HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-10, Page 7JGI,Y 10,1879 iteeresemersereelreeeepereeeseeseereeeseeseseeetee HUMOROUS, A weft pronounce " morphine the greatest. Of modem composers." 11uw to product) a telling effect— Communicate to eteret to to woman. Although a wntultn's ago is uudoui• bicho ity " was roturihcd. Tho body was taken, to the homestead of the dies cohhsolete husband, where it was inter- red. A ItEllARKA.13EIE S1IIP ably her own, she Never owns it. Fur the lust sig; years the Rev. O.SM. iliuMrapherH don't geueritlly ' at- .' Rattles, reciter of Eest Guildeford,lf;ng- tetript the life" of people uutil theyre demi. laud, has field his invention of the When 'a dog hs particularly glad to pa'.yspherio ship at the (Reposed of the sea his wester he has au express wag atiluiralty. 'fops vessel, it is calculated, un, Ins tail, There is one kind of canned goods that goes off q ioker than any other— Uuni Utviter, None but the bravo de:;orvs the fair," and none but the bravo eau live with solno of theta. \Vtlon does 0 footman reply when no question has been asked ?-1Vtien he tilt Dont lrs ingeerell. tithere "your love lies dreaming," WV.tke her up, aucl tell her to get the breakfast. Stone men are exposed to piety every day in, the year, and uevor catch it oven , against the think end of the foremost. iu iA.s mildest form, t Auy floating body thus shaped must, Molt are you uonniug over?" asked when, driven forcibly through the a flioud of ahaw stndeut. lIy lax i Crater, tend to rise, and if the speed is high onongh it will, lige ou the urface instead of driviug through the water. These facts were detnoilstrtitecl by some rough eiperitnents was a six-onuee rocket. In, oue trial the model, weigh- ing three puuuds three ounces, ran a of 105 yards iu three seconds. In auother it ran 480 feet iu four and oue-half seouuds, the water being rap - pled by a strong breeze, but in spite of this the check was found to be dry ENGLISH MECHANIC. will bkiul the seas at a rate of 40 wiles an hour or more. The principle of fir Remus' invention cousieta in Inalcillg the bottom of the vessel a series of in- clined planes. In 1872 Mr. Ramus made a model, having its bottom com- posed of tvi0 parallel sill consecutive inclined I Loire ; or the vessel may be tleecribed Cts made tip of two wedges, the thick end of which are placed abaft the thin ends. There is thus in the centro of the vessel a ridge where the thin ends 01 the sternmost wedge abuts on," was the reply. The great beauty of being engaged to a girl iu a boardin-hhouee id that you don't hove to carry a flight -key. Au old judge told a ye•nitg Iewyor that he wont.] do well to pick some of the feathers from the wings of his un• agiuutiou and stick them into the tail of his judgment. A. minister in Orkney used to pray that all good iufiueneus mi:lit " cleave to the hearts of his congregation, and to their childreu's hearts like butter to to bore baunooks ! " A brute beast of a man says when ,you want Lo get the best of au argu- ment with a woman of thirty, you skeuld load of with, "New, thou a women of your age, " etc. •'Now, granpa," said the little girl, as she threw away her old hood, and tied a bright new one under her chin, ;: I'm almost as old as you are. See, I've reached my second childhood." There was much sound palpable ar- gument in the speech of a country lad to an idler, who boasted of his ancieut family;" So much the worse fur you, " said the peitsaut;" as we ploughman say, ' the older the seed the wurae the „ eillOCKING SUICIDE. Trot WIFE OF A FORSIER RESIDENT OF WEL• SHOOTS HERSELF. ,`Ilia following which we copy from the 1Viuuopeg Free Dress of the 18th iliat., will be perused by our Wellesley readers with feelings of ulelaucholy in- terest :—A. melancholy event happeued in the Little Saskatehewau country on Wednesday of last week—a youug mar• ries woman aocouipauying her hueblaud to their new liome, takiug her life while laboring; under a fit of temporary insan- ity. A young muu named Jewett iIc• Dougall, from the Towuslhip of Welles• ley, Waterloo county, Ontario, was an ]hid way Frith his wife and some friends to laud he had taken up on, the Little HOW SIXTH GREEN BECAME A FISH -C U LTUro1ST. Among the interesting men of Ro- chester is Seth Green, the patron of fish -culture in, America. He is a broad shouldered mai, with a square seaman- like face, reddened by the sun and good living. He has a fine white beard flowing over his chest, and he gener- ally wears a sort of brown velvet sac• nue and drives a good horse. He is worth about $5:000, uccutn:ulated as a fisherman. I said to him in a few miurites' oon- versation we had; -"Mr. Green, what pet you in the notion -of hatching Bah and