HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-24, Page 2if
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SONS ltY 111 AT. a
The following- hone- iu relation to I
the t, ,,ti 1 1
ltklulder flaylaltant111 of the Ceuta First—R: that tlto person meat.;
10:x1 1741. if1U lea iiway will be fount! 111 j ly tl:,t'wii.:(t ie not dead taint will not t,4 1
t.•I'e:titttlt .---Mi. /ennillk;8, late tet the I for a 1oug. Mille. If not lively he is }'tit
t ,4u11c1.4 i'acit Railway, surveyor in ; Iifeful. lye not, thea alarmed Icor un-
lirltlt+ik ('vllnetlbia, has been it l7poialteil i Llul\ e e('t.ed, but let "faith, ,hope. emit
f.,4.1d 110 ].nrliltt' OU Section 13, 'charity" ittellli'e Contidertee end tt cool i-
<:Iatnti r l3,ay latuui. 1 ; hull 11. r. Cadd'v ijtid1;111t)tit to aid with deliberate Intete I
to a simile): position tits .`lection A. ..Iia tauin!( the (1rowue,1 out of th.t i
`t*111 wee'lte ago ,Lr. .,i\d'es, Manager tvtltel Anti restorittglliln.
iitule0h Day i.:lEmpatev, lt:'tita la visit' to Secondly—When Ito at calteu out el • i
meitth " i 1i;tt ,iiiia1111tliaa hirer awl
::iaC3 AI'tl'111e ¢Y•1t:(til,°; to inft)tLU
3,Lillnt'it. of the relative 1tterite Uf the
rjv t1 (err itis: In :L ear fereace with a
• seetlen„tu. peeseet, bee was informed beck, with his head very sllghtiy raised.
eat where ti,e 14.1444 fluui Svliiirlt to 1:1J UUb roll hire upon a lamed, ncr (io
,+ 1 tales Illy tolls coustrueted wheat anything else to "get the wetter ott't of
s:,ni.1 be eltrtit•tl from , ikiek to Bion' his lunge," 'silica there ie dune iu thein;
to:,A71, �i:a FI'llil'4Nl( kitty, thele Urrd• liar out of hes : tomach. eilletl what h:•1
lealtea hnl?('r2Etr ua11.d Mattel t0 coifing- I1aai1 titvai11U\vtd will 1•it•i do him any
Thirdly ---Quickly determine whether
he must be carried to where heat is, or
if it ctrlt butter be brought to oe pra-
deiot i hear him. of the former, taste)
aesuruing that it Hite leased to to emit- idol gently, quickly land els near as yes.
1tuy, a fear margin of prviit if the all eible in the abovo t:itid posture.
water ronte from Thunder Bray to Mall- . i'a(trtltiy--If there must be delay' iu
Ileal were ad(711ttl, two or three cite applying heat, and prnspt:atives eau be
1x1• bushel wenid be saved. The itu• had, take off his wet Clothes and wrap
tlressiou prevailing among contractors the dry artitlles about hire to prevent
and others from the North -vest is that foee of hotat, covering the dead eartietl-
the Thunder flay Branch of the Uaua- lady. The warm uu':lt�rclottling of by.
tl a 11aci l flailway will evt,ntnally be : etauders can bo contributed, Several
tate best paying piece of railroad on the thickness of altnost ttllyt'hing attttiutebte
Aluerieali Continent. In this Conned, is better than one.
tion 1t is utlderet0O(l that at the. present Fifthly—As soon as heat i1 at hao t'1
time there are at Tunnaer Bey euellgo K1tply aA itige11Ully mid eireuhllctallcea
steal rags to supply 4 to 48 miles of sug:,'eet to ba most likely to (pielily
the 1113 miles ou Section . , and that n.na thurooghly warm the body. When
seine six or seven thousand taus of 1, that is aecutuplistied theory end fatty
rails more than are there will be re- agree hi assuriu. us 1119.t, if l;fo yet
ciuired to completely 1•tlil this eantraot. per,•iate. the heart will begin to beat,
alone. A. 'ergo portiou of tbs rails re• happily soon followed by breethung,
cantly advertised for by the Minister of both feebly and uufregneutly ::t first,
Railways and Canals are destined for bat more strongly 'aid faster until they
Thunder Bay, t bticome natural, when conseioueneee
will returu. If the heart gives out,
— ' —r"` `o• °' ' '�' beat, or the lungs ouo pep, on more
A GE E AT S'VA,�1P itECLAIIIED. need be done; keep the pereftn -wade
and he will soon be "all right."
