HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-24, Page 88 fret tr ntri. Tlll.iIIS .11 �Y, 1:11'' 4, 1S71). I, Lisa B1lottl:a.•--i't+Mtel'tlay moaning nuts'er Fred. Down, third son of yir, \Vol. Dawn; of the stt+nil ceeeessiotl of Stephen, hada email I beim in his leg brulit'n. Ile was riding iia a tierce's bu0k, when the entitle' fell,with his 18;,t under It, t -1 LOCALNI'.WS. Valve.- The f l`ow[n;F is Dor of the. latest lx:eh.tx,~.---A untidier of lndiails 1r,:vs taken up quarters near the milky'V bridge. Vi.s\ Prisneu:-Mr. 1>areool ltf'a lar;, which aro beim: pt'.u+tiactl ou the fiu'uiers iu ,e:veer:at comities: ..in esehtaugosays;—A. 'quart itrelr a iu'te prolu[stug to pay one hundred ttoilars. Ile used. a printed form and dill lic;t mi ,)bier a hands e 111 ed in pulling lilts. dost up tela stern:: de teed t dollars, 3 Tho crop i$ very Jud, titter nabbing as negotltbltl Raper somebody ill 1'.tts I. - •I'az front of lir. (1. �., entet+'4 sertee •turd :fifty' after tllu one hundred and $grocery h::, bt'tetl re.p,aiutetl, -sesta' adds before tit, printed dollars. Tlltt note thus al. materially to the aplpear4tue lei tit:+ promises, tett tl eot into the hands of an itutaeent party, (''vii' 11u1,1i'a1.---Monday, the Atli of Atte. who pit -wetted it to the drawer, and the Su - tee s+tu�, iu arcJrtinue0 with tet• w14„,e ref pulite Court doeitlt�el that the maker of the the villin„ars;, been set inert as a ileal+l a foil date vets 1, L-'' foe its flee, bt'!':aitio through 1 he slid not draw a lice between the l;aeter, wlluu till il;iees of builitss ,wee. l,u . t. , s.,. ce 011'1 . worst •Itrn,tti' :tura the printed word 'dollars.' Jt _L <ai.tcczt - lar Alt:au has retired from , 1t y tie: tuuony Viet the drawer might offer to lin Iluruu •� ;n tr„ published n Liotlericb, tied � eetablieli the fact that be .lave the nem for F. oda' huntlrt',l dell 11's must go for n ett:tre , a, 1':A been hl. e ctit•tl 4,; °rrli t tl of ter 1CuJ' took I:e: ;err . tI i 1 n,I4 notliil a*,z the face ot the cote seem -ewe,- . fo*t lane for tiny „leen. j.owhee that it hail been altered, eet'[devel at side we rru in 1.11(111 Surd:iv by Me. se t e anere.tien on the fire of t1tt tote would of Exeter, tied \ir 1 eicf 1.1'11, ti have ratan otl the ease. Lot this be a lesson -I, l e st t ly ' •t th • termer, t LO 1111 dt twtl$ v+' l rt•1u[+sort' natei. NO one 1.10,-111, , . l.. 3b'l'.11 T1s, t f et. TH 1 TIMES "Osborne. Pirtle—The log buildings aaj lining .the barn of Mr. .1'. li;vfe w wi. It;u tl t it to the gionitd to few days age, and but for j the timely ilial Of 111 few nei.;hbors the ! frame? bu,t•tt could. not have been s.lved. 1. The Oitlls° of tilt file was children, playing with matcIiv . i'reditein. tJ e'i 0 t. a tal'H, alb t - Y41i.i, 11'nt tl•.--uwt'Clildy was blow- ing in your last issue nitwit tell wleett.. Mr. Win. Sttxiilare, of 7th Con. Stephen, has a field of wheat con tainiug'i5 acres wanted every stain of which .will average (1 feet iu height. titetus have teem plucked nleastu'ing tt ft. 4 in. and ti ft. ti in. -- flues of the field average about i ft. v in. and the taller 10 a res about !; fit::+t, lu fact he penetrated into the field a short tll'stauce to few clays sidle() and Lot being ltbla to ei'e alcove the top got eunipotoly 13$t hurl Lula to Set 1111 a hollowing in order to. get a respon- se, to. find his wily out. ' Sanders can, vo think, C�ntlleng�e t•) ti n:io to produce a field of it heat like title one. \.ny• body doubting tlit+vtt•a&sty gilds state- ment can have it Twin,' h; calling on „ct.faste ill of ty.... 1.! fcr.