HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-10, Page 5'NNI,Y .0, 1879 1 THtii TIMES U JECN P S EED TL]NIP SEED. A `1 RA, , :t' niTZD FRESH , '. W Cabbage plants, Tomato Plants received daily. Buy your Turnip Seed where itis warrant ed, Thorne 6c Farmer warrant .theirs. The Star Grocery still leads in Teas. A lot of Choice Young Hyson just received. Try it. .Red Sign, N � cam' FARMhN .;rra lin 5v lis TS I'.(Id. w1I13A'L'. White al heat Feott " Elena l- n Bank of Canada. OS to 0 (18 01 to 1) 10) -" sl'l(I:lu It' Al' .'if,. ... ... .. ... ft 11:, to (t OS lied ('hall " ... ... ... ... II e•li to b 1f) 13ae10y ... ... ... ,.. 0 40 to 1 10 l lever 0 ;F7 to :1N la'Cl'�Oe1 III 4u S (, ea3 ll uU to „ Vol ter". ... Fleur per 1d,1. ... Pot Itoes, per ltF,g ., \leple.'. per bag Dried Apples pr L . .. /Re:,.1retea•d per tial )teef (Il es ii till i,ctu�.,aih ... ... 11iLr p:•r tett.' (edea* lo•beau ... ian.1 U',..,6 per 11, 'l'c rkev'. leer lb READ OFFICE, Ik1ONTREAL. Capital ,paid up, - - - $1,000,000 Z)I1iP C 1'OI15 : M. IL GA1Tt T, President. Oa to (n 1'11011AS ('A\'1U.(HILL, Vice -President 0, to 1 1 A, W. OO1fA'1 Is, .\LP.i'. 1;. E. 0104 ENE 5 uo to 9 is) THOS. T1! I''1\, - ALES., BUNT'1N, 1 ee •o1 1,1 THOMAS C1t:11uIl:S CRATHERN. ^ ('sshior. 711 to UIi :)14O1tol'. 11'MIAS Ins1 eetor' II .., b ts) 1,.1 i•e 10 to 11 1111 ... 1 00 1.11 0 01 ,,, u•1 to 1) Nil .,, tt111 to Jen ,,, 0 .]l) to .., (I oil to u W O lei to '1 0e 007tto007 t x4t6 u " u u:, t„ a u nmlcsSAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT., ucr unIr ..• U 5u to n tiU • Y'1'. M \f.\''S 5 per cent. interest allowed on deposits of ore eller and upwards, OF1'1('14 HOURS—Prom 10 to 1; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays, W. H,STINGS, Manager. Exeter, Angus t25n0, 1871. 61.1v, Branch. (n,,NhlJ:.1.L 13ANE1Su BUSINESS TT,AN.1 Meme} loaned to farmers on their own notes with g,,,eitendorsers, .Drafts issued ell New York. Fell whoa.r, per Misled 1. 04 to I f5 :,! .'LII wee at .............................. 0 00 to 0 s(1 l;ul9.•y 40 to 0 00 1'6- '1•a ... 00 tr. 0 00 u•tt • . it Si to O .0 li0 i .... .:...... ..... ................... ..... 7 Oo t,l o 06 , p . do u Ll v, a 2 A 1,1 . ABIJOT'12Il. P'.S.,b1.Jt.O.D.15'. .vu ..... u ell to 0 ' 1� t not.•r • s tel U t thee( 11 teofPova1Co11e'eof • 1'ot.atoon iii i'1., ., ,,,, ., ....... , , 11 9.1 t•1 l 1,0 B� .INCE (.31? \V.\Ls I10 t'N,L A t'f.ix rl'N'. ti. SIt',(R'1'S having 1 i'1l:asell ie• above h.'t„i. awl flit ,d IC tli+.ut,ti•nit. now of- t I :•it 1 - 1L.31Li•IOltlitltldiltl111 t,1.1%1 V r.l, Good Dow r 9191 ut the h Lr (lou is .1111iu and attt•ative neater on hand. Every 111tintioll paid tr gdea Ls. CITE' ONTAI.jdl) L() 1Y AND SAVIN.45 CUt\I PANY, OF LONDON. .T')SFPli T.; ,'3"f 13Y,(Pr(enident. A1.I' JOHNSTON, Vie...-Preslilefit. SAVINGS [LINK BRANCH. 'VOTI(E TO Dr'.POSI.I'oTrIE 1 1)utari., felon nu 1 Sltvillg, (tnutpanv are prepared ul receive deposits dl: the' wa ..f :, emit new trd s, at t' r:1te of SIS 1'1':1 t'r NT. per 1Ln• nolo, P'(111 tilt I5wrinds, of Five per scut. o110e maw". All In, osuw'ut. et this Llot,ll,.tuv tad Kt, c11110 by mortgages ,n Real t 1 \\bleb affords to tl •guslters ti. , heat possible seenrity . for the ssfs'- "1 their deposits. e'er tem:bar 191 rtie)llars apply hl le btcr, nl itt the eilll:e ,L the VOW 1e(ay. v. n..10 -31e. W111..5.'