bixtlll =—Suffeeftthnu iu • any other r'
corresponllal7t of the New York } , h be treated in the settle $1.1t t'
7 rites, writiug from Goshen N. Y. toile rummer shoult
how 500 acres of pestilentil marsh east way, except that in st•raul;ling the sub-
of that village have been o:tnverted 111- st;4tiCes Oatlriog these coedit lone e•flould
to the rioheet at farm land through the be flret removed, mei in ease of.breettl•
\'iadotn of one mall. The reclaimed' leg poisOl1Uud Kal1, or smoke t,t'tiftitel
t wntw' ii ero+atall icy the Fria 1 �1ltway rPelltE'.tiou should first be tried until
.and was cue of the uho,t serious vb• the tette yr smoke has been changed for
stacles eueountered by its engineer.: Pod, air iii the luug8.
'I u coustrtiut a fonntiatiou for the lona
bed it was necessary to drive a multi.•
Cede of piles to the depth of 100 feet.
tied cover thele with hundreEla of thou
beads of loads of (;tone and dirt ; -the
bttilaiug of one anile of road across the will a loos froth your own heal,
swamp eoat+tittg more than any other' Wily is a gouty ultl geiltlene u like
iive ill lee of the road from Jersey City . a willow ? Because he is full Of i)ahle,
tt) P,ertnont. manes.)
Twenty years ago a farmer col:erived 1' The tilde river has a re:.mivi nhly
the idea of draining at portion of the Ioug face, It is twelve hundred mile.
tract and Slaking it tillable soil. 13y from its head to its mouth.
Hitching, he recleaned (10 acres. The An aif'eotiunate. irgittiaa woman ae.
lust acre he bought cost him $1. When vertiset3 her llnsbaud under the head ui
it was found that the draining; Left J. Strayed or St.Jleu," -iu a Mohamed
as a soil the Guest of black cluck, peeper,
aoutposetl almost eutirly of vegetable .i u "l(frrionitura,1 editor" of a eouutry
mould the price advanced tow 17 an Caller advises leis readers to "plant
acre. After JJ acres were reclaimed, petal in the new of the (noon." We
ilia price still farther irterettee(1, until advise oar readers to ''itielt their pe'tlet
tu-(22x1; les high tae $1,000 has been paid iu the tiruund,
for the reclaimed laud. Cu'e ruhutg !,rice A \.'irgiuia darkoy rive:; the follow -
is $500 an acre. The great valuta v# int= eetason achy tue coloured is tupe1i-
tlre land is owing to its adatptabilit.y to or to ells white : "All hien are pride
he culture of ouieus. A crop of 800 l of clay, and, like the meerschaum pipe,
bushels of onious to the acre i3 not leu- they aro snare valuable when highly'
common, told the Grayeonrt °elt)2) eolooied. •
meadows are celebrated throughout 1_;otatliets have observed that tate
the couutry. About 300 acres are 110- language of flowers is not a faculty (le -
der cultivation this yeer, and the Sue'- veioped alike in all bloseohns. .t3inne
cess of the onion bodiless in the plea- possess It wore than Gtihers. For irl-
I.lawe It'te led to the reelalmwg of :awl sinews, 1lonel'a of speech have it to a
lar lands in other parte of the country, remarkable el.teut,
until it is bsleived they the 0171001 crop New Jersey people (lotl't say "liar"
of Orange ooUllt3. will atetclwt to !7100. right Out, but remark :—'•Sir, you 1'e-
100 buallals this pier. The aver'tg mind ino of my lttlncuted brother, who
price received by (,hien rai:sere is $1 a ceultt prevent truth with the greatest
onslreh. `.Lhe average yield is 300 bosh ease." There is a great deal of rt:fiue-
els to the acre. The crop is elluost in- uietlt in New Jersey.
.1. coxcomb, te(a)sing Dr. Parr with an
account of his uetty ailments, eomphuu.
ell that he cot(ld never go out without
rd abuudaut time to keep his laud in. caatchiva cold in hitt head. "vu won.
condition necealaaLry Wits pro.duotive- der," r'etnrlhed the doctor; you always
;nese.. o ant without anything in it.
