HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-17, Page 4Turf. 17, 1879 .1...,eeernetevtar raat :i:1.i'1'1', ''LtIIUUGIITS. THE TIMES There ie 11() power 111 the works that ill so magical iu its effects as human sympathy. No intlol„eul:o of passion destroys the spiritttltl nature so much as re- spect'tble selfishness. Human things must be known to bo ',wed; but (sevum things need to be 1,yrea to 60 hnotvn. Human life defined by a hoe is as nneomf:rrf ab'e as would be the human .figure delif.(•ti by It wire. No more certain is it that the flower was made t l waft perfume thou that womatl's destiny is a ministry of love. `.rears tart: the rift which love bestow neem the IU U'!ry of the absent, and they will avail to keep tbe heart from uff,lcation . Mothers never do part bonds with babes they have borne ; until the day titre- dirt each ,iniver of their life goes back straight to the heart beside which it began. Mein and women receive in this world much of what they descve. It is like a looking -glass --this big world. Grin and smile to it and it will smile back ; scrowl and it frowns. THE DANGERS OF BEER -DRINK• IN G. Beer -drinkers who congratulate themselves that they are uut whiskey- driullers, and who expect to escape the penalty of ittempet•ai)ce, may as well anderetnnd tllttt the facts are all against hem. Dr. C'rotbors, au able editor, says :—'•Iu appearance the beer-dritik- er may bo the picture of health, but in reality he is must incapable of resist- ing disease. A slight injury, severe Bold, or shock to tbe body or miud will 'commonly provoke acute, disease, end- ing fatally. Compared with inebriates who we eili'areut forms of etched, lie is more generally diseased. The con- stant use of beer every day gives .the system no time for recuperation, but steadily lowers the vital fumes; It is our observation that beer-drieking in this country produces the very lowest forms of iuc briety, closely allied to crimivai iusauity. The most danger- ous class of tramps and ruffians in large cities are beer -drinkers. It is as- terted by competent authority that the evils of heredity are more positive in tieie class than from alcohols. If these facts are well founded, the recourse to beer as a substitute for ale ahol merely increases the danger and fatality fol. 10 wing.'—Lxelwages Tclegra)!t:—E very possible circum- •stkr:ce that can be caught hold of and rittde to do service in depreciating the Nati•inat Policy has been eagerly seized upon by the Reform press. The Globe published au item to the effect that the salaries and waFes of the employees of tine Grand Trunk Railway were to be out down on the lot of July, and forth- with began to abuse the N. P. on the strength of it; for, of course, it was the N. P. a ld nothing but the N. P. ,that was to blame. The fact that the svages and salaries have not been re- duced effectually knocks the botton out of the Globe's argument. ► 41- • • THE FATE OF THE PRINCE IM- PERIAL. Tho entire British nation, especially the military portion of it, sympathised most deeply with the Empresa Euge. ,nae in her severe affiiction. Not only do we deeply pity the Royal lady who, in the space of nine years, has loot crown. fortnne, husband, and only sou, hot we personally grieve at the death of the gallant lad who, an adopted -we may say an honary—member of the British army, was induced by a high military spirit to risk, and, as it proves to lose his life fighting by the side of his old Woolwich comrades. Ia the ranks of the artillery,. especially, will there be great rogiet, when they hear of his death, for he had greatly endear- ed himself to the officers of the regi- ' meat by bis amiable, kindly heart, eisliple mannersi high spirit, and skill in mangy exercises. Singular irony of hit groat -uncle died our prisoner, after spending twenty years in fighting against us; the great nephew dies fight- ing in our ranks. Curiously enough he is the first member of his fatnily, as regards modern days, who has falleu in an action. What adds to our sorrow at his death is that it seems to have been the result of roost unttcee untabla carelessness, the absence of the natural precautions. It seems that on June 1 the Prince Inmperial aecornpanied Captain Carey, of the Intelligence De- partment, and six troopers of Bedding - ton's Crops, to reconnoitre and sketch a spot eight