HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-10, Page 44
/The Moisons Bank.
1Nt)ertNnitA CGU 1sT Ae'r UP 1AltrAtebnCNT, 18555.
c'(tr)ft:tl, $2,000,000._ $400,000,
m. .,ur i sea., Prosi!icttt.
iiU:r, '1•`li,)A[Aa \YUri,(D1M , - Vice -Pres.,
r J Oi,As'ro:a, \'ire -Pros Sun }Latin 11 Inv t7o
AMID L, ivisamliersun, Senator
It W She+pil,ard, Pees Ottawa, Elver Natio, Co
114rat o Nelson, Jl Y 3J Dillies \Yilliwuis,
li Worienas'1'AN Trtoerts, DISQ„. - Cashier. li i oN, Ease., - - - - fro hector,
Exet(:'1' Bra11oh,
LOANS rti 1A1tIXEIts.
14 on%.y:ttivwueed so farmers on easy toms, on their
<two promissory notes with one or more good um.
dorsera. No r0ortgage r tquirea us security.
SAVINU i SAN Ii 1)``1'AitTItkINP
5 per cent. roercIt uli:twari on deposits:
IL It 1it.nIso1l. Stor
uou;;itt sant sot(,
OM—thous meds la all parts of the Dominion is very true, but that is no reason why
suit r:Intens promptly /sentinel at:lowest rates of shaultl have their llb0rt Of Cou-
ewhane, people 3'
leeeter. t:Test 1 tth 1H78, ti-ru
• (e retest ir
tot 1 This ie Liberty as we find it iu the
Nineteenth century under the fostering
care of its votaries. It may be that a
man oansiders he ie doing the state and
his own oouscieuce tats iujustiee by vot-
iug. And yet people propose to make it a
punishable offence to not conscien-
tiously! The proposed prinishmaut is
deprivation of the franchise, If air-
oulmataneoe should arise that any con-
siderable number of mere worn thus
punished, how long would that Govern -
meat stand which refesod to repeal such
iniquitous' measures? Oue party would
not gala by compulsory votiug tkl,)re
then another, it has bean t'tated. This
THURSDAY, JULY, 10, 1570
Some four years ago, the Zion.
Edward Blake delivered his uiuoh talk-
ed -of Aurora speech, when the ques-
tion of ootupnlsory voting was for the
rarer time publicly brought to the at-
teution t`f the people of Canada. As
science restricted, Those who oppose■
it do so upon the principle that it is
unwise to interfere with existing affairs
unless some real evil results there:' on.
It is always impossible to wedge any
reason for the advoeticy of this measure
by some papers. Many thick it is
simply a political gowgew. Gaudy -
printed cards are used by nurses to
Anne° children, and it may be that
compulsory votiug is used its a pretty
toy in the hands of knaves tomattract
souu). is forced to the top of liquids by the atlwiratiou of t;rotvu-up fools, be.
boiliug,so political agitations have eaus- lioving that if it cannot do thein any
oil the uphevtll of this (pastime to the good, it cannot do them any berm.
surface of politics now and again dur- — >�
ing the period that has elapsed silica Not Deserving of Pity.
Item his Dwu high heaven the Oauattli- Beetttarea spendthrifts, to wham
eau Jove forged his , thunderbolt, much Money has uo exehaugo , value but
speculation being indulged in as to pleasure.
