HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-10, Page 1Vol. VI.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, July 10, t879..
1'11,u1'LItTY T.Ati 1'.
h'iiowit 11,8 tilt+ TttuV40,,•ills 1tntel, I1nnlet1i,Lte
t.•ta:.nyttiun, Apply to .1P M 11tSILALL, 1'lxot•: r.
1116Ji�i�AL1.; Oit • T() 1U N'P.---(>N tel
of tlm best business ss stnlida on Mein Strect,
Etetsr, Ova large and on,iimn•lions store lately
tr'enpiod by the snb.crilter, and formerly in Mr.
11)11113rnderiek, Crud cellar molar port of the
.For particulars apply to JOra N 11111.N1v1-
11A1';, I,lxetor. '
��:1l12i POP SAT,F,'--L-it {3:tiol;T;i;a
es Lino, Stnphl n, sa ,ares, 30 acres elnnrt' I,1
nhuppod, gond brie!, brutes, gond Ftnhle, well
f"nns.l. Lana ssr.'feltt, Ou lake shorn, } of ,t •
mils ?tom Pott 131:11.',, ,thorn hoots rtul throe
limes a, wsek, and " of n. ntiln from (lraurl hemi,
f m,renienttosnhnnl and thereinto, on pond road.
l't•ino, R2811a, tirran omsy; fii,ill .t(l I.li satin,
1)TS'(, drewstor p n
ipA.R11 'i?Oi' SALE. - LOT 22nd,
oonnnaalnn •.Ind, Stephen, adjoining the, eer-
lmrnttintl of Exeter; leo arms; t0 elottred,ard itll in
•!r ss hul.'in anise. •17 Here% seutiorl to trrass 1110t
'S.rrint+.. 'h acres of orchard, ft't: ue honso, a gond
well blickeil, with pomp, and a never foiling
K,•t i of excsllonf water. 2 frame barns, frame
:-.bed A 71'1 -stable, 0)1ee0 010E1 ,c't . It wnil te mere
s tenon hairy f•'ren, 'Tornio to snit purchaser,
The farui will bet rent••d if ort sod. •
Apply to WA, i1.UAII.IN,.i zetnr.
14' 11t;1r F()1L sAL/ lt..-.Tait 1, Con. 1,
1`iddnlph,r , acres, (i9 iulprnvnd, (tont;
Henn, rin tilting hnOon frame b ton, st11h10, %he11,
iri,•;ng bom:nand nih'•r i,utbniluius; two enol
wells of 'rotor.gon.i nrointrd of grafted fr,ut0.nd
lama, ••rile"•tine of e11.'ie,. small fruits. fern, on
tnwnlins 1, 1vt'i n ili,lrbtlph ]n.1 t'sinrtte, 141
miles frog] 1'.nte:•, nntl i Dino 101311 Centralia.
Tarots easy. P11I1.11' 0'RRIT,LY,set, Centralia.
./ F(.'1, 0,1,1.li,-Lot 14, CON -
x reJ.eion 10 tit:111.011, 0010,nit11n . inn n••reo. ,a
onr'.o el•oore•7 t o d 1 it hn•isn trig frtt'nttbmr4
yeas, (kio.l vnicoif ?re iia d, grafted fruit. The
w'r'it 1, w..11 tr,o 'rid in a good tt.tte of culti-
vatini `thee 1 t largo i un utitr of blaek ash,
also „ 10 V104 is 11nte, well, P‘,1* terms mollyto
lil.NL.1 PTIIT 1 TPT't., e'r0elihnl. don s,
1.41A.ltli FOR SALE. -Lot. 8, entices -
81011 19, 1 "borer Gevelty 0.01'(S ionto nr
!,o4,si•at' i'i' Cloar•.t indin 0 ttnoti F+ato nfcul-
tivntina,good ftarlt':' I, ,n:t,, a'id frame, Nom. log
•-*,11111.8, c and we!(oi water, spring creek ruuniu;t
81."0S8 the pions. gnat! nrah'tr,t,;;'+od i'011008. For t
fnftllor pirtia.tinrs, nn tit no tete 111'01111408 or by
Jotter to .!(iiia seas Breton 1'. 0., Ont:u•in.