There are 17,000 acres of ewn.rnp x1 ramping four-year-old boy had
laird iu rho Wallkill Valley, wliicll boon denied some trifiiug gratification
will eveetuttlly t.. converted iutc this by 1,13 mother.; but it did not ssAtn so
muck sell, wine", is the best in the trifling to l,irn n to her. ;3e, striking
world for vegetable raining. The land, all attitude before her, he said, • with ,
after drainiug, is tilled with the slight- 1110 atrnost gravity, "lnothor', were you
est labor. Uuiote seed is sown by a ever a boy."
hand drill, and the greatest labor is in
keeping d,ovvll.the weeds after the plant ...
:begins to grow. This work is clone by .11joy Life.
:boys and girls. Hundreds of these may
What 'itatty beautiful world wrk live in 1 :\a.
lie ne0n.ln the Pewing llee'san an their 1 rare eiecd 111 grandeur of 1110nt1talue. glens,
hands and knees between the Onio()' and etuaus, stud thousands of means for en-
,*nwet 11 tel iu p'the w.eeds that 1'ieh ! jc>inient. Vi 0 eau .tlesirta no butter 0.4118" ill
ttcril ,calls into existence,. The wending I l' rfettp1fefttel likettti:cing)fit apo t,Iie n t eta
reeteirse skill. and care, as the soil is so
s, I ataliame 1m% on 1)77104 of ti i•1)t l;;i 7757 17077d it. CO W t) t' 1 ! i."1•'; 11 11
,,. •,+ , ✓ ;„cr.•,t. ,. ,. 1:•J I.t:tit: ,! , x, l a,;l:.'
Ana ltd 111411114.0010 et til07 n of ►.(!RN 11'1; 1. 1.:+ 4.1411. ill. .. }
fknottt 111 4114 i UmLci,l7;i7•lAli7V'111Lrrail i •/1.411.11, ;4,,1nn+ t•1 Lie.;
IS KW Pori'+ 1 O CELL
liar 1.;
l ti. - i:57751•0,,,.5t )11 1 tI T. 07.40 a 117 in1,. 17la eew
tilt. IVlater turn Itis face doth ft,t' la neo -1 .n.ty 11nit rl "!•r y.; 1,11'.'41-.11 .tt v;l+iL.,141lii t
ills Itt only, nhlo Y any ',\utOr its las nose ;1•:.l:..rt.lineselliit:.`ti.
or throlat to rue out ; thou 341110e 14101
tett of the eurrenti of ttil`, upon hie
tt ,i ai, thin by rail to Tnr,ruto, and
rota that point east to idoutreal by
tittter, for the smell ;lila') of e+7v!enteeli
t'. Sts per btlyhe•t, and allow the eon
tractors for tho Thnutler 13.4y 13ratiet',
91.9199.9.909.9.979,9 9999.9..7979,
1101.4. 1i' e r i.l•
tell0744.7 .1. at.
It Ili 1
1 3','.. .,1, 1.+N -. "1' 11 ,,,1•
..Il! •1 .i13<,t. IOtt 411+114' •7 it,4
"7""tits,'" ,. J7, ITS
;77,471„/.'1'[, t 'dI U. let 1('1:l Y i).� 1f„:n Ute tf
:2t/s 11440 tt1 ,. a. 11(J Y.'tll; lYNt*L.O I i1 y i,.l i•s v11 tr J1, -.'r .;,,1
t'/Jl 411 t .t.- ,., 1,.o F, ..tt , •C, .v 1. Cad
7,7,q), F1 E! 1141 7' 17 e 1 F+,. la. la 111't'�)dr,',t 'sal,. ste,e7., 4 :r Ler.
(.t vo,.4„l1111•J t ••;1, 'b' lel 7(1
J '1i a; il. !l 1J.til.li:L. tri :'•^^(.�t.(E 40)1,.0,44 l 0/14
Intl M.11'71061' ,!t•r2vt;rJt,b1N 31'JJ+211"".
.il � x70.1 lt,1
f:5,•O r,
• ran:el„ Abei ;•• ii' t•Iuld a Tr1r2111r k:ercv.1
1' 1.r• .I;iit)11tN1'•i1} 1t 1'.. t' .,t,
0,♦ w I , l:r,l4. le:. le \1it.,lLl tl i'tt
141)00) :.to; 1,,'. 1 /t1,: di7,n 4 a>,,t•.1tn, v, l.n •�.