;FuL't" 10, 1$7g
tented personae. Nies rebels were Stanley the talons or elawe of a hawk or eagle
killed. The LiberatitL wont to sea, and '—•• -- with a fill or other nuimel. The,
the wee autumn. Iucl,apendoncitt and Clol7.rclre—The Council met pnrsn- smooth appea•anee of the stone clearly
Slid other stinttnere went ill Pursuit, ant to adjournment et Verna, on paints t0 its having boort in t to water
and she will doubtless be overtaken. Saturday, 28th June, :41enlbere all fora lost:; time and HO bees nP ltr)lihdiea
The aLcoourtt,s of eyentsin Yeea Orae preeeet, The 1''lreeVO In the chair. by attrition, Bann; think it may hese
are veryot)nflietiug. The Governtneut M)nutee of last meeteng real and "wen drawn no in a %rater spent aaud
lots apparently Inustered the situtation, adoptedl• thu.e ,tit to the falttr;ltetl pualtknn iu
but s nee 1110 revolt of the garrison aThe Court of Revision resumed, harty'tnH, wlienee it dt+cotlded to mother
reign of terror has prevailed there. All when ou hearing the Assessor ane ex earth ag:tiu. It is very fortunate fur
the Vera Cruz neer,th+tuts aro hostile to aminiug the assessment of °there, ole• Mr, Fisher that the missile had its force
Government in eousequeuee of toe pas• oiled to sustain the I:voll. broken by fleet striking the fence. Tend
stege of a law against contraband trade 11Ir. Armstrong applied to have Mr, it arnul( hien directly it would certainly
and have ever since home in a tato of Askew aattessed for lot 7 in Varna, have broken the lhub.--Jinri,)l ,`+lineal,
quasi rebellion. It is generally be- 11foved by Mr. Castle, Eleclntteil by
lieve that the 1)1119reVultarS W110 were 1Tr, McKinley, that lot 7 Sub Division Iill 111ti.
killed were assaes1rlata(1 In the guard 19 13, B. N., be ae Kessel tel A")eley Aa- Mu-semi—In Exeter, cm the Nth inst., tile wire
house where they were talion, and Itsw instead of Duncan ll.IoFtrlane, stud ucUr. \\.11. Mimetic, of atawl.
that they were killed on the pretext .that the Roll as revised bo adopted and. 9TAIt:ilt;1],
that they had attempted to e. ciapa, passe (7tarrit+d, l;rvAil--•learn,--In 1. ielcuow, Juno 20th, nt
The reported resignation Of Senor .elle Council then took up general the rtrtidenee or the bride':~ farther (Mr. John
Z a11acona, the lilexjuan Mittitkter• to tele business. `'rill, by the Mev. It. 11. Wndl011,11. 1)„ n sist-
wt by the Roy. Tam's Caswell, ilr. James
United States, is officially &ailed. Moved by 1Tr. Castle, eecened by lir. Breit% utter of tho Liu:I:now Sena;lelto Mrs,
•� •- - ^- Aikenlleadl, that the Reeve give Stn in le lfoytl, '
Stephen Council. order to Gen. Parke fnr $40, as part nf
Stephen Connell met on Jnly 7th,
11479, All members present. lIiutttom
of former meeting real and signed.
Moved by W. Baker, See. by J. Ryan
that the road ootnuiissioners draw the
looney and pay the Mauls.
11Ir. Baker and 11r. Winer are per-
mitted to do next years read work this
year if they choose fur lots on 4 and 5
The treaa:niry to be instructed to bor
row $1,000 for township use. Next
meeting of Council to bo first Mouda.y
in August, when it is required that al)
Trnsteo alpplie:itinns for squeal purposes
he handed in. The following orders
were grtal ted:
11. Ilodgiul, work 1st side road $ 5 00
It. 1+'s lou .............................. 10 08
W. Flynn 7 ()0
the desirability of 1mLL•iug it illegal. Persons who will persist in dying by N Clarke .•
incites with dyspepsia and liver diseases 7 00
fora than to follow the dictates of his when Dr. Piere'Golden 11ladieal D:s� 0. Mexico 12 75
coul;eiailee and refrain from voting at °every and Pleasant Purgative Pellets for Chaar,tbert, 4 87
T'tlrlia dentary elections. ' The proposal are unfailing remedies for these mala- cL Hooper 1st J • Oliver Corn5 00
to compel electors to vote has been dies. J.
livers 7 00
ethic iu all seriousness, but from the Parents who spare the rod and ruin T. )30,15 r r
the child. Fast yn ng mean and women T. 1 u0
ti.tus iL was first spoken of, the people: are generally spoiled children to begin I';• Rollins ker 1 00
cave not heardone solitary good reason with. 7.. Luker 2 00
his ealnry as Assessor fir the year 1879.