utiles off, where it was in- tendeld to pitch the camp. It appears that the party halted in a field of In- dian corn, and were in the act of re. saddling their horses to return, when Captain Carey preceided that they were surrounded by Zulus, who had crept up unperceived through the maize -stalks. They all jumped on their horses, and rode off under a volley of musketry- Carey and four of his troopers managed to cross a deep nullao about NO yards oil', and thus Placed themselves in comparative safety. Two of the troopers were as- segttied, and so was the Priuoe ; but it is not quite clear how he met his death. According to ono account, his horse, which was restive, would not let him mount; accordingi to another, he fell off, perhaps from a main fact is, that when a party proceeded out the next day to bring is the body, they found it stripped, end pierced with eighteen as- segai wounds. They were all in the flout. We are without any detailed 'recounts, but it eertaiuly does appear that there la a prima facie ease against the officer in command of the party. That officer mast have boon Captain Carey, and lye consider that he was guilty of two faults. In the first place he selected for his halt a spot which seemed made expressly to favour sur- prise.; in the second place, he kept no look -out. We trust that this matter will be t!ioroughly,invostigated, for we are tired of hearing of surprises of British detachments. TIIE FALL AND WIN TER TRADE C. $ou,thOOtt & B031 TAILORS and CLO'TIHIEltS, Take pleasure to it form the inhabitants ofExeter Ladd surrounding country, that they have just ope.red out an eaoelleutassortluout of :C'h'ords, Coatings, Vestingsel e., to the la test styles audpatterns,aud foe] assured that intueni atter of clothing, they eau suit the mostfastidioustastes. $50,000.00 Atanotion. To commence on Monday, Dec, 16,1878 W. B. ISI c G! a ugh! i n of 196 Dundas street, London, will on the above date, oiler his whole stock, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at auction, and continue the sale every day at two o'clock in the after- noon and at ,;even in the evening during the bal- ance of the month,—from the lath to the3Ist of December, Tis is the largest and best stock that has ever been offered to the public itt their own 'oleos; and, ns everybody knows, the goods aro of the beet manufacture and every article will be war- ranted the same us if bought in the ordiu..ry way. Phis is a ruse chance to get fine gold and silver watches, gold jewelry, clocks, plated ware and fancy goods at your own prices. Perhaps never again will such an opportunity occur, Secure yourChristmas and New mar's presents at this sale. Save your money for this auction --and ma!'onrouey. W. D.: 1IcaLCUaIILIN, Dundas street, London. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- ERY. JustPublishod, in a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A lecture on the -.Nature, Treatment and Itadi- cai clue of Somival\Veakne 5, or Sper:. ater"htes, induced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary- Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Itniedinrents to marriage generally; Consmnption Epii(psy, itt Fits Mensal .n.1 Physical Incapacity, dm.— BY IROBERT J. CULVEIR WELL, M.D., author of the "Green Book," &c. The :vol ld renowned author in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self -Abuse maybe effectually removed ,rithout medicine, anti with out dangerous surgical operation s,bougies, iustru. moats, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. me...This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad - dross, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. &ddres THE OIILWRLL LEDICAL Co. 41 Anu st. Now York. P. O. B x 4b8G NEW BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned wonldinform the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that ho has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ouedoor south of his Blacxemithshop andhopes the same liberal patronage that has beau ae corded to himiuthe BLAOE5MITII AND WAGON SEARING line willheex.tendedtohim in his new branch of ousiness, His meat wagon 101101111 at the resi- dents of the village three time seachweekand FRESH M EAT fill k:n4s kept constantly on hand at his butcher shop. BIackamithing tud wagon makingearried on as usual in all its branches