HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-7-3, Page 88
Average ettoutlauee 1irt 6 menthe
ee:ese for he year 98 iem yours in aul boucle of Ohri4tiaa love,
J. W. Uu roues.
iitst Fs.
De Ceediton, 3tuii 28,1870,
No, verges recited by the gitte. ...... 11-4•111.-411*-- •
6 61 61 by
• • .)23 AN OP LhA T SPOILED.
suli•4criber will purchase and
pay ;pen oe trade a first -anis nage), for a
smo,rt handsome driver, tour ef 1i,%0 ye,,rs om,
Linst be aimed in every ral.t.:et„ a, good traveller
matt low prtcete acme orator neon be offered.
JOLiN W ltIT0,121t11s 0- tee, Waster.
Che greler it:10,
.Total for the year 4.891.
The greetest mutter of versos recited woe by II0W B.tentlleD DIAN rlinNi ST TIloarAS
Rehm Blake and E. Down, PLAYED Hewn.: W1111 11111. llitAitT OR AN
IIN11 T111,.11i
PLANs wane'. lye •ET ItY A LADY WM>
11A, AN iv relteiet IN THE ISTAlloblite
Receipts Irani weekly oollectious #16 78
Reeeipts front Exeter lantiverstey 15.29
e o it from meld cream social 34.75
• TIIURSDAY, JULY 3, 1879. GEN mittiAN.
Plmtrenee. -A uumber of tho yonng people
a theVi1l84 erenrted to the lake on Tuesday
and spent the day pleeeitattly.
tatewax.—A horse belougang to itek
Total rocoipte
Dieburereents.. .. . 63.28
r -
About a yew avtoc,“Til,e)::;1.111i)
111111 11tUrh of the i11.nf
Bal. on hand 3•5S borne, len itortw of her flti hers trmi waited in exchange for goods at Southcotb
The net. proceeds of the socilail held ou Tir08. went to a ,,,11 ninung 14 van gen., in thy
(ley amettated to e67.79.
• town or litaTllontits. titere A choice stook
SztoonNo:t.Urex.--ExErca Ao4txt VisTost. mat, bt came enamored of and coacto,tr.
outs. --4)u Tuesday mom/11g hot, as was pe- Vd t gilt &man of middle life alto went
viouely anneutleed, a tthoceing metal between he the name of We-1)4(er, a hen itt her
A the Whigham end Exeter Gaut:Rube took place presence. 1.7 tail a the iteirri, of
Olark rau away ou Saturdry evening had., uo-
the »iiviug Park, Dad, as tts,tal, Exeter 8heltest Fetes unmrdy, w ho aever told
lag eouelderable damage to the baggy,
, balls and five eieeons. The first ten worm. reed upon 11.e donotek rot.es of
her etuelc, elm confess. d her ott
(or the elderly %tome', and learned that
her 1eve vas returned with all the
earteth of • bioll pnesiounte lettere
w ctspeldeo About 0111 1 roue e e.
hutted home, awl the glad 00011 at
epee em end " Aggie " ns engem
fd to a V10111013' N1111,,i) (11 T.1.10111aN
and WON 10 be war lied in lite soling.
Severn) timee Webster, fur such he
called leimeelt, ciente her, titer ths
weddieg (ley was fixed for March.
The ides of ',Vern teteettl, alai the wed-
,inee was postponed, Alni1 renewed,
aud the happy day was tlt off May
also, and tho gossips tedlit 'nil wonder -
ea, 11,11(1 1,1'011(t4,t ed tend talked. A week
ago last &Aurally trash ietereet was
to ti e rOPOr by tile. 11r -
at the girls home of a watnen
eat...Lilly about forty plat; of age, wh,)
made titan tlit•tz nnoul,eenlek that
she wart tho wife of ---u tlita W. lister,
am the happy wooer celled f
lint Thintme Feanoie. For the inft ir-
meg ot tiW fittntlY Khe t hal ahe
had hi en merited to him 010Vtantveli
yetrars and hail a daughter 14Kit.eft yams
f ego, tula a boy of I Aa'ter am-
ino the girl to bee are, Mrs. Ftanois
took Iter departure. Bnt the eittets
r. ached ou Fra' last week aIt ti
1,11 encie, ofies Wela•ter, 801.0810(1agaie.
tie wag mei with upbriedinge tied. emit 11'
be 0, inc member', kit' the fltniiy.