.13UiLL'EN, titan go Marble Works. :0: W, D. WEEKES Dealer in BION U MIENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS. &e. (Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly • execute(.. ;i Doors North of Drca(''s Tlall, Main street, National Policy PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAi'IOND HAD.ROWS constantly on Laud and made to order, IIcMILLAN &; McBRIDE having now greater fncilities than ever, are pre- p trod to supply fac111,a.s with Iron Beal.. Plows., Sisal Mould. MIA, 0, made by errsolvos;Chill Plows, Icnapper male ; Scotch Iliamond Harrows Cultivators, (Toni; Plows. C u'riagis and buggies on haled, and made to or - Horse shoeing attends 1 to oil the shortest notice, Horses e,hto(1 to prevent interfering. Mt %XTLT AN it: MeB.5IDTe, King St.,IItusall. . LI TTA1 PUMP WORKS. 0.130LTH4l - PROPRIETOR. Having added to my pump machinery, and pru- eure.l a large qu.tutity„of first-019as ramp lugs, I am prepared to offer an article 3upeifor to any Factory in the County, / and at iioos that defy competition. Wells and Cisterns deg on the shortest notice. DENTAL SURGEONS, itii,in uvea O'Neil bank, and opp nate Snanwell Pickard,;. >I IiINSMA.', DENTIST, Licentiate of� the Denial T, Collogo of On tali°, may be etnisult'cl any (hay. OiIlee- next door to the Post Office. Exeter, Ont. ST. AI kBY'S LIi•1.IEWORKS. (=drawn kilns b eiugiloly in full operation anis 4 tuning out daily a Large glittiltits of LIME that forall purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin• ion. Pertiesf rent it distance c'<n.tiwaysbeerrpliecl 11 titer atthe kilns or doliyoo'4 by t01141111 atlo11 e •t remunerative rates. Orllersfrom n distance ttremptly attended to. WHITIS'ON & SCLATER. cheap Cash Store. A iSS LQEA_ci C, late of Senforth,has opened out to the store recent- lyoecuuied by Mr..1.P. ltolntyrc,uoxtdoor to 1)r, Hllttalilison's residence, Mom St Exeter, with; a new, large and w ell assorted stock of Millinery in all it Branches, Also Foamy (roods, Ladies' Wear and Children's Clothes. Prices wry low—for cash only. Light ICi,IGloves andWhite OstlioliPlumes cleaned. .A call solicited. X I3 -Hair Dressing, Stamping, 'Velvet Painting, &e, &o. A llrst. class dressmaker on haute.. MISS L.0 .CH. Apprentices wanted. .hooter. April 13 1879. v1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDJ.,RRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LIVE OF Royal mall Steamships. The favorite route between Canada and (Great Britain. C 8'1 $t S t 1P r i tL E, THE POLYNESIAN will sail on July 17 911)1test sea passage, Per speed,0omfort; economy and safety are equal os aayothor .).t1e.atic Line, and being a 0a,.aclian Line,sltoul2 be patronized by all. Canadians, For particulars me to passage or parties sending for their friends, apply to Before purchasing call a5the iiayPump Works. CAPT. G. ICL+'112P, Exeter. ri.t shop--Clln-quart0r mile north of Exeter Teontloultoad. Haw P. 0 rfl ilt _J R CEN OFF F Q Bti CASH ! on all Our present Grocery Stock OXpept SUGARS. TIMI° I$ TT'Q . qH,A $50,000.00 At citation. To 0001n10nm0 On Monday, Deo. 16,1878 W. D. McGloughlin of 136 Dundee street, London, will on the above date, offer his whole stook, amounting to over Fifty Thousand Dollars, at auction, and continue the Rale every day at two o'elook in the after- noon and at seven in the evening (luring