restocking our streams?" "I fished Lake Outario," he said, "for about one huudred miles of net and one hundred hands before I was done. I kept a fish- mnrket in, Rochester, and supplied w•hite•fieh, salmon, trout, pickerel, etc., all over the county. I was s good line fisherman' and went up the streams leading into the Iakn to get brook -trout salmon and other game fish. One day when up the stream Isaw a fine female salmon,, weighiug about six pounds, come up, atteuded by her mate a Irl three or four other fish. I had time to jump behind a tree and take en obser- vation, and there I saw the salrnon begin to scoop nut a place in the bot- tom of the bra)k with her tail. After scooping a while elle would go off co- quettishly and thou came bock and the other fish seemed to help her. It oo- curred to me that she wee putting her spawn down there beyond the reach of other kind; of fish. There is nothing in the world so delightful to brook- trout as totlevour salmon spawn. "you kn ,w how salmon multiply. Put the spawn out of sight and it will multiply into little salmon; let it lio in the water nod the trout will eat it. 1 became so interested in, that incident that 1 got up iu the tree next day and made myself a kind of seat there among the boughs, where I could look down in the clear water at the oper- ations of those fish to protect their spawn. I made up my mind then that if I ever got a little more money than would keep inn I would go at fish cul- ture, It bad been begun in J ugland, and I began to read ou it. As soon as I had $1,200 a year mare income than my necessities I went at this fish be i- ness and took a brook, near Rochester, where I had five miles to myself, in- vented my hatching -boxes, and started in. The only money I have made in this businese way by the sale of the brook. I made .$11,000 on it. How- ever, the work has been started in var- ious parts of the ct,unty, and we shall not leave the generation to succeed us without fish and sport.--LET•rem roCIN- GINNtTI ENQUIRER. Saskatchewan. Mrs. McDougall dur- ing the trip was very low spirited, and frequently expressed her disiuoliutttian to go west, even at one time saying to her Husband :—Shoot me and then shoot yourself, and let us go together." Similar expressions to others are also attributed to her ; but it was believed that her dowu-heartedness merely arose €roto her being homesick, and none sus- pected that there was any danger of her committing the rash act which coil - signed her to au early grave. At Win- nipeg, it is said, she desired to returu home to Ontario --a wish repeated at tihe Portage. But the party pursued tueir way westward. Last Tuesday alight they camped about twelve miles from Hero's Crossing, on the Little Saskatchewan. in the tent were Mr. and Mrs. McDougall and a little boy. The next rnoruiug, between four and Cove o'clock, Mr. McDougall arose and said to his wife, Yoe get up and pre- pare breakfast, and t'11 got the horses." She replied, " Yes, in a short time." Iia thou went out, and while washing himself ju; t outside the tent was stt.rt- led by the report of a pistol from the interior of the canvas. He rushed in, to find his youug wife lyiug setlsless, in her hand a pistol with which she hal sent a bullet into her bruiu. The stricken husband grasped her in 1n arms, but he c tuld not recall her to con- eciousuess, aucl she shortly afterwards died, without uttering a word after hav- ing committed the fatal deed. The mi• fortunate woman, whose maiden, name was Shies Ellen Ferguson, lead only been Married about three months. Her par- euts, who are very respectable and well- .to-du-peol.le----•reside in, 1Iuruington township, Perth oouuty, Ontario. She vas not over twonty-ono years of age, aau'1 v as highly esteemes by allwbo knew bor. An inquest was held on, Thnrsday by the S ipeudary ?1tigistr;tto at Iiw e's Croeeittg, to which place the bony wee xenu ved, when a verdict of "temporary I TIMES 1%ir11S,.,IAFIA.N HAS COMMENCED.LV . dres• sniakiug• at her residence, on Huron, street, I.xoter. Cutting and fitting a speotalty. Two apprentices waiitett imuxliately. Groael'lo8M (G'on feotona/ry, Supposing Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib CHOICE TB0ACCOS AND CIGARS always inetock, SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. 7 ='larva% for the OF TIIE Piano and Sewing Machine i 11 !Il (110;1....1.1 •• z; " ),,eco , SchoolBooks, Stationery, Maga,- WITH ALL THE LATEST . Y.B.