•r ill s1,, 1 --_\;ant:'. an.:; t:icaretteoi tl stn 01 a hornet in- ; \It'. `~'.0 tiler;. 11(1 b ill itoiitely , its rt•:tutt1g l: 1-, , - 1 i, et 111111 +1r ttt t:tlel1t' it1 eu.h a 1aatt0r. reto.nramatoracopmerstanotorr999.9.9999189roartor 4.9$.989,7.190!..91, IVa = eliZaa: er7 IIT1126 d,:l 1,:.0 y • c&tz^�'' tt9 ."-t Ol 500 K . a fi''`r S -. 0 ..)...1)-C "3"12_, � 'tion.,' at v.leieat plat' 1/e has been working l 11:0 In trim :r,unea E,+w:: tlp,' who was visaed duce t ht'tn 4 feet into t.ut• it heat and if for sena, time. At la., 1,v :,0211;, iwsn'ier, 1 11:y tlt0 hie\iti 1elo 1i,11t11[itt Ott agent. who rap- they ventltfti further it will be at theft , let resented lit .r.•t to o :ode for the fnrete:'s ':esu deli. b; s It v ovIn Terin and , +iti s' ' t emit. Alter ti, good dt.:l tlf leiekcsi'ili;; ties I tri- ]? Ci,i,te. t t lit the fi,llaw- e1 le, r dwindle; hie pekoe t turd 1.;wcr ing:—The 'i -t that ' tte J: ills paper 1 tt:;utse •a^ t 1 i 1'1 e. 1 •t' -t ?li '1,I • .1 . 1 tiht ti .a' 1?:, 1ar I til rt 1 until he offered to iltl .the a'111i1't' job ae,r ! t 4vt, i., li:., tI1.� men drat kht•i•:s the 1 h- t ..• eep'ted. ane) the trent drew tee an rt•:tl. ' 11 'o, , ruder fee I t1. to b , id. upon the tilplet'ton ] ] 1 a t ul .,1' h: 1'1lOx 1;'1111 hit, . .0 f 0 hems.—+til ly }las tttriled out a, geed 0r„p in this vioiuity —C. i,lber, G. Uro ten, Ilr.. Rollins awl V. Bette., re- ceutly appointed nitt•ji;'rates for this district have (lily qualified and will 1 01.1;:a. 1,v ' anal five fanner eieet,d it. The, r soon be table to dlspepee justice to the J el ,.,re tI' re+• t n:et:e ef.. - t Farieer ceis a e tit,,,, unit shore, efe.e people. --Alt extensive agitation id l:eiug •1 — \oft lar., u.11 i'rave+v lna'•1i, t: 1 2.a2tr,.`'•Illi•a ls�,tait r 111. i.tw riot; re -I i tttitei :fi.• l't t e. tin•. , Gtr, . e t•C ovely '•lot.or 10 1 • ppvtu un t... pia:e.1. li 1, .,.. i',e.1 .. to 1sate Vie ];tear el Ji.t, 1,11: L:1 11;1 4. o , ,d1y 111• :3ualilitd to tntt 10. n jitryiu:,r, Lilatla;t, t r., its error lest meek al,tit.t thi :til . t : wt e,1 thnt R t.' il::t•rt',t nt 1,_e: .,!L -,e a.J1lA SUS ;•t Ilet•'1,., tiff. A , . 1`.;01:1.1. tl ai„ril i. Therewr!'P c:11i is +lt.... 1 01.111.; wool. 1,1 the pile, tooth cruors. In t t ret lip fur it i)ivi1iou Conrt here. it is l,- ,I4i 1411 4it.'r t,::ut C:uae ant up tit' 1 brolly nesetled andel w'ouul lto >t vast 0011• VLillellOO to a large liIlctiou back of t t,1 elf ii- tat. t `^?tt. T110 farmer pro,te:.t-! t.l the. Ivac. to be the )'rice, when ho tens I Crediton. \\'e hullo EO See )t book conic e:,,, •1 w Rh two tittle rS sleeted by. himself i e t iblislhed. io. „ear , l 1 Hari to save tee tlnraten•'•. law � shit, be eves t!1r now for e;.ttt, autl we the ilut Ot12AN STEAMER LOST. 1 ' 11 e,, .. tr fifty t wi 1t._t were -t :r• e,l---ualt eight ATA1. ACCIDENT IN 11A1. :notate” as tt...' a rotleotts:, ::.ite 11.4+1 tv:•t\. rime 1'..t;. . .til'. lttl;t'.e wadi,, f” m-'1'11 1;12x.1 t,u 1•41 he se a rester it the lwbliiie , r .1 • \i' ' : i i t ileo t5o•1; lot: n'•v It cope "t: tet t,(uui," h..it 1 .., .,:.l.l'e•'i.' i:t tStt:p'- ii•:1'iP,a::'r:ile, was,, e1 '2uestl.t last. sent 01, tU (1.';10: it:lt ti), t....