;tt n v •30,19711. tf.
News from the North'Weat•
Capt, Woods, of Loudon Township,
who left for the fear West, two weeks
ago, via Duluth, scuds the following to
the Loudon Free Press :-
Winnipeg, June 30.
Ninth does quite a business in lum-
ber, a good deal of which ie' sent to
London, Ont, Itnatome quantities of
:nee] rails were beieg unloaded from
the boats on Suntltty. From Duluth
to erlyuden the oountry has a very wild
and deserted appearance, with very few
settlements, Around Glynden there is
a good forming country, rolling prairie
lent(, good buildings and fine looking
crops. After leaving Glynden, which
is at the junction of the Northern Pacific
and i t, L'sul and Pacific, the oountry is
a level prairie, a great portion of it
being unfit for forming, as it is too low
and lift. Sometimes we would pass
ever 15 or 20 miles without peeing any
sign of civilization. At St. Vincent we
took the (;oat down Red River, and ar-
rived t►t Wiuuipeg, at 10.80, on the
24111, For a few days before we arrived
the weather had been very wet and mud
was the order of the day, but Hund here
is quite a different thing from what it
iy in Ontario. here it sticks to you
like wax, and you have to be very caro•
fill in wallclug, es it is as slippery as ice.
A. few hours, however, with it wind, will
make the streets quite hard gild dry
and the more they etre travelled 00 the
sooner they dry. From what I have
seen of the place 1 should say there is
as much business done Bore any day as
Lore is in London, ttiid this is consider-
ed the dullest trine of the year, the
roads being 8o bad. Property in the
city is very high. Some lots on Main
street have bleu sold for $14,000 ; size ;
75 by 100 feet. Hotels rent at from
$150 to 8200 per month. 10 walking
through the city it is surprising• b see
the immense quantities of ll'ricnitural
imi)leineuts of all kinds. Every vacant
Ill A1%1I FOR SALT .-'!',IIL+' 8U13 -
a. scriber offers for sale his faint, Lot 111-
('on,'1t. Towns%tip of traborne Colttlty of 71111'011nt
'+i:11L^•,'o�t e10,1."e.t, the rettiltde good -built, lion
fen+ail. mod in a 1,en4 state of mllr.ivutinn ; nndm•,
it uii''1, and nre.b+n'i!, 811l•01E1M tve11 of water.
fo baro ;MAO, t ice stable 3.i' 01 ng htiuso, and
tly c•nlrnni•r,t to se nal tn,i thrao churches. For
urtherparticninr hath to
'VAI e1e',\ C Fiirldon P'A.,or
lilt. Il.'a , i.Ll.1tIT, 1t,,'Anel ti , E:toter F.O.
neat iu the ground. On the prouiisrs there two
IL good hewn long nett:;', good frame stobip, 40-10!,
f l 0n.1 a young bearing orchard ; also goad well,
brit:kc,l;o:o feet d1,.•l, with pump ; wen fenced ;
11t • S lin.,111.1,1 post -stile.: within V.111'1'00,1, 1 ai miles/'
from Parichill, .1 ,1 00 1110111 road front Park.
hill to (Grand i lend. J or furtht r particulars np-
plc on the premises or by Iottar to DAVI%
iR,1NS011, II:trple, p, 0, Fc.l .20,
semen S>5:,.•.. m,
home should have plenty of money o
be content to rough it for a few yea
uutil they can make themselves a co
fortable home.
From what we can learn, there ar
very few who complain of this oountr
after having settled, and the longer the
ally here the better they like it, The
are a few, however, wholere discourage
at first by the change they meet with.
