The Exeter Times, 1879-7-3, Page 7'.r t •,'10.' S/• A ,7D 1IU°el SHINERS, Uig an August eveciiug 7Ir, John Nor. Rrr-oe , tielterinen and gtutlentilt) of 1ei- hitt. e to eu eeth,liat; along the steep bee Se of ay e.e eell it ibut)ery ttf Now River, i4'",titer;. �'tt'(;litlt4– lt)at., ilia send wise ,t t a a, and be had not the !„tt l t,tn"tof n:' road /route. He knew the.' geeet'at direction, for the Prange of the 30,41ti.aius told hint that. But a Path lege the mystery. The: situatioy NI, as 12lt1,r, /'aurin,, 1t W8! it hazy even Ing, awl the sun, whieh resembled a red-hot oatmeal -ball suited to a gun of "Still t must get heels to -night if I thirteou•iueh calibre, was just hal cuoc:d eau, mitts," he said. " I am a stranger ou the toss of a dine fringe of lines; iu this couutry ,-I eaame to hunt and bight was oonlieg fest, and the fielher- fish. I.d")u't like the iclea of elreuding cools/ ,•ce he wee each from the night in the woods, though I've the rod upon hie shoelder—was tired, often done so." hungry, and in a rattler depreesod, She looked at him, apparently hesita- ulaod. )ting. There wee light enough for hiul Jelin Noraress was a young New, to see her bright eyes in the dusk. "" That would be very hard," she at length said. "No, I don't think you ought to sleep iu the mountain. If you choose —" She stopped ; the hesitating look came again. Their eyes met, and his expression seemed to decide her. "If yen choose," she said, " you can come and spend the night at father'e. It is not far," Norcross was a young man who took things as they came, and rather like 1 the unexpected, He was not wedded to his dowestie fares at Daddy hil11er's, and preferred to range now and then. He said: Thank. yon, Mise—Mies—" "My narno is Oonny Neal," she inter- pesed. He laanghed, and said, in the frank way wi"icll made him friends every where : " But sonny is "short' for ant. stance, I suppose. I am too much of a stranger to be familiar, as I should be if I Jailed you Mise Donny." " Constance is my full name, but they call tee Canny," she said. "There is uo reaeon wliy you should not." " Then I will accept your invitation, Miss Oonuy-." So they went along up a winding path leading into a gorge of the mouut- aius, tstkiug by the way. The girl informed him that she had been to the mill, some utiles distant, for meal. tend the mounter -1u, tnrou;ti the small They ho. one tu:air•servaaut, but he was window. In this to hint highly agree- tea old, and she did not mind going, as ';hie abode Mr. Marc rues setup his rest, she. knew every body—all ah the same that is, scattered around Idea some. gnfat voice, wbich John Norcross began magazines and b Woks on hunting and to find more and more agreeable to him. fishing, produced hie nlcerselhautrt, and Tone nein expression both had a fresh lint together his breech-loediug e,arbine ''trans/ Hated fishing rod. Amity Miller, in huge frilled cap, and r eembliug 11'! amiable ureal -hag with a string around the middle, looked after Trim in a T.RF TiVinS. no she was not a natio. belle, the fisherman said to himself. He came up and took off his hat to heras her horse walked up the bank, "I have lost my way, ntisa--f ani staying at Daddy Miller's," he said, politely. "" (Ian you direct the "t" " Daddy Miller's? That is a long way down the river.," the girl said, etop- piug. She uad made a /notion of her heal in responset) 1111". John Norcross's salute, which he internally decided was quite contuse it/ant—not too slight or too marked. Pusher, with plenty of means, leisure, and a passion for fishing and huitting. lie did not like T3roadw•ay or town life in the least. They seemed to bore biw. He had been to Europe, and was not much interested in Parte, or Rome either, He same bask gladly, and hav- ing he +aid that the Now Liver region in /Virginia was o wild and picturesque country, full of game, prooeeued thither. At the station of the railway he proeur- sed a horse, and structs iuto the first road he saw, and this brought bite to a small house coveredwith clapboards, with a well -sweep in front, in a gash of the mountain. At the door stood an sold countryman with long gray hair and n, guileless smile on his lips. " I have come here to fish end hunt, friend," said Mr. Norcross, entering upon business. " Gan you entertain elle---fur a month, say ?" " To be sure,' Daddy Miller replied, emphasizing th "to be," and pronouuc- iug it " tueb-ee." And all was soon arranged on an equitable basil. Mr, Norsrose returned his burse, and his baggage Wits Bent for. He was the lord and master of a neat, ,:lean chamber with a enowy bol, time asparagus bushes in the fireplace, a polity print on tae wall of a young lady with crimson cheeks, whore name, " Jenny," was printed beneath, and a fine view of the chickens in the yard, charm which be had not found in cities. Her prenunoiatiou mud selection of ,words were both correct beyond critic- iacn. l3oyond this nature assorted her- self. Noreross thoucht, "Thin girl is a rly .vm steel tall setts precisely to yeung tree of the mountains, only with ;his liking. He hail broiled chicken and the struggling branches lopped off." 