•: r;i' ilii ule ole i.1 the j :il ill feet town, f ....;fit:; iiite.xieathee Feeders mitheut lieeese. 1,..n,•.. sa.i:.,,.--.1 L:tto, ult,tn'1T: uvur SIX ,.. in 1u1.0it ru,;l only about, tint.' enol a -half ccltt aroe:t was captured veer Grand I1end ee +at:lrti:t;. lest l;e a petty of escittsioniets 21 00 i:st•ter. The reptile the teas brought home "•toil was on wu]i,iti:,tl 00 ti':utiay morning, 22.re1sLog outelee the rt•;itl:xhce of the gentle- . i2.iu1 wl:•, :need :i as grride for the party. I':.xs:;x11;..-.-•lf tills pa.r'agrabh sheull hap- pen to meet the cp. of ;lir. J. i1 Watson, the ••liltutorist." tiro hole it will have the effect of cortin Lixo up, to tray t]lOSCt cix dollar$ which is ogees 1,1116 l,llict for printing,. i1's p,romiees erre ]ori; Bast tote. (Jlxettiug the printer neel,ld not be au inappropriate subject for his next lecture. There is not much "humor" in it Mlle. s it be to Mr. Watson. PosTat: 1rxx o .—Cemmcnciut; with July 1st, the charge for patterns or samples of merchan- dise., as well as for bommercial papers, address - al to any of the countries or British Colonies i;,luprised in the Postal Union will be. the seine a; the charge for printed capers ; but with the proviso that the lowest charge for a' pattern or eautple packet will be ld. mitt that the lowest 4-llarge for a ;,tickot of commercial papers trill 1•e -21c1. Vrr.tL ST.triseics.—Below we give the vital etatisties for the three Mouths ending Stith ;Tune, 1879 : Births. 20; .Marriages, 7 ; Deaths, 10. Greatest age, 110 years, 3 months ; least age, 2 days; average age, 37 years, 2 mouths. (seri :s OF nL•.tTtt: O An isesidenz of a palace]. nature, whereby a leey a,:• •1 f,ut.teeli char: Lost his life, tieltrr,:l 1110 t.:wti'itin of Hay, near Sennett, tt, t:0 Fri- ,i:h • a 1.1:10! ]tett. 13enj:ouin )Brown. eon of Mr..;:eeei en on the at'erutou of the telly ult.uttiene'.l t:',uv,t. took a ::ern and went to tv.• tvoa:.b 1,1 s11,1ot. 110 Hitt ll01 rt;tnrn in the CVel.ii ., :t'::.1 oe Saturday lht.,t'llilti, his plate is lees0e1 aueionts lest wine iveitirut had befall- en Hint, end Mr. I;10a0 went in 4411(0111 of his sun. The tali was finial lying dead iu tho Inlets, with his brains blown out. It is sup- posed the boy was neviti:lntally shot while handling itis gun. The charge entered one el his: eyes :)tut treat ole tr through his head, blowing out this brains. A. little daughter of 11'Ir. Brown says she heard a shut oil Friday evening in the direction of the spot where the lee'cly tee; found: The remains were interred in the ilnion Cemetery ou'Suntlay last. The family have the heart -felt sympathy al the euiii'e community in their sail bereavement. T..1] REAPING I1sATC1 . The annual reaping match of the 7Xnrou Farmers' and Mechanics' Association was held on the farm of Mr. Jas Westoott, a short dis- tance from this place, ou Friday the 18th inst. The attendance was good, considering the busy season in which the match was held. The grain was in good condition for cutting. and no ma: blue appeared to labor under any difioulty'whatever. Below we give the names, of machines, together with the name of manu- facturer and agent ; also the the points of the different machines: .. - sec eeetzo-xr the boat righted, and those who Cling 700,000 0 DOi...EN EGGS in oxeliauge for goods; tl,t Southcott Son's Stoi;(1. ,1 choice stock ()f 3 w �.r1)r-liai G Ou 4 Iql 'just-rec'.