We have not ,heard of any, as yet, who
are leaviug for the United States, al-
though we met with some parties on
the boat on our way up who had been
to see this country and bad gone beak,
and were then ou their way to settle in
Dakota. There are several parties that
came up with 113 fralii. Ontario who are
guing to Bird Tail Ureek with us, Par-
ties who have been to Bird Tail Creek
speak very f.tvorably of it as la farthing
oountry. We :have met with several
old friends from London anal vicinity,
since we came here. Mr, A. D. Osborue
ex -peeve of London Towuship, who is
formiug a company to work a coal
mine on the Cyprus River, 150 miles
west of this plane; Mr. 1IughMcDonald,
late of Hide Pari:, who is extensively
engaged in the wood and coal business;
Scottie McIntyre, another Hyde Park
roan, who ]reaps a Breese Hotel, where
we are stoppiug fur a week, one of the
best hotels iu the city; Jtl, lion O'Connor
of Loudon, who is building a Ittage
hotel; W.II. Thompson, who represents
John Green 141 Co., of London, in the
dry goods live, and several others who
add to the busiuess enterprise of the
r I measured sixteen inches from tip to tip
yew of its hind legs, and thirteen it poles
1 from head to toe.
At a barn raising a few days ago in
e Hibbert, a man named Pepper hid
Y his head cut open by the falling of one
y of the bents. He was taken to Hen -
018(611 where medical aid was soon in at -
Thunder storms seem to be the order
of the day here. Alter a sultry day we
are sure to have a night of heavy rain,
thunder and wind. we have had three
of these storms within a week The
heavens were a continual blaze of light,
and the rain fell iu turrente Last
night was the last I1' have haat. The
whole country around is flooded, and
travel is almost itupossible. If it does
not come dry weather soon the crop-
they can be bought pt a Tory alight ail- twtieu this and Portage is Prairie, the
ill lot 111 the city is filledwith thele and
will be ruined. At Bide St. .Item, bo•
acnes, bei', , south half of luta,, ponces.
tion 20, Stephen, 37 aures Bleared, 9 totes fill
• Atutttonetri. Silt* promptly attended
to, DM g of sal,:s ,Lrraigze l at this office
r�1ii1 0t LEBI;.A,'1'EI) STALLWN,
"CLEAR (iltt'l',' will stand at alto's hotel
every Jioudaty night during the season
April' 14, 1p'r'23 tf
TOTIttE.-ON `i'li'L+' SEEUOND 01?
-L. .TIIIAT ln;t a one-horse }plow was takcu
tenni the promises of to a bscriber. If so hi plow
is returned f.,rbh with a reward of live dollars W ill
b t given by Jnoel tr darilsa,•v,
�T, J. CLAIla, Agent for the Us.
`e • borne and R Wert Mutual Fire !flagrance
(innlpany, Residence - Farquhar.' Orders by
snail promptly attended to.
D • Land Surveyor, dm., will Le at the
It y.t1 Hotel. tSeetor,on the first Tuesday funneh
month. Or(lers for work left with Alr, John
Spackman will r e00ive rt rOmpt t ttoution.
.c-_►•• the" oho appointment of 3fessrs, Mason &
Hurlsnn,Ileneall, as agents of the 7ltutaiil Frio In•
sarttnce Company of the Monty of Wellington, is
this day caneallod,nud Mr. JOHN 7IY Nl) 3lAn will
in future act es agent for Exeter and vicinity.
I3y order,
CHARLES ngvinsort,
(1uelpb,Deconsi:or 4th, 1879. 15-tf. See:'r:eee
Full Plate. llevolvers,7 Stot
FOR f,".5:),..50
haying been made nodally Thr the Ltigilieh,
Enseiau and American Armies. Only to be
,1y�T��y1 had 1frrrom®
Importer of
GLASS, eeo,, &c., &c,,
votive On Loudon prices. Reapers,
river has overflowed its belie .. and h
$140 ; prairie ploughs, $23 to $27; flooded the surr'nndiug country.
