HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-17, Page 2THE TIMES TOO COOP A very goal ar•f pious looping young Irma nprllied fee to position in a welly kllnwn store 1361 R eek, After he had introduce)) himself and' made known hie wept's, the proprietor informed hint that be would like to have a clerk, if Ile ceeld get one that would suit hien. snppese you go to church, ell ?" be commenced. " Yes, sir," ". Do you ti rink ?" continued the mer, chant, eyeing him sharply. " Never !" " Do you nee tobeceo in any form ?" Here the young luau pasted the grid into the roof of his mouth, and replied With a smile that Was childlike and Llard "I never use the weed,' and never did. 1 consider it the lowest and mast shocking habit that a man can be addicted to." " Do you frequent the policy slops ?" " No, sir ; never !'1 n Do you go to the National Theatre, .dog fights or boxing exhibitions ?" "Never wags til any in my life," Was ,the emphatic reply. " (Lau you tell the ace of diamonds from the king of clubs ?" " I know nothing whatever of cards?" "Do you ever bet ?" " NO sir, I don't t" " Suppose." said the merchant, " a nan should offer to bet $1,000 to $10 that a three-legged goat could outrun a greyhound, would you take hint?" "No, Sir !" " Then you won't do for this estab- lishment; we don't :sant yon—we nev- er hire fools !" That youth won't be so glad next time.—Ilortr rti Times. HUMOR 013 S. A novel thing.—a readable rowance. A. real estate conveyance. --A. mud tort. Never look a gift apple in the worm hole. &usage stutters are rather crowding things. Small hops are oar young to row b ette in races. The more you like a mean the better yon know him. A facetious correspondent olills a frog the Dutch nightingale. The elimete of England is favorable for brewers, they have so much muddy weather there, It is vets dangerous to make up your judgment c ncerning a young lady's weight by tneasurieg her size. A short time ago a Danbury man bad $40 stolen front him. The thief wag sub' egnenty struck with remorse and sent haul $20, with a note to the effect that as soon as he received moreromorse he would send hack the rest. " Do, for gracious sake, waiter, take these nut -crackers over to that man," exclaimed a nervous old lady. sitting opposite a party who was cracking nuts with his teeth, " No, I think you," he said, politely returning them, " mine ,are not false teeth." " Amanda, 1 wish you to pat the large Bible iu a erouminent place on the centre tsble, and place three or four hymn hooks carelessly around on the sofa. I have advertised for a young pan to board in a cheerful Christian Paillily, and I tell you what, if you girls' alnn't manage either one of you to repo him in, why I'll never try anything .again, tor I'M tired out," An old gentleman without tact, on meeting some ladies whom ha had Known as girls in bis boyhoud, cordially remarked ; " }' sss lee ! How time ;dies 1 Let me see, It is fifty-two year Colne next April sit lee we used to go to school together in the old red school house. I w.as h# little ehap then, you " remember, Land, you were f.ne young 1 women. The old man could never legal, retand why his cordial greetiug was received so eoldxy. A "Cl -ROWING" MYSTERY. Y. People passing tip High street at noon, :night have seen a very stout citizen bending over a mound of fresh earth in his ytard, hands under his coat tails and his eyes directed upon A small` green sprig which had Fiat pilahed its head above the earth, The stout man shook his head and seemed puzzled, and he called across the street to a neighbor Who was trimming it rose bush : Say, ,Tones, come right over here this minute 1 1't1 be hanged if aome- thing hasn't Started to grow i3) buy garden 1' Jogee ergssed over, The two bent over the sprig will bated breaths, sur- veying it front all sides, and the owner of the yar l .whisi era(I ; " What if it should, turn out to he T.rifoliutn repeal ?' Can't be. Looks to tie more like Cullum emulenturit,t replied the other. It's just barely possible, however, that 't MU prove to he Triticunl ltibernurn. it me oat! il'Tr, Smith,' Smith, who was griming from the {t't'cery Sial a roll of butter, was halt. ti. ate. 4ItV104 00 Nprzlli from o different points of the compass, tasted of the .soil, shook Lis head, anti Itually said It's my opinion tlxat it is a specimen of the Celastrus soandens but I may y be mistaken. It may bo uothingbut Thymus veil"glut s,' Oh, it can't De,' replied the owner of the 1place; I'111 almost sure it is the Il proxvs oreota. 