Ids kivfol.ce aaid the %%entail who had
brought the tronble onco him wag hiA
hieee, that he willed hoe $1.000,
o blab she feared she would I tgr, if he
married. This ho said p ten OA hor
1'' fi.ke her cenr e. Teie
eat: evideo 11v sad famery to tins girl
and her mother,_ but not to the Nth. r,
o ho, 11111VP.V...1; did not know wtiquwr
It. intoPere or lint, and while he vas
halting het wean two opinions 11)0 in&
Marled tor Exeter.. About three hours
:the: their aepari e, 111rit, IP) tio. (tie
emzeo mama Timmy HD
a as 3,1
Vlice2P =a 0
100,000 DOZEN E61(218
o'llb was viotodous Each man. shot at ten lior 'eve hut 44 lorceallt e
Y. P. O. intldt,ing of the B. 0. Yonne! --'-- • I lie It
ee lrla /all SS•1,1,1 01 tih 1e h,ld 111
shots were at belle, tont we eau account for the
the basetuont of the chareh Tuesday (V0)1' poor score made the home team in this
ing. p. rt of the match, in comparison with their
Firgosa Otrr,—On Monthly last Mr. John usual someg, by the feet Unit they shot balls
Taylor the misfortune., to cut the 5011 eff from a rotating trap, brought by Wiughton
the bailee finger of hi, loft hand. ehile workiug club, which throw the balls iu au entirely dif-
at a "sticking" machine. ferent way from am traps they have been no-
.A.Prouvrza.--At the last meeting of the West cut:toned to shoot from, and havipg 'sever
Moon Teaeheis' Assoeiatiou, ltekt in (hider- mut such a trap befoie, they were a little put
Mv. Whereas Gregory, principal of tho
Exeter Public Sobool, W£1611111)(,intea as a Llete.
gate to the next meeting ol the Provincial Ab•
Ben SALL.—A game of Base Ball 'as piny.
ed between the Exetee and Crediton base hall
entbe ou S ,turdaybest. tesulting iu favor of the
Crediton clah by 31 to 12. Our boys say they that six of the Exeter team will shoot a
would aeve beateu, had the pitcher not sulci lagenu match (eat•h ciao to shoot at 16 birth)
with six inembere of any other etub:iu Onta,
shooters to be members of the elith for at least
one ever, for ,560 si,le ; Dominion rules,
ouuce shot (Professionals excepted.) it will
be remembered in looking, over the score that
the live live shots were at pigeons. The fol-
lowing is the score :
out by the cluoige, brit they will hese a similar
trap in a few days, and with a little practice
will be able to show their eht soort.s. But it
will be named by looking over the some,
which we append. below, that the home teem
were quite "at house" when pigeons were put
int the traps. We ars wethesized to s.er
the game.
Tits PIIUM—D0V, Mr. Cheppel preached in
the B. C. churels Sunday leseamoruittg, and
evettieg. The Rov. gentleman, although
somewhat ailvernisa in years, rcecheet tee
inetructive sweetens. ,fr. Chapp el has
been eupereee!uated, and intends soon to re
mere ta the Malted Settee to spend the re- marrea
raninder of his days. in the Methodist char& P. G. Simpson 01 1 1 1 0 1 3.1 11 1 1 1 1--13
Rev, Mr. E.'err, of Kirkton, olIliciatscl at the P. Curtin. 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0-10
A.Imke01000 0 1.01 111001— 7
T.13.1ssett 01101 0111011111-11
, A.. Thight0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1—
J. Westcott001100000011111-7
Saz.clers.,1 Oil / I 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1— 8
8. rairliairu1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 11 1 1 0-12
mareiag mot evening sorviees and spoke to
the Sa.sbatiaeoltool aflame in the afternoon
Rote G. L. Mi obeli, 13. A., preaohed at EA
Fizetane's PeoCESSION.—OU D031'0111011 Day
about nine o'clock the members of fire com.
party No. 2. met at their engine room end.
merehed in procession through Maio street in
full uniform, drawing their engine and hose
cart with them. They halted at several tanks
oe their route and tested the eugine. With
the exception of the hose lett stiug at the Unit
tat the corner of Burma St, eet, everything,
worked splendielly. The firetneu peesented
tate appearance evlii!e matching and woriced
eeell while on the brakes.