There are quite a number delays
here through wet weather, and win
have to take the boat as far as Rapid
City, which is 86 miles Bile side o
Bird Tail.
The Indians held a big pow -wow at
Fart Garry on Saturday last. It was
regally amusing to see thein in their
various costumes. One would have an
nld plug hat, stuck fell of feathers, and
00 oltl rod coat, brit minus pants;
others their than• filled :with feathery
,and the tails of small animals, Mill n
bright colored sl'awl or red blanket,
their faces streaked with red, with blue 2
or greeu aro,yes
n is the e.
Fisl]ory reports from all sections of
Crepe 13retan are most encouraging.
good wagon,, potent arm, $70; native
oxen sell at from $80 to $130 per yoke;
a Iti:d !liver cart can be bought for $13,
new. These are the only things lit for
travel on the prairie. They are trade
entirely of wood, and are very heavy -
looking affairs. An ox will travel from
10 to 20 miles a clay, with ten hnudred-
weight, in cue of these sorts.
For three or four miles around 'Win-
nipeg there is very little farming done,
the ground being low and swampy, Int
what crops we saw were very good. We
have new potatoes here already, which
soli for $4 per bnshel. How is that.
for Winnipeg ? All kinds of garden
(;tuff here looks better than in Ontario.
The absence of fruit trees is a noticeable
feature of this place, it few small pear
trees being all we could see in that line
since we carne here. We have it from
good authority that the average per acre
for wheat around Winnipeg list year
wits only 20 bushels ; oats yield from
50 to 60 bushels; barley, 40 to 50. Ap-
Messrs. Burns, Bryce, and Sleight -
holm of London have been elioeen by
the Colonization Society as it deputa-
tion to go to Rainy River to inspect
the land offered the Society by the
John H. Hargrave, of London, who
was sentenced to the penitentiary for
three years for ilt-troating a girl at the
hair factory which he conducted, has
been released after serving two years.
The returns of the London Court of
Revision show that $13,650 was taken
off the assessment roll and $11,760 ad-
ded, making the aotual result a decrease
of $1,000.
The Executive Committee of the Do-
minion Exhibition meet at Ottawa on
Wednesday to make arrangementa for
the extension of the exhibition build -
lugs and grounds.
AC the Quebec City Council, on
Friday night, the Mayor spoke very
strongly against the proposed lensing
of the Government. railway, and threat-
ened a public rneetiug of citizens to
protest against it.
The preventive officers at North Syad-
het', 0. B., made another seizure last
week, of set era.] boxes of smuggled to-
bacco on board the steamer Geo.
Shattuck, She was released on the
captain giving bouds.
The fishing on the coast of New-
foundland is reported good at Bonne
Bay, Cape St. Marys, Renews and
Ferryland. Fish are reported scarce
to the north of St. Johns. The crops
of the island have been injuriously af-
Ifeeted by the late coutiuous oold
Ten convalescent small -pox patients
were discharged on Saturday from the
two hospitals at Ottawa. This leaves
only eleven patients remaiuing. By
Weduosday next it is expected that the
number will be still further reduced to
five. Last week there were only two
Inewcries in the city.
The St Foye monument in honour
of the braves who perished in the battle
of St.Foye of 1760, has been repaired
at a (lest of $300 under the direction of
the St. Jean Baptiste Society, of Quebec
1The pillar has been newly bronzed, a
nett' fence erected ronud it, and other
irnpravemets made.
.A. member of the school of gunnery
at Kingston deserted on Friday. He
cleared off with au exeurtion party to
Watertown and did not return.