illriveil by Mr. McKinley, af'oonded
by i1•tt. Coatis, thn.t the Mini of $10 1.0
granted to John Ii'nreet to be expended
by rite peeve on the road kur,we av the
blind line (ln:i, 5, and that $5 be gra+lt-
eci to John Galbrnith to i]ut,in a cul-
vert on the north end of the Babylon
Tlinvati by .Mr. Dangles, attcnndeel by
,lir. Castle, that this Cenncil grant the
ROM ttf $1.0 for the nnrpnes nf gravel.
ling the 11th hill. Bronson line.—Oar-
Moved by Mr. 11loKinley, seconded
by Mr. Douglas, that the sum of $20
be granted to be expended on the ennth
enol of the Goshen line in gravelling.—
Srr.r.irax---!foTtr,v,-_Ou filo 160i instant, l,y
13,er, ti, hnr.w, :1fr, \Vnt..1.S tllivan,ofExeter,
to alis, EIi:,:lb.'th MI 1 .nu, of :Honig.
it inst., at tiro roe'•
tienty of tau•r bu to fatheyi, by Rev. S. W.
1;Molter, . Ir, 4. ,.,awl. to Mian Christina
+un nt, ,ilnacti'xr of 3Ir, I. ?fi, ;halon, ail
of l),t,ilwoo,1
��7 ANT 17 »I:MPl,t)\ 1It.NT 13Y A WI'I ADI',.
saiu r teal ul iustriunv voting 10110, an a
farm. Apply at this oi110e.
CODs 1t,° UP.
The latest =Ws on rtn:urd at the
New York Millinery inery Store
.IIdem. C B.li'IIaLI:1.l1s will s(•)1
fisc the Next thirty reit, ,,lite remainder of.
hoe mourner Sams of
ni ot'torentim,t.rof Ire,.stock ofFancy (for,is
Moved by Mr. liongle's, aoonntle(1 by at t n •t ,:o Pita to make room ter tett roUtut: et ,ea:.
hon• is the timet'V Ir tt.,.ttu.A .i 1 thin sore lot•
DIC. Castle, that the Cnnn011 grant the .i,trpdotrut",�':); fInt, !-� :,:, l''','r til '3,; kJcttr
stun of $G3 for the ntirp09e Of Btiln]n- tees it au, karat lea. ]'itis thenen Is oU.'. open lar
:id Plats, Dunt f!,,..t he place—O'Neil oLl
ing and clearinir the centre of thti uttti, ..it nil'+ rii t.:,t, :;
swamp nn the Si1'road between tots 5 -
i_ G. between the Bronson and Bauble.
—0 t.rrierl.
Moved by l.tr. Ailtenhead, seconded .
by eft.. Castle, that the Reeve give an '
T. ]� every 2 order to F. G. 1tutubal for $5 for lnm-
why the extrowrdieary idea should be People who suffer fromc'Ltarrll, whenu0 bee for John Cameron s sideroad.—Car-
t, + , H. H Syler 10 T
nu into practice. Why do meet re- Dr. Sages Catarrh R"1110(13' is a safe, 7 lint's rigid.
train from votiug :) Geuartally It is be- reliable, and well -tested remedy for this 50 50ai e'lnvrel by 1Tr, Castle, wonder' by
E t
loathsome disease. W.Lison 14 00 Mr. Ail.enbeeel, that the Reeve, Mr,
cruse they dislike either one or both of People ]vhn marry f,tr money, and A. Le trey.......... 5 00 McKinley, the extt.w and seconder be
she candidates, or it may be that they find too late that the golden glitter is D. r°a''s°11S""" "' • 11 75 a Committee to examine a drain on the
ilu riot take taut' interest iu polities, and all moonshine. l' . 1:3aker. S. B. route Cnm89 75 south bnnn,iary oppneite Mr. PeYenn'e,
tV..B titer 10 00 and report ab the next meeting of the
would vote blindly if they voted at all. Women who stiffer death 'ovary d Lp , ., r
of their lives, when Dr. Pierce'sFavorite 0.
