HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-10, Page 3FLY 10, 18719
Mr. Wm. Weld,. Editor of the 1rrnees's
Advocate, writes as. follows from Maui-
"Persons.nf small mane., do not
*hink oennting to this .itrovinee this
season. The labor market is over-
stocked. There are over fifty nuigra;nts..
nt the emigrant sheds+ here; :some have
been here five weeks and cannot find
work. • Many have gone to the States
end some aro walking book to Canada
they are leaving daily, We believe
they would kill the etnigr►ttir)n &goat
and cirenl,tr writers if they could get at
hetn. No stn'"gelation agent has yet •
gone to the sllr-r1s. The pour are beg•
ung, and good men, good mechanics.
it' is a sail sight to Ree thew attd hear
their animas. Many have been to
the Canada Pacific) It€ ilr'ond anti have f
been ebaluefully used. We have far -1
Imre from ell parts of Manitoba. flet, l
Khat have $150 to spare may colne and
examine the contnr '; many will like it.
No settler shonld eome this year unless
he cap command ono at least. There
Cony be 6001e food openings for those
who ba\•e 'plenty of capital and (»tergy.
All tire nr,t satisfied that are here; some
,are highly delighted.,'
$40 ; double waggon (double box and
spring seat), $90 to $05 ; ems, PO
to $40; sheep, $8 per head; Berk-
shire ,logs, $ months old, $10 ; A.tn ni-
can eteol plow", $27. The iron plow
cannot be used 11) this soil.
I would advise all intending settlers
to oome in ?darob before the frost is
out of the ground, or else in the fall,
for in thie time of the year the roads
are always impassable. I have driven
over 800 milesthis spring and found
s.}1 the roads veru bac, and the rivers
overflowed, which made them still
worse. Sarno of the farmers are not
Clone seeding yet o11 aeuou It of the vely
wet season,
Lard Derby presided on Saturday nt
the minuet meeting of alt Lancashire
l''eriners' C}nb, held at the Town Ball,
1.,iverpoul, and delivered a 1w:g ad-
dress on questions affecting agriculture.
As to the gl•estiun whether the present
distress prevailing among farmers was;
likely to be temporary or permanent,
ars took the more hopefel view, be-
cause we had had in the last two years
t combination of circumstances not
1kely to recur all togetl tr. lie did
., not look f nue r '
,tare, fro
Veil land
t+non' i
of haq'
be wo
class w
than a
feu ache
was at
for ten
make e
$he ten
en pied
lease w a n'ovision in it which he
Oilm+ia,. objectionable. A. tenant had
is right to be pro/woad from damage
from game greater than hu bargained
for; and, with respect to compensation
for unexhausted itnprovemeuts, he said
that if farmers wily made up their
minds as to what terms they tilou,:lht
fair in re.rard to those improvements,
they would require no help from out-
f.iders. The relations of landlords and
tenant, in the long run, w:lul,1 be regn•
Wed by the ne,'t'1 which each had for
the other. Tho cultivable land in
England wits a fixed gnantity. There
t' ay not, he believed, ro uu f•ir more
i.rnlers stere, and he adviser, these who
1'arl sons whom they were bringing up
in their holiness to look to Anstl alia
aad Anietica. By making a vacancy
hare a clean wnnld du gond instead of
harm to those wll tm he left behind.
It was a simple gner+tiIn in figures. If
they kept down their nnmbare they
would keep down their rants.
For all purposes of a family medicine }IAc-
xnitus Y ut,r ow On, will be found invaluable.
lmrnedinto relief will fellow its use. It re-
lieves pain, cures chilblains, frostbites, scalds, „
burns, corns, rbeini ttisin, neualgia tic., &a.
For internal use it is n'ue the less wonderful.
Ono or two doses frequently cure sero throat, t
It will eon croup in s few luittutes. A. few
bottles laws often cured asthma. Colin has
been cured le fifteen minutes by a teaspoonful
dose. It euro: with the utmost rapidity. Itis
really a wonderful medicine. For sale et Cou-
tral Drag Store, )lxoter. s
It is no exaggeration to say that health is a
largo ingredient in what the worid calls talent,
a man without it may be a giant iu intellect,
lint his deeds will be the deeds of a dwarf. A
weak mind in a sound frame is mncb better
titan a giant mind in a crazy oonstitution.
I''refeh$iOnal and business men, who are always
thinking. and whose habits aro sedentary,
should USO \TICTODIA IJYI'o1,1105PItIT:.S, the
great brain and nerve remedy. For sale at
I Central Drug Store, Exeter.