R. DAVIS. HENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced business for the Fail andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stuck, twenty-five cents. If sny of the bung gut is left in, 26 cents extra will be deducted. No pot will be bought at an price it • warm. SATS AGES AND Pork Cuttings on Mand at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting aright through Breast to head, and .Burns opened out to tail. G & J. PETTY, Piano u •lab. for the Wien OF THE and Sewing Machine ! rrIIE .L..IIGLST AND BEST STOCK O'' sk Silverware, Citing and Dolf evor soon in the 'West, at E. D R EW' S S T O R°. itfr.. Dr'ow hits just received an excellent stook 0 Silver Tea tletts,Butter Coolers, Double and Single fickle Cruets, Cake 13 asku ts, Carts Receivers, C ou1- unuuion Setts, ote.,ofthe Best Quadruple and Triple Plate, midis offering the shave at prices that chin ASTO\ISH YOU FOR i•IEAINEt S He has jest opened out a new and complete as• sorbment of China, Glass nand Stonowaros. A largo stock of Lam psj ust arrived. Call and satisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness, Coale and jtry our instruments. Mesio Teacher still on hand. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the :Raymond Sewing Machine, Organs and Pianos unsurpassed 1, r beauty of design, and quality of tone, E. DREW. JUST RECEIVEiU) AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, A LARGE STOCK OP CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTED. SAUCE AND PICKLES. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RTE,'l1IALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND COM2JON «'HIST:TFS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. (T. A. MAC e„. Main Street,Exeter. SAMWELL & PICKARD Are selling the balance of their Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS &MILLINE (Ali newest shades and styles), at Greatly Reduced eadyR made and Ordered Clothing Very Cheap Full Lines of HATS, & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. A CHOICE LOT NEW GROi:ERIES Fresh arrivals of Turnip and Rape Seeds. As all our Goods were bought before the New Tariff, we still offer them at old prices High- est price paid for good Butter and Eggs. SAMWELL Sa PICKARD. Exeter. Ont, Prices ! Marble Works. . 1o.•- --- _ W, 0. WEEKES Dealer in ION U1IENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. - FURNITUItE TOPS, &o. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. ii Doors Noe-th�h++gqet Drew's .►��Hreallll,,, Main street, .rcd.lfi.�l, T . P.. National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand ani made to order. 11IcMILLAN & MCBR,IDE having now greater facilities than ever, 000 pre - Pared to supply farmers with Iron Bouin Plows, Steel Mould Board, 'undo by ourselves ; (:hill Plows, Iinapper make; Scotch Diamond riarr•ows Cultivators, Gang Plows. Carriages and buggies on hand, end made to or- der, Horse shoeing nttendsa to on the shortest notice. Horses shod to prevent interfering. McMILI AN it MoBSIDE, Icing St.,Htnsall. HARVEST TOOLS! Reapers, Mowers, S:e., Rc., CHEAP AT BISSETT BRO ,' EXETER & HENSALL. ):',y31,groat awl thorough blond -purifying s'°r r- y; .: 1)r. ,'lerr,. r. (:oltb•tt Moll l 1):. ovt r: 0,4nri all clamors, it !11 tin• war✓. Scrornla to it 0, ,.moa Motel', Pimple, or Emotion. Mercurial ii l di>va:e Mineral I'n:, ull their ef:I•rt•. to', era,licatrti am! vlgor,ui+„n•l I,•oltlt ;.11,! a wind F1 ahtitmi„n sits i - Maid. I:rystpela., kault-rIleum, lrrvtr bares, Scut; or Roues Sieh, In short. all ,:israo : (••iuced l.y b;•• 1 loon, are comp Loren by tins powerful, purifying, act luvigot•a t lag we: ache.. Especiany has it :uuuife,tcd its polencv le caviar Tetter. hose Rash, holly Curbu;✓ ra, So^.o I'ycr, Srrorolau. Smog and Screlliatsa, W il;to Strelfli, t. Goitre or Thick Nook, and Enlarged 010mIs. . tr you feel dull, drowsy, c1. llItatrd, have stlluw color of skin. (,ryelhtlilat-brown spots on fare or body, frequent hear!aehe or 1lzzlncss, hail taste in mouth, internal hent or chill's alternated with hot Hu*hes. low spirits, and glootuy tlur hoc lings, lrr(•gul;;r pipes Ile. t0 1 tan`..:11:31 i ladle 1. yea clic tiutdhr111}i eel 'Cif Torpid Lher, er •'Inliou.uras:' Lt ansa)' eiLies of • Llvrr l'outplulut" ani)• putt of these symptoats aro rxperlenecd.. Ad at remedy for all :etch eases, Dr. Pleat's Golden liedlcal Discovery ]las no equal, es It effects perlect anti radical cures. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, • i d the Maly stades of Consumption, It has astonished the nodical !acuity, and eminent physicians pronounce it the greatest medical dtae very of the age. While it cu res the severest C•out hs.l t strengthens the system and purifies the blood. boll by rlrugglsts. IL.1'. I'IR12CF., M. D., I'rop t•, World's Dispensary and Invalids' hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. RRA11TTON BROTHERS HAVE RECEIVED SOME SPECIAL LINES AT LESS TITAN COST PRICE, and will give their customers the benefit. Just look : • Black Striped Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 10 cents. Black Plaid Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 15 cents. Color- ed Grenadines, worth 35 cents, for 13 cents. Colored Striped Grenadines, worth e50 cents, for only 13 cents. Ladies' Black Lace Shawls, worth $1.35 tip, for 50 cents. Good Butter and Eggs Wanted in large qautities at R/ I2 TO11' EROS, Eze to ', SIZE te2S!%1 PELLETS. ��„2t1�� eUetS 000 GIANT " THE "'" CASHAmTiG No use of taking the large, repulsive, nauseous pills composed of cheap, cruise, and bulky Ingredients, These Pellets are scarcely larger than mustard aoedat Being entirely yegetob1e no particular cure le re• gulled while using them. They operate without dis- turbance to the constitutiondi t ornccuat,alon, For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation. ImpDrrrr Blood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tightaces or the C1bi Madness, Sour Eructations from the Stomach, Ba Tote in the Mouth, Baton. attache, Pain In rcdon of Fangs. Internal Fever, Bloated fooling about Stomarh, Ruch of Blood to Lead, taste Dr. Pierao'r Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of tht remedial power of those Purgative Pellets over sc great a variety of diseases, It may be said that theta seam upon the unimut economy Is universal, not c "land or tie.00 eve. sue their.unutivo Impress. Agt Aloes not impair the properties of these Pellets They aro sugar-eeated and inclosedin glass bottle% their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired MI any length of time, in any climate, te, sn that they art always cresta and reliable. This Is not Mu case wttt pills put up 1m cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes For all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative, of Purgative, is Indicated, these little Pellets will give tirt most perfect sat.lslitctlon.. Sold by druggists. 1t. V. PIERCE, M.Th. Pnor'n, World's Dlspensarl and Iuvultia' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. CATARRH SYMPTOMS.—Frequent stead. ache, discharge tilling tato throat sometlmoa'infuse, watery, thl.t mucous, purulent, offensive, emie ht others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or Innalnvtl eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pals+ sages, ringing In ears deafness, hawlting and cough. Ing to clear the throw, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers. Voice alterednasal twang, offensive breath, impairedOr total depriVatlon of•Ssnse of smell and taste uta. zinese, mental depression loss of appetite, lncliges, tion, enlarged tonsils, tie ding eongh, itis Only s few of these syymptonie are likely to bit present lu unq 01110 at One Unto. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDE, produeos radical cures Of the worst cases of Catarrh no nuttier rot how lodg'standin4". T33h 333031 11n35 may he !muffed or better ap chole by tete usu of Dr Pllsncs'S Doacltrr This 1s the only form of insula' sent yet invented with which fluid mtRelinecap li, carried MMMG)t 71 Thal rL.Itt,nCTLY .ti tire:$ to !Arta of the tdlei,ted nasal passaged, and the eft i11 hers or ear Dies tenthtlunirntttty itteretrlth,inly ISY. parts and ulcers :ognantl) c tst, and from wilii: the catarrhal disCharge kenerr ity lrocc(,del Ms utl Is pleasant and easily undtrdteoU arolp.dlteetlnm scennif►1fanyiog eachinstrument 11 sv,..n'S (h. Writ Remedy euros recent tttar:its n1 +'Cold in the Bead" by a raw applieathaw. It 13 mild uo l t,leas' Mit to use vontn1n114g no strong or eaustlr 3, 01 to pal«nus. l"0t:1rrh tbenerty and L)eut ht Auld by drgir 3 [las, lt. i', Prrnrrl,. tr 1) lir tp'r 11 tn1 , s D1s' naIls.rr utas 1bva110Yrlkrtih.11uG,Isr.,. X. to