'wheat and corn e�tkes, with coffee and " This is father's huttse, Sir," she uoui,t'y ,ui,i• and cream, for b1 atcfa,s; said, pointing to email, weather -board - and tl se Ma. Norcross wuulasally furtlh, !ed farm -house ou the slope of the carrying gun and rod both, and quite mountain. They passedthrough a gate cote t with all around him. He was twenty-five or twenty-six, and e tall, fins -looking young fellow. Ile was In a low fence, and crossing a grass - plat, stopped at the door in front of a little porch with a bench on each side, tiny thing but foppish ; but his hooting and reached by two etepe. The house coca:, full of pockets., and fair loather was of. one stone, with a garret and getters, wore from the shop of the best rlormar•w'indows. the narrow passage artist iu London, and his open face stud f;e, r r=ti app, asauoe were agree,tble. Oa this day he had been fishing from shit• ?deg till Hight, solaciug Ititnsel' abent noonday with cold meat and lhrc-atl from his satchel. His luck had Wets indifferent ; he bad wandered on and ugh until/ Le had lost his way, and n,1 n as the sun wits sinking he was iudubitably lost. lie weld not even find tete path along the stream which Jct t 0. might hint; and here was night tet i�,,td. with no h•ibitation in sight. Ile was stctndtt:g on a pilo of reek .overgrown with a profusion of Virginia creeper in full pink bloom, when he saw fording the stream beneath bitn trliat swelled to be the figure of a girl on horseb.tek, The dusk blurred the figie .)e the slue bad just disappeared; so he leaped down from his rock, mut Norcross looked curiously at his hest. to meet it, incl reached the bank just His figure was striking. He was a roan as the horse and eider came out of the of about fifty, tall, very erect, powerful, wens-. with a high forenead. piercing eyes, and He was a venerable animal, with heed a heavy beard and mustache. He wore tlepveeeed, a fatly hide, and that air of a velveteen hunting ,jacket whose white being surpried at nothing which seams showed that it had served its characterizes age in equities. Across owner for many a long year, and deer - his back lay eerhisbacklay a inciaibag, and ire front skin leggings reached nearly to his we ', e'ern side-saddle, ,"n which was knees. It was the dress of a hunter, 1)e(i•clted a girl of about twenty, wearing and the host seemed to recognize the a cheep calico ,and a chip list. Her same proclivities iu his chance guest. connplexiuih Wta5 brown, but fresh -color- He hewed, invited Norcross in, and ed, and her eyus block ; her hair also, the girl explatuod everything in a few which she worn iu a coil behind her words. neck, Her general appeareuoe was " You are welcome, Sir.. My name is deoidcedly rustic ; but another glance Neal, at your service. So you are stay - chewed Join Norcross that this first ing at Daddy 1\Idler's ?" •co,nln•ehensivel itllpressinu was errone "For iibout three weeks. I came to one, or at leant did not aconsetely hunt and fish, and have had a splendid meesttre her iudividuelity. Those tiule." familiar with the uueduceted yonug Norcross had moved about the world female of taro pithiest. claws know their a good deal, and was off -hand with new unser also and grates—rho sidewise toss acgnaiutiances, which made hien friends. sof bead, tihe neglieeo bearing, teed .Elis laugh and whole manner Were the stolon gleocee as they answer you. frank, and his host, who had been This ono'Wtte different. She eat erect rather grim at first, teats plainly thaw. in her saddle, sue handsome head pais- ing. e'l firmly X01 the shoulders, and looked I live it/ New York," said Noresross, straight tat Mr. Toho Norerose ant of "bat I like theconntry better than town. her ue,lilh bfaok eyes. She was tall and f get tired of streets and big houses. .rather ,tleeder like 'himself ; rho whole Daddy Minor's home isbettor--and w' )u::a ';:`'sot' figure tvas grace aud ease— your,/ too.,' ran from front to rear, and was famish- ed with two split -bottomed chairs, and at pair of deet" s antlers on the wall, +'dross which lay a fowling -piece. Some tawny deer hruncls were lying about, snapping at the flies, and a majestic sulten in the shape of a turkey -cock promenaded grandly in the midst of his family. Norcross assisted the girl to the ground, and then prooee,led to shoulder the nxeal-ban and place it on the porch. The girl had opened her lips to toll him that Ibis was unnecessary, and in feet en old lrobblit:g negro man was ap- proaching slowly from the rear, but at that rnonlont a mall carne out of the front -door, and Ncrcrose, rising ereet after depositing the meal -bag ou the porch, bowed to Lien. Ile looked roundhim at the white walls with an air of satisfaction. There were acme silhouettes in plalrl oak