the bal- ance of the month, from the 16th to the Met of December, is the larggest and Dost stook that has ever boon offered to the public at their own priers; and, as everybody knows, the goods are of the bast manufacture and every article will be war- ranted the sine as if bought in the ordht.r'y way. This Is a rare chance to get fine gold and silver \Vatolios, gold jewelry, °leeks, plated w r0 and fancy goods at your own prices. Pornaps nevem Again will such an opportunity Occur, Secure, }'(tinrehristmas and New Years p;ilionts tit thi sate. ur g LARGER THAN :EVER, ANT} CHEAPER THAN EVER. }FIAT IS 2 DREW 'S STOCK OF FUR- Y r Bedroom and I'a•"Int• Furniture a specialty, and the ch'rapost west of Toronto. Lounges and all Gp/t1lstere(i tour/r greatly re- 'htt'('(tl',) priers. spring .'Teets from :12.T.5np: woven wi"o mattresses for invallns }t1)11 sif'kuess, to prevent bed-,o1Va, at remark ablely logy prices. Parties ..1,siring tofu /fish 11Ouses w0ltld do well to mil at .brew's, and examine tho stuck before purchasing else - who. 0. Undertaking promptly attended to at low rates. Al kiwis of Trimmings, Ohron:ls, (Heves Claps, &c„ furnished. Emillonis of all the different Societie also kept 111 stock for ;micro's, The hearse is the best in the county. feathers tor sale at DIUIW'S Furniture W(L'0r00nle Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent t110 diseoloiing of corpses tuitl'of ensive odors, '1'IIF; \VLEKLY S'UN A "large Eight Page Sheet of Fifty- six broad Columns, will be sent Post Paid, to any Address,till Jan. 1, 1880; FOR HALF A. DOLLAR. Address THE SUN, New York. NOW IS YOUR TIME To secure some of those 'DE`° L : ...\'.SINS L T LEA ITO.LN c M'C+Ot i, T'S Silk Finished Grey Lustros•, 15e, Plaid and Figured Staffed (lood:,10e, 131aek Paramatta 00 Striped Muslin and P. I'. 8.......,10, COburgs and Black Lustre. at Cost worth 2,1 Also the balance of those American prints -15 „ 15 1 yards fur $1, guar;ulteed fast colors 90 Finest designs in double thread Curtain Lace for 15e per yard. worth 25 I ,4 1. 15 able Linens, English Table Oilcloths, Window Linens, Ducks, Denims, Shirtinsg, Towellings, Hollands, Grey Cottons (Trey Cottons. and bleached with prints at reduced rates for 90 clays. Men's and boy's Linen Coats AT COST. Parasols AT COST. A full and complete stock of GROCERIES, in which we have Ttraordinary bargains. r. —. Dont forget the place LEATHO N & McCOUBREY, Fanson's ;.Block, Main Street, Exeter Arae ,�Y BRUT ki. ..i ERS HAVE RECEIVED SOME SPECIAL LINES s4.T LE TII.�,N3' COST and 'will give their customers the benefit, Just look Black Striped Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 10 cents. Black Plaid. Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 15 cents; • Color- ed Grenadines, worth 35 cents, for 13.cents„ Colored Striped Grenadines, worth 60 cents, for only 13 cents. Ladies' �31Ick Lace Shawls, worth $1.36 up, for 50 cents,. GoQd Bitter and Eggs Wanted....1' Save yo ')fleecy. for this auction 1s( y ?55t•'R one ,, n l a(lI,(1Va lIx, me 1t4es at ' 'T 5RQ$, E ter " 1 1 m F �rlr,aa�mtre: , �!PkiaPi(a ],�i, ���r( q �;�+. � �► �� .Q "�.i� � 1• Main Street. Fenders for Steel Rails. TENDERS addressed to the Honorable the Minister of Railways and (lanais will be received at the eauatliau .9naigrlt lion Oftleu, 31, tyllo6n Victoria Street, E. C., Loudon, England, until •IULY 15t11,ntext,for Steel hails and Fastenings to be delivered at MONTREAL, as follows: 5,000 tons by October 1st, 1879. 