1t is pretty hard to foal me on plants,' The three great hien were touting at the spring anew, and Brown was about to observe that it alight, after all, turn oat to be Aralia raoemosa, when an old pian with a spade on his shoulderleau• ed over the fence and called out : 4 I'll bring soli a burdock as big as that for ten cents, and set it out to hoot !' The throe men melted away like gum drops at a pic-nic, and the old man rub' bed his spade against the pickets and growls i 4'Van cents apiece ischeap enough for healthy burdocks, au' if they don't want 'eel they needn't have 'em.' . . ao,.. ,.---- BOUND TO HAVE HER, The old man Bendieo keeps a pretty sharp eye 00 his daughter Mary, and manly a nonld-be lover has taken a walk after a few miintes' conversation with the hard-hearted parent. The old chap is struck t!is time, however, and cards are out for the wedding. After the lucky young man had been sparking Mary for: six months, the old gentle mall walked in as usual, requested a private confab, and led off with : 'You seem like a nice young man,and perhaps you are in love with Mary?' 'les, I am ,' was the honest reply. Haven't said anything to her yet, have von?' - 'Well, no ; but I think she recipro- cates my affection'', 'Does' eh ? Well, let toe tell you something. Her mother died a ltlua • tic anal there's no doubt 111 try has iu- hertted her insanity.' 'I'm ayillin * to take the chances,' re• plied the luver. Yes ; but you see Mary lois a terrible tempter. She has twice drawn a knife on me with intent to commit murder. I'tu used to that—got a sister just like liar,' was the answer. 'And you know I've sworn a solemn oath uut to give one cent of ani' property to Mary,' contiuued the father. Well, I,d rather startnpoor and build up. There is more romance ie it.' The old lnao had one more shot in his carabiue, and said : 'Perhaps I ought to tell you that Mary's mother ran away from homt a butcher, and that all her relations died in the poor house. These things Might be thrown up in af.er years and I am uow warning you.' 'Mr. Bonitigo, I've heard all this be- fore,' replied the lover 'dud also that you were nn trial for forgery, and had to jump chlcago for bigamy, and serv- ed a .year in the State Prison for cattle stealing. I am going to mar- ry into your family to. give it a decent reputation. There —no thanks—good Dye ?' Mr. Bendigo kinked after the young man with his mouth wide open, and when he coulee get his jaws together he said `Sore hyena has gone and given lee away on my dodge.' FRENCH H iWOMEN AND ENGLISH WW11EN. AIr. Labouehers takes his turn in eon-. ti'astine. French women w'ith their Eng- lish sisters. He says :-- 44 The former are, as a rule, more :pleasant than women of other nations. 'Rials is because they were born with a natural disposition to please any one with whom they aro brought in contact, and this natural disposition has been carefully cultivated. Now an English woman is entirely without this gift. In general society she shows too mnelr her likes and dislikes. To tele good or bad opinion of persousiudifferent to her she is t'erself utterly iridiffelent. This site dribs 'nu affuetatiou,' "sincerity' and outer suet flattering appellations.* e I cannot,' she says, "pretend to care for a person' for whom I do not eare;' and when she utters this sentiment she looks round with ai self-satisfied air, as though at were worthy of the highest commendation. defy good lady, 1 real. ly do not want you to adore me. 1 do not even ask you to tape the trouble to think' whether you like me or not, When I meet you, probably 1 do not aspire to meet you again, But for the few minutes or hours that we are to- gether, you ought tq convey to me the impression that yoU are pleasant, and that you think ino so, qqd this withegt any orriere pensee, or any calculation wether you til gain by doing so or not I3) she art of generally pimping your French sister excels yob{( unl there: fore it is that for all the purposets of aeeiety rag 'repel wOR4a4 bN greatly pot t tilportor4ts eeeereeseeseeesefteeeiseeeesses '>``TIa \W B Li:A. 0 IQ's 3) I ret 1I S u O P 1 i\3 wiN- CHELSEA.. 