frames where and thorn, and on a table in oihe earner Were some books—not many, and much worn. The floor was bare and sanded, and a fow split• bottomed chtairs, upright acid with rockers, were nearly all the furniture, Every thing was perfectly neat and. perfectly plain, down to thetallow oandles burning in tin candlesticks, Oonuy Neil had disappeared as soon its elle arrived, and now came in and said that supper was ready. It was excellent, and server/ in the opposite room by au old negro woman, who duoked Ler head to the guest and then retired. Coolly presided, and talked easily ; and after eatir'g like a plough-. man, Norcross smoked and talked in the other room ;. then he began to yawn, and his host rose and led the way up stairs to a bedroom closely resembling his own at Daddy Miller's, ushered him in, and left him. Norcross was tired, but in spite of that fact did not go to sleep. He could not get Count' Neal out of his mind. As often as ho closed his eyes her own dark ones began to glimmer iu his mind, and he was wide-awake again, half ex- pecting to see her near him. This in- somnia went ou until nearly midnight. Norcross was then aware that some people were talking below at the back- door of the house, and, curious to Itnow who was stirring so late, he rose and went to his window, which was open. The moon was shining, and lie saw his Bost come out, in convexly with another person in the rough dress of a mountaineer. " Who sent word ?" Neal said to his companion. " Tony," was the reply. i)o the men know ?" "1 have been the rounds and seen some, and I'll see the rest before morn- iug." (T0 BE CONTINUED.) Grocer/886 Von jectonary. Smo,tfng Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOSAPIsD CIGARS always Instock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.U.—Sewing Nacaih:, Needles ofevery kind, A. BOYD. �� ;' -ILLINERT. • .11k'' MASS Gr.(rtIra LICK, S. A full line cow in, of Spring and I' unrnier Hats, nal Bonnets, all the vmy latest shapes, Now Flowers Feathers, and Ornmsnts' Trimmings in great variety. GIRLS HAT.: FROM $1.00 UP, nicely trimmed. Everything will be sold as cheap as possible. Fancy Goods, Bolin Wool, Mottoes, etc„ a fill line always kept. jackets made or cut in the latest styles. MISS GARLICK, Anal, 78. 1lTain St. L rotor. HARVEST TOOLS T Reapers, Mowers, CHEAP AT B SS ETT EXETER 8r HENSALL. THE EXETER PlaningMill Sash, DOOR AND �tCND �9Cb6Rr! ALL KINDS OIC. TURNING Done to order. lieni,,mbertl)el)lece Piano ur e,1;;, for th OF THEA and Sewing Machine rPUl'i LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF l Silverware, China and Dell ever s+tou tlxti west, at Mr. Drew has justrooeived an excellent atoelirf Silver Tea Setts, butter Cooiers,Double and!lihigle Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets-, Card 1aecatverss, Caul. 010nion Setts, ete,,ofthe Best Quachruple and Ttlplo Plato, awl is offering these/no atprices that oulsl tSTO rlyll YOU FOR I1EAPllESS ! FID haft just t'poned out 11 new and complete as- eDrttnent of China, Glass and Stonewares. A Barge stook of Lam ps just arrives/. Call an d satisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness, 001110 anti :ry our instruments. Mnsio Teacher still on maul. Services at lowest figures. Special attention calledto the itaylnond Sowing Saolrino, Organs and Pianos unsuruassoa fur oeauty of design, and quality of tone, F. DREW. . HAVE RECEIVED SOME SPECIAL LINES AT LESS TIZAN COE T PRICE, and will give their customers the benefit, Just look Black Striped Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 10 cents. Black Plaid Grenadines, worth 30 cents, for 1-5 cents. Color- ed Grenadines, worth 35 cents, for 1.3 cents. Colored Striped Grenadines, worth 50 cents, for only 13 cents. Ladies' Black Lace Shawls, worth $1.35 up, for 50 cents, Good Butter and Eggs Wanted in large gautities at ZtANTOZT a o , SAMWELL & PICKARD Are selling the balanco of their Spring and Summer DR SS GO 0DS 44MI*1<LINERY (All newest si.,ades and styles), at Greatly Redweed Pries ! eadyi made and Ordered Clothing Very Cheap Full Lines of HATS, & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. A CHOICE LOT NEW CIROM IES Fresh arrivals of Turnip and Rap© Seeds. As all our Goods were bought before the New Tariff, we still offer them at old prices High- est price paid for good Butter and Eggs. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Out, JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER CER Y AND LIQUOR STORE, GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON and BLACK TEAS, RA1.SINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, A LARGE STOOK OF CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, JUTTED.. SAUCE At3'ft PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, li.YE, '41;:I.r,T SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON' WHISKIES, 'T'OBs000s AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. G. Blain Strect,E tier,