5.000 tons by June lot, 1880. 5.000 tolls by October lot, 1880, Specifications, Conditions. Fomes of Tenders, aucl another lnforut(tio 1 will be furnished on ap- plication a t this office, or at the Canadian .lint-, grat100 Oiiice, 31, queen Victoria street, 10. V. London, Enttlane. By order, F. B1tLI'. N , Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, wrrtwA,13ti1 June, 1870. f IATAIt.IfH ! CATARRH I ! USE The groat Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive cure for Catarrh yet discovered FOR SALE 12.Y U. LUTZ'S CENTRAL .)RIG STORE. W. L, SMITH, General Agent. Arkona, ont,ly-08 AVE YOU LOST THE SENSE OF TASTE OP SMELL ?II so, it may be from the Litl'nnsx of the 19th century, ('ATAnRnI. TUE CONSTITUTIONAL CATAREE 1tr'ait:LT will restore you 10 enjoyable health, It not only cures Ctt- tarih, bub all other diseases at the 091110 time. Price $1 per pottlu. Pot sale by all druggists Land Medicine dealers Setif" stamp for 18 page parn- mites let of the cured ttreatise J. li Catarrh, Domintold - ion Agent, Brockville, Ont, CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. Tho only certain, safe, and effectual cure for Cut/ rrh, builds up the system and. uses oilcan diseases at the beano time. Astlau9, Ile se Colo, Bay Fever, Nervous Debility, all leave tagether when the Ceustitututional` Catarrh 'Remedy is Lakes as directed. Prior. $1 per bottle. For sale by all druggists and Medicine dealer,. • • $SO Per Weela. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE BOY CE REII:IPER S AND MEADOW LARI MOWERS AND Tic -Lit MKT RAKES. CALL AND SEE THEM. 0'213'7111M cec Go., Hardware Dealers, Main Street, Exeter, Ont. .. xe tel 1V or til FLOUR and GRIST MILL Being iu good working order gives every accent- uation possible An gristil,g and IIuuring..•'lon • and minimal delivered to part les leaving their orders before one o'clock at J. BELL'S Bakery40r O'.31'.L:i 5.5 iw 0071, or au same day;; TETi,MS . CJ1 c'H. W. M. .el° E IT v V 1 0 Xt EXkTI:.IC I' 0. DO NOT READ THIS.. �] aving received' a lot of new machinery, I 1, would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am proposed to manu- facture all kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Smiths, etc, anti having secured the services of ‘a first-class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL KIDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price 1 defy competition. Always an hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. MITI half a mile south. of Exeter. A. OOTTELL. Pacific: RaIlwax' Tenders, T,TND,Pi1$ for the construotion of about ono hundred miles of Railway West of Itod 'River, in the Province of Manitoba, will, bo received by the undersigned until noon on Friday, let .August next, •' 1'he Railway will commence at Winnipeg, •and run North-westerly tn'Oonueet with tito'roaiu line• in the neighborhood of the 4th baso line, and 'alienee Westerly hetween Prairie la l'ortLtgo .Lint' Lake Manitoba: • Tenders must be on the printed 'Earles, which, with all otherinforubiti0u, 'Arty be had at the Pa- cific Railway Engineer's 011ices,brtottt(wa. and VI(intiipeg.' ` Alar; ) ' epoetary, 'Departmontof'Itailweveand(tilitntt 'l,' ' 1''" UT'rawA, tool. June 'IVO •