On last Saturday Mr. (George Mien -
pies sell for 10 cents each, roe, of the Goderich mills, met with it
NATURE OF SOIL. serious accident in falling over his mill
The black surface soil is from. 1 to 3 dam and breaking his leg.
feet deep, under which is a rich marl The residence of Mr. Wm. Rooks
clay. Where there is a fall for the London, was entered by thieves or.
water it is only necessary to dig through Tuesday night, and it gold watch, it re -
the black surface soil, when the water volver, and several other articles stolen.
twill out a -channel through the clay, in Sherbrooke, N. S., produced one
feet, ie is apt to wash the clay not to thousand ounces of gold in June.
fast where there is a good fall. Bnt if Three thousand five hundred ounces
the black soil is not broken, the water Lave been produced there in the last
will lie on thesurfleceuntil itecapora:es• as months,
From the free nature of the sub -soil tile A bv.btw granting a two tliousaud
drains Would he useless, as they would dollars homes to the Stratford and
soon become choked ep. Huron Railway Company, was carried
Good drinking water is scarce, and it by a ntlanrnlnit8 vote at the v1113cge of
is is very rare thing to see pump here..i3auuver yesterday.
There are some fine springs, from which Darragh, who was '(tilted on the
the water is drawn 1n tarts to the
citizens at considerable expense.
this season are not very encouraging on
account of the wet weather and bad
state of the roads, Parties coming in
froth the west report the roads as unfit
for travel, the water is some places three
feet deep, so that parties going west
will have to take the boat as far as
Portage la Prairie, or even beyond that
point. The river is navigable to Fort
Ellis. The great drawback to the
ountry i9 the want of timber. Lutnber
o worth from $'25 to $85, and $45 for
tressed. stuff. Fire wood is worth from
track at London last week is said to
leave a wife in Kingston who will re
ceive about $1,200 from the railroad
The crop prospects in Prince Albert,
North-west Territory, are splendid.
The crop reports from the different
parts of Manitoba are encouraging,
though considerable loss has id
tained by the heavy rain 11 certain
It l3en Miller the premieeo of Mr.
Jonathan Miller were entered on Satur- v
day night, and robbed of $86. From m
the peculiar feelings of the he:metes next ti
The Loyal Grand Lodge, I. 0. G. T.
of Nova Scotia, held its animal session
last week at :ridgewater, Lunenburg
(enmity. Forty one members were ini-
tiated into the Grand Lodge degrees
1 50 representatives of the order were
in attendance. The grand Secretary
reports sixty-five' lodges and 2,728 con-
tributing members
An Indian bas been arrested at Fort
Saskatchewan, near Edmonton, for
'unrderiug and eating his wife and four
children, The Mouuted Police friend
the bones and skulls, which had been
boiled said the flesh taken off. The
81[11114 were smashed and the brains
Intelligence has been received of an
unusual and ehooking attempt at. mor-
der at Long Island by a young boy,
aged 15 years, the victim being his
companion, who is several years yonng-
er than the would be murderer. The
latter, it appears, seized hold of his
victim by the throat with the one hand,
At East Farnham, Quebec, there is
a boy who says his name is Charley
Rose, and answers the description very
well; says he was brought from New
'York by two men a long time ago. He
fives :lith a man who speaks no Eng-
lish, and is reticent and sullen when
questioned about the boy or himself,
Hs says he does not know nr care who
the boy is. lIe is paid $150 for his
keeping, the drafts being sent to dlim
from New York every six months.
These drafts are signed n. Edward Pier•
son," payable at Molsons Bank, Mon-
trPrtl. Mr. Ross and parties from
Philadelphia are expected here to in-
On Friday afternoon the (teat was
cry oppressive in Brantford, and loud
itterings of thunder to the north in-
ioitted a big storm, bit of its serious
morning it is surmised they had been r
$4 to $5 per'cnrd, and very inferior at chloroformed. No elite
that. Coal 117.50 per Lon. Parties A frog was killed in the Maitland 'p
iutencling to' Mahe this 'botintry their river at Wineham' laic week, which w
clouds. The hail carried ruin and die-
truetion in its trail, Mr. Hill,a farmer"
near the city, had four great barna
blew]: to pieces, Mr. Boyee, another
farmer, living near ;Mir. Hili, had his
orohard completely destroyed, Immense
elms and oaks were twisted into kind-
ling wood. Waggons, Barrages,
sleighs, reapers, ploughs, &e., were
smashed to atoms. Mr, Sovereign's
barn, earth of Paris, was moved 10
feet from its foundation. Fields of
grain were deetroyed wherever the
storm passed. All the witnesses agree
in describing it as a funnel -shaped
On Thursday afternoon Wne. N.