7411.. t iro r ,u' o h0ut•`w. .'.77..11
ar:x .'',+,L) 1i. K -i YK,� /e nr ...h •rifh7
/1WiL1.17, 1,'h,yY. 4. fo.3i.4b:.WT,;3'W7 M'IN+Ii
)' r t' ..�-
tai .L.C4 4�i 77S.
sY+, ,+l►u d.71.�
71Y7. 9wt. .21Y7L9 , 477,j ll'4j
Never nndertake to fasten a floor
varably sold for cttall les soon las it is
ready for market, and as it matures
early in the season, the farmer is ttIloty-
_1.11 hinds G-1' printIllrr., (1onc. n
Order 70tt work 'when you cal
14'1 l'. 1711:'1ilt 1l 17ttt it
1 lin tit•ulnet t• ,'rt r1I tnlarf;, T r e .
04.44'. 77144 resitlmlta.li.., r. L.0114. U ..•. 1 U',. -w
cite 10 it, 111 and i L U 14) 7'. lel
i11'' •1. A. t4()f.I.l �` �. 11. ('.
7)., ve:t•ea,' s,`, ilte,tjt'1a, out tate,
oeee etu111l.ie.; 44toal,,n1.
(.1 L1. fii, NI. 1)„
1 e i vlti•!o 70 111:. ro71,teeeo, t.5'•(,•^.
gg, la. .f Lt F.l it Cf, lA'J.I.a:JI `J Il'A. E1,1 4 ..i
\ •:tt:a:ea '11711111' GoIlvw Hel••1., rt',1 sre
<'lat'Slelit lin 4x4,04 eta,. e0.71 L11*4.. !.Jll. t,e 11111111:?'.
.I.).�.i.C�i:IbT1i1iu t�• .i: �£(i t�rl`', ).
At I7Ltt', S011O1aV1', SR. U,11e.., FUP.6,ni's ..1,•.•11
Al'o`aIN('r ll i3tl)1 (=, lC= il'lfl'PF .
13,4tin1al'x, n11e191t..•, r;e1LstL01' , Cvu1.
,.Lulara,ti. to„Sr.
1)1'7, 44'44—ai t21'1`J\•1J 131+fav $, 'Wu 1,E.1. trot. t, t
Aid L•i.11..1tUt:lti. 1. . �V . limo:, 12:71,.
‘Nr.11cD1A1'MID, B.A.,
:t77.iia?if'i:i1,XOTA1t < CONTL ANCI:it
i.0 T:aLS,
'tEN'I'11AT< ift)'I'EI.,
,l ...11117. lilti:er prapriotm. 'l'111'., llutl•1 hr'.
bf.011 ser:1'• turuialtelt 4.11x1 fitted up 1n (U•J1r•chlr•.
. �
Style, 14.11.111 1117(1 golit (11t,1,t `;hate lits 11), f• 7
(:ow 111cre ial 1'1ave11,411i : hcbt of 11•nu11•» and Cila:1-
at the 1i:n'. Attentive Et:01101'v u Wu 5,P nr 11'1.ud.
ui Jl 171..._.._...- \\ I1J] 4:010 15:11.1Eit,
f ! 1
101NCE (fir' \ ALii Li( 1 r, Er!
01,I:1 VON, 0, b'V 1'i tlaYin„ yeteiu ai
tete ahnt•a in7te1, 11414 fitted it ttu'omo),,nt, now ut-
ter::tir;t-e.aS4l.0cuu1111U$ati t710 t1'avelvra, t,..•.!
11tj 4li,raatl eii;al'::e'4 t11e liar. (l00,ialtllilililr 7+14 4
111.trlltlt'H 110a11er oil hand. ilvory 1lttetti,1;1 1:..,•1
t1 ;:17,1,1x.
y( �:1'l'.1.illil_f 1 C,.i1 I •t .:bili ; : 1.:111
°4. The great
S•';::'i'r2 Nevada Sn7okiag CCM /30
TAtu only pr.sitire c;lrcfer Caze r:i SrL. , ot,`-'L
r.'i. 1X01 31:
V. LUTZ'S t-'is1 T R.1T1 DRI. G T(3IU .
\:. h, SMI'r1I. Gel:crel :gent, Alara1a,
rE 1i..Cll1NE uliU1'.
