The Dominion steamer Glen- don arrived from Sable Island, and re- ports that she arrived at,tho Island on Friday morning and remained there all day shipping material, and sailed in the evening for IIalifttx. There was very little change in the state of affairs, and the stranded steamer still lies in the same position, with her bows under water., There has been a heavy swell from the southwest during the greater part of the time since the causuality occurred. Making a landing on the; south of the island is ,quite impossible anti as a -consequence. very little has beau saved by the island surf boats„., but wrecking schooners hiave done weal- ' Tho New York. Wrecking Co.'s steamer 'was hourly expected when the Glendon left.' The body of the child of Mrs. 'Eliza Wolfson was recovered near the west end Of the lightltrauae ou Monday morning, and after careful attention on the part of the wife of the, Superinten- dent 'was' interred. • Ou.,Sunday Morn- ing, 20th, en Ametic*l1 Schooner was discovered at anchor -raear the wreck with dories, busily engaged:retnotting things from theateemer. Capt.1Ioodie immediately launched his boat through_ the surf and went off to them, but 'see• ilig him approach they immediately got tinder neigh. Ile however overtook thefts' -end defnancled the surrender of the stolen property,' but they refueec1 to give it tip... A. earl was nailed over the name of, the vessel on the stern, but the word Glouster could be seen tae ib bete aside, A. large gnalltityofcabin furni-_ 1nre was stolen, including a Orme, compasses anti a great deal of cheese. Crew iescued, Railway' Accident. Wauiregan, I'll., July 26. -cue of the trent appalling'. disasters that hoe ever bitppeneel on the Milwaukee branch of the Northwestern Railway occurred, at Warner's crossing, - about three quarters of a mile south of this city, at six o'clock this evening, resulting in the death of four men aid the seri- ( us injury of several others. As the gravel train, composed of ten flat oars, which had been engaged in ditching at the cut- a .short distauce this tide of Lake Forest, was [making into the 'station to make way fin the regular 6.10 extiress, the flat car in efrout - of the train struck a coni at the crossing, partially throwing the oar from `the track and telescoping the balance of the train, with the exception of oue oar and the engine, which remained upon: the track. Nineteen teen were etnploy- ed upon the train, nearly all of whore were seated or standing upon the ear wlhich struck the obstruction. The me0 were thrnwn from the oars, and many of them buried beneath the de- bris of the wreak, '.L'he news of the ac cident sown spread throughout `the: town, and in a cuulparatwele short tune a large crowd of excited citizens were on the spot, doing all in their. power to relieve the suffering of the un- fortunate men who lay mangled and -helpless at the side of the track beneath portions of the wreck. Uoe by one thebodies of the dead meu were re- moved. amid the pitiful cries - of the fatiends who had assembled at the scene of the accident.' As they were taken from beneath the cars, the fullowiug shamed were found to be cold in death'_ Anthony Joyce, section boss, mar- ried'and of family, and resident of Waukegan. John Dugan, married, with family, of Waukegan. Pat Cou- lters, married, with family; of Wauke- gan. Michael Sheridan, married, with: family, of Waukegan. The wounded.-' were found to be:—Austin Dugan, who received a fracture of the left pelvis; in a critical condition, Mark Smalley. out on. the head and spine itrkured. Thomas MoN.ulay, , severely - Bruised: abort the legs and body; recovery, ofoubtful. Henry Buans, ribs fraotnred'..:. will probably recover. Thomas Hata. ligan, conductor, right leg broken and internal injuries; recovery doubtful. Patrick Sallivau, slightly injured= Johnny Joyce, water -boy, slightly in- jured. A number of *other workmen. were badly shaken up, but none seri- ously injured. All of the wounded men, with the excel tion .of Confinetat Halligan, who resides at Milwaukee.` .care residents of Waukegan. The bodies of the four dead meth were brought to this city and temporarily placed in the freight -house.' The wounded men, were also brought here aid everything done for'them that could. - possibly alleviate their sufferings: Conductor 1✓Ialligan was taken to Mil- waukee on the express train. Engineer Frank A. Drew, who had charge of tho engine, says that he discovered the cow on the track :abide he mune around the curve, wheu the engine was about ton' prods from her. Ido immediately' reversed the engine, and, turning fw tonna, saw the oars and men flying iu the air. He was running at the usual rate when coming around the oitrve. - The track is down grade from the •pl•a.oe . where the accident 'occurred to the de- pot. The Premi Departure. The departure of Sir John Mas• donald;onllllondntmorning was a vorit- 'ab1e triumph. He was attended to -. ;the tender by a large body of friends consisting of members of the Federal Cabinet, member's of the Doutioioil Parliament, members of the LLoca), Opposition and dearly two, lhtindred members of the local Conservative elhise, all of whom acootnpanied the Peemier on the tender tothe steamer, which lav in the middle 'of the stream. Sir John shook hands at parting with a large number of those present, and a3• the Sarmatian 81101ed - three ringing .' cheers wore given, follotvell by "God save the Queen," started by Mr, Taillon' 1x: P. P. for ltlontLeal last, and join• el in by all present, who stood ; tirt- covered till the anthem was cnnoludefl, Sir Alexander Galt end Miss Galt' were - oleo passengers by the Sarmatian.•. Tho Br'itisli abip' Rivet Little. front San Fraticisoo, December 281Ir, to 0, - shore on one of the &illy Islands, and is expected to beeowe a tutlll wrecWR,