•eivod, i't,nr+lstil1g of .i)1'y Goods. Groceries, Boots a..,'( :31)oeS. Colli(: with your butter burl eggs. On Thnr,dav Joint W. Robeson, Purser., and John O. Jack third ()Ulcer, with 1lilteof the craw• of tits shunt; -hip State of \-irgieia, at'rlvdd hit Halifax, from Dort l'itlliirtot,, 111 small plitoo (,u Ilis Atlrtntict 1104tt rid Sh•e,br•::oho and ,' tw Glasgow. They eetun't their ves- sel ren ashore ou Cope Sable tit 8 j •''rlouk 011 Saturday teittht hist. The State of Virginia i, ,e0U tons, owned 1,y the Statetate:ttnshitt Couhpany of Glasgow. She left New York ou the 11)11 inst. w ltlr fii't.y fuer uussougers, 2t . crew (it sevi'lity-t WO wen, and a cargo . las of 1U? cattle tied ,Ot ted American pro- duce in charge of Capt. i\.Iuody, booed for Glasgow. Everything (vent well until h'ritlay, tee 11th, when a Geese fog set in, 5v!doh eox:tionod until Sater• - day night, wire., at eight u, tri. the ship greueded oe a Fatal bank on the ettet- ern end of Stable Ishui 1. The sea was eompearetively cahth,btrt all efforts to get 1 [ler off failed, and on Smithy rnoruing we commenced to throw over our cargo Amid lighten the ship. This was un- avali11t.11 o, and we. fired Minute gulps, which very soon brought the governor of the Island, Mi'. Macdonald, mad party to t.ar rescue. They sent off iu a stltf boat trod took off eleven womanll tri 'children, the purser, fourth ofuer. and I the doctor. `Those all lauded safely, although there was it heavy surf, The boat then returned and tack oft'eigh- teen snore passengers and crew. Wt, abont fifty feet from shore, this boat !capsized, and all hands were thrown into the water, where a terrible scene occurred, women and children shriek- ing for help, which it was impossible to render. It was four lniuutes before a e. F -.n, e?PFC c0 Consumption, 3 cases ; Dropsy, 1 case ; Cuuvultious, 2 crises ; Syncope from exposure to cold, 1 case ; Appoplexy 1 case; Old age, 1 case ; unknown, 3 CMS. Tull DIA.310Nid L,ucau base -ball club, which was expected 'to play a game with the Exeter club au Friday last, failed to put in all appearauce. It is expected, however, that tho Llucau boys will corns to -day (Thursday), when a friendly z..ateh will be indulged in. Our bays will Lave to "pull up" better than they did at Crcilitou if they expect to be vie - TUE H:trvissT.—'rhe sound. of the reaper is now heard throughout the laud. The greater portion of the fall wheat has been cut, and if not iujuted .by the ram befell it is housed , will be a good sataple. The yield will also be good: Barley is now almost ready for the sickle, and will bo an average yield. the spring wheat yield will be blow the average. Oats and peas are a good crop, although the letter has been considerably in- jured by the bug, • Co menti. -011 Tuesday evening a concert under the auspices of the Yonug People's Clo'istiian Association in conueoticeu with the B. 0. Chinch took place. The attend:moo was not as largo tiro it would. have beep., had the weather been more favorable. The pro- granune ctilisi,ttetl of sacred music. The eing- ers were young pieraone who have for souse time been tinder training by Prof, Salter, of :Clintvht, for it shirt tltn,l, and their p» •oftaieucy rehlocce arcdit bit the prof. 