' l;t,b• r. o niuhr+r road
Cmn5 l0 0Orincil.--t;,sn•iecl.
Do these circumstances work each hi- Prescript•i'tu will effectually remove. J. . Wilson. World 1 50 Neve 1 by Mr. that the Clare: notify
;pry to the u.)uutry as to demand those painful weaknesses nod impale 0
J Fiul:bener
le'risla,tiou to overcome their effect n healthful tone and strength to the whole 1(00 00 Mr. Wm. Dixon to remove is fence off
system. `� T. ILn°{ 98 75 the road int 15 it I G Cor]. 5. --Parried
W. Bolt. C. R. conte 70 7:5 '
Peopie who live beyond their insans Moved. by 9Tr. tlattle, srr.,nrded )!
and find that style and pride, like every ;l. h Tio;ins 24 75 Mr. Aikenheall that this Gonneil
f` Heins ........................ 4 00 new a djenrn 10th Gonna,"
thing else iu this world, unless placed R. A,l:tic work 50 Op nt Ani 1at, att2 o'clock the
,laeid thee
upon a secure fonndatiou, are subject1• S li 9�,'I E R TRAVEL,
F. Barry ditching 40 00
to the law of g1'avittLtinll. i r - all 0011001 Trustees faillnr? to Have their If youjnurnep f6rbnainess, 7tealth or recreation
Invalids who do more toward foster• J. I't .morn t;om................. —.12. 00 nrders in by that date be allowed to tial,.•-,yu.<ntaius. Ivaans.orAnn., agar land, f ur over
W Sob lar 89 2:, CJ11CL't their nn'l] ratans.• _(1ar1'ttr nu, don't till( to srctu•t the :Iwo/a:lion of •a(,{'k-
ing disease, by living and sleepitag in , d DEN . INst.t:.rt;l. el, I':I Y. 1 C$, :Ir,rl. nr
it k. McCormick.: 55 50 r, > 1lrrrlieeie Any rree/i -•eget //en mete a servile
the low, unventilated- re nns f tilt, 1 1•G..t. I Lrrvrci TT, Clerk. r • rxirrireGi al/ ;1'7
err n. j,•u: n.rrtttas, rt 'TacRet
f�.. Pitchers culvert 19 00 a.t�.-... r'torn our• to al/;l /
ordinary houae,tb,an the bent llle.dieuiez / rirrl n. :/'h,' Cu,,: is sow; ,ruclf c7act
J. Hill 0 •m......... 70 00 arr. T}d;vard 1100re, of Goderieh had a yDeecarluei el it 'who trurelsatuli-G'rtdipaid
can accomplish toward recovery, whet! iter Acclaim -ft! 1-aiurics over .wa,ono,uue.
J. Berns work 1 25 en,ne duck eggs placed under a lien, in
at a moderateexpelleean use they cern s"uure F. 011evework oti Gore road 20 00 order, if possible, to bring ont a brood $1200'rostUVAltt�• t,t-ti rttnert„ot$1Q0
all the hygienic and 0a11r1t,tryedrnlltlt�tt r>tIlctulI{at;ntCs into. --
T r N`.1. J):L9he1e1011 2'00 of " L1aC1(e.' Anrtthet' hull la; n, t) Yeo,attic)tlslrettal'ItFL'Ff!Trt�erkoa�tuel u,tionw
of Invalids' hotel at Bunk, q I t
ofEverytho physician knows how much re 1; Slade C� n] on 12 eon 51 CO egg in the nest, and ride wa:i h,ttohed r Y()! lit% W.E1011r x Co., i;aukers, 35` wall
eovety depends upon gnarl 13)1100g anti Johnson & Oo .. 111 70 before the others. A. cat noticing the st :;, T.