1Y.BUCKING ,.: HAM. late of Commenced a'.'velu'anch and fix ,lr(,- pa. ea to tlo toll ,,,�,c...x;_ee:-.,..,, awe ofllluck outithiug work " Horse -elute- ,. elute - Mope � , 11 1 ! to •• t I i � illgal t 3laily attended t A0 11(, Cha, C it 141 E1L3s loth>ood work ata rcantuud, Aoatl solicited, 10-3m W, 13Uc:11IAczHAM. • ac.11t01 11 at s. buablessuthe at \V'111O1i01aelt Ne ATCiIEs, CI,ochi:s, `j' Se ing Machines, organs, Accur(loonn, and Umbrella tepaired; Anent for the \Waltzer SOAPS sew - Jag Artochiltes, ttl eoutl- haud Sewing Machines for sale cheap. Alt kinds 01 needles 1111(1 slant ties for Sewing Machines kept on Hand seep—Hain Street, 1)asllworet, aoiia G. tiGLDON, Proprietor. May 15, 1-y, ENGINES AND BOILERS. From t: to 13 llorss Power, for Farm - ors. Dairymen, Butter anal Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse tower. Hest and cheapest 01 the market. Send for circular and price list, Johan. hots. Esplanade Street. TORONTO. litIMIMIOGLYMEMEMMEratttatatIVISMIStail Tonderfal Discovery. pmritESS RELIEF. TIg € RIE D OF MANKIND. �n Internal & External' REMEDY, A BALM FOR EVERY WOIINB It euros Ills lultat1Fu1 and Nouruigia anal i illsnl��iatiu i t tntlF Ih•n}' 11 wh(1 4'i117 1t'ia-the.onlknown rcluet yr1theinttthau 'u the.donericau Continuut,prnvedby others," As Loon tae n1 1111ad it given iitxtaut ease to the tii,Snrtuuut(' sufferer, altis spills ubsorbe"1, 1'c=nO trines tri the very b0 00, enters the circnla ll tro, neutralizing all '11il10 ut"tio Poison" eh: oulating, in the blood, arid)xp01eit Elgin the ystom thv ouch the petard outlets. ""'"""."'"' IT MAP Tenth ache, 'Earache, Headache, Nouralia? ilienll111 tinln, Similes, S n c flings, Indentation, turn Cots, Braises, Pain In Side, I'tyja i111 lin cl :Vain in Chest, Patin inshn'11dor, Coughs, 11,i.t 1 ro,413ires C1lilhlatua 1)inrihoett,llys- ,utelt, S111111I1irConl,lltttnt,&c., Ne. it will cure t o angst agonizing pule, inter nal or exte.rwel, in nue instant of tilne; P0016e4 vourprejntliee and give it II trial; toe il,voot- hent is small to01 relief cm tail'. The groat -0121'et of its success with tall o asses 35 owixtg to the fact it 15 dare and harmless, ploesallt to take, gives instant ease, and eau be applied to a wider range al disease i3) every day life. with greater lt1cee1, than guy propnrat1.011 sahiph roseaiel1 skill and ")letlioul Sotent:O. i.�'t1111 vet prOallnea. ti' :la a proof or its great power over disease -my111 max, Old or Yolutg, wile is suffering fromo mutter wo it may be, tiny of the above allayed puin''ul complaints, 1 t ithe Unice itt'1`„rutttn, aur d'!y f wholl wculleal.,tat o wfll get praut- lase 1lroof "L res ni_ aura e of its magical power over pain no tete, lLutlon. Te.,tilunuinlstr(un ailpartsof the Dominion, tree lista ,tly examine to hand, giving expiate - ion to the most grateful gratitude for as - c nlisluug cures which 1t has, performed, and a e would be pleased to receive testimonials -.ro-•+'1 111.0111 ern who nos it successfully. Physicians ofthofthe highest r,'apectabilityre• iomnteud it as a most effectual "doinosttc r., etniely” for the relief of Pain in eases of and - ism emergency Cain v it to your homes, end it will prove a ulessn!„to)'0lttfamily and aiilict dfriends. x. Druggiate are selling enormous quantities of it wherever introduced. I OAulhtu I) tiro world to traduce its equal. 'Th. Prat snppltud through the wholesofu 1)1415500 Patent Medicine FIonses of Illontre- tl, Toronto, Hamilton and Loudon. Pace Z5 Cents per Bottle Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept. 19., ly. A This gront hottsohold Medicine ranks amongst the Wattling ieconseries of life. These famous Pi Is purify the 13naoo, and act most powerfully yet ioot)dtlgty 0n the Liver, Stomach, Kula eys, and Bowels. giving tone, energy, and vigor to these groat 01 tin nprlig. of life. they (ars con- esie1tly recommended as a never fltilin;I remedy ivali eases eaters. the censtttation,froul whatever cause, has horse me Int lutired or weakened, 'Choy aro wonderfully efficacious 111 all ailments in01. dental to females of all ale; aid ata a genet al Il%nlily medicine, aro tluenrpaSssetl. fts searchit bung arpndvitenrlduliug properties are known ltrougllnn(. 1'ar the cure of bad legs,bad breasts. 010 wounds Sores alldli1Cets, ?Jig bis 1111 ;tdallibte monads. If C(ectnullytubbpd on the 1leclt iwd 011081, as salt. LIEU tltpat, it citrus 31110 tllreaat, lironchtti3,elouglis Colds, and. even Asthma. For Ulaudula: Swel- lin"s, .ibeennen, Piles, leistulas. Gout Rheumatism and every kind of Skin 1)180atl0 it has 11cyer boon known to fail. The Pills andOlutmont are Meal- ufactured only at 533 om i'01in ST1liIiT, 1;fONDON, And are geld ay all Vendors of istedhilnes tllroughqut tale civiliSu1,-warld ; tgth d1repilons (ti nlniele every lauguago, 'arils Trade alfurks 08 these rraedicines eo p gip- erred at Ottawa. Bence anyone (ti the ilt• set lt,)sB(l8 j10113, 1311st agues koop the Ameritrau iinturtpitA for gale thiel iie liros0eutea, ideruralIaners eliohhi logk to the Label nn the P=stilettos. laettos. If the adlhess i8 no 54,1, O44v4 0041tit Lesson, they 4184418400488y C. & 8. GIDI4Y t,i r Lerin11.c3r+7 nucl 1OULD SAY TO V blloso who. lutell(i. .. pllr(111adi le to do so from the manatee taro% Tho dealer who Nuys to soli again must 1noosearily Iwo a Profit, We elide) to give the parO111tsere the helmet, which minuet foil to moot the views of the Grangers. 