--Sowing Machin, Needles ofovery kin. A. 1.101 ire PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMO HARROWS constantly on baud an 1 made bo order, 12:; IYIILLAN & McBRIDE having now greater facilities than ever, are pre- pared to supply farmers with Iron Beata Plows, Stool lfonld Board, rondo by ourselves ; Chill Plows, I(nappermake; Scotch Diamond Barrows Cultivators, Ciaug flows, Carriages suit baggies on hand, and made to or- der, Itorse shoeing attenda l to on, the short.st notion. Horses shod to prevent interfering. rIIeSIILL AN & .IeIi:[tIDE, King St.,litnsall. THE ONTAT.RIO LOAN AND SAVINGS COLI PANY, 01" LONDON. • JOSEPH J :FFERY, President. AL,MX 3OIIN0TON, hitt.-President. SiYLNCKS BINK BRANCH. �TOT[C '' TO DEPOSITORS.— THE Ontario Loan an Savings C'otepauv are prepared to r9ceivu deposits ir. the cam ,.f t S and upwards, tittl a rate of SIX PEP, Ci'irT. per au - num, 02, est i i)eriods, or Five per cent. on de munch. Ail iii,, estimate of this cowpauy aro se- cured be mortgages on Real r;state, which ail'or.ls to depositors the best possible security for the safety of their deposits. .r er further uurtioulurs Limply by letter, or at the offico of.the C"tuuany. a 1.3U -Sup. 13'CLLEN, man ge Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Na- ture gives 03 grandeur of monntaius, glees, and oceans, and thousands of means for ell - perfect health �o ut hau ulw often dsiro no better the majority f ueoplo feel like giving it . up disheartened discouraged and worried out with tlisease,when there i$ no occasion for this feeling, as every saffsror can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will make them as free frolu di'ease as when, burn. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct cause of seventy -live per emit. of such maladies as Bili- ousness, In,digeatimll, Sick Headache, costivb- n,>se, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head. P,alpitittion of the Heart, and other dis- tressing symptoms. Throe doses of August blower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. HARVEST TOOLS! Reapers, Mowers &c., &e., Ca-IEAP AT BISSETT EXETER & HEN SALL. THE EXETER PlaninaMill. Sash, DOOR AND END PANS?! ALL KINDS OF TUR NING Done to order. item ember bheplace 33 er a 1-Xoward Eroz. HENSALJ.-i PORK PACKING HOUSE Haying commenced business for tate Fail andWinterTrade r "HE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK 01' Silverware, China and Delf ever seen in the. West, at E. pwl a7.i' 7 ' I,.0 RST O , -I . Mr, Drew has just received an excellent et r tit t' f Silver Tea Betts,ButterCoolers,Dcublcsu,,11 ir, le Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, (;are Itoetiver,, Cc n . mouton Setts, etc., of thellcstQuadruple and'' il,le Plate, and is offering the wane caprices that oafs ASTO 1SH YOU 1O1t 11EAP11ESS Ho has just opened out a new and oomph.. to a5- sort,neut of China, Glass and Stooewaros. 0. largo stock of Lamers j nst arrived. Coil anal satisfy yourself as to quality ani t.huapness. Con:e cold try our instruments. ldtulio Teacher still t -u band. Sorvious at lowest figures. tat Special attention called to the Raymond Sen ihu; Machine. Organs and Pianos unsttrLass,,t i.r beauty of design, and quality of tone, E. DREW. We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations: We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stuck. twonty-five cents. If any of the bong gut is left in, i5 cents extra will be deducted. No pop will be bought at an price it A T warm.. S A TT S AGES —AND--- Pork —AND--Pork Cuttings on gland at reasonable rates. Wu want all Hogs Cutting Bright through (truest to bead, and .Eialns opened oat to tail. G. & J. PETTY. JUST RECEIVED AT THE XETER R4,, ,0. C E AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTEI'RS, - SAL3ION, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE.'MAL'1' SCO'1'CH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND C1C0AR1 , Wholesale and Retail. ��. A.,rMA. CE Main Streat,Eioter. SAMWELL & PIC A D Are selling the balance of their Spring and Summer D ESSG &MILLI ' ° (All newest shades and styles), at Gro .t1y Reducew Prices! eadyR made and Ordered Clothing Very Cheap Fall Lines of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. A, CHOICE LOT NEW CRO FRIES Fresh arrivals of Turnip and Rape Seeds. As all our Goods were bought before the New Tariff, we still offer them at old. prices High- est price paid for good Butter and 7_ Eggs. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, RANT BRIVPHERS HAVE RECEIVED SOME SPECIAL LINES AT LESS TTN COZ'T and will give their customers the benefit, Just look : Black Striped. Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 10 <'eilts, Black Plaid Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 15 cents. Color- ed Grenadines, worth 35 cents, for 13 cents. Colored Striped Grenadines, worth 50 cents, for only 18 cents. Ladles' Black Lace Shawls, worth $1.85 up, for 50 cents. Good Butter and Eggs Wanted inl.large gantities at 1 ANTON BP'.0S, TEmetore