and the hygienic condition• of the sick
J. J. ;1Io(iit central 2fi QO stranger took it in charge, and the little � TO F "4"x, I(1It'H tel t:0-, 1`ortbinel,
eon Interest $825 00 chink now nostlee on the neck of the L ltnilto, for the: e,ss meaty bttuinets,
n. Chronic disc, i,y are especially R. (1 Wllsot,21 can. C on 50 00 feline with as much comfort from its eine- world. 1.air•n:,ive out/Wino.
subject to, these. conditions,
R. Armstrong darn?age to pit8 00 furry bed as it uoald expect from the r. awent u,asr,lu•e.•u:•.•r�u.,•uutuuu uugtuta
T. Lampert work 8 S. road ..... t3 00 downy coverlet of mother hen. W' When `$ l`1 nntaltkrt•o. SrrnW c1: c•a, AMgasta,1 Sine,
De) they prevent legielat.,rs froin in-
troduoing measures of practical utility
to the o')uutry, frurn era;Iicating posi-
tive and lcuowu evils which may afflict
auy sectiou of the eummanity or the
country at !ergs? They do not iu a1•y
way affect or interfere with the prober
performance of the functiuus of respell. -
Government. Tiiey do not en•
courage oppression, or restrict liberty ;
nor inased can the advocates of com-
pulsion poiut to any case where wrong
of any kind is dons. ander the present
voluntary eysten]. Let us seek wrongs
before we make changes. There ate
plenty of geuuiue and gieraatic evils
which [night be combatted without Sitting; Ball.
wasting time and intellect flghtiug
la -
phantom. Wilton s)1 those are remuv- Father Gatlin, a priest who has 1a -
t7(! thou it is Time enough to indulge bored atnoug the vatious Iudiatn tribes
oempnsing the great ;Sirius nittinn
.;?peculetive legislation. Changes ate the northwest, itt nnw in Suri nu.bileties
not always reforms; mud net always a manifesto from Sitting Bull to all
desirable ; they (should not be male lust and sensible citizens of the United
r)nless there is can absolute need and a S'Atas. Father Ciu1)in gives the follow
dlerndnd for than] resulting from evils ing account of the battle of the Role-
budat which Custer fell, as it WAS told
• whioll 9.ow froa.t, exi'tiug eouclitious• hint by Sitting Ball : Caster's command
,Put cornpaleory votiug has no redeem- was pat •if tbt� troops that had been
ing features to reoomenend it to public sent out to. exterminate his people.
favor; it is tyranrtloat and lnore•)Ver, For eight days he retreated before the
farcical in. the extretna. O,e hada-
white men, and, thea, being
wearied, tie Set ftp ,t motet village,, left
:gout advocate of the solieino speaks of hire tires ligl:terl and arranged a number
t're.Q:bi,iay " ovary elector to °wale for-, of effigy Intdians:so as to deoeive the
ward 'r Vuiuutrn•+tri " (which by the way 'whites. He then gathered hie. braves
1.euficTh us of one M. P. P c., cr bis• awl, under cover tate hitli to, tete south
Lill ut' t? a of the Rosebud, marched to i.nteecept
N eau u )ueutities ") Sari, deposit Caster's advance. He did not wish to
.lois ballot," but the average. mnd. fails tight, and do Haut out a messenger with
•t;o, perceive where. the °r voluntary" a flog of truce, who was shot down.
part oolnea in when, the voters are t..e- After seeing alis, men fall froia his
ylcirc+l to,gn, t(), rtes. pores., What tau hoa•tle lie ca•
lled for blood that wts to be
shed. Ouster galloped in to.w,ard the
tie mere fercieel titan• for at, Haan to mock village. a.,ud Sitting Bull closed
%,sa ett tuttuy, tunes, to, the palling, Moth in behind leltrf,atltl to the, right, and left
au 1, l.t,)rua again, for the 'Ample, purpose. W'Itat then happened is history neg.
of, placu,g a small slip a)f; paper %;u i} Father. G,eniu hits with. him, the tome
gsliop.b4ix, only to len aur that When the hawk with, which. meter was finatlly
dispatciiecl; l{e. goes to France to•4tty,
voted are. being. punted: it will. lie but will return to the Sioux iu abput
t;hrewe Bide as tr.ueetess" like• a, ship fgpr menthe.,
Nickell from a porridge pot ? tt ie. a ......