'till, llov, Mr. \V 1tbot', the pa.itur of the cluue: gave a short eeluress. Y e] i 14 :'4.''' i.:,:l h :. ;n • 9. ;2-: ti wt., nrrtvini-y „e ,• ee - e -- O a -, , or liNE tF, � � � 1.2 � reser, s'L. I Been. wS CZ'4' '1otCa Du try, -,1-.,-,-;,-;1-7--71--- .;41- p rrx-_ i,e �••',u Ve..: 'f el' freer ...se- t" _ tie Batt, I 1.0-,1-.)-, w' POINTS' I extent) !:.I'"' I g fs There was to bavo been an exh[bittot of sclf- biudere, but vele were offered, which. is due, 110 ,doubt to the short notice given. There Will ltowever beim exhibition of these utachin- ett its till course of a few weeks; dne notice of wllicil will bo given. The iuembers of tiie Society wish to esp.rees their tluutics to Mr. Weetcott,for the use of his lield, ,toil edgy to 3fr•.Willis, who so kindly aseistel at the utatch and for the ono of ilia field Li tvhitili the. tato niowiug itatelt 45145 held. tenaciously to her for life got iu again, �.� but alveady•niue had met a watery Ci d grave. Their named were Maria G. Mouton, aged 14 years ; Alice Wilson, 4 ; Mrs. Mar,,' Peden land two children; John Widestiud, 18 ; Mts. McGlure, *Miss Coleman,, auti Mrs, Walker. ;miss Ooleuttan's trod Mrs. Walker's oodies wale afterwards recovered and buried, but none of the others had been recovered when we left, No further at- tempt was macle to laud uutil two o'clock in the afternoon, when the ship's boats were launched, au3 two filled with passengers, but the surf was two strong to get ashore with safety, 1tn11 the people in the boats were taken �� �. �IFVFe1\P•.se s on board again, where they remained orcor_ the Bundlty night. In the meantime the ship had settled down iu the sand bed, and was quite easy. 'There were 31• fathoms of water ou the port side rand 44• on the starboard. By six o'clock 0E1 Monday morning;, thesurf having eonsidorebly sttbssided, wo deter- mined to laud ; boats were Icwered, nod all Bands got into thein, the last N t boat letaviug at 6.80, all landing in safety 0u the beach opposite Governor 11:tcdouald'a house. The purser, boat- 14W1tiu and ntnA of the crew of the steam, ship State of Virginia, iia, frotn New York for Glasgow, arrived frons Sherbrooke, rand went on to Halifax by the after itoou train. They report Hort tee steamer left New York and all went well until Saturday afternoon, when it ,thiok fog enveloped the elhip. At 8 u; 1n, the ship struck on the reefs orf • Sable island: IIer. pitseef)gers, 75 in utuwlel•, 'aero safely.l:1udec1,with the SIGN Dat THE D FLA C. SOt1�'1:1Ct)TT h SON, exception of four lattiee anti live child- The Yellow Peva 'r1 who perislir.+d in the Hutt'. She lied _`— ].l�•x Lead of cattle athwart', 60 of whichA dispatch, d�tt41.1 July 21st, from191, Mitt:he}l, It ltt•:ehtlber• of 04e 1',:tiitir.ui .1:utard of:Health at lSel:illlj?t, to a gen-. tlel111tn iu New loris, says 1 --'(ince S,9 o'clock 3edterll.a', 1004111t1 111 ca: e:t of Drew and uttseengers ore stilt on tete yellow' fever have bee' 1e', evie'.tl and 7 With ft um ll:tliittl. deaths occurred. Twentv.'1iueelat1'" 1.1ttd beau lire Vitinsl,y t'ttppn'teti, and 1i deaths oeuurred. Tile fever is spread- ing. TWO fr)ln tTavantt wt?t'e tela 4 to the hospital quarantine yesterday eat' fcriug from yellow level'. Coldly tiled this lnornling. The `eerettary of 1=lar will ;this end- ing forward to ti wlelua 1, Pit9 tent-'. sitting in flout of their doer, two dogs and rations for 10,01)1.1 ite•'lil,J for ' 3.1 jIltaped over 1110 )ecce'. 