011r ant motes aro Was than those of city mann 1(1et1110rs 0,111seq'1ent- lyweeon sellahouper, ?pct t.0"1:1it11]"F,� a alzal. 17., 187d gra!FIFF roirmat 37,...?.", !" .:._ 1� itT1'tl l.iieS1'i't' 6x111 \ O U L I) e3) 11 s 1 1t ciuhctteutit El to our ulu"e.rtatang tlel,a 1•t Iltetlt,vi hied., is more oldie' "letetent11ar(1r as w' 1111 1 t 1 c ( A001,1 tl (, •aa uuw desf;.mt / of n1, 'The bust (1(11111 e, !task eta: 11111' colds, -.t 11111 (10,4 ;mend 11",111a Its, at I've 1011(111 p1•il( `. 3)111 naw Heti Tr v 10 1,l'o1a• tlit31' ,l' 123' couil'i'ten1 ,13)1)2('1, Cpl NI 1400111d to 1ta • e In the provinces Inbenis of all the Dl erect Socluties. A ....-..A.�.,.. -e..- e."—er..- -- --.gee,..,,, . es r E xi N 9 PXPE AT TZZ" it DOMINION L BOR1AT 0- 11-[-.l_IS Z \T 0 .30 !I:B3AST Truth. • Concerns You More Than Coy uterfe tT Therefore, rend, p100111 ne, andouioy UR bargains, Wilma say 1 lnanufuctur'e'tn,r own ft'roitnre 1 a)3) prepared witting proof -sheet that the people eau 11121)011' tattany time by calling at 111y W. arr rooms where they will see a superb 11ia play of Furniture inAll Its Branches Is nt'a.1uf letored by thyself nod my roulbiuc,l artlati0 skill, wit`s good workulanship. I der lame rant iesailsfyingthe people with "tclttaa of IN; niture that amount be equalled fur quality or ,1,lie1 111 .111.Y.lter,all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. WHEN YOUMANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAI Ln Corner of linin and Gidley's Street, ::'eter. 18 79) Stil ,; X t.G (1879 THE OLD RELIABLE I—IOtJ'SE At all times, gad particularly at a poriod wilon Trad,s is universally depressed and money scarce. It is 111 the interest of every buyer to purchase where he Can got the tae t3Oi2 the want:} at the lowest rube. In calling your attention to lay present steak, i do so with eve's coned,. once; it. bring more carefully assorted. and selected than that of any previous season. Lathe Dry Goods Eve) y department is replete wi"1l the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked 1. prices whichshouldcnurnlantlthe attention ofthe very closest buyers. THE OIIDELLtis) ULOTHINI still iias ME. 1V.IVE8 at it. head .In Millinery • Undoltloana..agementof Miss lieOloghlon, we can suit the most fastidious. Our stool of Gr'oce..les, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, Eng ish and Aner'i::a ti ' Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of ttie largestatld best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their bestiuterests by examining my stools befor.•egoilig elsewhere. JAiIES PICTtA.P,T..i THE EXETER STOVE I o t'1 HE ,trbseriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s•'rrortniling coun- 1. try, that he has oprnect a TIN and S 1'OViii DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, linin street. Exeter, where he is p, elm ed to 1111411 of dei for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves. At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical' workmen on the premises. Cave-Tr'onghing;done to order, Carriafo Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very best and none Cheaper. U intending purchasers will always find me at my„pos,:, ready to attend to my own business and; prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and cheap artie e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your looney. The very highest price in Cash peid for Hides and Sheep skins.. E H. SPAC1 MAN Exeter P O, October 15 1877. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polis, ISAAC C ARLIN Is prepared to give all his customers tine beretlt's that will ammo from its adoption,Anc1 has On t Land a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines an't Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will b.e sold at which will be sold at prices ;Inboard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will And it to theiis ti v ant ge to sell their produce without paying market lees, on the 1.14eter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Immense Dar ..... ar s there to be had in dverooa&xng, li+'lxll.a;ioths Yrpacl.-,ciptli Dae ekiiis, Silas, Wil eeys, Delaines, and ev'erytying noeded in the Dry Goods line. File Glrocery. Department Oo - is ` s esti inv' �e P very r�� ��e �4�in, on it d T(( 40410 t slow goods AMC OAIIL Ci