Horeatr,ing, f Pee, and it is the Soule, qf;•
[A M•ear�lcan l>Quiiny.,�
absurdity teroty that the, voter. went to OLl this 20th of J'nn° a, peed,• of the
the polis voluntarily., Tltete Gan, ye. arety of' the Mexican, war steamer
ere doubp ttiat thortear° ocoasions, tyhen; L1beratiti to the harbor of. Vera Crux,
((rectors hatvo very good, reaeo;ta fee. nee,mtutipied, and Heim!, the Steamer. while
N. Beaver. 49 75 she cat ilas been out and returns it \ yrlAk rind e,xl,e.tnes to agents.
J. BlHaott Exeter S.Pe..., i.0 00 commencedpurring,tn(1 the chick77 a ()atilt free. Adiruoi 1'• 0. rickey
J. FTeannen London II 99 75 answers the call immediately. Augusta, illaine, ,
J. Heanttn drutt.'OLt 6 00 ,y ,., M ell hues iu.tn•ted nue
Lately a couple of youths Called on ,Elf \reg ised„tLlen true$ani0ue;vet.upvrs
Lumber for .tr,ntlntl 11 •5 5;) t a ter itO. Ruud n,tsatttaf•s WO page pamphlet. Cr.
f. Shrnder N. E. Coln,.......... 170 00 the Testier of illarrI1L a Lict u+, not P. ,110 WALL s: (0). N..Y.
I'.'Wlto e G. 7. cone i0 011
more them a tlluil:iand miles from -•—
Clltun and wished to procure at lic81153, r��tVO HOUSES '.1'0 }i1 NT.-
1Tr. \tnrincid 25 Ort Lutlile mitkiutt it out the Issuer )eau;ied A.(rply to W. If, alov(,U1, fetter.
'1'.'Wurtez. N. B 1 50 that the intended wedding was to be a __..._...._._.._....__.-__-.._.. -----
tie. Ritter, culvert 11 con 2 25
P. Kestle, S ,.. 2 45
W. Gowen, ditclir•s„ 1 00
A. Me. . i' aachen 14 eon 9 75
A. Morriseon.... 1 50
W. Millen, Bridge on 2050 00
Win. Stin!inn repairing Bridge on con-
eession 22 ,$81.50; R. Hamilton and
leergeson, cnlverr bridge and grating
$82.31 ; R. Hamilton filling abutments
to bridge Dal 8000eseion 22 i$14.50 ; B
Hamilton work on 22 onnoenslon $9.00
.1. Reith gravel $.20; J. 'Walker gravel
$20.0.3; J. Rollins gr'tvel and work
$70.87'; 7, Beaver
work in pit
$17.00 ; N. Beaver nse of gravel of 1
acre. of lend $137•.150: N. Beaver pre-
paring gates and road to pub $20,50 ;
H. 0.. Baird scrapers $39 ; and srnne
other small orders amounting co
--Natio 1, a, 1'u11Cy -
ruuaw,cy metal). He pr te;lecletl, how- ,141111ST-CLASS No: BUGGY FOR
512.17Molyn,lti r ,qg�
seer, and asked one Of tthemto sign his one ee. at Tr,rvic
uatne as a witness, when Ole parties f 0i'I011.
apparently thought something was up,
for they bolted at once, and have not Ail accounts duo to the t odericlt Tounary ane
eines been' ad of. It woe 10,10 hex'n mttuufacta,:ing Company(limited) roust 14
promptly Bettina to avoid coats.
whetllet the match was consummated Na parsons are o•uthorizod ut
to receive llnyeu s
Or was adjourned sine die.. m• crake settlements on. behalf of the cc rap
About two weeks ago a large number except the undersigned.'
of Sunday school children asseanbied in HOIt1CI HOUTON,
a grove on the farm of :Ur, .Peter Fisher, President.