1•'11 Y V 1 ,:.�t,il�. n itc vJ„'�
\i-lsh0x(oiufnl'citLe 1x117%7: that he >7'v7l,ett.r
1,114' xre01 Le111(17111
Sewing Machin os,
Clocks, Gnus, ',Sze., 'tiL:lll i.tl i'
other person in the country, :is
lli;t charges are moderate, ab.:1
eatli' Cllr?;L ll;r f111t1 with dispat il. lie gu u.'untces to givo Saulsfac-
ge it d,uiw tho cllciTest.
ouoo ee '
(llecouragad and worried Hilt wit:11 disease w 01
,avoae that there is constant danger of 1 there is no occasion for this feeling, as e dry
L tarilag up the yeutlg and tender 111)1018 sufferer eau eaefly ohtaiu statiefaatory p •oof
by their' roots, or removing their cover- that Gtroelt's Augnst Flower lvilf lualte t1' ie n tis
free from di+onso as wlien baro. l)yepttpsia
ing of :earth. ,1'710 red onion is the lama Liver 'Complaint •itt t11(a clfreet moan of
.vttriet(y.grgp:,n irieto etteeeesfully. as t11e 1 eeventy-tiro per cent.. of saoli rnala(lios as Bili-
7)1'irk'muck ,'givee the white anion 111 oneness,Incligeetion,,Siek. Hoatltt.ohe, coative,-
,dirty 11Up..whi0b ..injures its marketable, »aces 1tlorvoua prostration, Ritziness of tho
vt►lut1. 17 ben the ouinll.tnpe &1'e at 4.4x8' ]'lead', Pa117itaatiOO of`tile iie'art, and othrir alis-.
j trussing syinptetns. rbree doses of Atlgnxt 1
height of their growth, their oder filled Flower (.all provoi;ts'wonderfel elect. Oteepte 1
,.tike sir foe grelat.t,ihl'ta111aes iteeteu1.. ',bottles, 10 es, Tea it.
t tl
4,4 it la
she TIMES OFFICE has e±collont £acilitirrs fo, tuning out
'4,,,JI3 dD S,
(i 1744 hi'ECli'c 1 •J1cn\i':.
TZAIJ=_ rdARK 0'111!:1 '11tin'lixhTfl,:.Dli r^'R
1't1.7i (t x11 7104,7,7 1
t 4.1,74 17,e :•1
/a7ht:"l .1 \17„ t'
1 ,1,'7134111'1116
,�,� 1 L LT',et 1l t 1111 i 111
LoW 17 4 ti (•11 lis 7,3
of :H'f A71 ., 1 ” `.tt~
"LOPS. t 1 '1)1kliirrersol.1.(1 -'` �'•
BeIoro i�1:1�reett fele :14 1171 74 7+ 1170-++ =.
0,701x, liinln est: 7)1't•ibi011, l'rcux.ttnv .1301 ((fee 7'77.1
'ahoy other 1)i:aee.scs that leali to ills;,1tt' .Jr
Colls117113,tiO11 4117111 17'011.777 tine ,1.1'I4%') . 144:''1'1711
plot 1(71114re 171 sur 17.tlaphlrt. tvllii'h rev de..lra to
1&'111 fr'.'n 7174 n1,731 to aver)' oste, P.o"I'11e Sl,eci7le
r ledieiue i6 x0ltt15y 1311 d)'ogrist 4 u•t '~i pee 7777 0,;77..!,,..
01' six 17110kal:ea fur ,±5.. or Will ll1. 7(141 17y i all 1.11
rece11't (11 the money by aflterc7wi11g
'tis tilt.\1 )I))', llt•T*:7s (49.,
\VIyncpit. O\'r., 0774 \.1714.
i:ik'finid 1n Bxeterbv all (Ism leets, end P•r011'-
whore in0,tuu.dla 11771 the UliicadSta1te')y W17.3.'1'
sale [rad -retail druggists.
GtrocerIesB Uronjectonary7'
Sntoaing Tobacco' 25 Cents per lb
aaivrays Instock.
Snlioo]Books, Stationery, Magazines
4.S,—Hewin0'51117Lt1.. \ocelot oierory kind.
A. B0' D,
ole all our present
Grocery Stock
except SUGARS,