To he thoroughly happy, yon must be well
To he well, in thousands of copes, you should
take the great medicine, which relieves, regu-
lates and renovates disordttly systems—Vile-
TonLt Bucnc and UvA Unfit. For Bright's di-
5eas0 of the kidneys, diabetes, and all diseases
of tate urinary system, its tiniely use is very
beneficial. For sale itt Central Drag Store,
LAKE, Commissioner, Insnr-
auto. Laud and Loan &gout. Office--
ornorth Royal hotel, Lsuttt, Wilsons
ensu I t, every Monday .
ATE FUNDS to loan at 8 per
toy loaned on good ItOTES,
7EYANOING — lleecls, Mort -
s, Wills, &r ,druwu on reasonabletarmv
Furniture �.1 �7�1�1� _ .. �11� �,�7y p�+�c� p �1 ,A.TA.[ RII ! CAI.AIZI II ! t USE
.O. reit df,.l� a and U,nde.t�. 0.+akin 'e Tho great
8. FA1IU3AI11N' has on hand at Hensel' as large $terra Nevada Smoking Compound,
ant as 1510 some a a oe c 0 as 0a11 tt
found hi any establishment in Boron, all of which he
Having procured a Handsome Hearse, he is prepared
to at{tend to UMW HTAK[NG
On the Most Reasonable Terms,
In connection with the Tindertaking Business, he uses the Anti•Septio 1'lntd, which pieservert
the body ant destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising. from dott'i hudies, .\ call
rospeetfullysolietad. S X,eS1,5rw'1dsdi.rarV
Mr. Richard Stins'In, who left the
township of Mosa this spring, writes
as follows :
Befantiful Plains, June 17, 1870.
Sia,—Etnigration is ponying in here
in is continuous 'stream from ()Mario
an Quebec, and of the many mistakes
shade by the incoming settlers none is
more frequent than that of transport
ing ata great cost old worn -nut horses
' and -broken down wagons, with which
a hopeless s ;;rle is made to move
household erects to distant homes. I
world urge upon all intoncting emi-
grants not to bring any but the best,
as it is most diaonnraging to be delay-
ed for days in order to repair worn-out
vehicles, or to enable fonodered ani-
mals to recuperate. For the first year
or two it is much safer to start with
oxen, as they are bettor adapted to do
the bard work of breaking the. prairie
land, and require less shelter and care
(bring the long winter. With oats
80 cents to $1.50 por bushel, this is an
important consideration.
An ex costs $70 to ,$80, harness, $G;
Plod River cart $3.0. These carts will
safely carry 800 to 1,000 lbs., and as
they have large wheels with fiat tires
(some of them none) they draw much
more easily than wagons. Yoke of
nxen, from $140 to $160 ; a double
Ox. harness, (whichis mach better than
at vnlfe), $8 ; n span of horses, $240 fel
.$'000; good' •
doubt° llarenoss, $85 to
n, Baker proprietor. This Hotel has
y tutuiahod and fitted up in first-class
'ge and convenient Show rooms for
1 Travellers; best of liqCluors and cigars
Attentive Hustlers always on hand.
A Lit AND W 1 Pl TE it TRADE
utho Q t L c26 Son,
Oivti and t LOaii115ltS,
Take pleasure to it form the inuabitantsof Exeter
ttld nnrrottudiug country, that they have just
opnaed out au eattellew.ttssortmentuf
2'teecds, Coatings, i'sf.iisgse c.,
in Mt e 1'ttost styles andpatterna,andfool assured
tnatfitment atter of:totahing, they eau suit the
mo'trastidious taste a.
REId0 Ari!
LtiAP Pa r
T 1 ;.v+i,ES
11111116 1116[
R1 i,IOVAL! l All kinds or printing clone neatly cheaply and with dispatch.
RID:OVAL! AL! i Order you work when you can get it clone the cheapest.
P. FR.A 1 1.V .E.
harterkrins & Coemove tobis-twonowshop, latelyoecnpiod by
P,longs north of J. Griggs book
stora,whoro you will find os''r Chid uen'tily kept
it a first -cissa h trutess eatub1lnhtn sot, v:hich Por
7uuliiy of tnatorial and slylo ut vrurkmttnslkp
Call and examine my etockboforepurehasing
Pacific Railway Tendon,
TE1 DF'i1S for the construction of about one
hundred miles of Railway West of iced nive+r, in
the Province or Manitoba, will be received by the
undersigned until noon on T'riday, let Augnst
Toe Railway will commence at Winnipeg,, trod
run North-westerly to connect with the main line
in the neighborhood of tate 4th base line, and
thence Westerly between Prairie la Portage and
Lake Manitoba..
Tenders must lin on the printed twins, which,
with all othorinfo rruntiyju, may bo had at the Pa-
Oat0 Railway I Engineer's Oilicou,ln Ottawa and
Winnipeg. P. BRAUN,
Department of hailways anti Canals,
U r'rnwA.lSth Juno.1878.