Ram &me—Heavy showers of rain &nom -
panted by tutrider and lightning have been
irevene of. late, but the storm on Etitley
:night was partici-alas ly severe. bhortly before
11 o'clock the vivid electricity flashed, tits
thender Tolled, and the Mill descended in
torrents. accompanied by a heavy wiud from
the nortlawest. The young people from Exe-
ter, who were on their way from the Fairfield
strawberry feetival, forted that it was a great
blessing to be in possession of an umbrella—
that is those who were fortunate enough to be
provided with them — the greater ten -
:son of them had to (tumult themselves a ith
learning how leant it is 110 11011 tneke previ-
sion fora rainy night as well as a rattly day.
A FI1ACTI01.04 H0711U.-011 Thursday even-
ing last, aline s. hem belotigirg to Mr. E.
Doherty, agent for Mr. R. M. Racey, hardware
merohailt, Clinton, was Hianding in front of now entre., when we inuet apese to zee, gm
as 0111' pastor.we shall be g'ad to welitonzsee
D Bratred'e bleelternith shop, it WAS stung you
by a her, wh'ea caused it to run through the yr whonever Ton come among us. The anti -
ramp, the doors of which were open. The eed .vc1,7egenit;:.s4 '):sgst%:1111 peopleihave
beast was so crazed by the sting of the bee God. in Ihe growing prospeiity 08f th7sciiiigurchf
and congregation, which will Always be a
that it jmneed over every obstacle that was in
tie way. The limit. of the baggy was badly
plyasant,refisetion. We wiqh before you go
iTygipereeLoitlitaili.liNn.ociaiettIlliiroef of ou:
smashed by colliding with a post while the F eletensitn"
frsultiO horse was jumping round the shop, I Purse Walt protteuted). We 11301111.1.see t
Deherty doe o not care for the stnasbine whau the 111"1"'InV Pr"e ki"
of the buggy, though,as 11 15 all for the good of mfreo..1situNg.ittierbprxo.amptere action may he that
ths trade in which bothhe zed the firm wltfrh dregs without giving expieeetscaluot7tte°oInasret 1114 'Axil:
tied appprosta1 of the (Might,* dotnealt: ti;;
he repreeeute are interested, Mr, D. took
the train for Crattort ou Thersdey evening tom
, Mrs. 1111101)81 ae miuieter's wife. Bo: h else
ra eour fetnily have won our eonfidence mad
returned on Seturday months; for his home) eepect. We hope 11 follow you aud you's
stud conveyance. • with oar prayers that you may continue to be
heap! together, that showers of bleAsiegs fluty
Pacrtanexce &UMW:Altar F.OSTIVAL.
upon you white lithe:elle the
strawberry fest'val whit+ was held in eortnec- circuit where yon are about to go, and that
tion with the Peovidenoe 33, C. Sabbath-schoul
va Tuesday was in every way even more talc -
o moral than was anicipated. They weather
we; all that coald he do,oreal, and A.Cr• Slum -
ton's grave rtiferded shelter from the rays of
the sun. At two o'cleek Mr. Win. Grieve jr.,
he siteeriaten lent of the selmel, nave la 1 the
platform and tniele a few appropriate remarks.
I -iv
35 63536343787 06-74.
Valla ..1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 01 1 1 0 1— 8
albot .0 0 1 1 1 0 0 01 1 1 1 0 1 2— 9
inealtey1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 11 1 1 / 1 0-11
(neon 311110100101001-9
i'oeler 001011001000010-6
Toon 100111010111111-11
Griffin .010010100011000— 6
49 3 3 4 6 735 4-09
Exeter 74
Wingbam 69
Eseaer won by 6
& Son's otoze.
inst., received, consisting. of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots and
shoes. Conic with. your butter and eggs.
.00.1”WWWWWWWWW[t.WWW1WWWWW"Tir#W.M.20.14.WWWWw..0 r”0"...,
1.17t iF.1.21Eurt,"v:
W.11-14 1,7M,
• i Tan Ira CZ
,Ai1 4141) '154 Zock"
SOME SP 113 I A.11 L I IN" 17,
and will give their custozners the benefit, Just look
Black Striped Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 1.0 cents.
Black Plaid Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 15 cents. Color-
ed Grenadines, worth 35 cents, for 13 o,,nts. Colored Stripe&
Grenadines, worth cents, for only 13 cents, Ladies' Black
Lace Shawls, worth $1.35 up, for 50 cents.