211111 rite nioler days, to Le need in add of eti1eir.:r 1 it'.:'ili Lite htusee. At i 1.141 very little notice yellow fever. Wad tatit!11 of the 152(11111114, there. being , The brig L. F. Illttllsnth trout C art1''t- severr,l lox limiters lit the neighbour as, Jitly itith, iu lat.2-7 dee.. lora. 7:; hood, and the Rheas supposed that deg. 20 113i11., tact the b, i A l,b,tr, frog: the floras belonged to them, brit preen neweett for Now York,with tho ca!'- ontly a terrific liottlieg mid ill!11;11:g tido aril three lme.> shall with yellow fe- b'gau, insomuch that Rhea three obit's ver, Dale having tli•'Id th'1 11.1y l.r'eeinn-, aid Pieced of mond miller the house. i her forn!er oaptilau htt3•in .lied 111 -�llhe howling and 11,4103'13g eontiuuetl. il.;tvitutt. A nt1Viaeate)r alta put Ur: for 140010in tune, when at last one(lug bow". y darted vat, ]ctaped tilt) fenete, and ran'1tventy 011A alltlltional ages were ret-. away. The other tett;;, a large brindle, parted to the Boa) a of 11i':tit11 this p. 01., • ilt•ehledly ugly type, fl•llotvs!t1 as far as which tuakes a total of 1:1;) reportedforfence, but stopped, turned nror,a d, 'rho day. !Ibis large iace:aso is an fie - unit started tOwhaid !1Lee with 10011th cumulation of several days, a, Hitler ut halt open. Rtil id stopped. mid picked the porseus have been i11 from threeTtt,. rip au old cltnru-dasher lying ou a live days. One (lentil occurred till& uul stp, and as the dog sprang at him afttiruoou. The maim ity of the sicii be $track the ultimo,' over the head. ars progressing frovrably. Stuuued, the animal recoiled, but only The steamer Goalie/int, which t1epa,t- foi to n)ument, for he sprtaug atom e. ed to -night, Lad 800 plerscius abuarti ; fore Utica hall time to preptare himself. it largo number also left by rail. The Grappling tue deg by the throat and etty begins to ltreseut a deserted ape holding 11)8 mouth las far 'away as pos- pelt „ne.t', for many ot the wast prowl- . tient retail nterelmetshavo followed the esataple of the wholesalers, and closed their places of iuusiuess. ..Nearly .every town along the line of the Louisville, • W0'0iteltetl a1lh01e eafel1', together with a queetity tit' the L'ittg,1. bodies had been fuuttcl when toe itoat'e crewie•ft the island. AN the remaining il'.STRUGGLE WITHA rwAD 11.8U.(1^'i'om the tittle lit,rh, :leak., tigixetie,) Near Gold Creek, Foulicner county, Sailer :tbsttlt seven :uiks 'from tile rein total live3 1t roan uttulcd .Illherl tt ft a' - tuer on la e1uall *teak. I, ass Me nd't r evening, while Rhea and his mire were Bible, a detpe'ate struggle began. The dog's eyes glared and his Mouth emitted that froth only known to hydrophobia. )lag. Rhea ran into the house and 8000 1ell rnotl with a case-kuifr., wilicb Nashville, Meauphis and ceeeeleieteil elle handed to her ltnsbaud. Then the Railway have quarautiiied egainst ootllbat deepened. " Tne blutit- eNiempliit. Owing to the state cf affairs. pointed and dull -edged weapon went the hank here request correspondent* time and time again against the ant- abroad not to eencl bills for elillectiun to . mat's throat without drawing blood or lessening his fury. The strong grasp of the in- n kept