Having adclnd to my pump machinery, and pro-
cured a large quautity;,of (lest-olass pump logo, I
ata prepared to offer an artiole
Superior to any Factory In the County,
and at prloes that defy eompetdticn. Wells and
Cisterns dug on the shortest notice.
Before purchasing earl a; the Hay Pump Works.
t ,5bop�•One•quartor mile north of Exeter
1'iaiiduuroad. kiav 1'. 0
, Colored Work aSpeciaity
excellent facilities
Tho only positive wear Catarrh yetdisaovorect'
\P. L, SMITH, Canova Agent. Arkonn, ont,ly'«s
JL TASTE OIt SMELL ? It so, it may be from
the Lummox of Cho lath century, (tnxaxittn Tiie
Co\srx?rtn IoxAn CATAD101 Iti:ntsnx will restore
you to eujoyabls health. It not only onres Ca.
tarrh, but all other diseases at the acme time.
Pried ' i per pot:tlo. Pot gale by all druggists and
Medicine dealers Saud stamp for 48 page pure-
phlot containing treatise an Catarrh, and certifi-
rates of tho cnreed to T. 7. ti. HA.RDIti t=, Dou tri-
ion Agouti Brockville, O et.
The may certain, safe, and eilectual corn /Or
Cate rxh, builds up tho tiystent arid euros all other
disoasos at the same tanto. Asthma, Reso 001n,
Ilan 5 e ger, Nervo'ts Debility, all leave together
when the Coustitutntiouul� Catarrh ileuinly is
taken tta directed. price 51 per bottle. For sale
by all druggists and Medicine, dealers.
X5O P e
Hardware Dealers, Main Street, Exeter, Ont.
{C' 0 • fav 111 roma "it t .00 -
,l the in< roma . , -VW co,,.
taint d in the r, n+e(t,r.:a
boots , ver 1-'"'
env �s r� ¢EI F -Pi } i k •
C ik i9 I tics null 1 n, ON
kl 666 ���333"` cc1111��0 6LL"`vvv 999
on receipt of mi..... It
treats of ExhaustedVitality, Premature:t''l;lie,
Nervous nut:l'hy'teal Debility, and t1 e:'))
conomiraOC iiih and ruttnl•I noxi h s that 7. silt,
therefrom, and contains more it t turisi:,•.1ptz•.
seriptions, any ort of'whiell is wee"; the plug'. of
the book. This he 'kwtt written ltvthetnnstes.
tensivcand prohahh'the Most sit tweet Metter
inAmetica,1otrhnnttraatt'rtrnrt1 n thud t 11
eller) merles bytile 'National Med
A -
Pamphlet,illnstr. ted t�ilh the
Strcl Engravings -a mar- ��,..�,r ;pS
vel of art anti hcantw•- 1}' '" tiv§s
sent rims to alt. Send
for it at once. Address
PEA)IODT MI;DicALe q*r?,.`:in'^.
LNSTITO'rL, ),o 4liul- .1 ttLe
�►nrh St.. Boston. Glass.
(Successors to R. V. PIERCE, X. D.)
Dn. V. PIERCE, having acquired a world-wide
reputation In the treatment of Chronic Diseases.
resultihr 111 a professional business far exceeding
his individual ability to conduct, some years ago
induced several medical gentlemen to associate them-
selves with Kinn, as the Faculty of the World's Dls-
abien merwtte INVALIDSDOTEL
The organicntton has been completed mut incorpo-
rated tinder the name and style of World's Moen -
nary Medical A,t oelatlon, with the following ofllcers:
Inn. R. V. Pntnel, Pres. F. D. Plover., r. Pre,.
.11te. E. Duffles, Sre. LESTEI11t. Sauru, Treat.
ncnne owl olttll bor.. barn chosen as the Faculty.
(JIIRON1C DI.EACES of all forms comewithln the
province of our several speelaltl0S.
LUNG DISEASES.-Thls division of practlen is
very al ty managed by a gentleman of mature Judi: -
m.113 and skill. Brencitlal, Throat. and Lung Dls-
e:soa treated with th0 most successful results
DISEASES Or aV tl31EN.-ils sc'a'ly are our facili-
ties til' a superior order far the cure 01' all those
chronic diseasespens ultto females. 1'
NEE VOLS DIS'4SFS.-Paralysis, ervnns Debil-
ity, Lpih'psy (I•'40), Chorea (SI.Vltus's Dance), Neu-
ralgia, told other nervous atti'ctlims, receive the
Otto of an ettlrrt in this speeint tr.