L400d Butter `"-4
Eggs .11 <N,
in large oautities 21,.,112'„TTOIT 731107.,,
turned and report:Pa her etery. prodee• .1 3: 1115467131 S kO,
IhtnNEINTATION AND Aennees.—A i"g. such proof.that there WKS tOt Itottht
purse, aeanipauied by the followiug addrese, ist8t,(rii,iiiit(1,1;11 m
6. he t.lt,e,ttinrelitno„ri:eIt147,1.11).412,7
was presented to ROWS. W. Butcher on the ev- I
had gone home, and Taft the girt in Ex
euiug of the 94th ult.. in behalf of the Eve -
ski. over eight. Seturtley inortsing
181 33(1. society and friends, on the eve of hie
he returned Inque, going a way whieh
departue froin Szetex:
DIM.11, Pee-rote—We cannot allow you to go ti h •
1 ellen travelled in 011101 to tiv-id
tnee of, or fat let, who 0811 comin.,
t it i.tt " illtrt4 Vit'r 111.1.., Ilona WiliiA 110
allt first giving yon an exp. eseion of our high )1- •
appreciation of your faithful labors during the watt going home she ten tuned to Exeter.
three years you have been with us. We wish Tile girl cilitits Unit she WON tllarri' ii
to assare yon that emu. faithfulness in the pul. t , Islit-Leter in .f..1 mato' on 11)1' 17th
pit in declaring the whole counsel nf God your .7,111,,, the day (he Exeter 6,11,,,i I
frequent plc...total visits, your Undeviating at-
attention to the sick, your geniel turn of mind School had their excuesiott to port
and happygspirits, as well as our belief in your Sta.tley, she 1tocrouptseling thr 10, and
outs, nialte,. (it 'realm' oharacter, havo. great. g • tt i ng nil' lit D111(11111 fur the pat pose
ly endeared yon to ua. Although the tune .10 •• . ,• . ,
or itattog the 'mot tirci. The people
in the tieiteitborhood are firmly impre 4S -
t d Willi the belief that IV, biter is ti.
eihertitre eard serionely (Joni oin plete
giving him a 0 tat of tar °mimeo
tea 4411,41 feathers aud at ft ee ride
on the buttinese itegle ef a roil if he
makes his appearance in Thhorne. ' M
tue present li1:10 (110 gni i in Exntvr
probably et Waiti 111,r the rat um or him
.410 .. 114458 bot, incea io vain." But a
11104181ml, [tip to Florida ha. heeu epoil-
ed ley' the Irearrlese M)t4. Fl wicis, for
errengemente had been made that 1 he
temple slinr1.1 get mart ied and proceed
to Floticia there to pest Vine 1 etnaieder
of their happy days.
from our midst to another field of labor with -
when the toils of life are over that yen all 0187
eternally rest in Heaven.
tairored in Whet/ of the Exeter B. C. !moiety
anti friends, jOrienens bneta.
I :Ione P. CLAIIR.N.
Mr. Betelter makes the following eppropriate
brae Fannies. -'4 wish through the mums
of this paper to express nty sincere thanks and
Impel/Amnon of the megnanintone feeling valid,
Enjoy Life.
What e. trine, beantilail we live iot Na-
ture gives 114 grandoar of nionsitains. gleus,
mai on ails, crud thousands of meatre for en-
joyment. We can desire. no better when in
perfem health ; but how atm) do the majority
or ueoele fool like giving it up dieheartetied,
disnonragell and worrttel out with loser eathen
there le uo occasion for this feelaig. 54 et ow
stuf eer can easily Obtain satisfitetory proof
that tereem'e August Flower willenake them es
atter he reed the financial report of thefree from di eeee as when born. Dyspepsia
eliepte:t you to oxhibit such a tangible proof
echool from July, 18741 till 1st July, 1873, of yew glimiatill and liberality 10 tho valuable t and Liver Complaint is the direct cau-e of
8:tee,,hes wore made by Bsv. Mr. Attire of piesenteeimi to me on the eve of my removed I "veiny -live per caut, of saels ineladioe as 33111-
%mm:4.11.a/e1 Rev. Mr, Cheopel, of Ingereollfrom among yea. 3 feel that the. luring ouetteoe failigestiou, :doh idea blithe, core
4)115 titI sempethy and 811100.1 prsyers nese, Ni'r5008 Ptoateation, inzzittees of the
, a .mat poem.: ws e 1110a arta e value • • ) 0 10 k Cal all 012eT te-
r '11 111 • r
sinvng by thee]tildren aided roateriary to P 'tat' f tl 'I t ti 1 d'
rt, • • ,!