Ryland, of London 'Township, commit-
ted suicide in his brother's barn, in a
most determined manner. He was
widely knowu, acid although perfectly
harmless and gniet, was generally re-
garded as being of unsound mind. On
the afternoon in question he had par-
taken of a hearty dinner and appeared
to be in the best of spirits. About five
and with the other belabored his de-
fenceless victim with a long stink.
After beating him with the latter, he
became unconscious, and the young
man dragged the body several hundred
yards to a creek, into which he threw
the body. The cold water immedi-
tely restored the viotim to conscious-
ness, and his cries for assistance ate
traeted his mother, who lives close by
end happened, fortunately, to be pass-
ing at the time. At the approach Of
the victim's mother the youthful fiend
made off and has not been ,seen. The
names of the parties 'to the affair aro
not given for fear of obstructing the
process of the law. A warrant has
been issued for the arrest of the yolith.
hours afterwards his body was found
hanging by the neck from a rope strung
over one of the stall partitions. It was
evident that death bad resulted from
strangulation, as he was in a sitting
posture when found. Under the cir-
cumatences it was deemed unnecessary
to bold au inquest.
General 14ews•
Saturday afternoon Arrs. Samuel
Bergy of Freeport, Mich, shot and in-
stantly lulled two cf her children sea
fatally wounded another, and then shot
herself. She is believed to be insane.
A correspondent at Paris, sei]fis the
foltowing: The Journal de Ara rbports
that in a hurricane on theRiver Doubs,
a steamer: with fifty-three passengers
was sunk, and only five persons were
A powder mill employee at Gamot
Falls named Stetene, an experienced
gunner, while trying to fire two rounds
per minute last evening was killed by
the bursting of a cannon, which blew
off both arms and tore Lis stomach out.
Dog Before Husband.
Mr. S. E. Tate, the gentlman refrred
to in previously printed accounts of the
eeplosion of the steamer May Queen,as
the person who was inetrumentali.I re-
scuing several persons from ,the wreck,
furnished one rather ludicrous incident
connected with the catastrophe; Me.
Tate, who was fishing in the Vicinity
and was an eye -witness of the explosion,
hurried to the wreck with ars intention,
of rescuing any unfortunate that might
need succor. His search among the
debris resulted in discovering a lady
imprisoned the rear cabin in the only
portion of the boat that was not blown
almost to atoms. Some six feet of
the stern was left uninjured, and the
roof above had been driven down: mid
in here the lady was found. As 8btu
as Mr. Tate discovered her condition
he put his boat np to the only renfaitl-
ing window, and, atter some persever-
ance and the exorcise of a little neces-
sary force, he induced her to crawl
trough the aperture into the boat.
Her first ejaculation after being rescued
was: -"Ont my poor deg; ace if yen
can't find hien." lt•Ir. Tete had other
)usiuess to attend to just at that time
hd so informed her, lent at her earnest
olicitationa looked- about for it dog, but
without success. Imagine his surprise
when, a minute inter, the lady pointed
o a gentletnan, who, half in the water
lid half out, was zliitgiug, beside the
ugineer, to it large piece 01 the tvreolk
hat was floating 10 the vicinity, and(trammed cut; -."Oh, ley poor ltnebitntlt
ore enoxgli, it was her husband, and
ml, fitrtl'ivately, hilt little- injured,
'hedog's corpse floated Co the surface
few minutes after the' pasaehgero
eadhed the above.
esultsthe people were ignornnt. Re, it
nrts oommg in show that a great tr(1-
iced storm passed near the city, ft a
as an itlrsneuse pillar of eledtradal ,1'