NOT NEA)1i0BAL'yr TO 8E1g PATItsNTS.-alp our
rtt•tgsin 0 system of di:eguosls lye cum treat many'
t')i (,ile dteeases as suCces8inlly without toi with a
personal consultation. For pPartldtllara sec "People's
COM Won Scone Medical Adviser" (1.11(0 !cage $ scut
post-mildfor 81.10) or"invalids* and Tourists' Outdo
},,'/nit " t 1:10 pa:&*. 10 cents pu,t-pabll.
suRla1btl. -CASES.-Among the operattnnswhiea
1,'e are calico 1'1011 most It'r ttuentty to perform. are
Cause CruNasat Polypus, iltnrli 1 Tumors, Pistols.
In Ann, files, Hernia (Rupum'),1l)•Score's (Ilrop•y
of too trrohun), Verleo'ele, Ovarian rind lite: me
Tumors, Oilcan (Stone In the ,,ladder), Stricture,
etc., etc. \w'' 130,1 treat successfully, by 1t new m':t!,
nd without surgical o'''ration, i,imr'rs, (.bob -Io,
bphtut Curvature aurtother defnrtulties. (See.pttr-
pnlct'nulled, "Mellon us a Curative Ag 11," rant
on rer'of 10 "tit..)
Aadt'es>,ipt Wcrirl'a riapsaaary :Itritoal Assad:at:an.,
for turning 1tuc.0 .t.o,
By an immense Practice at the World's, D:'. ,1'n"
nary and Invalids' lotcl, havin treated manyti:.e., -
tool reta•s of those tlideases peculiar to wino:n,. 1
I:ava laevo cu:third 10 pamilt 10 mn;tp,tttttt 011111'- ::-
ttve remedy 1br 110•0e ,ttot'Sn -S,
To designate tlla turnout specific, I have named :t
Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescript's
The term, however, Is hot a (•'Ole expreaslon't
'a wthl',reniatlon of Its value, based upon 7''r-
,,ttlon. I have, while wttnestain(t 11' )„
tire re:mus its file special Flt -eases Incident 14r 1:. •
rn^rtnism of woman, oh ith'd 1t out ns the eltmnx ar
rrowllnlr gets or my,nedienl career. (01 Its ina't]t•,
• ars a positive, s011:,110,1 1110111) remedy Mr this Cts
of diseases, and ono that will. tit 3111 tlmt•s and andi'r
sit ctrenne:I n res,aIt kindly, I am willing to stake
niv reputation 118 tt physician: and so confident ala
1 that 1l will not disappoint the most satdeduc e: -
41:'1 itt taionmnMti which 1 id.
n ronic:nil 41. that Ilrii'er
cund sell 0 tinder A POSITIVE' GVA1{ANTEE.. '1.1r
a:, ndltlnna, see p.unp00-1 0%rappingbottle., tG
Tito fell,nvi 1.3 are among those diseases in
ttty Favorite t'rexeription has worked cures, as t: 1.
1)41)10, and with acertatntynever before attained. :y
atm Medicine: L'urorrhnnt, Excessive Tluwme.
t'si.Cl )lonthly 1'vr9ntl:, bu',pressions whorl Prot,
unnatural 01111.0S, Irregularities, Weak }mak, I's,-
y, us, nr longing of 111,, Uterus. AntevOrsion ant
11'),'' shm, B'•aring-•loft Scns114011. 1ntrn111
trat, N�'rronc Dopr'sslon Auenttty, i)usponumwy,
r;u•e.ttonlr1 htlstnnriat��ttcc', 1'hrnni'. t`ollgcsri,n
Milli nru1unmitt Dice 51 tet of 11a.1/1'n1s.Intpoi n.',
Ifutrnn ts, or 8tcrilttyS, i..l Female `Vcalutx8'. !
do 1101 extol this 1111.•,011' 110 1t' cher-nil," but It
nrltulttbl; 11,1811s n singleness of porous, 1(4114 w
nom perfect apt:t'fiie In ail chl'oltic diseases of Ili,:
rexuai system of woman. .1t will nottltaaplk,lnt, nor
nil It do hmob In any state nu' condition.
'roost€ who learn hu'lhur Iifernuttlon on liter,. -t'b-
fe'ets can Obtain It in 11 l'b'at'lapa (feat3oft 111 tri"+t
Lancet Ant IOS, he lk ,s.1' nvt'r 111101 P0104,
t+t-patd,m( taral►tpt 11, of Bl :,n. ri treats mtmit'Ir ,
1 ins; dlseast i ir to i''rtnalrs, unit ptvt't fount
4 tin& lk td,tot In m'ar'l to the tnatnagetnrnt of
Soo httw ns. V•taons ...
ARS t CG tatotl�� 1•ttrnnrintlnn sold ly Drotr6lsta
a\✓il 11M'� F�.At rap+r, tYnrlu+a Dlet'...•.t:?r8
f 41 invtd'i'es,lois,, D ti al , \. v.