the catjeyment of thoee 'who Ware mete'', to 1.08 ,151 miler noon my iirm fiel,l 2 1abe1. i crossing eytaptoing. Three dew; of August
the platform, whits others ettjoyed themeoleat have WitligaSK1With. pleasere and gratieule to Flower will prove its woudorful died. Semple
at playing ceognet aud whffiltbn 11,0ther
e All-lathe unity of spirit ih exi4enee bottloci, 10 °outs. Try it.
sun hai sunken in the 0551 iii' crowd
tantly disperser' after having spent n ptet,nto,
.1mo= roe and feel to attribute eny 5(2044)185 or
pr.otZpority ettendent 0)! my 116(1;810110d. Al- For all purposes of a fantily medicine IDG-
7....,,,!;I:ttiee0111.Y tio vthich binds vetoes Yereetw OM wit' b 4 found invalliable.
erea -were
'PT! Nri! eke TIM
.afee4e oetaaai: `aesig'
/1113. 8cbseriber begs to annour.ce to the inhabitants Of Banter and thee rroutaliog eoun
try, that he has op neu a TIN and le 1 OVE/ DEPOT in the store tlearly oppeeite 7e1r. 11
A. Afaeee 4rocary anti liquor store, 7.1.laiu street,. Excite', where he is ii.epraett to 11 11 allerde,
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
At Manufacturers Prices.
Enware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made .tzp practic..41
workmen on the preiniseS.
elryo-TronctinzA6no to *flier, Carrie e inea ,i9scialty. C011! Vbinineys,
very beat anti none cheaper.
Intending purchasers will always; find rap s.1 pos really to all )fl d tr, my own busines
and prepared at all times to treat castomers courteously anti FniTly tiosm. nith a good10:d
cheap ertio o. Depona upon it. that. nowhere 0511. 00 get better value for your moiety.
The vary highest price in Cash pt-iid for Hides and Sheep eki DS.
Exeter P 0, Octol.er 15 1877.
.11WWWWWWWWAWIWWWW.RWWWWWWIWT.R0WWMWM. Awesysemagrnrenammmargsrwerol.,rronormn eyn ..rn-na :own we,
r 7,1 rP
eoeaN eLet2 'eiratiJ
eL.Seet ea,
eicte • C.
and BLACK TzA.8,
mt.:,,elicino,. Tad (0E0e/tug; ja tha neleab iaae, leteter elle palate together ha berm eeve"ed by Int ineLilitte relief will follow 118 ONO. It, re. 111TTEE ft '113131 IND Pt0lt1',1Nt
118. 311.A.ritS. (MS. WINES AND SVtatIPS, L't
rad to kisove juni,ht and or asidr that f -leaven's 0)1141055) barite, cote's, ti,euitare ir rietta:eitt Lao.
dlp A 1,1-N% lee hearel shalt often be, with yeti in lie+ es paha emu,Ciltblftitllt, hos hoes,
Sebool re-op:mad July, 1878; with about 25 heeeenge tatty he al1'if4'11 00 your pathway 1144
echelexe. to r you 12141,11 the church rnilitaut ehall
a'-bopa; 04a.l I tee! f the tlitureh triumpiant, 141150.75y5
For otter:el use it s• none the lee wolfImre].
011004 two coses frequeny cure tore -throat.
Lwill atro trouin s few minute.% a. few
312 • " tt .. ;55 1015510 4141111
hothicui has ort.tx cured. asthma. Collo hr
" eirls "ci .... 56 c.T. , • 11 1 nt whore ,i drit% blew' been mired ill tlftetea sninutee by a teaspoorfal
whoa, tri, 1,4 twid,.., fapoeFerii, with felon& thew. it (.1/1ll' with thenee
uttt rapelity. it la
tfe,Aatiers ttail ofio....re I q
- P14 1,4(1 inr spe.rt, isy faith 1.11.445 47)1,514 really a wonderful m0(1101110. For halo at Cu
No. tea:Ashes:a of:Ims 1.3141 54311015n5..,.124 Around Ono eauntou mt..ey act,. .
e ft 11241 iirau btoA', 1.4er.
searell,111ISLI ANDC1011.10X WEISICIES., TO LI.S.OUOS Alto C1,1.33f1,
Wholosala and RAW,
. A.,GE,
1114 St.root,E occ.t.