his tenth away, but such a grip could not last long. Agaiu the woman entered the )house and this then) on any point outside of the city. Another dasptttch from New °rletaus. says ;— Five su-ph:ions cases of fever having receutly occurred iu a Croele family near the ltfissisbiepi Iliver, time retnruecl with a shot -gun. Cock- the llealtu Officers to -dray sent medical ing it and rushing up to the dog, she expects by a epeteial train to investigate I.iaeed the muzzle close to the animal 'sthe tuatter. Dr. Choppin, iu a tele - flanks and fired. There was a sudden grain' to Dr. Baden, Ptesidept of the give -way, a seeiniugly additional glare Galveston Board of :Health, makes the. of the eyes, but no aoand. 'Taking all- following statetneut of the result :-- vantage — vantago of the first shot, tie gnu was "Drs. W, A. Smythe and C.13. White, again fired, and the animal fell over of this city, just retnruecl from visiting dead. the reported suspicions cases of fever io Mississippi City, on the laky shore, declare the five 011,988 to be nxalatial fe- ver. : Only 83 deaths occurred last week of all diseases. 1leeorts of mad dogs come from all over the country, and every one should be ou the lookout. Senator T. 11. liavihand has been gazetted its Lient. Governor of Prince Edward Island, vice Sir r.-lIodgsou. Lieutenant -Governor Havilaud is des. cended from an English family, and was born at Charlottetown, P. E. I., in 1822. He wets educated in Belgium, Bing. The Librarian is suspected and on 'attaining manhood took to We with bribing Von Hatotno to post the law as his profession, being called toplacards, the bar in 1846. In the same year he A cable deepatoh frotn,Portan Prince entered the Provincial Assembly is to the Iitt,ytian Minister, dated the 15t1r, member for Georgetown, which he has states that quit t lute been restored, represented ever since: In 1865 lie, be-, with considerable loss of life cu both dame Q. G. Ile has filled many iw- sides. The fighting in Port au Prince 'portant; lewd trusts outside of polities, lasted.five clays, and eighty houses were .In 1859 he became a member of the Executive Conseil of the Ialaml, and contiuued in the office till 1802. 'In 1803 and 1804 he waas Speaker of tho Provincial Assembly. From 1867 • to 1870 he was leader of the.Opposilion, The Belgian police have arrested the Librarian of the Jesuit College, which is under surveillance in cor.seriuotieo of the ooufesaious of Van .[3:aatne, a _ Drill- er clerical agent, arrested for �iistittg," placards and threatening ties life of the burned, but the commercial part of the city escaped. Among those killed' mei e the Minister of War, Francois, ar.d the ez.ltlittister of . War, h\2ontas; Col. August 1341eelaie, of the militia ;: Judge'George Brizletals, of the Supreme, Ile was a delegate to the'Qnebec'Union Court; B. .Bazelais, Pani Prate, 111141 Conference in •18(''4, and also to the other prominent politioi1us," Three Ottawa Conference of 1078, when the members from Port au Prieto took re terms of the ladli iesipti of Prince fuge at the Foreign Conhnbates, Oa.' Edward Island to the Confe(e,ratien the north side of the Republic fighting is; were filially 'arranged, i, poti'Ibe en still going on betweeu the towns trig Oon:typs, and St., Marr, trauee of the,Islaud'he wttd chosen one of the Senators there,(iore.