Colborne, to have a pie -nit. While
stooping close to a fence Mr. Fisher
was suddenly brought up all a standing
by being struck oda, the arm with a mis-
sile which descended, from some no -
known source, Upon, loukini about
him lie picked' tip. a, stone weighing
three ounces which, was, evidently, the
cause of is alarm. This Anne 'cern.)
from some grey i height, It first struck
a fence rail, mekiug a deep indentation,
A')otlter.i,mportant industry is being and ire heuuoing. off struck Mr. Fisher
etert0(1:in,1'Ininiltnti as the Peewit Utile causing such it confusion 0)) his arm
N. Pr, v,i&.. au expensive branch of the that now, after the lapse of, two weeks,
Meriden B,-itanntla Com,prany, of lee the extravasation of l;iopd, is still quite
Jleridena Conn. When in operation, is plain and the sorepess of the limb. very
will employ, Homo 1409 to 1,50)lnpu. The p7liliful, Where the, stone mune tom
. buildings, atilt be three in number, The. is a, matter, for tn;ie1, conjsgttl}'0 ;, it is
mairi bleiltl'ttgs will lite three storeys in, very, ettioo+ll,,, of the sige and sm iles:4ml;
height, 1100x3¢; feet, with atone, and, the sl}ptpa 'ot, an, ordinary how's, egg,, '
brick facing'. tlle.rlopti! and wipdp*; caps. ,s•wellilug IUPLW, ou, 01e, olds the 7P. Main et: Flaettr.,
to,be. off, Black, br'icla.• It is, ex;pectedl °eller,, r,r}(i, 1p 4f a material totatly, dif-
vuti:a And et a (}odoKntnetlt wAu itlls.vpinla�audotr. wag 00 shore. S#in; that the, and. ri,atchxilety Nill; fpreLlt �o'aNJ'tl lzlgrlu; tri viciziit .' Yet AG • 'Tt • READTHI.S'
ti nils , ,, mm an t .. a<l;h :,r' ae )
u t' situ to vote o ce, fools of ;uttnreeoupi.y mope. trffipere o the Vera be tp, at enffioiently advanced arses to, 'lt )Ilse .40 a, uleteoyip a1ppe 1range• 'One,tt e'a wt t nay Agantq a,. satttry oto loo,per; month
steer pee, tie . ,, ., rt neer , i aclrttlZ.gllreitioa,atte,ppted;tq,raipe, a re• admit of•suppiving the (,30nadian,trade stirml , and• one likely prrect i ,.th-t _ iYne•i rn1v1oua°oeit) aaiarga.p, titiaaiba, tbltierei
tiimata Ito by, d#rva tringle; 144, . 414-,, r;gjklittitL .44,tig �. 4,QIi. 44;94 diallotx•�,duriag the.eoutrre of ihe, a u'ua.tall. this a ne ma <ha � e> coker u ut,0!a'sati. 1$11 )!r 4.11 lattmper 14,01, /10'4rtt
•p I0 • � AA'. P'.t ,P st�ztita¢,rtc$t„aswsltttn,raaLt.
• Secretary:
Caodorich, Juuo 13, lbi2- ..t?
1\-j1LLil� 11i
.✓d T JPl 1' � G .ry R AL I C #a
A full Lino ,sow in, of
Spring. nn(1- ;Suninter fiats, anti Bonnets;,
all the very latest shapes.
Naw. Flo:v3rs Feathsrs, a:7d Ornknenty.
whin—mime iu grpnt variety.
GITyLS HATS PE.01'1 $1,00 UPS
nioel f dimmer, Evsery
sptoasnbi)iipg�( c.will be sold as cheap.
Taney floods, Roslin \soot, IViottoes, etc.,aful
lino Slam° ln. +t. '
Jacket trade or cat in the lw,teat styles.